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in the "borderline case"


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in the "borderline case"

Peter Lindqvist

1. Introduction

The H61der continuity for the solutions of quasilinear elliptic differential equa- tions of the second order has been proved e.g. by Serrin [14, Theorem 8, p. 269]

and Ladyzhenskaya & Ural'tseva [5, Theorem 1.1, p. 251]. These advanced proofs give, however, no explicit information about the H61der exponent, but for certain equations (and systems of equations) the "hole-filling technique" of Widman [15]

gives a more precise result in this direction, In the important "borderline case"

simple direct proofs are known; c.f. Morrey [10, Theorem 4.3.1, p. 105].

The purpose of this paper is to give a quite elementary proof of the H61der continuity for the monotone (free) extremals of certain variational integrals in the

"borderline case". By the way we shall obtain a relevant lower bound for the H61der exponent. For the proof of our main result, Theorem 2.9, the well known oscilla- tion lemma of Gehring [2, Lemma 1] and Mostow [11, Lemma 4.1] combined with a good estimate of Dirichlet's integral over a ball play a central r61e.

2. Statement of the problem

We consider variational integrals of the form


I(u) = f ~ F(x, Vu (x))dx



is a domain. The integrand F: G• co) is supposed to satisfy the following three conditions:



The mapping


Vu(x)) is measurable for each fixed function u in Sobolev's space W,~(G).


(2.3) convexity. F o r a.e. fixed xEG the mapping w~--~F(x, w) is convex.

(2.4) growth condition. There exist such constants /~=>~>0 that the inequality Iwl ~ <- F(x, w) <- ~ Iwl"

holds for a.e. xEG and for all wER".

It is worth noting that nothing is assumed about the existence o f Euler's equation corresponding to (2.1).

2.5 Remark. I ~ ) The assumption (2.2) o f measurability can be described more explicitly as a condition imposed on F; c.f. Reshetnyak [12]. 2 ~ Using an approxima- tion o f the integrand and applying the theory of Serrin or that of Ladyzhenskaya &

Ural'tseva on Euler's equations for the approximative integrals, Granlund [3] has proved the H61der continuity o f the extremals, when the growth condition (2.4) is valid in the form ~[wl~<-F(x, w)_-</~[wl p for some fixed p, l<p~_n.

2.6. Definition. We say that uE W 1 lot(G) n n , C(G) is a free extremal of (2.1) if (2.7) f D F(x, Vu(x))dx ~_ f o F(x, Vv(x))dx (D c G)

for every domain D with D ~ G and for every function v in the class (2.8) ~,(D) = {v { C(/~) (-5 Wnl(D)Iv-u EWnl,0(O)}.

The space W~,,o(D) is the closure in W2(D) Of the space Co(D ) of infinitely many times differentiable functions with compact support in D. If u is an extremal (in the ordinary sense), it is obviously also a free extremal. It is well known that every (free) extremal u of (2.1) is monotone (in the sense of Lebesgue), i.e. that

sup u (x) = sup u (x), inf u (x) = inf u (x)


for all domains D, /TOG. (For a simple p r o o f of this fact, see e.g. Granlund [4, Lemma 2.3].) The existence o f extremals is considered e.g. by Martio [7].

We are now in a position to state our main result.

2.9. Theorem. I f u is a free extremal of(2.1) and if B ~ c B z are concentric balls with radii ~ and L respectively, BL c G, then

f -I"

(2.10) o s c u <_- e oscu

no ~L) nL

where e is Neper's number and where 1

__ = ,,nZcol/n ,~x/n{.__ 1)(I-n)/n(fl/c~)l/n

A~ being the constant in (3.10) and Wn_ 1 the area of the unit sphere in R".



The proof is given in Chapter 4.

Various conditions of local H61der continuity can easily be derived from Theo- rem 2.9. As a simple consequence of (2.10) we obtain Liouville's theorem:

2.11. Theorem. (Liouville)

I f u: R " ~ R is a free extremal in R"

o f (2.1)

and if

lim l u ( x ) l / I x l ~ = O,

being the exponent in


then u is constant.


