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InProceedings of the 2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)


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Aarsleff, H. (1981). Bréal, la sémantique et Saussure.Histoire Épistémologie Langage, 3(2):115–133. (on p. 18)

Allahyaria, M. and Kochuta, K. (2015). Ontolda: An ontology-based topic model for automatic topic labeling. InProceedings of the 2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). (on p. 61)

Allison, S. D., Heuser, R., Jockers, M. L., Moretti, F., and Witmore, M. (2011). Quanti- tative formalism: an experiment. Stanford Literary Lab. (on p. 65)

Anderson, C. (2008). The end of theory: The data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete.Wired magazine, 16(7):16–07. (on p. 67)

Armstrong, T. G., Moffat, A., Webber, W., and Zobel, J. (2009). Improvements that don’t add up: ad-hoc retrieval results since 1998. InProceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, pages 601–610. ACM. (on p. 49)

Assar, S., Boughzala, I., and Boydens, I. (2011). Back to practice, a decade of research in e-government. InPractical studies in e-government, pages 1–12. Springer. (on p. 88)

Baker, P., Gabrielatos, C., Khosravinik, M., Krzy˙zanowski, M., McEnery, T., and Wodak, R. (2008). A useful methodological synergy? combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the uk press.Discourse & Society, 19(3):273–306. (on pp. 28 and 29) Balkenende, J. et al. (2005). Etymologisch Woordenboek van het Nederlands. Ams-

terdam University Press. (on p. 17) 181


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Blank, A. (1999). Why do new meanings occur? A cognitive typology of the motiva- tions for lexical semantic change. Historical semantics and cognition, (13):6. (on pp. 22, 101, and 102)

Blank, A. and Koch, P. (1999).Historical semantics and cognition, volume 13. Walter de Gruyter. (on p. 18)

Blanke, T., Bryant, M., and Hedges, M. (2012). Open source optical character recog- nition for historical research.Journal of Documentation, 68(5):659–683. (on pp. 90 and 92)

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Blei, D. M. (2012). Probabilistic topic models.Commun. ACM, 55(4):77–84. (on p. 57) Blei, D. M., Ng, A. Y., and Jordan, M. I. (2003). Latent Dirichlet Allocation.Journal of

Machine Learning Research, 3:993–1022. (on pp. 45, 53, and 58)

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Boydens, I. (1999).Informatique, normes et temps. Bruylant, Bruxelles. (on p. 89)


Boydens, I. (2011). Strategic issues relating to data quality for e-government: learn- ing from an approach adopted in belgium. InPractical Studies in E-government, pages 113–130. Springer. (on p. 89)

Boydens, I. and van Hooland, S. (2011). Hermeneutics applied to the quality of em- pirical databases.Journal of documentation, 67(2):279–289. (on p. 88)

Brauer, R. and Fridlund, M. (2013). Historicizing topic models, a distant reading of topic modeling texts within historical studies. InInternational Conference on Cultural Research in the context of “Digital Humanities”, St. Petersburg: Russian State Herzen University. (on p. 61)

Bréal, M. (1883). Les lois intellectuelles du langage : fragment de sémantique. In Annuaire de l’Association pour l’encouragement des études grecques en France, vol- ume 17, pages 132–142. (on p. 13)

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Briscoe, E. J. (1988). Computational lexicography for natural language. Halsted Press. (on p. 25)

Brody, S. and Lapata, M. (2009). Bayesian word sense induction. InProceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 103–111. Association for Computational Linguistics. (on p. 53) Brooks, C. (1947). The well wrought urn: Studies in the structure of poetry. London:

Methuen. (on p. 65)

Buck, C. D. (1949).A dictionary of selected synonyms in the principal Indo-European languages. University of Chicago Press. (on p. 21)

Busa, R. (2008). Foreword. InA companion to digital humanitiesby Susan Schreib- man, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth. John Wiley & Sons. (on p. 62)

Cassin, B. (2016). Eloge de la traduction. Fayard, Paris. (on pp. 37 and 46)

Cavallin, K. (2012). Automatic extraction of potential examples of semantic change using lexical sets. InKONVENS, pages 370–377. (on pp. 32, 33, 35, 36, 158, and 164)


Chang, J., Gerrish, S., Wang, C., Boyd-Graber, J. L., and Blei, D. M. (2009). Reading tea leaves: How humans interpret topic models. InAdvances in neural information processing systems, pages 288–296. (on pp. 59 and 61)

Chardonnens, A. and Hengchen, S. (2017). Text mining for user query analysis.

