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The Secretary Associate Committee on the National Building Code National Research Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario


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NBC/NFC News contains explanatory articles and comments on the contents of the National Building Code and the National Fire Code together with announcements of Code changes. It appears approximately four times a year. If you are not on the mailing list to receive the NBC/NFC News please fill in the label on the reverse side. detach and return. DETACH HERE j Fix { I stamp here I I



















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Association of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire C3mmissioners Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs

Canadian Building Officials Association Canadian Construction Association Federation of Canadian Municipalities Canadian Home Manufacturers Association

Canadian Labour Congress Canadian Telecommunications

Carriers Association

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Construction Specifications Canada Factory Mutual Engineering Association

(Factory Mutual System)

Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada Insurers' Advisory Organization of Canada The Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers

The Engineering Institute of Canada The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Urban Development Institute (Canada)

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Includes errata o f June 1980,

January 1981 and June 1981

Issued by the

Associate Committee on the National Building Code

National Research Council of Canada


NRCC No. 17303

Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays


First Edition 1941 Second Edition 1953 Third Edition 1960 Fourth Edition 1965 Fifth Edition 1970 Sixth Edition 1975 Seventh Edition 1977 Eighth Edition 1980 Second Printing, October 1981

ISSN 0700- 1207

ONational Research Council of Canada 1980 World Rights Reserved

Printed in Canada Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays





Relationship Between National Building and National


Fire Codes


A Guide to the Use of the Code


Committee Members



Part 1

Scope and Definitions


Part 2

General Requirements


Part 3

Use and Occupancy


Part 4





Wind. Water and Vapour Protection


Part 6

Heating. Ventilating and Air-Conditioning



Part 7

Plumbing Services


Part 8

Construction Safety Measures


Part 9

Housing and Small Buildings

Appendix A

Explanatory Material for the National


Building Code 1980

Appendix B

Imperial Conversion of Metric Values in



Appendix C

Imperial Conversion of Metric Values in







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The National Building Code of Canada is published by the National Research Council through its Associate Committee on the National Building Code. It com- prises a model set of technical requirements for ensuring public safety in buildings and is written in a form suitable for adoption by appropriate legislative authorities


in Canada. B


The Code has received wide use in Canada through such adoption, either as mu- " nicipal Bylaws or more recently as the basis of provincial building Codes. Liaison


with the provincial Code authorities has been maintained through the Provincial Advisory Committee o n the National Building Code which was established by these authorities for that purpose.

The Code has been developed with the voluntary assistance of the many experts from coast t o coast who contribute to the operation of the Associate Committee on

: the National Building Code, thus ensuring that the document keeps pace with ad- vances in building technology. The Associate Committee members are appointed by the National Research Council t o serve as individuals and not as representatives of any organization. They are broadly representative of all major phases of build- ing in Canada. The Committee has direct responsibility under the National Re-


search Council for the preparation and publication of the Code, thus ensuring the autonomy of this document.


The staff o f the Division of Building Research of the National Research Council provides technical and secretarial suppoft, all of which is carried out at the direc- tion of the Associate Committee. The many technical problems revealed through the use of the Code are referred to the Division of Building Research for study in


an attempt t o make available to the Associate Committee the most up-to-date in-


formation o n building technology.


I The Associate Committee is assisted in the technical aspects of code writing by a


number of Standing Committees, each of which is responsible for one major part


o f the Code, o r for one of the associated documents. Each Standing Committee is


made up of experts in the particular field for which it is responsible. Building and


I fire officials, architects, engineers, contractors and other experts share their experi-

1 ence in the national interest. These Committees and their memberships are listed


in the following pages.



One of the key changes to this eighth edition is that, except for pipe sizes, all val-


ues are now given in metric units. The establishment of common metric pipe sizes


has not as yet been attained by all segments of the pipe manufacturing industry. Until the industry reaches such agreement, it is considered appropriate t o continue to identify pipe sizes in inches.




As an interim measure, until Code users become more familiar with metric val- ues, imperial equivalents have been included in the appendix; these equivalents


are not intended to be legal, but are provided solely for information.

Another key change is that, at the request of the provincial authorities, the ad- ministrative requirements previously in Part 2 have been removed from the Code and are published as a separate publication, "Administrative Requirements for Use with the National Building Code." Also, the administrative and semi-adminis- trative requirements that were formerly scattered throughout the technical parts of the Code have been removed and either relocated in the separate administrative document o r grouped in the new Part 2 in an attempt to provide a Code that is more suitable for provincial adoption. The new Part 2 has been retitled "General Requirements."

i Part 5, which formerly dealt with materials, now contains the requirements from


Section 4.8 of P a n 4 relating to wind, water and vapour protection. The require-


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ments from Part 5 have either been transferred to Part 2 o r have been deleted be- cause of duplication elsewhere.

Part 6 of the Code has been completely revised to include the material from the former Canadian Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Code, which has been discontinued. Certain fire related requirements formerly in Part 6 have been trans- ferred to Part 3 in order that all material of a similar nature is grouped in the same Part.

Part 8 of the Code relating to construction safety measures no longer references the Canadian Construction Safety Code, as this document has been discontinued. The relevant requirements relating to the safety of the public are included in Part 8.

The appendices, in addition to the imperial equivalents, contain explanatory ma- terial that was formerly included in the main body of the Code.

Where a change or addition to the 1977 NBC had been made, the paragraphs af- fected are indicated by a vertical line in the margin.

An important feature of this Code is its close coordination with its companion document the National Fire Code, which is prepared under the direction of the Associate Committee on the National Fire Code. To avoid duplication of require- ments in the two Codes, the National Building Code makes reference to appropri- ate requirements in the National Fire Code and vice versa.

Both Associate Committees have agreed that the two Codes should not only be developed as complementary documents, but should also be administered as such, with both building and fire officials being involved in their enforcement. The state- ment immediately following this preface, which has been included to encourage this approach, takes o n a special significance in light of the strong, continuing in- terest being shown by provincial governments in these documents as the basis for uniform standards for building safety within their respective jurisdictions.

