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Organizing Committee


Academic year: 2022

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Organization Committee of SIMBig 2017

General Organizers

• Juan Antonio LOSSIO-VENTURA, University of Florida, USA

• Hugo ALATRISTA-SALAS, Universidad del Pac´ıfico, PERU

Local Organizers

• Michelle RODRIGUEZ SERRA, Universidad del Pac´ıfico, PERU

• Cristhian GANVINI VALCARCEL, Universidad Andina del Cusco, PERU

Track Organizers:

• Social Network and Media Analysis and Mining SNMAM

– Jorge Carlos VALVERDE REBAZA, University of S˜ao Paulo, ICMC, BRAZIL

– Alneu de Andrade LOPES, University of S˜ao Paulo, ICMC, BRAZIL

• Applied Natural Language Processing ANLP

– Marco Antonio SOBREVILLA CABEZUDO, University of S˜ao Paulo, ICMC, BRAZIL

– F´elix Arturo ONCEVAY MARCOS, Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica del Per´u, GRPIAA, PERU

– Armando FERMIN PEREZ, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Mar- cos, PERU



Documents relatifs

Damien Calaque • Université de Montpellier Mikhail Kapranov • IPMU, University of Tokyo Masaki Kashiwara • RIMS, Kyoto University Maxim Kontsevich • IHÉS. Kobi Kremnitzer

Francisco Edgar Castillo Barrera , UASLP,Mexico. Technical Program

• Jorge Carlos VALVERDE REBAZA, University of S˜ao Paulo, ICMC, BRAZIL. • Alneu de Andrade LOPES, University of S˜ao Paulo,

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