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Assume thatV is irreducible


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Duke University – Spring 2017 – MATH 627 January 24, 2017

Problem set 1 Olivier Debarre Due Thursday February 2, 2017

Problem 1. Recall that a topological spaceX isirreducibleif it is non-empty and is not the union of two strict closed subsets. In other words, ifX1 andX2are closed subsets ofXandX =X1∪X2, thenX =X1orX =X2.

a) LetX be a topological space and let V ⊂ X be a subset (endowed with the induced topology).

Prove thatV is irreducible if and only if its closureV is irreducible.

Proof. Assume thatV is irreducible. IfV = W1 ∪W2, whereW1 andW2 are closed in V (hence also inX), we haveV = (V ∩W1)∪(V ∩W2), whereV ∩W1andV ∩W2 are closed inV. Since V is irreducible, we obtain V = V ∩W1 orV = V ∩W2, henceV ⊂ W1 orV ⊂ W2. SinceW1 andW2 are closed inX, this impliesV ⊂ W1 orV ⊂W2, henceV =W1orV =W2. This proves thatV is irreducible.

For the converse, assume thatV is irreducible. If V = W1 ∪W2, whereW1 andW2 are closed in V, we can writeWi = V ∩Fi, where Fi is closed inX (we could take Fi = Wi). We then have V ⊂F1∪F2, henceV ⊂F1∪F2andV = (V ∩F1)∪(V ∩F2). SinceV is irreducible, we obtain V =V ∩F1 orV =V ∩F2, henceV ⊂F1 orV ⊂ F2 andV =W1 orV =W2. This proves that V is irreducible.

b) LetX andY be topological spaces and letu :X →Y be a continuous map. IfX is irreducible, prove thatu(X)is irreducible.

Proof. Assume u(X) = W1 ∪W2, where W1 and W2 are closed in u(X). We can writeWi = u(X)∩Fi, whereFiis closed inY. We have thenu(X)⊂F1∪F2, henceX =u−1(F1)∪u−1(F2).

SinceX is irreducible andu−1(Fi)is closed in X, we getX = u−1(F1) orX = u−1(F2), hence u(X) ⊂ F1 or u(X) ⊂ F2. This implies u(X) = W1 or u(X) = W2 and proves that u(X) is irreducible.

Problem 2. Let k be an infinite (not necessarily algebraically closed) field. Let C ⊂ k2 be the vanishing setV(X2−Y3).

a) Prove that the ideal ofCis the ideal ink[X, Y]generated byX2−Y3 and thatC is irreducible (Hint: use the “parametrization”k→ C given byt 7→ (t3, t2)and express A(C) = k[X, Y]/I(C) as a subring ofk[T]).

Proof. Obviously,X2−Y3is inI(C). Assume thatP ∈k[X, Y]vanishes onC. We haveP(t3, t2) for all t ∈ k. Since the field k is infinite, this implies that the polynomial P(T3, T2) ∈ k[T] vanishes. Modulo the idealI generated byX2−Y3, one can writeP ≡A(Y) +XB(Y). We then haveA(T2) +T3B(T2) = 0ink[T]. Since only even powers ofT appear in A(T2)and only odd powers of T appear in T3B(T2), we obtain A = B = 0 and P ∈ I. This proves the opposite inclusionI(C)⊂I.


So we have A(C) = k[X, Y]/I and the parametrizationk → C induces an isomorphism between A(C) and the subring k[T2, T3] of k[T]. The latter is obviously an integral domain, hence so is A(C)andCis irreducible.

b) Prove thatCis not isomorphic tok(Hint: prove thatA(C)is not a principal ideal domain).

Proof. We saw in a) thatA(C)is isomorphic to the subringk[T2, T3]ofk[T]. LetJ be the ideal of A(C)generated byT2andT3. If it is generated by one elementP(T)∈J ⊂k[T2, T3], we can write T2 =A(T)P(T)andT3 =B(T)P(T), hence2 = deg(A) + deg(P)and3 = deg(B) + deg(P), with deg(P) ≥ 2 (because P ∈ J). Since each of these degrees is different from 1, we get a contradiction.

c) How do these these results generalize to the vanishing setV(Xr−Ys), whererandsare relatively prime positive integers?

Proof. The conclusions are the same but the arguments are slightly more complicated. For a), a polynomialP ∈k[X, Y]that vanishes onC is such thatP(Ts, Tr)vanishes ink[T]. Write

P(X, Y) = P0(Y) +XP1(Y) +· · ·+Xr−1Pr−1(Y)

modulo the idealI generated byXr−Ys. We then have

0 =P(Ts, Tr) = P0(Tr) +TsP1(Tr) +· · ·+Ts(r−1)Pr−1(Tr)∈k[T].

