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H. Zeller, R. Shuey, W. Känzig

To cite this version:

H. Zeller, R. Shuey, W. Känzig. THE MOLECULAR CHARACTER OF THE O-2 -


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C 4, supplkment au no 8-9, Tome 28, Aoct-Sepfembre 1967, page C 4 -81



H. R. ZELLER, R. T. SHUEY (*) and W. WZIG Laboratory of Solid State Physics,

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Ziirich, Switzerland

Abstract. - Like other color centers


H ) the OF-center in alkali halides has a strong molecular character. It is shown that methods similar to those used in the theory of transition metal salts lead to an understanding of the electronic ground state and g-factor of the Of-center. It is necessary to invoke a weak covalent bonding with the neighbouring ions. This bonding mani- fests itself in the crystal field splitting, E. P. R. linewith and the reduction of orbital angular mo- mentum matrix elements.

The H. F. S. of the ( 1 6 0 - 1 7 0 ) - center has been measured. The experimental results can be

understood by means of a symmetry analysis of molecular hyperfine coupling. Instead of the single parameter < llr3 > of the Hartree-Fock approximation, four parameters are needed for a com- plete description of the H. F. S. of a molecule in a sl state.

RBsumC. - Le centre OF posdde un caractere typiquement molkculaire, cornme c'est le cas pour certains autres centres colores dans les halogenures alcalins (VK, H). On montre que des mkthodes semblables B celles dkveloppkes dans la thkorie des sels des metaux de transition sont applicables au traitement de l'Ctat klectronique fondamental et le facteur g du centre 0 2 . I1 est nbssaire de considerer une faible liaison covalente avec les ions du voisinage. En tenant compte de cette liaison, l'explication du parametre du champ cristallin, de la largeur de ligne E. P. R. et de la reduction des elements de matrice du moment orbital est possible.

On a mesure la structure hyperfine du centre (160-170)-. Les resultats expkrimentaux sont interpret& par l'analyse de symktrie du couplage hyperfin mol6culaire. Quatre param6tres sont necessaires pour la description complkte de la structure hyperfine d'une molkcule dans l'6tat Tr, au contraire de l'approximation Hartree-Fock qui ne contient que c llr3 > comme parametre. 1. Introduction.


We know from optical, para- TABLE I

magnetic resonance and ENDOR experiments that Principal components of the HFS - Tensor for many color centers have, a t least in their ground state, the VK center (Gauss)

a strong molecular character. For instance a hole in the valence band of an alkali halide is localised and forms the self trapped hole or V,-Center. Electron spin resonance and ENDOR experiments in KC1 show that the hole spends essentially all the time on two chlorine ions forming a Cl; molecule. If we compare the hyperfine splitting of the VK-center in different crystals of different symmetry, we see that it is not much affected by the host crystal (Tab. 1).

The optical absorption bands of the V,-center are also about the same in all host crystals. These facts offer strong support for the assumption that such center can be considered as a molecule in a crystal field.

There is a considerable amount of experimental and theoretical work on transition metal ions in crys-

(*) USAFOSR Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

tals 151. The question is now, if it is possible to apply this theory with some modification to molecular color centers in alkali halides. Unfortunately the V,-center and most of the other molecular centers are unsuitable examples to discuss this question. The reason


that the ground state of the V,-center is a C state and hence has no orbital degeneracy.



. . . .


. .

N a C I . .

. .




. .


. .



. . .




. .

. .

. .




. .

[ l ] 101 [l] 98 121 98 L31 98,6 [4] 104 9 9 10 10.3 12 I



Thus there is little possibility to check angular momentum matrix elements, which are much more sen- sitive to distortions of the outer part of the wavefunc- tion than are hyperfine matrix elements. We would prefer a center whose corresponding free molecule has an orbitally degenerate ground state. This require- ment is met by the 0; center.

FIG. 1.


Energy diagram for OF


Figure 1 shows that a free 0, has an unpaired electron in a ng orbital. The ground state of the mole- cule is


In the crystal the molecule is on a halide site [16], with its internuclear axis parallel to [l 101. The crystalline surroundings reduce the molecular symme- try from cylindrical to orthorhombic, and thus lift the orbital degeneracy (Fig. 2).

