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We develop and we explain the two-scale convergence in the co- variant formalism, i.e


Academic year: 2022

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AIMS’ Journals

VolumeX, Number0X, XX200X pp.X–XX


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Centre de physique th´eorique-CNRS Luminy-Marseille

Fr´enod Emmanuel

LMBA (UMR 6205) Universit´e de Bretagne-Sud Vannes

(Communicated by the associate editor name)

Abstract. We develop and we explain the two-scale convergence in the co- variant formalism, i.e. using differential forms on a Riemannian manifold. For that purpose, we consider two manifoldsM andY, the first one contains the positions and the second one the oscillations. We establish some convergence results working on geodesics on a manifold. Then, we apply this framework on examples.

1. Introduction. The two-scale convergence initiated by Nguetseng [7] and de- veloped by Allaire [6], establishes convergence results for a sequence of functions (u)>0 containing oscillations of periodand defined in an open domainW ofRn to a functionU(x,y) onW ×Rn and periodic in the second variabley.

The principle is:

On the open domain W, we fixe the period and we suppose that the solution of equation: Lu =f isu where L is a differential operator which induces oscilla- tions of period and f is a source term that does not depend on , (we can also put boundary conditions). So, we will consider

• the space of functionsr-integrable inW, denoted byLr(W) and defined such that the set of all measurable functions fromW to Ror toCwhose absolute value raised to the r-th power has finite integral, i.e

Lr(W) ={f measurable such thatkfkr= Z


|f |r 1r


for 1 6 r < +∞ and if r = +∞ it is defined as the set of all measurable functions fromW toRor toCwhose their essential supremum is finite,

• the space of functions r-integrable on W, r-integrable on Y and Y-periodic and denoted byLr(W, Lrper(Y)) i.e

Lr(W, Lrper(Y) ={f measurable such that Z




|f |r 1r


2010Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.

Key words and phrases. Two-scale convergence, Differential geometry, Vlasov equation . The first author is supported by NSF grant xx-xxxx.



for 16r <+∞,

• and the space of functions of classC0 with a compact support on W and of classC0 onY andY-periodic denoted byCc0(W, Cper0 (Y)).

In the following, we will say that the sequence of functions (u)>0 in Lr(W) for r∈(1,+∞] two-scale converges to a functionU in the spaceLr(W, Lrper(Y)) if for any functionsψinCc0(W, Cper0 (Y)), we have

→0lim Z


u(x)ψ(x,x )dx=





U(x,y)ψ(x,y)dxdy. (1) We call U the two-scale limit ofu in Lr(W, Lrper(Y)). Nguetseng [7] and Allaire [6] established a two-scale convergence criterion which is very useful to establish an equation verified by the two-scale limit.

Since Physic’s equations can be written using differential forms on manifold, we want to develop the two-scale convergence in this formalism, i.e. on manifold. We must use tools of differential geometry in covariant formalism. This point of view will allow us to work in a larger context, more adapted for differential equations.

First, we detail all important notions and all useful tools to establish geometric two-scale convergence. We can observe that differential forms are not always regular objects. So we remind some notions of functional analysis and we improve them to use them for differential forms. The functional analysis in the context of covariant formalism is developed by Scott [4, 3] and called Lr-cohomology. Then we adapt the two-scale convergence on manifold using the Birkhoff’s theorem and we do asymptotic analysis using geometric objects (differential forms). This study was begun by Pak [2]. We explain notions of strong and weak convergence and in the last section, we apply this new point of view on Vlasov equation, in a context close to Fr´enod, Sonnendr¨ucker [5] and Han-Kwan [13]. In this dimensionless Vlasov equation we observe the apparition of finite Larmor radius and oscillations with a period. So, the dimensionless Vlasov equation can be written asLu= 0.

2. Reminders on differential geometry. In the following, we will consider that M andY are twon-dimensional Riemannian manifolds.

For all pointspin M, there exists a tangent space toM atpdenoted by TpM. It represents the set of tangent vectors toM atp. On tangent spaceTpM, we have a scalar productgp (the Riemannian metric) represented by a symmetric matrix gp, nondegenerate and positive definite, such that for allu, v∈TpM, we have:

gp(u, v) :=u·(gpv),

where·is the scalar product. The tangent bundle ofM is the disjoint union of the tangent spaces toM:

T M := G


TpM := [


{p} ×TpM.

