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Study of a simple hypothesis for the mean-field theory of spin-glasses


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Study of a simple hypothesis for the mean-field theory of spin-glasses

J. Vannimenus, G. Toulouse, G. Parisi

To cite this version:

J. Vannimenus, G. Toulouse, G. Parisi. Study of a simple hypothesis for the mean-field theory of spin-glasses. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (4), pp.565-571. �10.1051/jphys:01981004204056500�.



Study of a simple hypothesis for the mean-field theory of spin-glasses

J. Vannimenus, G. Toulouse

Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24, rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris 05, France


and G. Parisi

INFN, Frascati (Roma), Italy

(Reçu le 30 octobre 1980, accepté le 8 décembre 1980)

Résumé. 2014 Nous présentons une étude détaillée des conséquences d’une hypothèse simple pour le modèle de

Sherrington et Kirkpatrick


à savoir que dans la phase verre de spin l’entropie est indépendante du champ magnetique appliqué. Cette hypothèse conduit à des prédictions en excellent accord avec les résultats de simula- tions numériques, pour l’énergie de l’état de base, l’entropie, et pour l’énergie et l’aimantation spontanée en fonction

de la valeur moyenne Jo des interactions. La pertinence de la théorie de champ moyen pour les matériaux réels est

discutée; les domaines un accord existe déjà sont soulignés, et de nouvelles expériences sont suggérées.



A detailed study is presented of the consequences of a simple hypothesis for the Sherrington-Kirk- patrick model, namely that in the spin-glass phase the entropy is independent of the applied magnetic field. This hypothesis leads to predictions in excellent agreement with the results of available Monte-Carlo simulations, for

the ground-state energy, the entropy in zero field, the energy and spontaneous magnetization as a function of the

interaction mean value Jo.

The relevance of mean-field theory to real spin-glass materials is discussed, underlying the extant areas of agreement and suggesting new experiments.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


This paper is the third in a

series [1, 2] examining the consequences of a simple Hypothesis for the spin-glass phase, of the infinité ranged Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (S-K) model [3, 4].

Interest in this model started with the physical idea

that its solution is of mean-field type and that it should provide the best definition of what mean-

field means for a spin-glass.

We are therefore led to address two issues :

i) How close to the true solution of the S-K model does this hypothesis lead ? This involves a comparison

between the existing Monte-Carlo data and our pre- dictions.

ii) What comes out of the comparison with experi-

mental measurements on real (three-dimensional) spin-glass materials ?

2. The S-K model and the projection Hypothesis.


The Hamiltonian of the S-K model in a uniform

magnetic field is

for N Ising spins Si. The bond interactions Jij are

taken as independent random variables, with a Gaus-

sian random law of mean value Jo/N and of variance

J/k (the normalizations ensure a sensible thermo-

dynamic limit). In the following, the energy unit is fixed by the choice J = 1.

The phase diagram (T, H, Jo) expected for this

model is depicted in figure 1 of reference [21 with a

critical surface corresponding to the onset of replica- symmetry breaking.

The projection (or PaT) hypothesis consists in

assuming that within the spin-glass phase (or replica- symmetry broken phase), restricting (for notation simplicity) to the case Jo = 0, the entropy does not

vary with the magnetic field :

As a consequence, the magnetization is temperature

independent :

Besides, it is hypothesized that :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01981004204056500



where q is the Edwards-Anderson (E-A) order para- meter.

Expression (2) implies that the free energy F has

an additive character :

3. Fits with exiating Monte-Carlo data for the S-K model.


Early Monte-Carlo data have been obtained

by Kirkpatrick and Sherrington [4]. It is interesting

to observe that they were published early in the game, much before the advent of the Parisi replica-symmetry breaking scheme [5] and of the subsequent PaT hypothesis [1].

e Entropy as a function of temperature, Jo = H = 0.

