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Regularized Two Level Algorithms for Model Problems


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Regularized Two Level Algorithms for Model Problems Jichao Zhao, Jean-Antoine Desideri. To cite this version: Jichao Zhao, Jean-Antoine Desideri. Regularized Two Level Algorithms for Model Problems. [Research Report] RR-6382, INRIA. 2007, pp.29. �inria-00166639v2�. HAL Id: inria-00166639 https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00166639v2 Submitted on 5 Dec 2007. HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers.. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés..

(2) INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE. Regularized Two Level Algorithms for Model Problems Jichao ZHAO — Jean-Antoine DÉSIDÉRI. N° 6382 August 8, 2007. ISSN 0249-6399. apport de recherche. ISRN INRIA/RR--6382--FR+ENG. Thème NUM.




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(51) [.*jlpsrª­   σ 0 0 ··· 0·  ·  0 σ 0  · · · · · · · · · 0  ,  Σ=0  ·   ·  2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. N. 1. i. 2. i. j. 0. i. j. j. j=1. N. T. T i i i. i=1. 1. 2. . 0. ···. 0 0. σN −1 0. 0  σN N ×N. CED F ` CHG.



(54)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2' ". „m™†. |» ©L“Œ¾ XZ]\mµjlXZ]S[^„jlpsr±­ r¹iailgE[®[^]qjlpsru‡{’ZjlX‚]qm¶rªj€is*jlr¹iA9‚]\i · ¢ j€r¹ia{ƒuily^jlyV£Œ]qpsr±¯²gBjlXZ]¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤rumZ‘ ps]qƒ¹*jlruy{m™i¤rªjlX%ps]q‘v„Ap!†hrªm‚‘Sjsy^ilrumZ‘{nZƒ¹„p£*„ƒunZ]Li2„m‚†@£{]L‡IjsUy{p!=i A V »|©{©¬¾ Av = σ u , kAv k = σ , i = 1, 2, · · · , N , {i¤¦]qƒuƒÂ{i X X X »|©¬Ž{¾ b= (u b)u , Y = (v Y )v , AY = σ (v Y )u . ;2]\m‚‡ ]Œ’:jlX‚]ilrª[^Zƒu]\ikj®{m‚ † Zkm‚{rª£Œ] [B„Z‚plyv{‡!XjlyikyŒƒª£Œ].jlX‚]@ƒurªm‚]\„p®[.*jsplrª­ ]\tvn‚*jsrªyŒm »Õv¾S‡\„mÀ5] ¤psr±jljl]qmµŒi Xu b »|©L‹Œ¾ v . Y =A b= σ ;2y*¤¦]q£Œ]qpajlXZ( ] Zkm‚„ru£{] [˜ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{mPX™{i•ÀZrª‘Zpsy{ÀZƒu]q[%’Â]Lik5]\‡qru{ƒªƒugµ¤XZ]\mPjsXZ]^[®]LikX‘{psr¹† rui

(55)  ÀZrumru‘@ƒ¹*mEjsnZ]qp2[˜ilÀ™]\]\‡ p\jl’Mruy{¤m‚XZi¦r¹¯²‡!yŒXPpr¹y{i~nZ¤p]\[^ƒªƒ¥yh] †h­h]qZƒÂƒ¹„‚ruplmZyŒ]LÀZ†¶ƒª]\ru[.m iq;a’hXZ{]\m‚plil]•]qm ¤¦ i€]•bPpl]L†h*jl]qƒ¹[^„Ày{m™†hi|]qjs[^ps„y™jl]~·•‚W#„ypljÀ™]Lpl]Li|j

(56) iknZ‡ ƒªyŒjsimv£Œrum%]qgXZy{r¹i2nZ†hp~]qN5[^y{y™rumŒ· j!i ½€] 9‚mZ]•jsXZ] ZkmZy{r¹ik] [~{i¦¯²yŒƒªƒuy*¤2i »|,© ^v¾ b =b+e . W¥„§{] N = 32 ’ Ê rª‘™·©ailXZy*¤2ixilrªm‚‘{nZƒ¹„p£¬{ƒªn‚]\i σ ’h‡qyv] V‡ ru]qmvjsi u b „m‚† rum.jsXZ]€m™„ru£{]aily{ƒunhjlruy{m y„¯€jlXZ]%[.*jsplrª­ ]\tvn‚„jlruy{m’~»Õv¾SX™{i®mZymZy{r¹il]{’x¤X‚rªƒu] »²À™¾®X‚Œi®jlXZ]%mZyŒruil]%ƒª]\£{]\ƒ · Y Ê psy{[ jsXZ]»ÕŒ¾ ’x¤¦]‡\„m¿ik]\]VjlX™*j.¤XZ]qm i < 17 ’ £*„ƒunZ]\i®y{¯ u b †h]\‡qpl]L{il].¯Õ{ikjl]\p˜ejsX‚„m =jlXZyv10ik]y„¯ ƒu‡ y{yŒmZpl‘aps]\Œil5iMy{jlX‚m‚]x†hrurumZmŒ‘js]qσ‘Œps{’‚ƒ„rum%]\tv¯Õn‚{„‡ jlj€ruy{†hm

(57) r¹ilX‚‡qplŒ]qiHjlis]

(58) tŒw n™r¹„‡qps{]:psrª†%mvjl‡q]\y{‘{m‚p!†h„rªÀZjlƒuru]y{m%ily{jsƒunh]qƒujlƒurui2y{m‚n‚i\i’Ljs¤X‚XZ*rªjaƒu]xrªj€¤ilX‚XZ]qy{m n‚iƒu†%>„17ƒu¤¬jlgEX‚irui#À5‡ ]

(59) y{m™jspl†hnZr±js]˜rªyŒ{m i ¯Õ¤„XZruƒ¹r¹i~‡!Xµjlyµƒª]LXZ{yŒ†Zƒui†ËjlÀ™yV]LXZ‡qru{‘{n‚X%ik].¯²psy{]\¯tvnZpsy{]\m‚nZ‡ m™g†hrª]qm‚ps‘psy{]\p!plipsy{rumµp!i~jsXZiky]jlm‚X™{*rª£ŒjS]‡ yEikyŒ] ƒª.nhjs‡qrªrªyŒ]\m¶mvjs‡ i yŒm‚ikr¹†h]\À5pl]\rumZ‡qy{‘®[^jlXZ].]˜nZ[SmZpsnZ]\ƒªŒjlikruZyŒr¹m‚‡q„„À‚jlruƒªy{]˜m%ÀZÀErª‘™g ’ · Ê yŒp2»²À™¾ ’Œ¤¦]‡q{m˜yŒÀ‚ik]\pl£Œ]ilrª[^ruƒu{p:pl]Likn‚ƒ±j!iq’„yŒmZƒugS†hr 5]\pl]\m‚‡ ]r¹ijlX‚„j:jlXZ]¦jsnZplm‚rªmZ‘

(60) 5y{rumvj ’ ƒu]\{†ZvrªmZ‘%jsy%jlXZ]V¯Õ„ruƒªnZps]Vy{¯jsXZ]B†hr¹il‡qpl]qjl].w r¹‡q{ps† ‡qy{m‚†Zr±jsrªyŒm’#r¹iil[.„ƒuƒª]\pÀ™]L‡q{n‚ik].y{¯jlXZ]V]q­hruikijl]\=m‚‡ 7] mZyŒruil] e = 10 rumBjsXZ]

(61) psrª‘ŒXŒjX‚{m‚†£{]L‡IjlyŒp\· Ÿh5ž 1 È ¥œ BÄ ՟Z0ž 1 {Ÿh 1 È 8  Ä  + È É#œ $&%'$&%'$ ¢ jxr¹i ikjlp!„ru‘{Xvj|¤¦{ps†