With the Riemannian metric we can define, on each tangent spaceTpM, a Banach norm given by

kvpk=gp(vp, vp),

for allp∈M andvp∈TpM. With the help of this norm, we can define the length of a piecewiseC1 curveγ: [t1, t2]→M joining p1 top2in M by

L(p1, p2, γ) :=

Z p2 p1



We define also by

d(p1, p2) := infL(p1, p2, γ)

where the infimum is on all the curves which are piecewise C1 and joiningp1 to p2 inM. The curves minimizing the lengthL(p1, p2, γ) are called geodesics and a geodesic which length equalsd(p1, p2) is called a minimizing geodesic. Forp∈M andvp∈TpM, there exists an unique geodesicγvp defined in the neighborhood of psuch that

γvp(0) =p and γv0

p(0) =vp. Let us denote by

V0={tvp∈TpM |vp∈TpM, kvpk= 1 andt∈[0, c(vp)]}, (2) and define onV0the exponential map

expMp : V0 → M

vp 7→ γvp(1), (3)


c(vp) := sup{t >0 :d(p, expMp (t vp) =t}.

Notice thatV0 is the larger open set containing 0 in TpM such as if vp ∈V0 then γvp is defined fort= 1. The geodesic verifyingγvp(0) =pandγv0p(0) =vp has the form

vp(t) =expMp (tvp), t∈[0, c(vp)]}.

T M is a differential orientable manifold with dimension 2n. A section of T M is a map f : M → T M such that π(f(p)) =pfor all p∈M where πis the natural projection

π:T M →M.

Let us also denote byTp?M the dual space ofTpM. It is also a vectorial space and its elements are called 1-forms. In the same way, we define the cotangent bundle of M byT?M:

T?M := G


Tp?M := [


{p} ×Tp?M.

Using the exterior product∧, fromkelementsµ1, . . . , µk ofTp?M, we can define the k-formµ1∧ · · · ∧µk so the set of all the k-forms atpbyVk

(TpM) and the bundle manifold


(TM) := G



(TpM) := [


{p} ×^k (TpM).

Since, as T M, T?M and Vk

(TM) for k = 1, . . . , n are bundle manifolds with the natural projections π? : T?M →M and π?k : Vk

(TM) →M, we can define sections inT?M andVk

(TM) as being the mapsf andfk from M to T?M and from M to Vk

(TM) respectively and such that π?(f(p)) =pand πk?(fk(p)) =p for allpin M. And so a differentialk-form onM is a section of Vk


ωk:M →Vk


and the set of differentialk-forms onM is denoted by Ωk(M). In a local coordinate chart (U, ϕ) such thatϕ:U ⊂Rn→ϕ(U)⊂M, we denote by (x1, . . . , xn) the local coordinate system ofp∈M. All differentialk-forms have the following expression inU




1,...,ik(x)dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik,


whereωki1,...,ik(x) are functions fromU to R.

We also have some operators acting on differential forms as the exterior product, the exterior derivative, the pull-back, the push-forward, the interior product, the Lie derivative and the Hodge star operator. These operators are useful to translate equations in the language of differential geometry.

• Theexterior product: Letωk∈Ωk(M) andηl∈Ωl(M). The exterior product ofωk andηk is a differential formωk∧ηl∈Ωk+l(M) which acts, for all points pinM, and on (k+l) vectorsξ1, . . . , ξk+l ofTpM in the following way:


p1, . . . , ξk+l):=X



k!l! ωkp ξσ(1), . . . , ξσ(k)

ηpl ξσ(k+1), . . . , ξσ(k+l) , withSk+l the set of all permutations of{1, . . . , k+l}.

• The exterior derivative d is a linear operator from Ωk(M) to Ωk+1(M) and we have

pk0, . . . , ξk) :=




(−1)iξi·ωkp0, . . .ξˆi, . . . , ξk)

+ X


(−1)i+jωpk([ξi, ξj], . . . ,ξˆi, . . . ,ξˆj. . . , ξk) with ωpk a differential k-form on M at pand [ξi, ξj] = ξiξj −ξjξi is theLie brackets. The symbol ˆξi means that we take off the vectorξi.

