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A Hydrologic Model of Aspen-Conifer Succession in the Western United States

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service

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Recommended Citation

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, "A Hydrologic Model of Aspen-Conifer Succession in the Western United States" (1978). Forestry. Paper 22.






USDA Foret


Reurch P .. per INT·21)



Richard A. Jaynes





CS DA f Ol'est Service Resea rch Paper INT-213




Richard A. Jaynes


u. S. Department of Agricultu re

Ogden, Utah 84401



J..'age 1/A5


TRANSFER Fll'" CT10N 4 1/A8







SuJ\1l\lARY AND CONCUJS10N 15 1/85



Hydrologic impacts of grass-forb to aspen to conifer succession in the Rocky

J'vlountain area ar simulated by means of a fundamental model. Model algorithms

repres enting hvdrologic processes are sensitive to vegetational changes within the

s ubalpine vegetation zone. Reductions in water yield are predicted as the vegeta-

tion on a small tab watershed proceeds from a grass-Jorb type to aspen to

conifers. Streamflow changes are largely attributable to a n interaction between

seasonal consumption for each veg ali on type and the influe nce of vegetation

type on snowpack. The model synthesizes present understanding and pr ovides

a framework for future \\atershed research.



RICHARD A. JA ¥NES, form erly a range tec hnician on the Aspe n- Mountain Grassland res ea rch work unit at Logan, Utah, obtained a B. S. in Range Scienc e from Brigham Young Unive rsity , and an M. S.

in Wat ershed Science from Utah State Unive rsity . Currently he is enrolled in law sc hool at the Cniversity of Utah .


This study has largely been s upported by funds from th e Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Sta- tion, Logan, Utah. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Gerald F. Gifford, Dr. Kimball T. Harper, Dr. Richard H. Hawkins ,

1\11'. Robert S. Johnston, and Dr. Walte r F. Mueggler.



Forest:-. of quaking aspen (Populus trerrrulvides Michx.) are considered to be predom- inantly subclimax :)13nt communities in the Rocky f.tountain Region (Mueggler 1976; Bartos 1973). "'aturc aspen forests are most often replaced by evergreen coni fers (Abies spp .• Picea spp .• Pseudotsuga spp .• or Pinus spp.) un!css some form of major disturbance occurs such as fire, disease, or clearcutting. When an overstory is thus destroyed, prolific root sprouting of aspen generally is initiated and aspen regains dominance on the site.

In many areas where natural fires have been curtai led and logging has not occurred, former aspen stands aTC now dominated by coniferous species. Hore than 4.1 million acres of conuncrcial aspen forests (Green and ~etzer 1974), and possibly an additional 1.5 million acres of noncommercial aspen lands, exist in the Rocky ~lountains. Resource mandgers are concerned that succession of sizable portions of these forests to conifers wi) 1 have adverse impacts 0:- the water, wi 1 dl i fe habi tat, and livestock forage values of the aspen type.

Because water is a critical resource in the West, it is imperative that we accu- rately assess the impact that succession from dspen-to-conifer may have on water yield.

The concept of ecosystem hydrology assumes complex interactions between the ecosystem and the hydrologic cycle, and that a change in one component should effect a change in the other (Huff 1971). With regard to transpiration, for example, Satterlund (1972) cited severa I studies that suggest " ... the ecological principle that vegetat ion repl ace- ment by better-adapted species will continue until all favorable niches are occupied .... II

He concluded that It •• • it appears likely that maximum rates and amounts of transpiration during the drying cycle occur u!lder climax vegetation."

It has been shown that western aspen may be expected to transpire 3 to 4 inches more water from a 6-foot soi I profi Ie than a grass-forb communi ty on a comparable site (Johnston 1969). Douglass (1967) stated that many forest hydrologists believe well- stocked forests use the sa.me amount of water regardless of tree species when end-of- season soi 1 moisture deficits are examined. However. he pointed out that patterns of soil moisture depletion for hardwoods and for conifers are quite different. Because hardwoods begin transpiring later in the growing season than conifers, more water may drain through hardwood soil profiles early in the season. Thus equal soil moisture deficits under hardwoods and conifers may not represent equal amounts of transpiration.

Urie (1967) studied the net ground water recharge under hardwood and conifer stands in Minnesota. He found that the net annual water yield to ground water reservoirs from hardwoods exceeded conifers ?y 2.6 inches. This difference was associated with a greater snowpack under hardwoods and a longer transpiration season for conifers. He found that when transpiration and ground water recharge were combined, the conifers consumed 5.7 inches more water than hardwoods on comparable si tes.

In a Colorado study, Dunford and Niederhof (1944) concluded that, from the stand- point of net water available for streamflOW, aspen is probably superior to conifers.

