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Genetic determinism of prickles in rose


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Genetic determinism of prickles in rose

N. Zhou, K. Tang, J. Jeauffre, T. Thouroude, D Lopez Arias, F. Foucher, L.

Hibrand-Saint Oyant

To cite this version:

N. Zhou, K. Tang, J. Jeauffre, T. Thouroude, D Lopez Arias, et al.. Genetic determinism of prickles in rose. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Springer Verlag, 2020, 19 p. �10.1007/s00122-020- 03652-7�. �hal-02933278�



Genetic determinism of prickles in rose


NN Zhou1,2, KX Tang2, J. Jeauffre1, T. Thouroude1, D. Lopez Arias1, F. Foucher1*& L.


Hibrand-Saint Oyant1*.


1 Université d’Angers, Agrocampus-Ouest, INRAE, GDO-IRHS (Genetics and Diversity of Ornamental Plants,


Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences), SFR 4207 QUASAV, 49071 Angers, France


2 National Engineering Research Center for Ornamental Horticulture; Flower Research Institute, Yunnan Academy


of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650231, China


* both authors contributed equally to the work.


Corresponding author: zhouning1116@aliyun.com


Key message: The genetic determinism of prickle in rose is complex,


with a major locus on LG3 that controls the absence/presence of


prickles on the rose stem.




Author Contributions 14

Contributions 15

NN Zhou designed the projects and obtained funding, planned and performed 16

experiments, collected and analyzed data, and drafted the manuscript. F. Foucher and 17

L. Hibrand-Saint Oyant were responsible for piloting and supervising the project, and 18

for revising the manuscript. KX Tang contributed to designing the project and obtaining 19

funding. J. Jeauffre led the qPCR experiment and analyzed data. T. Thouroude prepared 20

the plant cuttings of F1 individuals in the greenhouse. D. Lopez Arias modified the 21

genetic map and helped to develop the R/qtl script.


Orcid-ID 23

Zhou NN: orcid.org/0000-0002-5208-6788 24

Tang KX: orcid.org/0000-0003-3807-784X 25

Jeauffre J: orcid.org/0000-0001-6770-0552 26

Thouroude T: orcid.org/0000-0001-7908-7353 27

Lopez Arias D: orcid.org/0000-0001-8129-2786 28


2 Foucher F: orcid.org/0000-0002-3693-7183


Hibrand-Saint Oyant L: orcid.org/0000-0002-4451-8798 30



Rose is one of the major ornamental plants. The selection of glabrous cultivars is an 32

important breeding target but remains a difficult task due to our limited genetic 33

knowledge. Our objective was to understand the genetic and molecular determinism of 34

prickles. Using a segregating diploid rose F1 population, we detected two types of 35

prickles (glandular and non-glandular) in the progeny. We scored the number of non- 36

glandular prickles on the floral and main stems for three years. We performed QTL 37

analysis and detected four prickle loci on LG1, 3, 4 and 6. We determined the credible 38

interval on the reference genome. The QTL on LG3 is a major locus that controls the 39

presence of prickles, and three QTLs (LG3, 4 and 1) may be responsible for prickle 40

density. We further revealed that glabrous hybrids are caused by the combination of the 41

two recessive alleles from both parents. In order to test if rose prickles could originate 42

from a ‘trichome-like structure’, we used a candidate approach to characterize rose gene 43

homologues known in Arabidopsis, involved in trichome initiation. Four of these 44

homologues were located within the overlapping credible interval of the detected QTLs.


Transcript accumulation analysis weakly supports the involvement of trichome 46

homologous genes, in the molecular control of prickle initiation. Our studies provide 47

strong evidence for a complex genetic determinism of stem prickle and could help to 48

establish guidelines for glabrous rose breeding. New insights into the relationship 49

between prickles and trichomes constitute valuable information for reverse genetic 50


3 research on prickles.




Trichome, QTL, ZFP5, GIS2, MYB61, MYC1 53



Rose is the major ornamental plant worldwide with a wide diversity, diverse application 55

forms and an extensive cultivated area. Roses are sold as cut flowers, garden plants, in 56

pots, for essential oil, flower tea and culinary purposes. In past centuries, with the 57

continuous efforts of breeders, more than 33,000 varieties of roses were created (Young 58

2007). However, most of these varieties have persistent prickles on the stem. Prickles 59

can protect against herbivores by deterring them from eating the stem (Ronel and Lev- 60

Yadun 2012; Burns 2014). Furthermore, prickles can be desirable in roses when they 61

are used in hedges to protect properties (as was the case in Reunion Island during the 62

19th century). However, garden roses without prickles are often desirable. Cut roses 63

with prickles are more difficult to handle, harvest and transport and also constitute 64

safety hazards for consumers and workers. Retailers commonly remove prickles from 65

stems prior to sale. Removing the prickles increases labor costs and causes mechanical 66

damage to the stems, which affects vase life and ornamental value. Although a strong 67

market demand to develop roses without prickles exists (Nobbs 1984; Debener 1999;


Canli 2003; Canli and Skirvin 2003; Canli and Kazaz 2009), relatively little is known 69

about the genetic and molecular bases of prickle initiation and development.


In plants, prickles are described as outgrowths of the epidermis and subjacent layers 71


4 that lack vasculature, and mainly consist of lignin, suberin, cellulose and hemicellulose 72

(Asano et al. 2008; Li et al. 2012). In rose and raspberry, it was thought that prickles 73

were modified glandular trichomes that differentiate at the time of lignification into 74

their final prickle morphologies (Kellogg et al. 2011).


Until recently, only a few studies had been published about the molecular regulation of 76

prickle development, but great progress has been made in trichome initiation and 77

development, especially in Arabidopsis. Several transcription factors (TFs) such as 78

MYB, bHLH, WD40, WRKY and C2H2 zinc finger families’ proteins have been 79

identified as being involved in trichome initiation and development (reviewed in 80

Balkunde et al. (2010), Pattanaik et al. (2014), Ma et al. (2016a), Huchelmann et al.


(2017) and Chopra et al. (2019)). A trimeric activator complex consisting of MYB 82


(TRANSPARENT TESTA GL1) plays a key role in trichome development (Zhang 2003;


Kirik et al. 2005; Patra et al. 2013). This trimeric complex finely regulates the temporal 85

and spatial expression of GLABRA2 (GL2) and TRANSPARENT TESTA GL2 (TTG2), 86

determining the fate and pattern of trichome precursor cells (Rerie et al. 1994; Ishida et 87

al. 2008). The bHLH family genes, MYC1 and TT8, belong to the same clade as GL3.


