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Computationally scalable geospatial network and routing analysis through multi-level spatial clustering


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Computationally scalable geospatial network and routing analysis through multi-level spatial clustering

CHAMBERS, Jonathan


Network analysis finds natural applications in geospatial information systems for a range of applications, notably for thermal grids, which are important for decarbonising thermal energy supply. These analyses are required to operate over a large range of geographic scales. This is a challenge for existing approaches, which face computational scaling challenges with the large datasets now available, such as building and road network data for an entire country.

This work presents a system for geospatial modelling of thermal networks including their routing through the existing road network and calculation of flows through the network. This is in contrast to previous thermal network analysis work which could only work with simplified aggregated data. •We apply multi-level spatial clustering which enables parallelisation of work sets. •We develop algorithms and data processing pipelines for calculating network routing.

•We use cluster-level caching to enable rapid evaluation of model variants.

CHAMBERS, Jonathan. Computationally scalable geospatial network and routing analysis through multi-level spatial clustering. MethodsX , 2020, vol. 7, no. 101072

DOI : 10.1016/j.mex.2020.101072

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MethodsX 7 (2020) 101072



journal homepage:www.elsevier.com/locate/mex

Method Article

Computationally scalable geospatial network and routing analysis through multi-level spatial


Jonathan Chambers

University of Geneva, Switzerland


Networkanalysisfindsnaturalapplicationsingeospatialinformationsystemsforarangeofapplications,notably for thermal grids, whichareimportant fordecarbonisingthermal energy supply.Theseanalyses arerequired to operate over a large range of geographic scales. Thisis a challenge for existing approaches, which face computationalscalingchallengeswiththelargedatasetsnowavailable,suchasbuildingandroadnetworkdata foranentirecountry.

Thiswork presentsasystemfor geospatialmodellingofthermalnetworks includingtheirroutingthrough theexistingroadnetworkandcalculationofflowsthroughthenetwork.Thisisincontrasttopreviousthermal networkanalysisworkwhichcouldonlyworkwithsimplifiedaggregateddata.




© 2020TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierB.V.

ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-NDlicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

article info

Method name: Geospatial multi-level clustering and graph theoretical analysis Keywords: Energy, Thermal networks, Geospatial, Graph theory, Data science

Article history: Received 22 June 2020; Accepted 17 September 2020; Available online 21 September 2020

E-mail address: jonathan.chambers@unige.ch https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2020.101072

2215-0161/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ )



Subject Area Energy

More specific subject area: Geospatial analysis for thermal grids

Method name: Geospatial multi-level clustering and graph theoretical analysis Resource availability Software

Numpy: numpy.org Scipy: scipy.org Pandas: pandas.pydata.org Xarray: xarray.pydata.org Matplotlib: matplotlib.org Cartopy: scitools.org.uk/cartopy/

Numba: numba.pydata.org Postgres: postgresql.org PostGIS: postgis.net PgRouting: pgrouting.org Data

Swisstopo: https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/en/maps-data-online

Methoddetails Background

Geospatialanalysis isbeingincreasingly usedforanalysisandplanning ofcitiesanddistricts, in particular useof network routing algorithms for a rangeof applications. Thermalgrids forheating and/orcoolinghavebeenpromotedasanapproachtodecarbonisingheatsupplyforbuilding[1].To- date,analysisof thermalgrids hasmainly focusedon localstudies ofeitherthermal gridsalone or asapartofa multi-energysystem. Thesegenerallyfollowan energy-systemoptimisation approach, where a solveris used to optimise theenergy sources andflows at all pointsin time [2,3]. While optimisationapproachesarepowerful, theircomputational intensitylimitstheir applicationto small datasetscoveringgenerallyonlyatownorcitydistrict.Similarly,ithasbeennotedthatthermalgrids followexistingroads[4,6].Inthepast,thishasbeenappliedinlimitedareassuchascitydistrictsand smalltowns[2].However, thereisnofundamentalbarriertoperforming thiscalculation atnational scaleusingroaddataandroutingalgorithms.