A most meaningful insight to this problem was provided by Swank and Douglass (1974) who observed a 20 percent reduction in streamflow 25 years after a hardwood stand in North

Carol ina I,a!' ('oO\'C'rtC'd to pine. Such a !'tlilh' is needed in the We!'t to more aCCllT.1telv defi nc, till' ;l('tll:1 I dl:ln!!l'S in watershed hydrology where aspen-coni fer success ion i ~ ,

~'('cllrring. In the ;]bSl'I1('L' of such research, a watcrshed hydrologic model based on

"C'('ogn i :eJ hyJ rolog i ... · pl'occ~c;C'!, and ut iii: i ng appropri ate dat:1 from pa~H stud i C5 and modern ... ·ompllter technolo!!:> m;]y pro\'ide lIsc-ful insights, Such a hydrologic model may he- ('If p:Jrticular \'alm' in identifrin!! critical research needs.

. r\ ma,iol' purpose' of hydrOlogic simulation modeling is to realistically and prc- ('ls ... ·ly rCllI'C'sent a systC'1n (a seriC's of proces!'es) ""ith a netk'ork of mathE'matical (,xpl'('ssion~ (Ri ley ;]nd lIal,'kins 1975), ~fodcls are comprised of coefficients. structure.

and il,litial conditions that interact to manipulate each piece of input data to produce

;J,d~'Slred output. Befol'e a modEl c:.ln he deemed acceptable. it must be properly iden- tifIed and fnrmulatf."d. cllibrated to mimic ob!'erved s~'stem behavior, and verifiC'd thl'(l',~h repeated testing. Simulation model!' integrate the effects of z varietv of

~lIhpl'oce~~e!' in order to providl"l for maximum utili::ation of a give., informatio~ base

in terms of predicth'e capability of system performance (Riley and lInwkins 1975).

Thl-- Vllrl'0:::. ... ~ of this ~tud~' is tu formulatl' a !'tructllral wat('rshed hydrologic model th,1t \\'i II int('gr:lt(' avai lable kno\detlge r('levant to the hydrologic impacts of aspen to conifer succession. ,.\ltholiRh leaf anti Bri:1k (1975) have written a rather sopitisticated

~uh;]lpine hydrology modt'l. a fundamental model sensitive to aspects of the hydrologic cycle that may be infIu('nced hy vegt'tation changes would be useful. The model described

in this report begins to satisfy that need.


The model descrihing the hydrology of 3!.pen to conifer succession (ASPCON) consists of a series of moisture storage compartments connected by transfer equations that sys- tematically deal \foo'ith each set of input data (fig. 1). As moisture enters and interacts with a watershed, a certain amount is lost to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration.

whi Ie the remainder may become streamflow or percolate deep into the soi 1.

Obviously ASPCON can only be as valid as the assumptions that were made as the model was constructed. Literature pertaining to hydrologic behavior of grass-forb, aspen. and conifer ecosystem!' was carefully reviewed; only key references are cited.

The model's transfer equations were derived from research findings that varied widely in location and purpose and. therefore. often were not directly applicable. Consequen- tly. many ,",'ater movement equations must be considered educated guesses. This lack of information points out the need for definitive research that directly relates to the critical hydrologic problems associated with aspen-conifer succession.

Aspcm is a deterministic, lumped-parameter model. The watershed is treated as a !'ingle series moisture storage "tank." ~todel coefficients related to wate1"'shed char- acterist ies represent averaged values. The model calculates weekly water budgets throughout 1 water-year (Oct. I to Sept. 30). System input includes only precipitation and average b'eekly air temperature. The transfer functions for moisture routing within the '.iatershed are described below in the sequence of ASPCON's algorithmic logic.


Average weekly air lemperature I nte rcept ion







Deep percolation




Saturation Field capacity Soil moisture storage


Permanent wilting point Groundwater

fllWI 117)


fllWI Ill) QXS. QOF



114) QF

Figure 1. --FZor,)Chart fol' the succ:ession hydPoZogy modeZ (ASPCONi.

(Numbel's in pa:rentheses 1'erel' to definition given in text. i



I. Calculation of initial ZTound water level (GWL. in) from baseflow. At the beginnin& of the ,,-'ateT-rear (Oct. 1) average streamflow for the last rainless week of September is lIsed to ciefi"£' the initial GWL. Initial GWL is the quotieJlt of stream haseflO\\' (in) divi<..i.::d by a ground wat('T recession coefficient (AGW. in/in).

