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Local dipolar order induced by steric effects in smectic B phases


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Local dipolar order induced by steric effects in smectic B phases

G. Coulon

To cite this version:

G. Coulon. Local dipolar order induced by steric effects in smectic B phases. Journal de Physique,

1982, 43 (7), pp.1173-1178. �10.1051/jphys:019820043070117300�. �jpa-00209492�


Local dipolar order induced by steric effects in smectic B phases

G. Coulon

Equipe de dynamique des cristaux moléculaires (*), Université de Lille I, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France (Reçu le 14 décembre 1981, révisé le 5 mars 1982, accepté le 16 mars 1982)

Résumé. 2014 Il est bien connu que, dans les phases smectiques B, les répulsions stériques entravent la rotation des molécules autour de leur grand axe. L’objet de cet article est de déterminer l’influence de ces effets stériques

sur l’ordre local des dipôles dans les plans smectiques. Aussi, en utilisant une technique de renormalisation de

graphes, nous avons pu obtenir une valeur très précise du facteur de corrélation diélectrique G~. Nous montrons

que, quelle que soit la force des répulsions stériques, G~ est supérieur ou égal à 1 : ceci correspond à un ordre

local des dipôles de type ferroélectrique.



It is well-known that, in the smectic B phases, the rotation of the molecules around their axis is geared

because of steric hindrance. The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of these steric effects on the local

dipolar order in the smectic planes. Also, by using a graphical renormalization technique, we have been able to

obtain a very accurate value of the dielectric correlation factor G~. Whatever is the strength of the steric repulsion

we show that G~ is greater than or equal to 1 : it corresponds to a local dipolar order of ferroelectric type.


Physics Abstracts

61. 30C - 77. 20 - 05. 50

1. Introduction.


Up to now, because of experi-

mental difficulties, the dielectric properties of smectic B

phases have been scarcely studied in comparison

with those of the nematic and smectic A phases.

In these uniaxial compounds, the dielectric per-

mittivity differs in value along the molecular axis (ell)

and perpendicular to this axis (e1.). In non polar compounds, the dielectric anisotropy s 11 -,61

is always positive in the nematic phase; while in the nematic phase of polar substances, AE can be positive

or negative according to the angle between the permanent dipole p and the molecular axis [1].

At the nematic-smectic A transition, experimental

studies have shown that, generally, for polar com- pounds in which tt is nearly parallel to the molecular axis [2, 3], e 1. decreases slowly.

On the other hand, other experimental studies, performed on non polar compounds or on polar

ones in which p is not close to the molecular axis

[3, 4, 5, 6], have revealed that, at the nematic- smectic A transition, e 1. increases while ell decreases;

furthermore, when As is positive in the nematic phase,

there is a reversal of Ae at the transition [7].

(*) Associee au C.N.R.S. (ERA 465).

This increase of El versus 8 II has been related to the

occurrence of smectic planes and has been explained in

terms of short-range dipolar interactions in the smectic planes [8].

Among these last studies, only some of them have

investigated the smectic B phase. Apart from one of

them where El is found to decrease very strongly [3],

in all the others, El tends to increase while E decreases

[3, 6] and the difference between s-L and 811 is more

important in the smectic B phase than in the high temperature phases.

It is now well-known that, in smectic B phases, the

molecules are arranged in a two-dimensional hexa-

gonal (or pseudo-hexagonal) array and that the lattice parameter is often smaller than the size of the molecules [9]. Incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scat-

tering data [10] have revealed that the molecules rotate around their molecular axis. But X-ray scat- tering experiments [11] I and theoretical calcula- tions [12, 13] have shown that the molecular rotation is geared because of steric effects between neighbouring


The purpose of this paper is to study the influence

of these steric interactions, characteristic of smectic B

phases, on the dielectric properties and more espe-

cially on the local dipolar order in the smectic planes :

this can be deduced from the value of the microscopic

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019820043070117300



dielectric correlation factor G 1. in the smectic planes

which is defined as :

where N is the total number of molecules in the crys- tal and (pj_)j represents the component of the perma- nent dipole of the molecule j in the smectic plane.

Gj_ is the sum of correlation functions over all mole- cules in the infinite system. If Gl > 1, there is a ten- dency for the perpendicular components of the molecular dipoles to form parallel short-range order- ing ; if Gl 1 the local order is antiparallel and if Gl


1 there is no correlations between the dipoles.

The theoretical calculation of Gi, given by (1),

needs to perform a statistical average over all the different molecular configurations on the basis of a

structure and interaction model.

According to the X-ray results [9, II], we assume

that the molecules, located on a hexagonal array,

can perform rotational jumps of H/3 about the hexa-

gonal axes.