The Associate Committee wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by the many individuals who have contributed to the production of this edition and to ex- press its appreciation to the Standards Writing Organizations whose standards are referenced in this document.

The Associate Committee is pleased to grant permission for the reprinting of ex- cerpts from this document provided appropriate acknowledgement is given in the reprinted material.

Comments on the use of this Code and suggestions for its improvement are wel- comed and should be submitted to: The Secretary, The Associate Committee on the National Building Code, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, On- tario KIA OR6. As Code revisions are developed by the Committees in response to such submissions, they will be made available for public comment prior to their in- clusion in the next edition.

- - - - - -

Ce document est disponible en francais.

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: been deleted be- material from the le , which has been 6 have been trans- ouped in the same

I longer references

been discontinued. .c are included in ~n explanatory ma- the paragraphs af- with its companion le direction of the lication of require- :rence to appropri- should not only be ninistered as such, cement. The state- ~ d e d to encourage m g , continuing in- nts as the basis for sdictions.

ice provided by the

s edition and to ex- fhose standards are he reprinting of ex- nent is given in the provement are wel- iate Committee on nada, Ottawa, On- ttees in response to :nt prior to their in-



When using this Code it is important to appreciate both the special relationship which exists between it and the National Fire Code with respect to fire safety and the need to consider the contents of both Codes in building design, construction and maintenance. The role of each Code with respect to fire safety can be summa- rized as follows:

National Building Code (NBCMstablishes the standard of fire safety for the construction of new buildings, the reconstruction of buildings including exten- sions or alterations, buildings involving a change of occupancy and upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable fire hazard. *

National Fire Code (NFC)-establishes the standard for fire prevention, fire fight- ing and life safety in buildings in use,* including standards for the conduct of ac- tivities causing fire hazards, maintenance of fire safety equipment and egress fa- cilities, standards for portable extinguishers, limitations o n building contents and the establishment of fire safety plans including the organization of supervisory staff for emergency purposes. In addition, the NFC establishes the standard for prevention, containment and fighting of fires originating outside buildings which may present a hazard to a community and sets standards for the transportation of flammable and combustible liquids.

The two Codes have been developed as complementary and coordinated docu- ments in order to reduce to a minimum the possibility of conflict in their respective contents. In order to ensure their effective application, it is important that fire and building officials be fully conversant with the fire safety standards of both Codes. Such officials should be involved both in the review and approval of plans with re- spect to fire safety prior to granting a building permit and with inspection of build- ings for fire safety purposes. This is the only way to ensure that all known hazards have been considered and that a satisfactory standard of fire safety has been achieved.

*The extent of application of the NBC and the NFC to the upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable fire hazard should be based on the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction who must deal with each case on its merits.

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The National Building Code is essentially a set of minimum regulations respect- ing the safety of buildings with reference to public health, fire protection and struc- tural sufficiency. It is not intended to be a textbook of building design, advice upon which should be sought from professional sources. Its primary purpose is the pro- motion of public safety through the application of appropriate uniform building standards throughout Canada.

The Code is drafted in such a way that it may be adopted or enacted for legal use by any jurisdictional authority in Canada. It is divided into nine Parts. A decimal numbering system has been used throughout the Code. The first number indicates the Part of the Code, the second, the Section in the Part, the third, the Subsection and the fourth, the Article in the Subsection. An Article may be further broken down into Sentences (indicated by numbers in brackets), and the Sentence further divided into Clauses and Subclauses. These are illustrated as follows:

3 Part 3.5 Section 3.5.1. Subsection Article Sentence Clause Subclause A summary of the contents of the Code follows:

Part 1: Scope and Definitions

Throughout the Code certain words appear in italic type. These are the words which have been defined in Part 1. This Part also contains a list of abbreviations used in the Code.

Part 2: General

Part 2 contains requirements of a semi-administrative nature such as information to be shown on drawings, provision for equivalents and material of a general na- ture.

j Part 3: Use and Occupancy

This Part contains the requirements with respect to health and fire safety, which depend upon the use to which a building is put and its type of occupancy. The first Section contains the interpretive material relating to occupancy classification and the more general features of fire protection. Sections that follow contain specific

I requirements relating to building size and occupancy and fire safety within floor

areas, exit requirements, requirements for service spaces and health requirements.

Part 4: Design

I This Part is made up of seven Sections. The first (4.1) deals with the loads to be used in design calculations and the methods of design to be followed. Section 4.2


regulates foundation design and construction. The other Sections (4.3 to 4.7) deal with design in wood, masonry, concrete, steel and aluminum. Sections 4.3 to 4.7


contain only short performance requirements referring to the design methods out- lined in detail in the relevant CSA standards.

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Part 5: Wind, Water and Vapour Protection

This Part includes that material formerly contained in Section 4.8 of the Code. It includes requirements for the prevention of condensation and cladding require- ments.

Part 6: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning

Part 6 is concerned with the safe functioning of heating, ventilating and air-con- ditioning equipment installed in a building. The requirements deal mainly with in- stallation.

Part 7: Plumbing

This Part contains only the basic legal statements with reference to Scope, Ap- plication and Administration. All detailed technical requirements are contained in the Canadian Plumbing Code which is published separately. This latter Code con- tains requirements for the size and quality of fixtures and related pipes and fittings for plumbing systems and, in its Appendix, has explanatory sketches and notes to further clarify these requirements.

Part 8: Construction Safety Measures


Public Safety at Construction Sites

Part 8 regulates the precautions that must be taken to protect the safety of the public in the vicinity of construction sites.