Within the projection hypothesis, analytical expan- sions at low temperatures ( T ~ 0) and around the

transition temperature (T - 1) can be obtained and

have been derived [1]. Between these limits, the calcula-

tion can be done numerically. The results for the entropy S( T) are displayed in figure 1. They fall slightly

below the Monte-Carlo results (Fig. 8 of Ref. [4]),

but the latter were obtained on samples of 500 spins

and the difference is within the estimated size effects.

Fig. 1.


Entropy of the S-K model computed via the projection hypothesis (H


0). The triangles represent the Monte-Carlo data of Kirkpatrick and Sherrington, obtained on 500-spin samples [Ref. 4].

e Magnetization as a function of field, Jo = T = 0.

Although this quantity was not calculated in reference [4], we present our predictions here for completeness purposes. The zero-temperature

MS-K (H) derived from the original S-K theory without replica-symmetry breaking is also drawn for compari-

son. The initial slope corresponds to a susceptibility X(O) = 1 in the spin-glass phase, in agreement with

Fig. 2.


Zero-temperature magnetization ’predicted by the pro-

jection hypothesis (full curve), compared to the magnetization computed without replica-symmetry breaking (dot-dashed curve).

Parisi’s scheme and with the most recent computer simulations [5, 6] (Fig. 2).

e Ground-state energy, Jo = T = H = 0.

The ground-state energy Eo is directly obtained

from the previous function M(H1 using the relation :

To achieve a good accuracy with less effort it is convenient to compute the difference between Eo

and the ground-state energy without replica-symmetry breaking Es-’ = - (2/n)1/2 :

The sign of (M 0 S - K _ M ) corresponds to the expecta- tion that the true ground-state energy is higher than E S-K (Fig. 2). One hnds with the PaT hypothesis :


whereas Parisi [5] obtains Eo = - 0.763 3 ± 0.000 1,

a remarkably close âgreement. [In fact, (ÊMIDT)

is very small on the critical line and the result for Eo

is altered by less than 10-4 if for instance the maximum value of MS-K at given H is used in equation (7),

instead of M(H) given by the projection hypothesis.]

e Ground-state energy as a function of J(» H = 0.

It was shown in reference [2] how a simple thermo- dynamic argument allows to derive the general case Jo * 0 from the case Jo = 0. For the ground-state

energy Eo(Jo), this leads to the prédiction :


Fig. 3.


Ground-state energy per spin Eo as a function of Jo.

The triangles with error bars represent the Monte-Carlo results

on 500-spin samples [Ref. 4].

The complete results are plotted in figure 3, together

with the Monte-Carlo data of Kirkpatrick and Sher- rington [4] (500-spin samples). The agreement is considerably better than with the S-K theory without replica-symmetry breaking ; it would still be improved (for Jo 1) by taking into account the size effects in

the Monte-Carlo data which are expected to become

more pronounced in the spin-glass phase.

Spontaneous magnetization as a function of JO.

A non-zero ground-state magnetization develops

for Jo> 1, in zero magnetic field :

This magnetization is rather strongly affected by an

external field. Thus, for Jo = 1, one has :

In figure 4, the magnetization M(Jo) is drawn both for H = 0 and H = 0.01, and is compared with the

Monte-Carlo data [4], obtained with a field H = 0.01.

The agreement is considerably better than with the

non-replica-symmetry breaking solution. Indeed, it

is as good as it could be. This is certainly the most

convincing fit in favour of the PaT hypothesis and one’can only hope that a new generation of Monte-

Carlo calculations will reduce the error bars and therefore make the test more stringent.

Fig. 4.


Zero-temperature magnetization as a function of Jo

in an applied field H


0 (full curve) and H


0.01 (dashed curve).

The circles and error bars correspond to the Monte-Carlo data in a

held H


0.01 [Ref. 4].

4. Comparison with experiments crn real materials.


Before attempting any comparison with real materials,

we must first consider two caveats.

First, the spins in most real spin-glass materials

have vector (Heisenberg) character rather than Ising

character. The results or prédictions presented above pertain to the Ising case, where the number of spin components m = 1. The only other firm knowledge

that we have so far bears on the limit m - oo, corres-

ponding to the exactly soluble spherical model [7].