AtMYC1 acts as a positive regulator of trichome initiation (Symonds et al. 2011; Zhao 89

et al. 2012), and AtTT8 controls trichome development on leaf margins (Maes et al.


2008). AaMYB1 and its orthologue AtMYB61, belonging to the R2R3MYB subfamily, 91

were thought to affect terpene metabolism and trichome development in A. annua and 92

A. thaliana, respectively (Matías-Hernández et al. 2017).



5 The active TTG1 trimeric complex can be repressed by R3 MYB subfamily genes:


TRY/CPC/TCL1 act as negative regulars by competing with GL1 for binding to GL3 95

(Wang et al. 2008; Wester et al. 2009; Wang and Chen 2014). The active TTG1 96

complex, in interaction with TTG2, regulates the expression of the R3 MYB inhibitors 97

that move to the neighboring cells where they repress trichome initiation (Pesch and 98

Hülskamp 2004; Pesch et al. 2014).


Different growth regulators positively affect trichome initiation, such as GA3, cytokinin 100

and jasmonic acid (Traw and Bergelson 2003), through the activation of GL1 (Gan et 101

al. 2006). Different C2H2 zinc-finger proteins such as GLABROUS 102


(Gan et al. 2006; Gan et al. 2007) include GA and cytokinin signaling pathways (Zhou 104

et al. 2013). The novel transcription factor TRP interacts with ZFP5 and negatively 105

regulates trichome initiation through the gibberellic acid pathway (Kim et al. 2018).


In diploid rose, the presence of prickles on the stem was assumed to be controlled by a 107

single dominant gene (Debener 1999; Shupert et al. 2007) located on linkage group 3, 108

LG3 (Linde et al. 2006). Furthermore, two QTLs were detected on LG3 with the scoring 109

of prickle density (Crespel et al. 2002). Using two F1 progenies, Hibrand-Saint Oyant 110

et al. (2018) also identified a large QTL (or two neighboring QTLs) on LG3 (between 111

position 31 Mb - 46.5 MB corresponding to the end of the chromosome 3) and a 112

significant association between position 31 and 32.4 Mb using a GWAS approach. In 113

tetraploid roses, three QTLs were identified in relation to the number of prickles on the 114

stem: two located on LG2 and one on LG3 (Koning-Boucoiran et al. 2009). Using the 115


6 same K5 population with the same phenotype data but a new genetic map, different 116

QTLs were detected on LG3, 4 and 6 and on LG2 (one year) (Bourke et al. 2018).


Recently, a WRKY transcription factor, homologous to Arabidopsis TTG2, was located 118

close to a QTL controlling prickle density, and the gene transcripts are differentially 119

accumulated between prickle and prickless roses (Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. 2018).


In this study, our objectives were to decipher the genetic determinism of stem prickles 121

in rose and to characterize candidate genes involved in prickle initiation and 122

development. First, we defined the different types of prickles on the stem and studied 123

them separately. Using an F1 progeny, we detected QTLs and their position in the rose 124

genome sequence. We further analyzed how the alleles of the major QTLs affect the 125

presence of prickles. We identified putative candidate genes (homologues of genes 126

involved in trichome initiation and development in Arabidopsis) and studied their 127

transcript accumulation. That study suggested that prickles and trichomes may carry 128

two different genetic pathways, providing new insights into the relationship between 129

prickles and trichomes.


Materials and methods


Plant material 132

A progeny of 151 diploid F1 hybrids obtained from a cross between the female Rosa 133

chinensis ‘Old Blush’ (OB) × the male R. x wichurana (RW) was used for map 134

construction (described in Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. 2018) and QTL analysis. The 135

plants were grown in a field and managed by the Horticulture Experimental Unit 136

(INRAE, Angers, France). The plants were pruned each December. In the following 137


7 spring, new stems developed from the axillary buds from the old pruned stems, and are 138

referred to as “floral stems” since they develop flowers. Later, new stems arise from the 139

base of the plant and are referred to as “main stems”. They remain vegetative in once- 140

flowering individuals and may become floral in continuous-flowering individuals.


Phenotypic data collection and analyses 142

To score prickle density, we selected three independent floral and main stems for each 143

F1 progeny and the two parents. The prickle numbers were counted for each selected 144

stem on four internodes (located in the middle of the stem) for three years (2016, 2017 145

and 2018).


Statistical analysis and visualization were performed using R version 3.2.3. We 147

visualized the frequency distribution and Q-Q plot using the ‘hist’, ‘legend’, ‘qqnorm’


and ‘qqline’ functions. We performed mixed-factorial ANOVA analysis with ‘aov’. A 149

‘shapiro.test’ was used to test the normality of the original data and the ANOVA 150

residuals. When the null hypothesis was negated, ‘kruskal.test’ was used to test if there 151

was any significant difference between the replicate shoots, years and the type of stem 152

variance. ‘pairwise.wilcox.test’ with ‘p.adjust.method =BH’ was used to calculate 153

pairwise comparisons between group levels with corrections for multiple testing. We 154

displayed the distribution of prickle density with a boxplot to compare the difference 155

between the variance using the ggplot2 and ggpubr packages.



8 Variance components were estimated with the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) 157

method using the ‘sommer’ package. Phenotype variance components of prickle density 158

were obtained using the following model:


Pijlr =µ+ Gi + Sl + Y(l)j + GSil +GYij + ɛijlr, 160

where Pijlr is the phenotypic value of a trait counted on a triplicate stem r of the stem 161

type l of the individual i in the year j, µ is the overall mean, Gi is the random effect of 162

genotype i, Sl is the random effect of stem type l, Y(l)j is the random effect of year j 163

nested in stem type l, GSil is the random interaction between genotype i and stem type 164

l, GYij is the random interaction between genotype i and year j, and ɛijlr is the random 165

residual error.


The phenotypic variance (𝜎𝑃2) of stem prickles was divided into the variance of 167

genotypic effect (𝜎𝐺2), genotype × year interaction (𝜎𝐺𝑌2 ), genotype × stem type 168

interaction (𝜎𝐺𝑆2 ), and the residual error variance (𝜎𝐸2).