(62) jly

(63) jsXZrªm‚§Srª¯M¤¦]jlX‚ply*¤ ¬¤¦¬g{ƒªƒZjlXZ]js]qps[.i:¤XZ]qm®jsXZ]a†hr¹il‡qpl]qjl]w r¹‡q{ps†®‡ yŒm‚†hrªjlruy{m †hyE]\ilm  j~X‚y{ƒ¹†K’Kr7· ]{·u’ ¯²y{p€jlXZ].‡\{il]Sy„¯mZy@m‚y{r¹ik]˜y{p ¯²yŒp€jsXZ]®mZy{r¹ik]®ƒu]q£{]\ƒ rum=jsXZ]µ„À5y*£{]] ­Z„[^iZ>ƒu]{’x17jlXZ]\m ¤]µ‡ yŒnZƒ¹†=‡qnZpl]jsXZ]%rªƒuƒ±° ‡ yŒim‚>†hrªjl7ruy{m¿Zpsy{ÀZƒu]q[%· ]\i\’xrªejVrui.=ilrª[^10Zƒu] „‚Zplyv{‡!X’#‡q„ƒuƒu]\†PjlpsnZm‚‡q„jl]L†eh¼€½˜’Âjly¶ikjs{ÀZruƒªru³q]^jsXZ]VikyŒƒªnZjlruy{m‚i\’H¤XZr¹‡!X „ps]^ƒª]Lili

(64) il]qm‚ilrªjlru£{]^jly%jsXZ] 5]qpljlnZpsÀ‚*jsrªyŒm‚i\·WX‚ruiZpsyh‡ ]Lilir¹i‡q{ƒªƒu]\†@pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psru³\*jsrªyŒm· σ1 ≥ σ 2 ≥ · · · ≥ σ N ≥ 0 .. i. i i. N. i. i. N. T i. N. T i. i. i=1. i. i. i=1. i. i=1. N. −1.  . T i. T i.  

(65) . i. i. i=1.  

(66)  . uT i b σi. T i. i.  

(67) . −3. T i. i. . uT i b σi. . uT i b σi i.  

(68)  . −3. . . . ``ba"cIdefg.  

(69) . −3.

(70) Š.    

(71)   G. (a) without noise. 5. 10. 0. 10. −5. 10. σ. i T i. −10. |u b|. 10. T i. |u b|/σ −15. i. 10. −20. 10. 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 25. 30. 35. i. (b) with noise. 20. 10. σ. i T. |ui b|. 10. 10. T i. |u b|/σ. i. 0. 10. −10. 10. −20. 10. 0. 5. 10. 15. 20 i. Ê rª‘ŒnZps]S© A Ê yŒp N = 32 ’vZƒuy„j¦ilrumZ‘{nZƒ¹„p£*„ƒunZ]\i σ ’h‡ yE] V‡qrª]\mŒj!i u b {m‚† rumVjsXZ]am‚{rª£Œ]€ily{ƒunhjlruy{m y„¯¥jlXZ]

(72) [.„jlpsr±­B]Ltvn‚*jsrªyŒm·»ÕŒ¾¦X™{imZy^mZyŒruil]{’h¤XZruƒu]V»²À™¾¦X‚Œi¦jlXZ]

(73) m‚y{r¹ik]•ƒu]q£{]\ƒ 10 · Y $&%'$&% * ž  8  {ŸZ Ä É 6 : WXZ]

(74) jspln‚m‚‡q„jl]\†¶eh¼€½»ÕW2eE¼~½~¾a„Z‚plyv{‡!X%rui2jlyBŒ‡Ijsn‚„ƒuƒªg%‡ yŒ[^Znhjl]jlXZ]^eE¼€½ „m‚†%m‚]q‘{ƒu]\‡ j€„ƒuƒÂjsXZ] nZm‚†Z]\ilrªps]\†%eE¼€½ ‡ yŒ[®5y{m‚]qmvjs7i A Xu b »|0© "{¾ Y = v , σ ¤XZ]\pl] k rui¦jsXZ]

(75) [.*­hru[SnZ[ £*{ƒªnZ]

(76) ¤X‚ru‡!X%il„jlr¹Yi 9™]\i¦jlX‚]†hruis‡ ps] js]•w ru‡\„p!†@‡qy{m‚†hrªjlruy{mH· . T i. i. . uT i b σi. −3. . k.  . i=1. T i. i. i. CED F ` CHG.

(77) ”. 


(79)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. (a) k = 5. (b) k = 17. 2. 3. 1.5. 2. 1 1. 0.5 0. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 0. 0. (c) k = 25 3. 5. 2. 0. 1. 0. 10. 20. 20. 30. 40. (d) true solutions. 10. −5. 10. 30. 40. 0. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. Ê rª‘ŒnZps]@ŽA Ê yŒp „m‚†¤r±jsXZy{nhj®mZy{r¹il]{’:Zƒuy„j^ikyŒƒªnhjsrªyŒm‚i

(80) ¯²yŒpjsXZ]@{ZZpsyŒ{‡!Xy{¯aW2eE¼€½¤rªjlX £*„psgErªmZ‘ k „m‚†BjlNpsnZ]=ily{32ƒunhjlruy{m™iq· ¢ m Ê ru‘‚·xŽE’E¤¦]€Zƒuy„jily{ƒunhjlruy{m‚ix¯²y{pjlX‚]~{ZZpsyŒ{‡!X.y{¯#W2eE¼~½ ¤rªjlX@£*„psgvrumZ‘ „m‚†.jlpsnZ]~ily{ƒunhjsrªyŒm‚i ¤rªjlXZyŒnhj¥m‚y{r¹ik]Œ’„„m‚†S¤]¦‡q„m®ik]\]‡qƒª]L„psƒªg~jlX™*j¤XZ]qm k r¹i¥il[.„ƒuƒª]\pHjsX‚„mSjlXZ]y{Zjlruk[®ru³q]L†£*„ƒunZ] k = 17 ’ „‚Zply¬­hru[.*jlruy{m@ikyŒƒªnhjsrªyŒm‚i„ps]€rumµikyŒ[^]€¤¬gViltvnZ]\]q³\]\†K’E¤XZruƒª] k ruiƒ¹„ps‘{]\pxjsX‚„m%rªj\’Z„‚Zply¬­hru[.*jlruy{m ily{ƒunhjlruy{m‚iÀ5]q‘Œrªm@jly.yvil‡qrªƒuƒ¹*jl]Œ· ai•gŒy{n‡q„mil]q]®¯²y{p•jsXZrui

(81) W2eh¼€½ [^] jsXZyh†K’H¤¦]^mZ]q]L†¶jsyµ‡ y{[^ZnZjl]®jlXZ]VilrumZ‘{nZƒ¹„p•£*„ƒunZ]Li•y„¯xjsXZ] [.*jsplrª­K’h¤XZru‡!X%r¹iZpsy{XZruÀZrªjlru£{]~¯²y{pÀZru‘.ikru³q]•Zpsy{À‚ƒª]\[^i\·. ``ba"cIdefg.

(82) .    

(83)   G. È ¥È 3 @Ä ՟h5ž 1 ŒŸh7 1 È98 WXZ]§Œ]qgr¹†h]\•y{¯5Wru§EXZy{mZy*£Spl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psrª³L*jsrªyŒmrui:jly{‡\‡ ]\hj •mZy{mZ³\]qpsy€ps]\ilr¹†hn‚„ƒ {m‚†®rªm^ps] jln‚plm y{ÀZjs„rum%®il[.„ƒuƒª]\p2ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{mmZy{ps[%’hr7· ]{·u’hjlX‚]

(84) ZplyŒÀZƒu]q[)‡\„mÀ™]•¯²yŒpl[˜nZƒu„jl]L†@Œi¦AY¯²y{ƒuƒªy*−¤2bi [^rªm {kAY − bk + λ kY k } , »|©LŠŒ¾ XZ]\pl]€jlXZ]•ps]q‘ŒnZƒu{plru³\„jlruy{m.‚{ps{[^] jl]\p ‡qy{mvjlpsy{ƒ¹i jsXZ]•¤]\rª‘ŒXvjy„¯¥mZy{ps[ pl]\ƒu„jlru£{]2jsy˜[^rumZru[®ru³\„° jlruy{m.y{¯MjlXZ]2ps]\ilr¹†hn‚„ƒ‚mZy{ps[ kAY − bkλ ·WX‚]a†h]q]\™]\pxrum‚ilrª‘ŒXŒj rumvjly