• Thepull-back: Letf :Y →M be a differentiable map andωkbe a differential k-form on M. The pull-pack of ωk byf,f?k) is the differentialk-form on Y defined by:

(f?k))q1, . . . , ξk) :=ωf(q)k (f?ξ1, . . . , f?ξk),

where q∈Y,ξ1, . . . , ξk ∈TqY andf? :T Y −→T M is thepush forward, i.e.

the map which associates to any vectorξofTqY the vectordfq(ξ) inTf(q)M.

• Theinterior product of a differentialk-form ωk onM along the vector field τ on M, is a differential (k−1)-form iτωk which acts for all p∈ M in the following way:

∀ξ1, . . . , ξk−1∈TpM iτωkp1, . . . , ξk−1) :=ωpk(τ, ξ1, . . . , ξk−1).

iτ is a linear operator from Ωk(M) to Ωk−1(M).

• TheLie derivative L along the vector field τ is linear operator from Ωk(M) to Ωk(M). For any differential k-forms ωk, for all points p∈ M and for all ξ1, . . . , ξk ∈TpM:


p1, . . . , ξk) = d dt


ωkptp)?1), . . . ,(φtp)?k) ,

withφtpthe flow of the vector fieldτ∈TpM and (φtp)?the push forward such that (φtp)?(ξ) = dφtp(ξ) for all ξ ∈ TpM. We also rewrite the Lie derivative using the homotopy formula:

Lτ =d iτ+iτd.

Before defining the Hodge star operator, we notice that the metric defines an inner product onT?M as well as onT M. The map



gp : TpM → Tp?M vp 7→ g(vp,·)

defines an isomorphism from TpM to Tp?M, that says that we can identify the tangent TpM and the cotangent spaceT?M. We may extend this identification to all vector fields onM,T M and the space of all differential forms onM,T?M. That means we can define an inner product (ωp, ηp) for any two differential 1-formsωand η onM at each pointpand so we have a function (ω, η) onM. We shall generalize it to the case of differentialk-forms. For two elements of the formα1∧ · · · ∧αk and β1∧ · · · ∧βki, βj∈T?M) the value of inner product is

1∧ · · · ∧αk, β1∧ · · · ∧βk) =det((αi, βj)i,j).

In this way we have the inner product defined for any two differential k-forms on M. For example in the local coordinates ofp, that gives

(dx1∧ · · · ∧dxn, dx1∧ · · · ∧dxn) =|gp−1|,

where | g−1p | is the determinant of the inverse matrix associated with the metric gp. In the local coordinate system ofp, we can write the natural measure onM:

volp(g) =volp= q

(|gp|)dx1∧ · · · ∧dxn.

Now, we can define correctly the Hodge star operator and the co-exterior deriv- ative.

• The Hodge star operator is a linear isomorphism ? : Ωk(M) −→ Ωn−k(M) which associates to each differential k-form ωk, a differential (n−k)-form ωn−k (wherenis the dimension ofM). It has the following property that at each point we have

k, βk)volp(g) =ωk∧?βk,

forωkandβkdifferentialk-forms onM. And for an orthogonal basisdx1, . . . , dxn at a pointp, we have that

?(dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik) = p|gp|

(n−k)!gip1l1. . . gpiklkδl1...lklk+1...lndxlk+1∧ · · · ∧dxln, where x is the local coordinate system of p, gp is the matrix associated to the metric in these chart, |gp| is the determinant of the Riemannian metric gp, gpi1l1 is the component of inverse matrix of gp and δ is the Levi-Civita permutation symbol.

In the local coordinate system, for a differentialk-form ωk with the form

ωkp = X


ωi1,...,ik(x)dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik, we have:

pk= X



|gp|gip1l1. . . gpiklkδi1...iklk+1...lnωi1,...,ik(x)dxj1∧ · · · ∧dxjn−k. The Hodge star operator has also the following property:

? ? ωk = (−1)k(n−k)ωk.

• The co-exterior derivative d : Ωk(M)→ Ωk−1(M) is a derivation operator defined bydωk := (−1)n(k−1)+1? d ? ωk.


3. Geometric tools: TheLr-cohomology. The reader is referred to [1] to have more details about this section.

3.1. Generalities. To do Lr-cohomology, we must define what it means for dif- ferential k-forms to be r-integrable on a manifold. To do that, we remind some definitions.

We say that a differential k-form ωk is measurable on M if it is a measurable section of vectorial bundle Vk

(T?M) and that it isdefined almost everywhere on M if there exists a domain N ⊂ M with measure zero such that the function ωk:M →Vk

(T?M) is well-defined on the domain M\N.

