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Copies of c 0 (τ ) spaces in projective tensor products


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Copies of c 0 (τ ) spaces in projective tensor products

Vinícius Cortes, Medina Galego, Christian Samuel

To cite this version:

Vinícius Cortes, Medina Galego, Christian Samuel. Copies of c 0 (τ ) spaces in projective tensor

products. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, In

press. �hal-02886768�


Vin´ıcius Cortes, El´oi Medina Galego, and Christian Samuel

This paper is dedicated to the memory of our friend Eve Oja.

Abstract. LetXandY be Banach spaces and consider the projective tensor productXbπY. Suppose thatτ is an infinite cardinal, X has the bounded approximation property and the density character ofXis strictly smaller than the cofinality ofτ. We prove the followingc0(τ) generalizations of classicalc0

results due to Oja (1991) and Kwapie´n (1974) respectively:

(i) Ifc0(τ) is isomorphic to a complemented subspace ofXbπY, thenc0(τ) is isomorphic to a complemented subspace ofY.

(ii) Ifc0(τ) is isomorphic to a subspace ofXbπY, thenc0(τ) is isomorphic to a subspace ofY.

We also show that the result (i) is optimal for regular cardinalsτand Banach spaces X without copies of c0(τ). In order to do so, we provide a c0(τ) extension of a classical c0 result due to Emmanuele (1988) concerning the c0(τ) complemented subspaces ofLp(Dτ, Y) spaces, 1p≤ ∞, whereDτ is the Cantor cube. Finally, as a consequence of (i) we conclude that under the continuum hypothesis, the spacec0(ℵα), withα >1, is not isomorphic to a complemented subspace oflbπl(ℵα).

1. Introduction

Let X and Y be infinite dimensional Banach spaces. We say that Y contains a copy (resp. a complemented copy) ofX, and writeX ,→Y (resp. X ,→c Y), ifX is isomorphic to a subspace (resp. complemented subspace) of Y. We denote by X⊗bπY the projective tensor product of X and Y [20, p. 17]. For a non-empty set Γ, c0(Γ, X) denotes the Banach space of all X-valued maps f on Γ with the property that for eachε >0, the set{γ∈Γ :kf(γ)k ≥ε} is finite, equipped with the supremum norm. This space will be denoted by c0(Γ) whenX =R. We will refer toc0(Γ) asc0(τ) when the cardinality of Γ (denoted by|Γ|) is equal toτ. As usual, the dual and bidual ofc0(τ) will be denoted byl1(τ) andl(τ) respectively, and whenτ=ℵ0 these spaces will be denoted byc0,l1andl respectively.

In this paper we study subspaces and complemented subspaces of projective tensor products which are isomorphic to somec0(τ) space. In the particular case where τ = ℵ0, this research topic is really very old and offers many difficulties due to

2010Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46B03, 46E15; Secondary 46E30, 46E40.

Key words and phrases. c0(τ) spaces,`(τ) spaces,Lp(µ, X) spaces, projective tensor prod- ucts, complemented subspaces, density character.



the intriguing structure of the projective tensor products, see for instance the work

“Unexpected subspaces of tensor products” [2]. We just point out that Pisier in [16, Theorem 4.1] showed the existence of Banach spacesX and Y such that

(1.1) c0

,→c X⊗bπY withoutc0,→X or c0,→Y.

In contrast to Pisier’s result, Oja [14, Th´eor`eme 3] proved that if a Banach spaceX has a boundedly complete finite dimensional decomposition, then for any Banach spaceY we have

(1.2) c0,→c X⊗bπY =⇒ c0,→c Y.

Moreover, Kwapie´n [12] had already shown that for any Banach spaceY, (1.3) c0,→L1[0,1]⊗bπY =⇒ c0,→Y.

The purpose of this work is to obtain c0(τ) generalizations of the results of Oja (1.2) and Kwapie´n (1.3) to the case where τ is an uncountable cardinal. In this direction we have already studied the c0(τ) complemented subspaces ofX⊗bπY in the particular cases when X is one of the classical spaces `p(I) [5] orLp[0,1] [4].

We have shown that ifX=`p(I), 1≤p <∞, orX =Lq[0,1], 1< q <∞, then c0(τ),→c X⊗bπY =⇒ c0

,→c Y,

for any Banach spaceY. But we left the problem below unsolved [5, Problem 8.5].

