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Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree Construction for Versatile Ray Tracing


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Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree Construction for Versatile

Ray Tracing

Jean-Patrick Roccia, Christophe Coustet, Mathias Paulin

To cite this version:

Jean-Patrick Roccia, Christophe Coustet, Mathias Paulin. Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree Construction

for Versatile Ray Tracing. Eurographics 2012, CRS4 Visual Computing and University of Cagliari.,

May 2012, Cagliari, Italy. �hal-01518531�


EUROGRAPHICS 2012 / C. Andujar, E. Puppo

Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree Construction for Versatile Ray


Jean-Patrick Roccia1,2, Christophe Coustet2, Mathias Paulin1

1IRIT - Université de Toulouse, France 2HPC-SA, Toulouse, France


In this paper, we propose an hybrid CPU-GPU ray-tracing implementation based on an optimal Kd-Tree as accel-eration structure. The construction and traversal of this KD-tree takes benefits from both the CPU and the GPU to achieve high-performance ray-tracing on mainstream hardware. Our approach, flexible enough to use only one computing units (CPU or GPU), is able to efficiently distribute workload between CPUs and GPUs for fast construction and traversal of the KD-tree.

Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional

Graphics and Realism—Raytracing

1. Introduction

Modern ray-tracing applications require tracing a high num-ber of rays on the same scene. However, rays are rarely co-herent enough to make their packetization easy and efficient. Monte Carlo based methods, designed to numerically solve integral equations using a high number of independent samples, are typically this kind of methods. In the case of the rendering equation, samples are rays or paths made of rays. Such methods are widely used in radiative simulation and high quality rendering and their accuracy is directly de-pendent on the number of rays traced. Results are refined by iterative step of simulation, and each iteration of a Monte Carlo simulation generates an important number of random, thus incoherent, rays.

Nevertheless, all the applications do not rely on a huge number of rays to give a result. For instance, for interactive exploration or design, the user just needs to evaluate an equa-tion involving few rays to get a virtual measure at one point or to select one object in the scene.

In order to fulfill constraints of both kind of applications, we propose two contributions for building an optimal KD-Tree: a technical one, split event encoding, that reduces the building cost of a KD-Tree and a system one, hybrid CPU/GPU architecture, that efficiently balances the com-putations between CPU and GPU.

As demonstrated in section2, current parallel algorithms

for building KD-Tree do not lead to optimal trees. In order

to build an optimal KD-Tree, we show in section3.1how

to encode split-events to allow efficient hybrid CPU/GPU algorithm that minimizes data transfers as well as

computa-tion time (seccomputa-tion3.2). As our KD-Tree is built in a hybrid

way, it can be efficiently used for traversal on both

proces-sors. We show in section4how versatile our system could

be when using a CUDA implementation (section5).

2. Previous works

While the number of computation cores available on CPU or GPU increases, many parallel approaches for building KD-Trees are proposed. Nevertheless, increasing parallelism and improving load-balancing often lead to sub-optimal trees.

The building of a KD-Tree consists in splitting a node at a location that balances the tree according to a cost function.

Surface Area Heuristic (SAH) [MB90] is known to be very

efficient for ray tracing. However, due to the lack of paral-lelism on the top-level nodes and in order to quickly generate enough nodes for subsequent computations, split heuristic is often simplified in the first steps of the construction. This method clearly improves the construction time, but has two drawbacks: first, the KD-Tree is not optimal on the top nodes and, second, increasing the number of computing units will force to use the simplified split heuristic for an increasing number of nodes.


J.P. Roccia, C. Coustet, M. Paulin / Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree

methods. The first consists in using the initial bounding boxes of triangles to evaluate the SAH cost of all split candi-dates. This implies that the selected split plane is not neces-sarily the real best choice, because of non-updated triangles limits in the current node. The second consists in only test-ing a constant number of regularly distributed split planes instead of using real limits of triangles in the current node whereas they are optimal split candidates.

To our knowledge, all the KD-Tree construction algo-rithms for GPU are built with this kind of approximations.

On the CPU side, [HB02] estimates that the use of the real

limits of triangles provides a 9-35% gain in traversal time compared to initial triangles boxes and demonstrates that

these trees are optimals. [WH06] provides an improved

con-struction algorithm for an optimal KD-Tree that [CKL∗10]

partially parallelizes on 4-sockets Xeon computer (not a par-ticularly mainstream setting). While increasing construction time, both methods improve traversal time. Nevertheless, they both suffer of the same limit: they are hardly useable in real life situations.

