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On the jump set of solutions of the total variation flow


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On the Jump set of Solutions of the Total Variation Flow


ABSTRACT - We show that the jump set of the solution of the minimizing Total Variation flow decreases with time for any initial condition inBV(V)\LN(V). We prove that the size of the jump also decreases with time.

MATHEMATICSSUBJECTCLASSIFICATION(2010). 35J20, 94A08, 26B30, 68U10 KEYWORDS. Total variation flow, demonising model, nonlinear parabolic equations,

functions of bounded variation

1. Introduction

The use of total variation as a regularization tool for image denoising and restoration was introduced by L. Rudin, S. Osher and E. Fatemi in [19]. IfVdenotes the image domain, the Total Variation denoising problem corresponds to solving the minumum problem

u2BV(V)min Z


jDuj ‡ 1 2l



(uÿf)2dx; l>0 8<



;: …1†

One of the main features of (1), confirmed by numerical simulations, is its ability to restore the discontinuities of the image [19, 14, 16]. The a

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Departament de Tecnologia, Universitat Pompeu-Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

E-mail: vicent.caselles@upf.edu

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: CMAP, CNRS UMR 7641, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France.

E-mail: khalid.jalalzai@polytechnique.edu

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: Dipartimento di Matematica, UniversitaÁ di Padova, Via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova, Italy.

E-mail: novaga@math.unipd.it


priori assumption is that functions of bounded variation (the BV model [3]) are a reasonable functional setting for many problems in image processing and, in particular, for denoising and restoration. Typically, functions of bounded variation admit a set of discontinuities which is countably rectifiable [3], being continuous (in the measure theoretic sense) away from discontinuities. The discontinuity set corresponds to the edges in the image, and the ability of Total Variation regularization to recover edges is one of the main features which advocates for the use of this model in image processing (its ability to describe textures is less clear, even if some textures can be recovered up to a certain scale of oscillation).

As a support to this idea, in [10] (see also [13, 12]) it has been proved that the jump set of the solutionuof the TV denoising problem (1) is contained in the jump set of the datumf, assuming thatf 2BV(V)\L1(V). Moreover the size of the jump ofuat any pointxin its jump set is bounded by the size of the jump of f. This result was explicitly stated in [18] in a more general context, even if for the Total Variation it is essentially contained in [10] (see also [12]).

The purpose of this paper is to prove the corresponding result for so- lutions of the the minimizing Total Variation flow, with Neumann or Di- richlet boundary conditions, and for the Cauchy problem inRN. That is, if u(t) is the solution of the TV flow andJu(t)denotes the jump set ofu(t), we prove that

Ju(t)Ju(s)Ju(0) HNÿ1 a.e. for any t>s>0:


Moreover, letting [u(t)] be the jump size ofu(t), we also show that [u(t)][u(s)] HNÿ1 a.e. onJu(t) for any ts0:


The inclusions in (2) have already been proved in [10], under the as- sumption that u0 belongs to the domain of the operatorÿdiv Du


in L1(V). Some sufficient conditions for this to happen were given in [10]. By exploting (3), in the present paper we get rid of this condition onu(0).

Let us finally describe the plan of the paper. In Section 2 we recall some basic facts about functions of bounded variation that will be used in the sequel. In Section 3 we review the result of [10] on the jump of the solutions of the denoising problem (1), explicitly proving that the size of the jump of the solution is bounded by the size of the jump of the initial datum. Finally, in Section 4 we extend this result to the Total Variation flow.


2. Notation and preliminaries onBVfunctions

LetVbe an open subset ofRN. A functionu2L1(V) whose gradientDu in the sense of distributions is a (vector valued) Radon measure with finite total variation inV is called a function of bounded variation. The class of such functions will be denoted byBV(V). The total variation ofDuonV turns out to be

sup Z


udivz dx:z2C10 (V;RN);jz(x)j 18x2V 8<



;; …4†

(where for a vectorvˆ(v1;. . .;vN)2RN we setjvj2:ˆPN

iˆ1v2i) and will be denoted by jDuj(V) or by R

VjDuj. The map u! jDuj(V) is L1loc(V)-lower semicontinuous. BV(V) is a Banach space when endowed with the norm kuk:ˆR

V jujdx‡ jDuj(V).

A measurable setEV is said to be of finite perimeter inV if (4) is finite when uis substituted with the characteristic functionxEofE. The perimeter of EinV is defined as P(E;V):ˆ jDxEj(V). We denote by LN and HNÿ1, respectively, the N-dimensional Lebesgue measure and the (Nÿ1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure inRN.

