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The complexity of sampling from a weak quantum computer


Academic year: 2021

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The complexity of sampling from a weak quantum



Saeed Mehraban


OCT 0 3 2019


Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer


in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

at the


September 2019


Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2019. All rights reserved.

Signature redacted

A u th o r










Department of Electrical Engineering and omputer Science


by ...

ignature redacted

August 30, 2019

Scott J. Aaronson

Professor of Computer Science, UT Austin

Certified by....


Thesis Supervisor

Aram W. Harrow

Associate Professor of Physics, MIT

Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by...

Signature redacted...


l'e A. Kolodziejski

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


The complexity of sampling from a weak quantum computer


Saeed Mehraban

Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

on August 30, 2019, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Quantum computers have the promise of revolutionizing information technology, artificial

intelligence, cryptography, and industries such as drug design. Up until this point our main

understanding of quantum computing has been bound to theoretical speculations which

has successfully lead to the design of algorithms and communication protocols which would

dramatically change information technology but work well only assuming if we can

exper-imentally build a reliable and large quantum computer which at the moment seems to be

beyond the bounds of possibility. As of August 30, 2019, it appears that we are about to

enter a new era in quantum technology. Over the next few years, intermediate-scale

quan-tum computers with ~ 50-100 qubits are expected to become practical. These computers are

too small to do error correction and they may not even capture the full power of a universal

quantum computer. This is a significant step and inevitably we encounter the question "what

can we do with this new technology?".

A major theoretical challenge is to understand the capabilities and limitations of these

devices. In order to approach this challenge, quantum supremacy experiments have been

proposed as a near-term milestone. The objective of quantum supremacy is to find

com-putational problems that are feasible on a small-scale quantum computer but are hard to

simulate classically. Even though a quantum supremacy experiment may not have practical

applications, achieving it will demonstrate that quantum computers can significantly

outper-form classical ones on, at least, artificially designed computational problems. Among other

proposals, over the recent years, two sampling-based quantum supremacy experiments have

been proposed:

(1) The first proposal, known as Boson Sampling (Aaronson Arkhipov '10), is based on

lin-ear optical experiments. A baseline conjecture of Boson Sampling is that it is #P-hard

to approximate the permanent of a Gaussian matrix with zero mean and unit variance

with high probability. This is known as the permanent of Gaussians conjecture.

(2) The second one is based on sampling from the output of a random circuit applied to


task on a processor composed of a few


50-100) superconducting qubits. In order

to argue that this sampling task is hard, building on previous works of Aaronson,

Arkhipov, and others, they conjectured that the output distribution of a low-depth

circuit, i.e., depth scaling asymptotically as the square root of the number of qubits, is

anti-concentrated meaning that it has nearly maximal entropy. This is known as the

"anti-concentration" conjecture.

The first part of this thesis makes progress towards the permanent of Gaussians conjecture

and shows that the permanent of Gaussian matrices can indeed be approximated in

quasi-polynomial time with high probability if instead of zero mean one considers a nonzero but

vanishing mean


1/ poly log log in the size of the matrix). This result finds, to the best of

our knowledge, the first example of a natural counting problem that is #P-hard to compute

exactly on average and #P-hard to approximate in the worst case but becomes easy only

when approximation and average case are combined. This result is based on joint work with

Lior Eldar.

The second part of this thesis proves the anti-concentration conjecture for random

quan-tum circuits. The proof is an immediate consequence of our main result which settles a

conjecture of Brandio-Harrow-Horodecki '12 that short-depth random circuits are

pseudo-random. These pseudo-random quantum processes have many applications in algorithms,

communication, cryptography as well as theoretical physics e.g. the so-called black hole

in-formation problem. This result is based on joint work with Aram Harrow. We furthermore

study the speed of scrambling using random quantum circuits with different geometrical

connectivity of qubits. We show that this speed crucially depends on the way we define

scrambling and on the details of connectivity between qubits. In particular, we show that

entanglement and the so-called out of time-ordered correlators are inequivalent measures of

scrambling if the gates of the random circuit are applied between nearest-neighbor qubits on

a graph with a tight bottleneck, e.g., a binary tree. A major implication of this result is that

the scrambling speed of black holes may depend critically on the way one defines scrambling.

Previously, it was believed that black holes are the fastest scramblers of quantum

informa-tion. This result is based on joint work with Aram Harrow, Linghang Kong, Zi-Wen Liu,

and Peter Shor.

Thesis Supervisor: Scott J. Aaronson

Title: Professor of Computer Science, UT Austin

Thesis Supervisor: Aram W. Harrow



Let me start with a cliche which ends up being true most of the time: This thesis was a

synthesis of the help of multiple people and I was only one of them. I owe this process to

many. It is impossible to rank them according to priority or importance.

The MIT community was beyond what I could imagine.

I admire the spirit of the

community. During the six years I worked as a graduate student there, I was asked multiple

times whether I would suggest getting a Ph.D. from MIT. In response, I would tell them "I

don't know why I chose MIT but I will tell you why I will choose it again.". The answer

is: "MIT created a need in me to quest and diagnose real-world problems and at the same

time taught me I am wrong most of the time. MIT taught me thinking has paramount value

and thinking together has paramount power. MIT gave me the insight to discern central

questions and sufficient courage to tackle them. MIT taught me questions precede answers.

During these six years, I learned that wisdom has a power equal to power itself."

I admire the people in the community. My Ph.D. was not an easy one. If it wasn't for

three people I couldn't finish perhaps even the first semester: Leslie Kolodziejski, Martin

Schmidt and Janet Fischer. The story is long and secret, its consciousness is the content of

this Thesis.