This work presents a systemfor detailed geospatial analysis of thermal grids including aspects such as location, selection of buildings to connected, and network routing. The system makes use of state-of-the-art data processing software methods to enable country-scale analysis with building-scalespatialresolution.Byapplying optimisationsanddata pipelinecachingstrategies,the methodpresentedallowsalevelofperformancethatenablesinteractiveanalysis,i.e.differentmodel parameters(suchasbuildingselectionstrategiesornetworkcosts)canbesetandtheresultsproduced


This approachenables much highspatialresolution aswell asdetailednetwork layout analysis, while previous thermalnetwork work instead workedwithraster aggregatessuch assums ofheat demandby hectareasamethodforsimplifyingthecalculationsandapproximatingtheareaswhere thermal networksmay be built [5,7,8].A further advantage of ourmethod to make exploration of largescenario/parameterspacesfeasible.

A nation-widedataset of potential thermal grid routing through the existing road network was developed through the creation of a topologically correct road routes database. From this, a road distancenetworkfortheconnectionbetweenneighbouringbuildingswasderived.Multi-levelspatial clustering was applied to enable subdivision of the national datasets into subsets that can be processedusingamassivelyparallelcomputingarchitecture.Withinspatialclusters,dynamicfiltering and re-processing of the spatial datasets was performed to study various connection and routing strategies.

Whilethemethodpresentedwasappliedwiththeconcreteexampleofthermalnetworks,itshould bereadilyadaptabletomanykindsofnetworkinfrastructuresuchaselectricitygrids,gasnetworks, freshwaterandwastewaterlines,communicationlines,etc.


J. Chambers / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101072 3 Materials

The methodisimplementedinPython3.7, thefollowscientific softwarepackageswithacademic references usedwere:Numpy 1.17 [9], Scipy1.4[10],Pandas1.0[11], Xarray 0.15[12],Numba0.49 [13],Matplotlib3.2[14].Cartopy0.17[15].

DatawasstoredandprocessedusingthePostgres10SQLdatabase,withthePostgis2.5extension forgeospatial computationandthe pgRouting 2.6extension toprovidegeospatial routing,topology, andnetworkfunctionality.

Computer resources consisted of an HP Z8 workstation with a 28 core CPU (Xeon Gold 6132), 128GBRAM,and512GBSSD.

DatasetsusedinthisworkweredrawnprimarilyfromSwissnationalgeospatialdatasetsprovided bySwisstopo[16].TheseincludedroaddatafromtheSwissTLM3Ddatasetandbuildinglocationdata andmetadatafromtheSwissbuildingregistry(RegistredeBatimentsetLogements(RegBL))dataset.

Additionaldataonenergydemandinbuildingswasderivedfrompreviouswork[5,7,17,18]. Processoverview

The flowchart in Fig. 1 gives an overview of the method. Subsequent sections will describe elementsofthisinmoredetail.


Calculating the shortestpath throughthe roadnetwork is acomputationally intensive task,ifit wasnecessarytore-calculatetheroad-baseddistancesbetweensetsofbuildingsforeverypotential networkconfiguration,performingtheoperationatscalewouldnotbefeasible.Wethereforepresent an algorithmthat allows more efficientcalculations(Fig.2). Forthis section, thelocation pointsof all buildingsinSwitzerlandasgivenby theRegBLdatasetwasusedtogether withtheroadnetwork informationprovidedbySwisstopo.

First, the building and road data was pre-processed in order to generate points on the roads for corresponding tobuilding,because therouting algorithm inpgRouting operatesbetweenpoints locateddirectlyontheroadgeometrywhilebuildinglocationsarenotdirectlyonthestreet.Therefore,

‘routingpoints’foreachbuildingweregeneratedbyfindingtheclosestpointontheclosestroadusing thePostGIS‘st_closestpoint‘function.

Inordertocalculaterouting distancesforanetworkconnectingbuildings,wemustdefinearoad network topology and routing distances between buildings through the road network. The routing algorithm inpgRouting requires thehegeospatialline objectsthat formtheroad networkdata are processed to form a topology, in this case a network graph in which each point is a node and lines from roadsegments make up the graphedges. pgRouting validatesthis graphto ensure it is topologically correct by ensuring e.g. that roads lines which cross havecorresponding intersection points.Thisishandledbythe‘pgr_createtopology()‘function,whichwasruninparallelonbatchesof 100000roadsegmentsandcompletedinunder15min.


