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Influence of Protein-Solvent Interactions on the Molecular Dynamics of Reduced Point Charge Models of Proteins - COMP5


Academic year: 2021

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University of Namur

Influence of Protein-Solvent Interactions on the Molecular Dynamics of Reduced Point

Charge Models of Proteins - COMP5

Leherte, Laurence; Vercauteren, Daniel

Published in:

Abstracts of the 255th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society

Publication date:


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Citation for pulished version (HARVARD):

Leherte, L & Vercauteren, D 2018, Influence of Protein-Solvent Interactions on the Molecular Dynamics of

Reduced Point Charge Models of Proteins - COMP5. in Abstracts of the 255th Annual Meeting and Exposition of

the American Chemical Society. ACS, 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, United

States, 18/03/18.

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