_. Channel int£"('ception (QCHP. in). The amount of moisture falling directly into th£' stream channel is defined as the fraction of the total watershed area consisting of surface water or saturated streambanks (ACHP, in/in) multiplied by the precipitation i "PlIt, The va lllc for ACHP may be determined from an areal map of a watershed,

3, Precipitation type. Form of precipitation is determined by using a routine .::;imi lar to the model developed by the Army Corps of Engineers (1956):

If THtP < nUN, RP = 0.0 If TE"P > ntAx, RP = 1. 0

I f nUN < TE~tP < ntAx,

RP -; (TE"P-- nUN)/ (ntAx - nUN)

.... 'here: TH1P is mean weekly air temperature (OF), TMIN is a critical mlnlmwn tE.mperature. belo\o' which all precipitation is snow. TMAX is a critical maximum temperature, above whid all precipitation is rain, and RP is the fraction of input moisture that falls as ra'!!1

4. Rainfall interception loss (RINT, in). Vegetative canopies are known to inte .... - cept and retain a fraction of rainfall that is ultimately evaporated back to the atmos- phere. The amount of rainfall greatly influences the amount of net moisture (moisture entering the soi 1) for individual storms; estimates of yearly interception losses are as follows: grass-forb, 9 percent; aspen, 12 percent; and conifer, 20 percent (Helvey 1971;

Johnston 1971; and Verry 1976), The fraction of moisture received as rainfall that may be considered interception loss is assumed to be an average, weighted by areal cover of ea.", vegetation type. of three rainfall interception storage coefficients (GSTR, ASTR, and CSTR, in/in).

5. Snowfall interception loss (SINT, in). Researchers have many different opin- ions about moisture loss from intercepted snow in coniferous canopies (Satterlund and Haupt 1970; ~1iller 1962). Estimates of the magnitude of such losses generally range between 6 and 10 percent of total snowfall (Anderson 1969). The amount of snowfall intf'rception loss from leafless aspen is assumed to be relatively minor. The fraction of snowfall that becomes interception loss is defined in ASPCON simply as the weighted average of two interception loss coefficients, SNA (aspen) and SNG (conifer), with respective values of 0.01 and 0.07 in/in. The interception loss of snow by the grass- forb type is assumed to be zero.

1 Numbers correspond to the i terns presented in figure 1.


6. SnowP3ck evaoorat ion (SVAP. in). Dot v and .Johnston (1969) found evaporat ive losses from snowpacks in winter a$ follows: open ground, n.os inlin. under aspe-n. 11.034 in/in. and under conifer$, 0.026 in/in. A weighted averag(' of t.hree :-no\\'pack evapora- t i ve 10$5 coeffic ient$. r,SV, ASV. and C:SV. is assumed to ht" rht" fract Ion of ~no\\'fa II that is evaporated during the year.

7. Snownack accumulation. Research suel!ests that vep.etativc canonies influence snowoack in western watersheds (Garv and Coltharp 1967: Thies 1972: Dunford and Niede-hof 1944; and Meiman 19';0). Accordinelv. snownacks in the model arc accumulated differently for each vegetative tvpe. Snownack accumulation is assumed to be a fraction of total net snowfall for each conununitv tvue (99 percent in 'lrass-forb areas. 106 per- cent in aspen areas. and 95 percent in coni fer areas). This approach is simple yet does provide for a redistribution of snowfall within the watershed that is conslstent wi th field observat ions.

8. Snownack mel t. .Just as snowpack accumulat ion patterns varY be tween watershed cover tynes. the timin\! and rate of snowmelt may also be expected to chance as a func- tion of vceetative succession. Snownack ablation may be expected to beeln first in an open area and last in a coniferous forest. Snowmelt rates should be about the same for open and aspen areas but si'lnificantlv slower for coniferous tvnes (Thies 1972: Federer and others 1972). SnoW!'lelt in ASPCON is indexed bv mean weeklv air temnerature in a manner similar to the Armv Corns of En~ineers (1960) model. Fi£ure 2 shows that.

for each veectativc tyPe. the amount of snowmelt is a function of a melt rate coeffi- cient. GMC. l~tC. and C~tC (in/oF wk). and a base temper~ture coefficent. GBASE. ABASE.

and CBASE (OF). for crass-forb. aspen. and conifers. as well as mean weekly temnerature (OF) •

9. Channel inflow from snowmelt (QMCH. in). Part of ea~h increment of snowmelt may be expected to occur on saturated soil adiacent to stream cha1)Jlels and. therefore.

to readi 1 y enter the stream channel. The fraction of snowmelt thus contributinR to streamflow is equivalent to the product of the amount of snowmelt and a melt inflow coefficient (lMCH. in/in). T~tCH functions similar to ACHP and may be estimated from an areal map of a watershed.

10. Active moisture input. The term "active moisture" is defined as the sum of net weekly rainfall and snowmelt. Active moisture is capable of entry into the soil system (depicted as the J.ar£e "tank" in fi R. 1) for subsequent evapotranspi ration, deep percolation. or direct contribution to streamflow.

FiQure 2. --S7!QlJrleU fWlCtiorw for the

f[1'O.BS-forb, aspen and conifer vegetation types.

5 Q 4

~ z

30 35 «l 45 50 55 60 MEAN WEEKLY TEMPERATURE (0 F)

11. Overland flow when infiltration rate is exceerled (QXS. QOF, in). The model provides for calculating overland runoff when active moisture input exceeds infiltratiun capacity (FT. in/wk). This condition may occur when the soil is below saturation (QXS, a rare occurrence on SUbalpine watersheds) or when the soil is saturated (QO::. which occllrs primari ly during the spring :n,..·..nnel t season). Because the model is incremented on \o,'eckly intervals, QXS cannot J.,c estimated a~curately. Consequently, th~ infiltration capacity is set at a sufficientl)" large value to preclude any QYC;. The model may be set for any desired increment period, which could make QXS a more important hydrologic factor.