Comparing these two extreme limits, we recognize

that the susceptibility is predicted to be constant in

the spin-glass phase for both cases. It is naturally tempting to make the guess that this behaviour is m-

independent and therefore valid also for Heisenberg spins.

Second cornes the general question of the reliability

of a mean-field theory for a real (three-dimensional)

material. By its définition, mean-field theory should

hold in the limit of infinite space dimensionality.

Deviations due to fluctuations are expected to occur

in finite dimensionalities and to increase when the

dimensionality goes down. These fluctuations are

expected to affect mostly the critical region around the

transition temperature (eventually suppressing the

transition below the so-called lower critical dimension)

and for instance the cusp in the specihc heat predicted

for the S-K model is not observed in real materials : We should therefore trust better the mean-field theory deep in the low température spin-glass phase than in

the critical region. Besides, the fluctuations are expect- ed to be weaker in systems with long-range inter-

actions : this favours the standard spin-glass materials,

such as CuMn and similar alloys, for a comparison

with mean-field theory.

Keeping these remarks in mind, let us consider the

expérimental facts.

Expérimental evidence for a plateau in x(T), or

equivalently in M(T) at low external fields, has indeed



been found repeatedly on CuMn alloys of various

concentrations [8-12], when the measurements are

made with cooling under fixed applied field (field- cooling). In these conditions, the magnetization is

found to be at equilibrium i.e. time-independent,

whereas it is not when the field is applied at low tem- peratures and the sample is heated up thereafter.

It is therefore the former quantity which should be

compared with an equilibrium theory (leaving as a

task for a future dynamical theory to explain why field-cooling is reversible).

Another very important prediction of the mean-

field theory is the existence of a critical line H c( T),

below which replica-symmetry breaking takes place.

Note that this prediction goes against an established

folklore, claiming that the spin-glass transition disap-

pears in a finite field. Several groups [12, 13, 14]

are now trying to find experimental evidence for such

a line and to draw its locus in the phase diagram.

There are experimental difficulties for this deter- mination which are best illustrated by the sketch made in figure 5. In finite field, mean-field theory predicts the existence of a critical line Hc(T). But

it predicts also a crossover line Hp(T) within the

paramagnetic phase, with the opening up of a critical region where Curie behaviour (M function only of H/T, for instance) does not hold. This critical region

leads to a rather smooth change from the Curie regime

to the spin-glass regime (e.g. for the magnetization),

whereas in zero field the change is sharp. Indeed it is

this smooth change that led to the conviction that the transition was smeared out in a field. As a con-

sequence, the définition of Hc(T) by the end in the spin- glass plateau for M(T) is not very precise [12].

An alternative experimental definition of the insta-

bility line is through the onset of irreversibility effects [14], and it will be interesting to compare both deter- minations.

A third domain of comparison between mean-field theory and experiments concerns the anomalous power laws predicted by the PaT hypothesis. Thus it is predicted that the equilibrium magnetization M

under small field H behaves like :

Detailed comparison with experiments would be very valuable and is under way [12].


Finally, it would be helpful to have more experi-

mental data on the existence and properties of the

Fig. 5.


Sketch of mean-field theory predictions, showing quali- tatively the position of the transition line Hc(T) and the fuzzy cross-

over line Hp(T).

mixed spin-glass-ferromagnetic phase [2]. However,

this is typically a domain where new features might

emerge for Heisenberg spins (due to the possibility

of canting for the spins), so that further progress should be made by both theory and experiments on

this problem.

5. Replica-symmetry breaking and projection pro-



It has been shown, in section 3, that the projection hypothesis (2), and its consequence (3),

lead to predictions for various thermodynamic quan- tities which are very close to the truth. There is also

some evidence that the other projection hypothesis (4),

for the E-A order parameter, is rather good.

At this stage it is interesting to consider how these two projection properties could appear (exactly or approximately) in a replica-symmetry breaking ana- lysis, and how they could be intimately related one to

the other.

