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We give a uniformity property of finite complete intersection sets: if S Pn is the complete intersection of n hypersurfaces of degree m1, . . . , mn, then h1(Pn,IS0(m1+· · ·+mnn1)) = 0 for allS0(S.

AMS 2010 Subject Classification: 14N05.

Key words: affine code, evaluation code, complete intersection, dual code, alge- braic-geometric code.


Fix a primepand ap-powerq. We recall that an affine [n, k]-codeC over Fq is usually given in the following way. Fix positive integers m, n, distinct pointsP1, . . . , Pnof the affine spaceFmq and ak-dimensional linear subspaceV ofFq[x1, . . . , xm] such that nof ∈V\{0}vanishes at all pointsP1, . . . , Pn. Fix a basisf1, . . . , fkofV. Thek×nmatrix (fi(Pj)) gives an injective linear map Fk → Fnq, i.e., this matrix is the generator matrix of an [n, k]-code C. Often these codes are called evaluation codes. The dual code C is the [n,(n−k)]- code whose words are the elements of Fnq orthogonal to the words of C with respect to the canonical inner product, i.e., (a1, . . . , an)∈Fnq is a word ofC if and only ifa1b1+· · ·+anbn= 0 for all words (b1, . . . , bn) ofC(i.e., the generator matrix of C is the parity check matrix of C, and conversely). A. Couvreur proved that quite often it is easier to compute the minimum distance of C and classify all the codewords ofCwith small weights (not only the ones with minimum distance) than to solve the corresponding problems for C ([2]; see also [3], which uses [2] for codes arising from the Hermitian curve). As clear from [2] in evaluation codes arising fromH0(Pn,OPn(m)) very simple objects (lines, small degree plane curves, finite sets which are complete intersections) are often useful. Our aim is to show that the minimal free resolutions of these objects is a key tool even to study their subsets. As in [2] the first step is to solve the problem over the algebraic closure of the field we are interested here.

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,56(2011),3, 181–184


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Hence from now on we work over an algebraically closed field. The property obtained for the setS introduced in Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 1.2 below is a uniformity property for its subsets. Indeed, in this case the non-trivial part of it says that all proper subsets of S have good cohomology with respect to the line bundle OPn(m1 +· · ·+mn−n−1); in this statement the essential part is the case of all S0⊂S such that](S0) =](S)−1.

For any integraln-dimensional projective varietyM and anynline bun- dlesL1, . . . , LnonM letL1. . . Lndenote the intersection product of these line bundles in the sense of [4], Chapter 2 and Chapter 6, or of [7], Remark 1.1.13.

For instance, if M = Pn and Li = OPn(mi), then L1. . . Ln = Qn

i=1mi. We prove the following result.

Theorem 1.1. Let M be an integral and locally Cohen-Macaulay n- dimensional projective variety,n≥2. Fixnample line bundlesL1, . . . , Ln(we allow the case Li ∼=Lj for some i6=j). For any finite subset E ⊆ {1, . . . , n}

set L⊗E := ⊗i∈ELi. Assume the existence of Di ∈ |Li|, 1 ≤i≤ n such that the set S:= (D1∩ · · · ∩Dn)red is finite and has cardinality L1. . . Ln. Assume Hi(M, ωM⊗LE) = 0 for all i∈ {1, . . . , n−1} and anyE ⊆ {1, . . . , n}. Then h1(M,IS⊗ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li)) = 1andh1(M,IS0⊗ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li)) = 0for every S0 (S.

Taking M ∼= Pn in the statement of Theorem 1.1 we get the following result.

Proposition 1.2. Fix integers n≥2 and mi >0, 1≤i≤n. Let Di⊂ Pn, 1≤i≤n, be degree mi hypersurfaces such thatS := (D1∩. . .∩Dn)red is a finite set with cardinality Qn

i=1mi. Then h1(IS(m1+· · ·+mn−n−1)) = 1 and h1(IS0(m1+· · ·+mn−3)) = 0 for everyS0 (S.

Proof of Theorem1.1. Since ](S) =L1. . . Ln and the intersection of the effective divisors D1∩. . .∩Dnis finite, S is the scheme-theoretic intersection of the divisors D1, . . . , Dn ([4], Example 2.4.8). Hence the Koszul complex (1) 0→L{1,...,n}∨→ · · · ⊕E⊂{1,...,n}:](E)=iLE· · · → ⊕ni=1Li → IS→0 is exact. We tensor it with ωM ⊗(⊗ni=1Li) and break it into short exact se- quences. For any R∈Pic(M) we have hn(M, ωM⊗R) =h0(M, R) for every line bundleRonM (the part of [1], caser :=n,p:=r,F :=Rof the theorem at page 1, which does not require that M is locally Cohen-Macaulay). Taking R = OM we get hn(M, ωX) = h0(M,OM) = 1. Taking R = ⊗ni=1Li we get hn(M, ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li)) =h0(M,OM(−D1− · · · −Dn)). Since the line bundles Li, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are ample, we have L1. . . Ln > 0 ([7], Example 1.2.5, or [5], p. 30). Hence S 6=∅. Therefore, D1+· · ·+Dn6=∅. Since M is integral and


3 Complete intersections in projective space 183

projective, we get h0(M,OM(−D1 − · · · −Dn)) = 0. Hence from the coho- mology exact sequences of all the short exact sequences we just obtained we get h1(M,IS⊗ωM ⊗L1⊗ · · ·Ln) = 1.