12. Transpiration (TRAN. in). The model treats evaporation of water via plant stomates (tr:mspi ration) and evaporation of moisture from the surface soil as two dis- tinct processes. To reflect the differences between grass-forb, aspen, and conifer communities that are suspected to influence TRAN, the following relationship is assumed:

TRAN = f (potentia1 evapotranspiration, seasonal plant activity, plant rooting depth. communi ty crop coefficient).

a. Potential evapotran:;pi rat ion (PET. in) is calculated according to the model described by Blaney and Criddle (1962).

b. Plant activity index (PAl). Although aspen and conifers have been shown to be cor.lparablE' in terms of end-of-season soil profile moisture content (Brown and Thompson 1965), there is little direct research that describes rel~tive year-round- consumption patterns. Several researchers have found that conifers may actively trans- pire wr.ter at times of the year when deciduous tree species are dormant (Swanson 1967; Owston and others 1972; Smith 1975; and Urie 1959). Accordingly. a plant activity index (PAl. fig. 3) is defined as that fraction of peak activity that a plane community







, i , '\

1:S 0.7

! ·




, · ,


· .

>- 0.6



!:: ~

, ,

'\ ,





'\ •




0.4 "




"- O. 3 ~ "




0.2 \



.... ,.

O. I \ \ ... ,

... _--_ .•. ,.



0 N M A M A S


Fiaure J. --Plant activity index for the arass-forb, aspen, and conifer types.



Figure 4. --Effect of Z imi ting Boil moist-dre on potentiaZ evapotranspiration.




8 :i


~ u



may reach when water is not limiting growth. The PAl is thus defined to reflect the week -to-week infl uenee of day length and soil temperature on a plant' 5 abi 1 i ty to transpi rc water.

A correction is applied to PEr to account for the effects of limi ting soil moisture on tra~spiration. The relationship outlined in figure 4 adjusts PEr according to the followlng rule: PET' = PEr x (S~I-PWP)/Ah'H where: SM is volumetric soil moisture content (in) ~ PWP is water content at permanent wilting point (in), and AWH is one-half of the profl ~e' 5 ava~ lable water. or the difference between ~~e water content at field capacity (Fe, In) and PWP. The adJustment of PET for limiting soil moisture is made according to a model by Hanks (1976). which is similar to the approach taken by Leaf and Brink (1975) .

c. Plant root i ng depth (ROP). The capacity of different plant communi ti es to occupy the root zone and the differences in mean soil depths for different watersheds are reflected in a plant rooting depth coefficient. The RDP is defined as that fraction of the total available rooting zone in the soil profile that contains 90 percent of all live plant roots.

d. Community crop coefficient (Ce). The crop coefficient is included in the model to reflect differences in consumptive use rates of water by different vegetation types when all other factors are held constant. The grass-forb connunity is given the value of 0.9. Although forested communities may be expected to transpire greater amounts of wat~r than non forested areas, it is questionable whether crop coefficients for aspen and conI ferous fore~ts should be. different. Unl ike coni ferous forests, aspen forests gen- erally have ~ hIghly productIve unde'!"story which contributes to transpiration losses.

However, conl~erous forests have a larger leaf area index and increased quantity of abC?veground bIomass th~n. do aspen forests. As a result of the above mediating consider- atlons, the crop coeffIcIents for aspen and conifer types are set a~ 1.25.

Watershed transpIration loss is weighted according to areal vegetation composition and is calculated as the product of PET', PAl, RDP, and CC values.

13. Evaporation of r~linfal1 from surface ~oil (RVAP, in). The model allow~ for a portion of rainfall to he evaporated from the surface soil. Generally in these forests,

r~lin that falls during the grobring ~ea~OIl readily evaporates aftcr each :o:;torm and seldom contributes to soil moi:o:;tllre- rechaq.!c. A function \.,ra~ synthesized to reflect this phcnomenon:

AK H,\ 1~/rET

If ,\1\ " I, then "1\ is assi~ncd the vallie of I



RAI:'>J - (R/\li\! x ,\1\) ..

where: HAIN i~ net rainfall (in). The value of RVAP is t:lcn subtracted from thC' soil moisture content. As a consequencc of defining RVAP a5 a function of rainfall amount

.\S h'e II as PET, ~ i gn i fi cant amounts of rai n arc evaporated from the so i I anI y duri ng the grohring season.

1 .. 1. S'lil profile interflOl,' (QF. in). NheTl soil moisture is ahovc the watcr con- te-nt for field ..:apacity (FC, in). moisture may move laterally through the soil profile until it reaches the stream channel. Soil moisture in excess of field capacity is multiplied hy an interflm.,r coefficient (FQF. in/in) to define interflow.

