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A posteriori error estimates for the <span class="mathjax-formula">$3$</span>D stabilized Mortar finite element method applied to the Laplace equation


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Texte intégral


M2AN, Vol. 37, N 6, 2003, pp. 991–1011 DOI: 10.1051/m2an:2003064


Zakaria Belhachmi


Abstract. We consider a non-conforming stabilized domain decomposition technique for the dis- cretization of the three-dimensional Laplace equation. The aim is to extend the numerical analysis of residual error indicators to this model problem. Two formulations of the problem are considered and the error estimators are studied for both. In the first one, the error estimator provides upper and lower bounds for the energy norm of the mortar finite element solution whereas in the second case, it also estimates the error for the Lagrange multiplier.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 65N30.

Received: January 20, 2003.

1. Introduction

We consider the Dirichlet problem

−∆u=f, in Ω,

u= 0, on ∂Ω, (1)

where Ω is a bounded polyhedral domain in R3, with a Lipschitz continuous boundary ∂Ω and f is a given function inL2(Ω). We are interested in the mortar finite element discretization of such model problem.

The mortar element method is a non-overlapping domain decomposition technique which allows for using different discretizations in the sub-domains. So, as it was already observed in [6], it is well adapted for mesh adaptivity. Indeed, the possibility of working with non-matching grids leads to an efficient algorithm. In order to take full advantage of the mortar method, it is necessary to define the error indicators associated to this approach. Thea posteriorianalysis with various error indicators has been extensively studied (see [14] and the references therein), however it is still insufficient for the mortar method. We refer to [16] for first estimates concerning the residual type error indicators in the mortar framework. The extension of these error indicators to the mortar finite element discretization in the two-dimensional case together with the derivation of optimal estimates has been carried out in [4] without any saturation assumption (i.e., without assuming that finite elements of higher order provide better approximation).

Keywords and phrases.Mortar finite element method,a posterioriestimates, mixed variational formulation, stabilization tech- nique, non-matching grids.

The author would like to thank the referees for their valuable comments.

1 Laboratoire de Math´ematiques LMAM, UMR7122, Universit´e de Metz, Ile du Saulcy, 57045 Metz, France.


c EDP Sciences, SMAI 2003


The aim of this paper is to extend the a posteriori analysis with residual type error indicators to a three- dimensional Laplace equation (as a typical elliptic second-order problem). Relying on a hybrid formulation which gives rise to a saddle point problem, residual error indicators are proposed for two formulations of the model problem: in the first formulation, which is the constrained one, they are associated to the error on the mortar finite element solution. In the second case they are associated to the unconstrained formulation and also enable us to estimate the Lagrange multiplier error. For both cases, we derive estimates which allow one to compare the error estimators with the energy-norm of the error, without any saturation assumption. These estimates are independent of the discretization parameters.

In order to perform the a posteriori analysis, we have to describe the appropriate mortar finite element method in this framework. In three-dimensions, the approximation of the Laplace equation by using the finite element method in the context of the domain decomposition with non-matching grids involves many difficulties.

The mortar element method has allowed to circumvent some of these difficulties and provides an efficient tool for solving such problems. However, in the case of the tetrahedral affine finite element method the construction of the Lagrange multiplier spaces (which express the matching condition across the interfaces) in the earlier mortar approach is not an easy task (see [3]). A new formulation combining the saddle point formulation of the mortar method and stabilization techniques is proposed in [1]. It allows the construction of a variant for the mortar approach well adapted to the numerical simulation by the tetrahedral affine finite element method for the three-dimensional Laplace equation. Based on this formulation, we review thea priorianalysis and perform thea posteriorianalysis by residual error indicators.

The outline of the paper is as follows: in Section 2, we define the continuous setting and the discrete problems. We also prove their well-posedness and derive somea prioriestimates. In Section 3 we introduce the error estimators and perform thea posteriorianalysis by proving that they provide upper and lower bounds to the energy norm of the mortar finite element solution. Section 4 is devoted to the a posteriorianalysis of the unconstrained formulation for which the error estimators also enable us to estimate the Lagrange multiplier.