Problem 1.1. Let Y be a Banach space andτ an uncountable cardinal. Is it true that

c0(τ),→c l⊗bπY =⇒ c0(τ),→c Y?

Our generalization of (1.2) will provide a positive solution to Problem 1.1 whenever the cofinality ofτis strictly greater than the continuum (Corollary 1.8 withm=ℵ0).

Recall that the cofinality of an infinite cardinal τ, denoted by cf(τ), is the least cardinalαsuch that there exists a family of ordinals{βj:j∈α}satisfyingβj< τ for allj ∈α, and sup{βj :j ∈α}=τ [11]. A Banach spaceX has theλ-bounded approximation property (in short,X has theλ-bap), λ≥1, if givenK a compact subset of X and ε > 0, there exists a finite rank operatorT :X → X satisfying kTk ≤λand kx−T(x)k< ε for everyx∈K. X has the bounded approximation propertyifXhas theλ-bap for someλ≥1 [1]. Thedensity character ofX, denoted by dens(X), is the smallest cardinality of a dense subset ofX.

Theorem 1.2. Let X be a Banach space with the bounded approximation property andτ be an infinite cardinal satisfying dens(X)<cf(τ). For any Banach spaceY,

c0(τ),→c X⊗bπY =⇒ c0(τ),→c Y.

Remark1.3. Even ifτ =ℵ0andX contains no copies ofc0, we cannot replace the hypothesis dens(X)<ℵ0with dens(X)≤ ℵ0 in Theorem 1.2. Indeed, the spaceX mentioned above in the example of Pisier can be chosen having a Schauder basis ([15, Remark, p. 84] and [17, Corollary 10.1, p. 68]) and, therefore, having the bounded approximation property.

Recall that a cardinal τ is said to be regular when cf(τ) = τ. As a consequence of Theorem 1.4, we will show in Remark 1.5 that Theorem 1.2 is optimal for any regular cardinalτand any Banach spaceX containing no copies ofc0(τ). In order to state Theorem 1.4, we need some notation. If Γ is a non-empty set, we endow


{−1,1}with the probability measure which assigns to each point the value 1/2 and denote byDΓ={−1,1}Γthe Cantor cube with the corresponding product measure µ. GivenY a Banach space andp∈[1,∞), we denote byLp(DΓ, Y) the Lebesgue- Bochner space of all (classes of equivalence of) measurable functionsf :DΓ →Y such that the scalar functionkfkp is integrable, equipped with the complete norm

kfkp= Z 1


kf(t)kpdt p1


These spaces will be denoted by Lp(DΓ) when Y = R. A measurable function f : DΓ → Y is essentially bounded if there exists ε > 0 such that the set {t ∈ DΓ:kf(t)k ≥ε}has measure zero, and we denote bykfkthe infimum of all such numbersε >0. ByL(DΓ, Y) we will denote the space of all (classes of equivalence of) essentially bounded functionsf :DΓ →X, equipped with the complete norm k · k.

Theorem 1.4. Given Y a Banach space, τ an infinite cardinal and 1≤p≤ ∞, c0(τ),→Y =⇒ c0(τ),→c Lp(Dτ, Y).

Remark 1.5. Let us show that the hypothesis dens(X) < cf(τ) in Theorem 1.2 cannot be improved in the case of regular cardinals τ and Banach spaces X with no copies ofc0(τ). According to a well-know result of Rosenthal [6, Corollary 11, p.156],

(1.4) c0(τ)6,→c l(τ).

Moreover, L1(DΓ) has the bounded approximation property [6, Example 11] and the density character ofL1(DΓ) is equal to|Γ|[13, Theorem 2.12]. Recall also that the spacesL1(DΓ, Y) and L1(DΓ)⊗bπY are isometrically isomorphic [20, Example 2.19]. So, applying Theorem 1.4 withX=L1(Dτ) andY =l(τ) yields

c0(τ),→c L1(Dτ)⊗bπl(τ) althoughc0(τ)6,→L1(Dτ) andc0(τ)6,→c l(τ).

