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Magnetic field in a cavity


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1959

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Magnetic field in a cavity

W.H. Meiklejohn

To cite this version:

W.H. Meiklejohn. Magnetic field in a cavity. J. Phys. Radium, 1959, 20 (2-3), pp.88-92.

�10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-308800�. �jpa-00236073�




General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York, U. S. A.

Résumé. 2014 La valeur du champ classique de Lorentz dans


cavité sphérique (403C0 Ms/3)

n’est pas atteinte dans


matériau ferromagnétique à


niveau de saturation technique. Ceci

est dû à la formation de domaines de fermeture dans la substance à la surface de la cavité. Les

mesures effectuées

sur un

matériau ayant


saturation magnétique faible montrent que le champ

dans la cavité n’approche de la valeur 403C0 Ms/3 que pour des champs égaux à cinq fois le champ démagnétisant maximum de la substance. Comme l’a montré Néel


résultats montrent que les cavités


les inclusions non-magnétiques perturbent considérablement l’approche à la saturation dans les matériaux ferromagnétiques.



The classical Lorentz field in


spherical cavity of 403C0 Ms/3 does not




ferromagnetic material which has reached technical saturation. This effect is due to the formation of closure domains in the material


the surface of the cavity. Measurements of


material of low saturation magnetization shows that the field in the cavity approaches 403C0 Ms/3 only at fields



five times the maximum demagnetizing field in the material. These results show that cavities


non-magnetic inclusions will greatly effect the approach to saturation in ferromagnetic materials,


pointed out by Néel.


The magnetic field in an isotropie, homogeneous, uniformly magnetized material is given by the two


For the case of a spherical cavity in an infinitely long rod these relations give the field in the cavity (Be) as

because 4rc M


0 in the cavity and the only NM

is that due to the,divergence of M at the surface of the cavity.

One finds that for a practical ferromagnetic

material this relationship does not hold except as a

limiting case for very high values of Ha. Closure domains in the material near the surface of the

cavity cause large deviations from this relationship

for magnetic fields that produce technical satu-


Experimental procedure.


The cavity in the ferromagnetic material was made by machining a

half spherical hole in an end of two rods which

were from 1-1/2 to 5 inches in diameter by 12"

long as shown in Fig. 1. The two rods were butted together to form a spherical cavity. A hole 0.100"

in diameter was drilled into this cavity for inser-

tion of a gauss meter probe. The gauss meter

probe, as shown in the cross-sectional view of

Fig. 1, contains a small permanent magnet. A

FIG. 1. - A view of the cavity machined in the metal rods and the gauss meter used to mesnre the magnetic field.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-308800



torque is exerted on the permanent magnet by the magnetic field when the assembeyisrotated. This torque is bucked against the torque of a spring and

the scale is calibrated in gauss. The permanent magnet is a rod less than 1/8" long which is magne- tized across its diameter and is contained in tubing

of .090" outside diameter.

A schematic diagram of the rods assembled in

the electromagnet is shown in Fig. 2. The field Ha

FIG. 2.


A schematic diagram

of the rods assembled in the electromagnet.

is the field measured at the position of the cavity

with the ferromagnetic rod removed. The field at

the cavity when the ferromagnetic rod is in the electromagnet is slightly less than Ha due to the elimination of the polarization over the area of

contact between the rod and the electromagnet pole face. This field was calculated to be 60 oersteds and therefore quite negligible in this experiment where the différences are in the order of 1 000 oersteds.

The influence of the polarization of the butted

surfaces of the rods (there is some separation due

to surface roughness) and the hole for inserting the

probe are easily shown to be negligible. The field

at the center of the cavity due to the polarization

on the butted surfaces is calculated to be

where a = radius of thé spherical cavity

= 1/4 inch,

b = radius of the rod


3/4 inch,

L = separation of the butted surfaces ----10-- 3 cm,

.All = magnetic moment per unit volume


The field at the center of the oavity due to the polarization on the surface of the hole used to insert

the probe of the gauss meter is easily calculated

to be

where d


diameter of the drilled hole

== 1/8 irich,

M = magnetic moment per unit volume

= 1 700,

b = radius of the ferromagnetic rod

= 3fi inch,

a = radius of the cavity = 1/4 inch.



The expected behavior is deri- ved from two calculations that approximate the

low field and the high field regions. The low field

approximation is a calculation of the field in a

cavity of a paramagnetic material of semi-infinite

extent with no external demagnetizing surface.