Using the definition of a differentialk-form in local coordinate system,ωk is mea- surable onM if and only if for all charts covering M, the coefficients ωik

1,...,ik are measurable functions anddefined almost everywhereif for all charts coveringM the coefficientsωki

1,...,ik are functions defined almost everywhere.

A differentialk-formωk has ank-dimensional compact support KinM if for all pointpoutside ofKand for all vectorsξ1, . . . , ξk ∈TpM we haveωkp1, . . . , ξk) = 0.

The integral of a differentialk-form is defined as follows: LetMk be a differential k-dimensional manifold included inM, (Ui⊂Rk, ϕi)i∈I be a set of charts covering Mk and {λi}i∈I be a partition of unity subordinate to {ϕ(Ui)} (i.e indexed over the same set I such that supp λi ⊆ϕ(Ui)). So all differential k-forms ωk on Mk can be written as



λiωk. So the integral overMk ofωk is then defined as



ωk =X




λiωk =X





A differentialk-formωk is said to beCsonM, if for allp∈M,ωkp ∈Vk

(Tp?M) andϕ?k) is a differentialk-formCsonU ⊂Rnfor all chartsϕcoveringM. The set of differentialk-forms Cs onM is denoted by Ωks(M).

Now, we are ready to define differentialk-formsr-integrable on a manifold.

We denote byLr(M,Vk

) the space ofr-integrable differentialk-forms. It is defined by


) ={α∈Ωk(M) mesurable such thatkαkLr(M,Vk)<+∞}, for 16r6+∞, where




|α|rpvolp 1r

, for 16r <∞where

kαkL+∞(M,Vk):= sup ess


|α|p, with

|α|rp= ?(αkp∧?αkp)r2 .


In local coordinate system, we can observe that|α|rp corresponds to


 X



r 2


We can associate a scalar product with normkαkL2(M,Vk):

< α, β >L2(M,Vk):=



α∧?β ,

withα, β∈Ωk(M) being measurable. k · kand<·,·>do not depend on charts on M. The function spaceH1,d(M,Vk) is the completion of Ωk(M) with the respect of the norm

< α, α >L2(M,Vk)+< dα, dα >L2(M,Vk+1)


, (4)

and the function spaceH1,δ(M,Vk) is the completion of Ωk(M) with the respect of the norm

< α, α >L2(M,Vk)+< δα, δα >L2(M,Vk−1)


. (5)

If M is a compactn-dimensionnal Riemannian manifold with boundary, we want to define the tangential component and the normal component. These notions are important because they permit to have the Green-Stokes formula and the integration by parts. For doing this, we observe that we can associate forms to vector fields (and vice-versa) and we can choose a local coordinate system such that the Riemannian metric has the form of 2-forms:




where⊗corresponds to the tensor product. For two vectors with the formP





∂xi in the local coordinate system ofp, we have g2p(X






∂xj) =X


aigpi,jbj, and




∂xi,·) =X



That means thatgp2 takes a vector field µp to an 1-form denoted by gp2p) =µ]p. We denote byµ the outgoing unit normal vector to∂M and byµ] the differential 1-form associated to µ. With these, the tangential component of the differential k-form ωk corresponds to µ]∧ωk and the normal component of ωk is iµωk. We reformulate the Green-Stokes formula for the differential forms in two different ways:

• with the exterior derivative:

< dωk, αk+1>L2(M,Vk+1)=< ωk, dαk+1>L2(M,Vk)+< ν]∧ωk, αk+1>L2(∂M,Vk+1), withαk+1 a differential (k+ 1)-form,


• and with the co-exterior derivative

< dωk, ψk−1>L2(M,Vk−1)=< ωk, d ψk−1>L2(M,Vk

)−< iνωk, ψk−1>L2(M,Vk−1), withψk+1 a differential (k−1)-form.

Now we suppose that 1r+1s = 1 with 16r, s6+∞.

Proposition 1. 1. (H¨older’s Inegality) Ifαk∈Lr(M,Vk

)andβk ∈Ls(M,Vk

), soαk∧?βk ∈L1(M,Vn

)and we have

k∧?βkkL1(M,Vn)6kαkkLr(M,Vk)kkLs(M,Vk). 2. (Minkowski’s inegality) If αk, βk ∈Lr(M,Vk

)so αkk ∈Lr(M,Vk

)and we have

kkkLr(M,Vk)6kαkkLr(M,Vk)+kβkkLr(M,Vk). 3. Lr(M,Vk

) is a Banach space.

