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Exercises for Symplectic Geometry I


Academic year: 2022

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Exercises for Symplectic Geometry I

LMU M¨unchen, Summer term 09 Frederik Witt / Vincent Humili`ere Problem set 7, due for 25/06/09

Co-adjoints orbits

LetGbe a Lie group. Remember that its Lie algebrag, with its canonical Lie bracket [·,·], can be seen either as the tangent space to Gateor as the space of left-invariant vector fields onG. We are going to construct a canonical symplectic form on some submanifolds of the dualg ofg.

The groupGacts on itself by conjugation:

ψg:G→G, a7→gag−1.

The associated linearized action is the so called adjoint representation ofGong:

Adg:gg, X 7→dψg(e)·X.

Consider the canonical pairing h·,·ibetweeng andg. Theco-adjoint representation ofGong is Adg :gg, ξ,7→Adg(ξ),

where Adg(ξ) is defined by hAdg(ξ), Xi=hξ, Adg(X)ifor allX g.

(a) Show the formula






= [X, Y].

(b) Show the formula ¿






, Y À

=hξ,[X, Y]i.

For anyξ∈g we define the following skew-symmetric bilinear form ong:

ωξ(X, Y) =hξ,[X, Y]i.

(c) Show that the kernel ofωξ is the Lie algebra of the stabilizer ofξfor the co-adjoint representation.

(d) Show thatωξdefines a non-degenerate 2-form on the tangent space atξto co-adjoint orbit through ξ.

(e) Show thatωξ defines a closed 2-form on the orbit of ξing.

Hint: This will follow from the Jacobi identity ong.


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