Narrow-sense heritability (h2) was calculated as follows:


2 = 𝜎𝐺2/(𝜎𝐺2+𝜎𝐺𝑌2 /y+𝜎𝐺𝑆2 /s+𝜎𝐸2/𝑦𝑠𝑟) 171

where y is the number of years, r is the number of replication shoots per individual, and 172

s is the number of stem types (PF and PM).


Genotypic data 174

The genetic determinism was conducted using the genetic map previously obtained by 175

Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. (2018) and modified by Lopez-Arias et al. (in prep).


QTL Analysis 177

In this study,we performed QTL detection for prickles on the floral (PF) and main (PM) 178


9 stems from data scored in 2016, 2017, 2018 (referred to as PF2016, PF2017, PF2018, 179

PM2016, PM2017 and PM2018, respectively). QTL analyses were carried out using the 180

R/qtl in R version 3.2.3. Based on the non-normal phenotype distribution data, single 181

QTL analysis and LOD scores were calculated using the ‘scanone’ function with non- 182

parametric model (model="np", ties.random = FALSE, method = "em") and the two- 183

part model (model="2part", upper = FALSE) (Boyartchuk et al. 2001).


In the non-parametric model, the genome-wide and chromosome-wide significance 185

thresholds of LOD scores were estimated by permutations tests (n.perm = 1000, 186

n.cluster = 20). The Bayesian credible interval was computed with 0.95 and 0.99 187

coverage probabilities. When QTLs for different traits had overlapping 0.95 credible 188

intervals, they were declared to be a potentially “common QTL (cQTL)” (Kawamura 189

et al. 2011). The percent of variance explained by each QTL was calculated by ‘makeqtl’


and ‘fitqtl’ with a ‘normal’ model.


In the two-part model, the phenotype was separated into two parts: first, the trait value 192

was considered as without (0) or with (1) prickles; if it had prickles, the trait value 193

above zero was assumed to be normally distributed. Three LOD scores for each 194

genomic position were calculated: LOD(p) and LOD(µ) were calculated for binary 195

traits (0 or 1) and non-zero phenotype quantitative traits (> 0), respectively; LOD(p,µ) 196

is simply the sum of the LOD scores from the two separate analyses (Broman 2003).


The genome-wide significance thresholds of threeLOD hypotheses were also estimated 198

by 1000 permutation tests and summarized by a 0.05 alpha threshold. The percent of 199

variance explained was calculated by ‘makeqtl’ and ‘fitqtl’ with ‘binary’ and 'normal' 200


10 models for binary(p) and quantitative(µ) traits.


Selection of rose candidate genes involved in prickle density 202

Proteins involved in trichome initiation and development were selected in A. thaliana 203

from the TAIR database (https://www.arabidopsis.org) with searching terms GL1, 204

MYB82, MYB61, CPC, TRY, GL3, TT8, MYC1, TTG1, TTG2, ZFP5, ZFP1, GIS2, 205

GIS3, GL2. Rose homologues were searched using BLASTp in the Rosa chinensis 206

Genome v1.0 (Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. 2018). In addition, we also searched the 207

transcription factors (TF) belonging to the bHLH, WD40, R2R3MYB, C2H2 and 208

WRKY families in rose and which were located on the major cQTL interval of LG3.


Using Geneious 9.1.7, ‘Multiple Align’ was performed for the family gene sequences.


Conserved domains were used to build phylogenetic trees using the ‘Geneious Tree 211

Builder’ tool with the Jukes-Cantor genetic distance model and the UPGMA tree build 212

method. The rose candidate genes were named according to the following nomenclature 213

corresponding to Rc (for Rosa chinensis) added to the corresponding gene name in 214

Arabidopsis, e.g., RcTTG2 for the rose TTG2 homologue.


Gene expression analysis 216

Primers were designed using Primer Premier 5.0 software. To ensure the specificity of 217

the primers, forward and reverse primers were designed in the last exon and in the 218

beginning (first 100 bp) of the 3'UTR. Primer length was between 18 and 25 bp, product 219

length was between 70 and 200 bp, GC content was between 40% and 60%, and the 220

annealing temperature was 58~65 ℃. Primers are listed in Supplementary Table 1.


For the qPCR experimental design, we selected four contrasting once-flowering 222


11 individuals from the OW progeny for prickle density: two with no prickles (OW9067 223

and OW9068) and two with prickles (OW9137 and OW9071 with means of 2.5 and 4 224

prickles per internode on the main stem, respectively). The materials were sampled in 225

April 2018 in a greenhouse (three biological replicates). Stems were harvested at 226

different stages of prickle development for roses with prickles, and stems at the same 227

stages for roses without prickles (Supplementary Figure 1). Total RNA was extracted 228

using the NucleoSpin RNA Plus-XS kit for early stages (I and IIa) and using the 229

NucleoSpin RNA Plus-kit for later stages (IIb, IIc and III) according to the 230

manufacturer’s instructions, with minus modifications (2%PVP40 in lysis buffet). The 231

purity of the RNA was checked on 1% agarose gel, and the concentration was measured 232

by an UV spectrophotometer. cDNA was obtained from 500 ng of total RNA using 233

iScriptTM Reverse Transcription Supermix for RT-qPCR (Bio-Rad, Hercules) 234

accordant to the manufacturer’s instructions.The purity and quality of the cDNA were 235

checked by performing PCR amplification with a blank and RW’s DNA sample control, 236

and the concentration was measured with a UV spectrophotometer. RT-qPCR reactions 237

were performed using the soAdvancedTM Universal SYBR® Green Supermix (Bio- 238

Rad) on the CFX Connect Real-time PCR system (Bio-Rad). The gene efficiency was 239

evaluated with a serial dilution of the thirty cDNAs pooling (1:10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 240

500, 1000). A 1:25 dilution of each cDNA was used to analyse the expression pattern 241

of ten candidate genes and two reference genes UBC and TCTP (Randoux et al. 2012).


Data collection was performed using the Bio-Rad CFX Maestro1.1. Amplification 243

efficiency of the ten genes ranged from 90.5-104.1%. The reference genes UBC and 244


12 TCTP presented high expression stability in all the samples.


For the technical replicates, potential outliers were excluded from the analysis when the 246

standard deviation (SD) of samples is higher than 0.5. Only seven technical replicates 247

(seven out of 390) were excluded: CPC in PIIb (biological group A, C) and in NPIIc 248

(group A), GIS2 in NPIIc (group C), NPIII (group B) and PIII (group B).