2. Stabilized mortar finite element method 2.1. Variational formulation and regularity

We introduce a decomposition of Ω into a finite number of disjoint open sub-domains Ω`, 1≤`≤L. In view of the discretization, we consider a mixed variational formulation (known as the primal hybrid formulation of the Poisson–Dirichlet problem (1), [11]). We denote byX the space of functions


nv∈L2(Ω), v`=v|Ω` ∈H1`

, 1≤`≤Lo , equipped with the brokenH1-norm

kvkX = XL



!12 . We consider the space

H(div,Ω) = n

q L2(Ω)3

,divq∈L2(Ω) o, and the associated norm



12 . It is well known that for anyq∈H(div,Ω) the normal components q|Ω`·n`

are inH12(∂Ω`). We now define the Lagrange multiplier space

M = (

ψ= (ψ`)` YL


H12 ∂Ω`

, q∈H(div,Ω), such thatψ`=q|Ω`·n`, 1≤`≤L )



equipped with the norm

kψkM = XL




!12 .

We also introduce the two bilinear forms a(., .) andb(., .), defined on the product spacesX×X, andX ×M respectively, by

a(u, v) = XL





b(v, ψ) =− XL


`, v`i12,∂`, where h,i1

2,∂` denotes the duality product betweenH12(∂Ω`) and its dualH12(∂Ω`). The mixed variational formulation associated with problem (1) reads: find (u, ϕ)∈X×M, such that

a(u, v) +b(v, ϕ) = (f, v), ∀v∈X,

b(u, ψ) = 0, ∀ψ∈M, (2)

where (., .) is the usualL2 scalar product. Note that the spaceH01(Ω) can be characterized as H01(Ω) ={v∈X, b(v, ψ) = 0, ∀ψ∈M},

hence, we retrieve the standard variational formulation of problem (1) that reads: findu∈H01(Ω), such that

a(u, v) = (f, v), ∀v∈H01(Ω). (3)

The well-posedness of problem (3) is guaranteed by the Lax–Milgram lemma. Moreover, according to the Babuska–Brezzi theory, the well-posedness of problem (2) relies on an inf-sup condition which is standard in this case.

Proposition 2.1. For any data f ∈L2(Ω), problem (2) has a unique solution(u, ϕ)∈X×M. Moreover, the following stability inequality holds

kukX+kϕkM ≤CkfkL2(Ω). (4) In addition, uis the solution of problem (3)and we have

ϕ` = ∂u

∂n`, 1≤`≤L.

2.2. The mortar discrete spaces

Since we are interested in adaptivity, we will consider particular decompositions into sub-domains obtained dynamically from successive refined meshes.

More precisely, let (Th0)h0 be a family of “coarse” triangulations of Ω. Each triangulationTh0 consists of elements which are tetrahedra with a maximum sizeh0 satisfying the usual admissibility assumption,i.e., the intersection of two different elements is either empty, a vertex, a whole edge or a whole face. In addition,Th0 is assumed regular,i.e., the ratio of the diameter of any elementK∈ Th0 to the diameter of its largest inscribed ball is bounded by a constantσindependent ofK andh0.

Starting from this family (Th0)h0, we build iteratively new families of refined triangulations as follows. We assume that (Thn−1)hn−1 is known for eachhn−1.

For arbitrary positive integersk, we cut some elements ofThn−1 into ktetrahedra.


We denote by Thn,`(K) the set of tetrahedra obtained by cutting ` times the elementK of Th0, in n refining iterations.

We denote by Ωn,`the union overK∈ Th0 ofThn,`(K).

We setThn the union over `ofThn,`. For eachn, there exists an integerLn, such that

Ω =




n,`,n,`n,`0 =∅, 0≤` < `0≤Ln. (5)

In addition, the parametershn,`andhnare defined in an obvious way as the maximal diameters of the elements ofThn,` andThn, respectively, and they satisfy

hn,`≤k`h0 and hn = max

0≤`Lnhn,`. (6)

In the sequel we will assume given such a decomposition of Ω. We will also perform the analysis for a fixed iterationn, so we omit the indexn.

Finally, we define the skeleton of the partition as follows S=



∂Ω`\∂Ω, (7)

and we fix a decomposition of it into disjoint (open) mortars [7]




γm, γm∩γm0 =∅, 1≤m < m0 ≤M.