15. Deep percolation (QC, in). The quantity of water that pcrcolates through the soi I profile and enters the ground water reservoir is calculated similar to QF e;tce-pt that a deep percolation coefficient (FKt in/in) is appl ied instead of FQF.

16. Deep seepage (SEEP, in). A portion of the \\' iter entering the watershed may leave the area \,ithollt contributing to local streamflow. 'fn other words, a fractioo of moisture is routed via deep seepage into aquifers. The deep seepage storage compart- ment receives moisture , ... hen the ground water level reaches a certain maximum (TOP, in).

Nhen this maximum is reached, the ground water level is multiplied by a deep seepage coefficient (DPSP) to calculate the amount of water added to SEEP.

17. Subsurface flow from ground \.,rater storage (('r,W, in). The amount of water entering the stream channel from the ground water reservoir is defined as the product of the ground water level and a ground \later recession coefficient (AG\'I, in/in).

18. Channel routing of flow. Moisture for streamflow that is generated by the model may be expected to experience a time lag before passing through the gaging station at the mouth of the h'atershed. Thereforc, the model provides for fractions of generated runoff to be delayed up to 5 weeks.

ASPCON l'omputes \oJeekly and yearly 'ofater budgets by Sl "UTling all components of screamflow, evapotranspiration, and changes in soil moisture and ground water storage.


The model was cal ihratcd for an "average" ""ater-year on the West Branch Chicken Creek Watershed (COv) , navis County Experimental Natershed in lltah. The present vegeta- tion status on the 217-acre COv is approximately 20 percent grass-forb, 78 percent aspen, and 2 perccnt conifer (Johnston and Ooty 1972). A total of 47 inches of precipi- tation fell during the modeled year, of Iofhich 11.6 inches was rain and 35.4 inches was


Figure 5. --Mean week,,!!

temperoture3 and euapotmnspiration

fo~ the Chicken C~eek Wate~8hed.




, ,-,




I \

I \

I ,

I ,




30 "




\ \

\ \



' ... _ ... '







~ ~

\.0 z

e ....





z <


0 ""


0.5 G:;

- '



as 0


snow. Average soil profile depths to limiting horizons were assumed to be 5 feet. Aver- age weekly temperatures and pcotential evapotranspiration fluctuated according to the patterns sho\\''Tl in figure S. A series of annual hydrographs for observed CCW streamflow were analyzed and the model coefficients in table 1 were adjusted until a predicted hydrograph was produced that agreed closely with past watershed behavior. During the calibration process. the only coefficients to be adjusted \~crc those coefficients not easi Iy estimated from a knowledge of watershed characteristics but to which the model is sensitive. Table 2 presents the values for model coeffir.ients set according to the best available knowledge from the literature. The purpose of this calipration procedure is not to model CCW, but to develop a reasonable point of reference against which hydrologic changes attributable to vegetation changes may be estimated.

Once an acceptable hydrograph was obtained., all coefficients except the vegetative cover parameters were held constant throughout the remainder of the study. Thereafter, the areal cover of vegetative types on the watershed (CVG, CVA, and


table 2) was sequentially altered to simulate the entire grass-forb to aspen to conifer sere. Water- shed response to relatively wet and dry years was examined for five different vegetative combinations by increasing or decreasing the amount of annual precipitation. Input:

wet year


58.8 in (125 percent of normal), dry year


35.3 in (75 percent of normal), and drought year = 23.5 in (50 percent of normal).



& ''''

SAT FC ewr




"JlotAX TMIr.:








ccc ope DPA cve DPC CVA cvc

Table I. --Model coefficiD'n.t8 nanipulated during calibmtion


Soil moisture of a 5-ft profil~ at beginning of water-y('ar Soil moi5tur~ of a 5-ft profil~ at saturation Soil lIIoisturc of a 5-ft rrofile at fidd capadty Soil moistur ... of a 5-ft profile at p~nunent wilting point Fr3ction of soil watcr (SM:-FC) becoming interflow Fraction of soil water (5.\I ... FC) becoming deep p~rco13tion r.Tound~3tcr res~rvoir r~cession fraction

Dccp se~p3ge to aqui f~rs from ~round water fraction Maximum ground water l~vel

Channel routing coefftci~nt.s

SnOWll'leit initiation t~lDperatur~ for the grass-forb tyP~5 SnO~"1!I~lt initiation tel8peratur~ for th~ aspen type Snm."1!Ielt initiation t~mp~ratur~ for the conif~rs type Melt rat~ indu for thf" guu-forb typ~

~I~ I t rate indu for the aspen type

~1~1 t rate ind~x for th~ coni f~r typ~

Critical maximum temperature for precipitation Critical minimum temperature for precipitation


, . ,.


, .

in/in in/in in/in in/in I.