Normalized expression (∆∆Cq) was calculated using Bio-Rad Maestro1.1 software by 250

applying the ‘gene study’ tool. The cluster analysis for sample and target genes with the 251

mean value of normalized expression was performed using R software with the 252

‘pheatmap’ package. NP samples were used as controls to compare the normalized 253

expression of genes between P and NP samples in the different stages. |Fold change 254

(FC)| >2 and the Wilcoxon signed rank test (p-value < 0.05) as cut-off values in scatter 255

plots were used to demonstrate the significant difference of normalized expression 256

between P and NP samples. NPI was used as a control to visualize the relative 257

normalized expression during stem development in prickle and glabrous stems.




1-Type, distribution and genetic variability of stem prickles in OW progeny 260

Both parents of the F1 progeny (‘Old Blush’ and R. x wichurana) present prickles on 261

their stems (Figure 1a) (a mean of around ten prickles on four internodes). In the F1


progeny, hybrids without prickle can be observed (14 out of 151; no prickles on the 263

three stems scored over three years). These hybrids with glabrous stems (Figure 1b) 264

are referred to as ‘prickless’ individuals (Figure 1c). Out of the 137 F1 individuals with 265

prickles (Figure 1b), nine hybrids were nearly prickless (prickle number on four 266


13 internodes < 1 for three scored years and two types of stems; Figure 1d, Supplementary 267

Figure 2), and numerous stems were glabrous for some individuals, whereas other stems 268

presented a few prickles (variable between the genotypes with unstable states between 269

years and types of stems). Macroscopic analysis shows that parents that present prickles 270

originated from a ‘non-glandular’ structure. These prickles are referred to as Non- 271

Glandular Prickles (NGP). All the F1 prickly individuals (137 out of 151) have NGP.


However, some individuals with NGP prickles also present another type of prickle (27 273

out of 137). These prickles present a ‘glandular head’ structure and are referred to as 274

Glandular Prickles (GP) (Figure 1b and 1c, Supplementary Figure 2). Since the 275

presence of GP in the OW progeny is rare (27 and 12 out of 151 on flowers and main 276

stems, respectively; Figure 1d) and very irregular, we decided to consider only NGPs 277

in this study.


For the 151 F1 progenies, the number of NGPs on four internodes of floral (PF) and 279

main (PM) stems ranged from 0 to 52 and from 0 to 48, respectively (Supplementary 280

Figure 2). Among them, OW9106 and OW9107 have a much higher prickle density (28 281

to 52 in the scored years) than the others. As for the two parents, OB and RW have an 282

average of 11.1 and 8.7 on PF, and an average of 11.8 and 9.2 on PM, respectively 283

(Figure 1a, Table 1). The ranges of NGP numbers in the F1 hybrids were obviously 284

beyond the values of the two parents, indicating a transgressive segregation.


The Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the Q-Q plot of original data (W = (0.692~0.936), 286

p < 2.96 ×10-8) (Supplementary Figure 2) and variance residuals (W = 0.88591, p- 287

value < 2.2e-16) showed that the NGP densities on stems in the F1 population were not 288


14 normally distributed. We tried to transform data (log10, SQRT, box-cox) to make them 289

normal but without success. The Kruskal-Wallis test reveals a genotype effect, a year 290

effect and a stem effect (Table 1). The high heritability (h2 ≈ 0.97) demonstrated that 291

the genetic analyses of stem prickle of this population were reliable (Table 1).


2- QTL analysis 293

2.1 Non-parametric QTL analysis 294

For the female and male maps, strong QTLs were detected on LG3 for the two types of 295

stems and for the three years (Figure 2 and Table 2). The LOD scores are higher for the 296

male map (between 8 and 11.5) and relatively lower for the female map (between 2.3 297

and 6.2). These QTLs explained between 6.65 to 37.4% of the phenotypic variance. The 298

locations of these QTLs are very close. Indeed, on the female map, the marker at the 299

peak of the QTLs is the same for both types of stems (Rh12GR_16570_782, 51.1 cM, 300

located on the chr3 at 44,459,262 bp according to the Rosa chinensis Genome v1.0 301

(Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. 2018)), except for PM2018 (Rh12GR_34665_95, 45.7 cM, 302

located on chr3 at 41,401,120 bp). On the male map, for the two types of stems and for 303

the three years, the marker with the highest LOD for the QTLs detected on LG3 is the 304

same, Rh12GR_52506_1218 (42.6 cM on the LG3, 42,317,122 bp on Chr3), which is 305

the terminal marker on the genetic map but not on the physical map.


Furthermore, if we consider the common 0.95 Bayesian credible interval of these QTLs 307

on LG3 on the female and male maps, all intervals are overlapping (Table 2 and Figure 308

4). For the female map, the interval on LG3 was 40.38-53.75 cM, which corresponds 309

to the interval 36,517,224-46,440,369 bp on the physical map of chr3 (Figure 4a), and 310


15 for the male map, the interval on LG3 was 37.69-42.55 cM, corresponding to the 311

interval 41,648,024-42,317,122 bp on the physical map (Table 2, Figure 4b).


On LG4, QTLs were only detected on the female map for the main stem for the three 313

years (Figure 2, Table 2). The peak marker Rh12GR_60129_183 located at 30.6 cM, 314

which is located on chr4 at 52,239,028 bp, explained 10.35 to 13.18% of the observed 315

variance depending on the year of the phenotypic variance in the single QTL model.


The common 0.95 credible interval on LG4 was 20.53-48.59 cM, which covered from 317

46,189,407-56,107,784 bp on the physical map (Figure 4a, Table 2).


On LG6, QTLs were only detected on the male map for three years for PM and for two 319

years (2017 and 2018) for PF (Figure 2 and Table 2). For PM (2016, 2017 and 2018) 320

and PF (2017), the peak marker is the same, Rh12GR_56601_1304 (29.7 cM, located 321

on chr6 at 31,814,891 bp). For PF2018, the peak marker is Rh88_37299_454 (11.5 cM, 322

located on chr6 at 5,410,244 bp). These QTLs explained between 5.28 and 8.45% of 323

the observed variance. The common 0.95 credible interval was from 15.59 to 42.49 cM, 324

which covered from 8,578,645 to 44,264,630 bp on the physical map (Figure 4b, Table 325



On LG1, QTLs were only detected on the male map for PF for two years (2016 and 327

2018), and explained 6.52 and 6.99% of phenotypic variance, respectively. The 328

common 0.95 credible interval was at 12.78-44.11 cM, which covered from 329

20,231,658-62,553,371 bp on the physical map (Figure 4b, Table 2).