For any E ⊆ S, let ρE : H0(M, ωM ⊗L1 ⊗. . . Ln) → H0(E, ωM ⊗ L1 ⊗ · · ·Ln|E) denote the restriction map. Since we assumed h1(M, ωM ⊗ (⊗ni=1Li)) = 0, ρE is surjective if and only ifh1(M,IE⊗ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li)) = 0.

Since h1(M,IS⊗ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li)) = 1, the linear mapρS has corank 1. Hence ρE is surjective for every E ⊂S such that ](E) ≤ ](S)−2. Therefore only the case ](S0) = ](S)−1 is non-trivial. The set |IS ⊗L1| · · · |IS ⊗Ln| is non-empty, because it contains (D1, . . . , Dn). Fix a general (A1, . . . , An) ∈

|IS⊗L1| · · · |IS⊗Ln|and setY :=A2∩. . .∩An(scheme-theoretic intersection).

Since the scheme Y is the intersection of n−1 effective Cartier divisors ofY, each irreducible component ofYredhas dimension≥1. Notice thatS ⊆Y∩A1. Since ](S) =L1. . . Ln, we get thatSis the scheme-theoretic intersection ofY and A1. SinceL1 is ample, we also get that each irreducible component T of Yredis one-dimensional and it contains at least one point ofS (use thatL1|T is ample and hence deg(L1|T)>0). SinceS is the scheme-theoretic intersection of A1 and Y, thenY is smooth at each point ofS,M is smooth at each point of S, and each one-dimensional component of Y appears with multiplicity 1 in Y. SinceY is the scheme-theoretic intersection ofn−1 Cartier divisors of M, M is locally Cohen-Macaulay and dim(Y) = 1, then Y is locally Cohen- Macaulay. Since Y is generically reduced and locally Cohen-Macaulay, then Y is reduced. Since each Li, i ≥ 2, is ample, Y is connected ([6], Proofs of Corollaries III.7.8 and III.7.9 and our assumption that M is locally Cohen- Macaulay). The adjunction formula gives ωS = ωY ⊗(L1|Y). Fix S0 ⊂ S such that ](S0) = ](S)−1. Set {P} := S \S0. Since Y is smooth at P, the divisor P is a Cartier divisor of Y. Since Y is reduced and connected, we have h0(Y,OY(−P)) = 0, i.e., h1(Y, ωY(P)) = 0 ([1], Theorem 1 in the Introduction). Therefore, the exact sequence

(2) 0→ωY(P)→ωY ⊗(L1|Y)→(ωY ⊗(L1|Y))|S0 →0

gives the surjectivity of the restriction mapβ :H0(Y, ωY ⊗(L1|Y))→H0(S0, (ωY ⊗ (L1|Y))|S0). Therefore, ρS0 is surjective if the restriction map α : H0(M, ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li))→H0(Y, ωY ⊗(L1|Y)) is surjective. The equations of A2, . . . , An give the exact sequence

(3) 0→L{2,...,n}∨→ · · · ⊕E⊂{2,...,n},](E)=iLE· · · → ⊕ni=2Li → IY →0 (Koszul complex). We tensor it with ωM ⊗(⊗ni=1Li) and break it into short exact sequences. Since hn(M, ωM ⊗L1) = h0(M, L1) = 0 (duality and the ampleness ofL1), we obtainh1(M,IY ⊗ωM⊗(⊗ni=1Li)) = 0. Therefore,α is surjective.


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[1] A. Altman and S. Kleiman, Introduction to Grothendieck’s duality theory. Lect. Notes in Math.146, Springer-Verlag, 1970.

[2] A. Couvreur,The dual minimum distance of arbitrary dimensional algebraic-geometric codes. arXiv:0905.2345v3, J. Algebra (to appear).

[3] C. Fontanari and C. Marcolla,On the geometry of small weight codewords of dual alge- braic geometric codes. arXiv:1104.1320v1.

[4] W. Fulton,Intersection Theory. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984.

[5] R. Hartshorne, Ample Subvarieties of Algebraic Geometry. Lect. Notes in Math. 156, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1970.

[6] R. Harshorne,Algebraic Geometry. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977.

[7] R. Lazarsfeld,Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I. Springer, Berlin, 2004.

Received 30 May 2011 University of Trento

Department of Mathematics 38123 Povo (TN), Italy



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