On the traversal side, the classical algorithm, introduced in [HKBv98] is still very efficient and optimized, thanks to early-exit optimization and segmented ray validity han-dling. The idea is to traverse always the first intersected child to ensure that the best valid intersection found in a visited node is necessarily the final intersection. This allows stop-ping traversal without visiting any additional node when an intersection is found. However, a dynamic stack is required in order to go back on the last visited node when no valid

in-tersection is found, which is not GPU friendly. Thatâ ˘A ´Zs

why [FS05] introduces a stackless traversal approach for

KD-Tree on GPU that keeps all principle of the previous method but by modifying validity range of the ray, restarts from the root node when no intersection is found. Another

stackless algorithm was proposed by [PGSS07]. The main

idea is to keep ropes that interconnect adjacent nodes. This increases performances by going directly on the next node to traverse instead of going back in the tree levels when no in-tersection is found in the current leaf. The main disadvantage of this method is the memory cost of the ropes: the memory cost of the tree is typically increased by a factor three. 3. Hybrid KD-Tree Construction

The aim of our building method is to use both the CPU and the GPU, if available, to obtain an optimal KD-Tree, with-out approximation during the split plane selection. Our first contribution in this area concerns the representation of trian-gles limits, which are commonly named events. The second contribution concerns a robust and efficient model of task repartition between CPU and GPU.

3.1. Event representation

Each node contains a list of all trianglesâ ˘A ´Z limits in its

space. A triangle limit is in fact a floating value, a triangle index and an event-type flag (start or end of triangle). This

Initial value 0.0f 0.1f -0.1f

0x00000000 0x3dcccccd 0xbdcccccd

Start event 0.0f 0.099999994f -0.1f

0x00000000 0x3dcccccc 0xbdcccccd

End event 1.401e-45f 0.1f -0.099999994f

0x00000001 0x3dcccccd 0xbdcccccc

Table 1: Examples of event type encoding in the event itself.

Without With Acceleration

event-type merging event-type merging factor

0.534s 0.039s x13.7

Table 2: Sorting time acceleration : events representation infuence on NVidia GeForce GTX 460 sorting step for 12M events (i.e.: 2M triangles node.

list must be kept ordered during the whole construction of the tree to allow a lot of optimization for the SAH cost eval-uation. It must also be modified at each split to remove the triangles which not lie in child nodes and to update events of shared triangles (i.e.: triangles intersected by the split plane).

[WH06] uses a float for the event’s location along with a

bool for the start/end type of the event. All the weightiness in the processing of nodes comes from this very simple choice. It adds steps in the ordering predicate when sorting events to ensure that start triangle events are placed before end triangle events in case of equal values and adds a memory access when using events. It also adds 6 bools per triangle in the node structure.

By finding a way to merge events with their types when manipulating the event/type couple, these limits could be overcome. This merging must preserve ordering of events and must limit the KD-Tree sub-optimality to a bare

mini-mum. Concretely, event type only requires one bit. Thatâ ˘A ´Zs

why we decided to store the event type into the least signifi-cant bit of the float value of the event location. So, an event is only a structure containing a modified float and its associ-ated triangle index. The least significant bit of a start event is set to the sign bit of the float, when an end event receives

the boolean complementation of its sign bit (see Table1).

Depending on the float sign and event type, this can shift the float to the previous/next IEEE representable float. This leads to a minimal KD-tree perturbation, maintains event or-dering, and ensures for free that a start event always comes before its corresponding end event, even for aligned trian-gles.

This encoding allows to directly use high performance libraries providing key/value sort functions, with best

per-formances on floats/unsigned (see Table2), in order to sort

events and their associated triangles indexes both on the CPU and the GPU. The type of an event can be retrieved by comparing its sign bit to its least significant bit, avoiding a memory access to a bool.


3.2. CPU/GPU task repartition

The goal of our task repartition is to organize the collabora-tion between the CPU and the GPU in order to best exploit most of their specificities without being forced to use both of them.

For this, nodes of the KD-Tree are divided into two cate-gories, small nodes and large nodes, depending of their num-ber of triangles, NT. The aim of this classification is to pro-cess the large nodes on the GPU in order to exploit massive parallelism on their high number of events, whereas small ones are processed on the CPU. If NT is greater than a user-specified threshold, the node is a large node. Otherwise it is a small node. This threshold must be set according to the max depth of the KD-Tree and the total number of triangles in the scene. In our tests, we experimentally fix this threshold to 100000 triangles to obtain the best efficiency.

The GPU creates the root of the kd-tree by computing and sorting the initial events. Then, it processes the large nodes in depth-first order to provide the CPU with small nodes as fast as possible.

Note that nodes are sent one by one to the GPU to re-duce the maximum memory occupancy. The initial sort is efficiently performed by a key/value sort on primitive types (floats/unsigned), thanks to the event compact representation

proposed in section3.1.