16 We checked the interaction between OB3@Rh12GR_16570_782 and OB4@Rh12GR_


60129_183, and between RW3@Rh12GR_52506_1218 and


RW6@Rh12GR_56601_1304, and no significant interaction was detected.


2.2 Two-part QTL analysis 334

In order to extend the analysis even further, we performed a two-part QTL analysis to 335

test the penetrance (presence/absence of prickles, LOD(p) were calculated with binary 336

traits) and the severity (density of prickles on stems with prickles, LOD(µ) were 337

calculated with non-zero quantitative phenotype) of these QTLs.


For the hypothesis LOD(p) on the female and male maps, we obtained a significant 339

LOD(p) on the LG3 for the two types of stem (PF and PM) and the three years (Figure 340

3, Supplementary Table 2). The marker with the highest LOD score on the OB map is 341

the same: Rw35C24 (SSR marker) located at 44.4cM (Chr03: 40,215,502 bp). This 342

QTL explained 13.38% to 16.72% of the variation. The peak marker on the RW map is 343

also the same for PF and PM for the three years: Rh12GR_52506_1218 located at 42.6 344

cM (42,317,122 bp). This QTL explained 20.69 to 33.21% of the variation. These data 345

suggested that the QTL detected on LG3 mainly controls the presence/absence of 346

prickles. Moreover, the LOD(p) on LG2 and LG6 for the male map were only 347

significant in PF2016 and PM2016, respectively (Figure 3), and they showed a weak 348

effect with an explanation of 1.80% and 2.70% of the variance, respectively 349

(Supplementary Table 2).


For the LOD(µ) hypothesis, we detected a significant QTL on the female map on LG4 351

for PM (2016 and 2017) and PF (2016) (Figure 3, Supplementary Table 2). The QTLs 352


17 explained 9.02% to 9.88% of the observed phenotypic variances. Therefore, this QTL 353

might be involved in the control of prickle density. On LG3, a significant QTL was 354

detected on the male map for PM (2016, 2017, 2018) and PF (2016), suggesting that a 355

QTL on LG3 might also control prickle density. This QTL is in the same region of the 356

QTL detected for penetrance (Figure 3, Supplementary Table 2). On LG1, the LOD(µ) 357

peaks in OB (PM2018) and in RW (PF2018) were higher than the genome-wild 358

threshold (µ); these QTLs explained 6.66% and 7.80%, respectively, of prickle density 359



2.3- The interaction of the LG3-QTL allele between OB and RW 361

Based on non-parametric and two-part methods, we identified QTLs for the presence 362

of prickles on LG3 for the OB and RW maps in the same region. To further investigate 363

how the alleles on these QTLs affect the presence of prickles, we visualized the number 364

of prickles for each genotype in the hybrid population depending of the Mendelian 365

distribution of the SNP markers at the LOD peak (Figure 5). The female and male 366

alleles are referred to as a,b and c,d, respectively. The separation ratio ac:ad:bc:cd in 367

offspring is 33:54:16:48, and was significantly different from the expected segregation 368

of 1:1:1:1 (37.5 for each) with a p-value = 0.004 estimated by a chi-squared test (Figure 369



For PF and PM in all three years, we clearly see that the bd allele combination in hybrids 371

is correlated with no-prickle individuals or individuals with only a few prickles (less 372

than two on four internodes), whereas ac, ad and bc genotypes present prickles (Figure 373

5). These results suggest a dominant/recessive model for this QTL with the b and d 374


18 alleles linked to the null or recessive alleles (prickless mutant) and the a and c alleles 375

linked to the dominant alleles (prickles). For PM, a co-dominant effect can be detected 376

since the phenotype for ac is significantly different from the one for ad and bc (ac > ad 377

and ac > bc, p-value < 0.05, except for PM2016 between ac and ab; Figure 5), even if 378

the effect is weak (no large difference between the mean for ac and ad/bc). For PF, no 379

co-dominant effect was detected.


We also observed some odd phenotypes. For instance, OW9067 and OW9068 (red dots) 381

had no prickles and were grouped in the ad genotype, perhaps due to recombination 382

between the marker and the prickle locus (Figure 5). For individuals with the bd 383

genotype, six individuals (blue and green dots) always have prickles: OW9062, 384

OW9021, OW9052 and OW9109 (blue dots) look like the usual prickle genotypes and 385

are probably caused by recombination, but the two extreme exceptions, OW9106 and 386

OW9107 (green dots) with the highest prickle density are not that easy to clarify.


Moreover, some individuals exist with both prickly and glabrous stems in the same 388



3- Candidate genes in the QTL interval region and gene expression analysis 390

3.1 Candidate gene characterization and location in rose.


Since it was proposed that prickles originate from a deformation of glandular trichomes 392

in rose (Kellogg et al. 2011), we looked for rose homologues of transcription factors 393

(TF) known to be involved in the molecular control of trichome initiation and 394

development in Arabidopsis. The information from 15 TFs such as the bHLH (basic 395

helix-loop-helix), C2H2 Zinc-Finger, MYB, WD40 repeat and WRKY families are 396


19 presented in Supplementary Table 3. For a more detailed annotation, we performed 397

phylogenetic analyses on these protein families (Supplementary Figure 3).


Concerning the bHLH family (Supplementary Figure 3a), RC7G0190300, 399

RC1G0342400 and RC6G0407800 showed strong similarity with GLABROUS3, 400

MYC1 and TT8, respectively, where all of the proteins are in the same clade. They are 401

referred to as RcGL3, RcMYC1 and RcTT8, respectively.


For the C2H2 family, RC3G0150000, RC4G0390900 and RC4G0476500 are closely 403

related to GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS proteins (GIS, GIS2 and GIS3) 404

and ZINC FINGER PROTEIN (ZFP5, 6 and 8). RC3G0150000 seems to be more 405

closely related to GIS2, RC4G0390900 to GIS3 and RC4G0476500 to ZFP5.


RC2G0415300 and RC6G0454700 are related to ZFP1 and ZFP3 and AT5G10970.