(85) jsXZ]2kYZpsy{k5]qpljlru]\i y„¯MjlXZ]~Wrª§EXZyŒmZy*£ ily{ƒunhjlruy{m‚i Y ilXZy*¤2i¦jlX™*j X σ »|©*”„¾ u b Y = v , σ +λ σ jlX‚]tvn‚„mvjsr±jsrª]Li T = „ps]x‡q{ƒªƒu]\†~jsXZ]Wrª§EXZyŒmZy*M£ 9‚ƒªjl]\pH¯ÕŒ‡Ijsy{p!iq’¬¤XZr¹‡!XS‡ yŒmvjlpsy{ƒ*jsXZ]¦†‚„[^ZrumZ‘2y„¯ jlX‚]rum‚†hru£Eru†hn™„ƒZeE¼€½ ‡qy{[^5y{mZ]\mŒj!iHy{¯ZjlX‚]¦ily{ƒunhjlruy{m Y ·:eE™]L‡ r¹„ƒuƒªgŒ’*¤XZ]qm σ >> λ » i rui‡qy{[^‚„p!„À‚ƒª] il[^{ƒªƒ ¾I’Wru§vX‚y{mZy*£ 9™ƒ±js]qp¯ÕŒ‡Ijsy{p!i T = ≈ 1 ’#jlXEn‚ir±j˜†Zyv]Li

(86) mZy{jlXZrumZ‘µ¯²yŒp

(87) jlXZ]Bƒªy*¤¯²pl]LtŒn‚]qmvj ‡ yŒ[^™yŒmZ]qmvjsi\’¤XZruƒª]ˤXZ]qm σ << λ » i r¹iB‡qy{[^‚„p!„À‚ƒª]µƒ¹„ps‘{]¬¾I’Wrª§EXZyŒmZy*£ 9‚ƒªjl]\pV¯ÕŒ‡IjlyŒpsi T = ’¤XZru‡!X¿XZ]\ƒª‚i®jsy †Z„[^=jlXZ]¶‡qyv] V‡ ru]qmvjsi®y„¯~ƒuŒi|jBeE¼~½–‡ yŒ[^™yŒmZ]qmvjsi˜¯²yŒp^jlXZ]%XZru‘{X ¯²ps]\tvnZ]qmv≈j2‡ yŒ[^™yŒmZ]qmvjsi\· XZruƒª]

(88) rumZpsŒ‡Ijsru‡q]{’h¤¦]

(89) n‚ik]~jsXZ]•¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤rumZ‘®mZy{ps[.„ƒK]LtŒn™*jlruy{m™i]LtvnZrª£*{ƒª]\mŒjjsy®jlXZ]V»k©\Š{¾ A »|©LŒ¾ (A A + λ I)Y = A b , ¤XZ]\mˆ[^„jlpsr±­ A r¹iPilgE[^[®]qjlpsru‡ „m‚†05yŒilr±jsrª£Œ] †h] 9‚mZrªjl]{’SjlXZ]\pl] ] ­hruikjsiP„m „ƒªjl]\plm™*jlru£{]¯²yŒpl[ y„¯ Wru§vX‚y{mZy*£.ps]q‘ŒnZƒu{plru³\„jlruy{&m A »k©\—Œ¾ (A + λI)Y = b , λ ≥0, „m™†VjsXZ]

(90) pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psru³q]\†@ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{mrui‘Œrª£Œ]qm@Àvg X w b X σ w b »7Ž{“Œ¾ Y = w = w , σ +λ σ +λ σ mZy{jl]~jlX‚„j¯²y{pjsXZ]ikgE[^[^] jsplr¹‡~[^„jlpsr±­K’ w = u = v ·  Ä ž*Ÿh7 1 9È 8  Ä  + È É¥œ $&%'$&% Ê yŒp2jspl]L*jlrumZ‘Vƒ¹„ps‘{]q°Áis‡q{ƒª]•Zpsy{À‚ƒª]\[^i\’‚¤X‚]qps]

(91) jlXZ]®†hrupl]L‡Ij~‡qy{[^Znhj!*jsrªyŒm‚i2rumE£{y{ƒu£{]L†%‡ y{[^ZnZjlrumZ‘@eE¼~½ À5]\‡ yŒ[^]aZpsy{XZruÀZrªjlru£{]Œ· ¢ js]qp!*jsrªyŒm.[®]qjlXZyh†Zi\’Eƒªru§{]€jlX‚]€‡ ƒ¹{isilru‡ \H„m™†h¤]\À™]\p  i [^]qjlXZyh†Zi„m™†V‡ yŒm*z|nZ‘Œ„jl] ‘{p!{†Zrª]\mŒjx»

(92) ¾Â{ƒª‘Œy{psr±jsXZ[%’qX‚¬£Œ]:À™]\]qm

(93) ¤r¹†h]qƒug€n™ik]L†~¯²y{pÂjsXZr¹iÂZpsy{ÀZƒu]q[%· ¢ m•jlXZ]Lik] [^]qjlXZyh†Zi\’¬r±js]qp!*jlruy{m mEnZ[SÀ5]qp k Zƒ¹¬ghijlXZ]

(94) psy{ƒu]•y„¯HjsXZ]

(95) ps]q‘{n‚ƒu{plru³\„jlruy{mB™„p!„[^] js]qpL· * 1 + 98. $&%'$&%. . . 2 2. Y. 2. 2 2. 2. 2. λ. N. 2 i. λ. i=1. i. T i. 2 i. 2. i. i. σi2 σi2 +λ2. λ. i. i. σi2 σi2 +λ2. i. . σi2 λ2. 2. T. N. i=1. T. N. T i. λ. i. i. i. i. i=1. i. . i. σi2 σi2 +λ2. i. T i. i. i. i. . . CED F ` CHG.

(96) —. 


(98)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. 2m‚y„jlX‚]qprªmvjl]\pl]\psikjlrumZ‘=ru†h]L r¹i@jly¿n‚il]•psgEƒªy*£ il‚{‡q]P[^] jsXZyh†Ziq· \Â] j%[.*jsplrª­ †h]\mZy„js] Zps]\‡qy{m‚†hrªjlruy{m‚]qpL’‚jsXvn™i M A ≈ I {m‚† M (b − AY ) ≈ e ·•WXZ]®r±js]qp!*jlruy{mˇq„mPÀ™]^M‡ yŒm‚i|jspln™‡Ijl]L† ÀEg »7ŽZ©L¾ Y =Y + M (b − AY ), „m™†Brªj2rui2]\{ilruƒªg.jsX‚*j¤¦]

(99) y{Àhj!„rumBjsXZ]•¯²y{ƒuƒuy*¤rªmZ‘®]qpspsy{ppl]\ƒu„jlruy{m&A »7ŽŒŽ{¾ e = (I − M A) e ,   Ë q

(100)  !#"%$ (*


(102)  ¦    +-!# 

(103)   ™  " Ë 5 @&ÂH ¥6 5x#   /0 

(104) 1q2$'&– !#"   q /´

(105)  S$'   ¥ ¥ ¦ •# q  ]‘{ru£{]j|¤y~ƒª]\£{]\ƒhru†h]L„ƒhps]q‘ŒnZƒu{plru³q]L†‡ yŒplps]\‡ jlruy{m®„ƒu‘{y{psrªjlXZ[.i\’ Y ’ Z {m‚† L [^] jsXZyh†Ziq’{¯²y{p:~ƒªrumZ]L„p ‡qŒik]Sº¶ikX‚{™]^ps]\‡qy{m‚ikjlpsn‚‡IjsrªyŒm¶Zpsy{ÀZƒu]q[–{m‚†BmZyŒmZƒurªmZ]L„p

(106) ‡qŒik]SºµrªmE£{]\psil]˜ilX‚{™]®jl]Li|j

(107) Zpsy{À‚ƒª]\[¸rªm jlX‚]

(108) mZ] ­Ejail]\‡IjsrªyŒm· −1. −1. (K+1). (K). −1. (K+1). (K). −1. K (0). 0. ?>A@. B?HN

(109) T . 0. 0. T DKV!FU FIJADKUID! YTC A. γ J(γ) =. y{p. Z. y(x). γ.  j!„ps‘{]qj7A. y¯(x). »7Ž{‹Œ¾. 1 (y(x) − y¯(x))2 dx , 2. 7» Ž"^v¾ Ê yŒpjlXZ]

(110) n‚mZr±¯²yŒpl[‡qŒik]Œ’h¤]

(111) §EmZy*¤ jlX‚„j x (t) = N B (t) ∆X = 1 ’‚ily^¤]•y{m‚ƒªg@mZ]q]L†Bjsy.‡q„ps] „À5y{nZj Z »7Ž "{¾ 1 J(Y ) = (B (t) (Y − Y¯ )) dt . 2 }€mjsXZ]S9‚mZ]ƒª]\£{]\ƒ5»Õrªm®y{nZp¥] ­h5]qpsrª[^]\mŒjL’*¤]‡!XZyEyŒil] N = 8¾I’*¤¦]¦{ƒªps]\Œ†hg•§EmZy*¤jlX‚„j#jsXZ]‚„p!„[^]qjlpsru‡ ‘{p!{†Zrª]\mŒjr¹iƒªrumZ]L„p»²rumµ½¦e ¢ ½ ¢ „m‚†%b¶Œ½  i2™]\pl£Eruy{n‚i¦¤¦y{ps§h¾ A »7Ž„Šv¾ J (Y ) = AY − b , XZ]\pl]~jlX‚]

(112) [^„jlpsr±­ Z »7Žv”„¾ C C 1 A= B (t)B (t) dt = { }. J(Y ) =. Z. γ. 1 (BN (t)T (Y − Y¯ ))2 N BN −1 (t)T ∆X 0 dt . 2 0. 0. N. N −1. T. 0. 2. T. γ. 0. 1. N. 0. ``ba"cIdefg. N. T. 2N + 1. j i N N i+j C2N.

