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Apriori, A Depth First Implementation


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APRIORI, A Depth First Implementation

Walter A. Kosters

Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Universiteit Leiden

P.O. Box 9512, 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands


Wim Pijls

Department of Computer Science Erasmus University

P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam The Netherlands



We will discuss , the depth first implementation of APRIORI as devised in 1999 (see [8]). Given a database, this algorithm builds a trie in memory that contains all fre- quent itemsets, i.e., all sets that are contained in at least minsup transactions from the original database. Here min- sup is a threshold value given in advance. In the trie, that is constructed by adding one item at a time, every path cor- responds to a unique frequent itemset. We describe the al- gorithm in detail, derive theoretical formulas, and provide experiments.

1 Introduction

In this paper we discuss the depth first ( , see [8]) implementation of APRIORI (see [1]), one of the fastest known data mining algorithms to find all frequent item- sets in a large database, i.e., all sets that are contained in at least minsup transactions from the original database. Here minsup is a threshold value given in advance. There exist many implementations of APRIORI(see, e.g., [6, 11]). We would like to focus on algorithms that assume that the whole database fits in main memory, this often being the state of affairs; among these, and (the FP-growth imple- mentation of APRIORI, see [5]) are the fastest. In most pa- pers so far little attention has been given to theoretical com- plexity. In [3, 7] a theoretical basis for the analysis of these two algorithms was presented.

The depth first algorithm is a simple algorithm that proceeds as follows. After some preprocessing, which in- volves reading the database and a sorting of the single items with respect to their support, builds a trie in memory, where every path from the root downwards corresponds to a unique frequent itemset; in consecutive steps items are added to this trie one at a time. Both the database and the trie

are kept in main memory, which might cause memory prob- lems: both are usually very large, and in particular the trie gets much larger as the support threshold decreases. Finally the algorithm outputs all paths in the trie, i.e., all frequent itemsets. Note that once completed, the trie allows for fast itemset retrieval in the case of online processing.

We formerly had two implementations of the algorithm, one being time efficient, the other being memory efficient (called dftime.cc and dfmemory.cc, respectively), where the time efficient version could not handle low sup- port thresholds. The newest version (called dffast.cc) combines them into one even faster implementation, and runs for all support thresholds.

In this paper we first describe , we then give some formal definitions and theoretical formulas, we discuss the program, provide experimental results, and conclude with some remarks.

2 The Algorithm

An appropriate data structure to store the frequent item- sets of a given database is a trie. As a running example in this section we use the dataset of Figure 1. Each line rep- resents a transaction. The trie of frequent patterns is shown in Figure 2. The entries (or cells) in a node of a trie are usually called buckets, as is also the case for a hash-tree.

Each bucket can be identified with its path to the root and hence with a unique frequent itemset. The example trie has 9 nodes and 18 buckets, representing 18 frequent itemsets.

As an example, the frequent itemset can be seen as the leftmost path in the trie; and a set as is not present.

One of the oldest algorithms for finding frequent patterns is APRIORI, see [1]. This algorithm successively finds all frequent 1-itemsets, all frequent 2-itemsets, all frequent 3- itemsets, and so on. (A-itemset hasitems.) The frequent

-itemsets are used to generate candidate -itemsets,



transaction items number

1 B C D 2 A B E F 3 A B E F 4 A B C F 5 A B C E F 6 C D E F

Frequent itemsets when minsup support frequent itemsets

5 B, F

4 A, AB, AF, ABF, BF, C, E, EF 3 AE, ABE, ABEF, AEF, BC,


Figure 1. An example of a dataset along with its frequent itemsets.





Figure 2. An example of a trie (without sup- port counts).

where the candidates are only known to have two frequent subsets withelements. After a pruning step, where can- didates still having infrequent subsets are discarded, the support of the candidates is determined. The way APRIORI

finds the frequent patterns implies that the trie is built layer by layer. First the nodes in the root (depth ) are con- structed, next the trie nodes at depth 1 are constructed, and

so on. So, APRIORIcan be thought of as an algorithm that builds the pattern trie in a breadth first way. We propose an algorithm that builds the trie in a depth first way. We will ex- plain the depth first construction of the trie using the dataset of Figure 1. Note that the trie grows from right to left.

The algorithm proceeds as follows. In a preprocessing step, the support of each single item is counted and the in- frequent items are eliminated. Let thefrequent items be denoted by

. Next, the code from Figure 3 is executed.

