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Trends in the band structure of defect tetrahedral compound semiconductors : oxides and other systems with 4-2 local coordination


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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Trends in the band structure of defect tetrahedral compound semiconductors : oxides and other systems

with 4-2 local coordination

M. Bensoussan, M. Lannoo

To cite this version:

M. Bensoussan, M. Lannoo. Trends in the band structure of defect tetrahedral compound semicon-

ductors : oxides and other systems with 4-2 local coordination. Journal de Physique, 1979, 40 (8),

pp.749-761. �10.1051/jphys:01979004008074900�. �jpa-00209159�


Trends in the band structure of defect tetrahedral compound semiconductors : oxides and other systems with 4-2 local coordination

M. Bensoussan

Centre National d’Etudes des Telecommunications, 196, rue de Paris, 92220 Bagneux, France and M. Lannoo

Equipe de Physique des Solides (*), ISEN, 3, rue François-Baës, 59046 Lille Cedex, France (Reçu le 15 janvier 1979, accepté le 2 avril 1979)



Un Hamiltonien de liaisons fortes est appliqué à l’étude de la structure électronique et du caractère local des fonctions d’onde dans une famille de composés à coordinance locale 4-2. Des théorèmes généraux sont

établis pour les composés AX2 et AB X4 reliant l’existence de bandes interdites à l’environnement local. Des

expressions générales du caractère « s » ou « p » sur chaque atome sont obtenues. Dans tous les cas, la bande de

valence la plus haute est « p » pure à caractère non liant sur l’atome X et correspond à un « doublet libre ». De façon générale la bande de valence des systèmes AX2 se scinde en trois sous-bandes pour lesquelles il n’existe que deux possibilités distinctes. Des bandes interdites additionnelles existent pour les composés AB X4. Une applica-

tion numérique détaillée est faite dans le cas important des oxydes.



A tight binding Hamiltonian is used to investigate the electronic structure and the average local character of eigenstates in a large class of compounds with 4-2 local coordination. General theorems are established for AX2 and AB X4 compounds relating the existence of gaps to the local environment. General expressions are

derived concerning the « s » or « p » character of the eigenstates on any atom. The highest valence band is shown

to be in all cases a pure p non bonding or lone pair band on the X atom. One finds quite generally that the valence

band of AX2 systems splits into three subbands for which only two distinct possibilities can exist. Additional gaps

are obtained for AB X4 systems. A detailed numerical investigation is made especially in the important case of


Classification Physics Abstracts 71.25T - 71.20



An interesting area in the study of

semiconductors is now offered by binary or temary defect tetrahedral compounds. Many of them are amorphous over most of the composition range and when they crystallize, their structure is often extremely complicated. A good example of such a behaviour is

GexSe 1 _ x [1-4]. The electronic structure of such systems will become increasingly difficult to obtain by standard numerical techniques. A few attempts have been made, in Si02 [5-7], SixGel-x02 [8], AIP04 [9] for instance. However these are still simple crystalline systems with relatively small unit cells.

We then believe that it is useful to extend to the more

complicated cases simplifying techniques such as the

Hückel theory or tight binding approximation which

(*) L.A. No 253 au C.N.R.S.

has provided the simplest meaningful analysis of covalent, III-V and II-VI semiconductors [10-16].

It also applies to lone pair semiconductors such as Se and Te, leading to an essentially correct description

of their valence bands [17-20]. One can thus hope to

obtain a similar success for defect tetrahedral com-


Our aim in this work is to use such a tight binding

Hamiltonian and derive general properties which only depend on the local coordination. This is reminis- cent of the work done in normal tetrahedral semi- conductors [10-16]. We shall consider here the general

class of solids having local 4-2 coordination. Some of the sites have four nearest neighbours at the corners

of a practically regular tetrahedron, the other atoms having two nearest neighbours.

The most important group of this family corres- ponds to compounds having only two types of atoms A

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01979004008074900


and X, the A atoms being tetrahedrally coordinated with X atoms as nearest neighbours. The stoichio- metric formula for these compounds is AX2. Such

structures are obtained essentially for II-VII2 and IV-VI2 compounds [21]. To these one must add Be(CH3)2 and Mg(CH3)2 [22]. These systems crys- tallize either in chains, layers or tridimensional


A second group corresponds to AB X4 compounds

derived from the ’V-V’2 and which are either III-V-VI4

or II-VI-VI4 systems. They are obtained by replacing

the A sublattice of the first group by an ordered AB compound. Again one must add to these FeP04, MnP04 and LiAI(C2H5)4 [22] and a large group of

crystals of which ZrSi04 (Zircon) is a typical example [23].