Remark1.6. Using [9, Lemma 2.1] it is easy to see thatLp([0,1], Y) is isomorphic to Lp(D0, Y), 1 ≤p≤ ∞, for every Banach space Y. Thus, the case τ =ℵ0 of Theorem 1.4 is due to Emmanuele [7, Main Theorem].

We will also prove the following theorem which can be seen as a version of Theorem 1.2 for Lebesque-Bochner spacesLp(DΓ, Y) with 1≤p <∞.

Theorem 1.7. Let Y be a Banach space, Γ be an infinite set, τ be an infinite cardinal and 1≤p <∞. If|Γ|<cf(τ), then

c0(τ),→c Lp(DΓ, Y) =⇒ c0(τ),→c Y.

Note that in the particular casem=ℵ0, the following direct consequence of Theo- rem 1.2 provides a positive solution to Problem 1.1 for many large enough cardinals τ. Recall that the density character of `(τ) is 2τ [8, Theorem 3.6.11] and this space has the bounded approximation property [6, p. 245].

Corollary 1.8. Let τ and m be infinite cardinals satisfying 2m <cf(τ). Then, for any Banach space Y,

c0(τ),→c `(m)⊗bπY =⇒ c0(τ),→c Y.


Under the continuum hypothesis 20=ℵ1 we also get the following consequence of Theorem 1.2 which can be seen as a generalization of (1.4) wheneverτ >ℵ1. Corollary 1.9. Assuming the continuum hypothesis, for any α >1 we have

c0(ℵα)6,→c l⊗bπl(ℵα).

Proof. Assume by contradiction that there existsα >1 such that c0(ℵ2),→c c0(ℵα),→c l⊗bπl(ℵα).

By Theorem 1.2 it follows thatl(ℵα) contains a complemented subspace isomor- phic toc0(ℵ2), and this contradicts [6, Corollary 11, p.156].

Remark 1.10. It is an open problem to know if the statement of Corollary 1.9 remains true forα= 0 [2, Remark 3]. We also left open whether that statement holds whenα= 1.

Now we turn our attention to generalizations of the result (1.3). We will prove:

Theorem1.11. LetX be a Banach space with the bounded approximation property andτ an infinite cardinal satisfying dens(X)<cf(τ). For any Banach spaceY,

c0(τ),→X⊗bπY =⇒ c0(τ),→Y.

Next, denote by X⊗bεY the injective tensor product of the Banach spaces X and Y [20, p. 46]. As a direct consequence of Theorem 1.11 we obtain the following:

Corollary1.12. LetX andY be Banach spaces such thatXhas both the bounded approximation property and the Radon-Nikod´ym property. Suppose thatτ is a car- dinal satisfyingdens(X)<cf(τ). Then

l1(τ),→c X⊗bεY =⇒ l1(τ),→c Y.

Proof. Since X has the bounded approximation property and the Radon- Nikod´ym property, by [20, Theorem 5.33] we know that the dual of X⊗bεY is isomorphic toX⊗bπY. Thus we get


Now, since X has the Radon-Nikod´ym property it follows by [21, Theorem 6]

that dens(X) = dens(X). Thus, according to Theorem 1.11 we conclude that c0(τ),→Y, and an appeal to [19, Corollary 1.2] yields l1(τ),→c Y. Moreover, notice that the result (1.3) was proved in [12, Main Theorem] to a more general setting; more precisely, for any Banach spaceY and 1≤p <∞,

(1.5) c0,→Lp([0,1], Y) =⇒ c0,→Y.

Thus, we will also state ac0(τ) generalization of (1.5) by proving the following non complemented version of Theorem 1.7.

Theorem 1.13. Let Y be a Banach space, Γ be an infinite set, τ be an infinite cardinal and 1≤p <∞. If|Γ|<cf(τ), then

c0(τ),→Lp(DΓ, Y) =⇒ c0(τ),→Y.


Remark 1.14. Of course, ifτ =ℵ0andX contains no copies ofc0, the optimality of Theorem 1.11 follows from the example of Pisier cited in (1.1). However, we do not know if Theorem 1.11 is optimal for any regular cardinal τ and any Banach spaceXcontaining no copies ofc0(τ). Finally, as far as Corollary 1.12 is concerned, we do not even know if it is optimal in the caseτ=ℵ0.