I admire my advisors Scott Aaronson and Aram Harrow. Their wisdom, altruism,

sup-port, hospitality, teaching, and personality had been the main driving force that not only

lead to the material of this thesis but also grew me into someone I could not imagine I would

become. They taught me the significance of discerning central questions. They taught me

the courage to learn anything when I need them. I admire them for they made my

free-dom possible. They made it possible for me to think for long periods before coming with

conclusions. I don't recall them ever judging me with efficiency or lack of efficiency.

I admire my thesis committee Ryan Williams who beyond his academic support, like

many other Professors at TOC CSAIL, framed the means of friendship between the students

and the faculty.


Scott and Aram I leanred standards to choose central questions. From Greg Kuperberg I

learned precision and rigor. From Adam Bouland I learned effective presentation. From Lior

Eldar, I learned the courage to think big (sometimes crazy big). From Peter Shor, I learned

my need for critical thinking. From Mehdi Soleimanifar, Linghang Kong, and Zi-Wen Liu I

learned effective collaboration.

I admire my future teachers, John Preskill, Thomas Vidick, Fernando Brandao and

Umesh Vazirani for receiving me.

I admire Piotr Indyk, Ronitt Rubenfeld, Virginia Williams, Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio

Micali, Eric Demaine, Martin Demaine, Costis Daskalakis, Peter Shor, Pablo Parrilo, Yael

Kalai, David Karger, Nir Shavit, Ankur Moitra, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Charles Leiserson,

Nancy Lynch, Ron Rivest, Aleksander Madry, and Mike Sipser (ordered at random) for their

friendship, support, and guidance. With of these people, I had the chance to meet and learn

something about science or humanity. I admire Mike Sipser, Isaac Chuang, Aram Harrow,

Scott Aaronson, Peter Hagelstein, Seth Lloyd and Seth Riskin who taught me teaching. I

admire Dirk Englund and Masoud Mohseni who helped me start my new chapter. I admire

Rafael Reif who taught me leadership. I admire Rebecca, Nancy, Debbie, Joanne and many

others for their assitance, presence and support.

I admire my friendships. USI admire my neverending friendship with Hamed who was

there at the times I needed friendship most. I admire my friendship with Anton and Tanya

who taught me style in friendship. I admire Hasan, and Behrooz who, beyond being my

friends, were the first role model I had the in high school. I admire Maryam Mirzakhani

and Asghar Farhadi who taught me the great value of a true work. I admire my frienship

with Ahmad and Hasti for their presence, conversation and support. I admire my friendship

with Neo (Mostafa) Mohsenvand who taught me brotherhood, who is literally the internet

of things, and who taught me innovation. I admire my close unbelievable friendship with

Francesca and Valerio whose friendship was the camomile of my heart. I admire my friendship

with Nicole who taught me simplicity. I admire my friendship with Mohammad whose

friendship taught me brotherhood. I admire my friendship with Maryam who taught me


thinking beautiful. I admire my friendship with Rasool who taught me friendships doesnAAt

recognize distance. I admire my friendship with Penny who taught me goodwill. I admire

my friendship with Paria who taught me the persistence of presence. I admire my friendship

with Thomas who taught me positivity. I admire my friendship with Ali who taught me the

need for listening. I admire my friendship with Giulio who taught me empathy. I admire my

fellow labmates, Daniel, Akshay, Luke, Lisa, Logan, Andrew, kai, Justin, Josh, Dylan, Greg,

Mina, Jerry, Gautham and many others who taught me respect and the sense of community.

I admire Mahboob for reminding me the value of being sociable. I admire my friendship

with Aviv who taught me thinking outside the box. I admire Ali, Soheil, Arman, Donna,

Azarakhsh and Omid who shaped the early elements of my personality when I entered MIT.

They taught me the need for support and empathy. I admire Soheil for a particular day

which saved my academic life and later taught me the need for attitude. I admire Maria

and Andzrej for inviting me to the new world. I admire my artist friends Nilin, Cameron,

Maria, Seth for welcoming me to their community. I admire Seth and Pavan who taught me

the meaning of vision. I admire Seth for reminding me of Holism in artistic style. I admire

Jeff for teaching me the American culture. I admire Lou who saved my soul by teaching me

the key to happiness is by taking a respite from needs and not to add more. I admire the

people of the united states who welcomed me. I admire many others who were in my life.

I admire the machine whose papers, agencies and credits supported me financially. I

admire the altruistic whose generosity supported me. I admire those who taught me not

behave in certain ways they did. I admire the officer who gave me a single entry visa which

separated me from my family for six years and helped me understand their value. I admire

the late president of the United States who motivated me to learn about cultures, societies

and philosophy. I admire those who ghosted away when there was no benefit. They taught

me the real meaning of friendship. I admire my false egos who taught me independence. I

admire the flawed who reminded me of my own flaws.

I admire my parents Fereshteh my angel and Alireza my strength for being the balancing


There is no doubt a big part of who I am is a projection of their loving parenthood. I admire

my sisters Sahar and Sara and family whose presence shaped my life.

I admire the two anonymous who taught me balance. I admire those who will come. And



1 Introduction


O utlook . . . .


Sununary of the results . . . .


The permanent-of-Gaussians conjecture and approximation algorithms

for the permanent and partition functions . . . .


The anti-concentration conjecture, pseudorandom quantum states, and

the black hole information problem . . . .


Future directions . . . .


Approximating the permanent and partition functions . . . .


Random quantum processes . . . .


Intermediate-scale quantum computing . . . .