Let u2[L1loc(V)]m. We say that u has approximate limit at x2V if there existsz2Rm such that


1 jB(x;r)j





The set of points where this does not hold is called the approximate dis- continuity set ofu, and is denoted bySu. Using Lebesgue's differentiation theorem, one can show that the approximate limitzexists atLN-a.e.x2V, and is equal tou(x): in particular,jSuj ˆ0.

Ifx2VnSu, the vectorzis uniquely determined by (5) and we denote it by ~u(x). We say thatu is approximately continuous atxif x62Su and u(x)~ ˆu(x), that is ifxis a Lebesgue point of uwith respect to the Le- besgue measure.

Foru2BV(V), the gradientDuis a Radon measure that decomposes into its absolutely continuous and singular parts DuˆDau‡Dsu. Then Dauˆ ru dxwhereruis the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the measure Du with respect to the Lebesgue measure inRN. The function u is ap- proximately differentiableLN a.e. inV and the approximate differential


coincides withru(x)LNa.e. The singular partDsucan be also split in two parts: thejumppartDjuand theCantorpartDcu. We say thatx2Vis an approximate jump point of u if there exist u‡(x)6ˆuÿ(x)2R and jnu(x)j ˆ1 such that


1 jB‡r(x;nu(x))j





1 jBÿr(x;nu(x))j





B‡r(x;nu(x))ˆ fy2B(x;r) : hyÿx;nu(x)i>0g Bÿr(x;nu(x))ˆ fy2B(x;r) : hyÿx;nu(x)i50g:

We denote byJuthe set of approximate jump points ofu. Ifu2BV(V), the set Su is countably HNÿ1 rectifiable, Ju is a Borel subset of Su and HNÿ1(SunJu)ˆ0 (see [3]). In particular, we have thatHNÿ1-a.e.x2Vis either a point of approximate continuity ofu, or a jump point with two limits~ in the above sense. Eventually, we have

DjuˆDsu Juˆ(u‡ÿuÿ)nuHNÿ1 Ju and DcuˆDsu (VnSu): Forx2Juwe set [u(x)]ˆu‡(x)ÿuÿ(x) .

For a comprehensive treatment of functions of bounded variation we refer to [3].

3. The jump set of solutions of the TV denoising problem

Given a functionf 2L2(V) andl>0 we consider the minimum problem

u2BV(V)min Z


jDuj ‡ 1 2l



(uÿf)2dxˆ:Fl(u): …6†

Notice that problem (6) always admits a unique solution ul, since the functionalFl is strictly convex.

As we mentioned in the Introduction, one of the main reasons to in- troduce the Total Variation as a regularization term in imaging problems is its ability to recover the discontinuities of the functionf. In this section we recall a result proved in [10] showing that the jump set ofulis always


contained in the jump set of f, that is, the model (6) does not create any new discontinuity besides the existing ones. We refine the proof given in [10] proving that the size of the jump decreases. This fact was observed in [18] where it was proved in the more general context of weighted total variation.

Let us recall the following Proposition, which is proved in [15, 1].

PROPOSITION3.1. Let ulbe the (unique) solution of(6).Then, for any t2R,ful>tg (respectively, fultg) is the minimal (resp., maximal) solution of the minimal surface problem

minEV P(E;V)‡1 l Z




In particular, for all t2Rbut a countable set,fulˆtghas zero measure and the solution of(7)is unique (up to a negligible set).

A proof that ful>tg and fultg both solve (7) is found in [15, Prop. 2.2]. The proof of Proposition 3.1 then follows from the co-area formula and from the following comparison result for solutions of (7) (see [1, Lemma 4]):

LEMMA3.2. Let f;g2L1(V)and E and F be respectively minimizers of minE P(E;V)ÿ



f(x)dx and min

F P(F;V)ÿ Z



Then, if f5g a.e.,jEnFj ˆ0(in other words, EF up to a negligible set).

From Proposition 3.1 and the regularity theory for surfaces of pre- scribed curvature (see for instance [2]), one has the following regularity result.

COROLLARY 3.3. Let f 2Lp(V), with p>N. Then, for all t2R the super-level set Et:ˆ ful>tg (respectively, fultg) has boundary of class C1;a, for alla5(pÿN)=p, out of a closed singular setSof Hausdorff dimension at most Nÿ8. Moreover, if pˆ 1, the boundary of Et is of class W2;qout ofS, for all q51, and is of class C1;1if Nˆ2.

