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Intrusive versus domiciliated triatomines and the challenge of adapting vector control practices against Chagas disease


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Intrusive versus domiciliated triatomines and the challenge of

adapting vector control practices against Chagas disease

Etienne Waleckx


, Sébastien Gourbière


, Eric Dumonteil




1Laboratorio de Parasitología, Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Dr Hideyo Noguchi, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, Yucatán,

Mexico 2Institut de Modélisation et d’Analyses en Géo-Environnement et Santé, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France

Chagas disease prevention remains mostly based on triatomine vector control to reduce or eliminate house

in-festation with these bugs. The level of adaptation of triatomines to human housing is a key part of vector competence

and needs to be precisely evaluated to allow for the design of effective vector control strategies. In this review, we

examine how the domiciliation/intrusion level of different triatomine species/populations has been defined and

mea-sured and discuss how these concepts may be improved for a better understanding of their ecology and evolution, as

well as for the design of more effective control strategies against a large variety of triatomine species. We suggest

that a major limitation of current criteria for classifying triatomines into sylvatic, intrusive, domiciliary and

domes-tic species is that these are essentially qualitative and do not rely on quantitative variables measuring population

sustainability and fitness in their different habitats. However, such assessments may be derived from further analysis

and modelling of field data. Such approaches can shed new light on the domiciliation process of triatomines and may

represent a key tool for decision-making and the design of vector control interventions.

Key words: triatomine - domiciliation - intrusion - vector control - ecohealth - integrated vector management

doi: 10.1590/0074-02760140409

Financial support: UNDP/World Bank/WHO-TDR/IDRC (A90276) + Corresponding author: edumonte@tulane.edu

Received 31 October 2014 Accepted 9 March 2015

Chagas disease is a major public health problem in

the Americas, where it affects seven-eight million people

(WHO 2014). The pathogenic agent is a protozoan parasite,

Trypanosoma cruzi, mainly transmitted to humans and

other mammals through the contaminated faeces of

blood-sucking insects called triatomines (Hemiptera:

Redu-viidae), also known as “kissing bugs”. Control of Chagas

disease relies on the treatment of infected patients and

pre-vention of transmission is based mainly on vector control.

Currently, more than 140 species of triatomines are

recognised. Over half of them have been shown to be

nat-urally or experimentally infected with T. cruzi, but all are

suspected to be able to transmit the parasite (or “serve as

vectors”) (Bargues et al. 2010). Nevertheless, not all the

triatomine species are considered important vectors of T.

cruzi. Vector competence varies considerably between

the different species/populations of triatomines and

de-pends on multiple criterions. Among these, the level of

domiciliation, which is understood as the level of

adapta-tion to human and its domestic environment, is one of the

most important, as it defines the level of human-vector

contacts (Dujardin et al. 2002). Indeed, species highly

adapted to and able to colonise human dwellings are more

likely to actively contribute to the transmission of T. cruzi

to humans than species that are only found in sylvatic

environment. While the domiciliation of triatomine

spe-cies/populations is clearly a gradual evolutionary process

(Schofield et al. 1999), it has important implications for

the design and efficacy of vector control interventions.

To date, vector control is mainly achieved through indoor

residual insecticide spraying, initially designed to target

triatomine species living inside human dwellings and

highly adapted to the domestic environment (i.e.

domicil-iated or domesticated). However, it is becoming

increas-ingly clear that triatomine species presenting lower levels

of domiciliation are also playing an important role in T.

cruzi transmission to humans and thus need to be taken

into account by vector control programs in many regions.

The efficacy of conventional insecticide spraying may

in-deed be directly affected by the level of domiciliation of

triatomines and alternative control strategies thus need

to be considered against nondomiciliated

species/popula-tions. These populations are a potential source of

contin-uous house infestation and post-spraying re-infestation,

making the control by insecticide spraying unsustainable,

even in areas where transmission is primarily due to

high-ly domiciliated vectors. The level of

domiciliation/intru-sion of triatomine species thus needs to be clearly defined

in operative terms to allow for its precise evaluation and

the design of effective vector control interventions.

In this review, we examine how the domiciliation/

intrusion level of different triatomine

species/popula-tions has been defined and measured and discuss how

these concepts may be improved for a better

under-standing of their ecology and evolution, as well as for

the design of more effective control strategies against a

large variety of triatomine species.

Level of domiciliation of triatomine species

Triatomine species have for a long time been

classi-fied according to their adaptation to human dwellings.

According to Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979), the


hab-its of the various species of triatomines allow to divide

them into sylvatic and domestic species, with an

inter-mediate category of peridomestic species, which are

oc-casionally attracted into houses, but do not effectively

colonise them, and which thus feed on man only

occa-sionally. Dujardin et al. (2002) and Noireau and Dujardin

(2010) later refined these definitions and proposed four

different categories: sylvatic, intrusive, domiciliary and

domestic species (Table I). These definitions have been

the most widely accepted and used in the literature for

the classification of many triatomine species. In Table II,

we summarise how some triatomine species have been

classified and the type of data and observations that

helped defining their potential association with human

habitat. These species/populations were selected based

on their epidemiological significance and contribution

to T. cruzi transmission to human. As can be observed

in Table II, their level of domiciliation appears highly

variable depending on the type of data collected by the

authors, their own interpretation and the study area.

Field collections by manual searches and/or community

participation are the most common type of studies,

al-lowing to establish conventional entomological indexes

including infestation index (percentage of houses with

triatomines), colonisation index (percentage of infested

houses with evidence of reproductive cycle: presence of

nymphs, but also eggs and/or exuviae), density index

(number of triatomines per house) and dispersion index

(percentage of localities infested) as the most commonly

used (WHO 1991). Infestation and density index have

of-ten been considered as indicators of the level of intrusion

of a species into the domestic habitat, while the

colonisa-tion index can be viewed as a measure of its

domicilia-tion/domestication. More recently, a visitation index has

been proposed (percentage of houses visited exclusively

by adult triatomines) to evaluate intrusion by adult bugs

(Zeledón 2003). As indicated in Table I, the

peridomi-cile is considered as part of the domiperidomi-cile by Dujardin et

al. (2002) and Noireau and Dujardin (2010), so that

spe-cies adapted to peridomestic areas, but not found inside

houses, are considered domiciliated/domesticated.