(113) ©\“.    

(114)   G. „m™†VjsXZ]

(115) plru‘{Xvj2ilru†h]

(116) §EmZy*¤m@£{]L‡IjlyŒp. 7» Ž{Œ¾ ¢ j r¹i il{[^]¯²yŒpx„ƒuƒEjlX‚]2[^] jlX‚yE†‚i:y{m˜jlXZ]M9‚mZ]ƒu]q£{]\ƒ7’„jlX‚„j rui\’„jsy

(117) n‚ik]jsXZ]¯²y{ƒuƒuy*¤rªmZ‘

(118) ‡qƒuŒililru‡\„ƒhikjl]q]\™]Li|jl° †h]L‡ ]qmvj2rªjl]\ps„jlruy{m&A »7Ž{—Œ¾ Y = Y − ρ(AY − b) , XZ]\pl] j = 0, 1, 2, · · · ’ Y r¹i˜P‘{ru£{]\mrªm‚r±jsru{ƒ¦‘ŒnZ]\isi\’ „m‚† ¤¦]@ŒililnZ[^]@„j j = K ¤]y{ÀZjs„rum jsXZ] £*„„‚ƒuZnZpl]\y¬i ­hYru[.*jly{ruy{m m™9‚i®mZ‡\]S„m´ƒu]q£Œ‡q]qy{ƒNmE’K£{„]\m‚pl†%‘Œ]B‘Œy@¯ÕŒi|†hjsy*]q¤p.m%jsX‚js„y@m¿‡ yvjl„X‚p!]Pik]

(119) ikruƒumZ]q‘Œ£Œƒª]q]¶ƒ#jl™y@„p![^„[^{§{] ]Sjs]qilpsy{rª³L[^*]Sjlruy{‡qy{m¿pspl„]LZ‡I‚jsrªplyŒyvm‚{i2‡!XÂilyV· jlÊ X™y{*pVjayŒjsXZnZ]p „m™„ƒugEilr¹iq’E¤¦]•‡\„mµ†h]L‡ y{[^5yŒil]ajsXZ]

(120) [.*jsplrª­ A rumŒjsy X »Õ‹Œ“Œ¾ wσw , A = WΣ W = ¢ m@jlXZ]

(121) †hr¹„‘Œy{m‚{ƒ™[.*jsplrª­ Σ ’hps]\„ƒ55yŒilr±jsrª£Œ]~]\rª‘Œ]qmE£*„ƒunZ]\i¦„ps]•„psps{mZ‘{]L†^rªm É Ä  {ž Ä ŸZœ 1 8 È ž*É Ä ž jly §{]\]q%‡ yŒm‚ikr¹ikjl]qm™‡ ]•¤r±jsXjlXZ]\y{psgVy„¯¥pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psrª³L*jsrªyŒm‚iq· ¢ ¯Â¤¦]:z|n‚ikj]q[^Zƒuy*g®r±js]qp!*jlruy{m™i2»7Ž{—Œ¾:¤X‚]qm r¹ixtvnZrªjl]€ƒu{pl‘Œ]{’„jsXZ]€ily{ƒunhjsrªyŒm‚i ƒu]\Œ†®jlySyvil‡qrªƒuƒ¹*jlruy{m™iq· W#y@‡ n‚pl]

(122) jsXZ]®rªƒuƒ±° ‡ yŒm‚†hrªjlruy{m‚i\’5¤]®‡q„mµn™ik]SjlXZ]^N„ƒªjl]\plm‚„jlru£{]•¯²yŒpl[y„¯xWru§EXZy{m‚y*£@ps]q‘ŒnZƒu{plru³\„jlruy{m »|©L—{¾ ‡ yŒm‚ilru†h]\plrumZ‘˜jlXZ]

(123) [.„jlpsr±­ A r¹i„ƒu¤¬gEiilgE[®[^]qjlpsru‡•„m™†@5yŒilrªjlru£{]

(124) †h] 9™mZr±js] »7‹Z©L¾ (A + λI)Y = b , λ ≥0, „m™†VjsXZ]

(125) pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psru³q]\†@ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{mrui‘Œrª£Œ]qm@Àvg X w b X σ w b »Õ‹vŽ{¾ Y = w = w . b = AY¯ .. j+1. j. j. 0. K. N. T. N. i i. T i. i=1. . N. N. ?> =. i=1. JYU VFD N UWV T<T.RT. ¢ m%y{nZp]q­h™]\plru]qm‚‡q]{’h¤¦]

(126) ‡!XZyEyŒil]. N. T i. λ. σi + λ.  . T i. i. i. i=1. σi + λ σi. i. D UIUIT  FIJADK T FHD O. y{m@jlX‚]‡ yŒ{psil] jƒu]q£{]\ƒ#A. n=4 Z 1 0 (BN (t)T (YK + EnN Y 0 − Y¯ ))2 dt . J(Y ) = γ 2. Õ» ‹Œ‹Œ¾ \Â]qj ’ZjsXZ]qm%¤¦]‡q{m]L{ilrªƒugVyŒÀhjs{rªmjlX‚]•¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤rumZ‘^mZ]q¤ [.*jsplrª­@]LtŒn™*jlruy{m ¯²y{p2‡qyŒ{psYil]€=ƒu]q£ŒE]qƒÂ‡qYy{pspl+]L‡IYjlruy{m™−i A Y¯ »Õ‹ ^v¾ A Y =b , XZ]\pl]~jlX‚]‡ yE] V‡ ru]qmvj[.*jsplrª­ »Õ‹ "{¾ A = (E ) (A + λI)E , N n. 0. K. cy. 0. cy. . cy. N T n. N n. CED F ` CHG.

(127) ©{©. 


(129)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. „m™†VjsXZ]

(130) plru‘{Xvj2ilru†h]

(131) £Œ]\‡ jly{p. Õ» ‹ŒŠŒ¾ ]P‡q{m ily{ƒu£{]jsXZ]µ¯²y{ƒuƒuy*¤rªmZ‘ rªjl]\ps„jlruy{m y{m¿jsXZ]P‡ yv„p!ik]%ƒu]q£Œ]qƒ¯²yŒpB‡ yŒplps]\‡ jlruy{m¿Àvg=rªm‚r±jsru{ƒªru³qrumZ‘ A Y =0 »Õ‹E”„¾ Y = Y − ρ(A Y − b ) , jlX‚]qm%¤]

(132) ‡\„m%nZM†Z*js]

(133) Àvg Y + E Y yŒmBjsXZ]*9‚mZ]

(134) ƒu]q£Œ]qƒN·:WHyVil™]\]\†@nZjlXZ]

(135) p!*js]•y„¯:‡ y{mE£Œ]qps‘{]qm™‡ ]{’ ¤¦]•‡\„mn‚il]˜À5] jljl]\pjl]L‡!XZmZr¹tŒn‚]aºBW¥‡!XZ]qÀEgh‡!XZ]\£.r±js]qp!*jlruy{m™i•¨ —¬«#y{m@jlXZ]*9‚m‚]