Before stating the main result of this section, we recall two simple Lemmata (see [11]).


LEMMA 3.4. Let U be an open set in RNand v2W2;p(U), p1. We have that

div rv 1‡ jrvj2 q

0 B@



a.e. in U;


A(j)ij:ˆ 1

(1‡ jjj2)12 dijÿ jijj (1‡ jjj2)



LEMMA3.5. Let U be an open set inRNand v2W2;1(U). Assume that u has a minimum at y02U and

…8† lim


1 jB(y0;r)j Z


u(y)ÿu(y0)ÿ ru(y0)(yÿy0)ÿ1


r2 dyˆ0;

then D2v(y0)0.

Recall that, ifv2W2;1(U), then (8) holds a.e. inU[20, Th. 3.4.2].

THEOREM1. Let f 2BV(V)\L1(V). Then, for alll>0, JulJf


up to a set of zeroHNÿ1-measure. Moreover

[ul(x)][f(x)] HNÿ1-a.e. onJul: …10†

PROOF. Notice that (10) implies (9), so that it is enough to prove (10).

Let us first recall some consequences of Corollary 3.3. Let Et:ˆ ful >tg,t2R, and letStbe its singular set given by Corollary 3.3.

Sincef 2L1(V), around each pointx2@EtnSt,t2R,@Et is locally the graph of a function in W2;p for all p2[1;1) (hence in C1;a for any a2(0;1)). LetQbe a countable dense set inRsuch thatful>tgis a set of finite perimeter for any t2Q. If we let N :ˆ S

t2QSt, we then have HNÿ1(N)ˆ0.

Since we can write (as in [3]) Julˆ [




in order to prove (10) it suffices to show

t2ÿt1[f(x)] HNÿ1-a.e. on@Et1\@Et2; …11†

for allt1;t22Qwitht15t2.

Fixt1;t22Qwitht15t2, and letBR0 be the ball of radiusR>0 inRNÿ1 centered at 0. Let CR:ˆBR0 (ÿR;R), and denote x2CR as xˆ(y;z)2BR0 (ÿR;R). Given x2@Et1\@Et2n N, by Corollary 3.3 there is R>0 such that, after a suitable change of coordinates, we can write the set@Eti\CR,iˆ1;2, as the graph of a function vi2W2;p(BR0), p2[1;1), such that xˆ(0;vi(0))2CRV andrvi(0)ˆ0. Without loss of generality, we assume thatvi>0 inBR0, and thatEtiis the supergraph of vi. Sincet15t2 we have Et2Et1, which gives in turnv2v1 in BR0. We may also assume that

HNÿ1ÿfy2BR0 :v1(y)ˆv2(y)g



Notice that, since @Eti is of finite HNÿ1-measure, we may cover

@Et1\@Et2n N by a countable set of such cylinders. By [3, Th. 3.108], for HNÿ1-a.e. y2BR0 the function f(y;) belongs to BV((ÿR;R)), and the jumps off(y;) are the pointszsuch that (y;z)2Jf. Recalling thatviis a local minimizer of





1‡ jrvj2 q

dyÿ1 l





(tiÿf(y;z))dz dyˆ:Ei(v);

by taking a positive smooth test functionc(y) witn compact support inBR0, and computing


Ei(v‡ec)ÿ Ei(v)

e 0;

we deduce that

div rvi(y) 1‡jrvi(y)j2 q

0 B@

1 CA‡1

l…tiÿf‡(y;vi(y)† 0; HNÿ1-a.e. inBR0: …13†

In a similar way, we get

div rvi(y) 1‡jrvi(y)j2 q

0 B@

1 CA‡1

l…tiÿfÿ(y;vi(y)† 0; HNÿ1-a.e. inBR0: …14†


Finally we observe that, sincev1;v22W2;p(BR0) for anyp2[1;1) and v2v1 in BR0, by Lemma 3.5 we have that rv1(y)ˆ rv2(y) and D2(v1ÿv2)(y)0 HNÿ1-a.e. on fy2BR0 :v1(y)ˆv2(y)g. Using both in- equalities (13) and (14) and Lemma 3.4, it follows that


‡f‡(y;v2(y))ÿfÿ(y;v1(y)) f‡(y;v2(y))ÿfÿ(y;v1(y));

HNÿ1-a.e. onfy2BR0 :v1(y)ˆv2(y)g, which gives (11) and concludes the

proof. p

4. The jump set of solutions of the Total Variation flow

Let V be an open bounded set with Lipschitz boundary. We consider the Total Variation flow


@t ˆdiv Du


in QT ˆ(0;T)V;


jDujnVˆ0 in QT ˆ(0;T)@V;


with the initial condition

u(0;x)ˆf(x); x2V:


Let us recall that (15) it is theL2-gradient flow of the total variation as defined in [9]. In the general case we shall follow [4, 8]. The purpose of this Section is to prove the following result.