Other future directions . . . .

2 Approximate and almost complexity of the Permanent


Introduction . . . .


Complexity of computing the permanent . . . . .


A complex function perspective . . . .


M ain results . . . .


Roots of random interpolating polynomials . . . .


Turning into an algorithm . . . .


Discussion and future work . . . .












. . . . .


. . . . .


. . . . .


. . . . .


. . . . .


. . . . .


. . . . .




Prelim inaries . . . .


N otation . . . .


Permanent-interpolating-polynomial as a random polynomial . . . .


Root-avoiding curves . . . .


Computational analytic continuation . . . .


Approximation of permanents of random matrices of vanishing mean


. . .


M ain theorem . . . .


Natural biased distributions . . . .


Inverse polynomial mean is as hard as zero mean

. . . .


Proof of Lem m a 13 . . . .


Average #P-hardness for the exact computation of the permanent of a random

Gaussian with vanishing mean . . . .

3 Pseudo-randomness and quantum computational supremacy through

shal-low random circuits

3.1 Introduction . . . .

3.1.1 Connections with quantum supremacy experiments 3.1.2 Our models . . . .


Our results . . . .


. . . .

3.1.4 Previous work . . . . 3.1.5 Open questions . . . . 3.2 Preliminaries . . . . 3.2.1 Basic definitions . . . .

3.2.2 Operator definitions of the models . . . . 3.2.3 Elementary tools . . . ..

3.2.4 Various measures of convergence to the Haar measure . . . .

3.3 Approximate t-designs by random circuits with nearest-neighbor gates on

D-dim ensional lattices . . . .


B asic lem m as . . . .




























Gap bounds for the product of overlapping Haar projectors . . . .



Proof of Theorem 31; t-designs on two-dimensional lattices . . . .



Proof of Theorem 32; t-designs on D-dimensional lattices . . . 111


Proofs of the basic lemmas stated in Section 3.3.1 . . . .



Proofs of the projector overlap lemmas from section 3.3.2 . . . .



O(n in


n)-size random circuits with long-range gates output anti-concentrated

distributions . . . .



Background: random circuits with long-range gates and Markov chains 138


Proof of Theorem 34: bound on the collision probability

. . . .



Proof of Theorem 81: relating collision probability to a Markov chain



Proof of Proposition 89: collision probability is non-increasing in time 147


Proof of Theorem 82: the Markov chain analysis . . . .



Towards exact constants . . . 176


Alternative proof for anti-concentration of the outputs of random circuits with

nearest-neighbor gates on D-dimensional lattices . . . .



The D = 2 case . . . .



Generalization to arbitrary D-dimensional case

. . . .



Scrambling and decoupling with random quantum circuits . . . .



Proofof Theoren126 ... .. .. . ...

. . . .. . .. . . . ...



Basic properties of the Krawtchouk polynomials . . . .


4 Separating measures of scrambling of quantum information and the black

hole information problem



From measures and architecture of quantum pseudo-randomness to the black

hole information problem . . . .



List of Figures


Summary of the results.

. . . .



Summary of future directions. . . . .


2-1 The curve


connects z = 0 and some value z


0 and is at distance at least R from any root of gA(z). Note that interpolation along the curve in small segments can reach a lot further than taking a single interpolation step which is bounded by blueshaded region -dictated by the location of the nearest root to the point z = 0. . . . . 45 2-2 The family of 2-piecewise linear curves interpolating from z = 0 to some point z on the real

line. The curves branch out from the unit circle at an angle between r/4 and7r/4+ E. Each curve starts out at an angle of 2rj/M for some integer


and hits the imaginary axis at


= 2c. Hence the imaginary magnitude of the end-point of the first segment in the j-th curve is 2etan(27rj/M). After hitting the imaginary axis at


= 2f, they descend back to the real line in parallel, thus hitting the real line at different points. The bottom-most curve hits the real line at z = 1/e. Note that by this definition tubes of weight


around each curve do not overlap outside the ball of radius e and in particular when they hit the imaginary axis at R(z) = 2e . . . . ..54


The architecture proposed by the quantum Al group at Google to demonstrate

quantum supremacy consists of a 2D lattice of superconducting qubits. This

figure depicts two illustrative timesteps in this proposal. At each timestep,

2-qubit gates


are applied across some pairs of neighboring qubits. . . 83



The random circuit model in definition 28. Each black circle is a qudit and

each blue link is a random SU(d


) gate. The model does O(/P poly(t)) rounds

alternating between applying (1) and (2). Then for

O(Vn poly(t)) rounds

it alternates between (3) and then (4). This entire loop is then repeated

O (poly(t)) tim es. . . . .



(Figure borrowed from


An illustration of the binary tree model of depth

4. This graph is meant to model the cellular structure near the event horizon

of black holes specified in Figure 4-2. . . . .



(Figure borrowed from 841) The cell structure near the horizon of the black

hole. In this picture, each cell at each layer is connected to its nearest cells

and two cells below itself. The structure is roughly the same as the hyperbolic

geom etry. . . . .



List of Tables

2.1 The computational complexity of computing the permanent of a complex Gaussian matrix. We know that: Permanent is


to compute exactly in the worst case or average case. We also know that permanent is #P-hard to compute exactly on average. However, nothing is known about the ap-proximation of permanent in the average case. Our result demonstrates that the permanent can be approximated in quasi-polynomial time if the Gaussian ensemble has non-zero but vanishing mean. . . . . 38 2.2 The computational complexity of computing the permanent of a complex


Chapter 1




Every sentence in this thesis must have started with "in our opinion" or "to the best of our

knowledge", "our" meaning us and the community whom we referenced. In some sections

in particular Section 1.1 this section, in particular, they must have started with: "in my

opinion", or "to the best of my knowledge". I must assert that the values defined in this

thesis are in line only with the ones I encountered during my graduate work at MIT. There

is always enough room for skepticism.