(136) ƒª]\£{]qƒN’hrN· ]Œ·ª’ZrªjX‚{i¦jsXZps]q] ikjl]q™i¦¯²y{p]\Œ‡!X‡qgh‡ ƒu] A bcy = (EnN )T (A + λI)(−Y K + Y¯ ) = (EnN )T (b − (A + λI)Y K ) .. 0 0. 0j+1. K. N n. 0j. 0j. cy. cy. 0. Y j1 = Y j0 − τ1 (AY j0 − b) , Y j2 = Y j1 − τ2 (AY j1 − b) ,. ¤XZ]\pl] τ » i = 1, 2, 3¾„ps]•‘{ru£{]qmÀEg A. Y j3 = Y j2 − τ3 (AY j2 − b) ,. Õ» ‹ŒŒ¾ √ ¤XZ]\pl] r¹i~jlX‚]˜j!„ps‘{]qjkjl]L†¶rumvjl]qps£*„ƒrumPjsXZ]^]qru‘{]qmE£*„ƒunZ] y„¯ {m‚† BpsyEy„j•y„¯ jlX‚]_2W#y*‡!¤=XZ[a,]\ƒªÀE]qb]gEj ‡! i:X‚js]qnZ£.pl5m®y{jsƒuy•gvm‚jlXZy{[^]a{ru{m‚ƒK„y„ƒugh¯:ik†hr¹i¥]q‘Œ¯²y{pl]\p]~jsXZ‹‚]a· ‡qyŒ„p!il]ƒu]q£Œ]qƒ‚‡qy{psλpl]L‡IjlruAy{m™iq’¬¯²yŒpxrikru[^=Z0,ƒuru‡q±r±j|gŒ’{3/2 ¤¦]2‡q„m®jsXZrªm‚§ Z ’ N r · Œ ] ª · Z ’ l j ‚ X „   j l j Z X

(137) ] \ ] ª ƒ \ ] ¬ £ „  l j u r { y  m . [ *  l j s p ª r ­ ¹ r  i ¹ r h † q ] v m l j ª r | j B g . [ „  l j s p ± r K ­ : ·  W E X ‚ n  i  ¤ • ] ‚ X ¬  Œ £ ] N =n E »Õ‹{—v¾ A = A + λI , {‡\‡ yŒps†hrumZ‘˜jly®jlX‚]‡ yŒ{psil]•‡ y{psps]\‡IjsrªyŒm‚i~»Õ‹"^E¾¦y„¯¥[®]qjlXZyh† Y ’Z¤¦]•y{Àhj!„rum X σ w (b − (A + λI)Y ) X w (b − (A + λI)Y ) _» ^v“Œ¾ w = w , Y = i. b+a b−a 1 = + ri τi 2 2. i. N n. cy. 0. N. 0. ?> . T i. N. K. cy. σi + λ. i=1. T i. i. i. i=1. σi + λ. B/T DKO   DN U V!T(T.RTF  D UWUIT  FIJYDK. . K. cy. σi. T.FIHD?O. Ê yŒpjlXZ]‡qyŒ{psil]€ƒu]q£Œ]qƒÂ‡qy{pspl]L‡Ijlruy{mBy„¯ Z [^]qjlXZyh†K’Z¤¦]•n‚il]€jsXZ]•¯²y{ƒuƒuy*¤rªmZ‘.is‡!XZ]q[^] A 0. ¤XZ]\pl]. J(Z 0 ) = Q0 = W P N W T. Z. ’‚[^„jlpsr±­. γ. 1 (BN (t)T (Yk + Q0 EnN Z 0 − Y¯ ))2 dt , 2 PN. r¹i†h]9‚mZ]\†%Œi . PN. ``ba"cIdefg.    =  . ·· 1 1. 1. i.  1      . . N ×N. »_^™©L¾.

(138) ©LŽ.    

(139)   G. \Â]qj ]\tvn‚„jlruy{m&ZA = (Q E 0. N 0 n )Z. + Y K − Y¯. XZ]\pl]~jlX‚]

(140) [^„jlpsr±­. · ¢ m y„jlX‚]qpB¤¦y{p!†Zi\’¤]¶X™¬£{]%jlX‚]¶¯²y{ƒuƒuy*¤rªmZ‘ m‚]q¤¸[.*jsplrª­ _» ^EŽ{¾ A Z =b , cz. 0. cz. »_^v‹Œ¾. „m™†VjsXZ]

(141) £{]L‡IjlyŒp. Acz = (EnN )T Q0 (A + λI)Q0 EnN = (EnN )T A1 EnN ,. »_^!^v¾. bcz = (EnN )T Q0 (b − (A + λI)Yk ) .. 2m™„ƒugEilr¹ix¯²yŒpjlX‚]•‡qyŒ{psil]€ƒu]q£Œ]qƒÂ‡qy{pspl]L‡Ijlruy{m™irumjlXZ]‡\{il]€y{¯ N = n ’ZjlXEn‚i¤¦]

(142) X‚¬£{] Acz. = Q0 (A + λI)Q0 = (W PN W T )W ΣN W T (W PN W T ) + λI = (W PN ΣN PN W T ) + λI = (W PN )ΣN (W PN )T + λI ,. ¯²psy{[ jsXZ]„À5y*£{]~pl]\ƒu„jlruy{m’h¤¦]•y{Àhj!„rum. A = (W PN )(ΣN + λI)(W PN )T =. N X. »_^ "{¾. T wN +1−i (σi + λ)wN +1−i .. Ê yŒpjlXZ]‡qyŒ{psil]~‡qy{pspl]L‡IjsrªyŒm‚ixy{¯¥[^]qjlXZyh† Z {m‚†@jlXZ]

(143) ]q­hZpl]Lililruy{mBy{¯#[.*jsplrª­ P ’‚¤]•y{ÀZjs„rum i=1. 0. Z0 =. N T K X wN +1−i (bcz − Acz Z ) i=1. ?>. . . HJYU O. . σi + λ. wN +1−i =. N. N X i=1. D N UWV T (  T.RTF  DUIUIT  FIJYDSK. T K σi w N +1−i (bcz − Acz Z ) wN +1−i . σi + λ σi. . b¶„jlpsr±­ ∆ rui†Z]9‚mZ]L†%{i.  1 0  0 −1   ∆ = 0    0 ···. 0. T FHD O. ··. ···. »_^vŠŒ¾. 0. .   · · · · 0· · · · ·  ,  0  ··   0 (−1) 0 0 0 (−1) bµ]qjlXZyh† n‚il]\i@jlXZ]r¹†h]\=y„¯˜jlXZ] b¶] jlX‚yE†´jly ps]q£{]\psil]¶‚{rªpsrumZ‘ À5] j|¤¦]q]\m ]qru‘{]\mE£¬{ƒªn‚]\i„m‚† L ]qru‘{]\mE£{]\‡ jlyŒpsiÀEgB.ikru[^Zƒu]~[.„jlpsr±­ ∆Zrªm™i|js]\{†@y„¯:‡ yŒ[^ZnhjlrumZ‘®jlX‚]‡ y{[^Zƒur¹‡q*js]\†@[.*jlpsrª­ Q · 0. . N. N +1. N ×N. 0. 0. CED F ` CHG.

(144) ©\‹. 


(146)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. Ê yŒp¦jlXZ]‡qyŒ„p!il]€ƒu]q£Œ]qƒÂ‡ yŒplps]\‡ jlruy{m@y„¯ L [^] jsXZyh†K’Z¤¦]~n™ik]•jsXZ]•¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤rumZ‘^il‡!X‚]q[^] A 0. 0. \Â]qj. _» ^h”„¾ · ¢ m®y„jsXZ]qp¤¦y{p!†Zi\’*¤]X‚¬£Œ]xjsXZ]¦¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤rumZ‘~mZ]q¤=[^„jlpsr±­˜]\tvn‚*jsrªyŒm&A − Y¯ _» ^vŒ¾ A L =b ,. J(L ) = L = (∆EnN )L0 +Y K. XZ]\pl]~jlX‚]

(147) [^„jlpsr±­. Z. γ. 1 (BN (t)T (Y K + ∆EnN L0 − Y¯ ))2 dt . 2. 0. cl. cl. »_^v—Œ¾. Acl = (EnN )T ∆(A + λI)∆EnN = (EnN )T A2 EnN ,. „m™†VjsXZ]

(148) £{]L‡IjlyŒp. bcl = (EnN )T ∆(bcl − (A + λI)Y K ) .. 2m™„ƒugEilr¹ix¯²yŒpjlX‚]•‡qyŒ{psil]€ƒu]q£Œ]qƒÂ‡qy{pspl]L‡Ijlruy{m™irumjlXZ]‡\{il]€y{¯ N = n ’ZjlXEn‚i¤¦]

