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Misperceptions amongst boys in the Islamic Republic of Iran about sexual and reproductive health


Academic year: 2022

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Background and objective

• Currently, 36% (or 25.3 million) of the Iranian population is estimated to be between the ages of 10 and 24 years.

• Little is known about the knowledge and behaviour of young people in the Islamic Republic of Iran in the context of sexual and reproductive health. Similarly, there is little information on young people’s needs for sexual and reproductive health information and services.

• The objective of this study was to document the sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys in Tehran. The goal of the study was to inform the development of programmes and policies to address the sexual and reproductive health needs of young people in the country.

Study design and sample

Researchers at the Islamic Republic of Iran National Research Centre of Medical Sciences conducted a population-based representative survey of 1385 boys aged 15–18 years living in Tehran. The study participants completed a self-administered questionnaire with questions on sexual and reproductive health beliefs and knowledge, and on sexual activity.

Major findings

Over a quarter of adolescent boys (28%) reported experience of sexual contact.

Since the questionnaire did not require the participants to specify the different types of sexual contact, this figure includes non-penetrative sexual experiences (e.g. hugging, kissing, and touching) as well as penetrative sex. Of those reporting sexual contact, more than half (55%) said that their first experience had taken place by age 15.

Alcohol consumption and access to satellite television were strong predictors of sexual contact. With other factors (sociodemographic factors, communication with parents, school attendance) being controlled for, the study participants who reported ever consuming alcohol were almost five times (odds ratio 4.8) more likely to have experienced sexual contact compared with those who had never consumed alcohol.

Boys with access to satellite television were twice (odds ratio 2.2) as likely to report experiencing sexual contact as those without access to satellite television. Smoking, having been employed, having more permissive attitudes towards sex and being older were all related to experience of sexual contact. Having access to the Internet was not related to experience of sexual contact.

P olic y brief


Department of

Reproductive Health and Research

Misperceptions amongst boys in the Islamic Republic of Iran about sexual and reproductive health

Social science research policy briefs

February 2007



Misperceptions about sex and reproduction were common. Older age and having previous work experience were both associated with correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health. Access to satellite television and the Internet were also positively associated with correct knowledge. Boys who regarded themselves as “religious” had less knowledge of sexual and reproductive health issues compared with those who regarded themselves as being “somewhat religious ” or “not religious”.

Boys sought information on sexual and reproductive health from sources outside the home. Adolescent boys cited classmates/friends (26%) and teachers/school counsellors/

other health-care providers (25%) as the most important sources of information on puberty and sex. These were also reported as the preferred sources of information on this subject.

Participants reflected traditional attitudes towards sex. Some 40% of the participants approved of “temporary marriage” – a controversial but permissible type of union in the Islamic Republic of Iran in which the duration of the union and corresponding bride price are specified in advance of the marriage contract. Figure 1 presents the percentage distribution of the participants’ agreement or disagreement with statements related to attitudes towards sex.

Figure 1. Percentage distribution of adolescent boys’ agreement or disagreement with statements related to attitudes towards sex

Homosexual behaviour is unacceptable

Completely disagree Disagree

No idea Agree

Completely agree Young men should not

have sex before marriage

Young women should not have sex before marriage

Unmarried people should not even have friendship with members of the opposite sex

Unmarried young people should not have sex

0 20 40 60 80


UNDPUNFPAWHOWorld Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction


Conclusions and policy recommendations

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmes are needed in the Islamic Republic of Iran to help adolescents acquire the information and skills they need to make informed decisions about safe sexual activity. The higher than expected prevalence of sexual contacts and lack of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health (including about sexually transmitted infections and contraceptives) pose a significant threat to the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Gaps in both information and services need to be addressed urgently.

The study identified potential sources of information. Increased access to the Internet offers a new channel of communication for providing sexual and reproductive health education to adolescents. Since being religious was associated with poorer knowledge of sexual and reproductive health, it may be useful to work with religious leaders to help provide accurate information on sexual and reproductive health to young people.

Utilization of findings

Findings from this study have already played a catalytic role in bringing attention to the issue of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The authors of the study continue to disseminate the study findings to national stakeholders including; the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Research, and the National Youth Organization. As a results of these efforts, a dialogue has started between the stakeholders aimed at developing an appropriate strategy on youth.


Mohammadi MR, Mohammad K, Farahani FKA, Alikhani S. Zare, Tehrani, FR, Ramezankhani A, Alaeddini F. Reproductive knowledge, attitudes and behavior among adolescent males in Tehran, Iran. Int Fam Plan Perspect 2006;32:35-44.

Further information

This policy brief is based on a study supported by the UNDP/UNFPA/WHO World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP).

For further information, please contact:

Farideh Farahani

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 51 Bedford Square

London WC1B 3DP United Kingdom

e-mail: farideh.farahani@lshtm.ac.uk

Iqbal Shah / Shawn Malarcher

Department of Reproductive Health and Research World Health Organization

1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland

e-mail: shahi@who.int malarchaers@who.int

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© World Health Organization 2007

All rights reserved. This policy brief contains the views of the authors who conducted this study and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization.

UNDPUNFPAWHOWorld Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction


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