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Quantum Field Theory


Academic year: 2022

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Quantum Field Theory

Set 3: solutions

After the correction of the three exercises there is a little review on totally antisymmetric tensors, i.e. , and on the contraction of tensors. Some properties that are used in the correction are listed.

Exercise 1

The Euler-Lagrange equations




= ∂L

∂φ give


∂(∂µφ) 1



∂φ =∂µµφ= ∂V(φ)

∂φ . For the massiveλφ4theory one gets:

µµφ=−m2φ−λ 6φ3. Let us now consider the term

α(∂µφ ∂µφ)2≡α(∂µφ ∂µφ)(∂νφ ∂νφ).

In order to compute the dimension in energy of the constantαlet us compute first the dimension of the fieldφ.

We recall that the dimension of the action is power of~ (depending on the spacetime dimension), therefore in natural units the action is dimensionless. From this one can extract the dimension of the Lagrangian densityL:

S= Z

dt dD−1xL(~x, t)

[S] =E0, [dx] = [dt] =E−1 ⇒ [L] =ED

Therefore in 3+1 dimensions all the terms appearing in the Lagrangian density must have dimensionE4. Let us consider the kinetic term: knowing the dimension [∂µ] = [∂xµ] =E, we can extract the dimension ofφ:

[∂µφ ∂µφ] = [∂µ]2×[φ]2=E2×[φ]2 ⇒ [φ] =E

The fieldφ has dimension of a mass. One can repeat in arbitrary dimension and get [φ] =ED−22 . Let us come back to the parameterα:

[L] =E4 ⇒ [α]×[∂µ]4×[φ]4=E4 ⇒ [α] =E−4 Finally let us compute the Euler-Lagrange equations:

µ ∂L


=∂µ(∂µφ+ 4α(∂νφ ∂νφ)∂µφ) =−∂V


Exercise 2

The Lagrangian of the system is L=


d3xL(x, t) L(x, t) = 1


2m2φ2− λ 4!φ4. The conjugate momentum is

π(x, t) = δ L

δ(∂0φ) = ∂L(x, t)

∂(∂0φ(x, t)) =∂0φ(x, t).


The Hamiltonian reads H =


d3xH(x, t) = Z

d3x[π∂0φ− L] = Z

d3x 1


2(∂iφ)(∂iφ) +1

2m2φ2+ λ 4!φ4

. Given two functionals ofφ, π

F[φ, π](t) = Z

f(φ(x, t), π(x, t))d3x, One defines the equal time Poisson brackets between the two as

{F(t), G(t)}= Z

δ F δπ(z, t)

δ G

δφ(z, t)− δ F δφ(z, t)

δ G δπ(z, t)

d3z, where as usual δφ(z,t)δ F = ∂ f(z,t)∂φ(z,t). In particular

{π(x, t), φ(y, t)}t=

Z δ R

d3x1π(x1, t)δ3(x−x1) δπ(z, t)

δ R

d3x2φ(x2, t)δ3(y−x2) δφ(z, t)

−δ R

d3x1π(x1, t)δ3(x−x1) δφ(z, t)

δ R

d3x1φ(x2, t)δ3(y−x2) δπ(z, t)

! d3z

= Z



The equations of motion become:

φ˙ ={H, φ},


π={H, π}, and therefore

φ(y, t) =˙ {H, φ(y, t)}= Z

d3x 1

2(x, t), φ(y, t)

= Z

d3x π(x, t){π(x, t), φ(y, t)}=π(y, t),


π(y, t) ={H, π(y, t)}= Z

d3x 1

2(∂iφ(x, t))2+1

2m2φ2(x, t) + λ

4!φ4(x, t), π(y, t)


= Z


iφ(x, t){∂iφ(x, t), π(y, t)}+m2φ(x, t){φ(x, t), π(y, t)}+ λ

3!φ3(x, t){φ(x, t), π(y, t)}

=− Z


iφ(x, t) ∂

∂xiδ3(x−y) + (m2φ(x, t) + λ

3!φ3(x, t))δ3(x−y)

=∂iiφ(y, t)−m2φ(y, t)− λ

3!φ3(y, t).