Thespatialconnectivity(i.e.nearestneighbourhood)ofbuildingswasmodelledasagraphdefined by the Delaunay triangulation of building locations. Delaunay triangulation builds network edges betweennodesandtheir neighbourswithoutgeneratinganyoverlapping orintersectingedges. This enablesefficientcalculationasonlyroadroutingdistancesbetweenbuildingsthatareneighboursin the graphneed tobecalculated.TheDelaunaygraphwasstoredinthePostgresdatabaseasa table ofsourceandtargetbuildingIDs.

Foreach edge intheDelaunaygraph,we calculatethedistancethrough theroad networkusing Dijkstra’s algorithm through thefunction ‘pgr_dijkstraCost’ andstore thisas an edge weightin the graph.Tocalculatethetotaldistancebetweenanarbitrarypairofbuildings,wecalculatetheshortest paththroughtheDelaunaygraphusingthepre-calculateddistanceweights.AstheDelaunaygraphis


Fig. 1. Flowchart of re-clustering method. Box (1) encompasses the whole process including the pre-processing stages and the generation of the first level clusters. Box (2) is repeated for each cluster and includes the second-level clustering. Box (3) is repeated for each sub-cluster within each cluster.


J. Chambers / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101072 5

Fig. 2. Flowchart of method for calculating road distances for building Delaunay triangulation.

Fig. 3. Postgres SQL query to generate a table of Delaunay graph node pairs and search radius geometry.

much simplerthanthe roadnetwork,thislatteroperationis muchfasterthan calculatingdistances usingtheoriginalroadnetwork.Thismadesubsequentnetworkanalysiswasconsiderablyfaster.

Assigning roaddistancesto Delaunaygraphedges wastheslowestoperationofthisprocess,but onlyneededtobeperformedonce.Toimproveperformance,wesupplythepgr_dijkstraCostfunction withasubquerythatfirstselectsonlyroadnetworkdatawithinasetdistance(inourcase1100m), thisreducestheamountofdatathatisprocessedforeachedge– thisisqueryispresentedinFig.3. The search zoneis storedasa Well KnownText(WKT) standardstring,which istheninjected into thedistancecalculationqueryusingastringtemplatingengine(e.g.Pythonformatstrings).

ForeachrowintheDelaunayedgetable,theweightfieldwasassignedusingthequeryinFig.4. The rowquerieswererun as48paralleljobsandcompletedinapproximately72h.Fig.5illustrates theoutputofthisprocess.


We observe that buildings are very unevenly spatially distributed into dense clusters, and furthermorethatnetworkanalysisonlyrequiresbuildingsthatarecloseby.Thisallowsustosplitthe building stockinto spatially distinct anddisconnected clustersthat canbe analysed independently.

The much smaller analysis units significantly reduce the computational complexity and enable parallelismovertheclusters.


Fig. 4. Postgres SQL query for each row in the Delaunay edge table to assign the road distance between the two edge nodes as the edge weight. Note that while some query parameters may be supplied using standard Postgres query parameter syntax (variables with the ‘:’ prefix), the search zone data indicated by the placeholder {search_zone_wkt} must be inserted using an external string templating engine.

Foreachclustergeneratedby thetop-levelclustering,we applyprocessingandfilteringfollowed byasecondstageofclustering– makingthisa‘multi-level’clusteringapproach.Itmustbenotedthat thisisnotthesameasahierarchicalclustering,becauseweapply furtherprocessingoneachcluster whichchangesthedatasetforthesecondlevelofclustering(e.g.byselectingasubset ofbuildings).

Thisintroducesadatadiscontinuitywhichinvalidatesthesub-levelclustersthat wouldbeproduced byhierarchicalclustering.

To perform spatial clustering, DBSCAN is a well-established algorithm particularly suitable for geospatialapplications,asitisabletogeneratenon-convexclusters,unlikeothercommonalgorithms suchasEuclideandistanceK-meansorK-medoids[19].Generatingnon-convexclustersisanessential requirementforthisworkandprecludestheapplicationofmanyexistingalgorithms.DBSCANbuilds clusters from‘core’ pointsdefined ashaving atleast a minimumnumber ofpoints within a given distance. ‘Peripheral’ pointsadded tothe core basedon an allowable distance term. The Euclidean distanceisusedasthedistancemetricbetweenpoints.