Assuming a major goal is fast processing of resources, and that a major route towards

this goal is the process of information, and that the only venue to process information is by

means of the physical universe, quantum computing and in general physical computing and

understanding, their limitations is a major scientific goal. This Thesis makes an effort to

pursue this quest through a narrow but timely window. I first start off with a personal view

on the history of quantum computing.

Our whenabouts in the quantum quest

Over the past six years, during my Ph.D. work at MIT, I came to the following understanding

about the place we stand in the history of quantum computing. The presentation covers only


a tiny portion of what has actually happened.

Perhaps computation and information processing precedes us humans and date back to

the first form of life on earth, if not earlier. During the twentieth century, building on

mil-lennia of effort, through two different models, Alonzo Church and Alan Turing formulated

computation as a mathematical construct. Turing's model, now known as the Turing

ma-chine, was basically an abstraction of a mathematician writing down a proof on a piece of

paper. It was basically a new way of viewing what mathematicians, including Turing himself,

have been doing over the recent history. The Turing machine was shown to be equivalent

or preceding in power to a variety of exising computational models, ranging from Church's

A-calculus to grammars, circuits, etc. The twentieth century also enjoyed an enormous

am-bush of technological discoveries most of which stemmed mainly from a new scientific field,

electronics. Electronics would not have been discovered if we never managed to expand our

knowledge about the physical universe. In particular, quantum mechanics played a

signifi-cant role.

Turing's machine and its other equivalents, along with a new mathematical understanding

of information by Shannon's theory of communication, and electronic devices lead to the

digital revolution. The digital age defined symbols, which were indeed the main constituents

of our language, as the main carriers of information and provided means to transmit and

process them through physical devices which were called computers. Before that, a computer

was a person whose job was to do industrial computations using pen, pencil, erasers, and


The modern term computer is a physical device which executes an algorithm. An

algo-rithm is a series of commands designed to get executed through a physical realization later

on termed as hardware. The algorithm itself was termed as software. Hardware and

soft-ware may be wishfully regarded as the body and the soul of a computer. In a way, Turing's

machine is an algorithm designed for an abstract device inspired by classical physics. But

Turin's machine is closer to divine than earth since it has an infinite tape. One could view

a computer as an approximate implementation of Turing's machine with finite memory and


disturbed by noise. Now it was time to ask "what is the limit of the sky? How much can we

compute?". Church and Turing formulated a Thesis which stated that all that is computable

in the physical universe is computable on a Turing machine.

There were a few conceptual developments which hinted towards the need and possibility

of quantum computation. One was related to the hardware industry. Since their invention,

computers kept shrinking down in sizeand increasing in inefficiency. This was achieved by

computer and electrical engineering and industry. The speed at which the hardware shrank

in size followed a particular trend known as the Moore's law: "they shrank in half every

two years". Inevitably, the size of a single processor would get as small as a single atom,

below which classical laws of physics the way we know them do not hold and follow quantum

mechanics. That time is around now. In other words, the Turing machine which was designed

to work classically may not be the best we could achieve.

Another development was related to software. Softwares also kept getting more efficient.

Hence, once again, there was a question about the sky's limit: Are Turing machines as

efficient as the universe can get? Later, around 1990 Itamar Pitowsky, reformulated Church

and Turing's Thesis, this time in terms of efficiency: "all that is computable in the physical

universe efficiently is also computable on a Turing machine efficiently". It was speculated at

the time that this Thesis holds. We still don't know the answer.

Of course, along with the above two and other events, physics also played a significant

role. Quantum mechanics was discovered around the 1900s when a series of paradoxical

experimental observations were made. For example, certain double-slit experiments which

interfered beams of electrons like light suggested that matter behaves both like wave and

matter. Or, developments in thermodynamics suggested that light is composed of chunks

(quanta) which were called photons. The physics community came up with a mathematical

formulation about the small-scale universe, which, inspired by the term quantum, was called

quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics was able to converge to classical laws at classical

space-time scales, and could simultaneously justify the existing counter-intuitive

experimen-tal observations. One aspect of this theory was that it was hard to predict its outcomes.


For example, predicting the properties of a molecule consisting of a few dozen atoms would

take at least decades using existing algorithms. In other words, classical computers were

un-able to simulate a molecule. Indeed, one would regard a molecule as a computer composed

of quantum elements if they knew what is about to come, and indeed the work of several

researchers such as Richard Feynman, Paul Benioff, and David Deutch accomplished this.

In 1981 Richard Feynman gave a magnificent keynote speech at a conference co-organized

by MIT and IBM [50]. There, he famously said "Nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you

want to make a simulation of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly,

it's a wonderful problem because it doesn't look so easy.". Among his brilliant ideas was "The

rule of simulation that I would like to have is that the number of computer elements required

to simulate a large physical system is only to be proportional to the space-time volume of the

physical system." This exactly means each quantum system is a quantum computer whose

program is out of our control. A quantum computer is supposed to simulate that program.

Many regard Feynman's 1981 "quantum physics simulating quantum physics" as the birth

of quantum computing. Between 1981 and 1994 there was this strange era that quantum

computing was simultaneously in a superposition of being or not being a thing, and it would

take a true quantum computing believer to work religiously towards the development of the

field. Around the same time as Feynman, Paul Benniof discovered a reversible model of

quan-tum computation [21]. This was a response to several objections that quanquan-tum mechanics

which is reversible by nature cannot perform computations as computation dissipates energy.