We make the assumption that eachγm, 1≤m≤M, is a whole face of a tetrahedron of the triangulationTh`, located on one side of γm, and thanks to the assumptions on the decomposition, it is the union of faces of tetrahedra inTh`1∪ Th`2∪ · · · ∪ Th`p, where`i> `. We will denote by `(m), `1(m), . . . , `p(m) the corresponding indices`, `1, . . . , `p and byp(m) the numberp.

Let us denote by P1(K) the space of affine functions over K, and set the local approximation spaces, for 1≤`≤L,


nvh,`∈ C0`

, vh,`|K∈ P1(K) ∀K∈ Th`, vh,`= 0 on∂Ω∩∂Ω`o


In order to enforce the matching condition we have to define the discrete mortar spaces associated with γm, 1≤m≤M. However, the residual based error estimators in the two-dimensional case show that the standard choices of these mortar spaces may lead to non optimal results for affine finite element approximations [4]. In addition, the difficulty (in practice) of constructing the Lagrange multipliers space (at least with tetrahedral meshes) and the lack of the inf-sup condition when dealing with affine finite elements yield to consider a modified mortar method. This approach introduced in [1], combines the saddle point formulation of the mortar element method with stabilization techniques [8].

Let now γm, 1 m M, be one of the mortars. Choosing one side of γm to be the “master” (in the mortars terminology [7]), the other side being the slave (the Lagrange) one. With every element T in the 2D triangulation of the non mortar side ofγm, 1≤m ≤M, we associate the bubble functionϕmT, equal to the product of the three barycentric coordinates onT. Denoting byK the (unique) tetrahedron havingT as a face and by{xK,1, xK,2, xK,3} (resp. K,1, λK,2, λK,3}) the common vertices ofK andT (resp. the associated


barycentric coordinates), we set

ϕmT(x) = 60

|T|λK,1(x)λK,2(x)λK,3(x), ∀x∈K,

extended by zero elsewhere. We denote by|T| the (two-dimensional) Lebesgue measure of T. The coefficient ensures thatR

TϕmTdσ= 1. By scaling, it is easy to prove that

|T||ϕmT|2H1(KT)+mTk2L2(KT)≤c|T|12, (8) with the constantc not depending on the shape ofT.

The stabilization technique consists of enriching the discrete spacesYh`by the above bubble functions leading to the new local approximation spaces

Xh` =Yh`


h RϕmT ,

whereThγm is the triangulation on the Lagrange side ofγm andRthe set of real numbers.

Two possible choices exist for defining the local Lagrange multiplier space used to enforce the matching condition on γm.

The coarse space MCm) = P0m) (in this case Thγm reduce to a triangle). We denote by Em the setm}.

Otherwise, we defineEmas the set of the open connected components Γ`i =γm∩∂Ω`i(m),1≤i≤p(m).

Each of this component being provided with a regular 2D triangulation ThΓ`i,`, and we defineThγm as the union ofThΓ`i,`, 1≤i≤p(m). We set

MFm) =

ψh,m∈L2m), ∀e∈ Em, ψh,m|T ∈ P0(T),∀T ∈ The ·

We denote byMhm) one of these two spaces according to the corresponding choice of the master side onγm. The global space of approximationXh is now defined in the standard way


vh= (vh,`)`∈L2(Ω), vh,`∈Xh`, 1≤`≤L , and the Lagrange multiplier space is the subspace ofM, defined by



ψh=(ψh,`)` YL


L2 ∂Ω`

, ψh,`(m)∈Mhm), 1≤m≤M, ψh,`(m)+ψh,`i(m)= 0, 1≤i≤p(m) )


2.3. Discrete problem

The discrete problem associated with equation (1) is built from the mixed variational formulation (2). For a fixed datumf ∈L2(Ω), find (uh, ϕh)∈Xh×Mh such that

a(uh, vh) +b(vh, ϕh) = (f, vh), ∀vh∈Xh,

b(uh, ψh) = 0, ∀ψh∈Mh. (9)

We must now check the well-posedness of problem (9). LetVhbe the space Vh=

vh= (vh,`)`∈Xh, b(vh, ψh) = 0, ∀ψh∈Mh(S) ,


that is


vh= (vh,`)`∈Xh, Z


[vh]ψhdτ= 0, ∀m∈ {1, . . . , M}, ∀ψh∈Mhm)