Part 9: Housing and Small Buildings

This Part provides detailed requirements for the construction of houses and small buildings up to 600 m2 per floor and three storeys in height, and applies to all occupancies except assembly, institutional and high hazard industrial. The residen- tial provisions of Part 9 combined with additional requirements for durability and performance make up the Residential Standards used by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to govern construction under the National Housing Act. Span tables for joists, rafters, trusses and beams, which were previously published as a separate document, are now included at the end of Part 9, and the imperial equivalents to these are provided in Appendix C.


The Supplement to the National Building Code is published by the Associate Committee but it does not form a legal part of the Code when it is adopted for use. The chapters that make up the Supplement were formerly published separately as individual supplements. The Supplement is made up of the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada

This Chapter contains information on climatic loads to be expected in all parts of Canada. It is through the use of these climatic factors summarized in this Chapter, with appropriate adjustments for climate variation in different localities, that the Code can be used nationally.

Chapter 2: Fire Performance Ratings

Chapter 2 provides a guide to the determination of the fire resistance, flame spread and smoke-developed ratings of materials in construction in relation to the provisions of the Code. It gives a procedure for calculating the fire-resistance rat- ings of construction assemblies based on generic descriptions of materials used in the assemblies. Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays



Chapter 3: Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings

This Chapter contains material in support of the high-rise requirements in 4.8 of the Code. It Part 3.

cladding require-

Chapter 4: Commentaries on Part 4

Chapter 4 consists of explanatory material and related technical information use- ful to the designer in the-application of the design requirements in Part 4 of the lating and air-con- Code.

?a1 mainly with in-

Chapter 5: List of Standards Referenced in the National Building Code 1980.

nce to Scope, Ap- ts are contained in is latter Code con- d pipes and fittings :tches and notes to

ruction Sites

:t the safety of the

ion of houses and t, and applies to all strial. The residen-

s for durability and ~ a d a Mortgage and onal Housing Act. reviously published 9, and the imperial



d by the Associate t is adopted for use. lished separately as ,wing chapters:

~ e c t e d in all parts of zed in this Chapter, t localities, that the

re resistance, flame on in relation to the : e fire-resistance rat- of materials used in ; Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays









A. G . Wilson (Chairman)

H . B. Dickens (Deputy Chairman)

* *

* * R. W. Anderson B.A. Bonser R. F. Buckingham S.D.C. Chutter D.E. Cornish S. Cumming R.F. DeGrace M.G. Dixon L.W. Gold J.T. Gregg R.V. Hebert D.G. Helmer J.S. Hicks

M.S. Hurst (ex oficio) H.K. Jenns I H.T. Jones P.M. Keenleyside


J. Longworth J . A. McCambly W.M. McCance R.C. McMillan J . McQuhae*

D . 0 . Monsen (ex officio)

F.-X. Perreault A.R. Pitt* G.B. Pope R.A.W. Switzer R.T. Tamblyn D.L. Tarlton A.D. Thompson J .E. Turnbull N.G. Vokey* R.H. Dunn (Secretary) D.W. Boyd*** A.T. Hansen**

*Committee term completed during preparation of 1980 Code. **DBR staff who provided technical assistance to the Committee. i

***Research Advisor (Meteorology) until December 1978. ****Retired October 1979. Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays




G.B. Pope (Chairman) A.J.M. Aikman D.J. Boehmer R.C. Burnett A.H. Cole I. Coop D.H. Featherstonhaugh E.H. Geres E.S. Hornby D.L. Lindsay*

* *



F. Berndt

* *

M. Galbreath* * A.T. Hansen*


H.A. Locke R.L. Maki A.W. McIntyre P. Mercier-Gouin I.A. Milroy* J. Myles R.S. Nelson C.N.W. Shewan G.V. Tatham R. Vassbotn J. K. Summers (Secretary)


J. Longworth (Chairman) R. L. Booth (Vice-Chairman) J.F. Cutler

A.G. Davenport

J.L. de Stein* (ex officio) T. Eldridge (ex officio) V.C. Fenton P.M. Gillham* P.J. Harris A.C. Heidebrecht A.P. Jessome E.L. Jessop D.J. Kathol

D. J. L. Kennedy (ex officio)

H.A. Krentz W.E. Lardner

N.C. Lind* (ex officio) J. G . MacGregor C. Marsh (ex officio) V. Milligan W. Paul B.G.W. Peter E.Y. Uzumeri R. H. Dunn (Secretary) W. R. Schriever*


D.A. Lutes**


H.T. Jones (Chairman) G.F. Anderson G . Broadbent* R. Broadwell* J. W. Ingram D.W. Johnson R.A. Kearney F.W. Steel** A.T. Hansen*


H. W. Klassen J.O. Klein D.B. Leaney L.L. Merrifield W. W. Miller T. Tyne H . Wank J


K. Summers (Secretary)

*Committee term completed during preparation of 1980 Code. **DBR staff who provided technical assistance to the Committee. ***Deceased August 1978. Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays





rs (Secretary) DESIGN 2 r 'ex officio) zgor : officio) (Secretary) ver* * * RVICES Y eld r :rs (Secretary)

A.D. Thompson (Chairman) E.H. Anaka E. Belanger H.F. Brady D.P. Carritt J. Cooney H.S. Darragh R.J. Hunt A. A . Knapp R.K. Beach** D.A. Lutes** W.F. Quinn* K.A. Ramsay R . Scott P.G. Spenst A.C. Spurrell L.F. Stanbrook J.E. Stott G . L . Swain* R.W.A. Yeates R . D . Osterhout (Secretary)


R.F. Buckingham (Chairman) G.N. Bilous G . Forsyth* N. Gauthier J.F. Gillespie W.G. Griffiths D. Jackson* A . W. Kempthorne D.E. Kennedy D.L. Scott** A.T. Hansen** J . Kerr A . Koehli E. Lavigne* A . W. McIntyre H.M.J. Nijssen R.T. Sumi A . Thorimbert* H.T. Work* J . K. Summers (Secretary)

STANDING COMMITTEE ON BUILDING STANDARDS FOR THE HANDICAPPED M.G. Dixon (Chairman) M.T. Blue H . E . Carr J.R. Champagne P. Cluff J. Colburn J. Davidson E . J . Desjardins D.L. Scott** P. Falta C.K. Hall D . McClelland W.E. Milton J.M. Phillips W.B. Race W. Schmid J .K. Summers (Secretary)

*Committee term completed during preparation of 1980 Code. **DBR staff who provided technical assistance t o the Committee.