2. g-factor and electronic ground state of the 0;- center.


FIELD APPROXIMATION. -Let US now discuss the experimental g-factor using the mode1 of a molecule showing a Stark effect.

Table I1 shows that the g-factor differs considerably from the free electron value. This means that the orbital moment of the 0,-center is only partially


FIG. 2.


02-center in KCI. The lobes of the X-function of the hole are indicated schematically (Note that z designates the internuclear axis and that y is parallel to a [OOl] axis).


Principal components of the g-tensor of the 0,-center in several alkali halides (T = 11 OKv = 9.3 k MHz).


. .


1,948 3 1,943 6 NaBr

. .


1,970 5 1,966 3 NaI

. . .


1,999 6 2,000 4 KC1


1,951 2 1,955 1 KBr



. .

1,926 8 1,931 4 K1

. . .



1,937 0 1,942 0 RbCI


. .

1,983 6 1,984 6 RbBr

. . .

1,974 5 1,976 3 RbI

. . . .

1,9674 1,9695 Error of g,, measure- ment


quenched. The crystal field tends to quench the orbital moment and the spin-orbit-coupling to unquench it again. In our case the two effects are of the same order of magnitude, giving a partially quenched orbital moment.



a is defined by the ratio of the spin-orbit parameter All t o the crystal field parameter A, (See Fig. 3)

When contributions from excited states are included to first order, one obtains the following g-factors :

g,, = g, cos 2 a


A cos 2 a




sin 2 a) g,, = g, cos 2 a f A cos 2 a




sin 2 a) (1) g,, = g,


2 sin 2 a

A and B are sums of matrix elements between ground and excited Coulomb states divided by the correspon- ding excitation energies and therefore purely molecular quantities which do not depend upon the crystal field. Within the framework of a pure Coulomb crystal field theory the above expressions are completely general. However, it turns out that the measured quantities A and B vary with the host crystal. Thus it is

impossible to describe the 0,-center with pure mole- cular states. A similar situation was found in transi-

tion metal salts by the Oxford group [5].

2.2 GENERAL ANALYSIS OF THE g-FACTOR. - We may distinguish two causes for the discrepancy between the experimental g-factor and the g-factor calculated for the molecule in a coulombic crystal field.

1) The wave functions of the ground state are distorted to some extent by the crystalline environment. (For instance by slight covalent bonding.)

2) The excited molecular states entering A and B are essentielly degenerate with the intrinsic alkali halide excitons and may therefore be severely modified in a manner dependent on host crystal.

To account for the first effect, one must assume only orthorhombic symmetry for the wave functions. We neglect all excited levels except

2 ~ 1 ,

since we expect that this level i s most important and least modified by the crystal. The basis states are then the Coulomb states of the center (Fig. 3), and only the magnetic energy is nondiagonal. Using the notation of Koster and Statz [6] we define quantities li and Ai as follows :







> = - il,







> = - il,





> = - il, <





> = i 1, S, <






> = i A, S , . (2) < T : IX,,Ir: > = iA,S,.

FIG. 3. - Level scheme of the O? center

(Only the levels important for g-factor shift are showi~).

Furthermore we put

To first order in LIE the g-tensor for this model is


g,, = g, cos 2 a


- [I, sin 2 a




cos 2 a)]



g,, = g e c o s 2 a


-[Ay(l +cos2a) -Axsin2a] (3)


g,, = g,


2 1, sin 2 a

These expressions predict (for small a) g,, > g,,. Experimentally such is the case except for 0, in NaCl and NaBr (Tab. 11). So far it has been supposed that the axis of the hole orbit is X (i. e. parallel to [110]. The analysis of the g-factor shows that this is in fact the case in the K


and Rb


halides but that in NaCl, NaBr and possibly also in NaI the axis of the hole orbit is y. Hence for the latter salts the indices X and y

have to be interchanged in the above expressions. Using the experimental g-factors it is possible to deter-


mine the parameters - , l,, --- if we put A, = A,


and l, = I,.

Let us now discuss the parameters listed in Table 111. Theoretical estimates [8] give A,,


X 0.003.