·F inrF ~k inrF wk inrF wk



Tabl~ 2.--t~.l coefficiel1ts Ml.t! C0l18tant durir.g calibm!.itl11

Simulation valu~


24.0 21.0 10.0 .95 .6' .0012 .01 28.S .5 • .. ;, .1 . . 1

'2.0 1.0

~J.O .25 .25 .20 34.0 42.0

D~finition Units Assullled value

Infiltration rate

Fraction of preCipitation intercepted bv the 5tr~am channel Fraction of snowelt readily ent~ring str~1JII channel Vegetation storag~ of rainfall for the grass-forb t)'PC

V~Retation storage of rainfall for thc asp~n type

V~getation storage of rainfall for the conifer type

Snowfall interception loss fraction for aspen Snowfall tnterc~ption 1055 fraction for conHeTS Snowpack enporation fraction for graSS-forb Snowpack @vaporation fraction for asp~n Snowpack eva·)Oration fraction for conifers Snowpack ac· umulation factor for grass-forb Snowpack accumulation ractor for aspen Snowpack accumulation factor for conifers Crop coeffici~nt for the grass-f"rb type Crop coefficient for the aspen type Crop coeffici~nt for the conifer type Rooting dept), coefficient fOT th~ grass-forb type Rooting depth coefficient for the all pen type Rooting depth co~fficient for the :.onifer type Fractional area of w3tcr~hed occupied by grass-forb Fractional arca of wat~rsh('"d occupied by aspen Fractional area of watershed occupied by conH~rs


in/wk in/in in/in in/in in/in in/in in/in in/in in/in tn/in in/in tn/in In/in tn/in

10.0 .0065 .0085 .09 .12 .20 .01 .07 .OS .034 .026 .99 1.06 .95 .90 1.25 1.25 .45 .85 .80 .20 .78 .02



Predicted weekly \-I'ater budgets for the (Chi werc found to reflect complex inter- 3l:tions among assumed hydrologic processes. For example. the upper portion of figure 6 ill ustrates Io.'hen ra i nand 5nO\\' were rece i ved on the \\'atershed. the lower port i on of the figure shows ho",' vegetation affects the timing of moisture entry into the soil. The timing and amount of active moisture input is a function of snowpack melt rates and


~ :z

~ :z



~ 0





;;:: 6

~ ~





>- V>

(3 :<



~ u



0 N 0 M A M A S 0


Figure 6. --Precri pitatian and active moistW'e input [01' the ChiCMn C-reek W"te1'shed.



~ ~ :z 2

I -..:




..: :z


>- 1.2 1.0 O. g

0.6 0.4 0.2


'-'-' - ,

0 N 0 M A M A S


Figure 7. --Weekly t1'an8pirotion pattems fo1' the Chicken C-reek WateJ'shed

",hen dominated by: g1'ass-fol'b, aspen, and "ani[e1's.


evaporat i vc losses (intercept ion and soi 1 moi sture evaporation). Figure 7 presents the patterns of consumptive water use when the watershed is dominated by grass-forb, aspen, and conifer types. Greater consumptive use rates for conifer-dominated conditions may be attributed to the plant activity patterns of evergreen canopies. The combined effects of ac':ive moisture input, transpiration. and other components cf til" hydrologic cycle are reflected in the hydrographs in figure 8. Although the timing and magnitude of runoff under different types of vegetation cover vary substantially during the melt season. streamflow before and after the melt season is similar for all types. Dominance of aspen on a formerly grass-forb watershed causes spring nmeff to be delay.ed sl ightly

.... 'i th lo,",,'cr peak flows. Spring runoff under conifer-dominated conditions is even further

delayed and reduced.


;;:: 1.5

~ ~



~ ..:



>- V>


0 A



Figure 8. --Sp-ring -runoff hyd-rogrophs for the Chicken Creek Watershed

"'hen dominated by: gross-fo1'b, aspen, and conifers.


VeJ!,etation 1 5tre;1J!1fl0"-

status Stre-a1lflow +eg,l Runoff2 QQF' QF 1.9flo ~~'L SEEP 1RA." Ftl~i 51:\. S\'"P Inc;126 It:ches Percent - - - ----Ir.eh .. - -








- - ---

98-1-1 21.3 23.3 49.6 3.3 IS.


2.0 1.8 6.9 9.6 1.0 0.0 1.:-

90-9-1 21.3 22.9 48.7 3.1 15.8 1.6 1.8 6.9 9.9 1.1 .1 I.


