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Submitted on 1 Jan 1974

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A. Trautwein, R. Reschke, R. Zimmermann, I. Dezsi, F. Harris

To cite this version:

A. Trautwein, R. Reschke, R. Zimmermann, I. Dezsi, F. Harris. INTERPRETATION OF EX- PERIMENTAL QUADRUPOLE SPLITTINGS OF IRON CONTAINING COMPLEXES USING MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1974, 35 (C6), pp.C6-235-C6- 239. �10.1051/jphyscol:1974630�. �jpa-00215787�


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C6, supple'ment au no 12, Tome 35, Dtcembre 1974, page C6-235



Angewandte Physik, Universitat des Saarlandes, 66 Saarbrficken, W. Germany R. ZIMMERMANN

Physikalisches Institut 11, Universitat Erlangen, 852 Erlangen, W. Germany I. DEZSI

Central Research Institute for Physics, 1525 Budapest, Hungary F. E. HARRIS

Department of Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA

Rbume. - Nous etudions sur la base de calculs d'orbitales moleculaires plusieurs arrangements tridimensionnels des ligands autour du fer dans des complexes du fer-pentacyanure, dans FeOCl et dans des hemes desoxygknes. Nous calculons les tenseurs de gradient de champ electrique (GCE) pour les diverses structures mol6culaires etudiks et nous en dkduisons les Bclatements quadru- polaires, le paramirtre d'asymktrie et les orientations de la composante Vzz du GCE dont les valeurs sont comparees aux donn6es expkrimentales.

Abstract. - On the basis of molecular orbital calculations we study several three dimensional arrangements of ligands with respect to iron in iron-pentacyanide complexes, in FeOCl, and in deoxygenated heme compounds. For the various molecular structures under study we derive electric field gradient (EFG) tensors, from which we calculate quadrupole splittings, asymmetry parameter, and orientations of the EFG component Vzz, which are compared with experimental data.

1. Quadrupole splitting and electric field gradient electronic structure of several iron containing com- tensor. - Experimental quadrupole splittings, A E ~plexes.

are compared with theoretical estimates of Many-electron molecular orbital (MO) wave func- tions are obtained by theoretical approaches as AE;" = & eQVzz(l


3 y2)1'2


described elsewhere [I]. The matrix elements of the The quantity e represents the (positive) elementary E F G tensor components Vpq for two many-electron charge, and the nuclear quadrupole moment Q is taken states I 1'


and I I


follow from [5] :

to be - 0.21 b [I-41. The main component of the Elec-


1' I


I 1








$,, I


I $,



tric Field Gradient (EFG) tensor, V,,, being defined w , h

by I V,, I 2- I Vyy 1


I V,, I and the asymmetry para- +


(C(lrl) (hth,,)


C ( ~ , ~ ) (vh'))


$w I Vpq I $hfr



meter 7 = I Vxx - Vyy , result from diagonalizing the

1 vzz 1 +


C ( l ' l ) (h"hr")


$h" 1 Vpq 1 $h"'


(EFG) tensor Vpq (p, q = x, y, 2). The aim of the h",h"' (2) present work is to derive ' P , from the where the states I $


are atomic orbitals (AO's), the

coefficients C are their corresponding bond order

(*) Supported in Part by Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, in Part by matrix elements, the indices h, h1 stand for Fe AO's, the European Molecular Biology Organization, in part by an

award from the Biomedical Sciences Support Grant at the Uni- and h", h"' for ligand AO's, respectively. The matrix versity of Utah, in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, elements


$hr I Vpq I $hp,


are cross-terms b e t ~ e e n and in part by the National Science Foundation. iron AO's and ligand AO's and can be transformed

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1974630


C6-236 A. TRAUTWEIN AND R. RESCHKE, R. ZIMMERMANN, I. DEZSI, F. E. HARRIS by introducing a completeness relation of orthogonal

terms I t,hh-


which contain the iron AO's I $,.



Since Vpq does not lead out of the subspace of

I $,,


the summation can be restricted to iron orbi- tals and we get :

with S,,,,, representing overlap integrals between iron AO's $, and ligand AO's $,,. With the use of eq. (2) and (3) we distinguish two parts of the tensor Vpq, (i) the so-called valence contribution

and (ii) the so-called lattice contribution

Assuming the ligand charges qa to be localized at lattice points (R,,, R,,, R,,) we approximate V: of eq. (5) by

where qa and (R,,, R,,,, R,,) are the charge and the cartesian coordinates of the ath ligand, and (1 - y,) represents the Sternheimer antishielding correction : (1 - y,) = 10.1. From MO calculations the informa- tion concerning C(,,,) (,,,), C(,,,) (h,h,t) , C(,.,, (h,,h', , and Shh,, is available. For the evaluation of Vpq from eq. (4) and (6) it remains therefore to derive the matrix ele- ments


$ , I Vpq I $,





11 EFG (1


e(1 - R)