2. Preliminary results and notation

Before proving our results we will recall some auxiliary results that will be used throughout this paper. We will denote by (ei)i∈τ the canonical basis of c0(τ), that is, ei(j) = δij for eachi, j ∈ τ. If Γ is a subset of τ, we identify c0(Γ) with the closed subspace ofc0(τ) consisting of the mapsg onτ such thatg(i) = 0 for each i∈τ\Γ. We begin by recalling the following classical result due to Rosenthal [18, Remark following Theorem 3.4].

Theorem 2.1. Let X be a Banach space and τ be an infinite cardinal. Suppose that T :c0(τ)→X is a bounded linear operator satisfying


Then there exists a subset Γ⊂τ such that|Γ|=τ andT|c0(Γ) is an isomorphism onto its image.

We recall that a family (xi)i∈τ in the dual spaceXis said to beweak-null if for eachx∈X we have

(xi(x))i∈τ ∈c0(τ).

Recall also that a family (xi)i∈τ in a Banach spaceX is said to beequivalent to the canonical basis ofc0(τ) if there existsT :c0(τ)→X an isomorphism onto its image satisfyingT(ei) =xi, for eachi∈τ.

The main characterization of complemented copies ofc0(τ) we will use is the fol- lowing result obtained in [3, Theorem 2.4].

Theorem2.2. LetXbe a Banach space andτbe an infinite cardinal. The following are equivalent:

(1) X contains a complemented copy ofc0(τ).

(2) There exist a family (xi)i∈τ equivalent to the unit-vector basis ofc0(τ)in X and a weak-null family(xi)i∈τ in X such that, for each i, j∈τ,

xi(xj) =δij.

(3) There exist a family (xi)i∈τ equivalent to the unit-vector basis ofc0(τ)in X and a weak-null family(xi)i∈τ in X such that


The following simple lemma [5, Lemma 2.3] will also be useful in the next sections.

Lemma 2.3. Let I be an infinite set and J be a non-empty set. Let {Ij}j∈J be a family of subsets of I such that S

j∈JIj = I. If cf(|I|) > |J|, then there exists j0∈J such that |Ij0|=|I|.


3. On complemented copies of c0(τ)spaces in X⊗bπY spaces The main aim of this section is to prove the generalization of Oja’s result (1.2), i.e.

Theorem 1.2. In order to do this we need to state two lemmas.

Lemma 3.1. LetX be Banach space with theλ-bap,λ≥1, and let nbe its density character. Then there exist a directed setA of cardinalitynand a net(Tα)α∈A of finite rank operators on X which converges to IdX in the strong operator topology and satisfieskTαk ≤λ, for everyα∈ A.

Proof. Let (xi)i∈n be a dense subset of X. Denote by F the family of all finite, non-empty subsets ofnand put

A={(F, n) : F ∈ F, n= 1,2, . . .}.

A is a directed set with the order (F, n) (F1, n1) ifF ⊂ F1 and n ≤n1. The cardinality ofAisn.

SinceX has theλ-bap, for eachα= (F, n)∈ Athere exists a finite rank operator TαonX such thatkTαk ≤λandkTα(xi)−xik ≤1/nfor every i∈F.

In order to prove the convergence of the net (Tα)α∈Ato IdX in the strong operator topology, fixx∈X andε >0. By density, there existsi0∈nsuch that

kx−xi0k ≤ ε 3λ.

Let n0 such that 1/n0 ≤ ε/3 and let α0 = ({i0}, n0). It is easy to check that

kTα0(x)−xk ≤ε.

Lemma 3.2. Let X andY be Banach spaces andT be a finite rank operator onX and fix a normalized basis (v1, . . . , vk) of T(X). Then there exist bounded linear operatorsS1, . . . , Sk fromX⊗bπY toY satisfying

(T⊗IdY)(u) =




vj⊗Sj(u), for everyu∈X⊗bπY.

Proof. For each 1 ≤ j ≤ k there exists ϕj ∈ X such that ϕj(vi) = δij, 1≤i≤k. The continuous bilinear operator (x, y)∈X×Y →ϕj(x)y∈Y induces a bounded operatorRj :X⊗bπY →Y such that

Rj(u) =




ϕj(xn)yn, for eachu=Pm

n=1xn⊗yn. PutSj =Rj◦(T⊗IdY). In order to finish the proof it suffices to notice that

(T⊗IdY)(u) =







n=1 k







vj⊗Sj(u) for eachu=Pm

n=1xn⊗yn∈X⊗bπY,and apply standard density arguments.