(149) X‚¬£{] Acl. »#"{“Œ¾. = ∆(A + λI)∆ = ∆A∆ + λI = ∆W ΣN W T ∆ + λI = (∆W )ΣN (∆W )T + λI ,. ÀEg.jlX‚]†h]9‚m™*jlruy{m%y{¯HjlX‚]

(150) [^„jlpsr±­ ∆ ’‚¤]•X‚¬£Œ]. A = (∆W )(ΣN + λI)(∆W )T =. ¤XZ]\pl]. N X. »#"Z©L¾. w ˜i (σi + λ)w˜iT ,. i=1. . . w1,i −w2,i w3,i −w4,i.           w ˜i =  ,       (−1)N −1 wN −1,i  (−1)N wN,i. ··. mZy{jl]•jsX‚*j. Ê yŒpjlXZ]‡qyŒ{psil]~‡qy{pspl]L‡IjsrªyŒm‚ixy{¯¥[^]qjlXZyh† L ’Z¤]•yŒÀhjs{rªm. . w1,i w2,i w3,i w4,i. .           wi =  ,       wN −1,i  wN,i. ··. 0. L0 =. N X w ˜T (bcl − Acl Y K ) i. i=1. ``ba"cIdefg. σi + λ. w ˜i =. N X i=1. σi w ˜iT (bcl − Acl Y K ) w ˜i . σi + λ σi. »#"ŒŽ{¾.

(151) ©^.    

(152)   G. ?>. . . UWJ  N. CET. .

(153). TUWJACETKSFIV. Ê rªp!ikjlƒugƒu] j iaƒªyEyŒ§„j~†hr¹il‡qpl]qjl]wxru‡\„p!†¶‡ yŒm‚†hrªjlruy{m‚i\’™rN· ]{·u’5ilrªm‚‘{nZƒ¹„p€£¬{ƒªn‚]\i σ ’K‡qyv] V‡ ru]qmvjsi u b „m‚† rªm^jsXZ]am‚{rª£Œ]2ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{m y„¯MjlX‚]2ƒªrumZ]L„pilX‚{™]ps]\‡qy{m‚ikjlpsn‚‡IjsrªyŒm˜‚plyŒÀZƒª]\[ ¤rªjlX · ¢ m Ê rª‘™· ‹P»7Œ¾2X‚{i€mZyBm‚y{r¹ik]Œ’5¤X‚rªƒu]@Y»ÕÀ™¾2X™{iajlXZ]˜mZy{r¹ik]˜ƒª]\£{]\ƒ 10 ’M{m‚†µrªj•il]q]\[.i2jsX‚*j~[^N„­hrª=[˜nZ16[ k = 15 ¯²y{pjsXZ]‡qŒik]•y{¯#mZy^mZyŒruil]{’‚{m‚† k = 12 ¯²y{pjlX‚]‡q{il]•y„¯»²À™¾ · . T i. i. uT i b σi. −7. (a) without noise. 5. 10. 0. 10. σi. −5. 10. b| |uT i T |ui b|/σi. −10. 10. −15. 10. 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 12. 14. 16. 18. i. (b) with noise level 10− 7. 5. 10. 0. 10. σi. −5. 10. T |ui b| T |ui b|/σi. −10. 10. −15. 10. 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10 i.  

(154)  %6!("

(155) 7#6"!(. Y. ! "%6H -+(. "!$#&%'" (

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(157) -% !021 "3#% *()4 "5#)*$"+( uT i b . N = 16  σi /. uT b σ !$89# "-*(:%6)*$; !()%'#6

(158) #6"!(<!(=">@?BAC*3DE)* %)!Fi! "%6 i" @AG=;DE)* %E# . .  −7 ?. 10. IGJLKMION.

(159) ©". 


(161)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'.  ÄxÄ 3 Ä  BÄ 7Ÿhž51 ŒŸh71 È98 œ Ê rªp!ikj¤].n‚il].ps]q‘{n‚ƒu{plru³q]L†¶rªjl]qp!*jsrªyŒmy{mµikrumZ‘{ƒu].ƒu]q£{]\ƒ7’#rªmyŒnZpmEnZ[^]qpsru‡\„ƒ:]q­E5]qpsru[®]\mvjsi\’H¤¦]Vi|jsrªƒuƒ ‡!XZyEyŒil] ·•am‚†¶¤¦]˜js„§Œ]jsXZ].‡q{il]Sy{¯ jlX‚]˜mZyŒruil]Sƒu]q£Œ]qƒ · ¢ m Ê rª‘™,· "h’K¤¦]SZƒuy„jilrªm‚‘{nZƒ¹„p £*„ƒunZ]\i σN ’a=‡ yE16] .‡qrª]\mvjsi u b {m‚† rum jlXZ]Pm‚„ru£{]Pily{ƒunhjsrªyŒ10m Y „m™† Wrª§EXZyŒmZy*£ ps]q‘ŒnZƒu{plru³\„jl]L† ily{ƒunhjlruy{m y{¯HjsXZ]•ƒªrumZ]\{pikX‚{™]•ps]\‡qy{m‚ikjlpsn‚‡IjsrªyŒmVZpsy{ÀZƒu]q[%·:̦g.jlX‚]\il]•‡qy{[^‚{plr¹ikyŒm’v¤]

(162) ‡q{mB]L{ilrªƒug jlX™*jik]\]2jlYX™*jpl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psrª³L*js]\†^ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{m Y pl]L„ƒuƒªg®¤¦y{ps§Ei\’{¤X‚rªƒu]€m™„ru£{]€ily{ƒunhjsrªyŒm Y r¹i¦£{]qpsg®yŒis‡ ruƒu„jl]\† ¯²psy{[ Ê ru‘‚/· ^V„m‚†jsXZ]S†hr¹is‡ ps] jl]

(163) wxru‡\„p!†‡qy{m‚†Zr±jsrªyŒm‚i2ilXZy*¤m%rªm Ê ru‘‚· ".] ­hZƒ¹„rum@jsXZ]ps]\ŒikyŒmB¯²yŒp2r±j~{i ¤¦]~]q­h™]L‡Ij\· È Ä 3 Ä  @Ä ՟h5ž 1 {Ÿh 1 È 8 œ F% &%'$ * ÇS ̦y„jsXmEnZ[^]qpsru‡\„ƒx]q­h™]\plru[^]qmvjsi®„m‚† jlXZ]\y{psg{m‚„ƒughikr¹i

(164) jsX‚*j^[^] jlX‚yE† „m™† {pl]V£Œ]qpsg‡qƒªyvik]Vjly ]\Œ‡!X@y{jlXZ]\p\’Zilrum‚‡ ]•[^] jsXZyh† Y r¹i[^y{ps]

(165) ikru[^Zƒª]Œ’EjlXEn‚i¤¦]•y{[^rªja†hruis‡ n™ililYrªyŒm@y{¯#[^L] jsXZyh† Ê L · ]js{§{] N = 16 ¯²yŒp:jlX‚M] 9‚mZ]aƒª]\£{]qƒN’Œ{m‚† n = 6 ¯²y{pxjlXZ]a‡qyŒ{psil]ƒª]\£{]qƒ‚rªm.yŒnZp:jl]Li|jL· ru‘‚· Š

(166) „m‚†B” ilXZy*¤ ilrªmZ‘ŒnZƒ¹„p£*„ƒunZ]\i ’Z‡qyv] V‡ ru]qmvjsi {m‚† rumµWrª§EXZyŒmZy*£^pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psru³\*js]\†@ikyŒƒªnhjsrªyŒm y„¯ jlX‚]€ƒurªm‚]\„pilX‚„5]€ps]\‡qy{m‚σikjlpsn‚‡ jlruy{m.Zpsy{ÀZuƒu]q[ b ¤rªjlXmZy{r¹il]aƒu]q£{]\ƒ 10 ¯²y{p¦jsXZ]~‡qyŒ{psil]2ƒu]q£{]\ƒ5‡qy{pspl]LY‡IjsrªyŒm _» ^v“{¾~y„¯¦jlX‚].[®]qjlXZyh† {m‚†ËjlXZ].‡qyŒ„p!il]˜ƒu]q£Œ]qƒ ‡ yŒplps]\‡ jlruy{m¿_» ^ŒŠŒ¾~y„¯¦jlXZ]^[^] jsXZyh† ps]\il™]L‡Ijsrª£Œ]qƒug{· 2m™† ¤¦]Bj!„§Œ] λ = 7Y· 10 ¯²yŒp®À5y„jsX¿‡\{il]\i\’ b = b − (A + λI)Y ¯²yŒp˜jsXZ6] Z 9‚p!i|j.‡qŒik]„m‚† ¯²yŒpjsXZ]