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L. W . Gold (Chairman) J.R. Bateman A Birkhans J.E. Breeze J.F. Cutler S.G. Frost J.E. Gillespie H. Jabbour M. A. Kabayama J. F. Berndt

* *

M. Galbreath*


G.W. Shorter** S.A. Marks P. Mercier-Gouin S.J. Murphy* N . S. Pearce J. Rocheleau W.W. Stanzak* C.R. Thomson E.Y. Uzumeri J . J . Shaver (Secretary)

'Committee term completed during preparation of 1980 Code. * 'DBR staff who provided technical assistance to the Committee

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Section 1.1


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Section 1.2



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Section 1.3

Definitions of Words and Phrases

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. . .


Section 1.4


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SUBSECTION 1.1.1. This Code shall be administered in conformance with the appropriate provincial or municipal regulations or, in the absence of such regula- tions, in conformance with the ACNBC "Administrative Requirements for Use with the National Building Code."


SUBSECTION 1.2.1. This Code applies to the design, construction and

occupancy of new buildings, and the alteration, reconstruction, demolition, remov-

al, relocation and occupancy of existing buildings.





SUBSECTION 1.3.1. Definitions of words and phrases used in this Code that are not included in the list of definitions in this Part shall have the meanings which are commonly assigned to them in the context in which they are used in this Code, tak- ing into account the specialized use of terms with the various trades and profes- sions to which the terminology applies.

SUBSECTION 1.3.2. The words and terms in italics in this Code have the follow- ing meanings:

Acceptable means acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Accepted means accepted by the authority having jurisdiction. Access to exit (see Exit, access to).

Adfreezing means the adhesion of soil to a foundation unit resulting from the


freezing of soil water. (Also referred to as "frost grip.")

Air-supported structure means a structure consisting of a pliable membrane

which achieves and maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure.

Alarm signal means a signal indicating an emergency requiring immediate action

such as an alarm for fire from a manual box, a water flow alarm, an alarm from an automatic fire alarm system or other emergency signal.

A 110 wable bearing pressure (see Bearing pressure, a110 wable) .

Allowable load (see Load, a110 wable).

Alteration means a change o r extension to any matter or thing o r to any occupancy regulated by this Code.

Appliance means a device to convert fuel into energy and includes all compo-

nents, controls, wiring and piping required to be part of the device by the applicable standard referred to in this Code.

Artesian groundwater (see Groundwater, artesian).

Assembly occupancy means the occupancy or the use of a building, or part there-

of, by a gathering of persons for civic, political, travel, religious, social, edu- cational, recreational or like purposes, or for the consumption of food o r drink.

Attic or roof space means the space between the roof and the ceiling of the top storey or between a dwarf wall and a sloping roof.

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Authority having jurisdiction means the governmental body responsible for the

enforcement of any part of this Code or the official or agency designated by that body to exercise such a function.

Bachelor dwelling unit means a dwelling unit for 1 or 2 adults with or without 1 bedroom.

Bearing pressure, allowable (as applying to foundations) means the maximum

pressure that may be safely applied to a soil or rock by the foundation unit

considered in design under expected loading and subsurface conditions.

Bearing pressure, design (as applying to foundations) means the pressure applied

by a foundation unit to a soil or rock and which is not greater than the allowable bearing pressure.

Bearing surface means the contact surface between a foundation unit and the soil

or rock upon which it bears.

Boiler means an appliance intended to supply hot water or steam for space heat-

ing, processing or power purposes.

Breeching means a flue pipe o r chamber for receivingflue gases from 1 or more flue connections and for discharging these gases through a single flue con-


Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any

use or occupancy.

Building area means the greatest horizontal area of a building above grade

within the outside surface of exterior walls or within the outside surface of exterior walls and the centre line offirewalls.

Building face, exposing (see Exposing building face).

Building height (in storeys) means the number of storeys contained between the

roof and the floor of the first storey.

Business and personal services occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof for the transaction of business or the rendering or

receiving of professional or personal services.

Caisson (see Pile).

Chimney means a primarily vertical shaft enclosing at least 1 flue for conducting flue gases lo the outdoors.

Chimney, factory-built means a chimney consisting entirely of factory-made

parts, each designed to be assembled with the other without requiring fabri- cation on site.

Chimney liner means a conduit containing a chimney flue used as a lining of a masonry or concrete chimney.

Chimney, masonry or concrete means a chimney of brick, stone, concrete or ma-

sonry units constructed on site.

Chimney, metal means a single-wall chimney of metal constructed on site. Cladding, exterior means those components of a building which are exposed to

the outdoor environment and are intended to provide protection against wind, water or vapour.


Closure means a device or assembly for closing an opening through a fire separation, such as a door, a shutter, wired glass or glass block, and includes

all components such as hardware, closing devices, frames and anchors.

Combustible (as applying to an elementary building material) means that such

material fails to conform to CAN4-S114-78, "Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials."

Combustible construction means that type of construction that does not meet the

requirements for noncombustible construction.

Constructor means a person who contracts with an owner or his authorized agent

to undertake a project, and includes an owner who contracts with more than

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~ l e for the gnated by without 1 maximum lation unit tions. re applied than the nd the soil Dace heat- 1 o r more : flue con- tering any ove grade surface of tween the use of a ldering or onducting tory-made ring fabri- lining of a ete o r ma- te. .xposed to )n against ~ g h a fire d includes lors. that such )f Test for t meet the ized agent more than

1 person for the work on a project o r undertakes the work on a project o r any part thereof.