How-ever, some of these species have also been classified as

peridomestic (e.g., Tritoma sordida) or synanthropic by

other authors to differentiate them from those that are

also extensively found inside houses.

Population genetics studies based on morphometric

and molecular markers are also commonly used.

Phy-logeographic studies have been used to understand the

general distribution of species over wide geographic

ar-eas and finer scale studies have focused on evaluating the

relationships among populations from different habitats

(Gourbière et al. 2012). A high gene flow between

popula-tions found inside dwellings and sylvatic environment (and

the concomitant lack of population genetic structure - i.e.,

panmixia) is indicative of an elevated dispersal of bugs

between habitats, hence a strongly intrusive behaviour.

Conversely, a low gene flow resulting in the genetic

dif-ferentiation of domestic and sylvatic populations suggests

a significant domiciliation/domestication of a population.

These approaches have been extensively used to assess the

population genetic structure of several species (Table II).

Interestingly, based on the observation of a reduced

sexual dimorphism in domesticated populations

com-pared to sylvatic ones, Dujardin et al. (1999) proposed

that morphometry may be used as an indicator of the

level of adaptation of a species to domestic habitat.

However, these observations were not associated with

a clear measure of adaptation or fitness of the

popula-tions to the domestic habitat.

The data presented in Table II indicate that the

clas-sification of triatomine association with human habitat

according to current definitions (Table I) is sometimes

subjective, depending on the type of data available to

establish the nature of the infestation process and this


Classification of triatomine species according to their relationship with human housing

Sylvatic species - Strictly found in sylvatic environment.

Intrusive species - Mostly sylvatic, but many adult specimens are reported inside human dwellings, probably attracted there

by light or introduced by passive carriage (marsupials, for instance). In this situation, there is no evidence of colonisation (eggs, nymphs and exuviae).

Domiciliary species - Characterised by the presence inside houses or peridomiciles of adults and nymphs, eggs and exuviae,

which means that the complete cycle of the insect was occurring in domestic environment. The resulting colonies are not very abundant and represent merely a tentative adaptation to houses. It is not necessarily a permanent situation and a domiciliary species can progressively disappear from the houses without any control intervention.

Domestic species - The definition includes the aforementioned observations for domiciliary species, with an additional

criterion related to the type of geographic extension. It is no more a local, geographically restricted observation, but rather con-cerns a more widely extended territory with obvious arguments supporting migration by passive carriage. It is, for instance, a discontinuous geographic extension, with gaps apparently unexplained unless the human intervention is admitted. Importantly, sylvatic populations/foci can also exist for the species considered as domestic, as it is well documented even for the highly do-mesticated emblematic species, Triatoma infestans (Dujardin et al. 2002, Noireau & Dujardin 2010).


TA BL E I I M ai n t ria to m in e s pe ci es a nd t he ir l ev el o f d om ic ili at io n Sp ec ie s C ou nt ry, re gi on Ev id en ce C la ss if ic at ion Se ro pr ev al en ce (% ) R ef ere nc es Tr ia to m a i nf es ta ns Br az il, A rg en tin a, B ol iv ia , C hi le , P ar ag ua y, so ut he rn P er u, Ur ug ua y D om es tic an d pe rid om es tic co lle ct io ns of ny m ph s (a nd ad ul ts) s ho w in g h ig h c ol on is at io n. Sy lv at ic fo ci /p op ul at io ns in th e A nd ea n va lle ys of B ol iv ia , in th e A rg en tin ea n, B ol iv ia n an d Pa ra gu ay an C ha co an d in C hi le . Ve ry lo w g en e fl ow a nd h ig h po pu la tio n ge ne tic st ru ct ure . M ar ke d re du ct io n of th e g eo gr ap hi c e xt en sio n af te r re sid ual in se ct ic id e s pr ay in g o f d w el lin gs i n S ou th A m er ic a. D om es tic at io n ap pe ar s to h av e be en l in ke d to h um an ac tiv iti es . D is pe rs al of th e sp ec ie s ap pe ar s to ha ve be en as so ci at ed w ith h um an e co no m ic m ig ra tio ns . Th e sp ec ie s w as a pp are ntl y im po rte d by h um an m ig ra tio ns in n or th er n U ru gu ay a t t he b eg in ni ng o f th e X X ce nt ur y an d i n t he N or th ea st R eg io n o f B ra zi l i n t he 1 97 0s . D om es tic (w ith s om e s yl va tic fo ci /p op ul at ion s) > 8 0 in B ol iv ia To rr ic o ( 19 46 ), Sc ho fie ld ( 19 88 ), B er m ud ez e t a l. ( 19 93 ), N oi re au e t a l. ( 19 97 b) , Br en iè re e t a l. ( 19 98 , 2 01 3) , Pa nz er a e t a l. ( 20 04 ), C eb al lo s e t a l. ( 20 09 ), B ac ig al up o e t a l. ( 20 10 ), B ui tr ag o e t a l. ( 20 10 ), R ol ón e t a l. ( 20 11 ), W al ec kx e t a l. ( 20 11 , 2 01 2) Tr ia to m a lo ng ip en ni s and T ria to m a b ar be ri M ex ic o (J al is co a nd M or el os) H ig h pe rid om es tic in fe st at io n (1 6-60 % ) an d co lo ni sa tio n (7 5-93 % ). D om es tic i nt ru si on b y a du lts ( > 7 0% ). Fe ed in g o n h um an s. Po pu la tio n ge ne tic s sh ow s hi gh st ru ct ur in g at th e pe rid o-m es tic l ev el , b ut h ig h d is pe rs al a t l ar ge r s ca le . Si gn ifi ca nt r ei nf es ta tio n f ol lo w in g i ns ec tic id e s pr ay in g. Pe rid om es tic w ith do m es tic i nt ru si on 1. 8 R am se y e t a l. ( 20 03 ), Br en iè re e t a l. ( 20 04, 2 00 7, 2 01 0, 2 01 2) Rh od ni us p al le sc en s C os ta R ic a, N ica rag ua , Pan am a, C ol om bia In fe st at io n b y a du lts ( 30 % ), r ar e c ol on is at io n. Po ss ib le a ttr ac tio n t o h ou se s b y l ig ht . Fr eq ue nt bl oo d fe ed in g on hu m an s w he n in si de ho us es (2 5-50 %) . Po pu la tio n ge ne tic s s ho w s g en e fl ow be tw ee n sy lv at ic an d do m es tic p op ul at io ns . Sy lv at ic (p al m t re es ) w ith s om e do m es tic i nt ru si on 0. 2-6.7 a C hr is te ns en a nd d e V as qu ez ( 19 81 ), Lo pe z a nd M or en o ( 19 95 ), V as qu ez e t a l. ( 20 04 ), C al za da e t a l. ( 20 06 ), Ze le dó n e t a l. ( 20 06 ), Pi ne da e t a l. ( 20 08 ) Rh od ni us p ro lix us G ua te m al a, El S al va do r Si gn ifi ca nt c ol on is at io n o f h ou se s. Ef fe ct iv e c on tro l w ith i nd oo r i ns ec tic id e s pr ay in g. Fr eq ue nt b lo od m ea ls o n h um an s ( 28 % ). D om ic ili at ed (in tro du ce d) 38 .8 Pa z-B ai le y e t a l. ( 20 02 ), N ak ag aw a e t a l. ( 20 03 a) , Sa sa ki e t a l. ( 20 03 ), C ed ill os e t a l. ( 20 12 ), H as hi m ot o e t a l. ( 20 12 )