(167) ƒ¹*jkjs]qp‡qŒik]Œ·:̦Œik]L†.jsXZ]\il]~†‚*js‚’h¤]~X‚¬£Œ]ajsXZ]~¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤rumZ‘®pl]\[^{pl§hi b = b − (A + λI)Y „m™†ByŒÀ‚ik]\pl£*„jlruy{m‚7i A ©Œ·2WXZ]~†Zruis‡ ps] js]€w r¹‡q{ps†‡ yŒm‚†hrªjlruy{m‚i¯²yŒp‡qyŒ{psil]aƒu]q£Œ]qƒK‡ yŒplps]\‡ jlruy{m‚iikXZyŒnZƒ¹†BÀ5]

(168) Sƒur±jljlƒu]

(169) †hr M]qps]qm™‡ ] ¤r±jsX‡qƒuŒililr¹‡q„ƒyŒmZ]\i\·B}€p

(170) Znhjrum%[^yŒpl]^ik5]\‡qr 95‡^¤¦¬gµr¹i•jlX™*jS‡ yE] .‡qrª]\m‚‡ ]Li rªmeE¼~½ ikXZyŒnZƒ¹†µik[.„ƒuƒu]qpjsX‚*j€jlXZyvik]rumP‡qƒuŒililru‡~js] ­Ejsi\’M„m‚† ilXZy{nZƒ¹†%X‚¬£Œ]B†hr¹i|j!„m‚‡q]À5]qƒuy*¤ jsXZ] £¬{ƒªn‚]\iy„¯ σ rum‚ikjl]L{†@y„¯5z|n‚i|ja®ƒur±jljlƒu]ik[.{ƒªƒu]qpL· u b ŽZ·2ÌgV‡qy{[^‚{plrumZ‘ Ê ru‘‚·:Š®„m‚†µ”v’h¤¦]~‡\„m@il]q]€jlX™*j[^] jlX‚yE†@y„¯ Z ‡qy{mE£{]\pl‘Œ]\i [˜n‚‡!XV¯ÕŒi|js]qpL’h„m‚† r±jr¹i‘ŒyEyE†@*jps]\†hn‚‡qrªm‚‘˜À5y„jsX@XZru‘{X„m‚†@ƒuy*¤ ¯²pl]LtŒn‚]qm‚‡qg{’hy{m‚]~ilXZy{pljs‡qy{[^rumZ‘Œiy„¯ Z [^] jsXZyh†Br¹i jlX‚„jrªja†Z{[®™ijlXZ]

(171) [^r¹†Z†hƒu]•¯²pl]LtvnZ]qm‚‡qgBilƒªy*¤ƒug{· ‹‚· Ê psy{[ yŒnZpmEnZ[^]qpsru‡\„ƒK] ­h5]qpsrª[^]\mŒj!iq’EjsX‚*jjsXZ]

(172) y{Zjlru[®ru³\„jlruy{m%£*„ƒunZ] λ r¹i„psy{nZm™† 7 · 10 ¯²y{p jlXZ]2[^]qjlXZyh† Y ’v¤XZruƒª]jsXZ]a[^]qjlXZyh† Z X‚Œi:[^y{ps]a‡!XZyŒru‡q]y„¯MjlXZ]€£*„ƒunZ]2y„¯ λ ’K» 7 · 10 ≤ λ ≤ ¾ · 5 · 10 ^™·22ƒ¹ikyµ¯²psy{[ yŒnZpS]q­E5]qpsru[®]\mvjsi˜¤]B¯²y{nZm‚† jlX‚„jSjlX‚]@ps]\iln‚†hr¹„ƒ AY − b »Õ„À5y{nZj 0.01¾

(173) rui˜£{]\plg ‡ ƒuyŒil]ajsy®]L{‡!Xy„jsXZ]qp2{[®yŒmZ‘˜jlXZ]Lik]•[^] jsXZyh†Zi ps]q‘{n‚ƒu{plru³q]L†BilrªmZ‘Œƒª]•‚{ps{[^] jl]\plru³q]qjlruy{mB{m‚† j|¤y®ƒª]\£{]\ƒKpl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psrª³\]\†@„ƒu‘{y{psrªjlXZ[.i¦¤XZ]qmjsXZ]qru−− p2ikyŒƒªnZjlruy{m‚i{pl]

(174) ‡ yŒmE£{]qps‘{]\mvj\· WXZ]†hr M]qps]qm™‡ ]%„[^y{mZ‘¶jlXZ]Lik][^] jlX‚yE†‚i˜r¹i˜jlX‚„j˜jsXZ]]qpsplyŒpsi

(175) À5] j|¤¦]q]\m={ZZpsy¬­Eru[.*jsrªyŒm £¬{ƒªn‚]\i „m™†^js{pl‘Œ] jx£*„ƒunZ]Lix*j¦[^]\ilXV‘{psru†‚i rum‚i|js]\Œ†^y„¯Âps]\ilru†hn™„ƒ‚]\plpsy{p!i\· ]€†h] 9‚mZ]2jsXZ]a[.„­Eru[Sn‚[ {À‚ily{ƒunhjl] £*„ƒunZ] e Œi¦¯²y{ƒuƒªy*¤27i A #» "{‹Œ¾ e= max |Y − Y¯ | , 6 18. F%&%)( . . . . −7. . uT i b σi. T i. i. λ. λ. . . . . . i. 0 uT i b σi. T 0 i. λ. −7. 0. 0. −5. 0. 0. K. cy. K. cz. . . 0 uT i b σi. T 0 i. i. 0. 0. −5. 0. 0. −5. −6. . i∈{0,1,··· ,N }. ``ba"cIdefg. i. i.

(176) ©\Š.    

(177)   G. (a) no regularization 2 1 0 0. 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4. 0.5. 0.6. 0.7. 0.8. 0.9. 1. 0.7. 0.8. 0.9. 1. 0.7. 0.8. 0.9. 1. −4. (b) with regularization λ = 10 1 0.5 0. 0. 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4. 0.5. 0.6. (c) true solution 1 0.5 0. 0. 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4. 0.5. 0.6. Ê rª‘ŒnZps]/^9A#_anZ[^]qpsru‡\„ƒZily{ƒunhjlruy{m‚i¥¯²yŒp ik]qjkjsrªmZ‘•jsXZ]ps]q‘{n‚ƒu{plru³\„jlruy{m‚{ps{[^] jl]\plru³\„jlruy{m λ ]\tvn‚„jl] 0 {m‚† ’™„m‚†BjlpsnZ]ily{ƒunhjlruy{m‚i¦ps]\il™]L‡Ijsrª£Œ]qƒug{· 10 XZ]\pl] „ps]

(178) „Z‚ply¬­hru[^„jlruy{m@£¬{ƒªn‚]\iy{ÀZjs„rumZ]L†@ÀEg†hr M]qps]qmvj2[^] jsXZyh†Zi\’‚„m‚† „ps]~jlpsnZ]

(179) £*„ƒunZ]\i\· ¢ m ƒ¹{ikj•]qY­h™]\plru[^]qmvjsi\’K¤]^£*„psg%jlX‚]®mEnZ[˜À™]\p•y„¯rªjl]\ps„jlruy{m‚i•{m‚†Ë‡qy{[^‚{pl]SjlXZ]LikY]^¯ [.*­hru[SnZ[d{À‚ily{ƒunhjl] £*„ƒunZ]\i{[^y{mZ‘®jlX‚]\il]~[^]qjlXZyh†Zi\· Ë]‡\„m@jl]\ƒªƒÂ]L{ilrªƒug.jsX‚*j2[^] jsXZyh† Z ‡ y{mE£Œ]qps‘{]\i£{]\plg^¯ÕŒi|js]qpL· −4. . i. i. CED F ` CHG.

(180) ©¬”. 


