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Agricultural groups and cooperatives in Turkey Agriculture de groupe Paris : CIHEAM Options Méditerranéennes; n. 6 1971


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Texte intégral


Agricultural groups and cooperatives in Turkey

Agriculture de groupe Paris : CIHEAM

Options Méditerranéennes; n. 6 1971

pages 104-105

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=CI010367

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Agricu ltu ral grou ps an d cooperatives in Tu rkey. Agriculture de groupe. Paris : CIHEAM, 1971. p.

104-105 (Options Méditerranéennes; n. 6)





Agricultural groups and cooperatives

in Turkey

kish Agriculture. communicated the Tur-

is known that have a

influence on economic and social development. Especially in the coun- national economy de-

pend on the and

small and insuf-

ficient, in this in the

of and coope-


is development.


in socially, economically,

and developed such

as U.S.A. and most of

and the positive activities of

the in and

fields impact the of a stable economic development in a scale.

and developing of day attach

to the in deve-

lopment activities.

of of the

people in all face to face with

tion possibilities and thus income

limited in with

of the economy. This as a of this fact, has to be

and than the

Some of the top

the point of in

aiming the development of economical possibilities of the popula- tion occupied in this

tion activities in also had not

been in

As the activities had been in

philosophy of feisen and

had also activities

in the same and

We may say that these activities had been

in by Sta-

tesman in the 1863.

When he was the of

the Tuna of the Ottoman Em- in 1863, had established the Coun- The of these establishments was e mutual aid S


They the in

a way and the steps to the establish- ment of the

and which

only in


The above ment$oned establishmeht

had been the in this field

and that, in 1924, 1929 and 1935 had been loaned.

These activities had been developed un-

the laws of num-

2836 and Sales Coo-

2834 beginning the 1935.

the of

had ex-

the and the necessity

of the with these

e is no doubt that tion makes the communities

Establishment of the means

the joining of all the possibilities, minds and skills


and develop- ment of the had also been in one on this sub- ject in the Constitution.

shown below which out activities in

of the in


l ) tives

They activities

the special Law put in in the 1935 and 2836 and the e Act

of >> which had been

to this law.


tives in 1969 and 11,293,511

of them, 49 cent of fami-

lies in the the of


and the Unionls

These and unions

being established the Law, put

in in 1935, 2834 and

c Act >> aiming the

sales of plant and animal

ducts, by the

conditions in domestic

556 Sales

in 1969. 430 of them had joined to 33 unions. of the

is 214,870.

3) of


The aim of the establisment o€ these is to the joint of 104

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


Table 1 : The Cooperatives and

. . . . . . . . .


. . . .

. . . . .


. .

. . . . .


. . . .


. . . . .

. .

. . . . . . . .


. . .

. . . . . . . .

Consumption and Social help Coop.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


1 9 6 5

N u m -

1 7 7 4 231 1 8 1 5 9 3 6 1 2 8 1 461 1 8 8 9 7 1 264 17 3 4 7 7 5 525



1 1 4 3 330 1 8

1 6


5 2

1 4 2 1 5 3


- -

1 3 63



2 265

1 9 6 6

N u m-

1 823 263 348 1 8 1 5 9 38 298 2 478 2 628 7 4 31 1

28 3


525 6 7 9 8

1 9 1 2 1 4 8 8 330 3 4 1 7 1 2

5 1 4 3 1 6 5 3 3 1 1 5

1 2 3


96 2 9 9 2

1 9 6 7

N u m-

1 8 7 9 2 2 7 51 2 1 8 1 6 1 9 4 4 31 6 7 498 3 0 6 7 7 1 4 265

29 3 5 4 8 2 7 621

1 316 1 5 4

5 7 370 35 5 1 0 20 235 1 5 3 240 3 6 1 3 7

1 3 3 1 2 6 2 651



1 9 6 8

N u m -

1 9 4 8 41 8 626 1 9 17 26 56 3 28 1 4 51 4 2 8 4 2 7 1 7 4 0 4 70 1 574 8 7 889

1 266 1 8 9 81 388 35 6 1 2 2 2 5 1 5 5 200 3 7 1 4 4

20 2 1 3 6 2 2 673

1 9 6 9

N u m -

1 971 460 7 9 6 1 9 1 8 4 4 85 350 1 6 530 3

1 5 24 500 90 1 7 3 7 1 0 8 666

1 300 250 9 8 3 8 8 3 5 1 2 3 0 25 6 1 6 0 250 1 5 20 250 35 2 1 6 5 3 3 0 4 4

the to the establishment of and to the activities

of the on the

development of

activities being out un- 19

had been established beginning 1951. 8,000 villages in 50 vinces and 405,000 families

the of these

41 of



These being established the

aiming the of

equipment especially insecti-

cides and and

tea activities,

to the with At

the end of the 1969 the

of these 30 and had



They being established

the the develop-

ment of of the

ducts and the of the with

ces. Though the of them is

90, only 30 ac-

tive today, and have

6) Soil and

They being established the

and of the Gene-

of Soil and

aiming the application

of the to soil

and land acti-

vities. '819

this field.

7) tives

They being established the

e. act of main t o the

subjects of e

- -

>> which was

the by the

of in the 1965.

686 and 40.500

of them in the 1968.

The subjects of these

to the and

also some in

which have many such as : of the

of the

the application the advanced tech- nology in developing coope-

which must

fit in the of

th% is becoming


A new Law of had been

put in dated 10-5-1969 and num- the necessity of the old law. The new one had been taking into con-

of the

to the in the developed

that this new law into this field make it possible

to a new of expecta-

tions on the activities of the tives in

the new law of

top level and pos-

sibilities of the and the

sonel of the be

ed and the

gional and national

tions, thus will be in a position to meet the needs of the sec-

also some

in such as

e Unions and e




not and being esta-

blished the

to the societies. of established with a spe- cial law at the county level, and

national is called e Union

of of >>. The aim

of these the

of the in

economic and social benefit.


CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


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