The powers ofT that appear in the termTsiPi(Tr)are congruent tosimodulor. Sincerandsare relatively prime, these numbers are all different modulo r for i ∈ {0, . . . , r −1}. It follows that Pi = 0for alliandP ∈I. This provesI(C) =I andA(C)'k[Ts, Tr].

To prove that A(C) is not a principal ideal domain, we may assumer < s. As a k-vector space, A(C) is generated by all monomial Tmr+ns, with m, n non-negative integers. When of degree

< s, these monomials are of the type Tmr. IfTr = A(T)P(T) andTs = B(T)P(T), we have r = deg(A) + deg(P) and s = deg(B) + deg(P), with deg(P) ≥ r, hence we may assume P(T) = Tr. This impliesB(T) = Ts−r ∈ k[Ts, Tr]. Sinces−r < s, it must be a multiple ofr, which is absurd.

Problem 3. Letkbe aninfinite(not necessarily algebraically closed) field, letu: P1k →P3kbe the regular map defined byu(s, t) = (s3, s2t, st2, t3), and setC :=u(P1k).

a) Prove that no 4 distinct points ofC are contained in a hyperplane inP3k.

Proof. A hyperplane has equation L(x0, x1, x2, x3) = 0, where L is a non-zero linear form. If L vanishes at 4 points ofC, we haveL(s3, s2t, st2, t3) = 0for 4 distinct points(s, t)ofP1k. But this is a non-zero homogeneous polynomial of degree 3 in two variables, hence it cannot have 4 distinct zeroes inP1k.

b) Prove that any quadric inP3k(i.e., any subset ofP3kdefined by a non-zero homogoneous polyno- mial of degree 2) that contains 7 distinct points ofC containsC.

Proof. A quadric has equationQ(x0, x1, x2, x3) = 0, whereQis a non-zero quadratic form. If Q vanishes at 7 points ofC, we have Q(s3, s2t, st2, t3) = 0for 7 distinct points(s, t)ofP1k. But this



is a non-zero homogeneous polynomial of degree 6 in two variables, hence it cannot have 7 distinct zeroes inP1k.

c) Prove thatCis the vanishing set inP3kof the (homogeneous) idealI ink[T0, T1, T2, T3]generated by the homogeneous polynomialsT0T2−T12, T22−T1T3, T1T2−T0T3, which can be neatly expressed as the2×2-minors of the matrix

T0 T1 T2 T1 T2 T3


Proof. The setCis contained inV(I). Conversely, assumex:= (x0, x1, x2, x3)∈V(I). Ifx0 6= 0, we may takex0 = 1and we havex2 =x21 andx3 =x1x2 =x31, hencex=u(1, x1)∈C. Ifx0 = 0, we havex1 = 0,x2 = 0, hencex=u(0,1)∈C.

d) Prove that the ideal ofCisI (Hint: prove that any polynomialP ∈k[T0, T1, T2, T3]is congruent moduloI to a polynomial of the typeA(T0, T1, T3) +T2B(T3)and that ifP vanishes onC, one has B = 0; then, use a similar method to show thatAis divisible byT13−T02T3).

Proof. The inclusionI ⊂I(C)is clear. Using the fact thatI containsT0T2−T12, T1T2−T0T3, T22− T1T3, we reduce moduloIany polynomialP to the formA(T0, T1, T3) +T2B(T3). IfP vanishes on C, we obtain as in Problem 2 (using the fact thatkis infinite)A(S3, S2T, T3) +ST2B(T3) = 0in k[S, T]. Monomials of the typeSTmonly appear inST2B(T3), henceB = 0andA(S3, S2T, T3) = 0. The polynomial T13 − T02T3 = −T1(T0T2 − T12) + T0(T1T2 − T0T3) is in I, hence one can write A(T0, T1, T3) ≡ A0(T0, T3) + T1A1(T0, T3) + T12A2(T0, T3) (mod I), with A0(S3, T3) + S2T A1(S3, T3)+S4T2A2(S3, T3) = 0. Looking at the exponents ofT that appear in this polynomial modulo 3, we obtainA0 =A1 =A2, henceA∈I. This proves the opposite inclusionI(C)⊂I.

e)(Extra credit)How do these results generalize to the regular mapu: P1k →Pnk(n ≥ 3) defined byu(s, t) = (sn, sn−1t, . . . , stn−1, tn)?



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