The third group includes all systems of formula A X2n and AB X4n (n being an integer greater than unity), the tetrahedra being centred on A and B atoms.

We begin by giving a formal treatment of the band structure without any specification for the bonding

units. This is done in sections 1 and 3 for homopolar

and heteropolar tetrahedral sublattices respectively.

We also calculate formally the « s » or « p » character of the wave functions on the tetrahedrally coordinated atoms in sections 2 and 4. This is then applied in

section 5 to the specific case of AX2 and AB X4 com- pounds for which the general trends of the band struc- ture with ionicity and bond angle are discussed.

Finally section 6 describes the numerical results obtained for these systems and discusses the trends in

more details.

1. Homopolar tetrahedral sublattice : Formal treat- ment of the band structure.


We consider first the

case of identical atoms on the tetrahedrally coordinat-

ed sublattice (figure 1 where A and B atoms are

identical). On these atoms we build sp3 hybrid orbitals pointing towards their four nearest neighbours. We

assume that any sp3 orbital is coupled to one and only one bonding unit, each bonding unit being coupled to its two neighbouring sp3 orbitals. We also consider the interaction between sp3 hybrids of the

same atom which we take to be d (this is equal to 1/4

of the atomic s-p promotion energy [11]). We shall

demonstrate in the following that the band structure of the whole system can be completely deduced from

Fig. 1.


Coupling of one bonding unit to the sp’ orbitals 1 0 >

and 11 > of two tetrahedrally coordinated atoms A and B.

the eigenvalues of the connectivity matrix correspond- ing to the tetrahedral A sublattice. This property is

independent of the structure of the bonding units

which we do not specify for the moment.

For this we use a Green’s function approach. The

total Hamiltonian matrix H can be written under the form

Here the index A refers to basis states of the A sublat-

tice, R to the remaining basis states, corresponding to

the bonding units. To H one may associate the resol- vent matrix G defined as

One can also define an unperturbed Hamiltonian matrix h as

with its corresponding resolvent matrix g. With our

assumptions the bonding units are disconnected in

HRRI so that g will have poles at energies equal to the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian of any isolated bond-

ing unit, or also equal to the s and p energies of the

isolated A atoms.

The Dyson equation allows us to write :

where V describes the interaction between the A atoms and the bonding units. The eigenvalues of H are

related to the poles of G. The resolvent matrix can also be written

and for the coupled system it is in general enough

to know the poles of GAA. Let us then write (4) for the

submatrix G AA and then GRA :

Combining these two relations one obtains

Equations (7) represent a completely general result showing that one can write Dyson’s equation for the A

sublattice alone, adding to the direct interactions between its basis states indirect interactions U which

occur via the bonding units. An important charac-

teristic is that UAA is energy dependent through the

resolvent matrix 9RR.


In practice, for the situation of figure 1 there will be

only two différent terms in U, the first one correspond- ing to Uoo = Ui 1, the second one to VOl (one must

recall that there is also one direct interaction A).

Let us call 1 a > and Ea the eigenvectors and eigenvalues

of the bonding unit of figure 1 ; then one can write quite generally

We can now go further and obtain general informa-

tion about the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian (1) by considering the A sublattice alone. The whole problem

of the electronic structure is reduced to finding the

solutions of an effective Hamiltonian which only

concerns the tetrahedral sublattice and includes the direct interactions between the corresponding sp3

orbitals together with the effective interactions Uij

defined by (8).

An eigenstate l ’P A > of the A sublattice can always

be written as

where 1 ii’ > is the spl hybrid pointing from atom i

towards the bonding unit common to atoms i and i’.

The coefficients aü, and al’i relative to the Sp3 orbitals

connected to the same bonding unit must satisfy the following coupled equations :

where the origin of the energies is taken at the A atom sp3 energy.

To derive (10) we have considered an homogeneous

system, all matrix elements of U being equal either to Uoo or to U 01 in the notations of figure 1. We have also used Si = E au,.