I f


then limz~ = os%L


by the assumption, since u is monotone. Thus the desired conclusion follows from (2.10).

3. Preliminary estimates

Dirichlet's integral o f a free extremal can be estimated in the following way.

3.1. Lemma.

I f u is a free extremal


then the inequality ( R~ 1-"

(3.2) f . )Vu)"d,, ~ n"(~/~) osc.

/,/(,On_ 1 (log--f-)

~- B R

# valid for all concentric balls B, cBR, B~cG.


Suppose that


is a test function, 0<_-_(~1, ( ] B , = I ,


B e c G. The function

/) = u - - ~ n u

is in the class fu(BR) and has the generalized derivative

V v = (1 - ~") V u - n ~ " - 1 u V ~ .

The assumptions (2.3) and (2.4) give


F(x, Vv(x)) -<= (1-~"(x))F(x, Vu(x))+fln"lu(x)l"lV((x)l"

for a.e.


As u is minimizing the integral (2.1), we have by (2.7) and (3.3)

f nR F(x, Vu(x)ldx <= f BR r(x, Vv(x)ldx

~_ f . (1-r Vu(x)ldx +#n" f . . lul"lVr


and so


f ..

F(x, Vu (x)) dx ~=

Bn" f B" lul" IVr


If u is a free extremal, so is u - i n f B ~ u , and since ]u,infB~ul"<=osc"n~u in BR, we get

(3.5) f ,.

F(x, Vu(x))dx <= fin" osc",,

u f.~


Taking the infimum over all admissible ~ we obtain the capacity of the condenser

(a., B,):

( R'~ 1-"

(3.6) inf

f,. ]vc].

dm = OJn_ 1 [log T-) "

The desired result now follows from (3.5), (3.6), and the first inequality in (2.4).

3.7 Remark. Using Lindqvist [6, Appendix] in the estimation of (3.4) with u replaced by u - i n f g , u, we get the sharper bound

(3.8) f ,.

IVul"dm <= n"([3/ct) t(oscu),/(,_l~ . (,On_ 1 . B t

The following estimate, valid for monotone functions, is closely related to Morrey's lemma [10, Theorem 3.5.2] for H61der continuity.

3.9. Lemma. (Gehring--Mostow) I f the function uC C(G) n W~loc(G) is mono- tone, then

(3.10) oscnulog r < . f . , ]Vul"dm

for all concentric balls BQ<Br, Br<G. Here the constant A, depends only on the dimension n.

Proof. The inequality follows from the oscillation lemma proved by Mostow [1l, Lemma 4.1] and Gehring [2, Lemma 1].

3.11 Remark. The optimal constants in (3.10) are A2=rc,

. . .

A. - 2 ( f ] ~(l+a)t--"jl,. --, dO ~

f/In_ 2


4. Proof of the H/Rder continuity

I f u is a free extremal o f (2.1), then Lemma 3.1 a n d Lemma 3.9 give the estimate A, n" ~o, - - 1 (]~/00

(4.1) OSC" U ~ OSC" U

BO r [ R ~ "-a BR

logT[ ogTJ

for all concentric balls BecB~cBR, BRCG. Obviously (4.1) is o p t i m a l for r=(Ro~-Z)~l"; o<(Ro"-I)~In<R if o<R. Thus we have obtained the following result.

(4.4) where

4.2. Proposition. I f u is a free extremal of (2.1), then

(4.3) osc u <= n2(A, o2,_lfl/~)l/"(n- 1) (1-")/" log osc u

B e B R


aa concentric balls BoCBR, BRcG.

Actually, Proposition 4.2 contains all information needed for the p r o o f of Theo- rem 2.9.

Proof of Theorem 2.9. Let us iterate (4.3). Denote therefore R/O=2> 1 and consider all pairs o f subsequent radii in 0, &0, 22e,--., 2re 9 The iteration gives

f K ) v

O S C U ~ - - O S C U

B~ I, log 2 ) B~v~

k = n~(A.~._,)'/"~l~)'/"(n-

I)( I-")/".