HDBSCAN [20] isa further enhancementof theDBSCAN approach that allowsthe generation of variabledensityclusters.Thischaracteristicisusefulwhenclusteringbuildingsatthenational scale, as urban areas display a lot of variety. The implementation was also selected because of its high performance relative to other implementations and support for multi-threaded processing. While HDBSCAN also allows for hierarchical clustering, this functionality was not used for the reasons outlinedabove.

Itshouldbenotedthatotherspatialclusteringalgorithmscouldbeusedforthespatialclustering [21], including OPTICS [22] and FSDP [23]. As the spatialclustering is low-dimensional (2D), it is not expected that the different algorithms would produce significantly different cluster patterns.

Comparison of the relative merits of different clustering algorithms is beyond the scope of this work, algorithm choice is instead based on the availability of a well-tested and high-performance implementationinPython.


Using HDBSCAN, a dataset of 2 million building locations we clustered into 16,900 clusters in approximately6min.TheclusterID,buildingIDpairswerestoredforeachbuildinginthedatabase.

It hasbeen notedthat thereis no formal wayto set spatialclusteringparameters (distance for DBSCANandOPTICS,densitythresholdforFSDP)[21].Inthiscase,clusteringdistanceparameterwas set to100 mfollowing empiricalobservationsof thefeaturescale forurban centres,aswell asthe commonpractiseofanalysisurbanspacesathectare(100m×100m)resolution.


J.Chambers / MethodsX7(2020)1010727

Fig. 5. Illustration of road-distance weighted Delaunay graph of buildings overlaid on building locations and a base map (base map source: OpenStreetMap).


Fig. 6. Illustration of a building cluster processing. 1. The road network for the cluster is retrieved. 2. A Delaunay triangulation of the buildings in the cluster is performed. 3. Weights are calculated for Delaunay edges as the road network distance between the buildings for the corresponding edge. 4. A full distance matrix for the shortest difference between every pair of buildings is calculated by calculating the shortest path through the weighted Delaunay graph.

Changingtheclusterdistanceparameterdoesimpacttheclusteroutput.Asimpleassessmentwas performedbyclusteringwitharangeofvalues±40%relativetothe100mbasis,resultinginachange inthenumberofclustersby±20%.


The road distances between every building pair in a cluster is pre-calculated so that arbitrary subsets of buildings andthe corresponding distances between them can be extracted without re- calculation.Eachclustergeneratedbythecoarseclusteringalgorithmcanbeprocessedinparallel.

This is performed efficiently using the pre-calculated Delaunay triangulation mesh and road distances.TheDelaunaygraphconnectseachbuildingwithitsneighboursandhasedgeweightssetto theroaddistancesascalculatedbyroutingthroughtherealstreetsnetwork.Therefore,apaththrough theDelaunaygraph(whichismuchsimplerthanthe roadnetwork)canbe foundbetweenanytwo buildingsandthepathlengthisthesumoftheedgeweights(i.e.roaddistances).

TheshortestdistanceviaroadsforeverypairofbuildingsinaclusteriscalculatedusingDijkstra’s algorithmsubjecttotheroaddistanceedgeweights.Thisproducesa denseNbyNmatrixwhereN isthenumberofbuildingsintheclusterandthevalueatindex[i,j]isthedistanceviaroadbetween buildingsiandj.Thedistancematrixisalongwithnodemetadataisstoredforuseinlaterprocessing asanetCDFfile,oneforeachcluster,allowingrapidretrievalofresultsforfurtherprocessing.

The process is illustrated in Fig. 6. A cluster of 276 buildings is shown with the road network (6.1). TheDelaunaytriangulationproduces 809edges(6.2). Thedistances throughtheroadnetwork arecalculated foreach edge(3).The fulldistancematrixiscalculatedbyfromtheshortestdistance betweeneverybuildingpair,foramedianinter-buildingdistanceof74m.