60-19-1 20.9 22.5 47.9 3.0 15.6 1.6 1.7 6.9 10.3 1.1 .1 1.6

:-0-19-1 20.6 21.9 46.6 2.8 15.4 1.3 1.9 6.6 I l . l 1.1 .1 1.6

60-39-1 20.3 11..1 45.5 2.7 15.3 1.1 1.8 6.6 11.7 1.2 .2 1.5

50-.19-1 ~0.3 2}.0 .14.7 1.6 15 .~ .7 1.8 6.6 12.0 1.2 .- 1.5

.10-59-1 10.1 20.2 .13.0 2.' 15.4 .0 1.9 6.6 12.7 1.2 .2 1.4

30-68-2 20.0 10.0 .12.6 2.3 15.4 .0 1.8 6.6 12.9 1.3 .3 I . '

20-78-2 19.9 19.9 .12.3 2.6 15.0 .0 1.7 6.5 13.1 1.3 .3 1.3

20-68-1:- 18.2 18.1 38. i 1.8 14.2 .0 1.7 5.9 15.2 I . ' .5 1.3

::'0-58-2: 16.9 17.0 36.2 1.2 13.4 .1 1.6 5.5 16.5 1.5



20-':7-33 16.5 16.5 35.1 .9 13.3 .0 1.8 5.3 16.8 1.6 1.0 1.2

':0-3b-J.J i6.1 16.0 34.0 .7 13.1 .1 1.7 5.2 17.1 1.7 1.2 1.1

20-25-55 15.8 16.1 34.3 .8 12.8 .3 1.8 4.9 16.9 1.8 1.4 1.1

10-15-65 15.4 15.6 33.2 .2 12.9 .2 1.6 5.2 17.1 1.9 1.7 1.1

:0-5·-5 15.2 15.3 32.6 .3 12.6 .1 1.8 4.9 17.4 1.0 1.9 1.0

Ipercent watersh~ areal covel' cOr.lposed of grass-foTb. aspen.

2Runoff percent is equal to (Streamflow + SM)/prccipitation.

3Sec figure 1 for an identification of alrhabetic codes.

and conifer types. respectively.

1ot.5'! and LGlI'L represent the net annual change in soil lIIOisture and ground water level. respectiveI,..

Predicted annual water budgets for the "average" year for different combinations of vegetation types are given in table 3. In the CCW test area, the principal sere following burning or clearcutting is visualized as less than 4 years' dominance by a grass-forb type. which is quickly followed by aspen dominance, ""hich in turn is pro- gressively replaced by conifers. Approximately 20 percent of the area is cor-:;idered grass-forb climax, and thus stabilizes at this level. Each line in ~he table refers to a position assumed for the watershed on the gra~s-forb to conifer sere. The length of the sere is not specified, since this may vary widely from site to site. The value for QCHP is a constant value (0.314 in) for all conditions. The values for ~ICH. QGW.

and RVAP exhibited the following minor trends from beginning to end of the sere: 0.29 to 0.28 in for QfoC'rI, I. 77 to I. 71 in for QGW, and 2.66 to 2.87 in for RVAP. Several components cf toe water budget (TRAN. RINT, SINT, and SVi\P) exhibited rather consistent

trend~ along the sere. T;.e other values in table 3 reflc~t the interaction of vegeta- tion change with the timing and amount of ntOisture input and moisture loss due to eva po- transpi rat ion. The value for streamflow plus soi I moisture change is presented since net change from the initial soil ntOisture at the end of the year will affect the follo",'- ing year's runoff (the soil storage compartment must be recharged prior to tl-.... runoff season). The amount of streamflow reduction plus the change in soil moisture for di ffeTent stages of succession are illustrated in figure 9. 8y the time aspen dominates the watershed. a net reduction in water avai lable for ~treamflow of 3.4 in has occurred.

As the watershed proceeds from aspen to climax conifer conditions. an additional 4.6 in is lost.

Annual streamflow under a variety of precipitation conditions was found to vary substantially along the successional gradient (table 4). Variable precipitation appears to alter the efficiency with which the watershed generate~ runoff: decreased runoff efficiency accOlipanies years of below-average precipitation. Late seral ~tage!' (conifer da-inar.ce) accentuate the reductions in streamflow for relatively dry years.




<l +



6 60




" ,----~--- .,. ... ."


._ .• 1_._1_._1 __ _ .-- - - -'"

O . .






0 Figure 9. --Streamflow reduction +6SM for the Clticken C,'eek Watershed

as a function of suc<Jession.

Vegetation status l

98-1-1 60-39-1 20-78-2 20-47-33 20-5 -75

Table 4. --ReZationship of variable yeaI'ly precipitation to -runoff (in) on the Chicken Creek Watershed

Drought Dry Avg.

year year year

- - Inc/ie~

8.5 16.1 21. 3

8.1 IS .4 20.3

7.7 15.3 19.9

6.0 12.5 16.5

4.8 10.8 15.2

Wet year

33.5 32.7 31. 7 27.5 24.6

1 Percent watershed areal cover composed of grass-forb. aspen, and conifer types, respectively.




u 0::





0 u --'






A fundamental watershed hydrology model (ASPCON) has been presented h'hich is sensitive to the vegetative changes asc:olo..lated with grass··forb to aspen to conifer succession that occurs on many subalpine watersheds in the Rocii.y Mountains. ASPCON represents a system of hydrologic processes that are 1 ikely to resul t in 5igni ficant reductions in ~'atcr yield fOT many western watersheds. The algorithms incorporated into the model were assumed from a current understanding of these hydrologic processes and a rcvic,",' of literature.

h'hen applied to an actual ""atershed situation, ASPCON predicts a 3.4 in net loss of moi sture avai lable for streamflow when aspen dominate a former grass-forb watershed.