4. L2(M,Vk

) is a Hilbert space.

5. (Density) Cc2(M,Vk

) The set of differentialk-forms of class C2 with a com- pact support inM are dense inLr(M,Vk


Now we can define the Sobolev’s space in these formalism. Since we have three derivative operators, the exterior derivatived, the co-exterior derivatived and the Laplacian ∆ =dd+d d, we have three types of Sobolev’s space:


) := {ω∈Lr(M,^k

) :d ω∈Lr(M,^k+1 )}, Wd,r(M,^k

) := {ω∈Lr(M,^k

) :dω∈Lr(M,^k−1 )}, W∆,r(M,^k

) := {ω∈Lr(M,^k

) : ∆ω∈Lr(M,^k )}, with the following norms

kωkWd,r(M,Vk) :=

kωkrLr(M,Vk)+kd ωkrLr(M,Vk)

1r , kωkWd,r(M,Vk) :=


1r , kωkW∆,r(M,Vk) :=

kωkrLr(M,Vk)+kd ωkrLr(M,Vk)+kdωkrLr(M,Vk)

r1 . Remark 1. IfM is an open subset ofRn, the usual Sobolev’s spaceW1,r(M), is the intersection betweenWd,r(M,Vk

) andWd,r(M,Vk


We can also define the Dirichlet boundary conditions by W0d,r(M,^k

) := {ω∈Cc2(M,^k

) :ν]∧ω= 0 sur ∂M}

k kW d,r

, W0d,r(M,^k

) := {ω∈Cc2(M,^k

) :iνω= 0 sur ∂M}

k kW d,r



3.2. The weak convergence. For a differentialk-formωk∈L2(M,Vk

), we have a linear form onCc2(M,Vk


< ωk, ψk>L2(M,Vk):=



ωpk∧?ψpk, with ψk ∈ Cc2(M,Vk

) and since L2(M,Vk

) is a Hilbert’s space, we can define a weak convergence.

Definition 3.1. We say that a sequence of differentialk-forms (ωnk)n∈N∈L2(M,Vk

) weakly converges to a differential k-form ωk ∈L2(M,Vk

) if and only if for a test differentialk-formψk∈Cc2(M,Vk

) we have

< ωnk, ψk >L2(M,Vk)→< ωk, ψk >L2(M,Vk), whenntends to infinity.

Moreover the test differential k-forms verify the Dirichlet’s boundary condi- tions, so for all ψk+1 ∈ Cc2(M,Vk+1

) we can define the exterior derivative of αk∈L2(M,Vk

) in the weak sense i.e:

< d ωk, ψk+1>L2(M,Vk+1)=< ωk, d?ψk+1>L2(M,Vk), and its co-exterior derivative for allψk−1∈Cc2(M,Vk−1


< d?ωk, ψk−1>L2(M,Vk−1)=< ωk, d ψk−1>L2(M,Vk).

4. The geometric two-scale convergence.

4.1. Introduction. For the geometric two-scale convergence, we need to work with two n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, denoted in the following by M and Y. Later, we will suppose thatM is geodesically complete and possibly with boundary and that Y is compact, without boundary and with ergodic geodesic flow. So we must define what is it to be a differential form onM ×Y. First, we see that, for (p, q)∈M ×Y, a Riemannian metric onM×Y can be defined as follows :

g(p,q)M×Y : T(p,q)(M ×Y)×T(p,q)(M ×Y) → R

(u, v) 7→ gMp (dP(p,q)M (u), dP(p,q)M (v)) +gYq (dP(p,q)Y (u), dP(p,q)Y (v)) wherePM andPY are the following natural projections

PM :M ×Y →M and PY :M×Y →Y, and so

dP(p,q)M :T(p,q)(M ×Y)→TPM(p,q)M anddP(p,q)Y :T(p,q)(M×Y)→TP(p,q)Y Y.