Experimentalwork onthermalnetworksgeneralinvolvesstudyingdifferentnetworksthat result fromincludingdifferentsub-setsofbuildingsinthenetworks.Selectingdifferentsubsetsofbuildings


J. Chambers / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101072 9

Fig. 7. Illustration of different subsets of buildings (Filter A, B, & C) generated by filtering buildings from an arbitrary cluster.

resultsinnewlayoutswhichinvalidatestheoriginalDelaunaygraphgeneratedinpreviousstepsand furtherchangesthespatialdensitywithrespecttoclustering.

An illustrative exampleis given in Fig. 7. Three buildingfilters are applied forthis example to simulate different building connection strategies. Filter A and C select 10% and30% of the largest buildings respectively, while filterB selects20% of buildings atrandom, resulting in subsetsof 27, 54,and81buildingsforA,B,andC.Thechangeinspatialdensityclearlyillustrateswhyasinglestep hierarchicalclusteringwouldnotbeappropriate,sincenewbuildingdensitypatternsvarysignificantly dependingonthesub-clusterprocessingandfiltering.

Therefore,afterthebuildingfiltering/selectionprocess– whichmaybearbitrarydependingonthe requirementsofaspecificstudy-theDBSCANspatialclusteringalgorithmisappliedtothebuilding subset,whichusuallygeneratesmorethanonenewsub-clusterper‘macro’cluster.Thisisillustrated in Fig. 8 usingthe 81 buildingsselected by Filter C (Fig. 7). 4 newclusters are found that can be processedinparallel.

Note thatifdesired, theclusteringcriteria(e.g.clusterdistance threshold)can bealteredinthis step. In thiswork, we maintain the threshold of 100 m as this is a) representative of the typical scale of urban area features andb) a good approximationfor themaximum extension distancefor a thermalnetwork (i.e.thedistanceto themostisolated buildinginathermalnetwork). Ingeneral, values shouldbe chosen based ondomain knowledgeofthe realspatialdataused andthedesired application.


Each new sub-cluster contains a number M of buildings, and we require a weightedDelaunay graph for these buildings. Generating a Delaunay graph is straightforward, however re-calculating theroaddistancesfortheedgeweightswouldbeprohibitivelycomputationallyexpensive.Therefore, we usethedistancevaluesextractedfromthefulldistancematrixforthefirst levelclusterandset theedgesweights oftheDelaunaygraphtothesevalues.Sincethismatrixcontainsthefulldistance between any pair of buildings in the original cluster, these distances are pre-computed once per cluster, so operation takes only~10 ms. This also makes it trivialto generate weightedgraphs for differentbuildingsubsets.

Withineachsub-cluster,wedefinethesimplestheatnetworkasonetheminimalnetworkthatis abletoreachallbuildings.ThisistheMinimumSpanningTree(MST)graph,whichisderivedfromthe


Fig. 8. Illustration of steps for processing of sub-cluster. For a given selected subset of buildings (1), DBSCAN is applied to generate new clusters (2). The Delaunay triangulation is applied to each new sub-cluster (3) and the MST generated for each sub-cluster (4).

Fig. 9. Illustration of total flow through edges E1, E2, E3 from source S to demand sites D1, D2, & D3.

sub-clusterDelanuaygraphusingtheKruskalalgorithmandtheroadnetworkdistances asweights.



It isuseful fora rangeofanalysis (e.g.connection sizing)to estimate thethermal flowthrough the MSTgraphfor thesub-clusterofsize M. Forthis, asimplifying approximation ismadethat all flowsarefromagivengraphnode(building)outtoeachbuilding.Therefore,flowsthroughanygraph edge are thesumofthe flow tothe graphnode (building)atthe endofthe edge andanyfurther downstream nodes(Fig. 9). The flowto agivennode inthiscaseisset bythe heatdemand ofthe building,whichispartofthebuildingdatatable.

Inordertocalculatetheseflows,werequiredthepaththroughtheMSTfromeachnodetotheroot nodeintermsoftheactualsequenceofnodesthatmustbevisitedtoreachtheroot.Thisinformation isprovidedbySciPythe“shortest_path” functionwhichimplementsDijkstra’salgorithm.Thisfunction generatesa vectorofpredecessorsoflength M.Eachelementofthevector (predecessors[j]) givesthe indexofthepreviousnodeinthepathfromtherootnodetopointj.Ifnopathexistsbetweeniand therootnode,thevalueissetto−9999.