Proof of Theorem 1.2. Letλ >1 be such thatX has theλ-bap. By Lemma 3.1, there exist a directed setAof cardinalityn= dens(X) and a net (Tα)α∈Aof finite rank operators on X which converges to IdX in the strong operator topology and satisfies supα∈AkTαk ≤λ.For everyα∈ A we write πα=Tα⊗IdY. It is easy to check that the net (πα)α∈Aconverges to IdX

bπY in the strong operator topology.


Suppose thatc0(τ) is isomorphic to a complemented subspace ofX⊗bπY. By The- orem 2.2, there exist families (ui)i∈τ in X⊗bπY and (ui)i∈τ in [X⊗bπY] such that (ui)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ), (ui)i∈τ is weak*-null and

|ui(ui)|= 1 for everyi∈τ. PutC= supi∈τkuik.

For everyi∈τ we have

1 =|ui(ui)|= lim

α |uiα(ui))|

and so there exists an indexαi ∈ Asuch that|uiαi(ui))| ≥1/2.

For everyα∈ Aconsider the set

Iα={i∈τ : |uiα(ui))| ≥1/2}.


α∈AIα=τ andn<cf(τ), Lemma 2.3 yields an indexβ0∈ Aand a subset τ1⊂τ such that|τ1|=τ and, for everyi∈τ1,

|uiβ0(ui))| ≥ 1 2,

Let k= dimTβ0(X) and (vj)1≤j≤k be a normalized basis of Tβ0(X). By Lemma 3.2, there exist bounded linear operatorsS1, . . . , Sk:X⊗bπY →Y satisfying

πβ0(u) =





for eachu∈X⊗bπY. Thus, for everyi∈τ1, 1

2 ≤ |uiβ0(ui))|=









Now, τ1 is infinite so there exist an integer 1≤k0 ≤k and a subset τ2 ⊂τ1 such that|τ2|=τ and, for everyi∈τ2,

(3.1) |ui(vk0⊗Sk0(ui))| ≥ 1 2k. Hence,

kSk0(ui))k ≥ 1 2Ck, for everyi∈τ2.

Since (ui)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ), by Theorem 2.1 there exists a subsetτ3⊂τ2such that|τ3|=τ and (Sk0(ui))i∈τ3 is equivalent to the unit basis ofc03). If we denote byyi the bounded linear functional onY defined by

yi(y) =ui(vk0⊗y),

for every i ∈ τ3 and y ∈ Y, then it is clear that (yi)i∈τ3 is weak*-null in Y. Therefore, combining inequality (3.1) with Theorem 2.2, we obtain a complemented subspace ofY isomorphic toc0(τ).


4. Complemented copies of c0(τ)spaces in Lp(Dτ, Y)spaces This section is devoted to the proofs of Theorems 1.4 and 1.7.

For eachi∈Γ, denote byπi :DΓ → {−1,1}the usual Rademacher function. We recall that the family (πi)i∈Γ is an orthonormal system in L2(DΓ).

Next, given a Banach spaceY, f ∈L1(DΓ, Y) andi∈Γ, we write ci(f) =




IfAis a subset of Γ, the characteristic function ofAwill be denoted byχA. Using the previous remark and approximations of vector valued functions by simple functions it is easy to get a Riemann-Lebesgue theorem for vector valued ”func- tions” defined onDΓ.Precisely

Lemma 4.1. Let Y be a Banach space and Γ be an infinite cardinal. If f ∈ L1(DΓ, Y), then(ci(f))i∈Γ∈c0(Γ, Y).

Recall that H¨older’s Inequality and the finiteness ofµimply that Lp(DΓ, Y)⊂L1(DΓ, Y)

for every 1≤p≤ ∞.

Proof of Theorem 1.4. Let (yi)i∈τ be a family inY equivalent to the canonical basis ofc0(τ). There exist constants 0< δ≤M such that

(4.1) δsup


i| ≤







for all finite and non-empty subsetsF ofτ and all families of scalars (λi)i∈F. Let (yi)i∈τ be a bounded family in Y such thatyi(yj) = δij. For each i ∈τ, write fiiyi ∈Lp(Dτ, Y) and defineψi ∈(Lp(Dτ, Y)) byψi(f) =yi(ci(f)). Notice that eachψi is bounded, since, by H¨older’s Inequality,

i(f)| ≤ kyik Z



≤ kyikkfkp,∀f ∈Lp(Dτ, Y).

