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General statement by the representative of Uganda to the Seventh session of the Commission


Academic year: 2022

Partager "General statement by the representative of Uganda to the Seventh session of the Commission"


Texte intégral






b I 06 'H IU

Di"tr. LIHITE:l

E!CI1.14/L.222 8

r ..

bru uy 196,

Orl s1nd ; ENGLISK



3.~.~ tb S•• •l~ n

Nairob i , 9 - 2' r.brua ry 1965

Froy l . i~ n.l


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In rllvi ••1nS tb. Bark

o r

tbe Coam i...ion, r ••l that it 18 euob

too .&IIY to m"r_ly p...tnt ou t tb l fault s but alle h too UfUoult to

orl U o!. . cOlllltructhely. Til.. r"asoll tor thl" "lh"Uon IUlhnlll 11 ••

in th. n"t lll'_ of th e Economio C...~1••1on tor Atrica tteel!.

Tb. Econoaic Comml ••ion tor Ar rica is not ao orr_ni••tion t~. t

puah... thr ough .pecific proJect,, ; rath"r , 1t or6.o1 ~e. con i.ren o, .,

"oa i nar ll, sakI''' Mtudl" ., ~d proYl de.. tech01cal expsrta and "dY10.,

I t is e . .y to a •• the r U lllt" of work wU.h brl~k. and lIortar, , ted alld

CO&O~t I lIllil. evOIl ch"mlc al ter t il bo r a,,11 1_pron d ••ad. tor ple" ti nr aholl u ault. that "1'0 o" a)' to .,oritYI but . 0 8re . t rt.ld th"t tho ro"ult" ot cOlltero n~oa anil. taehn ir&.l ..i8. 10n8 81" intlllltall ..Ora difticult to as "o"" - lind ill f" et th••• la t t,r 1" 8111'. d.pe~il. "ot only 011 DCA but al" o 00 liS, tho M...bor C~untri,., For 110 .attar how rood . oOlltorollc., ~o . .ttor how .xp. r t tb• •d.,ic. ot • toc bDi~81 .1••10n, th. re e"r. b. DO cooe r' h r....ultll unlll" lI' our., h . . ,ttoet hel ,.

~pl.aent tho rococlI~nd ati oD II.

LookillS at ECA wor k, .., h. .. .


spooiUo "rltt.18m. 'IIa soul<i

liko to . . . the Co_ b ai oll tollos tbroush OD it. wo r k lIOn ,t t~ tt.,.l)',

'bell th. r. i" all teA .. i" ion to " ~oll nt r,., that ~ollntr,. IIbOll14 alo. ,."

•• 0 tho _i, . lon' , r, po rt, In our . llpoflenoa thor. ha.,' b, oll U •• • wh' ll •• hB.,. Ilot al••,.. 1" 0.1.,.4 "lIr h r' port. ,



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lie in


toel ,bat t~ JoonaJ.o C- tel1C11 tor .ltri~ U. II&4t p . .t Pl'OCT"8 in l h .aD.¥ fh ld-. of en4eayolU'. Vo ,bou!c1. U ko to 1l..U ou.r••h·08 U _ nt1!l&" ClrI ODOl ~U.~t . the £1'r1oarr. DGYoloplWllt Bank, _4 OIlO thill4 If0 are look1Jl4 foroo&z"4 to, the ContoronOll et &a.t .ltrican Incl,.. t;ri&1 C _rd1 na t1oa.

ProbablJ' ono ot tb..


cone...to &4Cc.pl1~ h in In~08ll

.( h i r. ill the ,"oar 1964 ... . tho . .\MUah_ ' ot tlw U'rioaa DoYel opllGflt BanIt. Tho)lanJr. h tho fin' _Jor pllZ'd 7 J.fri oan t1~oi-.l iDoUtuUCll.I

and i to Got_blh haoll t _ u no•• to tho Ifodd thl.t .&.trlc&l:l , 0't10_ lU'O • n ow in thoir n ool". to 4..,010p thoir ._11108 and tho' thoT 40 not. intoa d to bu

dCl ~ndolDt Oft tho financial band.-outo or tho vo&ltb¥ naU 0Il8 to Mlet 'the1:!' cloYol ox-omt «oalo,

Bod doo u)llpl1 t p ll4l' .ltrioan 8011d.a:rU,. and " 801Te to rel,J OIl u l t- holp to 01'••'0 tho doyoloped .lt ri O&n St.t~ ot tho tut uro. tho B&nk proTid••

• pcnoor M t1.D&nohJ. tool tor J.trloe. in ' oppiq tho _ 1I0 U.e;,' and. "kohn1oal r... OW'o•• or tlla 1101'14. )Ii1 oau. o ot tho d ...


