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Les sources pour l’histoire de la navigation, XVIe-XIXe siècle


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Data-bases and on-line resources on shipping, 16th – 19th c.

Archives nationales de France, Palais Rohan 87 rue Vieille du Temple, Paris

24 May 2011

International conference organised by Navigocorpus and the Archives Nationales de France

The evolution of computing over the past two decades is enabling scholars to create, manage and share at a distance a great quantity of information.

This conference will discuss some past and on-going projects carried out by historians and archivists in Europe, in North-America and in the wider world, which provide researchers and the broader public with access to a wide range of historical sources concerning shipping and trade during the early-modern and modern period.

Current developments of GIS applied to historical data open up fascinating perspectives for the exploitation of such records. By offering an easy-access to a great-deal of data kept in different depositories, which no individual researcher could ever hope to collect in his or her entire research life, these tools are allowing new perspectives for the historical research on different aspects of shipping and maritime trade. These data-bases and on-line tools reinforce current tendencies in economic history where macro-economic approaches go along with the analysis of individual actors.

This conference in Paris will present for the first time together different data-bases and research tools of this kind. It will also be the occasion to present the NAVIGOCORPUS data-base, a project sponsored by the French Agence nationale de la Recherche (2007-2011). The registers of French ports for the year 1787, kept at the Archives Nationales de France (series G5), have been selected as an example of the potential of the Navigocorpus data-base.


Provisional Program

9h00 Welcome

9h15 Presention of the conference

9h30-10h : Raymonde Litalien (Archives du Canada) : « Les archives numérisées de l'activité maritime et coloniale française en Amérique du Nord aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles » 10h-10h30 : Christina Deggim (Stadtarchiv Stade) : "Thematic inventory: Archival sources for maritime traffic and the related flow of goods and culture in Northern Germany from the 16th to the 19th century".

10h30 – 10h45 : discussion 10h45 – 11h00 : pause

11h00-11-30 David Eltis (Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) "Expanding the www.slavevoyages.org database"

11h30-12h Steve Behrendt (Victoria University of Wellington, Nouvelle Zélande): “Liverpool as a trading port, 1700-1850: an online public access database”

12-12h15 : discussion

14-14h30 : Jan Willem Veluwenkamp (Université de Groningue, Pays-Bas), "Sound Toll Registers online"

14h30-14h40 : discussion

14h40-15h10 Christian Pfister (Université du Littoral, Dunkerque), « Les richesses insoupçonnées de l'amirauté de France dans la sous-série G-5 ».

15h10-15h30 pause café

15h30-16h Silvia Marzagalli (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis): « Navigation et commerce en France en 1787: nouveaux acquis à partir de la base de données Navigocorpus »

16h-16h30: Jean-Pierre Dedieu (CNRS, Lyon) - « Navigocorpus, une base de données au service du chercheur »

16h30 -17h : discussion


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