, where [vh] stands for the jump ofvhat γm. We introduce the reduced problem: finduh∈Vh such that

a(uh, vh) = (f, vh), ∀vh∈Vh. (10) Note that sinceMh(S) is a proper subspace ofM, the spaceVh is not contained in H01(Ω) and the method is always non-conforming. The bilinear forma(., .) is obviously continuous with respect to the broken normk.kX, and its ellipticity on Vh can be checked by exactly the same argument as in [6]. In view of the a posteriori analysis, we will prove a stronger version of the uniform ellipticity of a(., .). We only state the result in Lemma 2.3, which requires the following assumption.

Assumption A.1. For1≤m≤M, either p(m) = 1 or the spaceMhm)coincides with MFm).

Remark 2.2. Assumption A.1 is also needed in the two-dimensional case.

Lemma 2.3. Under Assumption A.1, there exists a constantαonly depending on the geometry ofsuch that the following ellipticity property holds

∀vh∈Vh, a(vh, vh)≥αkvhk2X. (11) From the Lax–Milgram lemma, we obtain the well-posedness of the reduced problem (10). Furthermore, the bilinear form b(., .) is continuous on Xh×Mh, and by using the same argument [1, Lem. 5.1], we obtain the following inf-sup condition (12), namely:

Lemma 2.4. There exists a constantβ depending only on the geometry ofsuch that the following inf-sup condition holds

∀ψh∈Mh(S), sup


b(vh, ψh)

kvhkh ≥βkψhkM. (12) This leads to the well-posedness and stability properties of problem (9) stated in the following corollary.

Corollary 2.5. Under Assumption A.1, for any data f L2(Ω) and for any h, problem (9) has a unique solution (uh, ϕh). Moreover, this solution satisfies, for a constantc independent ofh,

kuhkX+hkM ≤ckfkL2(Ω). (13)

2.4. A priori analysis

Thea priori analysis of problem (9) is performed in [1] in the simpler case of a conforming decomposition, however many results extend to the present case. If Assumption A.1 holds, with the discrete uniform inf-sup condition (12), we derive two abstract error estimates which follow easily from [10] (II. Th. 1.1 and condition 1.18), and read

ku−uhkX ≤c inf

vhVhku−vhkX+ sup


1 kvhkX




∂n, vh,`



, (14)

kϕ−ϕhkM ≤c

vhinfXhku−vhkX+ inf


. (15)

Moreover, from [10] (II. 1.16) and the inf-sup condition (12), the error estimate on ϕh is a consequence of that onuh we thus focus on estimate (14). Note that the first term in (14) is the approximation error and the


second term is the consistency error (which is zero in the conforming approximation case). The evaluation of the consistency error relies on the matching condition, which implies, for 1≤m≤M,

∀χ∈Mhm), Z



∂n[v] dτ= Z




[v] dτ,

where the integral overγm must be replaced by the duality product ifuis not sufficiently smooth. From the approximation properties on the orthogonal projection operator πh which maps L2m) into Mhm) [2], and with smoothness assumptions onu, namelyu|Ω` ∈Hs`(Ω`), 1< s`2, we obtain


1 kvhkX




∂n, vh,`

12,∂` ≤c XL


h2(` s`−1)kuk2Hs`(Ω`)


, (16)

with the constantc being independent ofh.

The estimate of the approximation error is more technical. We first assumes`>32, 1≤`≤L, and associate withuthe Lagrange interpolation operator (in each sub-domain)vh,`=Ih,`uin Yh`. We derive

ku−vh,`kH1(Ω`)≤chs`−1kukHs`(Ω`). (17) The function vh = (vh,`)` does not satisfy the matching condition and we therefore add a correction term to obtain an approximation which belongs toVh. Consider a fixed mortarγm, then

either the master side is a single face of a tetrahedronKof a sub-domain, say Ω`, then we set v˜h,`i =vh,`i+ X