tho Bank &nd 1'ta c.ap.1 W rlil aCIu.tc.o . ttlo Bank vill bo ablo ee appro&ab. ttlo od abli& tlocl capital aarkot.

fJ'OIl a podUol:l of . U"W\lUI unObta1nable fJ'OII aA¥ or tho J.t'1"10_ aaUonlLl fh,&ll01&l 1I:I. U t\lHon.. Tbo Illlllk . tat t vill prorl 40 a pool ot oll:pQrh 1.Il

tbo ftold. r&ng1ng tJ''' . el\B1neo r1.... to ...-..io\l1t=0 Ilnd tin...."ol a etat t vlloe a la\""l94&o vill be &v&11e.bl<> t" d 1 At'r1can coun t.ri ". I!I.I:ld reg1011• • l'bu.a eeotl cOWlt.r,1 d l l bavo aCCCOa t.(, a:rpo r t adrlco, vhic h 1& loh 1,. J.trioan 1n orlant&t101:1, vltho\lt the tlnan c ial b=don ot 8\lppar t l ng 1t.


8U4b . 'et r •

• •

1'110 .oopo tor rea-1onal and conUnent vid.. ooonom10 pl annl ng and 0_

ordin aU OIl ln Atri ca tl.... been b~o&:h.nod 1l1l1ll"neol,y by th... eetabliahJlom t ot the Bank. O,.nda, tLr orIe, bel1"v.... tba, ttlu Ur10an DovolopmGnt Bank 11 &


boginnlnc, but juat tho begi nn1ll8 or a "01'10" or finanoial in.tit\lU onl and

8.J'J'&a6'I>lIttQte vhioh &1'0 tho te ohni od .~o P. 10a.di llOl' tc AtX'i oan Wllty.

Tho Ooyornmon t ot Uganda approci a toe tho outatanding et tort ot tho Eoono mio Colllai... ion tor J.trioe. and oopoolall ,1 It• •uppart ot the Co~ ttoo

of . 1.11.11 101 bringi.Da' th.. J.f'r1oan DovolopllOnt Bank ln to tNl Hon. 1'1:10 vclUl'l- In... backgrowul dud.1oo &lid proparator ,y vor k produoGd by BCJ. and tho Ulli ted


' . .

Ejr:J.14/1..222 . . .. 3

••\tea. Or«I.Ai."UOI1 . orll tbg prlm&:')' factor 1.P. ••oot.hJ..n& tho pan or 1l00fC'U aUem. N1c1. bz'inc111ff thll Bank Into ba1llC in 1. . . thM 20 . _ tlla t r -

t.bo .~ of tbo Bank !,p'o<I. on t b)' tho J'iJlanoe Ilillidors. Tilt . ~ll8Qt work prO'l'oa til. "oed tor 1I.rId. thOl oa pall111t)' at t.l:\.l EoODOtlio C~.d ", t,"


v. 111 UjJ-.nd.a til'll tbat tho

_ t_ ""'" ...

ot • _ _ • pr...-il 1JlC' at thi. U~. t.NGI' tbo I.UCHMtul oa' a blh '-ea t ot tbe &t'rlo&n ~lo~' Bllclr., . boul el. '" 11\1111114 111 tbe lconotLlo eo-J..UCl1


U'riaa to

,.. b.

all.oad with .tudin ot othor proJect.


t1Jlllllolal oo-oporaUon 1.n £rnoa. 9peo- itloall.T • •0 would a_ I

(1) IlII J.nt _ 01l&l"1lll t.p4 ~t. wdoa

(2) .. 00...1881_ tor - n i D . U _


_uoMl _ 0\ &17 pol1oie.

()} .. ~.d.0iII fez tbo OC-Ol'dl_Uoa


denlo~' pl AIa, and.

(4) &.II..i.f'rl _ ~. .101l 011 ,ad t t. aDd 'rad II.

Uf:~r>da hob to",ard witb


u~lIt.UIlll \0 tbo e -foronoo OIl.

Ba.t uno.." Iacllatr1&l Co-or41IWUca 1<1 ' " bd 4 1ft l.u.aau. t!lb ~. v.

tool tba' tber. 11 IlI:l untapp04 potanUal tor U'MO 111 tbll croator ract Oll.

of Eaat aDd Co.Dt ral £( 1'10 . . Roal pt"OCro •• ,....&rob .i trt_ aot'llt'U o 1.n

raUon - 7 bo 11&4. b,y \y1JW \h.. I_ al•• ot \hi• •_rGfP0n . ore olllSdJ'

\(I4I'0\hor throv4fb \Ila d.."oloplUla \ ot _ pl _a \&l7 1Dd \ll\ri• , lNil41JW up or tr.... }lO.. \ ... ",or a. an4 \Ilroucb U.., . U-.1n. U on or \..-do b&¥rl..n •


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