5.1 REPLICA-SYMMETRY BREAKING. - For this pur- pose, we shall briefly review some features of the Parisi

replica-symmetry breaking scheme [5]. In this scheme,

the order parameter at a given temperature is a func- tion q(x), 0 x 1, which is expected to be conti-

nuous and monotonously non-decreasing ; its extremal value is understood as being the E-A order parameter :

The formulae which relate the zero field suscepti- bility x and the energy t to the (E-A) order parameter q

in the oaramaenetic nhase.

have simple generalizations, in this replica-symmetry

breaking scheme :


Since relations (17) and (19) hold in the presence of

a finite field H, it should be specified that the total energy is

so that the free energy F(T, H ) can be written

Now, the variational calculations [5] using staircase approximations for the function q(x) suggest that,

in zero field, this function is monotonously increasing

for 0 x x and constant for x x 1. The posi-

tion of x is a function of temperature in the spin-glass phase, with x( T --> 1) --> 0 so that, naturally, the x dependence of q(x) disappears in the paramagnetic phase.



Consider now the consequences of the following scaling assumption

for the function q(x, T). Suppose that

Carrying (22) into (18), using the hint that x(T) = 1

and taking the derivative with respect to temperature,

one obtains :

A simple prediction can be derived from this formula.

At low temperatures, provided q(T) behaves as

q - 1


a T 2... the position of the break point x

in q(x) will tend to 1/2 :

As we shall see, this prediction of the scaling assump- tion is well supported by the variational calculations.

It is clear from equation (23) that the function f(x/T) can be found from the knowledge of the func-

tion q(T). Indeed the two equations


give the function f (u) implicitly. If we use as input the

function q(T) given by equation (4), we find the result shown in figure 6 for the function f(u). Since q(T)

as given by the projection hypothesis is certainly

an accurate approximation, the function f(u) so

Fig. 6.


The scaling function q


f (x/T ), computed with the

use of the projection hypothesis via equation (24).

obtained may be used as a test of the scaling assump- tion.



The crucial test of the validity of equation (22) is provided by the comparison of its predictions with the results of a direct variational calculation of q(x, T), but it is necessary to recall first some aspects of the variational method.

In the approach of reference [5] the function q(x)

can be found by maximizing an effective free energy

which functionally depends on q(x)

Rather accurate values for the free energy càn be obtained using simple trial functions where q(x)

is a piecewise constant function. It is more difficult

from a numerical point of view to find good results

for the function q(x). Indeed, it we write

has zero as accumulation point for its eigenvalues.

This phenomenon is very interesting and has many

important physical consequences. It also implies that

there are directions in the functional space for which

F[q] changes by only a very small amount : In other

words F is very flat near its maximum (it has been

argued in reference [15] that F has really a maximum

only if q(x) is monotonous). A small numerical error



in computing F may strongly affect the form of

qo(xÀ moreover the standard computer programs to minimize a function of n variables are rather ineffi- cient if the region near the maximum is too flat.

In spite of these difficulties, we have performed

some numerical work along this approach, and the

results are consistent with equation (22), i.e. the func- tion q(x, T) satisfies the scaling assumption within the

numerical precision. The function q(x) has been para- metrized as

and we have looked for the values of xn which maxi- mize the functional FM, for différent values of K.

To avoid the minimization of a function of too many parameters, the {xn} have been represented by a

smooth function x = ~(q) depending on a few para- meters. As a by-product of the calculation, the comput- ed value of the susceptibility is x = 1.00011 (for

T = 0.2 and k = 20) in good agreement with the

suggestion that x - 1 in the spin-glass phase.

The final results are shown in figure 7. The light

staircase curve represents the actual function used in the variational calculation (for T = o.l and K = 11),

while the smooth curves represent the functions 9(q) for T = 0.1 and T = 0.2 (K = 11). These curves

are in remarkable agreement with the function q(x) computed from the function f shown in figure 6 (for clarity only a few points have been drawn on the

figure). In particular the existence of an inflexion point

Fig. 7.