We deduce the identification

T(p,q)(M×Y)∼=TpM ⊕TqY,


andT(p,q)? (M ×Y)∼=Tp?M⊕Tq?Y. With the previous projections PM andPY we have that

T?(M ×Y) := G


T(p,q)? (M×Y) := [


{(p, q)} ×T(p,q)? (M×Y)

= [


{(p, q)} ×Tp?M ×Tq?Y, We deduce that


PMT?(M ×Y) = [


{(p, q)} ×^k (Tp?M) and so



PYT?(M×Y) = [


{(p, q)} ×^k

(Tp?M)×^l (Tq?Y).

Now we can define differential (k, l)-forms on M ×Y who are k-form on M and l-form onY as:

ωk,l(p,q):TpM ∧. . .∧TpM

| {z }


∧TqY ∧. . .∧TqY

| {z }



i.e. ωk,l(p,q) ∈Vk


(Tq?Y) and so a differential (k, l)-form onM ×Y is a map such that

ωk,l: M×Y −→ Vk


PY(T(M ×Y)) (p, q) 7−→ ((p, q), ωk,l(p,q)).

In a local coordinate chart (UiM×UjY, ϕMi , ϕYj ) where (UiM, ϕMi ) is a local coordinate chart on M and (UjY, ϕYj ) is a local coordinate chart onY, a differential formωk,l onM×Y as the following expression

ω(p,q)k,l = X

i1<···<ik j1<···<jl

ωi1,...,ik,j1,...,jl(x, y)dxi1∧ · · · ∧dxik∧dyj1∧ · · · ∧dyjl,

for allp∈M and q∈Y and x, yare respectively the local coordinate system ofp etq.

Now to introduce the spaceLr(M,Vk


)), the set of differential (k, l)-forms M ×Y, r-integrable on M and s-integrable on Y, we denote by {λi,j}(i,j)∈I×J a partition of unity subordinate to {ϕMi (UiM)×ϕYj(UjY)}. So all differential (k, l)- formsωk,l onM×Y can be written as

ωk,l= X



We say thatωk,l∈Lr(M,Vk


)) if all components of (ϕMi )?Yj)?λi,jωk,l= (ϕYj)?Mi )?λi,jωk,l are inLr(UiM, Ls(UjY)) and



k(ϕYj)?Mi )?λi,jωk,lkLr(UiM,Ls(UjY))<+∞


Now if we observe (1) we see that we must define what means the evaluation in


for differential forms on M ×Y. To explain this, we will use the geodesics on manifoldM andY.

Letp0∈M, q0∈Y and an isomorphism j be such that Tp0M


=Tq0Y. We see in (2) page3that for allp∈expMp0(V0), there existsv∈V0⊂Tp0M such that

p= expMp0(v), where expMp

0 is defined by (3).

The geometric two-scale convergence results from Birkhoff’s theorem (1931) [9], Hopf’s theorem (1939) [11] and the Mautner’s Theorem (1957) [10]. Birkhoff’s theorem [9] says that for all probability space (χ, µ) and an ergodic flowφt, we have forf ∈Lr(χ, µ),

1 T

Z T 0





f(x)dµ .

For our concerns, the geodesic flow must be ergodic on Y to develop geometric two-scale convergence issues. The Hopf’s theorem [11] and the Mautner’s theorem [10] give the conditions for the geodesic flow to be ergodic. The Hopf’s theorem [11]

stipulates that in a compact Riemannian manifold with a finite volume and with a negative curvature the geodesic flow is ergodic. Mautner showed that in symmetric Riemannian manifold the geodesic flows are also ergodic.

Torus, projective spaces, hyperbolic spaces, Heisenberg’s space,Sl(n,R)/SO(n,R), the symmetric space of quaternion-K¨ahler are examples of symmetric Riemanian manifold. If the manifoldY satisfies these conditions then it is geodesically complete and so the Hopf-Rinow’s theorem says there exists v∈V0⊂Tp0M that all qin Y can be written as

q= expYq0(j(v)), where expYq

0 is the exponential map on Y (see (3) page 3 for its definition). To use Birkhoff’s theorem with an ergodic flow, we suppose that M and Y are n- dimensional Riemannian manifolds, moreoverM is assumed to be geodesically com- plete and possibly with boundary andY is assumed to be compact, without bound- ary and with ergodic geodesic flow i.e. verify the Mautner’s condition or Hopf’s condition. With the properties ofM andY, for any givenp0∈M and q0∈Y, we define for allp∈M,p∈Y as

p= expYq0 1



wherev∈V0is such thatp= expMp0(v).Once we have introduced this notation, we easily see that ifψk,0(p,q)is a differentialk-form onM and a differential 0-form onY at point (p, q) inM×Y with enough regularity, thenψ(p,pk,0)is a differentialk-form onM.