Sp ec ie s C ou nt ry, re gi on Ev id en ce C la ss if ic at ion Se ro pr ev al en ce (% ) R ef ere nc es R. p ro lix us C ol om bia , Ve nez ue la H ig h co lo ni sa tio n of ho us es (d om es tic ha bi ta t) an d in pa lm tre es ( sy lv at ic h ab ita t). Po pu la tio n ge ne tic s da ta w ith va ria bl e re su lts : ab se nc e of ge ne f lo w i n C ol om bi a, s ig ni fic an t g en e f lo w i n V en ez ue la . Fr eq ue nt bl oo d m ea ls on hu m an s fr om do m es tic po pu -la tio ns ( 53 % ). D om ic ili at ed a nd sy lv at ic po pu la tion s -R ab in ov ic h e t a l. ( 19 79 ), Lo pe z a nd M or en o ( 19 95 ), Fe lic ia ng el i e t a l. ( 20 04, 2 00 7) , Fi tz pa tr ic k e t a l. ( 20 08 ), A ng ul o e t a l. ( 20 12 ) Pa ns tr on gy lu s ge ni cu la tu s B ra zi l, Ve nez ue la , Pe ru , C ol om bia , B ol iv ia , A rge nt in a, Ec ua do r Pe ri do m es tic an d do m es tic in fe st at io n by ad ul ts w ith so m e se aso na lit y. H ig h l ev el s o f i nt ru sio n b y a du lt b ug s. R ar e f in di ng s o f n ym ph s a nd o f c om pl et e c ol on ie s. H ou sin g q ua lit y a nd t yp e n ot a ss oc ia te d w ith i nf es ta tio n. R is k fa ct or s in cl ud e re du ce d ve ge ta tio n co ve r, re du ce d pr es en ce o f an im al s in t he p er id om ic ile c om bi ne d to in cr ea se d pr es en ce i ns id e dw el lin gs , d is ta nc e to f or es t an d a rt if ic ia l l ig ht . Fr eq ue nt co nt ac t w ith hu m an an d fr eq ue nt hu m an bl oo d m ea ls re po rt ed (u p to 60 % in ad ul t b ug s co lle ct ed in si de dw el lin gs) . R ed uc tio n of t he s ex ua l di m or ph is m o f th e is om et ri c si ze a nd sm al le r s iz e of a du lt sp ec im en s c ol le ct ed in si de ho m es in C ar ac as (V en ez ue la ) s ug ge st in g an a da pt at io n to d om ic ile s. Sy lv at ic w ith do m es tic i nt ru si on Sp ec ie s w ith pot en tia l f or do me st ic at io n > 1 5. 5 i n V en ez ue la b > 1 4. 2 i n E cu ad or c > 1 .3 i n B ol iv ia d C hi co e t a l. ( 19 97 ), N ai ff e t a l. ( 19 98 ), V al en te e t a l. ( 19 98 ), R ey es -L ug o a nd R od rig ue z-A co st a (2 00 0) , D am bo rs ky e t a l. ( 20 01 ), C ác er es e t a l. ( 20 02 ), Fe lic ia ng el i e t a l. ( 20 04 ), C ar ra sc o e t a l. ( 20 05 ), R od ríg ue z-B on fa nt e e t a l. ( 20 07 ), Se rr an o e t a l. ( 20 08 ), Fe e t a l. ( 20 09 ), R ey es -L ug o ( 20 09 ), A ld an a e t a l. (2 01 1) , D ep ic kè re e t a l. ( 20 11 , 2 01 2) Tr iat oma b ra sil ie ns is B ra zi l C ol on ie s f ou nd i n p er id om es tic a nd s yl va tic e nv iro nm en ts . C ol on isa tio n in de x of 2 0-59 % in tra do m ic ili ar y an d 33 -6 2% pe rid om ic ili ar y. D ome st ic at ed -Le nt a nd W yg od zi ns ky ( 19 79 ), C os ta e t a l. ( 20 03 ) Tr ia to m a s or di da e B ra zi l, A rge nt in a, B ol iv ia , Pa ra gu ay Pe rid om es tic co lle ct io ns sh ow in g la rg e in fe st at io n an d co lo ni sa tio n o f t he p er id om ic ile s. In tr us io n (w ith so m e se as on al ity ) of ad ul t bu gs in si de dw el lin gs w ith a ne cd ot ic c ol on is at io n. Im pl ic at ed i n r e-in fe sta tio n p os t-s pr ay in g a ga in st T. i nf es ta ns . Po pu la tio n dy na m ic m od el su pp or tin g in se ct pr es en ce as th e ou tc om e bot h of a lo ca l s ca le “n ea r-t o-ne ar ” di sp er sa l an d i nf es ta tio n f ro m t he w ild . Sy lv at ic w ith a n ad va nc ed p ro ce ss of a da pt at io n t o hu m an h ab ita t Pr ed om in an tly pe rid om es tic, w ith ou t s ig ni fic an t co lo ni sa tio n i ns id e dwe lli ng s. > 2 9. 6 f Fo ra tti ni e t a l. ( 19 83 ), B ar e t a l. ( 19 93 , 2 00 2, 2 01 0) , W is ni ve sk y-C ol li e t a l. ( 19 93 ), G ur tle r e t a l. ( 19 99 ), N oi re au e t a l. ( 19 99 a) , Pi re s e t a l. ( 19 99 ), C an al e e t a l. ( 20 00 ), Fa la vi gn a-G ui lh er m e e t a l. ( 20 04 ), da S ilv a e t a l. ( 20 04 ), D ia s e t a l. ( 20 05 ), C om in et ti e t a l. ( 20 11 ), R ou x e t a l. ( 20 11 ), M ae da e t a l. ( 20 12 )