Since|πi(t)|= 1 for allt∈Dτ andi∈τ, by (4.1) we have δsup


i| ≤



λifi p




for all finite and non-empty subsetsF ofτ and all families of scalars (λi)i∈F. This proves that (fi)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ).

Next, ifi6=j then

ψi(fj) = Z


πi(t)πj(t)yi(yj)dµ(t) = 0 and furthermore

ψi(fi) = Z


πi2(t)yi(yi)dµ(t) =µ(Dτ) = 1.

Thus,ψi(fj) =δij.


In order to finish the proof, it suffices to show that (ψi)i∈τ is a weak-null family in (Lp(Dτ, Y)). Given f ∈Lp(Dτ, Y)⊂L1(Dτ, Y), Lemma 4.1 guarantees that (kci(f)k)i∈τ∈c0(τ). Since

i(f)| ≤ kyikkci(f)k

and the family (yi)i∈τ is bounded, (ψi(f))i∈τ ∈c0(τ). This completes the proof.

Next, we turn our attention to Theorem 1.7. Given Γ an infinite set and Ω a non-empty, proper subset of Γ, put Ω = Γ\Ω and write each element of DΓ as (t, t)∈D×D. We will also denote byµ the product measure onD.

Our next two results are vector-valued versions of [10, Lemma 22.11, p. 437] and [10, Theorem 22.14, p. 439], respectively.

Lemma 4.2. Let Y be a Banach space, Γ be an infinite set and 1 ≤ p < ∞.

Given f ∈Lp(DΓ, Y)andF a finite, non-empty subset of Γ, consider the function SF(f) :DΓ→Y defined by

SF(f)(t, t) = Z


f(t, s)dµF(s),

for every (t, t) ∈ DF. Then SF is a bounded linear operator on Lp(DΓ, Y) with kSFk ≤1.

Proof. Givenf ∈Lp(DΓ, Y), notice thatSF(f) is a simple function. Indeed, we may write

(4.2) SF(f) = X


χt(·)y(f, t)

where, for eacht∈DF,

y(f, t) = Z


f(t, s)dµF(s)∈Y

andχt denotes the characteristic function of the measurable set


(t, s) :s∈DFo .

So, in particular,SF(f) is measurable.


Now, by the scalar Fubini Theorem and H¨older’s Inequality, we obtain kSF(f)kpp=



kSF(f)(t, t)kpdµ(t, t)

= Z




f(t, s)dµF(s)


dµ(t, t)

≤ Z




kf(t, s)kdµF(s) p

dµ(t, t)

≤ Z




kf(t, s)kpF(s)

dµ(t, t)

= Z






kf(t, s)kpF(s)



= Z




kf(tF, s)kpdµ(t, s)


= Z


kfkppF(t) =kfkpp.

Hence,SF(f)∈Lp(DΓ, Y) andkSF(f)kp≤ kfkp. The linearity ofSF is clear.

Lemma 4.3. Let Y be a Banach space,Γ be an infinite set and 1≤p <∞. Given f ∈Lp(DΓ, Y)andε >0, there exists a finite, non-empty subsetF0 ofΓ such that kSF(f)−fkp< ε, for all finite subsetsF ofΓ with F0⊂F.

Proof. Once again we split the proof in three cases:

Case 1: f =g(·)y, where g∈Lp(DΓ) and y ∈Y. This case follows immediately from [10, Theorem 22.14, p. 439], noticing thatSF(f) =SF(g)(·)yfor every finite, non-empty subsetF of Γ.

Case 2: f ∈Lp(DΓ, Y) is a simple function. This follows from the previous case, by linearity.

Case 3: arbitraryf ∈Lp(DΓ, Y). Fixε >0. Since the simple functions are dense in Lp(DΓ, Y), there exists a simple function ϕ∈Lp(DΓ, Y) such that kf −ϕkp<

ε/3. By the previous case, there exists a finite, non-empty subsetF0of Γ such that kSF(ϕ)−ϕkp < ε/3, for all finite subsetsF of Γ withF0⊂F. Therefore

kSF(f)−fkp≤ kSF(f−ϕ)kp+kSF(ϕ)−ϕkp+kϕ−fkp< ε,

for all suchF ⊂Γ, as desired.