Benioff's model which was built on the reversible model of Bennet [22] was purely quantum

mechanical and didn't dissipate energy. During the year 1985 David Deutsch formulated the

first physics-free task (namely, testing the balancedness of Boolean functions) which

quan-tum mechanical computation can solve


much faster than classical models. Right around

1994, the hope for performing quantum mechanical computations declined once again. The

objection was "sure they can do something but why can't they do something useful?". The

last of these seemingly useless attempts was by Simon who showed that quantum computers

can perform some tasks exponentially faster than classical ones [85]. Unfortunately, that


task was regarded useless and his paper was rejected multiple times. This was 1994.

Quantum computing's most glorious time, in my opinion, was 1994, when Peter Shor

discovered the Shor's algorithm which could factor astronomically large numbers in a fraction

of a second on a quantum computer. Shor was one of the few referees who admired Simon's

observation. He quickly realized that a generalization of Simon's idea would lead to an

exponentially fast algorithm for Factoring. Factoring was a problem that even Gauss had

thought about but couldn't manage to get any classical algorithms running faster than

exponential time. But he didn't know about the possibility of quantum computing. One

reason many regard factoring as a central problem is that it is involved at the core of a

widespread security protocol known as RSA. This result turned the field from a near sci-fi

quest to a research topic governments would support.

Shor's discovery had connected at least three main societal corporates: the governments,

the curious theoretical physicists, and curious theoretical computer scientists speculating the

physical Church Turing Thesis. Later on, more communities joined, and now the range of

interests in quantum computing and information hits the boundaries of knowledge about

quantum gravity and artificial intelligence.

Around 1994, after a series of objections to the quantum model of computation developed

around Shor's discovery, the field developed a theoretical design of a quantum computer

which would capture the full power of quantum mechanics in computation and was at the

same time fault-tolerant and robust. Three years later the complexity theory of the quantum

model of quantum computation also got birth [25]. Quantum computing also had found its

way to cryptography


Later it also introduced magical protocols such as teleportation


which could harness quantum weirdness in the most unbelievable way. It was time to

build one. But, it turned out that controlling quantum bits were much harder than we

thought. To give an intuition, a number that is hard to factor on a classical computer should

have around 3000 digits, and the best fault-tolerance schemes demand to encode one bit of

quantum information into a thousand physical quantum bits. Hence, a million good quality

quantum bits is what we need in order to take advantage of the Shor's algorithm. The


number of qubits we had at the time was less than the number of fingers on one hand.

Once again, we asked about the limits of the sky, this time we knew its height but the

question was "how far can we climb?". This clear limitation raised a high degree of skepticism

among scientists, and for once again the governments were reluctant to invest. Around twenty

years later, around 2008, a number of theoretical computer scientists, including Aaronson,

Arkhipov, Bremner, Shephard, Jozsa, and others [4,


came up with a beautiful line of

reasoning: "the first experimental application of quantum computing would be to disprove

the skeptic". They designed a paradigm, now known as the near-term intermediate-scale

quantum technology (NISQ) era


wherein we would build quantum computers that

use little error correction, are too small, and may not capture the full power of quantum

computing. Their main application would be to disprove the skeptic. History will tell.

As of August 30, 2019, at this point in the history, there are a number of experimental

groups within universities and renown companies such as Google and IBM that try to harness

the power of a NISQ computer. There are a variety of proposed applications, ranging from

machine learning, artificial intelligence, simulating physics, etc. Among these applications

is quantum supremacy which is basically: "design a computational task that one would

mathematically prove hardness of classical simulation for, and use a quantum computer that

is naturally designed for that task." The task is not very useful if we assume the purpose of

quantum computing is to manufacture immediate human needs such as video games. But it

is useful if it would bring awareness that quantum computing is real.

The work of Aaronson, Arkhipov, and many others suggested that a particular NISQ

model of quantum computing, based on sampling, what I call, golden numbers informant,

would outperform classical computers even using small (- 50-100) quantum bits, but only

assuming certain deep and elegant mathematical conjectures. These golden mathematical

numbers merely evidence superiority of quantum over classical computing, if that is true.

This Thesis makes an effort to resolve these conjectures. We succeeded in proving one for

one model and find the boundaries of possibilities around another one for another model. We

also expand the context further to topics related to average-case complexity and theoretical




Summary of the results

This thesis is principally focused on the theoretical study of the capabilities and limitations

of small quantum computers that are predicted to become practical in the near future.

We are about to witness a new epoch in quantum computing, known as the NISQ


intermediate-scale quantum) technology era [80]. In the NISQ era, small, noisy quantum

computers will be practical and accessible. One major milestone of the NISQ era is the

demonstration of quantum supremacy over classical computers. The primary theoretical

objective of quantum supremacy is to prove that these devices are hard to simulate classically,

and hence outperform the existing computational resources.

In order to approach these goals, we make two major contributions. These results also

make progress towards other areas in theoretical computer science, quantum computing, and

theoretical physics such as average-case complexity, efficient quantum pseudorandomness,

and black hole information problem.

Our first contribution [481 was to approach a conjecture of Aaronson and Arkhipov


They conjectured that it is hard to approximate the permanent of a Gaussian matrix that

has entries sampled independently from the zero mean-Gaussian with a unit variance for the

majority of inputs. We showed that this conjecture is false if instead of zero mean we choose

a non-zero but vanishing mean Gaussian matrices.