Dead load means the weight of all permanent structural and nonstructural com-

ponents of a building.

Deep foundation means a foundation unit that provides support for a building by

transferring loads either by end-bearing to a soil o r rock at considerable

depth below the building, o r by adhesion o r friction, o r both, in the soil o r rock in which it is placed. Piles are the most common type of deep founda- tion.

Design bearing pressure (see Bearing pressure, design). Designer means the person responsible for the design. Design load (see Load, design).

Dwelling unit means a suite operated as a housekeeping unit, used o r intended to

be used as a domicile by 1 o r more persons and usually containing cooking, eating, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities.

Excavation means the space created by the removal of soil, rock o r fill for the

purposes of construction.

Exhaust duct means a duct through which air is conveyed from a room o r space

to the outdoors.

Exit means that part of a means ofegress that leads from the floor area it serves,

including any doorway leading directly from a floor area, to a public thor-

oughfare o r to an acceptable open space.

Exit, access to means that part of a means of egress within a floor area that pro-

vides access to an exit serving the floor area.

Exit, horizontal means that type of exit connecting 2 floor areas at substantially the same level by means of a doorway, vestibule, bridge o r balcony, such

floor areas being located either in different buildings o r located in the same building and fully separated from each other by afirewall.

Exit level (as applying to Subsection 3.2.6.) means the lowest level in an en- closed exit stairway from which an exterior door provides access to a public

thoroughfare or to an acceptable open space with access to a public thor-

oughfare at approximately the same level either directly o r through a vesti- bule or exit corridor.

Exit storey (as applying to Subsection 3.2.6.) means a storey from which an exte-

rior door provides direct access at approximately the same level to a public thoroughfare or to an acceptable open space with access to a public thor-


Exposing building face means that part of the exterior wall of a building which

faces one direction and is located between ground level and the ceiling of its top storey, o r where a building is divided into fire compartments, the exte-

rior wall of a fire compartment which faces one direction. Exterior cladding (see Cladding, exterior).

Factory-built chimney (see Chimney, factory-built).

Fill means soil, rock, rubble, industrial waste such as slag, organic material or a

combination o f these that is transported and placed o n the natural surface of a soil or rock o r organic terrain. It may o r may not be compacted.

Fire compartment means an enclosed space in a building that is separated from

all other parts of the building by enclosing construction providing afire sep- aration having a required fire-resistance rating.

Fire damper means a closure which consists of a normally held open damper in-

stalled in an air distribution system o r in a wall o r floor assembly, and de- signed to close automatically in the event of a fire in order to maintain the integrity of the fire separation.

Fire load (as applying to an occupancy) means the combustible contents of a

room o r floor area expressed in terms of the average weight of combustible

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materials per unit area, from which the potential heat liberation may be cal- culated based on the calorific value of the materials, and includes the fur- nishings, finished floor, wall and ceiling finishes, trim and temporary and movable partitions.

Fire-protection rating means the time in hours or fraction thereof that a closure will withstand the passage of flame when exposed to fire under specified conditions of test and performance criteria, or as otherwise prescribed in this Code.

Fire resistance means the property of a material or assembly to withstand fire or give protection from it; as applied to elements of buildings, it is character- ized by the ability to confine a fire or to continue to perform a given struc- tural function, or both.

Fire-resistance rating means the time in hours or fraction thereof that a material or assembly of materials will withstand the passage of flame and the trans- mission of heat when exposed to fire under specified conditions of test and performance criteria, or as determined by extension or interpretation of in- formation derived therefrom as prescribed in this Code.

Fire-retardant treated wood means wood or a wood product that has had its sur- face-burning characteristics such as flame spread, rate of fuel contribution and density of smoke developed, reduced by impregnation with fire-retar- dant chemicals.

Fire separation means a construction assembly that acts as a barrier against the spread of fire and may not be required to have a fire-resistance rating or a fire-protection rating.

Fire stop means a draft-tight barrier within or between construction assemblies that acts to retard the passage of smoke and flame.

Fire stop flap means a device intended for use in horizontal assemblies required to have a fire-resistance rating and incorporating protective ceiling mem- branes, which operates to close off a duct opening through the membrane in the event of a fire.

Firewall means a type of fire separation of noncombustible construction which subdivides a building or separates adjoining buildings to resist the spread of fire and which has a fire-resistance rating as prescribed in this Code and has structural stability to remain intact under fire conditions for the required fire-rated time.

First storey (see Storey, first).

Flame-spread rating means an index or classification indicating the extent of spread-of-flame on the surface of a material or an assembly of materials as determined in a standard fire test as prescribed in this Code.

Floor area means the space on any storey of a building between exterior walls and required firewalls, including the space occupied by interior walls and partitions, but not including exits and vertical service spaces that pierce the storey.

Flue means an enclosed passageway for conveyingflue gases.

Flue collar means the portion of a fuel-fired appliance designed for the attach- ment of the flue pipe or breeching.

Flue pipe means the pipe connecting the flue collar of an appliance to a chimney. Forced-air furnace (see Furnace, forced-air).

Foundation means a system or arrangement of foundation units through which the loads from a building are transferred to supporting soil or rock.

Foundation, deep (see Deep foundation). Foundation, shallow (see Shallow foundation).

Foundation unit means one of the structural members of the foundation of a building such as a footing, raft or pile.

Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays


nay be cal- es the fur- Iorary and t a closure r specified :scribed in and fire or character- iven struc- a material the trans- of test and ition of in- lad its sur- ~ntribution fire-retar- igainst the raring or a assemblies *s required ling mem- :mbrane in tion which : spread of le and has 2 required extent of .aterials as :rior walls walls and pierce the he attach- chimney. ugh which ation of a

Frost a c ~ i o n means the phenomenon that occurs when water in soil is subjected

to freezing which, because of the water ice phase change or ice lens growth, results in a total volume increase or the build-up of expansive forces under confined conditions or both, and the subsequent thawing that leads to loss of soil strength and increased compressibility.