Sp ec ie s C ou nt ry, re gi on Ev id en ce C la ss if ic at ion Se ro pr ev al en ce (% ) R ef ere nc es T. s or di da Ea st er n B ol iv ia Sm al l co lo ni es (3 .1 in se ct s/c ol on y) ar e fr eq ue nt ly fo un d in si de dw el lin gs (in fe st at io n in de x > 80 % an d co lo ni sa -tio n i nd ex > 9 0% ). U p to 70 .4 % of hu m an bl oo d m ea ls in T. so rd id a fo un d in si de d w el lin gs . W id er p an m ic tic u ni t t ha n T. i nf es ta ns . D om ici liat ed > 4 N oi re au e t a l. ( 19 95 , 1 99 7a , 1 99 9b ) Rh od ni us ec ua do ri en si s Ec ua do r (c os ta l r eg io n) D om es tic /p er id om es tic co lle ct io ns sh ow in g in fe st at io n an d c ol on is at io n. A ss oc ia tio n o f d om es tic i nf es ta tio n w ith s yl va tic i nf es ta tio n. M or ph om et ric an al ys is in di ca te s fl ow be tw ee n sy lv at ic an d d om es tic h ab ita ts . R ap id r ei nf es ta tio n f ol lo w in g i ns ec tic id e s pr ay in g. Sy lv at ic w ith ca pa bi lit y f or do m ici liat io n 3. 6 G rij al va e t a l. ( 20 05 , 2 01 1, 2 01 2) , Bl ac k e t a l. ( 20 09 ), V ill ac is e t a l. ( 20 10 ) Tr ia to m a d im id ia ta g Me xi co (Yu ca ta n) D om es tic co lle ct io ns sh ow in g se as on al in fe st at io n by ad ul ts ( > 8 5% ) Po pu la tio n d yn am ic s m od el s. G en e fl ow be tw ee n sy lv at ic an d do m es tic ha bi ta ts fr om po pu la tio n g en et ic s. H ou si ng qu al ity an d ty pe an d so ci oe co no m ic fa ct or s not as so ci at ed w ith i nf es ta tio n. R is k fa ct or s fo r in fe st at io n in clu de do m es tic an im al s, pr ox im ity o f b us he s, l ig ht . R ap id r e-in fe st at io n f ol lo w in g i ns ec tic id e s pr ay in g. C ol on is at io n o f p er id om ic ile s. N on do m ic ili at ed 1-5 D um on te il e t a l. ( 20 02 , 2 00 4, 2 00 7, 2 01 3) , G ou rb iè re e t a l. ( 20 08 ), Pa ch ec o-Tu cu ch e t a l. ( 20 12 ) T. d im id ia ta g B el iz e D om es tic c ol le ct io ns s ho w in g s ea so na l i nf es ta tio n b y a du lts . N on do m ic ili at ed 1 Po lo ni o e t a l. ( 20 09 ), T. d im id ia ta g Me xi co (V er acr uz ) D om es tic co lle ct io ns sh ow in g se as on al in fe st at io n by ad ul ts w ith s om e c ol on is at io n. Bl oo d m ea l a na ly si s s ho w in g d is pe rs al a m on g h ab ita ts . N on do m ic ili at ed w ith d om ic ili at io n in p ro ce ss 16 .8 R am os -L ig on io ( 20 10 ), To rr es -M on te ro e t a l. (2 01 2) T. d im id ia ta g G ua te m al a, C os ta R ic a D om es tic co lle ct io ns of ny m ph s ( an d ad ul ts) sh ow in g hi gh co lon is at ion . So m e s ea so na l v ar ia tio ns . Bl oo d m ea l f ro m d om es tic h os ts o nl y. H ou si ng qu al ity an d ty pe an d lo w so ci oe co no m ic le ve l a s-so ci at ed w ith i nf es ta tio n. D ome st ic 8.9 Pa z-B ai le y e t a l. ( 20 02 ), D or n ( 20 03 ), M on ro y e t a l. ( 20 03 a, b ), N ak ag aw a e t a l. ( 20 03 a, b ) Tr ia to m a m ex ic an a Me xi co D om es tic c ol le ct io ns s ho w in g s ea so na l i nf es ta tio n b y a du lts . H ou si ng q ua lit y a nd t yp e n ot a ss oc ia te d w ith i nf es ta tio n. In tr us ive -Sc he tti no e t a l. ( 20 07 )


may have important implications for an effective

vec-tor control. Indeed, while very few species have been

able to reach domestication [estimated at less than 5% of

all species following Noireau and Dujardin (2010)], most

show very variable capability to invade human housing.

It is clear that more objective (and quantitative) criteria

are needed to describe this process. We next focus on

three triatomine species that have been extensively

stud-ied to evaluate additional criteria which may be helpful

for a better understanding of infestation.

Case studies

Triatoma dimidiata - T. dimidiata is one of the most

important vector of T. cruzi, distributed from central

Mexico throughout Central America, to Colombia,

Ven-ezuela, Ecuador and Peru (Dorn et al. 2007) (Figure). It

is actually a species complex, although the exact

num-ber of taxonomic groups to be considered is still debated

(Bargues et al. 2008, Dorn et al. 2009, Herrera-Aguilar

et al. 2009, Monteiro et al. 2013). This species complex

presents highly variable levels of adaptation to humans

housing, depending of the geographic region, but

pos-sibly also depending on the taxonomic group.