The second contribution


was to prove a conjecture by the Google Quantum Al

group [26]. Google is planning to build a small quantum computer, based on local random

circuits, with around one hundred qubits. They conjectured that the output distribution

sampled from their model would not be concentrated around a few outcomes. We proved

this conjecture. In so doing, we also found efficient ways to construct pseudorandom quantum

states. These pseudorandom states have central applications in quantum information and

computation. In a follow up work, in joint work with Aram Harrow, Linghang Kong,

Zi-Wen Liu and Peter Shor, we studied the speed of scrambling for quantum circuits acting


on geometries other than lattices. An application of this work was related to the black

hole information problem. In a joint work, we approached the so-called "fast scrambling

conjecture". Figure 1-1 gives a rough summary of the content of this thesis.

Quantum Supremacy



Anti- co ncentration Efficiency of Quantum Pseudo-randomness -Hardness of amplitude a ceroximation

A...pprox rnating a- radomW_ permanent

Figure 1-1: Summary of the results.

In order to obtain these results, we utilize and develop tools from different disciplines,

including average-case complexity, approximate counting, stochastic processes, complex

anal-ysis, random matrix theory. These tools are likely to find applications in areas such as high

energy physics, condensed matter theory and machine learning.


In what follows (Sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.2) we explain in more details the main two parts

of this Thesis. Section 1.2.1 gives a summary of Chapter 3. Section 1.2.2 summarizes the

content of chapters 3 and 4. Section 1.3 the sketch of a future plan for the research presented

in this thesis.


The permanent-of-Gaussians conjecture and approximation

algorithms for the permanent and partition functions

In 2011, Aaronson and Arkhipov


conjectured that "it is hard to approximate the

perma-nent of a Gaussian matrix on average.". This conjecture is also known as "the permaperma-nent-

permanent-of-Gaussians conjecture". Along with another conjecture about the anti-concentration of the

Gaussian permanent, it implies that sampling within total variation distance from a

linear-optical experiment, known as BosonSampling, is hard for a classical computer. Our first



was to approach this conjecture.

Aaronson and Arkhipov


showed that exact computation of amplitudes of a linear

op-tical device is hard for the majority of inputs (that is, in the "average-case"). The hardness

of exact computation is, however, experimentally irrelevant due to the presence of

experi-mental noise. One way to achieve the hardness of approximate sampling is to show that

hardness holds in the average case, and approximately. The proof techniques



un-fortunately, fail at achieving thi. Recently, Bouland, Fefferman, Nirkhe, and Vazirani


extended the proof techniques of


and reconstructed the same result for the case of

Ran-dom Circuit Sampling. Unfortunately, their toolset also was unable to achieve the hardness

of approximation in the average case.

One may believe that hardness of average-case exact computation implies hardness of

average case and multiplicative approximation. One reason to believe so is that hardness

of exact sampling in the worst case, almost immediately, implies hardness of worst-case

multiplicative computation.

In a joint work with Lior Eldar


we showed the first counterexample for this intuition.

We found, to the best of our knowledge, the first natural counting problem that is hard to


compute in the average case exactly, and in the worst case approximately, but becomes

nearly-efficiently solvable (quasi-polynomial time) if approximation and average case are

combined. The computational problem is a very natural one: similar to BosonSampling, it

is the permanent of the Gaussian ensemble, where each entry has mean 1/polyloglog(n)

and unit variance. For mean value 1/ poly log(n) we found a sub-exponential time algorithm.

Prior to this work, it was widely believed approximating the permanent of a matrix with

many opposing signs must be hard due to the exponential amount of cancellation occurring

the permanent sum. Our result suggests that a proof of average-case approximation hardness

for a zero-mean matrix if the conjecture holds, must involve ideas beyond the ones used by


In order to prove this result, we designed an algorithm which finds a low-degree

(polylogarithmic-degree) polynomial that approximates the logarithm of the permanent function with mean

1/ poly log log n. In doing so, our strategy stemmed from a recent approach taken by

Barvi-nok [17] who used Taylor series approximation of the logarithm of a certain univariate

poly-nomial that interpolates the permanent from an easy-to-compute point to a hard instance.

Our work was the first average-case analysis of Barvinok's algorithm.

The interpolation technique [17] is relatively new and may find applications in different

areas of theoretical computer science and quantum computing. This algorithmic technique

has been proved to be a powerful approximation scheme for computational problems such as

the permanent and partition functions. However, this approach has not been studied in the

context of Hamiltonian complexity, for problems such as approximating the partition function

of quantum Hamiltonians. In an ongoing work with Aram Harrow, and Mehdi Soleimanifar

we use this technique to find approximation algorithms for the partition function of

Hamilto-nians at either high temperatures, certain instances of Ferromagnetic HamiltoHamilto-nians, or when

the system admits decay of correlation in the corresponding Gibbs state. In another work

with Fernando Brandao and Alex Buser we plan to study the application of this method to

adiabatic quantum computing.



The anti-concentration conjecture, pseudorandom quantum

states, and the black hole information problem

Our second contribution [53] was proving a conjecture [26] by the Google Quantum Al group.

Similar to Aaronson and Arkhipov


and Bremner, Montanaro and Shepherd



introduced two conjectures and showed that if both hold, sampling within total variation

distance from the device they are will be implementing in the next few years would be hard

for a classical randomized polynomial time computer. One of these conjectures is known as

"the anti-concentration conjecture", which says that the output of a random circuit is not

concentrated around a few outcomes. More specifically, the statement is: "for a constant

fraction of random circuits of depth


acting on a square lattice with n qubits, a fixed

amplitude is not too small". In joint work with Aram Harrow, we proved this conjecture.