THEOREM 2. Let f 2LN(V)\BV(V). Let u(t) be the solution of (15) with initial condition(16).Then u(t)2L1(V)\BV(V)for any t>0, and

Ju(t) Ju(s)Jf 8t>s>0:



[u(t)][u(s)][f] HNÿ1 a.e.8t>s>0:


The proof of Theorem 2 is based on the approach in [10] and uses the estimate (10). Let us first recall some basic facts about the operator ÿdiv Du


inLpspaces. Since it suffices for our purposes, we shall only


consider the case p2 N Nÿ1;1

. For any p2[1;1], let us define the space

X(V)p:ˆnz2L1(V;RN) :fdiv(z)2Lp(V)o :

If z2X(V)p and w2BV(V)\Lq(V), pÿ1‡qÿ1ˆ1, we define the functional (zDw):C01(V)!Rby the formula

h(zDw);Wi:ˆ ÿ Z


wWdivz dxÿ Z


w z rWdx:

Then (zDw) is a Radon measure in V, and (zDw)ˆz rw if w2W1;1(V)\Lq(V).

Following [7], we observe that for anyz2X(V)pthere exists a function [znV]2L1(@V) satisfyingk[znV]kL1(@V) kzkL1(V;RN), and such that for anyu2BV(V)\Lq(V) we have



udivz dx‡ Z


(zDu)ˆ Z


[znV]u dHNÿ1:

DEFINITION 4.1. We define the operator ApLp(V)Lp(V), with N

Nÿ1p 1, by:

(u;v)2 Ap if and only if u;v2Lp(V), u2BV(V) and there exists z2X(V)pwithkzk11, such that(zDu)ˆ jDuj,[znV]ˆ0and

vˆ ÿdiv(z) inD0(V):

Byv2 Apuwe mean that (u;v)2 Ap. ByL1w((0;T);BV(V)) we denote the space of weakly measurable functionsw:[0;T]!BV(V) (i.e., the map t2[0;T]! hw(t);fiis measurable for anyf2BV(V) whereBV(V) de- notes the dual ofBV(V)) such thatRT

0 kw(t)kdt51.

DEFINITION4.2. A function u2C([0;T];Lp(V)) is a strong solution of (15) if u2Wloc1;1(0;T;Lp(V))\L1w((0;T);BV(V)) and there exists z2L1(0;T)V;RN

with kzk11 such that Z


(z(t)Du(t))ˆ Z


jDu(t)j for a.e.t>0:


[z(t)nV]ˆ0 in@V for a.e.t>0:



and utˆdivz in D0…(0;T)V†:

PROPOSITION4.3. The operatorApis m-accretive in Lp(V), that is for any f 2Lp(V)and anyl>0there is a unique solution u2Lp(V)of the problem

u‡lApu3f: …21†

Moreover, if u1;u22Lp(V)are the solutions of(21)corresponding to the right hand sides f1;f22Lp(V), then

ku1ÿu2kp kf1ÿf2kp:

Moreover the domain ofApis dense in Lp(V)when p51.

We denote byRlf the solution of (21) and byRklf itsk-iterate, for any k1. We also recall the notion of strong solution for nonlinear semigroups generated by accretive operators.

DEFINITION4.4. A function u is called a strong solution in the sense of semigroups of


dt‡ Apu30 with u(0)ˆf if


u(t)2Dom(Ap) a.e. in t>0 andu0‡ Apu(t)30 a.e.t2(0;T) u(0)ˆf:



>: …22†

By Crandall-Ligget's semigroup generation theorem [17], using Pro- position 4.3 as in [6, 10], one obtains the following result:

THEOREM 3. Let f 2Lp(V) if N

Nÿ1p51, or f 2Dom(A1) if pˆ 1. Then there is a unique strong solution in the sense of semigroups u(t)ˆS(t)f :ˆ lim

l#0;kl!tRklf 2C([0;T];Lp(V))of the problem du

dt ‡ Apu30; u(0)ˆf: …23†

Moreover, the semigroup solution is a strong solution of (15) and con- versely, any strong solution of (15) is a strong solution in the sense of semigroups of(23).