InEverything Changes, Everything Stays the Same? Understanding Information Spaces. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2017)-(isi2017). Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. (on p. 88)

Chase, D., Trapasso, E., and Tolliver, R. (2016). The perfect storm: Examining user experience and conducting a usability test to investigate a disruptive academic library web site redevelopment. Journal of Web Librarianship, 10(1):28–44. (on p. 88)

Chomsky, N. (1956). Three models for the description of language. Information Theory, IRE Transactions on, 2(3):113–124. (on p. 45)

Chowdhury, G. (2010).Introduction to modern information retrieval. Facet publish- ing. (on p. 46)

Cleary, B., Brito, I. L., Huang, K., Gevers, D., Shea, T., Young, S., and Alm, E. J.

(2015). Detection of low-abundance bacterial strains in metagenomic datasets by eigengenome partitioning.Nature biotechnology, 33(10):1053–1060. (on p. 84) Coe, J. (2001).The Rotters’ Club. Viking Press. (on p. 49)

Cook, B. A. (2002).Belgium: A history, volume 50. Peter Lang. (on p. 121)

Cox, R. T. (1946). Probability, frequency and reasonable expectation.American jour- nal of physics, 14(1):1–13. (on p. 58)

Cremona, J. (1959). Historical semantics and the classification of semantic changes.

Hispanic Studies in Honour of I. González Llubera, ed. Francis W. Pierce (Oxford:

Dolphin, 1959), pages 1–6. (on p. 18)

Crymble, A. (2013). Review of Paper Machines, produced by Chris Johnson- Roberson and Jo Guldi. (on p. 82)


de Lhoneux, M., Shao, Y., Basirat, A., Kiperwasser, E., Stymne, S., Goldberg, Y., and Nivre, J. (2017). From raw text to universal dependencies-look, no tags! Pro- ceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, pages 207–217. (on p. 30)

De Saussure, F. (1989). Cours de linguistique générale: Édition critique, volume 1.

Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. (on pp. 18 and 20)

De Wilde, M. (2015).From Information Extraction to Knowledge Discovery: Semantic Enrichment of Multilingual Content with Linked Open Data. PhD thesis, Univer- sité libre de Bruxelles. (on pp. 48, 63, 64, 65, 87, and 92)

De Wilde, M. and Hengchen, S. (2017). Semantic enrichment of a multilingual archive with linked open data.Digital Humanities Quarterly. (on p. 65)

Deerwester, S. C., Dumais, S. T., Furnas, G. W., Harshman, R. A., Landauer, T. K., Lochbaum, K. E., and Streeter, L. A. (1989). Computer information retrieval using latent semantic structure. US Patent 4,839,853. (on p. 53)

Dubossarsky, H., Shalit, U., Grossman, E., and Weinshall, D. (2015a). Using topic modeling to detect and quantify semantic change. New Developments in the Quantitative Study of Languages, page 15. (on p. 34)

Dubossarsky, H., Tsvetkov, Y., Dyer, C., and Grossman, E. (2015b). A bottom up ap- proach to category mapping and meaning change. InNetWordS, pages 66–70. (on p. 34)

Dubossarsky, H., Weinshall, D., and Grossman, E. (2017). Outta control: Laws of semantic change and inherent biases in word representation models. InProceed- ings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 1147–1156. (on pp. 34 and 104)

Duguid, P. (2007). Inheritance and loss? A brief survey of Google Books. First Mon- day, 12(8). (on p. 93)

Durant, W. (1961). Story of philosophy. Simon and Schuster. (on p. 65)


Dury, P. and Picton, A. (2009). Terminologie et diachronie: vers une réconcilia- tion théorique et méthodologique? Revue française de linguistique appliquée, 14(2):31–41. (on p. 25)

Ehrmann, M. (2008).Les entités nommées, de la linguistique au TAL: statut théorique et méthodes de désambiguïsation. PhD thesis, Université Paris Diderot – Paris VII.

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Enderle, J. S., Balagopalan, A., Li, X., and Newman, D. (2016). senderle/topic- modeling-tool: First stable release senderle/topic-modeling-tool: First stable re- lease. (on p. 76)

Falk, I., Bernhard, D., and Gérard, C. (2014). De la quenelle culinaire à la quenelle politique: identification de changements sémantiques à l’aide des topic models.