Substituting the former in the latter on can show the equivalence with the Lagrangian formalism:

t2φ(y, t)−∂iiφ(y, t) =φ(y, t) =−m2φ(y, t)− λ

3!φ3(y, t).

Exercise 3

The Maxwell equations read

∇ ·~ E~ =ρ, ∇ ∧~ E~ +1 c

∂ t B~ = 0,

∇ ·~ B~ = 0, ∇ ∧~ B~ −1 c

∂ t E~ =

J~ c. One can also rewrite the latter expression in components; recalling that:

E~ = (E1, E2, E3), B~ = (B1, B2, B3), J~= (J1, J2, J3), ρ=J0,

∇~ = (∂1, ∂2, ∂3), ∂

∂ t =∂0, (1)


one obtains

iEi =J0, ijkjEk+1

c∂0Bi= 0,

iBi= 0, ijkjBk−1

c∂0Ei= Ji c .

In defining four components quantities one must pay attention to the position of spatial indices; since these are lowered and raised with a metricηµν = diag(1,−1,−1,−1), with Minkosky signature the spacial indices acquire a minus sign in the transition. For example:

Vµ= (V0, Vi) = (V0,−Vi), ∂µ= (∂0, ∂i) = (∂0,−∂i).

The field strength F can be expressed in terms of the vector potentialAµ= (A0, Ai) as follows:


One should notice the antisymmetric nature of the tensorF for the exchange of the indices µ↔ν. In order to verify that this expression reflects the definition of F in terms of the physical fieldsE, B on can compute

F0i=∂0Ai−∂iA0=∂0Ai+∂iA0= (∂0A~+∇A0)i=−Ei, F12=∂1A2−∂2A1=−∂1A2+∂2A1=−(∇ ∧~ A)~ 3=−B3, where we have lowered indices of derivatives to get the standard form as defined before.

In order to compute the equations of motion for the fieldAµ one has to apply the Euler-Lagrange equation. This time the field with respect to which we differentiate carries an additional space-time index:




= ∂L


The previous equation contains a free indexν, which selects the component of the fieldAν with respect to which one derives (therefore one has 4 ”independent” equations), and a summed indexµ. The equations read







4(∂ρAσ−∂σAρ) (∂ρAσ−∂σAρ)











2 δρµδνσ−δµσδρν





∂Aν = ∂

∂ Aν(−JρAρ) =−Jρδρν=−Jν, (2)

where we have derived using the relation


∂(∂ρAσ) =δρµδνσ,

that is to say that one gets non-vanishing contribution only if the indices of derivative and of the vectorAmatch.

Otherwise the derivative gives zero since it’s like deriving a variable with respect to an independent one. Finally the equations of motion are given by

µFµν =Jν.

At this point it’s straightforward to verify that one has obtained exactly the Maxwell equations: the component 0 reads

µFµ0=∂iFi0=J0=−∂iF0i =∂iEi=ρ, while the componentiis

µFµi =∂0F0i+∂jFji=−∂0Ei−∂jjikBk =Ji,

where we have used the propertyFmn=Fmn=−mnpBp. However we immediately see that the Euler-Lagrange equations reproduce only the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations, that is to say the ones with a source on their l.h.s.. The homogeneous equations derive from the so calledBianchi identity:

µνρσνFρσ= 2µνρσνρAσ= 0,


since the tensor∂νρ is contracted with the total antisymmetric tensorµνρσ. Expanding the identity one gets:

0νρσνFρσ =0ijkiFjk=−ijkijklBl=−2∂iBi= 0

iνρσνFρσ =i0jk0Fjk+ 2ij0kjF0k

=ijk0jklBl+ 2ijkj(−Ek) = 2∂0Bi+ 2ijkjEk= 0.

The Bianchi identities are relation encoded in the structure of the field strength and find their natural explication in the formalism of differential forms.