(vh,`−vh,`i) dτ

ϕmT, 1≤i≤p(m);

or the master side is a union of faces, then we set


pX(m) i=1



(vh,`i−vh,`) dτ


We agree to set ˜vh,` = vh,` on the master side. It is readily checked that ˜vh fulfills the matching condition across γm. It remains to bound the correction term. Denoting by Sm the term added to vh,`i or vh,` and using (8), we have in the first case 1≤i≤p(m),

|Sm|2H1(Ω`i)≤c X



T(vh,`−vh,`i) dτ 2


≤c X



≤c X





The first term in the sum is easily bounded thanks to the trace theorem and the Lagrange interpolation operator properties. This yields X


|T|12ku−vh,`ik2L2(T)≤ch2(` s`i−1)

i kuk2Hs`i(Ω`i). (18)


For the second term, denoting by ∆0T the triangle on the master side, we have X


|T|12ku−vh,`k2L2(T)≤c X



≤c X


|T|12|∆0T|s`12kuk2Hs`1 2(∆0T)

≤c X


|0T|s`−1kuk2Hs`1 2(∆0T)

≤ch2(` s`−1) X


kuk2Hs`1 2(∆0T),

where we have used the Lagrange interpolation operator estimates and the comparison between adjacent mesh sizes. We obtain



|T|12ku−vh,`k2L2(T)≤ch2(` s`−1)kuk2Hs`(Ω`). (19)

The second case is handled in a similar way.

In the case where 1 < s` 32, the same approximation error bounds can be achieved by replacing the Lagrange interpolant by the quasi-interpolant operator studied in [12]. Inserting (16)–(19) in (14, 15) leads to thea prioriestimate.

Theorem 2.6. Let the solution of problem (1)be such that eachu|Ω`,1≤`≤L, belongs toHs`(Ω`),1< s`2.

Under Assumption A.1, there exists a constant c independent ofhsuch that the following error estimate holds

ku−uhkX+kϕ−ϕhkM ≤c XL




. (20)

3. A


analysis. Case I

For the a posteriori analysis, we assume that f L2(Ω) and fix fh, a finite element approximation of it associated with Th. The residual error indicators in the framework of the mortar element method are of two kinds [4].

Error indicators linked to the elements of the mesh

For eachK∈ Th, we denote byEKthe set of faces ofKwhich are not contained in∂Ω. We usehK to denote the diameter ofKandheto denote the diameter of anye∈ EK. Then the residual indicatorηK

associated with a tetrahedronK is defined in a standard way, [14]:

ηK =hKkfh+ ∆uhkL2(K)+1 2



he12 ∂uh



, (21)

where ∂n denotes the normal derivative at the faceeand [.] the jump acrosse.

Error indicators linked to the faces of the skeleton.

Following [4], for 1≤m≤M, we associate with eache∈ Em the indicatorηedefined as

ηe=he12k[uh]kL2(e). (22)


Remark 3.1. The term ∆uhin the definition ofηK vanishes except ifK intersects a mortarγmand is located on the slave side. This fact is due to the stabilization (by adding the bubble function) and its computation is easy.

3.1. An upper bound for the error

The ellipticity of the form a(., .) onH01(Ω) is an obvious consequence of the Poincar´e–Friedrichs inequality and the uniform ellipticity onVhis stated in Lemma 2.3; however, this does not yield the ellipticity on the sum ofH01(Ω) andVh. LetV be the space of functionsv such that

their restrictions to each Ω`, 1≤`≤L, belongs toH1(Ω`);

they vanish on∂Ω;

for anyγm, 1≤m≤M;

∀e∈ Em, Z


[v] dτ= 0. (23)

We now state a stronger property which yields the ellipticity on the spaceV containingH01(Ω) and Vh that we prove in Appendix A.

Lemma 3.2. Under Assumption A.1, there exists a constant c depending only on the geometry ofsuch that

∀v∈V, kvkL2(Ω)≤c XL




. (24)

We now want to prove that (21, 22) yield an upper bound for the error. Note that from Lemma 3.2 we deduce the following inequality

αku−uhk2X≤a(u−uh, u−uh).

For brevity we setv=u−uhand letvhbe an approximation ofvinVh. Multiplying the first line of (1) byvh, integrating by parts and subtracting (9) we obtain

αku−uhk2X ≤a(u−uh, v−vh) + Z



∂n[vh] dτ.