An additional 4.6 in is lost when conifers eventually replace aspen forests on the watershed. The predicted reduction in streamflow between a predominantly grass-forb type and an aspen type is mainly a produ~t of ~reater consumptive use of water and increased rooting depth of aspen. The reduction in streamflow as aspen are invaded by conifers is mainly a result of diff~rcllt snowmelt and plant activity patterns.

The predictive abi lit}" of ASPCON is a function of the validity of many a~ umed relationships. Research is urgently needed to more accurately establish the hydrologic changes attributable to aspen to coni fer succession. ASPCON provides a framework capable of incorporating new information.


Anderson, H. W.

1969. Snowpack management. In SNOW. p. 27-40. Oregon Sta.te Univ .• Water Resour.

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1956. Snow hydrology summary report of the snow investigation. North Pac. Div .•

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Grcen, A. N., and T. S. Setzer.

197.1. The Rocky ~lount3in imber situation, 1970. USDA For. Serv. ResouT. BUll.

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1976. USU Soils 566. rhysical Properties of Soils Lahoratory ~'aterials. Utah State lin i v ., logan.

lIel\'e)l. J. £1.

1~71. Summary of rainfall interception by certain conifeTs in North America. In BioI. Effects in the Hydro. Cycle, p. 103-113. Proc. 3r<! Int. Symp. on Forest Hydrology Prof .• Purdue Univ., Ind.

Huff, D.


1971. Ecological hydrOlogy. In BioI. Effects in the Hydro. Cycle, p. IB-30. Proc. 3rrl [nt. Symp. on Forest Hydrology Prof., Purdue Univ., Ind.

.Johnston, R. S.

1969. Aspen sprout production and water usc. USDA For. Servo Res. Note INT-89. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden. Utah .

.Johnston, R. S.

1971. Rainfall interception in a dense Utah aspen clone. USDA For. Servo Res. Note I:-IT-143. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn •• Ogden, Utah .

. Johnston. R. S .• and R. D. Doty.

19i2. Description and hydrologic analysis of two small watersheds in Utah1s Wasatch

~lountains. USDA For. Servo Res. Pap. INT-127. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden. Utah.

leaf. C. F., and G. E. Brink.

1975. I.and use simulation model of the subalpine coniferous forest zone. USDA For.

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15 16


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Satterlund, D. R.

1972. Wildland watershed management, p. 145. Ronald Press, New York. Satter1und, D. R., .nd II. F. Haupt.

1970. The disposition of snow caught by conifer crowns. Water Resour. Res.

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Smith, J. L.

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Swank, W. T., and J. E. Douglass.

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1967. Seasonal course of transpiration of lodgepOle pine anu Engelmann spruce.

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Headquarters for the Intermountain Forest and Range Ellperim"nt Station are in Ogden, Utah.

Fieid programs and research work units are maintained in:

Billings, Montana Boise, Idaho

Bozeman, Montana (in cooperation with Montana State University)

Logan, Utah (in cooperation with Utah State University)

Missoula, Montana (in cooperation with University of Monta'la)

Moscow, Idaho (in cooperation with the University of Idaho)

Provo, Utah (In cooperation with Brigham Young University)

Reno, Nevada <in cooperation with the University of Nevada)



Jayncs, Richard A.


A hydrologic model of aspen-conifer succession in the west- e rn United States. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-213, 17 p.

lntermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah 84401.

Hydrologic impacts of grass-foro to aspen to conifer succession in the Rocky Mountain area are simulated by means of a fundamental model.

l\'lodel algorithms representing hydrologiC processes are sensitive to vegetl1.tional changes within the subalpine vegetation zone. Reductions in water yield a • • ' predicted as the vegetation em a small Utah watershed proceeds from a grass-forb type to aspen to conifers. Streamflow changes are largely attributable to an Interaction between seasonal con- sumption for each vegetation type and the influence of vegetation type on snowpack.

KEYWORDS: ecosystem hydrology, succession, Populus tremuloides, hydrology model.

Jaynes, Elichard A.

1978. A hydrologic model of aspen-conifer succession in the west- ern United States. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-213,17 p.

Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden. Utah 84401.

Hydrologic impacts of grass-forb to aspen to conifer succession in the Rocky Mountain area are simulated by means of a fundamental model.

Model algorithms representing hydrologic processes are sensitive to vegetational changes within the subalpine vegetation zone. Reductions in water yield are predicted as the vegetation on a small Utah watershed proceeds from a grass-forb type to aspen to conifers. Streamflow changes are largely attributable to an interaction between seasonal con- sumption for each vegetation type and the influence of vegetation type on snowpack.

KEYWORDS: ecosystem hydrology. succession, Populus tremuloides.

hydrology model.



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