We indeed proved a much stronger result: "Random quantum circuits with 0(t") . nl/D

depth acting on a D-dimensional lattice are approximate t-designs", a question which was

open since 2012 [30]. Prior to our work, the best construction was with a circuit with linear

depth for D = 1, even for t = 2 [30, 56]. Approximate t-designs are distributions over the

unitary group that agree, approximately, on the first t moments with the Haar measure. The

Haar measure has crucial applications in quantum algorithms, communication protocols,

cryptography, and, on the other hand, chaotic systems in statistical physics, condensed

matter theory and high energy physics (e.g. the quantum gravity and fast scrambling of black

holes [34, 821). The uniform measure is, however, very inefficient to prepare. Approximate

t-designs are both efficient and suitable for those applications.

We further showed that local quantum circuits of size O(log2 n) with random long-range

gates (like the model in


output anti-concentrated distributions. We were able to achieve

O(log n log log n) depth using a different random circuit model. We also showed that for any

circuit acting on n qubits Q(log n) depth is necessary to achieve anti-concentration. Our

result further improves on the previous bounds


for the depth sufficient for scrambling

'Along with a student, Matthew Khoury, at MIT, have indeed confirmed numerically that our bounds are tight up to logarithmic factors, and indeed the constant factors are not too large.


and decoupling with random quantum circuits with local interaction on a D-dimensional


As an extension of this work, one of our contributions [55] was to provide a new insight

into the black hole information problem. While the exact dynamics of a black hole is not

known, we proved an intuition of Shor


that, under certain assumptions in quantum

gravity, strong measures of scrambling require a time proportional to the area of the black

hole. It is widely believed that a black hole scrambles quantum information in a time

proportional to the logarithm of its area. The entanglement measure is close to the one

considered in [93]. To show this we argue that the structure of space-time near the event

horizon of a black hole is such that the random circuit model will be constrained to act on

qubits located on a constant-degree tree. We then show that, even though a tree has a low

diameter, entanglement saturation is slow. Our result also suggests that, surprisingly, even

for weak measures of scrambling such as out-of-time-ordered correlators the diameter of the

interaction graph is not the right time-scale for scrambling. To prove these results we had

to significantly extend previous techniques introduced by [56, 30, 34], as well as introducing

more new ones. For detailed proof sketches, see our paper [53], Section 1.3.

In this line of work, one important question is to understand if quantum supremacy will

be maintained under noise. In an ongoing work with Fernando Brandao and Nick

Hunter-Jones we study this problem. It turns out if certain second moments of a random quantum

circuit match desired predictions random quantum circuits are relatively resilient to noise.

We seek out for new techniques in condensed matter theory which allow us to study these


Related previous work: New intermediate models of quantum


In line with intermediate-scale models of quantum computing, a previous contribution


we made was to find two new intermediate models of quantum computing. The first model

was inspired by quantum field theory in one spatial dimension. We called this model the


ball-permuting model. The model is a very restricted one and belongs to a class of models

known as integrable. In physics, integrable models are very well-behaved, in the sense that

one can write down a solution explicitly. We showed that even with such simplicity the

model is computationally hard to simulate on a classical computer. To establish this result

we used techniques from representation theory that were not used before our work. During

the implementation of these techniques, we discovered another restricted model (which we

call TQP) that is hard to simulate. We furthermore, made interesting connections between

the two mentioned models and another restricted but hard to simulate model called the

one-clean-qubit model (a.k.a DQC1). We showed that the first model can be simulated by

DQC1, whereas the second model is intermediate in power between DQC1 and


We also

defined a classical analog of this model and showed interesting connections between that

model and weaker classes such as LOGSPACE, AlmostLOGSPACE, and BPP.


Future directions

This section provides a sketch of possible future directions. A brief demonstration of these

directions is provided in Figure 1-2.


Approximating the permanent and partition functions

Very little about the full potentials of the interpolation technique is understood. This thesis,

along with other previous demonstrations such as


evidences that the technique can be

deployed for approximating interesting functions such as the determinant. One may expect

that this technique would enjoy an interplay with other techniques of approximation and

sampling such as the sum-of-squares hierarchy and the Markov chain Monte Carlo. There

are many problems these techniques can be applied to:


Practca Applications

1. Quantum simulation 2. Learning

3. Optimization


1. Constant depth random circuits 2. Noisy Boson Sampling

1. Partition functions

2. Adiabatic quantum computing 3. Approximating the determinant


1. More applications 2. Better parameters 3. Arbitrarygraphs 4. Noisy circuits

d t

1. Random partition functions

Figure 1-2: Summary of future directions.

the limits of classical simulation for computational problems related to noisy Boson-Sampling or low-depth or noisy random circuits.

(2) Even though these techniques are designed for finding algorithms, they can also be utilized to approach establishing hardness reductions for different problems such as the well-known permanent of zero-mean Gaussians


(3) In condensed matter physics or inference, they can be used to approximate the partition function for restricted models. For example, in the statistical mechanics literature [46] it is known that decay of correlation is the same as analyticity of the partition function. An important direction, which we are currently investigating in joint work with Aram


Harrow and Mehdi Soleimanifar, is to generalize this to quantum Hamiltonians.

(4) They can also be used to approximate the determinant using low-depth classical

cir-cuits. The observation is that if one succeeds in representing the logarithm of the

determinant by a low-degree polynomial, then low-depth arithmetic circuits would be

able to handle the approximation of the log.