REMARK4.5. Notice that givenp2[ N

Nÿ1;1] the limit lim

l#0;kl!tRklfis taken inLp(V).

To prove Theorem 2, we need the following Lemma.

LEMMA4.6. Let(un)n2Nbe a sequence of functions in BV(V)\L1(V).

Assume that JunJu0, for all n2N, and un!u strongly in L1(V). Then, HNÿ1-almost every point ofVnJu0is a Lebesgue point for u. In particular, if u2BV(V), then Ju Ju0. Moreover, if all the functions un are con- tinuous at x2V, then also u is continuous at x.

PROOF. The thesis follows observing that ifx2Vis a Lebesgue point for all the functionsun, then it is also a Lebesgue point foru, and the same is

true for a continuity point. p

PROOF OFTHEOREM2. We divide the proof into three steps.

Step 1. Assume thatf 2Dom(A1)\BV(V). Recall thatRlf denotes the solution of (21), and Rklf itsk-iterate, for anyk1. In this case, as mentioned in Remark 4.5, we know from [17] that Rklf !u(t) in L1(V) when l!0‡ and kl!t. Then the result follows from Theorem 1 and Lemma 4.6.

Step 2. Let f 2LN(V). By Theorem 3, u2C([0;T];LN(V)). We also know from [6] thatu(t)ˆS(t)f2C((0;T];L1(V)) andu(t)2BV(V) for any t>0. Moreover, the following estimate is a consequence of the 0-homo- geneity of the operatorA1 [4, 6]

d dtS(t)f


t for anyt>0:


This implies thatu(t)2Dom(A1) for anyt>0. Notice that by Step 1 and Theorem 1, we know that

Ju(t) Ju(s) for allt>s>0:


Moreover, by (10) we have

[u(t)][u(s)] HNÿ1-a.e. onJu(t); for all t>s>0:


Step 3. Let f 2LN(V)\BV(V). We shall prove that Ju(t)Jf (modulo an HNÿ1 null set) for anyt>0.


LetZJu(t) be such that [u(t;)]e>0 onZand letx0 be a point of HNÿ1-density 1 inZ.

Let us consider tn#0‡, tn5t. By (25) we have Ju(tn)Ju(tnÿ1) and ZJu(tn)for alln2N(modulo aHNÿ1-null set). By (26) we also have

[u(tn;x)][u(t;x)]e HNÿ1-a.e. onZ:

Now, observe that



jDu(t)j Z





lim sup




jDu(t)j Z


jDfj lim inf





we have that

t!0lim‡ Z


jDu(t)j ˆ Z




By Step 2 we know that u(t)!f inLN(V). ThenDu(t)!Df ast!0‡ weakly* as vector measures in V. Since (28) holds, we also have that jDu(t)j ! jDfjast!0‡weakly* as measures inV([3], Proposition 1.62).

Letr>0 be such thatjDfj(@B(x0;r))ˆ0. By [3, Proposition 1.62] we get

jDfj(B(x0;r))ˆ lim


It follows that, for all pointsx0ofHNÿ1density 1 inZ, we have lim inf


jDfj(B(x0;r)) vNÿ1rNÿ1 e;

wherevNÿ1 is the area of the (Nÿ1)-dimensional ball. This implies that ZJf (modulo anHNÿ1null set). Thus,Ju(t) Jf(modulo anHNÿ1null set)

for anyt>0. p

REMARK4.7. Theorem 2 still holds, with analogous proof, in the case of zero Dirichlet boundary conditions or inRN [5, 8, 6]. Moreover, as in [10]

(see also [18]), it also holds for the anisotropic Total Variation flow, when the anisotropy is smooth and elliptic.


Acknowledgments. V. C. acknowledges partial support by MICINN project reference MTM2009-08171, by GRC reference 2009 SGR 773, and by ``ICREA AcadeÁmia'' prize for excellence in research funded both by the Generalitat de Catalunya. M. N. acknowledges partial support by the Fondazione CaRiPaRo Project ``Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations:

models, analysis, and control-theoretic problems''.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 28 Aprile 2012.


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During the take-off the athlete attempts to generate a large vertical velocity while minimizing any loss of horizontal velocity, and in the flight phase

In the Falck case, the far-sighted family champion of change Alberto Falck—with crucial support of the external CEO Achille Colombo—was able to de-escalate the family business

L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des

l’utilisation d’un remède autre que le médicament, le mélange de miel et citron était le remède le plus utilisé, ce remède était efficace dans 75% des cas, le