Theimplementation,illustratedinasimplifiedforminFig.10,isasfollows.Weinitialiseasquare (MxM) graphmatrix tostore the flows asedge weights,andset all the initialweights to zero.For each graphnodewe traversethepathback totheroutenode andaccumulatethedemand flowsas theedgeweightsinthegraphmatrix.

Forexample,if weare startingwithnode j,we start by fetchingthe node dataDj (in ourcase, energy demand data) from a vector of node data. We fetch the predecessor of node j from the


J.Chambers / MethodsX7(2020)10107211

Fig. 10. Simplified Python code of the flow calculation algorithm.


Fig. 11. Simplified graph of inter-building road distances. Note that the displayed edges indicate Delaunay triangulation connectivity rather than physical routes through the road network.

Fig. 12. Simplified graph of heat flow calculation through the graph edges from the root node to all other nodes. Flow amount is indicated by edges colour and width. Note that the displayed edges indicate Delaunay triangulation connectivity rather than physical routes through the road network.

predecessors vector, predecessors[j],which gives a new node ID k.The node ID k is the next node onthepathback totherootnode.Weadd thedatavalueDjtotheedge betweenthenode andits predecessor(j,k)intheflowmatrix.WethengetthenextnodeIDonthepathusingpredecessors[k], andaddtheendnodedemandDjtothatedge.Thisisrepeateduntilwereachtherootnode.

Thisisprocess isrepeatedforeach node.Since weaccumulate thedatavaluesD by summation for each path,the resulting flow graphwill contain the sumof theflow through each root->node path,andeachgraphedgeweightwillbethesumofthedownstreamnodeofthatedgeandallother nodesfurtherdownstreamfromthatnode.

Note that to achieve desired performance, we implemented the algorithm using the Numba Python compiler(which cangreatly increase theperformance ofa subsetof numericPythoncode).

An example is given of the input road length graph in Fig. 11 and an arbitrarily selected source (root) node,while Fig.12Illustratestheflow amountper graphedgefromthechosen rootnode.It demonstratesthelargedifferencesinflowindifferentsections,witharangeof65–3700 MWh/year.



This work made extensive use of graph theory concepts and graph data structures. Two main representationofgraphstructures wereused.TheoriginalDelaunaytriangulationgraphthatcovered the whole map was storedas building ID pairs (source, target) in an SQL table. When processing


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individual clustersandperformingthesecond-levelDelaunaytriangulationandgraphprocessing,the graphs were represented usingsparse matricesfromthe ‘scipy.sparse’module. Thismadeit simple to alsouse Scipy’simplementations ofgraphalgorithms (such asKruskal’sminimumspanningtree algorithm).Usingsparsegraphsguaranteedlowmemoryusage,whichfurthermoresimplifiedparallel processingasitallowedmoreprocessestoruninparallelwithoutexhaustingsystemmemory.


The methodpresentedallowsthegeneration ofdistrict thermalnetworkroutingsthroughmulti- levelclusteringofbuildings.Themethodhasbeendemonstratedtobereadilyparallelizable,enabling rapidre-calculationunderdifferentconditions,suchasdifferentbuildingselections.

Themethodwasdemonstratedusingdatasetsprovidedbytheswissgeospatialdataagency.These present advantagesin terms of highquality andinternal consistence. The same methods could be appliedusingarangeofdatasets,includingnationaldatasetssimilartotheSwissonesorusingopen datasetssuchasOpenStreetMap[24].

Whiletheworkpresentedfocusedonthermalnetworks,theprincipalsusedarevalidforanykind of urbanresource distributionnetwork thatwouldbe expectedto beinstalled underexisting roads includingwater,electricity,telecomsetc.Itcouldalsobeadaptedtoapplytotransportationflows(e.g.



None of theauthors of thispaper hasa financial or personal relationship withother people or organizationsthatcouldinappropriatelyinfluenceorbiasthecontentofthepaper.


ThisresearchprojectisfinanciallysupportedbytheSwissInnovationAgencyInnosuisseaspartof the SwissCompetence CentreforEnergy ResearchSCCER FEEB&D(FutureEnergy EfficientBuildings

& Districts) as well as of SCCER CREST (Competence Centre for Research in Energy, Society and Transition).


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