(182)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. −7. (a) before regularization with noise 10. 5. 10. 0. 10. σi. −5. 10. |uTb| i. T. |ui b|/σi. −10. 10. −15. 10. 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 12. 14. 16. 18. i. −4. (b) after regularization with λ = 10. 2. 10. 0. 10. −2. 10. −4. 10. σi |uTb| i. −6. 10. |uTb|/σ i. i. −8. 10. −10. 10. 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10 i. Ê rª‘ŒnZps] "A XZ]qm N = 16 ’M¤]®Zƒuy„j

(183) ikrumZ‘{n‚ƒu{pa£*„ƒunZ]\i σ ’‡qyE] V‡ ru]qmvjsi u b {m‚† rum¶jsXZ]®m‚„ru£{] ily{ƒunhjlruy{m {m‚†Wrª§EXZyŒmZy*£.pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psru³\*js]\†Vily{ƒunhjsrªyŒm y„¯#jlXZ]

(184) ƒurªm‚]\„pilX‚„5]•pl]L‡ yŒm‚i|jspln™‡Ijlruy{mBZplyŒÀh° ƒu]q['¤r±jsX Y mZyŒruil]¶ƒu]q£Œ]qƒ 10 ·,»7Œ¾VruiBjlXZ]Ëm‚„ru£{]ˁ„ZYZpsyŒŒ‡!X’»²À5¾.r¹iVjsXZ]{ZZpsyŒŒ‡!X¿y{¯SWrª§EXZyŒmZy*£ ps]q‘{n‚ƒu{plru³\„jlruy{m·  


(186) +-.@/0 

(187) 1q2$ ]€‡q{mB„ƒ¹ilyS„Z‚ƒªg®jlX‚]aps]q‘{n‚ƒu{plru³q]L†˜[^]qjlXZyh†.jsyjsXZ]amZyŒmZƒurªmZ]L„p[®yh†h]\ƒ™‚plyŒÀZƒª]\[ {i ¤¦]€†Zru†^¯²yŒpxjsXZ] ƒurªmZ]L„p2ilX‚„5]•pl]L‡ yŒm‚i|jspln™‡Ijlruy{mZpsy{ÀZƒu]q[%·:WXZ]

(188) mZyŒmZƒurªmZ]L„p[^yh†h]qƒK‚plyŒÀZƒª]\[%’Z¤XZr¹‡!X@¤¦]

(189) †hruis‡ n™iliX‚]qps]{’ . i. λ. −7. . ``ba"cIdefg. T i. uT i b σi.

(190) ©\.    

(191)   G. (a) After 10 iterations. 5. (b) After 50 iterations. 0. 10. 10. 0. 10. −5. 10 −5. 10. −10. 10 10. i T i. i. |u b|. T |u b| i T i. −15. T i. −15. |u b|/σ. 10. |u b|/σ. 10. −20. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. (c) After 100 iterations. 0. 10. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. (d) After 300 iterations. 0. 10. 10. −5. −5. 10. 10. −10. −10. 10. 10 σ. σ. i. i. T i. |u b| −15. 10. T i. |u b|. −15. 10. T |u b|/σ i i. T i. |u b|/σ. −20. 10. i. i. −20. 10. σ. σ. −10. i. −20. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. 10. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. )- *$)4 *$ 4 "!$#&%'"

(192) "*(:+,*(

(193)  % !31 "3#% u b . n = 6 / σi M. uT b 0   0! !,+6- (

(194) N*$= *,16 #-4B%'!

(195) #6"!( !(8 #6: " *$ %6)*( :6 !( % #6

(196) #6"!(B!(="i>  #6F)!(σ %' Yλ "+(!  #6) ! *(%6E"+(!( # ! 5A ( D !$8/#H>#6!74 . Y 0  .  b0 = b − (A + λI)Y K 10−7 . . .  

(197) . T 0 i. ". i. *$ 4.  %. λ = 7 · 10−5. #6H8G! "! . cy. ?.

(198) %6)*$;E#-%'#E!(=">.  ) >B!747-/ 0+  %'. min J = J (y(t)) = Y. pα , A.  3D A. IGJLKMION.

(199) ©\—. 


(201)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. (a) After 3 iterations. 0. (b) After 10 iterations. 0. 10. 10. −5. −5. 10. 10. σi. −10. 10. −10. 10. |uTi b| T. |ui b|/σi −15. 10. −15. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. (c) After 20 iterations. 0. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. 15. 20. (d) After 40 iterations. 0. 10. 10. −5. −5. 10. 10. −10. −10. 10. 10. −15. −15. 10. 10. −20. 10. 10. −20. 0. 5. 10 i. 15. 20. 10. 0. 5. 10 i. 

(202)     !#"$ &%  '" * ,+  ,* " T 0 - u b (  5<u ,i= b  4/5σ>"$  /.0123%4 5N   =6 16. 7 "$n45= 6  5894 & :"4  - & 4 5-σ";i )4( 457     ( (  Yλ  ,%5  −7 ?    "4 @ ,% , 4 45BADCE5F:!8)4 G=7 H  0  , 0 K (  ( (  10 Z b = b cz − (A + λI)Y - −5 I  λ = 7 · 10 T 0 i i. . 4 p=. Z. 1 0. p. x0 (t)2 + y 0 (t)2 ω(t) dt ,. A=. Z. 1 0. x0 (t)y(t)ω(t) dt ,.  4 8L5M"$N PO-  .  Q"$ 5RK ,54

(203) 58N  p.  <NA ,  4   (   ω(t)  > 0>"& 5%5 ,α >"41= 254 S=7554 HRT .     (  ( x(t)   (. U)UWV!XY[Z[\[]. AKJ5JF.   7  "4 ,-!R  "4!(     S<N!    x(t).

(204) Ž„“.    

(205)   G. 1. 10. regularized single level regularized Y method regularized Z method 0. max error. 10. −1. 10. −2. 10. −3. 10. 50. ) ).  

(206) . *$ 4. y(t). 100. . *(6&47. N = 16 3 .. .  47-4=. .. .. 150 iterations. ! > *$E#6)-%6. >B#6!74%. Y . . .. !0!3%'. . !(=">. #6! .   A. .. !(3#*( ". *$ 4. 300. .  #6+,*$ 3" #6H0

(207) >= -. !(8L #6-*$#6"!()%-?. . N X. i BN (t)Xi ,. y(t) =. i=0. +(. . 250. ! 3#6!( ! 0 !(. x(t) = "%B*. 200. 47-%6 . α=2 ω(t) = 1 3D "% ? J = 2π. N X i=0. +,*$ *$=" 8G! . ∀ t. Yi. 8G!(. *$ 4. . .  A. i BN (t)Yi , ?.  i! = 0,#1,B·>· "·,"N>

(208) > 0. L!. >. . D. * (F!

(209) B  8G-*(%6". +,*(

(210) 8G!(. #)!(" )-*$. IGJLKMION. .

(211) Žh©. 


(213)   !"  $#$%&('*)+,!.-/ 0!1 &2'. ai¥¤¦]¦†Z]q[^y{m‚ikjlp!*js]x¯²yŒpƒªrumZ]\{p¥‡\{il]\i\’*¤]‡q{mS]\[®‚ƒªy*gWru§EXZy{mZy*£•ps]q‘ŒnZƒu{plru³\„jlruy{mV»k©\—{¾¥ilrª[^ruƒu{plƒug ¯²y{pVjlXZ]µmZyŒmZƒurªmZ]L„pV[^yh†h]\ƒ2Zpsy{ÀZƒu]q[ ikrum‚‡ ]µ¤¦]¶‡q{m „ƒ¹ikyZpsy*£{]@jlX‚„jVjlX‚rui.m‚y{mZƒurªm‚]\„pBZplyŒÀZƒu]q[ r¹i ilgv[^[^] jsplr¹‡„· #» "v”„¾ p λ min J = J (y(t)) = + kY k , A 2 XZ]\pl] λ r¹ijlX‚]

(214) ‚„p!„[^] js]qpy„¯¥pl]\‘{nZƒ¹„psru³\*jsrªyŒm‚i\· α. λ. Y. M>A@. 2 2. λ. J0KMT <  T.RSTF. P"FT UWN FIJADKV DK. ]~X™¬£{]~§vm‚y*¤m@rªjruiis„[^]~¯²y{p„ƒuƒMjlX‚]

(215) [®]qjlXZyh†ZiyŒmBjsXZ] ‚9 mZ]

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