In21ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, page 443. (on pp. 31, 32, and 36)

Farinosi, M., Lim, C., and Roll, J. (2016). Book or screen, pen or keyboard? A cross- cultural sociological analysis of writing and reading habits basing on Germany, Italy and the UK.Telematics and Informatics, 33(2):410–421. (on p. 48)

Feng, Y. and Lapata, M. (2010). Topic models for image annotation and text illus- tration. InHuman Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 831–839. Association for Computational Linguistics. (on p. 53)

Firth, J. R. (1957). A synopsis of linguistic theory, 1930-1955. Studies in linguistic analysis. (on pp. 24 and 51)

Fish, S. (2012). Mind your p’s and b’s: The digital humanities and interpretation.

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Geeraerts, D. (1997). Diachronic prototype semantics: A contribution to historical lexicology. Oxford University Press. (on pp. 17 and 18)

Goldberg, Y. (2016). A primer on neural network models for natural language pro- cessing.Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 57:345–420. (on p. 50)

Goldberg, Y. (2017). Neural network methods for natural language processing. Syn- thesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, 10(1):1–309. (on p. 50)

Grant, M. (1999). Towards a central office of information: Continuity and change in British government information policy, 1939–51.Journal of Contemporary history, 34(1):49–67. (on p. 153)

Greene, D., O’Callaghan, D., and Cunningham, P. (2014). How many topics? Stabil- ity analysis for topic models. InMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pages 498–513. Springer. (on pp. 61 and 101)

Griffiths, D. and Tenenbaum, M. (2004). Hierarchical topic models and the nested Chinese restaurant process. Advances in neural information processing systems, 16:17. (on p. 58)

Gulordava, K. and Baroni, M. (2011). A distributional similarity approach to the de- tection of semantic change in the Google Books ngram corpus. InProceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics, pages 67–71. Association for Computational Linguistics. (on pp. 26 and 34) Haghighi, A. and Vanderwende, L. (2009). Exploring content models for multi-

document summarization. InProceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Com- putational Linguistics, pages 362–370. Association for Computational Linguistics.

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Hamilton, W. L., Leskovec, J., and Jurafsky, D. (2016). Diachronic word embeddings reveal statistical laws of semantic change. arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.09096. (on pp. 33, 34, 35, 36, 50, 102, 104, and 168)

Hengchen, S., Coeckelbergs, M., van Hooland, S., Verborgh, R., and Steiner, T.

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Hengchen, S. and Koolen, M. (2015). topic-modeling-tool-fr: Working prototype.

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Hengchen, S., O’Connor, A., Munnelly, G., and Edmond, J. (2016b). Comparing topic model stability across language and size. InProceedings of the Japanese Associa- tion for Digital Humanities Conference 2016. (on pp. 82, 84, and 148)

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Hoffman, M., Bach, F. R., and Blei, D. M. (2010). Online learning for Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Inadvances in neural information processing systems, pages 856–864.

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Hofmann, T. (1999). Probabilistic latent semantic indexing. InProceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, pages 50–57. ACM. (on p. 56)

Hulpus, I., Hayes, C., Karnstedt, M., and Greene, D. (2013). Unsupervised graph- based topic labelling using DBpedia. InProceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, pages 465–474. ACM. (on p. 61) Jatowt, A. and Duh, K. (2014). A framework for analyzing semantic change of words

across time. InProceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pages 229–238. IEEE Press. (on pp. 28, 29, and 153)

Jenset, G. B. and McGillivray, B. (2017).Quantitative Historical Linguistics: A Corpus Framework, volume 26. Oxford University Press. (on p. 86)

Joachims, T. (2002).Learning to classify text using support vector machines: Methods, theory and algorithms. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (on pp. 53, 60, and 100) Jockers, M. L. (2013).Macroanalysis: Digital methods and literary history. University

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Jordanous, A. and Keller, B. (2016). Modelling creativity: identifying key components through a corpus-based approach.PloS one, 11(10):e0162959. (on pp. 30 and 32) Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. H. (2000). Speech and language processing.International

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Lau, J. H., Cook, P., McCarthy, D., Gella, S., and Baldwin, T. (2014a). Learning word sense distributions, detecting unattested senses and identifying novel senses us- ing topic models. InACL (1), pages 259–270. (on p. 31)

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