Injecting the second of equations (10) into the first

one, one obtains :

valid for any couple ii’. A first non trivial solution of (11) corresponds to all Si = 0. For non zero aii, one must then have

This is the equation of the characteristic flat bands

occurring in the Leman, Thorpe and Weaire Hamilto- nian [10-16]. Their number depends on the structure

of the indirect interaction U. To obtain the other bands

one must sum (11) over i’ which leads to

The allowed values for cp are the eigenvalues of the connectivity matrix corresponding to the A sublattice

alone. These depend upon the detailed structure of this sublattice. However, the Gershgorin theorem applied to fourfold coordination gives 1 cp 1 4,

which allows us to write that the allowed energies

must always satisfy the inequality :

This is a generalization of the Leman, Friedel, Thorpe and Weaire theorem. It gives directly the

limits of the allowed bands without need for a band structure calculation. We can notice that - L1 and + 3 L1 are respectively the « s » atomic energy Et-

and the « p » atomic energy Ep relative to the average sp3 energy. The band limits correspond to the values

of E such that the first member in (14) vanishes. This

gives the two sets of solutions

The second of these equations is identical with

equation (12). This means that the flat bands are necessarily at the limits of broad bands, as was the

case in normal tetrahedral lattices.

2. Homopolar tetrahedral sublattice : « s » and « p » character of the subbands.


Precise statements can

be made about the average loca fharacter of the eigen-

states. Such statements are /useful in interpreting experiments where the effect of selection rules on the

matrix elements are important. For example, experi-

mental X-ray absorption spectra often give evidence

of the « s » and « p » character of the different valence band states on a given type of atoms. This has been

analysed in detail for Si02 [5-7,24]. It is thus interesting

to derive theoretically such information. We shall do this for the atoms of the tetrahedral sublattice in the homopolar case, deriving analytical expressions

in terms of the indirect interactions, which in turn depend on the structure of the bonding units.

For this let us first notice that any eigenstate [ # )

of the whole Hamiltonian can be written as

1 kA > and 1 t/lR > being the projections on the basis


states of the A sublattice and the bonding units

sublattice respectively. In our tight binding approxi-

mation all atomic basis states are orthonormal so

that 1 wA > and II/IR > are orthogonal.

To express, as was done before, all properties in

terms of the A sublattice alone, the first task is to obtain the normalization condition ( # [ gi )



in terms of 1 w’A >. This first gives

However for the eigenstates of the coupled systems we have the equation

which for 1 t/lR > can be written as

Combining equations (16) and (18) leads to the following expression

Noticing that gRR gRR is equal to - dEgRR (the

eigenstates of H are distinct from those of HRR so that

at these energies gRR is real), this can be rewritten

using (7), as

We are now in position to derive the « s » character of the wave function on the atoms of the A sublattice.

This is given by

where 1 st > is the s state corresponding to the ith atom

of the A sublattice. This can be expressed in terms of 1 wA > alone as

One can use the expansion (9) of 1 wA > to obtain cs

in a more detailed form. Using the notations of sec-

tion 1, one has

In (23) the prime on the sum indicates that only couples of values i, i’ can occur, corresponding to nearest-neighbours A atoms. To go further, one must

evaluate the quantity

For this one takes the square modulus of (10), then replaces in it ai’i by its value deduced from (10), and finally uses (13) to obtain


The other term to be determined is

This one can be expressed in terms of c’, by multi-

plying the first of equations (10) by ai,i and summing.

One thus finally obtains for cs the expression

This expression is only valid in the wide bands. In the

case where Uoo and U01 become energy independent

one finds Cg equal to co which must then be the expres- sion for the « s » character in a pure covalent system such as C, Si, Ge, Sn. In fact one recovers the formula first derived by Leman and Friedel [11] in the crystal-

line case.

The « p » character in the wide bands can be obtained exactly by the same arguments and it is not difficult to show that one obtains

As to the flat bands they are pure « p » on the

A atoms, because all Si vanish in this case. In this

limit expression (26) thus remains valid, with c’ = 0.


We have then obtained general formulae for the

« s » and « p » character of the wave function on the A atoms. These formulae still simplify further near the

limits of the bands (where rp = ± 4, s = ± U 01

as exhibited by equation (14)). In this case co is either equal to zero or unity, and the states are pure « s »

or pure « p ». One can easily show that for the pure

« p » states :

and for the pure « s » states :

These expressions are the most simple to calculate and

give very accessible and useful information as will be demonstrated in the following.