Furnace means a space-heating appliance using warm air as the heating medium

and usually having provision for the attachment of ducts.

Furnace, forced-air means a furnace equipped with a fan that provides the pri-

mary means for circulation of air.

Garage, repair means a building or part thereof where facilities are provided for

the repair or servicing of motor vehicles.

Garage, srorage means a building or part thereof intended for the storage or

parking of motor vehicles and which contains no provision for the repair or servicing of such vehicles.

Gas venr means that portion of a venting system designed to convey vent gases to

the outdoors from the vent connector of a gas-fired appliance or directly from the appliance when a vent connector is not used.

Grade (as applying to the determination of building height) means the lowest of

the average levels of finished ground adjoining each exterior wall of a

building, except that localized depressions such as for vehicle or pedestrian

entrances need not be considered in the determination of average levels of finished ground. (See Storey, first.)

Groundwarer means a free standing body of water in the ground.

Groundwater, artesian means a confined body of water under pressure in the


Groundwater level (groundwater table) means the top surface of a free standing .

body of water in the ground.

Groundwater, perched means a free standing body of water in the ground ex-

tending to a limited depth.

Guard means a protective barrier around openings in floors or at the open sides

of stairs, landings, balconies, mezzanines, galleries, raised walkways or other locations to prevent accidental falls from one level to another. Such barrier may or may not have openings through it.

Hear derecror means a device for sensing an abnormally high air temperature or

an abnormal rate of heat rise and automatically initiating a signal indicating this condition.

H e u ~ ~ y limber c.onsrrucriori means that type of combus~ible consrrucrion in which

a degree of fire safety is attained by placing limitations on the sizes of wood structural members and on thickness and composition of wood floors and roofs and by the avoidance of concealed spaces under floors and roofs.

High Iiuznrd indlisrrial occupancy (see lndusrrial occupancy, high hazard). Horizorirul exir (see Exir, horizo sral).

Horizorlral service space means a space such as an attic, duct. ceiling, roof or

crawl space oriented essentially in a horizontal plane, concealed and gener- ally inaccessible, through which building service facilities such as pipes. ducts and wiring may pass.

lririependenr c,enrral srnriori means a continually supervised station under the con-

trol of a company independent of the orslrlers of the building to be protected that conforms with NFPA 71-1977. "Installation. Maintenance and Use of Central Station Signaling Systems."

11rctirr.c.r stJri,ict. rsrattjr her~rer (see Srr~-ic.v w,crrrlr /tc~trror, i ~ ~ c i i r c ~ ' ~ ) .

Itrtlrrs~ritrl oc.c.rcpnrrc.!9 means the or.c.lcpcirlc-!7 01. use 01' ii hriilrlitrg or part thereof

for i\ssembling, fabricating. manufacturing. processing. repairing or storing o f gocjds and materials.

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Industrial occupancy, high hazard (Group F , Division 1) means an industrial occupancy containing sufficient quantities of highly combustible and

flammable o r explosive materials which, because of their inherent charac- teristics, constitute a special fire hazard.

Industrial occupancy, medium hazard (Group F , Division 2 ) means an industrial occicpancy in which the combustible content is more than 50 kg/m2 o r 1 200

MJ/m2 o f f l o o r area and not classified as high hazard industrial occupancy. Industrial occupancy, low hazard (Group F , Division 3) means an industrial

occupancy in which the combustible content is not more than 50 kg/m2 o r 1 200 MJ/m2 o f p o o r area.

Infirm persons means all institutionalized persons whose age o r health is such

that they require institutional care o r treatment.

Institutional occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building o r part thereof

by persons who are involuntarily detained, o r detained for penal o r correc- tional purposes, o r whose liberty is restricted, o r require special care o r treatment because of age, mental o r physical limitations.

Interconnected floor space means superimposed poor areas o r parts of floor areas

in which floor assemblies that are required to be fire separations are pene-

trated by openings that are not provided with closures.

Limiting distance means the distance from an exposing building face t o a prop-

erty line, the centre line of a street, lane, public thoroughfare o r an imagi-

nary line between 2 buildings o n the same property, measured at right an-

gles t o the exposing building face.

Live load means the load other than dead load to be assumed in the design of the

structural members of a building. It includes loads resulting from snow, rain, wind, earthquake and those due to occupancy.

Load, allowable (as applying to foundations) means the maximum load that may

be safely applied to a foundation unit considered in design under expected

loading and subsurface conditions.

Loadbearing (as applying to a building element) means subjected to o r designed

to carry loads in addition t o its own dead load, excepting a wall element sub-

jected only t o wind o r earthquake loads in addition to its own dead load. Load, design (as applying to foundations) means the load applied t o a

foundation unit and which is not greater than the allowable load. L o a d , fire (see Fire load).

Load, occupant (see Occupant load).

L o w hazard industrial occupancy (see Industrial occupancy, low hazard). Masonry o r concrete chimney (see Chimney, masonry or concrete).

Means of egress means a continuous path of travel provided by a doorway, hall-

way, corridor, exterior passageway, balcony, lobby, stair, ramp o r other egress facility o r combination thereof, for the escape of persons from any point in a building, poor area, room o r contained open space t o a public

thoroughfare o r other acceptable open space. (Means of egress includes exits

and access to exits. )

Mediicnz hazard iridustrial occupancy (see Indilstrial occupancy, m e d i u m hazard).

Mercantile occicpancy means the occupancy o r use of a building o r part thereof

for the displaying or selling of retail goods, wares o r merchandise.

Metal chimney (see Chimney, metal).

Mezzanine means a n intermediate floor assembly between the floor and ceiling

of any room o r storey and includes an interior balcony.

Noncombltstible (as applying t o an elementary building material) means that

such material conforms to CAN4-S114-78, "Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials."