(1) the trie including only bucket ; (2) fordownto 1 do

(3) ;

(4) withadded to the left and a copy of appended to; (5) (= the subtrie rooted in);

(6) count ;

(7) delete the infrequent itemsets from; (9) procedure count


(10) for every transactionincluding itemdo (11) for every itemsetindo

(12) ifsupportsthen.support; Figure 3. The algorithm.

The procedure count

determines the support of each itemset (bucket) in the subtrie. This is achieved by a database pass, in which each transaction including item

is considered. Any such transaction is one at a time

“pushed” through, where it only traverses a subtrie if it includes the root of this subtrie, meanwhile updating the support fields in the buckets. In the last paragraph from Sec- tion 4 a refinement of this part of the algorithm is presented.

On termination of the algorithm,exactly contains the fre- quent itemsets.

Figure 4 illustrates the consecutive steps of the algorithm applied to our example. The single items surpassing the minimum support threshold 3 are


. In the figure, the shape of after each iteration of the for loop is shown. Also the infrequent itemsets to be deleted at the end of an iteration are men- tioned. At the start of the iteration with index, the root of trieconsists of the 1-itemsets

. (We denote a 1-itemset by the name of its only item, omitting curly braces and commas as in Figure 1 and Figure 4.) By the statement in line (3) from Figure 3, this trie may also be referred to as

. A new trie is composed by adding bucketto the root and by appending a copy of (the former value of) to. The newly added buckets are the new candidates and they make up a subtrie. In Figure 4, the candidate setis in the left part of each trie and is drawn in bold. Notice that




CE and CEF are infrequent and hence deleted





BCF is infrequent and hence deleted






ABC, AC and ACF are infrequent and hence deleted








Figure 4. Illustrating the algorithm.

the final trie (after deleting infrequent itemsets) is identical to Figure 2.

The number of iterations in the for loop is one less than the number of frequent 1-itemsets. Consequently, the

number of database passes is one less than the num- ber of frequent 1-itemsets. This causes the algorithm to be tractable only if the database under consideration is memory-resident. Given the present-day memory sizes, this is not a real constraint any more.

As stated above, our algorithm has a preprocessing step which counts the support for each single item. After this preprocessing step, the items may be re-ordered. The most favorable execution time is achieved if we order the items by increasing frequency (see Section 3 for a more formal motivation). It is better to have low support at the top of the deeper side (to the left bottom) of the trie and hence, high support at the top of the shallow part (to the upper right) of the trie.

We may distinguish between “dense” data sets and

“sparse” datasets. A dense dataset has many frequent pat- terns of large size and high support, as is the case for test sets such as chessandmushroom(see Section 5).

In those datasets, many transactions are similar to each other. Datasets with mainly short patterns are called sparse.

Longer patterns may exist, but with relatively small sup- port. Real-world transaction databases of supermarkets mostly belong to this category. Also the synthetic datasets from Section 5 have similar properties: interesting support thresholds are much lower than in the dense case.

Algorithms for finding frequent patterns may be divided into two types: algorithms respectively with and without candidate generation Any APRIORI-like instance belongs to the first type. Eclat (see [9]) may also be considered as an instance of this type. The FP-growth algorithm from [5] is the best-known instance of the second type (though one can also defend the point of view that it does generate candidates). For dense datasets, performs better than candidate generating algorithms. stores the dataset in a way that is very efficient especially when the dataset has many similar transactions. In case of algorithms that do ap- ply candidate generation, dense sets produce a large number of candidates. Since each new candidate has to be related to each transaction, the database passes take a lot of time.

However, for sparse datasets, candidate generation is a very suitable method for finding frequent patterns. To our expe- rience, the instances of the APRIORIfamily are very useful when searching transaction databases. According to the re- sults in [7] the depth first algorithm outperforms FP- growth in the synthetic transaction sets (see Section 5 for a description of these sets).

Finally, note that technically speaking is not a full implementation of APRIORI, since every candidate itemset is known to have only one frequent subset (resulting from the part of the trie which has already been completed) in- stead of two. Apart from this, its underlying candidate gen- eration mechanism strongly resembles the one from APRI-



3 Theoretical Complexity

Let denote the number of transactions (also called customers), and letdenote the number of products (also called items). Usuallyis much larger than. For a non- empty itemset we define:

is the support of : the number of customers that buy all products from (and possibly more), or equivalently the number of transactions that contain ;

is the smallest number in ;

is the largest number in .

In line with this we let . We also put

and . A set is called fre-

quent if , where the so-called support threshold minsup is a fixed number given in advance.

We assume every 1-itemset to be frequent; this can be effected by the first step of the algorithms we are looking at, which might be considered as preprocessing.