Comparison between the predictions of the scaling assumption (22) and the direct variational calculation of q(x, T).

The full lines represent the smooth interpolating functions used

in the variational approach (see text) and the results of the scaling assumption are denoted by circles (for T = 0.1) and by crosses (T


0.2). The dashed curve corresponds to the locus x(q) of the

break point above which q(x, T) is constant and equal to the E-A

order parameter q, according to (22).

in q(x) is consistently observed in both sets of results,

and the small discrepancy at the lower temperature is due to the choice for the variational function (p which becomes less accurate when q(x) - 1.

Equations (22) and (23) are thus satisfied with good

accuracy. Unfortunately it has not yet been possible

to prove the validity of equation (22) starting directly

from the analytic formulae of référence [5].




scaling assumption has further interesting implica-

tions. Carrying (22) into (19) and deriving with respect

to T, one gets :


where C is the spécifie heat. Elimination of dq/d T

between (27) and (23) yields hnally the relation

Thus we have obtained, as a consequence of the scal-

ing assumption, a relation between a thermodynamic quantity, the specihc heat, and the E-A order para- meter. However, if we calculate separately C and q

from the two hypotheses (2) and (4), projecting from

the instability line, we hnd that relation (28) is not strictly verified. The discrepancy is most pronounced

at low temperatures, but it is to be noted that equa- tion (28) is a very stringent test there : The projection

is made from very high fields and a minute variation of the entropy with the magnetic field may then add up to a sizeable error.

In the presence of a finite field, the scaling assump- tion (22) can be generalized in the following way :

The existence of a plateau, for small values of x, in

q(x) is suggested by the variational calculations [5].

Now, bringing (29) into (19), it is easily seen that 03B5(T, H) can be written as :

and using relation (21) one gets the additive property of the free energy (5), from which (2) and (3) are obtain-

ed. Since relation (28) is not exactly verified, it is clear that the set of equation (29) has to be only approxima- tely verified.

Obviously, these various remarks and relations do not yet add up to a fully consistent theory. Perhaps they give a fair account of the general qualitative pattem.

6. On the cause of the transition.


It was pointed

out in reference [1] that the position of the maximum


with respect to H of the entropy SS - K(T, H) computed

without replica-symmetry breaking, lies close to the

instability line. The study of the precise location of this maximum needs some care and the Maxwell relation :

provides a useful consistency check on the computatio-

nal results, using both équations independently.

These results are displayed in figure 8, where the

locus of the maximum of SS-K is seen to lie always extremely close to but below the instability line : Thus

the transition seems to occur in order to freeze the entropy and to prevent it from decreasing when the

field is lowered, as would be the case in the absence of replica-symmetry breaking. [Indeed, according

to hypothesis (2) the spin-glass phase would appear

as a truly « frozen » phase, in the sense of the Nernst

principle, since it would be impossible to cool it via

an adiabatic demagnetization procedure.]

This behaviour is remarkable because there is a

priori no general thermodynamic reason why aS/aH

or OMIDT could not be positive. Consider for instance

an antiferromagnet in a small uniform held parallel

to the staggered magnetization : The longitudinal susceptibility increases with temperature and ôM/ôT

is positive in low fields.


Could the origin of replica-symmetry breaking be

related to the impossibility for a disordered system such as a spin-glass to have a positive aM/8T ? The proximity of the two curves on figure 8, though perhaps a coincidence, lends support to this idea.

Fig. 8. - The full line is the critical line for replica-symmetry breaking Hc(T). The entropy SS_K computed without replica-

symmetry breaking shows a maximum with respect to H just below Hc(T). Full circles denote points where ASIDH


0 and crosses points where ôM/ôT



Acknowledgments. - We are extremely grateful to

P. Monod and H. Bouchiat for many fruitful discus- sions on the present work and its relevance to the

experimental results, and we thank S. Kirkpatrick

for kindly providing the original figures representing

his Monte-Carlo results.


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