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I industrial stible and !nt charac- 1 industrial n2 or 1 200 upancy . industrial 0 kg/m2 o r Ith is such art thereof or correc- ial care or Poor areas : are pene- to a prop- : an imagi- it right an- :sign of the rom snow. d that may r expected )r designed ement sub- d load. >lied to a rway, hall- p o r other s from any to a public :ludes exits I, m e d i u m art thereof and ceiling neans that 3f Test for

Noncombustible construction means that type of construction in which a degree

of fire safety is attained by the use of norzcombustible materials for struc-

tural members and other building assemblies.

Occupancy means the use or intended use of a building or part thereof for the

shelter or support of persons, animals o r property.

Occupancy, major means the principal occupancy for which a building or part

thereof is used or intended to be used, and shall be deemed to include the subsidiary occupancies which are an integral part of the principal occupancy.

Occupant load means the number of persons for which a building o r part thereof

is designed.

Owner means any person, firm or corporation controlling the property under


Partition means an interior wall 1 storey or part-storey in height that is not loadhearing.

Party wall (see Wall, party).

Perched groundwater (see Groundwater, perched).

Pile means a slender deep fo~tndation unit, made of materials such as wood, steel

or concrete or combination thereof, which is either premanufactured and placed by driving, jacking, jetting or screwing, or cast-in-place in a hole formed by driving, excavating or boring. (Cast-in-place bored piles are of-

ten referred to as caissons in Canada.)

Plenum means a chamber forming part of an air duct system.

Plumbing system means a drainage system, a venting system and a water system

or parts thereof.

Post-disaster building means a building essential to provide services in the event

of a disaster, and includes hospitals, fire stations, police stations, radio sta- tions, telephone exchanges, power stations, electrical substations, pumping stations (water and sewage) and fuel depot buildings.

Private sewage disposal system means a privately owned plant for the treatment and disposal of sewage (such as a septic tank with an absorption field).

Project means any construction, alteration or demolition operation.

Proprietary control centre means a continually supervised station under the con-

trol of the owner or others interested in the building o r buildings to be pro-

tected that conforms with Class A proprietary signalling systems in NFPA 72D-1975, "Installation, Maintenance and Use of Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems for Watchman, Fire Alarm and Supervisory Service."

Public building (as applying to requirements for the design of buildings for phys-

ically handicapped persons) means a building to which the public is admit-

ted, but does not include apartment buildings, houses, boarding houses or

buildings of Group F major occupancy.

Public corridor means a corridor that provides access to exit from more than 1



Public way means a sidewalk, street, highway, square or other open space to

which the public has access, as of right or by invitation, expressed o r im- plied.

Range means a cooking appliance equipped with a cooking surface and 1 or

more ovens.

Repair garage (see Garage, repair).

Residential occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof

by persons for whom sleeping accommodation is provided but who are not harboured or detained to receive medical care o r treatment or are not invo- luntarily detained. Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays


Return duct means a duct for conveying air from a space being heated, ventilated or air-conditioned back to the heating, ventilating or air-conditioning


Rock means that portion of the earth's crust which is consolidated, coherent and

relatively hard and is a naturally formed, solidly bonded, mass of mineral matter which cannot readily be broken by hand.

Sanitary drainage system means a drainage system that conducts sewage.

Separation, fire (see Fire separation).

Service room means a room or space provided in a building to accommodate

building service equipment such as air-conditioning or heating appliances,

electrical services, pumps, compressors and incinerators.

Service space means space provided in a building to facilitate or conceal the in-

stallation of building service facilities such as chutes, ducts, pipes, shafts or wires.

Service space, horizontal (see Horizontal service space).

Service space, vertical (see Vertical service space).

Service water heater means a device for heating water for plumbing services.

Service water heater, indirect means a service water heater that derives its heat

from a heating medium such as warm air, steam or hot water.

Service water heater, storage type means a service water heater with an integral

hot water storage tank.

Shallow foundation means a foundation unit which derives its support from soil

or rock located close to the lowest part of the building which it supports.

Smoke alarm means a combined smoke detector and audible alarm device de-

signed to sound an alarm within the room or suite in which it is located upon the detection of smoke within that room or suite.

Smoke detector means a device for sensing the presence of visible or invisible

particles produced by combustion, and automatically initiating a signal indi- cating this condition.

Soil means that portion of the earth's crust which is fragmentary, or such that

some individual particles of a dried sample may be readily separated by agi- tation in water; it includes boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, silt, clay and or- ganic matter.

Space heater means a space-heating appliance for heating the room or space

within which it is located, without the use of ducts.

Space-heating appliance means an appliance intended for the supplying of heat to

a room or space directly, such as a space heater, fireplace or unit heater, or to rooms or spaces of a building through a heating system such as a central

furnace or boiler.

Sprinklered (as applying to a building or part thereof) means that the building or

part thereof is equipped with a system of automatic sprinklers.

Stage means a space designed primarily for theatrical performances with provi-

sion for quick change scenery and overhead lighting, including environmen- tal control for a wide range of lighting and sound effects and which is tradi- tionally, but not necessarily, separated from the audience by a proscenium wall and curtain opening.

Storage garage (see Garage, storage).

Storage-type service water heater (see Service water heater, storage t y p e ) .

Storey means that portion of a building which is situated between the top of any

floor and the top of the floor next above it, and if there is no floor above it,


Storey, first that portion between the top of such floor and the ceiling above it. means the uppermost storey having its floor level not more than 2 m

above grade.

Stoi~e means an appliance intended for cooking and space heating.

Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays


ventilated ndit ioning lerent and ~f mineral ~ m m o d a t e ppliances , eal the in-

, shafts o r /ices. es its heat In integral t from soil )ports. device de- :ated upon ~r invisible ignal indi- ' such that ted by agi- ay and or- 1 o r space ; of heat t o heater, o r s a central iuilding o r vith provi- vironmen- ch is tradi- roscenium 1. top of any r above it, e than 2 m

Street means any highway, road, boulevard, square o r other improved thorough-

fare 9 m o r more in width, which has been dedicated o r deeded for public use, and is accessible to fire department vehicles and equipment.