The calculation of the atomic « s », « p »... charac- ters on the other atoms depends on the structure of the bonding units which has not been specified until now.

3. Extension to a heteropolar tetrahedral sublattice.


We want now to generalize our previous results to

the case where the tetrahedral sublattice is built from two types of atoms forming an A-B compound.

Such a situation occurs, for instance when one goes from Si02 to AlP04.

The treatment of section 1 leading to the concept of effective interactions U still remains valid. However, using the same assumptions and the notations of

figure 1, U has now three distinct matrix elements

It is also clear that the intraatomic interorbital interaction A now takes two values AA or AB. Moreover

the sp’ atomic energy presents two different values aA and aB. With this in mind one can try to generalize

the theorems concerning the existence of gaps.

For this, equations (10) have to be replaced by

which can be rewritten as


Here again the summation over i and i’ respectively

leads to :


A first non trivial solution to (32) corresponds to all Si and Si, equal to zero. From (31) this gives f(E)



which again is the equation of pure p flat bands.

For the wide bands one must combine the first two

equations (32) which lead to :

where the sum over j corresponds to the nearest- neighbours of i in the A sublattice. Their number is 12,

so that a direct application of the Gershgorin theorem

leads to qJA (OB - 4 12, i.e. (PA (PB 1 16. This gives

the new band limits.

However another inequality can be derived for alternate compounds. In this case lfJA qJB - 4 reduces to qJ2 - 4 when A = B. Thus the connectivity matrix occurring in (33) must satisfy all inequalities imposed by the known bounds on ço 2which are 0 and 16.

This means that ÇOA qJB must also lie within this interval.

The upper bound is the same as before but the lower bound gives another inequality to be satisfied and this inequality creates new gaps with respect to the homo- polar situation.

The first inequality, which generalizes (14), can be


where we have replaced aA - L1A by Ep , aA + 3 d A

by EsA which are respectively the p and s energies for A

atoms, the same being true for B atoms. The second


inequality which introduces new gaps in the band structure gives :

The determination of the s and p character of the different states on the A and B atoms is much more

complicated than in the homopolar case. However

this can again be done simply for the band limits.

Let us first consider the « s » character c.1 on the A

sublattice (the situation is completely symmetric for

the B one). Trivial considerations analogous to those

of section 2 allow us to write generally :

Let us consider the « s » band limits given by the equations :

This equation is satisfied only when all SA are equal

on the one hand, and all SH on the other hand (this effectively gives ÇOA 9B = 12 in equation (33)). With

this, equation (31) leads to the fact that all coefficients au, are equal to a common value a, and all bii, to a

common value b. Then equation (30) leads to :

One can thus détermine b/a from the first of these

equations for instance. Putting this in (35) and noticing that st = 4 a one finally obtains for csA

the expression

with a symmetrical expression for cB. Evidently these expressions reproduce the homopolar limit, when A = B and Uoo = Ull.

The case of the p character is still simpler to derive

at the pure « p » band limits. There all SA and i.

vanish in (30) leading to an equation which directly corresponds to (37). The final result thus comes out to be

(38) and (39) are completely equivalent. They allow CsA, cpA (and also c., c§) to be calculated directly once

the energies of the corresponding band limits are

known. These expressions evidently reduce to (27)

and (28) in the homopolar case.

If we now consider the new band limits introduced

by the new inequality (34bis) corresponding to gaps which open in the band structure deduced from the

homopolar case, it is possible to derive c. and cp along

the same lines as before. These limits correspond to

(pA = 0 or (pB = 0. For ÇOA = 0, all SA and aii, are equal

while all SiB = 0. The symmetrical situation holds when çoB = 0. One then obtains equations similar

to (37) and finds that csA and cl’ are given by (38) and (39) in that case too.

We are now in a position to analyse concrete examples. For this we have to specify the structure

of the bonding units in order to obtain Uoo, U11’ U01

in explicit form.

4. Application to AX2 or AB X4 compounds.


Here we shall apply the general results obtained in the preceding sections to simple cases such as AX2 or

AB X4 compounds. In these compounds the structure

of the bonding unit is reduced to its simplest form and

is made up with only one atom named X. We shall consider that a sp basis is accurate enough to describe

Fig. 2.