In Guatemala, populations are well domesticated

as evidenced by bug collections throughout the

coun-try showing high infestation and colonisation indexes

(Monroy et al. 2003a, b, Nakagawa et al. 2005).

Hous-ing quality and type are key factors affectHous-ing

domes-tic colonisation/infestation and in pardomes-ticular poor wall

plastering, which may offer a favourable habitat for bugs

(Bustamante et al. 2009). Population genetics studies

showed some conflicting results, with limited gene flow

in agreement with domestication in some cases, but also

significant gene flow between sylvatic and domestic

populations, suggesting dispersal (Calderon et al. 2004).

The analysis of the genetic structure of the population in

a single house further showed a great genetic

heteroge-neity suggesting polyandry and/or high levels of

migra-tion of the vector (Melgar et al. 2007).

Vector control with insecticide spraying has been

rela-tively effective in Guatemala, although some

re-infesta-tion has been occurring (Nakagawa et al. 2003b,

Hashim-oto et al. 2006). Dispersing sylvatic bugs may contribute

to re-infestation (Monroy et al. 2003b), as well as to the

seasonal variations in infestation that have been observed,

but the importance of sylvatic populations in domestic

in-festation is still unclear. More recent studies suggest that

integrated and community-based interventions may

pro-vide a better and more sustainable control of T. dimidiata

in this region (Monroy et al. 2012, Pellecer et al. 2013,

Bustamante et al. 2014, de Urioste-Stone et al. 2015).

On the other hand, in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico,

T. dimidiata populations are one of the best-characterised

examples of a nondomiciliated but intrusive vector. Initial

observations indicated that adult T. dimidiata transiently

infests houses on a seasonal basis during the months of

March-July (Dumonteil et al. 2002, 2009, Guzman-Tapia

et al. 2007, Payet et al. 2009). This infestation is

respon-sible for a seroprevalence of T. cruzi infection in humans

of about 1-5% (Guzman-Bracho et al. 1998, Sosa-Estani

et al. 2008, Gamboa-León et al. 2014). Population

genet-Sp ec ie s C ou nt ry, re gi on Ev id en ce C la ss if ic at ion Se ro pr ev al en ce (% ) R ef ere nc es Tr ia to m a g ua sa ya na B ol iv ia n a nd A rg en tin ea n C ha co Pe rid om es tic c ol le ct io ns o f a du lts a nd n ym ph s. In tr us io n of ad ul t b ug s in si de dw el lin gs w ith ou t e vi de nc e of c ol on is at io n. Bu gs c ol le ct ed i ns id e d w el lin gs f ee d o n h um an . Im pl ic at ed i n r e-in fe sta tio n p os t-s pr ay in g a ga in st T. i nf es ta ns . Sy lv at ic - Pe rid om es tic, w ith in tru sio n of a du lt bu gs i ns id e h um an dwe lli ng s -W is ni ve sk y-C ol li e t a l. ( 19 93 ), G aj at e e t a l. ( 19 96 ), G ur tle r e t a l. ( 19 99 ), N oi re au e t a l. ( 19 99 a) , C an al e e t a l. ( 20 00 ), V az qu ez -P ro ko pe c e t a l. ( 20 05 ) Tr iat oma sa ng ui su ga So ut he rn U ni te d S ta te s of A m er ic a A du lts o cc as io na lly v is iti ng h ou se s. M ai nl y ad ul ts co lle ct ed in si de ho us es , b ut so m e ny m ph s ha ve a ls o b ee n f ou nd i n s ev er al o cc as io ns . R ep or ts o f i ns ec t b ite s f ro m T. s an gu is uga . Fr eq ue nt h um an b lo od m ea ls . Es se nt ia lly sy lv at ic, w ith A du lts v is iti ng hu m an d w el lin gs Su sp ec te d o r in cr im in at ed v ec to r fo r s ev er al au to ch to no us c as es of v ec to ria l tr an sm is sio n D or n e t a l. ( 20 07 ), Ze le dó n e t a l. ( 20 12 ), W al ec kx e t a l. ( 20 14 ), G ar ci a e t a l. ( 20 15 ) a: h ig he r s er op re val en ce m ay als o be a ttr ib ut ed to T . dim idia ta p re se nt in th is re gi on; b : s er op re va le nc e m ay al so be at tr ib ut ed to R. p ro lix us p re se nt in th e sa m e are a (m ix ed c ol on ie s) as re po rte d by F el ic ia ng el i e t al . ( 20 04 ); c: se ro pre val en ce m ay als o be a ttr ib ut ed to R ho dn iu s pic tip es a nd R ho dn ius ro bus tus p re se nt in th e s am e a re a a s re po rte d by C hi co e t al . ( 19 97 ); d: se -ro pre val en ce m ay als o be at tr ib ut ed to R ho dni us ru fot ub er cu la tu s p re se nt in th e sa m e a re a a s re po rte d by D ep ic kè re e t al . ( 20 11 ); e: sp ec ie s c om pl ex w ith tw o re co gn is ed c ry pt ic sp ec ie s, T. so rd id a a nd Tr ia to m a ga rcia be ci (T . s or di da g ro up 2 ); f: se ro pre val en ce m ay als o be a ttr ib ut ed to T . i nf es ta ns p re se nt in th e sa m e are a as re po rte d by B ar e t al . ( 20 02 ); g: s pe ci es c om pl ex .


et al. 2010). Spatially targeted interventions may allow

for further optimisation of vector control (Barbu et al.

2011). Based on this, an ecohealth approach has recently

been tested at a small scale, based on a community-based

installation of window insect screens in bedrooms, with

or without education for improved peridomestic animal

management (Waleckx et al. 2015). Such integrated

con-trol strategy seems very promising for the sustainable

control of this intrusive vector in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Analysis of the genetic structure of T. dimidiata in

Boyaca, Colombia, also indicated a low level of genetic

differentiation and a high level of exchanges of bugs

among domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats

(Ramirez et al. 2005), suggesting that the situation

ob-served in the Yucatan Peninsula and Belize (Polonio et

al. 2009) may also be occurring in parts of Colombia.