FIG. 3.


The measured magnetic field in



cavity in


iron rod


compare with high field and low field calculations.

The calculation involves the solution of Poisson’s

equation with the given boundary conditions.

The result is :

where y


B /H.

For low magnetic fields the ferromagnetic

material will act somewhat like .a paramagnetic

material and the permeability will be high such

that 2u » 1. Hence we have

His’ behavior will be expected in iron up to


fields of about 2 000 oersteds where the permea-

bility of iron decreases below 10. This expected

behavior is shown in Fig. 3.

The high field approximation is the result of a

calculation of the field in a cavity of a uniformly polarized ferromagnetic material of semi-infinite extent with. no external demagnetizing surfaces.

The result of this calculation is

This expected behavior is shown for the high

field regions in Fig. 3.

Comparison of experiment.


The experimental

measurements of the field in a cavity in iron is

shown in Fig. 3. In the low field region one

obtains large deviations from the calculated beha- vior bécasse the material is not paramagnetic ; it is

neither homogeneous nor isotropic. Being a ferro- magnet, the material has a spontaneous magne-

tization due to the Weiss molecular field. There

are magnetic domains in the material, and there-

f ore B is not in the direction of H which was an

assumption in the derivation of Eq. (3). Because

of these domains, the vector distribution of the

polarization on the surface of the cavity will be quite different from the paramagnetic case. The

detailed calculation will depend upon the domain

configuration at the surface of the cavity.

In the high field region one should expect much better agreement between the calculated result

given by Eq. (4) and the experimental result (Fig. 3). For magnetic fields greater than all anisotropy fields present in the material one expects the magnetization to be in the direction of the

applied field. The strain and crystalline aniso- tropy fields amount to about 500 oersteds in iron while the demagnetizing field in the material due

to the surface polarization of the cavity is quite large. The fields in the material for the polarized

case is given by

The maximum demagnetizing field will be for

r = a and 0

= - 7r



= -

8r Mg/3 :::::! 14,000 oersteds (iron). (5) Since this field is much greater than the

4 000 oersteds used in this experiment, one does

not require that there be experimental agreement with the high field calculations.

Since the maximum field that we could attain

was only 4 500 oersteds we chose nickel as a better

material to use to check the calculations. Calcu- lations using Eq. (5) show that experimental data

on nickel should agree with Eq. (4) above

4 200 oersteds.

The experimental results for nickel are shown

in Fig. 4 with the calculated results shown for

comparaison. The field in the cavity is less than

that predicted by Eq. (4) at a field where one

FIG. 4.


The measured magnetic field in


spherical cavity in nickel rod


compared with high field and low field calculations.

expects agreement, i.e., 4 200 oersteds. It appears that the closure domains near the surface of the

cavity are not eliminated at fields equal to the

total demagnetizing fields in the material.

In order to determine the fields at which the effects of the closure domains are eliminated measurements were made on monel. This material

FIG. 5.


The measured magnetic field in


spherical cavity in


monel rod


compared with high field and

low field calculations.

has a total demagnetizing field (Eq. 5) of approxi- mately 1 000 oersteds. The results for monel are

shown in Fig. 5 where again a comparison is made



with calculations. It appears that a field of about five times the maximum anisotropy fields will

eliminate the closure domains in the neighborhood

of cavities. However, the actual ratio of applied

field to anisotropy field will depend on the material and its metallurgical treatment.

The field inside a 1" diameter sphere of iron


containing a 3/8" diameter cavity was also inves-

tigated. The field in the cavity at saturation is

given by

where N1


demagnetizing factor of the external




demagnetizing factor of the internal surface.

The experimental results are shown in Fig. 6

expect much better bqhavior at this surface because the polarization tends to produce a uniform

and not a diverging magnetic field as occurs in the

material near the surface of the cavity.

One can think in terms of an effective demagne- tizing factor of a spherical cavity which is derived from this experiment by the relationship

where 1Ve = effective demagnetizing factor, B, = magnetic field in the cavity,

Ha = magnetic moment per unit volume of the material.

In calculating thèse results, we have used



Ms since for fields of 1000 oersteds these

materials have reached a least 99 % of their satu-

ration magnetization.

The effective demagnetizing factors for spherical

cavities is shown in Fig. 7 as a function of the

FIG. 6.