(5) The interpolation method, in particular, may be used to better understand random

polynomials. The main observation is that this method approximates the logarithm of

a high-degree polynomial as a low-degree polynomial, which is easier to reason about

(see for example [38]).


Random quantum processes

Another direction concerns the extension of works about t-designs. Improving the parameters

in the bounds known for t-designs would be a goal. Our constructions of t-designs



particular, have large constant factors, which is not suitable for practical applications such

as quantum supremacy experiments. It would be important to pin down the constants either

rigorously or heuristically. The dependency on t is also far from tight. Improving on this

bound would result in tighter bounds in circuit complexity. A linear dependency on the

parameter t was recently suggested at a heuristic level by Hunter-Jones [60]. With regard to

the geometry of interactions, right now the construction of t-designs via random circuits is

limited to local interactions on lattices or complete graphs. One direction is to extend this

result for arbitrary graphs. Finding applications for random circuits with local interactions

on arbitrary graphs would be a part of this project; the black hole information problem


is one such example. Not much is known about the statistical properties of very low-depth

random circuits e.g. (a circuit with depth



acting on a 2D grid). Understanding these

models and finding applications based on their properties is part of the goal. Progress on

this problem is also related to the classical simulation of these models. Another direction

is to find more applications for approximate t-designs, in particular for t > 3. Not many


applications are known for t


3. An interesting project is to find application-specific

measures of scrambling of quantum information and to study the rate of convergence for

these measures.


Intermediate-scale quantum computing

It would be interesting to find new intermediate models of quantum computing both based

on near-term quantum technology and also models in theoretical physics. An example of the

former is conjugated stabilizer circuits. For the latter, it would be interesting to look into

restricted models in quantum field theory. A major open problem is the classical complexity

of integrable or other exactly solvable models.

An interesting direction is to find connections between intermediate models. Can we

show that an intermediate model of quantum computation is more powerful than the other?

One conjecture from our work


is that a quantum computer with exchange interactions

acting on distinguishable particles is equivalent in power to DQC1. To achieve this one needs

serious progress on the classification of permutation gates.

Given the recent progress in intermediate-scale quantum computing, an important project

is to define classical models of computation inspired by intermediate-scale quantum models.

For instance, through our work


we encountered a randomized version of the ball-permuting

model which we showed is intermediate between AlmostLOGSPACE and BPP. The exact

complexity of this model is unknown. We also defined a classical version of the DQC1

model, whose complexity is, again, not known. Pursuing this line of work would yield more

understanding about the complexity classes below BPP.


Other future directions

A major line of future work would be to understand the setting where approximation and

average-case complexity are combined. Finding the right notion of average case suitable for

various applications is one aim. Examples are applications to complexity theory (like in

quantum or classical cryptography and quantum supremacy), physics (statistical mechanics


and condensed matter theory), as well as real-world data.

Can we find quantum inspired methods for classical problems? Here are a few

exam-ples: (1) We may be able to use ideas from statistical mechanics and condensed matter

theory for other disciplines such as inference and approximation algorithms. There exist

valuable heuristics and insights in these fields that have not been rigorously proven but are

believed to be valid. These insights would open many possibilities for more progress. (2)

Another example is finding quantum inspired reductions in complexity theory (like in


or algorithms (like


(3) One possibility is finding algorithmic proofs for mathematical

problems meaning that a proof for a mathematical theorem is established using e.g. an

algorithm; Tao and Wu [90] have used this idea. We have also tried


to use this idea to

prove anti-concentration for the permanent of a non-zero mean matrix, but more ideas are


Other miscellaneous high-level fundamental and well-known questions are: (1) How do

techniques from Hamiltonian complexity interact with classical approximation algorithms?

Can seemingly remotely related ideas from these two disciplines be closely related?

Approx-imating the properties of quantum many-body systems are computationally intractable in

the worst case. One goal of the field of Hamiltonian complexity is to devise efficient

approx-imation algorithms for certain families of Hamiltonians, which, for example, have the decay

of correlations property. (2) Can very low-depth (e.g. constant-depth) circuits be used to

get quantum speedups using small or no error correction? This question is significant for

near-term quantum devices. (3) Once quantum supremacy is established, what would be the

next step? What can we do with for example around 500 high-quality qubits?


Chapter 2

Approximate and almost complexity of

the Permanent

This section was published as


The permanent is #P-hard to compute exactly on average for natural random matrices

including matrices over finite fields or Gaussian ensembles. Should we expect that it

re-mains #P-hard to compute on average if we only care about approximation instead of exact


In this chapter we take a first step towards resolving this question: We present a

quasi-polynomial time deterministic algorithm for approximating the permanent of a typical n x n

random matrix with unit variance and vanishing mean y = O(lnlnn)-/


to within inverse

polynomial multiplicative error. Alternatively, one can achieve permanent approximation

for matrices with mean p


1/ poly log(n) in time 20(ne), for any E > 0.

The proposed algorithm significantly extends the regime of matrices for which efficient

approximation of the permanent is known. This is because unlike previous algorithms which

require a stringent correlation between the signs of the entries of the matrix [17, 62] it can

tolerate random ensembles in which this correlation is negligible (albeit non-zero). Among

important special cases we note:


Figure  1-1:  Summary  of the  results.
Figure  1-2:  Summary  of future  directions.
Table  2.1:  The computational  complexity  of  computing  the  permanent  of a  complex  Gaussian  matrix.
Figure  2-1:  The  curve  -y  connects  z  =  0  and  some  value  z  #  0  and  is  at  distance  at  least  R  from  any root Of  gAWz


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