Panstrongylus geniculatus - P. geniculatus is one

of the most widely distributed species of triatomine in

South and Central America (Leite et al. 2007) (Figure). It

is commonly considered as a sylvatic species frequently

flying to human habitations, probably attracted by light

(Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979). The intrusion of adult bugs

is well documented and collections of only adult

speci-mens inside dwellings have been reported in different

areas (particularly in the Amazon Basin, but not only)

in Venezuela (Serrano et al. 2008, Reyes-Lugo 2009),

Colombia (Angulo et al. 2012), Brazil (Naiff et al. 1998,

Fe et al. 2009, Maeda et al. 2012), Peru (Cáceres et al.

2002, Torres & Cabrera 2010), Bolivia (Depickère et al.

2011, 2012) and Argentina (Damborsky et al. 2001). The

main factors that cause P. geniculatus to increasingly

invade human dwellings seem to be the devastation of

the primary forests (for example for the construction of

human dwellings), overhunting and burning of forests,

all of which destroying the triatomines’ natural habitat

and causing them to seek alternative shelter and hosts

(Valente 1999). Although the intrusion of adult bugs and

the absence of colonisation seem to be the most

com-mon behaviours of this species, some events of domicile

colonisation have also been reported. Indeed, there are

some reports of nymphal stages and colonies of P. geni-

culatus found in peridomiciles and/or inside dwellings

in Venezuela (Reyes-Lugo & Rodriguez-Acosta 2000,

Feliciangeli et al. 2004, Rodríguez-Bonfante et al. 2007),

Brazil (Valente et al. 1998), Ecuador (Chico et al. 1997),

Bolivia (Depickère et al. 2011) and Colombia

(Maestre-Serrano & Eyes-Escalante 2012). Consequently, the

spe-cies is now increasingly considered as a spespe-cies in the

process of domiciliation/domestication.

Interestingly, Aldana et al. (2011) found that the

sexual dimorphism of the isometric size of adults of P.

geniculatus was reduced in bugs collected in domestic

environment compared to bugs collected in sylvatic

en-vironments in Venezuela. In this study, the authors

con-sidered that this may be an indicator of domiciliation, as

proposed by Dujardin et al. (1999).

Additionally, there are reports of people being

at-tacked by this bug species inside their homes (Valente

et al. 1998, Reyes-Lugo & Rodriguez-Acosta 2000,

Car-rasco et al. 2005, Reyes-Lugo 2009), which has been

Geographic distribution of T. dimidiata, P. geniculatus and R.


ics and mathematical models describing the population

stage-structure as well as the dispersal of T. dimidiata

indicate that house infestation is caused by the seasonal

dispersal of bugs from peridomestic and sylvatic habitats

surrounding the villages, while triatomine reproduction in

the domestic habitat (i.e., domiciliation) plays a negligible

role (Dumonteil et al. 2007, Gourbière et al. 2008, Barbu

et al. 2009). Indeed, while nymphs may occasionally be

found in houses (Dumonteil et al. 2002), the low

colonisa-tion index (< 20%) rather suggests unsuccessful attempts

at colonising the domestic habitat by intruding bugs,

pos-sibly because of insufficient feeding (Payet et al. 2009).

Such poor feeding in the domestic habitat may be

associ-ated with sleeping habits in the region, as hammocks were

found to complicate bug access to a host and particularly

for nymphs (E Waleckx et al., unpublished observations).

Further modelling and field investigations of the

spa-tiotemporal infestation patterns indicated that houses

lo-cated in the periphery of the villages are significantly more

infested than those located in the village centre (Slimi et al.

2009, Barbu et al. 2010, 2011, Ramirez-Sierra et al. 2010).

Attraction by public lights also contributes significantly to

transient infestation (Pacheco-Tucuch et al. 2012), together

with the presence of domestic animals such as dogs and

chickens, while housing type and quality or socioeconomic

level do not play a significant role (Dumonteil et al. 2013).

Inhabitants are rather familiar with this seasonal invasive

behaviour of T. dimidiata (Rosecrans et al. 2014).

In this situation, effective insecticide spraying would

require yearly applications within a narrow time window

of less than two months, which would be difficult to

im-plement and clearly unsustainable, while insect screens

may offer a sustainable and effective alternative

(Du-monteil et al. 2004, Barbu et al. 2009, 2011, Ferral et al.

2010). Environmental management of the peridomiciles,

i.e., the elimination of peridomestic colonies by cleaning

and insecticide spraying, was found to partially but

du-rably reduce house infestation and may thus be an

im-portant component of vector control interventions (Ferral


confirmed by blood meal analyses (Feliciangeli et al.

2004, Carrasco et al. 2005). P. geniculatus has also been

increasingly identified as the likely responsible vector

in some acute cases of Chagas disease (Vega et al. 2006,

Valente et al. 2009, Cabrera et al. 2010, Rios et al. 2011)

in South America. Consequently, it is given more

con-sideration as a major vector of Chagas disease by vector

control programs, but no strategy has been specifically

defined against this vector and current data indicate that

a more precise evaluation of its level of intrusion inside

houses and of its potential for

domiciliation/domestica-tion is clearly needed so that these aspects may be taken

into account for the design of effective and sustainable

vector control interventions against P. geniculatus.

Rhodnius ecuadoriensis – R. ecuadoriensis is

dis-tributed from southern Colombia throughout eastern

Ecuador and in northern Peru, where it is considered an

important vector of T. cruzi (Figure). However, studies

on its ecology and vectorial role have been limited and

report somewhat conflicting results. The species was

initially described infesting and colonising domiciles in

Peru and Ecuador and this was quickly extended to the

peridomestic habitat and R. ecuadoriensis was labelled

as a synanthropic species (Abad-Franch et al. 2002,

Cuba Cuba et al. 2002, 2003, Grijalva et al. 2005), in the

sense that it was domiciliated/domesticated. Frequent

blood feeding on humans from these bug populations

was also reported (Abad-Franch et al. 2002). However,

further studies showed that R. ecuadoriensis was also

abundant in sylvatic habitats, principally associated with

palm trees, as most Rhodnius species (Abad-Franch et

al. 2000, 2005, Grijalva & Villacis 2009,

Suarez-Dava-los et al. 2010, Grijalva et al. 2012), raising the question

of the relationship between its sylvatic and domestic/

peridomestic populations. The initial hypothesis was

that synanthropic populations were relatively isolated

from sylvatic ones, at least in southern Ecuador and

northern Peru, raising the possibility that synanthropic

populations may be eliminated by insecticide spraying

interventions (Abad-Franch et al. 2001, Cuba Cuba et al.