They are referred to as RcZFP1-like1 and RcZFP1-like2, considering that they are 408

closer to ZFP1 (Supplementary Figure 3b).


R2R3 MYB and R3 MYB belong to the MYB family (Supplementary Figure 3c). In 410

the R2R3 MYB sub-family (blue sub-tree), RC7G0156100 is in the same clade as 411

GLABROUS1, whereas RC2G0033100 and RC7G0261400 are more closely related to 412

MYB82 and TT2, respectively. RC3G0322900 is in the same clade as MYB61, MYB50 413

and MYB86. In the R3 MYB sub-family (red sub-tree), RC2G0548400, RC1G0560100 414

and Chr1g0359121 (Raymond et al. 2018) are in the same clade of CPC, TRY, ETC1 415

and ETC3. RC1G0560100 and Chr1g0359121 are more closely related to TRY and 416

CPC, and are referred to as RcTRY and RcCPC, respectively. (Supplementary Figure 417




20 In the WD40 family, RC1G0586100 showed a strong similarity to TRANSPARENT 419

TESTA GLABRA 1(TTG1), and RC3G0186600 and RC2G0693200 also belong to this 420



In the WRKY family, as previously shown by Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. (2018), 422

RC3G0244800 shows a strong similarity with AtTTG2 (TESTATRANSPARENT 423

GLABRA2), whereas RC3G0309600 and RC3G0309700 seem to be more closely 424

related to WRKY54 and WRKY70, RC3G0392200 to WRKY74, and RC3G0414600 425

appears to be related to WRKY34 and WRKY2.


We then located these rose homologue genes on the rose genome and looked for co- 427

location between these genes and the QTLs previously described (Figure 4A and B).


Concerning the QTLs on LG3 (male and female map, Figure 4a and b), the most 429

interesting TF among the detected genes was RcMYB61 (RC3G0322900, at Chr03:


39,896,892-39,899,077) located in the cQTL interval (36.517-46.440 Mb) for the 431

female map (Figure 4A). As previously described (Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. 2018), a 432

homologue of TTG2, a WRKY transcription factor (RC3G0244800), is also located in 433

the credible interval. RcGIS2 (RC3G015000), a GIS2 homologue is also located on LG3 434

but not in the cQTL interval. In addition to the candidate TFs, we also scanned the other 435

TFs co-located in the cQTL interval on LG3 of the female map. There are four bHLH, 436

two C2H2, three R2R3MYB and seven WD40 transcription factors (Supplementary 437

Figure 3, in blue) located under the cQTL.


Concerning the cQTL interval on LG4, RcGIS3 is positioned at Chr04: 50,315,805 - 439

50,317,009 (1.21 Kb), and near the peak marker Rh12GR_55601_ 1304 (52,239,028 440


21 kb) on the female map (Figure 4A). RC4G0476500, a ZFP5 homologue, is also located 441

on the female LG4 but not in the QTL interval.


Concerning the QTL on the male LG1, RcMYC1, RcTRY and RcCPC, which are 443

positioned at 44,468,298-44,473,643 bp, 47,708,966-47,709,896 bp and 62,070,383- 444

62,072,848 bp, respectively, are located in the cQTL region (20.232Mb-62.553Mb) of 445

PF (2016, 2018) on the male LG1. The gene RC1G0586100 (RcTTG1) is also located 446

on LG1 but outside this interval.


For the male LG6, RC6G0407800, a homologue of TT8, is not located in the cQTL 448

credible interval, and no studied gene was detected below this QTL.


3.2 Candidate gene expression in glabrous and prickle roses.


Based on the positional approach, we identified ten interesting candidate genes, six 451

within the QTL interval and the other four outside of QTL but near the credible interval 452

(Figure 4). In order to obtain more information about these genes, we studied their 453

transcript accumulation by RT-qPCR in tissues from prickle (P) and prickless (NP) 454

stems at different developmental stages: I, IIa, IIb, IIc, III (Supplementary Figure 1).


The cluster analysis of gene expression clearly showed that all the samples can be 456

divided into two main groups: PI, NPI, PIIa, NPIIa, PIIb, NPIIb were gathered into one 457

group, and PIIc, NPIIc, PIII, NPIII into another group (Figure 6a). At the sup-group 458

level, PI and NPI, PIIa and NPIIa, PIIb and NPIIb, PIIc and NPIIc were clustered 459

together, respectively. At the same stem developmental stage, prickle and glabrous 460

samples (P and NP) behave similarly, suggesting no major difference of transcript 461

accumulation between prickle and glabrous samples; the observed differences are more 462


22 closely related to stem development.


To extend the analysis even further, we used NP as a control to compare the normalized 464

expression of genes between P and NP samples in the different stages (Figure 6b). In 465

stage I, two genes are differentially expressed: RcMYB61 and RcGIS2 were down- 466

regulated in prickly stems, with a significant p-value = 4.1e-5 and 2.9e-4 (Figure 6b), 467

respectively. In stage IIa, only RcZFP5 was significantly differentially expressed 468

between P and NP, with a p-value = 0.0056 and FC = -5.7606 (Figure 6b). A different 469

pattern is observed in stage IIb where RcZFP5 expression was up-regulated with FC = 470

8.2240 and a p-value = 0.0025. In addition, the transcripts of RcMYC1, RcCPC and 471

RcGIS2 were also significantly accumulated (p-value = 4.1e-5, 0.0048, 0.0012, 472

respectively) in stage IIb. In stage IIc, no significant change in gene expression was 473

detected. In stage III, the RcGIS2 transcript is differentially accumulated with FC = - 474

4.908 and a p-value = 0.043. The same pattern is observed for RcMYB61 with a p- 475

value = 4.9e-4.


We followed the transcript accumulation during stem development in prickly and 477

glabrous stems (NPI as a control; Figure 6c). All the studied genes are regulated 478

between the different samples. For instance, RcMYB61 is up-regulated and RcMYC1 is 479

down-regulated between the different stages. For RcZFP5, we observed a delay in the 480

decrease of transcript accumulation, with a decrease in stage IIa for glabrous stems and 481

in stage IIb for stems with prickles (Figure 6c).




Two types of prickles are present in the OW progeny, originating from different 484


23 structures.


