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General information for paticipants


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral






ECONO~jIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA Standing Committee on Trade First Session

Addis Ababa, 12 - 22 September 1962



E/CN.14/STC/INF/l 21 August 1962 Original: ENGLISH


f' I t E t U i) Y







The meeting will be held in 4trica Hall. The opening soss10n is


scheduled for 'Wednesday 12 September at 10:00 a.m.l to be continued at 4:00 in the afternoon. The suggested hours for subsequent sessions are 9:30 12:30 in the morning and 3:00 - 5:30 in the afternoon, subject to the agroement of the meoting.,

Accommoda tion '" ":

Rooms are reserved for all participants at-the Ras Hotel and th~~_,

Ghion Hotel.

Local transport

Buses .nll be available from the hotels to ~frica Hall every morning and afternoon at 9: 15 and 2150 p.m. and will be availabl-& "&'t.-t!H\,celose of meetings to take delega~cs to their hotels. On dednesday, 12 September, buses will be a~ailable at 9:15 a.m. ·and 9145 at the hotels. - Return travel

Delogatos ure reque~ted'to. confirm their return travel,res.ervatijons with the Ethiopian Airlines well'in advance. The Ethiopian ,Ai,rlines has

. ' 'U

branch offices in the Ras'HotBl '~nd Ghion Hotel. During the meeting a

. +- .• t:;-' ~r.

branch office is ostablishe~bn'the first floor of the ~frica Hall building.

IolSil and cables

Incoming mail and cables will be distributed at the meeti~~ ~lace.

Branch offices of the Imperial Board of Telecommunications and J~~ Post Office are located on the first floor of the Afri cu Hall building.

Banking fucilities

A'branch of the State Bank of Ethiopia is lOCated en the first floor of the'africa Hall bUilding. It is open from 9:30'- 12:15 a.m. and

from 3:30 - 5115 p.m. each day 'onday through Friday ~nd from 9:30 - 12115 a.m.

on Saturdaye.



-- '~/CN



Page 2

Foreign exchange

"There is no restriction on ths amoWlt of forsign ,currency tha:t may be brought into,.,Ethiopia, but all such holdings should be declared. on; arri val.." .


. .


The buying rate of exchange for currency notes 'is:



UK ~ 1

French francs (New).

CFA fro. 100

~..,; . '-


Eth$ 2.50



II II 0.49

n n 0.95

Documents will be distributed at the Distribution Desk, .. whic.h:,iJ3.:e-:

located on the first floor of the building.

Records of meetings ' t " .. !.

0 _ '


- --:.


,Summary,records of the'discussions of the plenary meetings will be made.

The records are not intended to refer'specifically to every intervention or to record it textually. Corrections to summary records B~~~ld be· sent in triplicate to Chief of Language Services within the time limit specified in 'each record, arid should not cover points of style or include length~:

additions which would tend to turn. the summary of a speech into a verbatim record. Correctio~s"will 'not be distributed, but ,nIl be taken into

. : '<, ~

accoWlt in the editing end'proparation of final records for publication.


Speakers are requested to observe that the microphones before them are inoperative Wltil the switchboard has noticed that they have been cailed upon to speak. ' In order to en~.ire·the best possible recording and

in terpretation of their speeches delegates should speak .di·z,ectly:, i.o..to .,

the microppone, clearly and not too. f~st, particularly in ,pa~sags~ containing figures, quotatiOns or highly technical m~terial, and in epeeches rea~

from a prepared text.




" .~

E/CN.14/STC/INF/l Page 3

, ;

PROVISIONAL TIMETaBLE l1ednesday 12 September



16100'::0 11130

.l _ i

Opening ceremony

Election of chairman and vice-chairman Adoption of the agenda.

Item 4 of the.;:.)2rovi,s~_,?n~_a.gendA'I,:":,

General debate on trade and ~rade

policy matters.

Thursday 13 September,' ',:'.r

9130 .;; 12:30 Item 4 (continued)

15:00-'11:'30' Item 5a of the provisional agondal Trade relations of African countries with other cont~n~ts. __ 'l'f1!LUupJie.-t.of

I estern European groupings on, hfrican trade.

-c'Friday 14 Septembe:c.

'9:30 - 1'2:30 15:30-- 17130

Saturday 15 September 9:30 - 12:00 Monday 17 September

9:30 - 12130

15100 - 17130

, ,

Item 5a (con tinued)

Item 5b of the provisional agendal' ' Trade with centrally pl~nned economies.

Item 50 of the provisional agenda:

Trade with Asia.

Drafting committee, ~irst meeting.

Item 6 of the provisional agendal Intra-African trade

Item 6 (continued)




•.;l4/sTq/;rNF II

, Page' 4' ....

Tuesday 18 September 9:30 - 12:30 15:00 - 17:30




'.1. _

Item 7a of the provisional agenda:

Trade promotion;- S't;,t·e--tradifig··-···

Item 7b of the provisional agenda:

Trade promotion. Long-term trade c.greemen ts.


. ) -~

lfedneSda:r 19 'September

._,-. ~.iJ '.

9:30 - 12:30 15:00 - 17:30

J f'_.. __ ..J



Drafting committee on item 6 of the provisional agenda

Item 7 c,d,o, of·th~pro~aiona1~,~nda:

~ Trade promotion. Fa,i:rs;and e~ibi tions.

Trade intelligence,.'. 'rfainiIjg; cQurses in trade promotion.

. Thursday 20 September

~ ... . 9:30 - 12:30 15.00 - 17:30



Friday 21 September

l ' :;!". i .•

Item 8 of the provi si onal agenda:


Commodity price stabiliz~tion.

Further work of the,. S.\andi.ng.::.Collllil:l·t..tee on Trade. Date and,place.of "ext meeting.

9: 30 - '12:36 '

c· '.'

15:00 - 17:30

.~" .

". ,

Drafting committee un item 7 and 8

" • .L of the provisional <:.genda and re-drafts

Drafting commi tteo (continued).

Saturday 22 September

,,9('30 - '1'2:'00"'" '. ,:". " . Adoption of the repor't~>to"the 'fifth


.. .

" '.J


session of the Commi ssian. .,

1. .,;;._'.!-. _-.••) _


.J .

. < # ,


J( :



Documents relatifs

Structure of the Secretariat of the Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild fauna and flora (CITES). Enforcement

1.31 Complaints – The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is responsible for receiving and investigating complaints against licensed day care centres and

1.50 Monitoring future sustainability – While both Health and Wellness and Community Services have identified the need to plan for future sustainability of services provided

• the Department of Health and Wellness, health authorities and the Nova Scotia Provincial Lotteries and Casino Corporation are communicating to the public information on

not have comprehensive physician deliverables. Contracts require physicians to shadow bill for clinical services in the community, and work a specific number of hours per week

Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations (SNSMR) is pleased to provide a response to the Auditor General’s review of Registry of Motor Vehicles Information and Technology.

7.32 Further, as it related to the internal controls of the entities consolidated in the Province’s financial statement reporting entity, reliance was placed on the audit work

Division Storage Facility and Headquarters’ Storage Room Functional and Non-Functional Firearms and Ammunition During a review of inventory in March 2017, the Department