2002). However, such interventions were met with

lim-ited success, as a significant re-infestation was observed

following spraying (Grijalva et al. 2011), indicating that

vector control may result much more challenging.

Morphometric analysis of wing size and shape

sup-ported the presence of extensive exchanges of bugs among

habitats in coastal Ecuador, but conversely suggested a

sig-nificant population structuring in southern Ecuador, with

a low dispersal and exchange of bugs among habitats

(Vil-lacis et al. 2010). Such variability may be due to ecological

differences in these regions, but may also reflect intrinsic

differences in behaviour linked to genetic differences

with-in the species. Indeed, two phylogenetic clades have been

described in R. ecuadoriensis based on the cytochrome B

mitochondrial marker (Abad-Franch & Monteiro 2005) and

significant morphometric differences have been observed

as well (Villacis et al. 2010). The level of domiciliation of R.

ecuadoriensis may thus be variable, being more

domicili-ated in southern Ecuador and northern Peru and more

syl-vatic and intrusive in eastern Ecuador, although the factors

underlying these differences remain unclear.

As evidenced by the difficulties in controlling this

vector with indoor insecticide spraying (Grijalva et al.

2011), defining the exact level of domiciliation/intrusion

of the different populations of R. ecuadoriensis is still

needed to define effective vector control interventions in

the different regions where this species is present.

Revisiting the domiciliation process:

toward operational definitions for vector control

The classification of triatomine species/populations

into sylvatic, intrusive, domiciliary and domestic proposed

earlier (Noireau & Dujardin 2010) is useful from a general

evolutionary perspective. However, as evidenced in Table

II and the examples detailed above, these theoretical

con-cepts may be challenged by the realities of vector control.

A major limitation of current criteria defining the

as-sociation of triatomine with human habitat is that these

are essentially qualitative (Table I) and do not rely on

quantitative variables, leaving much to the subjective

in-terpretation of the data. This and the apparent regional

variability of domiciliation level of the different

popula-tions of a same species may be the main reasons why

some species/populations are classified differently by

authors as shown in Table II. For most species, a

quanti-fication of the ability of species/population to reproduce

and adapt in human habitat is needed for effective

vec-tor control. Indeed, indoor residual insecticide spraying

has been very effective in only two settings: domestic

Triatoma infestans in most of the Southern Cone

coun-tries and domestic R. prolixus in Central America. Thus,

several Southern Cone countries and regions have been

certified (or are in the process) as free of T. infestans

vectorial transmission and similarly in Central America

with R. prolixus (Schofield et al. 2006). This success

is largely due to the fact that these T. infestans and R.

prolixus populations were exclusively domesticated and

introduced in these countries (i.e., with no sylvatic

popu-lations), which considerably limited the possibilities for

re-infestation following spraying. On the other hand, the

control of most other triatomine species/populations has

been more challenging, mostly because domestic

popu-lations remain connected to sylvatic popupopu-lations, which

can then contribute to re-infestation. The same fact

mostly explains why, in areas where T. infestans sylvatic

foci exist, the elimination of house infestation is

jeop-ardised. Indeed, while T. infestans has been described

as one of the most domesticated triatomine species, the

persistence and re-infestation of houses by this species

in the Andean region can be attributed, at least in part, to

the dispersal of bugs from sylvatic populations (Noireau

et al. 2005, Ceballos et al. 2011, Brenière et al. 2013). In

the Andes, these have been found to be well established

in sylvatic habitats over an extensive region (Buitrago et

al. 2010, Waleckx et al. 2011, Bremond et al. 2014) and

to feed on humans relatively frequently (Buitrago et al.

2013). Dispersal of these sylvatic bugs towards houses

for re-infestation will thus need to be taken into account

for an effective control, even in the case of this

emblem-atic highly domesticated species.


From the perspective of vector control, it is thus of

major importance to determine precisely three aspects of

the relationship of triatomines with humans: (i) the

pres-ence of sylvatic populations of triatomines, (ii) the level

of intrusion of these sylvatic populations in peridomiciles

and inside domiciles and (iii) the level of domiciliation or

domestication in peridomiciles and inside houses. Indeed,

this information should guide vector control program in

their decision-making over the design of evidence-based

interventions to ensure their effectiveness. A significant

domiciliation or domestication inside dwellings would

suggest that indoor insecticide spraying and/or

housing-improvement interventions aimed at reducing the

suit-ability of the domestic habitat would be effective in

re-ducing/eliminating house infestation as was the case with

T. infestans (Schofield et al. 2006). On the other hand, a

high level of intrusion inside dwellings would rule out

indoor insecticide spraying as a key component of

vec-tor control, which would rather need to focus on limiting

triatomine entry inside houses. Interventions based on

window insect screens or insecticide-impregnated

cur-tains (Herber & Kroeger 2003, Barbu et al. 2009, 2011,

Ferral et al. 2010, Waleckx et al. 2015) would thus be

recommended. In any case, community education should

also be considered as part of all vector interventions to

strengthen their sustainability. Importantly, long-term

entomological surveillance should be implemented to

de-tect potential changes in vector population dynamics due

to the adaptation or replacement of vector species, as well

as the emergence of insecticide resistance.