Case of a bonding unit containing one X atom. px, p.,

and Pz (perpendicular to the AXB plane) are the three p atomic

orbitals on the X atom.


the valence electrons of thèse atoms. For each of them the operator gRR can thus be written

Ex and Ep being the s and p levels of the X atom.

The next step is to determine the effective interac- tions U, i.e. the different terms VOIX and Yla between Sp3

orbitals of the AB sublattice and the atomic states of their nearest X neighbour. There are in principal eight possible values Vos, Vis, VO., Viz, VOx, V1x, VOY5 Viy

in the notations of figure 2. From purely geometrical

considerations all these interactions can be expressed

in terms of four distinct parameters, which are

The Pz states of the X atoms remain uncoupled in

our model and will give rise to an atomic like flat band of non bonding character. The px, py states will be coupled to the sp3 orbitals and will produce bond- ing and antibonding bands. To obtain these one must

inject (41) into (29) which gives for the effective inter- actions :

These expressions can be used in (34) to calculate

the band limits for which the first member of (34) is equal to zero. Then the allowed energy ranges are obtained from the inequality. After that for each of these limits one can compute the individual atomic s or

p characters when required, using (38) and (39).

To illustrate the method we shall make the further

assumption that Ex is sufficiently far apart from

E;, Es , EA, E.B and Ep to have a negligible effect,

in which case the X « s » band will remain atomic- like. Such a simplification seems to be valid for all the

compounds described in the introduction and espe-

cially for II-(VII)2 compounds like BeF2. In what

follows we shall then only retain the « p » part of (42), keeping in mind that this is not an essential approxi-

mation (other atomic states like « d » orbitals could also be incorporated in go (40) without any funda- mental difficulty). Its advantage is that it leads to analytical results which can be discussed much more


In the homopolar case Uoo becomes equal to Ui i

and the effective interactions are obtained from (42)

by replacing PA and by their common value fi, letting yA and yB be zero. ’The energy of the flat « p » bands given by equation (12) or the second equa- tion (l4bis) can now be written

The equations for the broad band limits which derive from both equations (14bis) have solutions

given by (43a) for the « p » band limits and lead for the « s » band limits to :

Let us first look at the general ordering of the band

limits given by (43). They fall into two groups, all

bonding states being lower than E;, all antibonding

states having energies higher than EpX . Moreover,

from (43a and b), one can easily show that within each group the lower band limit is necessarily a « s »

one, the higher limit being a « p » one. Only the

intermediate p and s limits can be inverted when the two fundamental parameters p and 0 are varied.

The density of states per AX2 unit can only present

two different shapes pictured in figure 3 within the

bonding bands as well as within the antibonding bands.

On this figure there is a pure p flat band at all the p band limits given by (43a) while all other band limits obtained from (43b) have pure « s » character on the A atoms. In all cases the total number of states per

AX2 unit is 10, the bonding group of bands containing

4 states, the antibonding group also. There remain 2 states per unit which correspond to pz orbitals perpen- dicular to the A X A plane and which are decoupled

Fig. 3.


A schematic representation of the two possibilities which

can occur for the bonding or antibonding states of AX2 systems.

Each broad or flat band contains 1 state per AX2 unit.


in our model. The filling of the bands can now be obtained from the fact that there are 12 electrons available. The conclusion is that, in our model, the AX2 compounds are always semiconductors or insu- lators, the highest valence band being a «Pz» non

bonding band or lone pair band on the X atom exactly

as in selenium or tellurium [17-20]. This conclusion

might be altered in a more refined model where the

« Pz» band could possibly be broadened sufficiently

to overlap the antibonding states. However this is very unlikely for all the cases we consider later, all the fundamental gaps being greater than 2 eV.

The shape of the bands when the parameter f is

varied is pictured on figure 4 in one typical case. The

same is done versus 0 in figure 5. The bands are very sensitive to this angle and band crossing can occur

for critical values of 0.

We now briefly discuss the ionic character of these

compounds. For this it is convenient to consider two

possibilities :

- E; EsA EA : let us start from the atomic limit p 0 (or d --+ oo) where the bands condense into the atomic levels. In this case all 12 electrons of the

AX2 unit will occupy the p states of the X atom.