In liquid crystals, the molecules are not rigid; DMR experiments [14] have revealed the existence of intra- molecular motions in the molecular aromatic core


Therefore, because of the multitude of possible conformers, we consider, here, only two schematic

interaction models :

(i) Very restrictive correlations induced by steric

effects which occur simultaneously on both sides of the molecular axis.

(ii) Softer correlations induced by steric effects which occur on only one side of the molecular axis.

These two models, which are different from a steric

point of view, are equivalent with respect to the dipolar disorder : during the molecular rotation the

dipole takes, in both cases, six discrete equilibrium positions as is shown on figure 1.

Because of steric effects, two neighbouring mole-

cules (i) and (j) cannot occupy simultaneously the edge ij ) and we assume that configurations (I) are sterically impossible while configurations (C1) and

Fig. 1.


Orientational disorder of a molecule and of its

dipole : (i) A molecular state is unchanged by a n rotation,

but its dipole is changed to its opposite : 3 molecular states


6 dipolar orientations. (ii) There are 6 discrete molecular states, thus 6 discrete dipolar orientations.

Fig. 2.


The different molecular configurations for the

models (i) and (ii) (projection in the smectic plane).

(C2) are sterically possible (of zero repulsion energy) (Fig. 2).

For such « all or nothing » interaction models it is

possible to obtain a very accurate value of Gl by use

of a closed weak graph renormalization technique [15].

We have evaluated Gl in the case of the interaction model (ii). The value of Gj_, for the interaction model (i),

is foreseeable : for each « steric » molecular state, the

dipole can take randomly two opposite directions ;

so, the dipolar orientation does not depend on steric

effects and Gl must be equal to 1.

2. Calculation of Gl.


In such a bidimensional

isotropic dielectric the correlation factor Gl is related

to the electric susceptibility xl by [13] :

where fl = 1/kT and V is the volume of the crystal.

The electric susceptibility xl is defined by :

where Pl and El are respectively the components, in the smectic planes, of the polarization per unit volume P and of the electric field E; and e = E/E.

Performing the average over all the possible confi- gurations of the crystal, xl can be expressed as the

second derivative of the partition function of the

crystal [13] ; thus Gl is given by :



and ZN(E1.) is the partition function of the crystal

in the presence of the electric field.

The starting point of the calculation of G 1. is to

express Z’(E_L); the description of the molecular orientational disorder described above enables us to write the partition function in the following suitable

form :

where si is the orientational state of the ith molecule,

the summation is performed over all the configura-

tional states { s I of the crystal, the first product is

over all pairs ij > of nearest-neighbour molecules;

the second one over all the sites i of the lattice.

The definition of the compatibility function A(si, Sj)

is :

Because of the presence of the electric field the orientational states si of a molecule i are not equi- probable and g(si) in (6) represents the « activity » of

the orientational state sj, defined by :

For sake of simplicity, we shall assume, in the following, that p, is contained in the molecular plane;

besides, because the permittivity tensor is isotropic

in the smectic planes, we shall suppose the electric field to point along the bissectrix of the angle between

the dipolar states 1 and 2 (Fig. 3).

The orientational activities g(si) are thus equal to :

Fig. 3.


The 6 dipolar states and the direction of the electric field E 1. in the model (ii) (projection in the smectic plane).


According to the general weak-graph formula-

tion [16], A(si, Sj) is written as :

where :

In the general case of any « activity » b(si) the weak-graph condition [17] is :

By applying this condition to the « activities »

g(si) we obtain :

These three equations impose relations between x

and y which are not compatible, so that closed weak-

graph expansion is impossible [18]. The way to eli- minate all the open graphs is to perform a graphical

renormalization : i.e., to define three independent pairs of { x, y I coefficients and to introduce a new

« activity » b(si) which takes the values a, b and 1 corresponding respectively to the three types of

configurations given in (9) ; these activities are tempo- rarily arbitrary ones.

Then, we impose the closed-weak graph condi-

tion (13) to the b(si) and to the three pairs f x, y

this leads to the relations :

According to the direction of the ( ij ) bond, the steric incompatibilities (A(si, Sj)


0) lead to the two

following values of K :



There are two types of compatibilities :


compatibility Cl : (/ ) bond non occupied


compatibility C2 : ij ) bond occupied by one molecule

Let be N the total number of molecules and suppose that, for one configuration, there are (a+ N) molecules

the dipole of which is parallel to the electric field and (a- N) molecules the dipole of which is antiparallel; thus,

there are :

The partition function of the crystal (6) can be rewritten as :

where the g(si) are still those defined in (9).

a + and cx - vary with each { s } configuration, they are implicit functions of the g (si) and any term depending

on them cannot be factorized.