The CPU processes small nodes in parallel with one thread per node. This approach is very flexible in term of computing repartition: if a computing unit is unavailable, the CPU will build the entire tree by considering that all the nodes are small nodes. The GPU can also consider that all the nodes are large nodes.

The small nodes are processed with the four steps method

of [WH06] using our merged event representation. The CPU

threads are waiting for any small nodes pushed in the small nodes buffer. They are released when the small nodes buffer is empty and the large nodes thread is over. Note that if a

large node canâ ˘A ´Zt be computed on the GPU, we just have

to push this large node into the small nodes buffer and the CPU will process it. There are two cases where computing power is lost: when the CPU is waiting for the first small node, and when the GPU is idle, waiting the CPU to finished small nodes processing. These idle times is filled by

imple-menting a large node process for the CPU, like in [CKL∗10],

and a small node process for the GPU, taking many small nodes and processing them in parallel.

4. Hybrid KD-Tree traversal

We have implemented two versions of the KD-Tree

traver-sal: one using a static stack [HKBv98] and the other using

the stackless KD-restart method [FS05]. Both traversal

algo-rithms don’t use any paquetization or coherency classifica-tion on rays. The static stack approach is 30% faster than the KD-restart method and all our measurements are made using this algorithm.

We use a task manager to launch all the ray-tracing thread, thereafter called tracers, required by the application. Our task manager can be viewed as a simple counter of remain-ing rays and a pointer to input (rays)/output (hits) structures. Every tracer can ask the task manager the number of rays to treat. When the job is finished, the task manager stops the tracers.

By using NVIDIA CUDA API [NVI11] zero-copy

mem-ory access, ray tracing can be distributed very simply. In-deed, the same input/output pointers and an offset can be passed to all tracers independently of their types. The GPU tracers call a CUDA kernel with these parameters directly, without explicitly transferring any data. In order to avoid CPU/GPU divergence on results, the same algorithm is used to traverse the KD-Tree on both the CPU and the GPU. The same function is called, by defining it as

__de-vice__and__host__function. Load balancing between the

CPU and the GPU is a difficult point of every hybrid method. In our system, we use a simple heuristic that first assigns rays to the CPU tracers, to avoid launching a GPU kernel for a too little number of rays. In our tests, for best efficiency, the GPU takes ideally one hundred times more rays than the CPU.

The main difficulty of our approach is to find the good number of rays that each CPU/GPU thread requests to the task manager. This can be solved by tracing some rays at the initialization in order to calibrate the tracers, or by using precomputed benchmarks according to the hardware config-uration.

5. CUDA implementation

All the GPU part of our hybrid raytracer is implemented with the NVIDIA CUDA API. We chose to use the zero-copy memory to simplify the hybrid part of our raytracer. The KD-tree and the rays/hits buffers are shared by the CPU and the GPU by using this kind of memory. The large node

processing, inspired of the [CKL∗10] algorithm, can be split

in a global initialization step and four node processing steps. Each step is totally adapted for a GPU parallelization.

Step 1: Root initialization (see Figure1-(1)) is separated

into two phases. A first CUDA kernel computes, in parallel for each triangle, the min/max limits on each axis and fills the events value/index by axis. The second step is a call to a key/value sort primitive on events for each axis.

Step 2: Find best split plane (see Figure1-(2)) for a node

. This step takes the buffers of events values and their as-sociated triangles index as input. For each event, the left counter buffer is initialized with 1 for start events and 0 for end events. The right counter buffer is initialized with 0 for start events and 1 for end events. A parallel exclusive scan on the left counter buffer and a reversed parallel exclusive scan on the right counter buffer are then realized. At this point the number of left/right triangles for each split plane candidate generated by events are available. The SAH cost evaluation


J.P. Roccia, C. Coustet, M. Paulin / Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree

can now be computed, in parallel, for each split plane candi-date. The last thing to do is to find the minimum SAH cost value, by using a parallel minimum finding on GPU.

Step 3: Classify triangles (see Figure 1-(3)) as

left/right/shared with respect to the best split plane found in the previous step . It works only on events posi-tioned on the best axis plane. The first pass treats all starts events in parallel, and initializes their triangles as left/right triangles in function of the position of the event relatively to the best event. The second pass finishes the task by marking triangles of end events positioned after the best events as shared events, only if it was initialized as left event. Step 4: Filter geometry and computes new events on each

side of the split for the shared triangles (see Figure1-(4)).

This step takes triangle position flags generated by the pre-vious step as input, and classifies events in function of their associated triangles position. Purely left and right triangles are just kept sorted for the next step. Shared triangles events are specially processed. For the split axis, a simplified kernel is launched to clamp shared events with a maximum of the best event value for the left events, and a minimum of the best event value for the right events. For other axis the inter-sections of shared triangles with the split plane is computed in parallel to obtain new events on each side. At this point, shared events lists for the left and the right side are available.