In eq. (7) the reduced matrix element


11 EFG 11


takes the value 2/7 for d electrons, 6/5 for p electrons, and 0 for s electrons. The quantity e represents the (positive) elementary charge, and


r P 3


is the radial factor resulting from taking the expectation value of (3 z2 - r2)/r5. The


r W 3 > 3 d are taken from esti- mates [6] based on Clementi's [7] atomic Hartree-Fock wavefunctions : 4.49 a. u. for Fe configuration 3d7, 5.09 a. u. for 3d6, and 5.73 a. u. for 3d5. The actual value of


r - 3


is determined for each compound

from its calculated Fe 3d orbital occupancy by inter- polation between the foregoing values. The Sternheimer shielding correction is taken as (1 - R ) = 0.68. For Fe 4p electrons the quantity (1 - R),,

< >,,

is taken to be


of the corresponding quantity for the 3d electrons [3, 81. Finally the single-electron operator lpq is given by

Thus the problem of calculating AEQ, y and the orientation of V,, is solved straight-forward by diago- nalizing the tensor Vpq and using eq. (1).

2. Temperature independent quadrupole splittings. -

The compounds presently under study are the diama- gnetic clusters F~(CN),NOC~H;~, F ~ ( c N ) , N o ~ ~ , Fe(CN)5H20-3, F~(CN),NH; 3, and the paramagne- tic (S= 2) cluster F~o,cI;~. Since the experimental quadrupole splittings of these compounds are tempe- rature independent over a wide temperature range, we feel justified in limiting our MO calculations to self- consistent-field studies which ignore the effect of low- lying excited electronic states. This has the simple consequence that we are concerned in eq. (2) only with diagonal matrix elements :


1 I Vpq I 1


The molecular geometrics for which calculations were made are described in Table I. In Table I1 we give calculated electronic configurations and we compare AEZP with BE:". For compounds I to V we find good agreement between experimental and calculated qua- drupole splittings. Since compound V (FeOCI) was investigated in single-crystalline from [14] we have the advantage to compare additional parameters :

yexP = 0.32


0.03 and yca"' = 0.23 , V:;P < 0 and


< 0 , V Z P // I/',","'"

Compounds VI and VII are identical, respectively, to compounds I and IT, except that in VI and VII the non-axial ligands (C,H; and NO;) have been rotated relative to their position in I and 11. Our results show that this rotation has a substantial effect upon the Fe 3d charge density, and that the calculated quadrupole splittings have moved away from their corresponding experimental values. We therefore conclude that the orientation of (C,H; and NO;) relative to the iron- pentacyanide complex are described better by com- pounds 1 and I1 than by VI and VII.

3. Temperature dependent quadrupole splittings. -

In deoxygenated myoglobin (MO) or hemoglobin (Hb) are concerned with electronic states

which are energetically close by, and which are characterized by irreducible representations


and by total spin S = 2. All irreducible representations of the regarded symmetry group C,, (Fig. 1) are one-dimen-



Geometries used for iron-pentacyanide complexes and for FeOCl. Geometry for F ~ ( c N ) ; ~ based on Na,Fe(CN),NO.H,O (see ref. [I]). Symmetry axis of F ~ ( c N ) ; ~ taken in z direction. Geometry of 6 th ligand in cartesian coordinate (A) relative to Fe.

I. F~(cN),Noc,H;~. N : (0, 0, 1.63) ; 0 : (0, 0, 2.42) ; C, : (- 0.986, 0, 2.616) ; C, : (- 1.476, 0.49, 3.106) ; C3 : (- 1.476, - 0.49, 3.106) ; C, : (- 2.457, 0.49, 0.087) ; C5 : (- 2.457, - 0.49, 4.087) ; C6 : (- 2.947, 0, 4.577) ; HI : (- 1.476, 2.06, 3.106) ; Hz : (- 1.476, - 2.06, 3.106) ; H3 : (- 2.457, 2.06, 4.087) ; H4 : (- 2.457, - 2.06, 4.087) ; H5 : (- 4.046, 0, 5.676).

Coordinates of benzol (ref. 9). Fe-N and N - 0 distance same as in Fe(CN),NO-'. N-C distance in NOC6H, from compounds like C6H4N204 (ref. 191).

11. F~(cN),No;~. O1 : (0.742,0.742, 2.519) ;

0, : (- 0.742, - 0.742, 2.519) ; N : (0, 0, 1.960).

Coordinates of NO; from compounds containing NO,(ref. [9]). Fe-N distance from Ag[Co(N02),(NH3),]

(ref. [9]).

111. Fe(CN)5H20-3. 0 : (0, 0, 2.09 ; HI : (0, 0.8, 2.618) ; H2 : (0,


0.8, 2.618).

Coordinates of H,O(ref. [9]). Fe-0 distance from FeCl, . 4 H 2 0 (ref. [lo]).

IV. F ~ ( c N ) , N H ~ ~ . N : (0, 0, 1.96) ; HI : (0.955, 0, 2.289) ; H3 : (- 0.477, 0.827, 2.289) ; H3 : (- 0.477, - 0.827, 2.289).

N-H distance from NH3(ref. [Ill). NH, angles same as those for CH3 in CH,CH,Br (ref. 191). Fe-N dis- tance from co-N compounds (ref. [9]).