We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.7.

Proof of Theorem 1.7. Suppose thatLp(DΓ, Y) contains a complemented copy ofc0(τ). According to Theorem 2.2, there exist families (fi)i∈τ inLp(DΓ, Y) and (ψi)i∈τ in (Lp(DΓ, Y)) such that (fi)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ), (ψi)i∈τ is weak-null and|ψi(fi)|= 1 for everyi∈τ. PutC= supi∈τik.

LetFbe the family of all finite, non-empty subsets of Γ. By Lemma 4.3, for every i∈τ there exists a setFi∈ F such thatkSFi(f)−fkp<1/2, and thus

i(SFi(fi))|> 1 2.


For everyF ∈ F consider the set

IF ={i∈τ : |ψi(SF(fi))|>1/2}.

Since S

F∈FIF = τ and|F | =|Γ| <cf(τ), Lemma 2.3 yields G∈ F and τ1 ⊂τ such that|τ1|=τ and, for everyi∈τ1,

i(SG(fi))|> 1 2. Similarly to (4.2), for eachf ∈Lp(DΓ, Y) we write

(4.3) SG(f) = X


χt(·)y(f, t) where, for eacht∈DG,

y(f, t) = Z


f(t, s)dµG(s)∈Y andχt denotes the characteristic function of the measurable set


(t, s) :s∈DGo . Therefore


2 <|ψi(SG(fi))| ≤ X


it(·)y(fi, t))|,

for every i∈τ1. Now, τ1 is infinite and so there exist an elementt0 ∈DG and a subsetτ2⊂τ1such that|τ2|=τ and, for everyi∈τ2,

(4.4) |ψit0(·)y(fi, t0))|> 1 2|G|+1. Sinceµ(At0) = 1/2|G|<1, we obtain

(4.5) ky(fi, t0)k> 1

C2|G|+1, for everyi∈τ2.

Next, consider the linear operatorT :Lp(DΓ, Y)→Y defined byT(f) =y(f, t0), for everyf ∈Lp(DΓ, Y). In order to see thatT is bounded, notice that (4.3) yields

kSG(f)(s1, s2)kp= X


χt(s1, s2)ky(f, t)kp, for every (s1, s2)∈DG×DG. This implies that

kSG(f)kpp= Z


kSG(f)(s1, s2)kpdµ(s1, s2)

= Z




χt(s1, s2)ky(f, t)kpdµ(s1, s2)

= X


ky(f, t)kp Z


χt(s1, s2)dµ(s1, s2)

= X


µ(At)ky(f, t)kp = X


2−|G|ky(f, t)kp

≥2−|G|ky(f, t0)kp= 2−|G|kT(f)kp


and so

kT(f)k ≤2|G|/pkSG(f)kp≤2|G|/pkfkp, proving thatT is bounded.

Notice that, by (4.5), we have

kT(fi)k> 1 C2|G|+1

for every i ∈ τ2. Also, by hypothesis, (fi)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ). Thus, by Theorem 2.1 there exists a subset τ3 ⊂ τ2 such that |τ3| = τ and (T(fi))i∈τ3 is equivalent to the canonical basis of c03). Denoting by yi the bounded linear function onY defined by

yi(y) =ψit0(·)y),

for everyi∈τ3andy∈Y, it is clear that (yi)i∈τ3 is weak-null inY. Combining these facts with (4.4), Theorem 2.2 yields a complemented copy ofc0(τ) in Y, as desired.

5. On copies of c0(τ)spaces in X⊗bπY spaces

With a simple modification of the techniques developed so far, we prove Theorem 1.11.

Proof of Theorem 1.11. Let λ > 1 be such that X has the λ-bap. As in the proof of Theorem 1.2, by Lemma 3.1 there exist a directed set A of cardinality n = dens(X) and a net (Tα)α∈A of finite rank operators on X which converges to IdX in the strong operator topology and satisfies supα∈AkTαk ≤λ. For every α ∈ A we write πα = Tα⊗IdY. The net (πα)α∈A converges to IdX

bπY in the strong operator topology.