This is thus the completely ionic limit where all the

Fig. 4.


Broadening of the bands versus the interatomic distance for AX2 systems, for a different ordering of the atomic levels.

Fig. 5.


Evolution of the bands versus the bond angle 2 0 for AX2 systems.

electrons are on the more electronegative X atom.

The corresponding chemical formula would be

A4+(X2 -)2 for IV-(VI)2 compounds and A 2 ’(X-)2

for II-(VII)2 compounds. In contrast the strongly

covalent situation 1 f 1 --> oo leads to bonding states

whose population is equally shared between the A and X atoms. The formulae would then become

A°(X°)2 and A2-(X+)2 respectively.

E s A Ex Ep : the situation in the atomic limit now becomes less ionic than before. One has 2 s

electrons on the A atom. One can refer to this as the

partially ionic limit, with formulae A 2 ’ (X -)2 for IV-VI2 compounds and A 0(XO)2 for II-VII2 com- pounds. The covalent limit gives the same result as


To end this section we briefly consider AB X4 compounds treated within the same model as AX2 systems. The second order equations giving the band

limits for AX2 compounds are changed into fourth order equations. The number of band limits is thus doubled which means that new gaps related to the AB

ionicity are now opened as is intuitively evident. A

typical example of this is given on figure 6 (which

corresponds to figure 4 for AX2).


Fig. 6.


Broadening of the bands for AB X4 systems.

5. Discussion.


We must now devise a systematic

method of choosing the parameters to be used in our

tight binding Hamiltonian. The intraatomic para- meters are taken to be equal to the free atom term

values [25, 26]. This approach has been used with fair

success for AB tetrahedral compounds [27, 28] as well

as for Se and Te [19]. For the interatomic terms we

only keep nearest-neighbour interactions, i.e. Pss, Psa, Paa and P1C1C with standard notations. Their nume-

rical values are determined from the following simple

considerations :


The four fi parameters must lead to the model Hamiltonian of Leman, Friedel, Thorpe and

Weaire [11, 12] in covalent systems. This is achieved,

as shown in the Appendix, when these interactions can be expressed in terms of one parameter fl :

where fi is the interaction between two nearest-neigh-

bours sp3 hybrids pointing towards each other.


Assuming that relations (44) hold true in all

our systems, the p values are chosen for C, Si, Ge, Sn

as well as for Se and Te to give the best agreement with known band structures. Details of this are given

in the Appendix.


When plotting p versus (l/d)2 where d is the interatomic distance, one finds roughly a straight

line pictured on figure 7. We assume that this is a

universal law. Such a procedure has been used in [29]

for tetrahedral systems.

Fig. 7.


Plot of 1/31 versus l/d2.

The values of the intraatomic parameters are given

in table I for all cases which we have considered. They

have been taken from refs. [25] or [26] (see 127, 28] for

more details). The values of the interatomic distance d,

bond angle 2 0, and interatomic resonance intégrais

are also given in table I.

Table 1.


Numerical values of the tight binding parameters.


To show the sort of agreement we can obtain we give

on figure 8 the calculated values of the densities of valence band states for Si02 compared to photo-

emission results [30] (the calculation has been done for a Bethe lattice and the density of states has been

convoluted with a Gaussian of width 0.5 eV as is often done to compare with photoemission results).

It is clear that our results are essentially correct.

Furthermore figure 8 shows that the partial « s » and

« p » densities of states are in good agreement with X-ray emission measurements [31]. The major dis-

crepancy comes from the fact that our valence bands

are too narrow, leading to an important gap in the valence band. However this is a well known deficiency

of our simple model [11] which can be easily remedied

for when adding further interactions. One must also notice that our model gives only a crude estimate of the fundamental gap and a poor description of the conduc- tion band as in normal tetrahedral systems [11].

Fig. 8.


Predicted partial and total densities of states for Si02 compound compared to experimental X-ray emission and UPS spectra.

Let us now discuss the trends which we predict along the families of AX2 systems. To allow for some

classification we shall distinguish between moderately

ionic compounds (EA EpX EpA ) and strongly

ionic compounds (Ep Es E A with one class of

intermediate systems (Ex , p E s EpA ).



Here X atoms are S or Se and A atoms Si or Ge.