Subsurface investigation means the appraisal of the general subsurface conditions

at a building site by analysis of information gained by such methods as geo- logical surveys, in situ testing, sampling, visual inspection, laboratory test- ing of samples of the subsurface materials and groundwater observations and measurements.

Suite means a single room o r series of rooms of complementary use, operated under a single tenancy, and includes dwelling units, individual guest rooms in motels, hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses and dormitories as well as individual stores and individual o r complementary rooms for business

and personal service occupancies. (See Appendix A.)

Supervisory signal means a signal indicating the need for action in connection with the supervision of sprinkler and other extinguishing systems o r equip- ment, o r with the maintenance features of other protection systems.

Supply duct means a duct for conveying air from a heating, ventilating o r air- conditioning appliance to a space t o be heated, ventilated o r air- conditioned.

Theatre means a place of public assembly intended for the production and view-

ing of the performing arts o r the screening and viewing of motion pictures, and consisting of a n auditorium with permanently fixed seats intended solely for a viewing audience.

Unit heater means a suspended space heater with a n integral air circulating fan.

Unprotected opening (as applying to exposing building face) means a doorway,

window o r opening other than o n e equipped with a closure having the re- quired fire-protection rating, o r any part of a wall forming part of the

exposing building face that has a fire-resistance rating less than required for the exposing building face.

Unsafe condition means any condition that could cause undue hazard t o life,

a limb o r health of any person authorized o r expected t o be o n o r about the


Vent connector (as applying to heating o r cooling systems) means the part of a venting system that conducts the flue gases o r vent gases from the flue collar

of a gas appliance to the chimney o r gas vent, and may include a draft con- trol device.

Vertical service space means a shaft oriented essentially vertically that is pro- vided in a building to facilitate the installation of building services including mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations and facilities such as eleva- tors, refuse chutes and linen chutes.

Walkway means a covered o r roofed pedestrian thoroughfare used t o connect 2 o r more buildings in which the least horizontal dimension of the thor- oughfare is less than 9 m.

Wall, party means a wall jointly owned and jointly used by 2 parties under ease- ment agreement o r by right in law, and erected at o r upon a line separating 2 parcels of land each of which is, o r is capable of being, a separate real- estate entity.


SUBSECTION 1.4.1. ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES OF ASSOCIATIONS The abbreviations in this Code for the names of associations shall have

the meanings assigned to them in this Subsection. T h e addresses of such associa- tions are shown in brackets following the name of each association.

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ACI American Concrete Institute

(P.O. Box 4754, Redford Station, Detroit, Michigan 48219 U.S.A.)

ACNBC. ... Associate Committee on the National Building Code (National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa,

Ontario KIA OR6)

ANSI ... American National Standards Institute

(1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 U.S.A.) A S H R A E ... American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and

Air-Conditioning Engineers

(345 East 47th Street, New York, New York 10017 U . S . A . ) ASTM ... American Society for Testing and Materials

(1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 U.S.A.)


CAN National Standard of Canada designation

(The number following the CAN designation represents the agency under whose auspices the standard is issued. CAN 1 designates C G A ,

CAN 2 designates CGSB, CAN 3 designates CSA, and CAN 4 designates ULC.)


C G A Canadian Gas Association

(55 Scarsdale Road, Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2R3) CGSB ... Canadian Government Specifications Board

(c/o Department of Supply and Services, I1 Laurier Street, Hull, Quebec Kl A OS5) CLA ... Canadian Lumbermen's Association

(27 Goulburn Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 8C7) ...

CSA Canadian Standards Association

(1 78 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1 R3)


FS Federal Specifications and Standards

(General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20405 U . S . A . )

HI ... Hydronics Institute (heating)

(35 Rusco Place, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey 07922 U.S.A.)

H R A . . ... Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Institute of Canada

(5468 Dundas Street West, Etobicoke, Ontario M9B 6E3)


NBC National Building Code of Canada

(National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6)

NFPA ... National Fire Protection Association

(470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 022 10 U .S.A.) ...

NLGA National Lumber Grades Autharity

(1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2E9)

ULC ... Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada

(7 Crouse Road, Scarborough, Ontario M 1 R 3A9)

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U . S . A . ) :sents the I. tute of 9 B 6E3) I0 U . S . A . )


Z 2E9)

WCLIB ... West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (1750 S . W . Skyline Blvd., P.O. Box 25406

Portland, Oregon 97225 U .S.A.) WWPA ... Western Wood Products Association

(Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon 97204 U .S.A.)

SUBSECTION 1.4.2. ABBREVIATIONS OF WORDS AND PHRASES The abbreviations of words and phrases in this Code shall have the

meanings assigned to them in this Subsection.


ASWG American Standard Wire Gage ...

B&SG Brown and Sharpe Gage

CLS ... Canadian Lumber Standard

cm ... centimetre(s) ... d b decibel(s) " ... degree(s) "C ... degree(s) Celsius diam ... diameter g ... gram(s) ga ... gauge

G S G ... Galvanized Sheet Gage h ... hour@) Hz ... hertz in. ... inch(es) Inc. ... Incorporated ... J joule(s) kg ... kilogram(s! kN ... kilonewton(s) kPa ... kilopas:-:l(s) kW ... kilc:~;,;itt(s) L ... lirre(sj Ix ... lux m ... metre(s) max. ... maximurn min. ... minimtim min ... minute(s) MJ ... megajoule(s) mm ... millimetre(s) MPa ... megapascal(s)

MSG ... Manufacturers' Standard Gage

N . . . newton

NIA ... not applicable

ng ... nanogram(s)

No. ... number(s) nom. ... nominal 0.c. ... o n centre s ... second(s)

SWG ... Standard Wire Gage temp. ... temperature

T&G ... tongue and groove

USSG ... United States Standard Gage W ... watt(s) wt ... weight. Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays


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