The measured magnetic field in


spherical cavity in


iron spherical shell


compared with the high field and low field calculations.

where the low field and high field calculations are

given for comparison. The deviation from the

high field approximation could be due to both

surfaces or only the interior surface. If we take

N2 =1.5 as determined from the data in Fig. 3

and substitute the values from data of Fig. 6 at

H = 7 000 oersteds, i.e., Be


2 550 and take Il = mes we get

This is very close to the expected value of 4?r/3

and indicates that there are no detrimental closure domaine near the external surface. une should

FIG. 7.


The effective demagnetization factors of



rical cavity

as a

function of the applied magnetic field.

applied field, which is essentially the field in the

material far from the cavity.

These experimental results show that cavities or

non-magnetic inclussions will greatly effect the

approach to saturation in ferromagnetic materials

as has been pointed out by Néel [1]. In addition,

these results show that the classical Lorentz field of 41t MsJ3 does not occur in ferromagnetic

materials at technical saturation which has a direct

bearing on calculation of the magnetization of polycrystalline materials [2].

The author would like to acknowledge. the very

helpful discussions with J. S. Kouvel and the

experimental assistance of R. E. Skoda,



[1] NÉEL (L.),


The Law Convergence for a/H and


New Theory of Magnetic Retentivity ", J. Physique Rad., 1948, 9, 184-192.

[2] NÉEL (L.),


Relationship Between the Anisotropy

Constant and the Law of Approach to Saturation of

Ferromagnetic Materials ", J. Physique Rad., 1948, 9, 6,193-199.



Mr. Kurti.


Referring to nomenclature,

I should like to suggest that the expression


Lorentz-field " should not be used in the case of

spherical cavities. Lorentz’s " sphere


was a

mathematical artifice and did not involve thé




of any material.

Mr. Meiklejohn.


1 agree. However, 1 believe

that these measurements indicate that the dema-

gnetizing field experienced by one crystal in a polycrystalline material will be smaller than that calculated by Poisson’s equation, for finite fields.

This will be true because the vector distribution of the easy axis of magnetization of the crystals boun- ding the one crystal being considered will not allow M to be in the direction of H.

Mr. Bates.


Has Mr. Meiklejohn any special

kinds of closure domains in mind ?

Mr. Meiklejohn.


As a first approximation 1

have considered the domain to be conical. At low fields the diameter of the base of the cone may be

equal to the diameter of the cavity, making the

effective shape of the cavity that of an ellipsoïd.

This would account for the low demagnetizing

factor. At high fields there will probably be many small closure domains.


Mr. Wohlfarth.


Would it be possible to inves- tigate the suspected closure domains by using garnets ?

Mr. Meiklejohn.


1 think it would be possible.

Since the garnet must be thin, the cavity would

necessarily be small in order to eliminate the effect of the surface polarization due to the divergence

of Lez on the surface of the cavity.

Prof. Rathenau suggested that the Bitter tech-

nique be used and let the water evaporate. A few quick experiments were tried without success, but a more careful experiment may show the domains.

Mr. Meiklejohn (in answer to Mr. Foner and Mr. Kaczér).


The results were not corrected for the finite diameter of the rod. The magnitude of

the correction depends on the ratio of the diame-

ter of the cavity to the diameter of the rod. Expe- rimentally, 1 found that with 1 inch diameter cavi- ties in rods of 3 and 5 inches diameter the data

were the same above 2 000 oersteds. The sign

of the correction is such that the curves in Fig. 7

will be lower when the correction is made, parti- cularly at the lower fields.

Mr. Kondorskij.


Would it be approximately

correct, in the low field region, to estimate the effective demagnetizing factor as the ratio of the demagnetizing factor of the sphere to the magnetic permeability of the rod (in the low field region) ?

Mr. Meiklejohn.


In the case of , a polycrystal-

line material as used in these experiments, 1 believe

the vector distribution of the easy axes of magne- tization of the crystals at the cavity surface is more

important than the permeability ; and therefore I

would not expect such a relationship to exist.

Mr. Zi jlstra.


What will the field in the cavity

be in the case of a fine particle magnet ? If a particular particle is removed from a fine particle magnet, it is important to know what the field of the other particles will be in the cavity. The

dimension of the cavity in this case is less than a

closure domain will be.

Mr. Meiklejohn.


1 don’t know what the field will be, but 1 expect it will be less than 4n M/3,

and may be worse than in the case of the solid

material, due to the individual anisotropies of the



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