Step 5: Finalize lists (see Figure1-(5)) and merges shared

events with the left/right side lists , takes the left and right events lists and updated shared events lists of the previous phases. It just consists to merge the left/right events of the current node with the shared left/shared right updated events: first sort the updated shared lists and proceed to a parallel merge of two sorted list for each child of the current node.

Triangles Create_events() Triangle_ids Events Vertex Sort_by_key() Count_left_right() Left_counter right_counter Exlusive_scan Reversed Exlusive_scan Compute_SAH() SAH Find_min() Best_plane Use_start_events() Triangle_sides Use_end_events() Generate_new_lists() L_Triangle_ids R_Triangle_ids S_Triangle_ids S_Events R_Events L_Events Update_events() SL_Triangle_ids SL_Events SR_Triangle_ids SR_Events Merge_presorted() LF_Triangle_ids RF_Triangle_ids RF_Events LF_Events Root Initialization (1)

Find Best Split Plane (2) Classify triangles (3) Filter Geometry (4) Finalize Lists (5)

Figure 1: GPU large node processing implementation de-tails, step by step. Blue cells for CUDA kernels, black cells for data. L=left, R=right, S=shared, F=final.


[CKL∗10] Our builder

1-core 32-cores 1-core 4-cores 4-cores


Dragon (871K) 5.5 0.65 2.43 1.42 0.54

Happy (1M) 6.8 0.83 3.2 2.0 0.69

Soda (2M) / / 5.2 3.0 1.34

Table 3: Construction times (in seconds) on some well-known Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory models, maximum tree depth = 8, NTT = 350000 for all measures. CPUA: Intel Xeon X7550*4 sockets, CPUB: Intel Core i7 920, GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 460.

Model [AL09] Our tracer Acceleration

Dragon (871K) 34.5 108.5 x3.15

Happy (1M) 32.5 112.3 x3.45

Soda (2M) 32 52.4 x1.63

Table 4: Traversal performances for four diffuse rays per pixels (in Mrays.s-1). Results obtained on NVidia GeForce GTX 460.

6. Results

Event/type merging is the main point of our optimal KD-Tree construction algorithm. It makes the processing on

mainstream hardware simpler and faster (see Table3). The

hybrid CPU/GPU organization provides a gain of 51-65% on build times, and allows outperforming the previously avail-able HPC-class hardware performance level.

We chose to confront results with [AL09], a BVH based

high performance raytracer. We use the Fermi implementa-tion of the author, available in its public git repository. Only diffuse rays are measured, to avoid coherent rays effect. Our

ray tracer effectively outperforms [AL09] on this kind of

rays (see table4).

The hybrid part of the traversal allows us to launch iso-lated rays on the CPU, without CUDA kernel call extra cost, and obtains very high performance when GPU massive par-allelism can’t be exploited.


[AL09] AILAT., LAINES.: Understanding the efficiency of ray traversal on gpus. In Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics 2009(New York, NY, USA, 2009), HPG ’09, ACM, pp. 145–149.4

[CKL∗10] CHOI B., KOMURAVELLI R., LU V., SUNG H., BOCCHINOR. L., ADVES. V., HARTJ. C.: Parallel sah k-d tree construction. In Proceek-dings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics(Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 2010), HPG ’10, Eurographics Association, pp. 77–86.2,3,4

[FS05] FOLEY T., SUGERMANJ.: Kd-tree acceleration struc-tures for a gpu raytracer. In Proceedings of the ACM SIG-GRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware (New York, NY, USA, 2005), HWWS ’05, ACM, pp. 15–22. 2,


[HB02] HAVRANV., BITTNERJ.: On improving kd-trees for ray shooting. Journal of WSCG 10, 1 (February 2002), 209–216.2


robust bsp tree traversal algorithm for ray tracing. J. Graph. Tools 2(January 1998), 15–23.2,3

[MB90] MACDONALDD. J., BOOTHK. S.: Heuristics for ray tracing using space subdivision. Vis. Comput. 6 (May 1990), 153–166.1

[NVI11] NVIDIA: The CUDA homepage. http://developer.nvidia.com/category/zone/cuda-zone, 2011.


[PGSS07] POPOV S., GÃIJNTHER J., SEIDEL H.-P., SLUSALLEK P.: Stackless kd-tree traversal for high per-formance gpu ray tracing. Computer Graphics Forum 26, 3 (2007), 415–424.2

[WH06] WALDI., HAVRAN V.: On building fast kd-trees for ray tracing, and on doing that in O(N log N). In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing(2006), pp. 61–69.2,3


Table 3: Construction times (in seconds) on some well- well-known Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory models, maximum tree depth = 8, NTT = 350000 for all measures.


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