These chalcogenide compounds exist in different crystalline forms and also in the amorphous state [21].

One can distinguish between two différent situations :

la) Chain structure : this is the normal form of

SiS2 and SiSe2. Here tetrahedra are sharing edges.

Thus the bonding angle is about 80°. Results for SiS2

are given on figure 9.

lb) Three-dimensional network : this concems GeS2

and GeSe2 in crystalline as well as in amorphous form.

The difficulty here is that there is a distribution of bond

angles around 90°. We give results only for GeSe2 (GeS2 is similar) and for 2 0 = 90°. Variations

in bond angles 2 0 will result in a broadening of these

bands but will not essentially alter the results.

Both SiS2 and GeS2 have the same structure at high

pressures, a compressed cristobalite like structure [21]

in which the 0 bond angle is close to the regular tetra-

hedral value ( = 109°). This will in fact broaden the bands with respect to the situation where 2 0 = 80°

but will not change their qualitative nature.




class essentially corresponds to II-VII2 compounds.

Here too there exist different structures which fall into three groups :

2a) Chain structure : BeC’21 BeBr2 and BeI2 belong

to this group [22]. As for SiS2 the bond angle is near

80°. We have explicitely considered BeC’2. Figure 9

shows that we are now in a limiting case of nearly band crossing for the valence band states.

2b) Layer structure : the most representative com- pound of this group is red HgI2 [21]. It also contains

ZnC’21 ZnBr2 and ZnI2. Here 2 0 is of the order of 103°. We have chosen as representative example ZnCl2. Figure 9 shows that for this group the results are

essentially equivalent to those found for the chain structure 2a).

2c) Three-dimensional network : BeF2 is the most

well known compound of this group. It is formed from

BeF4 tetrahedra linked through vertices and may have cristobalite, quartz or silica-like structure, with a bond

angle 20 = 155° [22]. Here, as shown on figure 9, there is no ambiguity in the band structure which is,

as we shall see, qualitatively similar to what is obtained

for quartz.

5.3 Si02 AND Ge02. - Although Si02 is the

more representative of AX2 compounds with 4-2 local

coordination, it can with Ge02 be thought as a

bordeline material between the two previous classes.

Here the oxygen p level Ep is practically equal to Es’

or EsGe.

The chain form of Si02 (2 0 = 75°) gives results

similar to SiS2 (Fig. 9). All other forms are three- dimensional with bond angles 2 0 varying from 140°

to 160° for crystals and within a range of 40° around an


Fig. 9.


Predicted band limits for families of compounds. The shaded regions correspond to filled bands. Pure p flat bands are drawn.

The arrows indicate the fundamental gap. The numbers give the s or p character on the A atom at the corresponding band limits, for AX2 compounds.

average value of 150° for amorphous materials. In all

cases the results will be qualitatively similar to those

obtained for quartz (Fig. 9) with hybridized bands.

As demonstrated on figure 8 this band structure is in very good agreement with experiment. The same is

true for Ge02 and our model predicts correctly the

essential features of the evolution in band structure when going from S’02 to Ge02 [8].

AB X4 compounds : Here too one can distinguish

among différent cases according to the ionicity.

However the detailed structure of these compounds

is still quite badly known. Among them AIP04 has

been the most studied. It may have cristobalite, quartz or silica like structures. The bond angle is always of the order of 150°. The corresponding band

structure is given on figure 9. With respect to Si02

new gaps open within the valence bands.

We shall end this section by an overall discussion of the ionic character of thèse compounds. On figure 9

we give, for all AX2 compounds, the numerical value

of cs and cp for the corresponding valence band limits.

This directly reflects the corresponding contribution

to the population on the A atom. It appears clearly

that when going from class 1) to class 3) and finally to

class 2) the electron population on the A atom tends to

decrease which reflects the increase in ionic character of the bonds. From this one can have directly a rough

idea of this population (an exact value would require

numerical integration). For instance cg and cp in

BeCl2 have an average value of about 0.23. The elec- tron population on the Be atom will thus be equal to

0.23 x 8 = 1.84 (which is much less than 4, the

number one would obtain in the purely covalent limit) but leads to a practically neutral Be atom in that system. A similar calculation for Si02 quartz gives

about 2.08 electrons per Si atom. This is slightly

more covalent than BeCl2 but leads to the formulae

Si2+(O-)2 which now indicates a strong electron transfer. Finally in category 1) i.e. SiS2 one now

finds that the Si atom has 3.2 electrons a still more

covalent situation leading to the formula

Thus, as expected, our classification is related to the

ionicity of the bond or the difference in electron

population, but not to the charge transfer.

