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Academic year: 2022



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Presente par Tala FATT AL



obtention du Master en Biodiversite vegetale et Biotechnologie

Kaslik - Liban

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Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une strategie d'assainissernent de trois varietes locales de figuier infectees par deux virus de la marbrure du figuier, FLMa V- 1 et FLMaV-2. Le present travail a consiste a experimenter trois procedures pratiquees dans les conditions in vitro : la culture d'apex associee ou non a la thermotherapie et la culture de meristemes.

L'initiation des cultures a ete partiellement reussie a partir des apex soumis ou non ala thermotherapie (35°C pendant 30 jours), ainsi qu'a partir des meristemes; les taux de reprise ont ete modestes sans depasser 38% dans le meilleur des cas et ce en raison des contaminations bacteriennes et myceliennes et d'un phenomene

d' oxydation conduisant a Ia perte to tale des explants atteints.

Les plantules regenerees a partir des trois traiternents d'assainissernent ont subi le controle sanitaire par un test RT-PCR et ce sur la base du sequenc;age du gene HSP70 qui permet de reveler une bande de 352 pb et 360 pb pour FLMaV-1 et FLMaV-2 respectivement chez le materiel infecte. Les taux d'assainissement ont varie entre zero et 100% et ce selon les traitements appliques et le virus en question. ll est important de noter que FLMaV-2 serait plus facile a eliminer que FLMaV-1 quelle que soit la technique utilisee. FLMaV-2 serait meme plus sensible ala thermotherapie que FLMaV-1.

Les resultats obtenus sont relativernent originaux et demontrent, sous reserve d 'une confirmation ulterieure, 1 'efficacite de Ia culture d'apex associee a la thermotherapie d 'une part et de la culture de meristemes d' autre part, pour l'assainissement des figuiers libanais vis-a-vis des virus de la marbrure du figuier FLMaV-1 et FLMaV-2.

Mots cles: figuier, FLMaV-1, FLMaV-2, culture d'apex, culture de menstemes, thermotherapie



This work joins within the framework of a strategy of purification of three local varieties of fig tree infected by two viruses (Closteroviridea) of the marbling of the fig tree FLMa V -1 and FLMa V -2. The present work consisted in experimenting three procedures practiced in the in vitro conditions: the culture of associated stem cutting or not in the thermotherapy and the shoot tip culture.

The initiation of the cultures was partially successful from stem cuttings ' subjected or not to the thermotherapy (35°C during 30 days), as well as from shoot tips; the rates of resumption were modest without exceeding 38 % in the best case because of the bacterial and fungi contaminations and of a phenomenon of oxidation leading to the total loss of the affected plantlets.

Plantlets regenerated from three treatments of purification underwent the sanitary control by RT-PCR, on the basis of the sequencing ofthe gene HSP70 which allows revealing a band of 352 pb and 360 pb for FLMaV-1 and FLMaV-2 respectively in the infected material. The rates of purification varied between zero and 1 00 % and it is according to the applied treatments and the virus in question. It is important to note that FLMaV-2 would be easier to eliminate that FLMaV-1 whatever is the used technique. FLMaV-2 would be even more susceptible to the thermotherapy than FLMaV-1.

The obtained results are relatively original and demonstrate, subject to a later confirmation, the efficiency of both the culture of stem cuttings associated with thermotherapy and the culture of shoot tips, for the purification of the Lebanese fig trees towards the viruses of the marbling of the fig tree FLMaV-1 and FLMaV-2.

Keywords: fig, FLMaV-1, FLMaV-2, stem cutting culture, shoot tip culture, thermotherapy.


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