A good understanding of prickle morphology is required to serve as the foundation for 486

genetic and molecular studies. We identified two different types of prickles in our 487

population: it appears that GP and NGP originate from glandular and non-glandular 488

structures, respectively. This conclusion is different from previous studies in rose, 489

which reported that prickles were extensions or modifications of glandular trichomes 490

(Kellogg et al. 2011), and in other species (Ma et al. 2016b; Pandey et al. 2018). Asano 491

et al. (2008) observed two types of prickles in the cultivated rose ‘Laura’, described as 492

large size and small size prickles. The large size prickles look similar to NGPs in our 493

study. The small size prickles, referred to as acicles (Asano et al. 2008), are more 494

closely related to the glandular prickles (GP) we observed since they have a glandular 495

head that accompanies them throughout their lifetime. The difference between these 496

two types of prickles is also related to their segregation in the OW population (Figure 497

1d), demonstrating that different genetic determinisms are involved. In this study, since 498

only a few F1 individuals had GPs, we cannot perform a genetic analysis on GPs, we 499

concentrated our analysis on NGPs.


A complex genetic determinism for prickles in rose 501

Prickles on stems exhibited transgressive segregation in diploid OW, the same as for 502

the tetraploid K5 population (Koning-Boucoiran et al. 2012; Gitonga et al. 2014;


Bourke et al. 2018), supporting the hypothesis that multiple loci may be responsible for 504

this trait.



24 Using the ‘non- parametric’ QTL approach, we detected a stable QTL on LG3 in the 506

three different years for both types of stems (PM and PF) on both the male and female 507

genetic maps. We also demonstrated that this QTL mainly controls the 508

presence/absence of prickles (Figure 3) using the ‘two-part’ QTL method. Interestingly, 509

for PM in males, the QTL on LG3 may also be involved in regulating prickle density 510

(severity in the two-part QTL analysis; Figure 3). A similar phenomenon was observed 511

for the petal number with a locus on LG3 that controls the difference between simple 512

and double petals, and a variance of the petal number that exists within the double petal 513

flower is controlled by another locus (Roman et al. 2015; Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al.




We further enhanced the description of QTLs on LG3 that affect the presence/absence 516

of prickles. A significantly distorted segregation was observed at the peak marker 517

position. That unusual segregation ratio might be explained by the presence of a self- 518

incompatibility locus (Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. 2018) near the peak marker for this 519

QTL. On the basis of the phenotype-genotype relationship (Figure 5), we proposed that 520

the PRICKLE alleles on this QTL are both heterozygous (np/P) in OB and RW, and that 521

the presence of prickles is controlled by a dominant allele (np/P or P/P), and that the 522

glabrous stem in the progeny is due to the combination of the two recessive alleles 523

coming from both parents (np/np). These results are important for breeders who need 524

to combine recessive alleles to obtain glabrous roses, an allelic combination that can be 525

difficult in tetraploid roses. Development of specific molecular markers of the recessive 526

allele may by useful for breeders. However, it should be noted that the actual markers 527


25 used (peak of the QTL) are only closely linked to the PRICKLE locus and few 528

recombinants are observed in the progeny. Furthermore, the phenotype of the 529

individuals with the two recessive alleles (bd phenotype; Figure 5) are not stable and 530

some of the hybrids were regularly seen to develop some prickles on parts of the stems.


Indeed, this phenomenon is widespread in roses. Rose breeders have reported that 532

glabrous mutants have either been unstable for the prickless trait (Nobbs 1984; Rosu et 533

al. 1995), or reverted to the prickly character after a freezing winter or other 534

environmental stresses (Nobbs 1984; Oliver 1986; Druitt and Shoup 1991; Canli 2003).


Taken together, we assumed that a single major locus on LG3 controlled the 536

absence/presence of stem prickles. Further investigations are necessary to more closely 537

identify molecular markers (for molecular assisted breeding) and the mechanisms 538

behind the instability.


In the ac, ad and bc genotypes, each genotype has a continuous quantitative trait, 540

indicating that there are other loci responsible for prickle density variance. Other QTLs 541

affecting quantitative traits were detected on LG4 in OB and on LG1 and 3 in RW (Two- 542

part QTL analysis; Figure 3). The LG4 QTL has a strong effect on PM but a weak effect 543

on PF. For the QTL on LG1, it only had a weak effect on PF and on PM in 2018. Those 544

three loci are related to the density of prickles, indicating that there are multiple genes 545

responsible for the density trait, and that those genes have a different effect on the 546

different stems.


Detected QTLs are conserved in the Rosa genus and the Rosideae subfamily 548

Thanks to the link between genetic maps and reference genome sequences (Hibrand- 549


26 Saint Oyant et al. 2018), we were able to compare our results with previous genetic 550

studies by associating genetic map markers.


A QTL was previously detected on LG3 in different diploid and tetraploid populations 552

(Crespel et al. 2002; Linde et al. 2006; Koning-Boucoiran et al. 2012; Hibrand-Saint 553

Oyant et al. 2018 ; Bourke et al. 2018), which is consistent with our results: a strong 554

QTL on Chr3 with a high LOD value was detected in all of the environments (across 555

and between years and types of stems). This demonstrated that Chr3 QTL is a robust 556

QTL detected independently of ploidy and the environment, and is present in various 557

genetic backgrounds.


Recently, three QTLs on LG3, 4 and 6 were detected in the tetraploid K5 population 559

with a high density of SNPs genetic map (Bourke et al. 2018). Interestingly, the QTLs 560

identified from the diploid (OW) were almost identical to tetraploid (K5) populations 561

(LG3, 4 and 6), with the slight difference that we also detected a weak QTL on LG1, 562

which was only significant in males for two of the years. This slight difference might 563

be due to the genetic background of the parents of the K5 and OW populations. In 564

fact, in K5 populations, one parent is prickly and the other glabrous, whereas in OW 565

populations, both parents have prickles. Bourke et al. (2018) reported that two SNP 566

markers, K7826_576 (located on the Chr3: 37,706,920 pb) and K5629_995 (located on 567

the Chr4: 57,791,999 bp) are linked to the stem prickle trait. When compared with our 568

results, K7826_576 is located within our Chr3 cQTL interval region (36,517,224- 569

46,440,369 bp; Figure 4), and K5629_995 is very close to our Chr4 QTL interval 570

(46,189,407-56,107,784 bp). These results suggest that QTLs detected on LG3 and 4 571


27 could be similar between OW and K5 progenies.


In Rosaceae, the genetic determinism of prickle was studied in raspberry (Rubus 573

idaeus), where two QTLs were detected on LG4 and 6 (Molina-Bravo et al. 2014).