Analysis of Table II and of the cases studies

present-ed provides clues to the type of empirical and

theoreti-cal data needed to appreciate the levels of intrusion and

domiciliation of triatomine species. As can be seen, the

primary source of evidences comes from field studies

based on timed-manuals collections, traps and sensors

and/or community participation to document infestation

patterns in different habitats. However, such studies may

be misleading if too limited in scope, geographic

cov-erage and sample size, as seen with the initial studies

of R. ecuadoriensis, which suggested that it was

synan-thropic. Additionally to the collections in the domestic

habitat, exhaustive searches in peridomestic and sylvatic

habitats are needed for a complete description of

triatom-ine distribution. Infestation data at different geographic

scales is critical, with in depth studies limited to a small

number of villages providing precise data on population

structure and demography, complemented with larger

scale studies including many villages, to allow for

gen-eralisation over large regions. The establishment of the

level of domiciliation/intrusion of triatomines in the

dif-ferent habitats should be properly done at the same

geo-graphic scale as that of vector control intervention, since

species can present regional differences in their level of

domiciliation. In addition, while most studies are based

on a single time-point, longitudinal studies clearly

pro-vide a more complete description of the infestation

dy-namics and its potential seasonal variations (Dumonteil

et al. 2002, Schettino et al. 2007, Payet et al. 2009).

The definitions in Table I are rather subjective and

lack clear “thresholds” between the different

domicilia-tion levels to objectively classify the triatomine

popula-tions in any of the categories. The classical entomologic

indexes mentioned above may be seen as attempts to

pro-vide a quantitative evaluation of the domiciliation status

of triatomines. However, they do not provide a clear

de-scription of the level of adaptation to human habitat. For

example, while the colonisation index is often taken as

indicative of the domiciliation/domestication of a

spe-cies/population, it actually falls short of demonstrating

the occurrence of the complete reproductive cycle of the

bugs, nor of its sustainability over time. Also, nymphs

may reach houses by walking or may have emerged from

eggs released by a visiting female. Similarly, the

visita-tion index does not take into account seasonal intrusion

or may be biased by a low detection of nymphs.

Population genetics analysis leading to the

charac-terisation of population genetic structure, population

assignment and assessment of gene flow can also shed

some light on bug dispersal among habitat and on

domi-ciliation (Gourbière et al. 2012). However, these studies

remain costly and technically challenging and more

ap-propriate for basic research than for vector control

pro-grams. It is also worth noting that the genetic structure

strictly depends on the molecular clock of the genetic

markers used and these needs to be carefully selected

to provide reliable information. Indeed, conflicting

re-sults may be obtained depending on the methods used

to infer gene flow among populations, as observed for

T. infestans (Brenière et al. 1998). Similarly, other types

of molecular studies, such as the identification of blood

feeding sources and profiles are central to further

evalu-ate and quantify the risks of transmission of T. cruzi to

humans (Dumonteil et al. 2013, Waleckx et al. 2014), but

may be limited to a research setting. On the other hand,

the analysis of infestation risk factors may be useful and

can be applied to entomological data from very large

number of houses from surveillance program

(Camp-bell-Lendrum et al. 2007), but the evidence provided is

very indirect, so often insufficient to determine the level

of intrusion/domiciliation.

Finally, the modelling of vector population dynamics

and T. cruzi transmission provides a very powerful way

of analysing field collection data, as it allows

quantify-ing the effects of bug dispersal (i.e., intrusion) and

de-mography (i.e., domiciliation) on the infestation process

and transmission of T. cruzi, as well as anticipating the

potential efficacy of control strategies when empirical

approaches are difficult for practical, financial or ethical

reasons. An interesting example in the field is the

model-ling of T. dimidiata source-sink dynamics in the Yucatan

Peninsula, that provided quantitative evidences that

al-though nymph stages were occasionally detected inside

houses, such limited colonisation was not compatible

with an effective domiciliation, as domestic populations

were not self-sustainable, but rather strictly depended on

seasonal intrusion of adult bugs (Gourbière et al. 2008,

Barbu et al. 2009, 2010, 2011). Such models can easily

be adjusted to a variety of bug collection data from field


studies [see Nouvellet et al. (2015) for a review] and

sensitivity analysis can provide (theoretical) thresholds

for both intrusion/domiciliation of bugs populations, as

well as for the transmission of T. cruzi to humans

(Ras-calou et al. 2012, Nouvellet et al. 2013). Setting up more

(“Leslie” or “Lefkovitch”) (Caswell 2001) matrix

mod-els of triatomine’s life history and population dynamics

would also lay the foundations for micro-evolutionary

studies. In fisherian optimality approaches (Roff 2010),

this type of modelling indeed allows identifying the

fit-ness value of a given strategy according to the complete

life history it corresponds to. Direct comparisons

be-tween the fitness values of alternative strategies then

provide an objective and quantitative way to predict the

evolutionary “optimal” strategy. More elaborated

de-scription of the meta-population dynamics (Gourbière &

Gourbière 2002), the nonlinear ecological (e.g.,

compet-itive) interactions and/or the genetic determinism of the

strategies can be accounted in identifying evolutionary

dynamics (Meszena et al. 2001, Dieckmann et al. 2002),

potentially leading to more complex insect

life-histo-ry evolutionalife-histo-ry dynamics according to frequency and

density-dependent fitness values (Gourbière & Menu

2009). These approaches are barely used to understand

triatomine’s evolution [but see Menu et al. (2010) and

Pelosse et al. (2013)], while they could provide critical

quantitative insights into the domiciliation of triatomine

or their adaptive response to control interventions, two

issues that are critical to our understanding of the

ecol-ogy, evolution and control of Chagas disease.

Concluding remarks

While domiciliation is clearly a gradual evolutionary

process, we argued here that more precise evaluations of

the level of adaptation of triatomine species to human

habitats are needed for the optimisation of vector control.

While only a few species have been able to effectively

adapt to human housing, most remain connected to

syl-vatic populations and show variable levels of intrusion.

Such behaviour requires the design of specific vector

con-trol interventions targeting this intrusion process, rather

than insecticide spraying which only targets domesticated

triatomine populations. Most current approaches used to

assess triatomine association with human habitat, based

on field and laboratory studies, provide insufficient

infor-mation on the level of domestic adaptation of triatomines.

Further analysis and modelling of field data can provide

quantitative estimates of population persistence and

fit-ness, shed new light on the domiciliation process of

tri-atomine and may represent a key tool for decision-making

and the design of vector control interventions.


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TABLE II Main triatomine species and their level of domiciliation SpeciesCountry, regionEvidenceClassificationSeroprevalence(%)References Triatoma infestansBrazil,  Argentina,  Bolivia, Chile,  Paraguay,  southern Peru, Uruguay


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