6. Conclusion.


We have applied a tight binding

Hamiltonian to study the trends of the electronic structure along families of 4-2 coordinated defect tetrahedral compounds. This Hamiltonian is similar.

in nature to the one used by Leman, Friedel, Thorpe

and Weaire for tetrahedral systems [10-16]. It has

allowed us to derive general theorems relating energy


gaps occurring in these compounds to the short range atomic configurations. Another interesting feature of

this description is that we have been able to derive closed analytic expressions for the « s » or «p»

character of the eigenstates on the tetrahedrally

coordinated atoms. All these quantities have been

calculated numerically using a systematic method to

determine the parameters.

We find that a first important parameter for the electronic properties of AX2 compounds is the posi-

tion of the p atomic level of the X atom compared

to the s level of the A atom. This largely determines the ionic character of the bands. Another fundamental parameter is furnished by the bond angle 2 0 to which

the band structure is extremely sensitive, especially

the ordering and nature of the subbands.

We consider this work as a preliminary step to a classification of the electronic properties of this family

of compounds. Our predicted valence band structures

are in agreement with experimental information for

compounds where these exist. A natural extension is thus to study other electronic properties, such as

dielectric susceptibilities, and classify them with an ionicity parameter which can be defined from our Hamiltonian. Another very important field of appli-

cation of this study corresponds to SiO,, compounds

or the Si-SiO2 interface where preliminary calculations

along the lines of this model show interesting similarity

with experimental spectra. Refinements of the model

are also being currently investigated in order to remedy

to some of its deficiencies while keeping its attractive




We apply here our simple model

Hamiltonian to the two following classes of semi- conductors : the group IV elements and the group VI elements Se and Te.



Here our model Hamiltonian reduces to the Leman, Friedel, Thorpe and Weaire Hamiltonian [10-16],

for which, apart from the atomic levels Es and Ep there

exists only one interatomic term fl connecting two nearest-neighbours sp’ hybrids belonging to the

Table II.


Parameters for covalent systems.

same bond. This term can be written in terms of Pss, P sa’ P aa and P xx

If we impose that all other interatomic terms vanish, then all other independent combinations of the Pa./J

must also vanish which leads to the following rela-

tions :

In the following we assume these relations to be

fulfilled. Then the only parameter to ohe determined

is fi which will give us all the Pij with the help of (A. 2). As was done before we take for ES and Ep

the atomic values and determine fi through a fit of the

direct energy gap Ed which in our model tums out to be

given by 2 1 P 1 - (Ep - Es). Corresponding values of Ed, Ep - ES and fi are given in table II.



In this

case the band structure can also be quite easily

described. One starts from the s and p atomic levels

separated by about 10 eV. This promotion energy

being quite substantial there is practically no hybri-

dization between s and p states. Further, in a nearest- neighbour approximation, these systems consist of linear chains. In this case the s band simply broadens by 4 1 Pss 1. The problem of the p band can be consi-

dered as follows. On each atom one can again, as in AX2 systems, build a p, orbital perpendicular to the plane containing this atom and its two nearest neigh-

bours. This orbital will be practically uncoupled (this is detailed in ref. [19]) and give a practically flat

lone pair band. As regards the two other p orbitals,

one can build from them two equivalent orbitals approximately pointing towards the nearest-neigh-

bours in the chain. One can then take bonding and antibonding combinations of these orbitals. It is not difficult to show (ref. [19]) that this leads to p bonding

and antibonding bands at average energies - + 1 Ptla I.

Now in Se and Te the average energy separating

the bonding and antibonding bands is respectively 8

and 6 eV. This leads to 1 Paa 1 4 and 3 eV. If one

assumes relations (A. 2) to be fulfilled, this gives p - 5.33 eV and 4 eV. A test of the validity of our procedure is provided by the width of the s band.

This is equal to 4 1 Pss 1 = 1 P 1 from (A. 2). Experi-

mental results show that this is indeed a correct order

of magnitude.



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