Let us write L=)~'O. With this notation (4.4) takes the form

{ L I [l~176176

(4.5) osc u <= osc u.

B e B L

Choosing l o g 2 = e K we get

(4.6) osc u ~ osc u.

B e B L

The validity of (4.6) is limited by the restrictions 2 - - e eK and t=2vO (v is a natural number). Removing these restrictions we finally get

O S C U ~ e o s c g

B e B L

provided B z c G . This is the desired result.

4.7 Remark. If f = ( f l , f 2 , . . . , f , ) : G--'R n is quasiregular, then each coordinate function f~,f~ . . . f , is, according to Reshetnyak [13], a free extremal of a varia-


t i o n a l i n t e g r a l o f t h e t y p e (2.1), t h e i n t e g r a n d satisfying the c o n d i t i o n s (2.2), (2.3), a n d (2.4). E x p l i c i t l y a = I / K o ( f ) , f l = K t ( f ) in (2.4), K o ( f ) a n d K i ( f ) b e i n g the o u t e r a n d t h e i n n e r d i l a t a t i o n s o f f r e s p e c t i v e l y (the d i l a t a t i o n s are c o n s i d e r e d in t h e sense o f M a r t i o , R i c k m a n , a n d V~is/ilg [8]). T h e b e s t p o s s i b l e H61der e x p o n e n t is K x ( f ) l/~ in this special case; c.f. M a r t i o , R i c k m a n , a n d V/iis~il~i [9, T h e o r e m 3.2].

I n t h e t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l case a s i m p l e p r o o f is given b y F i n n a n d S e r r i n [1].


1. FINN, R., & SERRIN, J., On the H61der continuity of quasiconformal and elliptic mappings, Trans. Amer. Math. Soe. 89 (1958), pp. 1--15.

2. GEHRING, F., Rings and quasiconformal mappings i n space, Trans. ,4met. Math. Soc. 103 (1962), pp. 353--393.

3. GRANLUND, S., On regular solutions for a variational problem defined in Sobolev spaces, Report- HTKK-Mat-All4 (1977), pp. 1--18.

4. GRANLUND, S., Harnack's inequality in the borderline case, Ann..4cad. ScL Fenn. Ser. A I (to appear).

5. LADYZHENSKAYA, O.. t% URAL'TSEVA, N., Linear and quasi-linear elliptic equations. Academic Press, New York London, 1968

6. LINDQVIST, P., On Liouville's theorem for locally quasiregular mappings in R", Report-HTKK- Mat-A151 (1979), pp. 1--11.

7. MARTIO, O., Equicontinuity theorem with an application to variational integrals, Duke Math. J.

42 (1975), pp. 569--581.

8. MARTIO, O., RICKMAN, S., ~r V.~IS-~L.~, J., Definitions for quasiregular mappings, Ann. Acad.

Sci. Fenn. Ser. AI448 (1969), pp. 1--40.

9. MARTIO, O., RICKMAN, S., & Vs163 J., Distortion and singularities of quasiregular mappings, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. AI 465 (1970), pp. 1--13.

10. MORREY, CH,, Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations. Springer-Verlag, Berlin--Heidel- b e r g - N e w York, 1966.

11. MOSTOW, G., Quasi-conformal mappings in n-space and the rigidity of hyperbolic space forms, Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Pabl. Math. 34 (1968), pp. 53--104.

12. RESHETNYAK, YU., General theorems on semicontinuity and on convergence with a func- tional, Siberian Math. J. 8.5 (1967), pp. 801--807 (English translation).

13. RESHETNYaK, YU., Mappings with bounded deformation as extremals of Dirichlet type integrals, Siberian Math. J. 9 (1968), pp. 4871498 (English translation).

14. S~RPdN, J., Local behaviour of solutions of quasi-linear equations, Acta Math. 111 (1964), pp. 247--302.

15. WIDMAN, K.-O., H61der continuity of solutions of elliptic systems, Manuscripta Math. 5 (1971) pp. 299--308.

Received October 22, 1979 Peter Lindqvist

Matematiska Institufionen Tekniska H6gskolan i Helsingfors SF-02150 ESBO 15



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