A “database query” is defined as a question of the form

“Does customer buy product?” (or “Does transaction

has item?”), posed to the original database. Note that we havedatabase queries in the “preprocessing” phase in which the supports of the 1-itemsets are computed and ordered: every field of the database is inspected once. (By the way, the sorting, in which the items are assigned the numbers , takes time.) The number of database queries for equals:

(1) For a proof, see [3]. It relies on the fact that in order for a node to occur in the trie the path to it (except for the root) should be frequent, and on the observation that this partic- ular node is “questioned” every time a transaction follows this same path. In [3] a simple version of is described in a similar style, leading to


database queries in “local databases” (FP-trees), except for the preprocessing phase. Note the extra condition on the in- ner summation (which is “good” for: we have less sum- mands there), while on the other hand the summands are larger (which is “good” for : we have a smaller contri- bution there).

It makes also sense to look at the total number of nodes of the trie during its construction, which is connected to the

effort of maintaining and using the datastructures. Counting each trie-node with the number of buckets it contains, the total is computed to be:

(3) When the trie is finally ready the number of remaining buck- ets equals the number of frequent sets, each item in a node being the end of the path that represents the corresponding itemset.

Notice that the complexity heavily depends on the sort- ing order of the items at the top level. It turns out that an in- creasing order of items is beneficial here. This is suggested by the contribution of the 1-itemsets in Equation (1):

(4) which happens to be minimal in that case. This 1-itemset contribution turns out to be the same for both and: see [3, 7], where also results for are presented in more detail.

4 Implementation Issues

In this section we discuss some implementation details of our program. As mentioned in Section 2, the database is traversed many times. It is therefore necessary that the database is memory-resident. Fortunately, only the occur- rences of frequent items need to be stored. The database is represented by a two-dimensional boolean array. For effi- ciency reasons, one array entry corresponds to one bit. Since the function count in the algorithm considers the database transaction by transaction, a horizontal layout is chosen, cf. [4].

We have four preprocessing steps before the algorithm of Section 2 actually starts.

1 The range of the item values is determined. This is nec- essary, because some test sets, e.g., the BMS-WebView sets, have only values.

2 This is an essential initial step. First, for each item the support is counted. Next, the frequent items are se- lected and sorted by frequency. This process is rele- vant, since the frequency order also prescribes the or- der in the root of the trie, as stated before. The sorted frequent items along with their supports are retained in an array.

3 If a transaction has zero or one frequent item, it needs not to be stored into the memory-resident representa- tion of the database. The root of the trie is constructed


according to the information gathered in step 2. For constructing the other buckets, only transactions with at least two frequent items are relevant. In this step, we count the relevant transactions.

4 During this step the databases is stored into a two- dimensional array with horizontal layout. Each item is given a new number, according to its rank in the fre- quency order. The length of the array equals the result of step 3; the width is determined by the number of frequent items.

After this preparatory work, which in practice usually takes a few seconds, the code as described in Section 2 is exe- cuted. The cells of the root are constructed using the result of initial step 2.

In line (12) from Figure 3 in Section 2, backtracking is applied to inspect each path of. Inspecting a path is aborted as soon as an itemwithoutside the current trans- actionis found. Obviously, processing one transaction dur- ing the count procedure is a relatively expensive task, which is unfortunately inevitable, whichever version of APRIORI

is used.

As mentioned in the introduction, we used to have two implementations, one being time efficient, the other being memory efficient. These two have been used in the overall FIMI’03 comparisons. The newest implementation (called dffast.cc) combines these versions by using the follow- ing refinement. Instead of appending a copy of to

(see Figure 3 in Section 2), first the counting is done in aux- iliary fields in the original, after which only the frequent buckets are copied underneath . This makes the dele- tion of infrequent itemsets (line (7) from Figure 3) unnec- essary and leads to better memory management. Another improvement might be achieved by using more auxiliary fields while adding two root items simultaneously in each iteration, thereby halving the number of database passes at the cost of more bookkeeping.

5 Experiments

Using the relatively small databasechess(342 kB, with 3,196 transactions; available from the FIMI’03 website at http://fimi.cs.helsinki.fi/testdata.html), the databasemushroom(570 kB, with 8,124 transactions; also available from the FIMI’03 website) and the well-known IBM-Almaden synthetic databases (see [2]) we shall exam- ine the complexity of the algorithm. These databases have either few, but coherent records (chessandmushroom), or many records (the synthetic databases). The parameters for generating a synthetic database are the number of trans- actions(in thousands), the average transaction sizeand the average length of so-called maximal potentially large

itemsets. The number of items was set to , fol- lowing the design in [2]. We useT10I4D100K(4.0 MB) andT40I10D100K(15.5 MB), both also available from the FIMI’03 website mentioned above; they both contain 100,000 transactions.