We have defined all the context and all tools to do geometric two-scale conver- gence in the covariant formalism.


4.2. The geometric two-scale convergence.

Definition 4.1. For (αk)>0a sequence of differentialk-forms inLr(M,Vk

), we say that it converges tothe two-scale limit αk0∈Lr(M,Vk


)) if for all differential k-form ψk∈Cc2(M,Vk

0(Y)), we have

< αk, ψk(p,p)>Lr(M,Vk)−→< αk0, ψk>Lr(M,VkLr(Y,V0)), when tends to 0. αk0 is called the two-scale limit of αk in Lr(M,Vk



We also say thatαk two-scale converges strongly toαk0 if

→0limkαk −(αk0)(p,p)kLr(M,Vk)= 0.

We have also the following proposition [1,2]:

Proposition 2. We suppose thatM and Y are n-dimensional Riemannian man- ifolds, and M is complete possibly with boundary and Y is compact and verify the Mautner’s condition or the Hopf ’s condition. For ψk ∈L2(M,Vk


)), we have

→0limkψ(p,pk )kL2(M,Vk)=kψkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)).

Proof. Y is a compact Riemannian manifold so there exists a finite open (Ui)16i6m

covering ofY. We denote by (ψkn)(p,q)= X




ψj1,...,jk(x, yii(y)dxj1∧ · · · ∧dxjk

forx, ythe local coordinates of pandq,yi ∈Ui andχi the characteristic function onUi. With the help of the dominate convergence theorem [6],ψkn converges toψk whenntends to infinity and so we have

(p,pk )kL2(M,Vk)− kψkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)) = kψ(p,pk )kL2(M,Vk)

− k(ψkn)(p,p)kL2(M,Vk)

+ k(ψkn)(p,p)kL2(M,Vk)

− kψnkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0))

+ kψnkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0))

− kψkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)). First, we show that

→0limk(ψnk)(p,p)kL2(M,Vk)=kψnkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)). For the left hand side of the equality, we get

→0limk(ψnk)(p,p)kL2(M,Vk)= lim


s X






j1,...,jk(x, yii(x))2volx.


Since Y is geodesically complete and since on Y the geodesic flow is ergodic, we haveχi(x) converges weakly tovol(Ui) . Hence

→0limk(ψnk)(p,p)kL2(M,Vk) = s







j1,...,jk(x, yi)vol(Ui))2volx

= s









j1,...,jk(x, yii(y))2volxvoly

= kψknkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)). That implies

→0limkψ(p,pk )kL2(M,Vk)= lim

→0(p,pk )kL2(M,Vk)− k(ψkn)(p,p)kL2(M,Vk)

+kψknkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)). Then whenntends to infinity we found that

→0limkψ(p,pk )kL2(M,Vk)− kψkkL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)) = 0.

With the help of this proposition, we formulate a geometric two-scale convergence with one parameter with the same conditions forM andY.

Theorem 4.2. For(αk)a bounded sequence inL2([0,+∞), L2(M,Vk

)), there ex- ists a subsequence (αk

j)of(αk)and a differential form αk0 ∈L2([0,+∞), L2(M,^k

L2(Y,^0 ))) such that for all

ψk∈L2([0,+∞), Cc2(M,^k

0(Y))), we have


Z 0

< αkj(t), ψk(p,p)(t)>L2(M,Vk)dt= Z


< αk0(t), ψk(t)>L2(M,VkL2(Y,V0))dt . Proof. We denote by

Fk) :=

Z 0

< αk(t), ψ(p,pk )(t)>L2(M,Vk)dt,

and since (αk) is a bounded sequence there exists a positive realcsuch that kαkkL2([0,+∞),L2(M,Vk)) 6c.

We obtain

|Fk)| 6 Z


kkL2(M,Vk)k(p,p)(t)kL2(M,Vk)dt 6 c

Z 0

k(t)kL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0))dt and so F

L2([0,+∞), L2(M,Vk


and there exists a subsequence such that Fj converges toF0

L2([0,+∞), L2(M,Vk


. Moreover, kψk(p,p)(t)kL2(M,Vk)6kψk(t)kL2(M,VkL2(Y,V0)),


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