Using synteny viewer tools (https://www.rosaceae.org/synview/search; Jung et al.


2014), we checked the synteny. The region where the QTL is located on LG6 in R.


occidentalis (position 6,028Mb) is syntenic with a region on rose chromosome 2 577

(position 42,330 Mb), where no QTL for prickle density was detected in our study. The 578

region where the QTL 4 is located (position 0.101 Mb) is syntenic with the region on 579

rose chromosome 4 (position 58,768 Mb), very close to the main QTL we detected on 580

this chromosome (Table 2). These results could suggest that the two QTLs in rose and 581

raspberry might be syntenic and share a common evolutionary history. In another 582

publication, Graham et al. (2006) identified the gene H that controls cane pubescence.


The locus is mapped on LG2, which is syntenic with the rose LG6 where one of the 584

QTLs is located, detected in R. x wichurana. However, no precise location is available 585

to allow us to assume a possible common origin.


Candidate gene below the QTL interval region 587

Prickles are assumed to originate from a ‘trichome-like structure’. In order to find a 588

putative candidate gene for the identified QTLs, we looked for homologue genes known 589

to be involved in trichome initiation and development in Arabidopsis. We annotated 15 590

rose TFs that, based on similarity, can be involved in trichome development in rose:


RcGL1, RcMYB82, RcMYB61, RcCPC, RcTRY, RcGL3, RcTT8, RcMYC1, RcTTG1, 592

RcTTG2, RcZFP5, RcGIS3, RcGIS2, RcZFP1 and RcGL2 (Table 3). Among them, a 593


28 few were below the detected QTLs: RcMYB61 and RcTTG2 below the QTL on LG3;


RcGIS3 below the QTL on LG4; and RcCPC, RcTRY and RcMYC1 below the QTL on 595

LG1. ZFP5 (Chr04: 57,125,905 bp) is out of the QTL interval on LG4 in OW, but close 596

to the peak LOD marker K5629_995 of QTL in the K5 population (Chr04: 57,791,999 597

bp) (Bourke et al. 2018). These genes are good candidates for the detected QTLs.


Candidate genes transcript expression in glabrous and prickle F1 individuals 599

We quantified ten TF gene transcripts in glabrous and prickle F1 individuals in different 600

developmental stages using RT-qPCR. Surprisingly, minor differences were observed 601

between glabrous and prickle samples, with the main differences occurring between 602

developmental stages (as demonstrated by the heatmap analysis, Figure 6a). Based on 603

transcript accumulation, this suggests that these homologues, known to be involved in 604

trichome initiation and development in Arabidopsis, are not implicated in prickle 605

initiation in rose, leading to the hypothesis that the two processes (trichome initiation 606

and prickle initiation) might involve different gene pathways. The candidate gene 607

approach may not be appropriate and a non-a priori approach such as a transcriptomic 608

analysis could be done between individuals with and without prickles.


Nevertheless, some differences in transcript accumulation are observed between 610

candidate genes. In the early stage (stage I), only RcMYB61 and RcGIS2 are slightly 611

more highly accumulated in glabrous stems. However, GIS2 and MYB61 are positive 612

regulators of trichome initiation (Gan et al. 2006), which is difficult to reconcile with 613

an increase in transcript accumulation in glabrous stems (Figure 6). Negative feedback 614


29 regulation during prickle initiation can explain this point, as regularly observed in 615

trichome initiation (Pattanaik et al. 2014) or, perhaps, differences are not at the 616

transcriptional level. It could be interesting to sequence the genes in the two parents to 617

see if a mutation can explain the phenotype.


RcZFP5 may also be an interesting candidate gene. This gene showed a different 619

regulation between glabrous and prickly stems. At stage IIa, RcZFP5 shows a strong 620

down-regulation in glabrous tissue, whereas this down-regulation is observed later at 621

stage IIc in tissues with prickles (Figure 6C). Furthermore, this gene is close to the QTL 622

on LG4. Its early repression in glabrous stems might explain why no prickles developed.


In A. thaliana, ZFP5 controls trichome initiation through GA signaling (Zhou et al.


2011). These data (concerning ZFP5 and MYB61) might suggest an implication of GA 625

in prickle development. However, this hypothesis needs to be functionally validated in 626





Prickle structure is an undesirable trait, not only in rose but in most crops in general.


We identified a complex genetic determinism with a major locus on LG3 that controls 630

the presence of prickles and a few QTLs that control prickle density. Further studies are 631

necessary to develop markers for breeding selection and to identify the molecular bases.


Using a candidate gene approach, we proposed different hypotheses concerning the 633

gene involved in prickle initiation in rose. Approaches such as transcriptomics may help 634

to identify new key regulators of prickle initiation and development in rose.






We are grateful to the experimental unit (UE Horti) for their technical assistance in 637

plant management, and the ImHorPhen team (D. Besnard, R. Gardet) of IRHS for 638

taking care of the plant cuttings in the greenhouse. We would also like to thank the 639

IMAC technical platforms (F. Simonneau, A. Rolland) of SFR Quasav for supervising 640

the histological experiment, and the PTM ANAN (M. Bahut) of the SFR Quasav for 641

overseeing the RT-qPCR experiment. We acknowledge J. Chameau of the GDO team 642

for helping to obtain the different stages of the sample.


This work was supported by funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of 644

China (31760585), the China Scholarship Council ([2017]3109) and the Natural 645

Science Foundation of Yunnan (2016FB061).


Figure legends


Figure 1 Different types of prickles on the OW progeny stem and their distribution. (a) 648

Stem prickles in the female ‘Old Blush’ (OB) and the male R. x wichurana (RW); NGPs:


non-glandular prickles. (b) Stem prickles in F1 progeny. Glabrous: no prickles 650

whatsoever on the recorded stems in the three years. (c) Macroscopic photos of the 651

terminal part of the stems with different types of prickles (number of offspring); GPs:


glandular prickles. (d) The distribution and Q-Q plot of NGPs and GPs in the F1


progeny in 2018; PF: prickles on the floral stem; PM: prickles on the main stem.


Figure 2 LOD curves of the QTL scan for the NGPs on the floral (FM) and main (PM) 655

stems in (a) female (OB) and (b) male map (RW) calculated with a non-parametric 656

model for the three years (2016, 2017 and 2018, with red, blue and green lines, 657


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