In the free molecule l, is unity. However, the distor- tion of the wavefunction by the crystal reduces 1, [7].




g-factor parameters computed from experimental g-factors with expressions (3)



0.2313 & 0.1 % 0.962i0.001 2 5 + 1 KBr

. .

0.283 0 f 0.1 % 0.952


0.001 31 f 1 K . . . 0.2632: 0 . 1 % ~ 0 . 9 4 8 f O . O 0 1 ~ 3 3 f l







. . .

tical estimate. ,This applies for NaCl NaBr, KCl, KBr and KI. For Nal, RbCl, RbBr and RbI this analysis yields 1, > 1. Probably this is due to the

neglect of the contributions from higher excited states. More detailed studies [8] show that it is possible to obtain 1,


1 in all cases.

The conclusion of the g-factor analysis is : The center cannot be described by a pure Coulomb crystal field approximation. The matrix element of L, in the ground state is sensitive to orthorhombic distortions. However, the fact that L, z 1 indicates that the distor-

tion or the covalent bonding to the neighbouring ions is weak. In NaI and the Rb-halides contributions from higher excited states to the g-factor may be compara- ble to that from the state.

2.3 COVALENT BONDING TO THE NEIGHBOURING IONS. - Rather direct information about the spread of the wave function to the neighbouring ions is contained in the superhyperfine structure of 0,. Therefore we consider first the EPR linewidth (Tab. IV). At solid H, temperature the linewidth can be attributed to unresol- ved hyperfine interaction with nuclei of neighbouring ions.

In the K-and-Rb-halides the linewidth decreases with decreasing lattice constant a. The width can be written approximately as

0.249 f 0.5 % 0.193 f 0.7 % 0.052


10 %

where C depends only on the alkali nucleus. This indicates that in the K-and Rb-halides the linewidth is caused essentially by interaction with alkali nuclei.

In certain cases partial resolution of the hyperfine interaction is possible (Fig. 4).

The spectrum consists of 1 3 lines. From this fact as

well as from the intensity ratio one concludes that the

EPR line widths if the 0,-center in different alkali halides. T = 11 OK (* T = 2 OK). Peak to peak of

first derivative in gauss

0.932 3Z 0.005 0.977


0.008 1.8 i 0.2 NaC1.









. .


. . .

(30 3Z 5) X 10-4 26 1 5


4 1 5



. .


. .


. . .

I Gauss

11 I I 11



THE MOLECULAR CHARACTER OF THE 02-CENTER C 4 - 8 5 splitting arises from interaction with four equivalent

nuclei with spin 312, i. e. with the four K nuclei in the xz plane (Fig. 2). A crude estimate shows that this splitting cannot be explained by the pure dipole-dipole interaction of the K nuclei with an 0, n-function. It is necessary to include a slight covalent bonding to the four alkali neighbours in the xz-plane.

In the Na-halides, on the orher hand, the linewidth increases with increasing lattice constant (Tab. 111). Since the magnetic moment of the halide nuclei increase in the sequence Cl, Br, I, this indicates that the line- width arises essentially from interactions with halide nuclei.

The investigation of the linewidth leads to a quali- tative understanding of the crystal field splitting A , (Fig. 3). Consider first the case of 0, in K-and Rb-hali- des. A slight covalent bonding to the four alkali ions in the xz plane splits the




state of the free molecule as indicated in figure 5.

FIG. 5. - Energy diagram of the OT-center (schematically). A slight covalent bonding of 0 2 with the neighbouring four alkalis in the xz-plane is assumed.

The overlap with the nearest neighbours is larger for the .ni wavefunctions of the molecule than for the nY,

wavefunctions. Therefore the upper antibonding level is


and the hole which was originally in the 17,

state is now in the


state. This is in contrast with a simple Coulomb ,repulsion argument according to which the four positively charged alkali ions (Fig. 2) would repel the hole.

In the sodium halides where the interaction with halide ions dominates the covalency argument does not work. Thus it is understandable that in NaCl and NaBr the ground state of the 0, center is

~ 4 f

(axis of the hole orbit parallel to y). In the K-and Rb-halides

A , can be interpreted as the energy difference between the two antibonding levels (Fig. 5). Therefore one expects that A, increases with increasing covalency or in other words with increasing linewidth per magnetic moment of the alkali nuclei. The comparison between tables 111 and IV shows that this is in fact the case (with exception of KI).