The graph renormalization technique consists of eliminating these terms by incorporating them in a new

« activity » b(si) defined as :

So that :

Imposing the condition (13) to the b(si) defined in (20) the values of a, b, x 11, y 11, x-u., y4, xl and yl are defini- tively fixed by (15) and it is then possible to develop ZN(E.L) in closed weak graph series.


Since Y b(Si)


2 a + 2 b + 2, ZN(El) can be written :


I.e. :


where N Ge is the number of closed graphs with e edges and the weight of which is W Ge"


For the hexagonal lattice the first closed graphs are the 3 N triangles, they are all of the same weight :

From the relations (4) and (10) the correlation factor is equal to :

Since ( JlI >LO = Jli, the first terms of the Gl expansion are :

knowing that :

We obtain :

This leads to :

3. Conclusion.


The numerical expression of G, given by (28), shows the efficiency of the closed weak

graph renormalization method : the series expansion

of Gl converges very rapidly and the third order term is much weaker that the zero order term which is the preponderant one.

Concerning the value of Gl, we can see that the dielectric correlation factor Gl is greater or equal to 1 :

its value goes from 1 for very restrictive steric effects to 1.25 for softer ones.

So, we can state that the correlations of steric

origin tend to induce a local order of dipoles in the

smectic planes of ferroelectric type.

We must point out that this calculation of Gl

is valid for an uniaxial compound, characterized

by a pure hexagonal lattice in the smectic planes :

i.e. a non-tilted smectic B phase.

It can be assumed that for a tilted smectic B phase,

in which the hexagonal lattice is only slightly dis- torted, this calculation of Gl remains valid.

When the correlations are long-range the dielectric correlation factor G 1. defined in (1) is different from the Kirkwood correlation factor g 1. which is deter- mined by the experimentalists from the measurement of the static permittivity [19]. Indeed, contrary to Gl, g 1. does not depend on the shape of the sample [20]. However it has been shown that, in the case of short-range correlations, G 1. = g_L [21].

In our problem, the correlations of steric origin

are short-ranged [11, 13]; thus, any comparison

with the experimental value g 1. should be immediate.

Such a comparison would be very interesting, particularly in order to test if, compared with the dipolar interaction, the correlations of steric origin

between phenyl rings play a prominent part in the dielectric properties of smectic B phases.

Indeed, if steric repulsions were preponderant, they should lead to an athermal dielectric correlation factor G 1..

Only one experimental study [6], performed on the



507 compound of the p-pentoxy-benzylidene-alkyl-

aniline series has attempted to obtain, in the smectic

B phase, the values of gl and g I, from the experimen-

tal 8.1 and 811. Unfortunately, this calculation which is an approximation of the static dielectric theory of Bordewijk [1], does not lead to realistic expressions

of the dielectric correlation factors and makes any

comparison with the theoretical value impossible.



The author would like to thank Dr. M. Descamps for his collaboration and D. Druon and J. M. Wacrenier for helpful discussions.


[1] BORDEWIJK, P., Physica 75 (1974) 146.

[2] DRUON, C., WACRENIER, J. M., J. Physique 38 (1977)


[3] BATA, L., BUKA, A., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 63 (1981)


[4] BATA, L., BUKA, A., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Lett. 49 (1979) 159.


Tech. 15 (1980) 341.

[6] BENGUIGUI, L., J. Physique 41 (1980) 341.


J. Chem. Phys. 61 (1974) 1085.

[8] DE JEU, W. H., Solid Stat. Phys. ; suppl. 14 : Liquid Crystals, edited by H. Ehrenreich, F. Seitz,

D. Turnbull (Academic Press) 1978.

[9] DOUCET, J., Thèse d’Etat, Université de Paris-Sud



R. E., J. Physique-Lett. 35 (1974) L-151.

[11] LEVELUT, A. M., J. Physique Colloq. 37 (1976) C3-51.

[12] DESCAMPS, M. and COULON, G., Solid State Commun.

20 (1976) 379.

[13] COULON, G., Thèse d’Etat, Lille I (1981).

[14] CHARVOLIN, J. et DELOCHE, B., J. Physique Colloq. 37 (1976) C3-69.

[15] DESCAMPS, M. and COULON, G., Chem. Phys. 19 (1977) 347.

[16] NAGLE, J. F., J. Math. Phys. 9 (1968) 1007.

[17] NAGLE, J. F., Phys. Rev. 152 (1966) 190.

[18] DESCAMPS, M., Chem. Phys. 10 (1975) 199.

[19] KIRKWOOD, J. G., J. Chem. Phys. 7 (1939) 911.

[20] DESCAMPS, M., Thèse d’Etat, Université de Lille-I


[21] NAGLE, J. F., Chem. Phys. 43 (1979) 317.


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