Let (ui)i∈τ be a family inX⊗bπY equivalent to the canonical basis ofc0(τ). There exist constants 0< δ≤M such that



i| ≤








for all finite and non-empty subsetsF ofτ and all families of scalars (λi)i∈F. For everyi∈τ we have

δ≤ kuikπ= lim


and so there exists an indexαi ∈ Asuch thatkπαi(ui)kπ≥δ/2.

For everyα∈ Aconsider the set

Iα={i∈τ : kπα(ui)kπ ≥δ/2}.


α∈AIα=τ andn<cf(τ), Lemma 2.3 yields an indexβ0∈ Aand a subset τ1⊂τ such that|τ1|=τ and, for everyi∈τ1,

β0(ui)kπ ≥δ 2.


Letk= dimTβ0(X) and let (vj)1≤j≤k be a normalized basis ofTβ0(X). By Lemma 3.2, there exist bounded linear operatorsS1, . . . , Sk:X⊗bπY →Y satisfying

πβ0(u) =




vj⊗Sj(u), for eachu∈X⊗bπY. Thus, for everyi∈τ1,


2 ≤ kπβ0(ui)kπ =




vj⊗Sj(ui) π









Now, τ1 is infinite so there exist an integer 1≤k0 ≤k and a subset τ2 ⊂τ1 such that|τ2|=τ and, for everyi∈τ2,

kSk0(ui)k> δ 2k.

Since (ui)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ), by Theorem 2.1 there exists a subsetτ3⊂τ2such that|τ3|=τ and (Sk0(ui))i∈τ3 is equivalent to the unit basis ofc03). This finishes the proof.

6. On copies ofc0(τ)spaces in Lp(Dτ, Y)spaces In this last section, we provide the proof of Theorem 1.13.

Proof of Theorem 1.13. The proof is a slight modification of the proof of Theorem 1.7. Let (fi)i∈τ be a family equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ) inLp(DΓ, Y). There exist constants 0< δ≤M such that



i| ≤








for all finite and non-empty subsetsF ofτ and all families of scalars (λi)i∈F. Denote byF the family of all finite, non-empty subsets of Γ. By Lemma 4.3, for every index i∈ τ there exists a set Ωi ∈ F such thatkSi(fi)−fikp < δ/2, and thus

kSi(fi)kp> δ 2. For every Ω∈ F consider the set

I={i∈τ : kS(fi)kp> δ/2}.

Since S

Ω∈FI =τ and|F | =|Γ| <cf(τ), Lemma 2.3 yields G∈ F and τ1 ⊂τ such that|τ1|=τ and, for everyi∈τ1,

kSG(fi)kp> δ 2.

Using the exact same notation used in the proof of Theorem 1.7 (see (4.3)), recall that

kSG(f)kpp= X


2−|G|ky(f, t)kp, for everyf ∈Lp(DΓ, Y). In particular, we obtain


2p <kSG(fi)kpp= 1 2|G|



ky(fi, t)kp,


for every i∈τ1. Now, τ1 is infinite and so there exist an elementt0 ∈DG and a subsetτ2⊂τ1such that|τ2|=τ and, for everyi∈τ2,

ky(fi, t0)kpp 2p


|G| ≥δp 2p >0, that is,

ky(fi, t0)k> δ 2.

Once again, consider the bounded linear operator T :Lp(DΓ, Y)→ Y defined by T(f) =y(f, t0), for everyf ∈Lp(DΓ, Y). The inequality above gives

kT(fi)k> δ 2,

for every i ∈ τ2. Since (fi)i∈τ is equivalent to the canonical basis of c0(τ), by Theorem 2.1 there exists a subset τ3 ⊂ τ2 such that |τ3| = τ and (T(fi))i∈τ3 is equivalent to the canonical ofc03) inY, and the proof is complete.


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University of S˜ao Paulo, Department of Mathematics, IME, Rua do Mat˜ao 1010, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil

E-mail address:vinicius.cortes@usp.br

University of S˜ao Paulo, Department of Mathematics, IME, Rua do Mat˜ao 1010, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil

E-mail address:eloi@ime.usp.br

Aix Marseille Universit´e, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, I2M, Marseille, France E-mail address:christian.samuel@univ-amu.fr


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