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Medieval Women and the Arts


Academic year: 2022

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Call for Papers

M edieval Women and the Arts.

Literacy, Education, and Visual Culture

Interdisciplinary Workshop 3 – 4 April 2018

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Coordinated by:

Yaosca Bautista (UPF)

Sergi Sancho Fibla (AMU / CNRS,


Organized by:

Forma. Revista d’Estudis Comparatius Institut de Cultura (UPF)

Société d’Études Interdisciplinaires sur les Femmes au Moyen Âge et à la



P resentation and goals

We are pleased to announce that the call for papers for the i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y w o r k s h o p

«Medieval Women and the Arts.

Literacy, Education, and Visual Culture» has been opened. This event is conceived as a place of discussion and exchange for s c h o l a r s , r e s e a r c h e r s , a n d postgraduate students who consecrate their work to the field of social, cultural, and intellectual history of women.

In order to avoid the historio- graphic borders that scar different periods, the chronologic frame for this workshop will encompass from the Low Middle Ages (12-13th centuries) until the Renaissance and the Early Modernity (16th c.).

The topic focuses on the cultural practices of production and reception within the feminine sphere: literacy, instruction, and visual culture. However, It should be stressed that, in this case, the concept of cultural practice goes beyond the customary meaning of these three notions. It will be rather considered as a vast variety of activities traditionally set aside from what have been granted as

intellectual work. We are talking here about liturgical and paraliturgical habits, devotional practices, singing and music, image, contemplation, exercises linked to meditation, memory, or introspection, and also the assorted forms of teaching and learning.

Young researchers who are interested in the study of these notions within the field of Medieval and Modern Women Studies are welcome to send a proposal before February 26th, 2018.


The workshop will take place in Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Campus de Ciutadella) on April 3rd-4th 2018.

O rganization

This is not a conference, but a workshop. It means that the participant is engaged to prepare beforehand not only the presen- tation of his/her own research, but also a series of materials that are crucial for the proper functioning of the workshop. The workshop can only work if the participants achieve two basic tasks: sending the whole text of their presentation before March 20th 2018, and carefully reading all the documents that the organization will provide.

The meeting will be organized in four different sessions: talks, reading workshops, presentation of ongoing researches, and a seminar.

The talks and the seminar will be open events to a public audience, but the presentation of ongoing researches and the reading w o r k s h o p s w i l l b e s p a c e s exclusively reserved for the participants: PhD students and invited researchers.

Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 Barcelona 08005

(+34) 93 542 20 00

METRO L4: Ciutadella - Vila Olímpica TRAM T4, T5: Wellington

BUS V27, V21, H16, 92, 36 https://www.upf.edu/campus/en/


Scientific commitee

David Carrillo Rangel Universitat de Barcelona

Laura Cayrol-Bernardo EHESS

Victoria Cirlot Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Pablo García Acosta Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Blanca Garí Universitat de Barcelona

Núria Jornet Universitat de Barcelona

Mercedes Pérez-Vidal Universität Düsseldorf

Araceli Rosillo Luque Universitat de Barcelona

Sergi Sancho Fibla Aix-Marseille Université / CNRS

A pplications

This event is open to all scholars and students from any discipline c o n c e r n e d b y t h e t o p i c . Applicants must send an abstract of their ongoing research (300 words) and a short bio before February 10th to the following email adresses:

ssfibla@gmail.com and


The positions for PhD students who are willing to present their ongoing researches are limited to 12. A scientific committee will evaluate the proposals and notify the decision to the candidates before March 3rd 2018.

The registration fee will be of 50€.

Important note: Spanish and English will be used for this workshop. At least a passive knowledge of both languages will be required.

I nvited speakers


Sabrina Corbellini University of Gröningen

Eva Schlotheuber Universität Düsseldorf

Reading workshops Sabrina Corbellini University of Gröningen

Blanca Garí Universitat de Barcelona

Mercedes Pérez-Vidal Universität Düsseldorf

Eva Schlotheuber Universität Düsseldorf

Seminar Pablo Acosta García Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Victoria Cirlot Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Ainamar Clariana Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Sergi Sancho Fibla Aix-Marseille Université / CNRS


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