Next, we integrate by parts the first term on the right-hand side on each element KofTh. This leads to αku−uhk2X X




(f + ∆uh)(v−vh)dx+ Z



∂n (v−vh)dτ

+ Z



∂n[vh] dτ.

Adding and subtractingfh and introducing the jump of (u∂nuh)(v−vh) on each edge eof ∂Kgives

αku−uhk2X X




(fh+ ∆uh)(v−vh)dx+ Z



+1 2






∂n (v−vh)

! +




∂n[vh] dτ.

Note that ife∈ EK is not contained in the skeleton, we have Z



∂n (v−vh)

dτ= Z






otherwise, we obtain Z



∂n (v−vh)

dτ = Z




(v−vh)dτ+ Z



∂n [v−vh] dτ.


αku−uhk2X X




(fh+ ∆uh)(v−vh)dx+ Z


(f−fh)(v−vh)dx1 2









+ XM m=1






∂n [v−vh] dτ+ Z



∂n[vh] dτ


Takingvhto be a conforming approximation ofv,i.e.,vh∈Vh∩H1(Ω) (the construction ofvhwill be discussed further on) and using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality three times yields

αku−uhkX≤c X


kfh+ ∆uhkL2(K)kv−vhkL2(K)

kvkX +kf−fhkL2(K)kv−vhkL2(K)


+1 2








! +








∂n [uh] dτ

12! . (25)

To achieve our goal we have to evaluate the ratios and the last term in the right-hand side.

Bounding the first three ratios depends on the construction of a quasi-interpolant operator such as those studied in [5, 13]. We introduce the new approximation space


vh∈H01(Ω), 1≤`≤L, vh,`∈Xh`, ∀` · (26) We have the following proposition which we prove in Appendix B.

Proposition 3.3. There exists an operator Rh from V intoX˜h and a constant c independent of hsuch that the following estimate holds for allv inV,



h−2K kv−Rhvk2L2(K)+ X


h−1e kv−Rhvk2L2(e)


≤ckvk2X. (27)

In order to evaluate the last term in the right-hand side of (25), we need Assumption A.1. For any s, 0< s < 12, we defineλh,s(u) as the smallest constant such that





≤λh,s(u)ku−uhkX. (28)


Proposition 3.4. Under Assumptions A.1, for anys,0< s < 12, the following estimate holds for1≤m≤M ande∈ Em,




∂n [uh] dτ

≤cηe hse|u−uh|H1+s(Ke)

+ X



kfh+ ∆uhk2L2(K)+kf−fhk2L2(K)


2 X


he ∂uh

∂n 2


!12! , (29)

whereKe is a union of elements sharing the facee.

Note that Keis a tetrahedron obtained by cutting `(m) times an element ofTh0.

Proof. To prove (29), we set for each e ∈ Em, v = (u−uh) and we introduce theL2-projection operator πhe fromH12m) intoMhm). Thanks to the matching condition, we have




∂n[uh] dτ =




∂n−πeh ∂v


[uh] dτ ≤c


∂n−πeh ∂v


H12(e)k[uh]kH12(e). The second term on the right-hand side is evaluated from an inverse inequality [9]

k[uh]kH12(e)≤che12k[uh]kL2(e). (30) The first term uses the following property of the operatorπeh [2, Th. 2.4] which can be established by a duality argument


∂n−πeh ∂v


(H12(e)) ≤chse ∂v


Hs−12(e)· It remains to estimate the term




= sup



∂n, g kgkH12−s(e)


For anyg inH12s(e), there exists a lifting wg ofg inH1−s(Ke) which vanishes on∂Ke\eand satisfies


e kwgkL2(Ke)≤ckgkH12−s(e). (31) Let us assume thatwg∈H1(Ke), then we have


∂n, g

= Z


gradgradwgdx+ X




∆v wgdx1 2










therefore, combining (31) and the trace theorem (58) we obtain ∂v


Hs−12(e)≤c|v|H1+s(Ke)+c0 X


h2(1−K s) kfh+ ∆uhk2L2(K)


+h−2K s 1 2



h−1e ∂uh

∂n 2L2


!!12 .

A density argument and (30) achieve the proof of (29).


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