One can solve the latter equation for a simple external source. The simplest current one can think about is the one generated by a static pointlike charge. In general the current generated by a pointlike particle has the form

Jµ= eδ3(x−x(t)), e~v(t)δ3(x−x(t)) ,

however, since the particle doesn’t move, its velocity~vis null and the current has only the 0-component. Therefore Jµ=

3(x), ~0

. For such a configuration one should expect to find the Coulomb potential generated by a charge e. Since the current is time independent we can look for a static solution. We start considering the equation for the scalar potentialA0(~x):

iEi=∂i(−∂iA0−∂0Ai) =−∇2A0(x) =eδ3(x).

The solution of this Laplace equation can be easily obtained in Fourier transform; define A0(~x) =



d3p (2π)3

A(~˜ p)ei~p·~x, δ3(~x) = Z


d3p (2π)3ei~p·~x. therefore the equation becomes



d3p (2π)3

A(~˜ p)∂ii+e ei~p·~x=



d3p (2π)3

−A(~˜ p)|~p|2+e

ei~p·~x= 0.

The latter expression states that the function ˜A(~p) −|~p|2+e

, thought as an element of the Hilbert space where the Fourier transform is defined, has vanishing scalar product with all the functionsei~p·~xwhich is a complete basis in that space. Therefore it must be

A(~˜ p) = e


The solution in coordinate space is simply obtained by Fourier transforming the one in momentum space:

A0(~x) =e Z


d3p (2π)3


|~p|2 =e Z


dp p2 (2π)3

Z 1


d(cosθ) Z


dφeipxcosθ p2

= e 4π2






= e 2π2




sin (px) px

= e

2x Z


dysiny y

| {z }


= e 4π



which is the usual Coulomb scalar potential generated by a static charge and gives an electric field E~ =−∇A~ 0(~x) = e


~ x


The vector potential satisfies the homogeneous equation∇2A(~~ x)−∇(~ ∇ ·~ A(~~ x)) = 0. Thus, we can chooseA~= 0.


Antisymmetric tensors

Inddimension one can define a total antisymmetric tensora1... ad with the following properties:

• is antisymmetric for the exchange of any two near indices:


a1... ad is different from zero only if all the indices have different value. In particular 1 2...d= 1 a1... ad= (−1)n

wherenis the number of permutations of two near indices to reach the configuration 12...dfrom a1a2...ad. For example in three dimension one hasεijk which has entries:

ε123= 1 ε132=−1 ε213=−1 ε231= 1 ....

In four dimension one hasµνρσ. It’s interesting to note that, due to the antisymmetric property defined above, if one of the indices is temporal (that is to say equal to 0) all the other must be spacial (i, j, k) in order to have a non vanishing contribution. For example, in the 0-component of the Bianchi identity0νρσνFρσ, the summed indices can be only spacial, otherwiseis zero. Then


Contraction betweentensors can be expressed in terms of delta functions. The most frequent are the following:

εijkεimnimδkn−δinδkm, εijkεijm= 2δkm,

µναβρσαβ = 2 δρµδνσ−δσµδνρ , µναβρναβ = (3!)δρµ,

(3) Frequently one deals with symmetric or antisymmetric tensor, contracted among themselves or with some other generic tensor. A useful way to manipulate these expression is the following. First of all one can observe that every tensor (with two indices) can be written as symmetric part plus the antisymmetric one:

Tab=TabS +TabA, where

TabS =TbaS = 1

2(Tab+Tba) TabA=−TbaA= 1

2(Tab−Tba). Denoting byAmn andSmn an antisymmetric and a symmetric tensor respectively, one has:

Tr [A·S]≡AabSba=−AbaSab=−AabSba= 0,

where we have first used the (anti)symmetry property of the tensor and then renamed the indices to show that this contraction is equal to minus itself. More in general for a tensorTab one has:

Tr [A·T] =AabTba=AabTbaA Tr [S·T] =SabTba=SabTbaS. Only the part with the same symmetry property survives in the contraction.


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