0 200 400 600 800 1000

40 45

50 55


65 0

1 2 3 4 5

runtime (seconds) number of sets in 1,000,000s

relative support (%) Database chess

execution time DF number of frequent sets (scale on right axis)

Figure 5. Experimental results for database


0 50 100 150 200

4 6

8 10

12 14

0 1 2 3 4 5

runtime (seconds) number of sets in 1,000,000s

relative support (%) Database mushroom

execution time DF number of frequent sets (scale on right axis)

Figure 6. Experimental results for database


The experiments were conducted at a Pentium-IV ma- chine with 512 MB memory at 2.8 GHz, running Red Hat Linux 7.3. The program was developed under the GNUC compiler, version 2.96.

The following statistics are plotted in the graphs: the ex- ecution time in seconds of the algorithm (see Section 4), and the total number of frequent itemsets: in all figures the corresponding axis is on the right hand side and scales 0–

5,500,000 (0–8,000,000 for ). The execution time excludes preprocessing: in this phase the database is read three times in order to detect the frequent items (see


0 20 40 60 80 100

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

runtime (seconds) number of sets in 1,000,000s

relative support (%) Database T10I4D100K

execution time DF number of frequent sets (scale on right axis)

Figure 7. Experimental results for database


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

0 0.5

1 1.5


0 1 2 3 4 5

runtime (seconds) number of sets in 1,000,000s

relative support (%) Database T40I10D100K

execution time DF number of frequent sets (scale on right axis)

Figure 8. Experimental results for database


before); also excluded is the time needed to print the re- sulting itemsets. These actions together usually only take a few seconds. The number of frequent 1-itemsets ( from the previous sections, where we assumed all 1-itemsets to be frequent) has range 31–39 for the experiments on the databasechess, 54–76 formushroom, 844–869 for T10I4D100Kand 610–862 forT40I10D100K. Note the very high support thresholds formushroom(at least 5%) and chess (at least 44%); for T10I4D100K a support threshold as low as 0.003% was even feasible.

The largest output files produced are of size 110.6 MB (chess, minsup = 1,400, having 3,771,728 frequent sets with 13 frequent 17-itemsets), 121.5 MB (mushroom, min- sup = 400, having 3,457,747 frequent sets with 24 frequent 17-itemsets), 131.1 MB (T10I4D100K, minsup = 3, hav- ing 6,169,854 frequent sets with 30 frequent 13-itemsets and 1 frequent 14-itemset) and 195.9 MB (T40I10D100K,

minsup = 300, having 5,058,313 frequent sets, with 21 fre- quent 19-itemsets and 1 frequent 20-itemset). The final trie in theT40I10D100Kcase occupies approximately 65 MB of memory — the output file in this case being 3 times as large.

Note that the 3,457,747 sets for the chess database with minsup = 1,400 require 829 seconds to find, whereas the 3,771,728 frequent itemsets formushroomwith min- sup = 400 take 158 seconds — differing approximately a factor 5 in time. This difference in runtime is probably caused by the difference in the absolute minsup value. Each cell corresponding to a frequent itemset is visited at least 1400 times in the former case against 400 times in the lat- ter case. A similar phenomenon is observed when compar- ing T40I10D100K with absolute minsup value 300 and T10I4D100Kwith minsup = 3: this takes 378 versus 88 seconds. Although the outputs have the same orders of mag- nitude, the runtimes differ substantially. We see that, besides the number of frequent itemsets and the sizes of these sets, the absolute minsup value is a major factor determining the runtime.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we addressed , a depth first implemen- tation of APRIORI. To our experience, competes with any other well-known algorithm, especially when applied to large databases with transactions.

Storing the database in the primary memory is no longer a problem. On the other hand, storing the candidates causes trouble in situations, where a dense database is considered with a small support threshold. This is the case for any al- gorithm using candidates. Therefore, it would be desirable to look for a method which stores candidates in secondary memory. This is an obvious topic for future research. To our knowledge, is the only algorithm that can cope with memory limitations. However, for real world retail databases this algorithm is surpassed by , as we showed in [7]. Other optimizations might also be possible. Besides improving the Ccode, ideas from, e.g., [10] on diffsets with vertical layouts might be used.

Our conclusion is that is a simple, practical, straight- forward and fast algorithm for finding all frequent itemsets.


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