It is possible to describe the covalency in the K- and Rb-halides by a L. A. C. 0. approximation 171. This theory gives a relation between the E. P. R. linewidth and the orbital moment matrix element I, introduced in (2). The analysis of the experimental linewidths pre- dicts a reduction by only 0.5


of l, from the free- molecule value of unity. The reduction obtained from the analysis of the g-factor is about an order of magni- tude larger (Tab. 111). A similar situation is familiar for transition metal ions [9]. The origin of the discre- pancy is the following : For the I,-reduction the region of the wavefunction away from the interior of either the 0; or the alkali-ions is important, and it is just there where L. C. A. 0 . approximation is inadequate. Only in one well-known case, namely (NiF,)4- [10], has it been possible with great effort to obtain agree- ment between orbital reduction factors determined directly and those calculated from superhyperfine fields by a covalency theory. To sum up, one can say that for the 0;-center just as for the transition metal ions the crystal field splittings, the EPR linewidth (caused by unresolved hyperfine interaction with neighbour ions) and the reduction of matrix elements with respect to those of the free ion are closely related to covalent bonding effects and cannot be explained by a pure Coulomb crystal field theory.

3. The hyperfine structure of (168




So far we have discussed how some matrix elements change if we put the molecule into a crystal and what the limits are of a-purely molecular treatment of the resulting center. Now we shall show, taking the exam- ple of the 0;-center, that the study of a molecular center in a crystal can yield similar information as gas spectroscopy of the free molecule.



Fig. 6 .


E. P. R. of 0 2 in KC1 doped with 20 % 1 7 0 enriched oxygen.

First derivative of absorption signal. f = 8.8 kMc, T = 11 OK.

( 1 6 0


1 7 0 ) - (Fig. 6) and 11 lines for ( 1 7 0


1 7 0 ) -

with intensity ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 .

The ( 1 7 0


1 7 0 ) - lines are just barely visible.

Principal components of the HFS-tensor of

( 1 6 0 - 1 7 0 ) - . T = 11 OK




. .

RbCl RbI.


Since the H. F. S .


interaction is proportional to l/r3, only the part of the wavefunction near the nucleus is important. It is just this part which is not much affected by the environment. Thus we can describe the H. F. S. to a good approximation in terms of molecular wave functions.

In this approximation the calculated values of the principal components of the H. F. S. -tensor can be represented as linear combinations of matrix elements

of molecular wave functions. The coefficients, in favorable cases, can be taken from the analysis of the g-factor. In L. C . A. 0-Hartree-Fock appro- ximation one single molecular parameter, namely




determines the H. F. S. of a li' state. For a general correlated many-electron wavefunction the number of independant parameters is larger. It has been shown [7] that for a complete description of the H. F. S. of 0, four molecular parameters are needed. They can be defined as follows [7] :




Spin density at the nucleus

1 , 1



r > - r averaged over orbital moment density

averaged over two different matrix


< - >S, elements of spin density. r3

For atomic functions

1 1


- >; = < - >",holds

r r


THE MOLECULAR CHARACTER OF THE 02-CENTER C 4 - 8 7 The expressions for the principal components of the

H. F. S.-tensor become then [7] :

P I 87.c 1 1


= 2 p e I [ T ~ $ ( ~ ) ~ 2

- -

i -



5 r3

If the H. F. S.-parameters are true molecular quan- tities and not affected by the crystal, then A,, versus sin 2 a should give a straight line (Fig. 7). The value of

sin 20

10.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28

FIG. 7. - A a z of ('60-170)- in different alkali halides plotted versus sin 2 cc.

< l/r3 > l is determined by the slope. Similarly, A,,

plotted versus sin 2 U should give a straight line for small values of a (Fig. 8).

Figures 7 and 8 show that it is indeed possible to fit the measured A i i with a good accuracy with four H. F. S.-parameters using the a values derived from the analysis of the g-factor. The results of the fit are summarized in table VI together with other hyperfine parameters of oxygen. (Note that in this table


l/r3 > S is defined as 1/2(< l/r3


f l/r3


The error in the parameters of 0, comes mainly from the rela- tively large error in A,, (Tab. V).