V. FeOCl. Fe : (0, 0, 0) ; C1, : (1.651, - 1.651, 0) ; C1, : (- 1.651, - 1.651, 0) ; 0, : (1.651, 1.315, 0) ; 0, : (- 1.651, 1.315, 0) ; O3 : (0, 0.575, 1.89) ; 0, : (0, 0.575, - 1.89).

Coordinates taken from (ref. [12]).

VI. F~(cN),Noc,H;~. Same as compound I but with C6H; rotated by 900 around the N-C,-C6-H, axis.

VII. F~(CN),NO;~. Same as compond I1 but with NO; rotated by 450 around the z axis. -

Calculated electronic configurations 3dm 4s" 4p0 and experimental and theoretical quadrupole splittings for the complexes specified in Table I . AE?" is calculated as described in the text

Compound I I1 I11 IV V VI VII

- - - - - - - -

m, n, o 6.89,0.15,0.74 6.88,0.15,0.73 6.99,0.15,0.65 6.98,0.14,0.66 5.67,0.19,0.70 6.7,0.13,0.69 6.88,0.15,0.73 E? 1.32 & 0.03 ( a ) 0.85 & 0.03 (a) 0.75 & 0.03 (a) 0.65 & 0.03 ( a ) 0.916 2~ 0.001 ( b )


1.24 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.828 2.55 1.11


(a) Taken from reference [13].

( b ) Taken from reference [14].



FIG. 1 . - Stereostructural models for Mb or Hb : (I) a = 0.4 A, b = 2.09 A ; (11) a = 0.4 A, b = 2.34 A ; (111) a = 0.8 A,

b = 2.34 A.

sional and thus y can be omitted. The five-fold spin degeneracy of each state Tis lifted by spin-orbit interac- tion, H,,, = - IL.S, with the coupling constant 1 being related to the free ion value, 1, = 103 cm-I, by a reduction factor a2 : A = a2 1,. The eigenvectors

I e,


of this problem, having energies E,, are certain linear combinations of the base vectors I T, S, y,



Since we are interested in quadrupole splittings we calculate for each state I e,


its reievant EFG tensor :

By use of eq. (9) and

V;q can be written as a sum of matrix elements


1' I V,, I 1


which have been defined in section 1.

In order to evaluate the temperature dependence of the EFG one must average the components V i q of the individual substates I e,


according to Boltzmann- statistics :

Diagonalization of



> , +

:V leads to V,,(T), to q(T), to the orientation of V,,(T), and finally through eq. (1) to AEQ(T).

For each of the three models of figure 1 we then calculate the above parameters. The final AEQ(T)- and y(t)-curves together with their corresponding energies E(~A,), E(~B,) and E(5B2) 1151 and with experimental AEQ(T)-data for Mb and Hb are shown in figure 2 for model I. For models I1 and I11 no AEQ-fit curve was

FIG. 2. - Temperature dependent quadrupole splittings, &(T), and asymmetry parameters, (T), for model I of figure 1.

1 = - 75 cm-1. Experimental EQ(T) data for frozen Mb solu- tion (ref. [19]) are indicated by closed circles, for a Mb single crystal (ref. [17]) by cr X )) and errors bars, and for frozen Hb (rat, ph 10) solution (ref. [20]) by open circles and error bars.

Energies for 5B2, 5B1, and 5Az in cm-1 corresponding to EQ(T) -and (T)-curves are : a) 0, 150, 150 ; b) 0, 150, 175 ;

c) 0, 150, 200.

obtained. A low lying 'A, state has negligible influence on AEQ(T) and q(T), and a low lying 3E state is ruled out by the fact that a low-energy term scheme includ- ing intermediate spin states does not correspond to the experimental susceptibility data, x(T), for Mb of Nakano et al. [16], whereas the term scheme related to curve b, figure 2, nicely fits the experimental x(T) data.

Further, we find from our calculations V,, > 0 and V,, being oriented along the heme axis y (Fig. 2), in reasonable agreement with our recent findings from Mossbauer investigation of Mb single crystals at 77 K [17]. A most recent computational analysis of our former Mb single crystal Mossbauer data by Y. Maeda (private communication, 1974) indicates that an orien- tation of V,, parallel to the hemeplane is consistent also with an q-parameter in the range 0





4. Conclusion. - All compounds under study here exhibit covalent bonding to varying degrees and there- fore may appropriately be handled by methods based on molecular-orbital theory rather than by crystal-field methods. Still, the present MO interpretation of experi- mental quadrupole splittings of the various complexes is approximative in the sense that the clusters which are specified by Table I and figure 1 are models only for the 1ea1 compounds, and further, that the MO procedure itself is approximative to the extend described in


INTERPRETATION OF EXPERIMENTAL QUADRUPOLE SPLITTINGS OF IRON C6-239 ref. [I]. These simplifications, however, are believed to tings consistently agrees with the three dimensional be secondary for the present attempt to derive a gross structures of compounds I to V in Table I, and also description of the structural situation around the iron. agrees with the assumption that the heme iron in Mb From the present work we therefore conclude that the and Hb is pentacoordinated and significantly out of the MO interpretation of experimental quadrupole split- hemeplane (by z 0.4 A).


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