FIG. 8.


Azz of (160-170)- in different

alkali halides plotted versus sin 2 a.

170. 160

H y p e f i e parameters of (160-170) - compared with

corresponding parameters of 1 7 0 and ('60-170)

(All values in 1025 cm-3) sin 0 0.05 010 Q15 0.20 Q25 0.30 02-center 0 2 1111 (Micro


wave ab- sorpt.)

. .

0 [l21 (ESR) Hartree



. .



0 2 P [l31

It is possible to qualitatively understand correlation corrections to Hartree-Fock hyperfine predictions by the unrestricted Hartree-Fock method, in which unpaired electrons are allowed to polarize closed shells. The spin density at the nucleus




(vani- shing in Hartree-Fock approximation) arises from a spin polarization of the l s and 2 s shells, or in a diatomic molecule of the a shells. The large a,



splitting allows molecular configurations with




# 0 to have less excitation energy than the corresponding atomic configurations. Therefore,




is expected to be larger in molecules than in atoms. Furthermore




should be proportional to the number of unpaired ((c polarizing )I) electrons.





in 0, is twice that in 0, (Tab. VI).



2 p shell (or of the n: shells in the molecule) in which electrons of different magnetic quantum number have different radial functions. Since the .nu


ng splitting is relatively small the difference between


l / r 3


and the Hartree-Fock value should be about the same for the molecule and for the atom. The small diffe- rence between molecular and atomic


l/r3 shown in table V1 could be attributed to the overlap-renor-

malization of atomic orbitals in an antibonding LCAO molecular orbital.

The difference between


l/r3 >" and the Hartree- Fock value for < l/r3 > is mainly due to the follo- wing effects :

1) Spin polarization of the 2 p shell.

2) Spin-dependent admixture of d orbitals into the

s shell. The same reasoning applied above for




holds also for




in that the large o,



splitting causes a larger polarizability in the molecule than in the atom. Table IV indicates furthermore that the many-electron contribution to < l/r3 > S in 0,

is larger than in O,, presumably because 0, has two polarizing electrons. The difference between

< l/r3 > S) and l/r3 >


comes from molecular binding effects.

4. Conclusion.


The principal conclusion of this investigation is the following : The electronic struc- ture of molecular centers in alkali halides can be ana- lyzed by applying methods similar to those used for transition metal salts. The additional complications which arise because of the lower symmetry of the molecules can be overcome.

The present investigation forms a basis for the understanding of a number of interesting phenomena due to 0; :

1) Paraelastic alignment of 0, in alkali halides 1141.

2) Magnetic and elastic interactions between 0;

centers in alkali halides.

3) Magnetic and elastic cooperative phenomena in the alkali superoxydes [15].

Work along these lines is underway in Zurich and supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In the early stages of this work the authors profited from a discussion on the hyperfine structure with Prof. T. G. Castner.


[l] CASTNER (T. G.) and KANZIG (W.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1957, 3, 178.

[2] ZELLER (H. R.), VANNOTTI (L.) and KXNZIG (W.), Phys. kondens. Materie, 1964, 2 , 133.

[3] BILL (H.), SUTER (H.) and LACROE (R.), Phys. Letters,

1966, 22, 241.

[4] HISASKI UEDA, J. Chem. Physics, 1964, 41, 285.

[5] Low (W.), Paramagnetic Resonance (Solid State Physics Suppl. 2) Academic Press, New York,


[6] KOSTER (G. F.), DIMMOCK (J. O.), WHEELER (R. G.),

STATZ (H.), Properties of the Thirtiy-two point groups. M. I. T. Press, Cambridge 1963, p. 39. [7] SHUEY (R. T.) and ZELLER (H. R.), to be published in

Helv. Phys. Acta.

[8] ZELLER ( H . R.) and KANZIG (W.), to be published in Helv. Phys. Acta.

[g] TINKHAM (M.), PYOC Roy. SOC., 1956, A 236, 549. [l01 SUGANO (S.) and SHULMAN (R. G.), Phys. Rev., 1963,

130, 517. But see criticism by, WATSON (R. E.) and FREEMAN (A. J.), Phys. Rev., 1964, 134 A,


- -

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