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Involvement of alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors in the postlaparotomy intestinal motor disturbances in the rat


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Involvement of alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors in the

postlaparotomy intestinal motor disturbances in the rat

A Sagrada, M.J. Fargeas, Lionel Bueno

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alpha-2 adrenoceptors










A SAGRADA, M J FARGEAS, AND L BUENO From the Department of Pharrmacology, INRA, Toulouse, France

SUMMARY The effects of












inanaesthetised fastedrats

previously equipped





on the duodenum and

jejunum. During




inter-digestive myoelectric activity, laparotomy



anaesthesia (Nesdonal 40 mg/kg ip)



primary phase of total inhibition of spiking activity lasting

26K1±+13 min (mean±SE)

followed by


period of disorganised activity, the first propagated migrating myoelectric


(MMC) occurring






(3 mg/kg),


yohimbine (1

mg/kg) given




decreased by 48




the duration of


inhibition, withanormal MMCpattern

occurring immediately

after.In contrast,there was




of the


initial inhibition of

spiking activity

after im




witha late



recoveryofthe MMCpattern.

These results

suggestthatthe initial inhibition of intestinal



by laparotomy

may involve





while the


of the MMC pattern is mainly caused


the activation of



Atransitorysuppression ofgastrointestinal motility

(ileus) is a common complication of abdominal

surgeryandtrauma.Although stomach andcolon are

generally believedto be most affected,' aperiod of postsurgical paresis of small bowel has been clearly shown in rats' anddogs.3 Inthese species aclearcut suppression of spiking activity afterlaparotomy has been shown: the recovery of myoelectric activity occurs asincoordinated motilityatfirst, followed by

a progressive restoration of the organised fasted pattern-thatis,the migrating myoelectric complex

(MMC), which assumes the normal propulsive and secretory function. In both species, prolonged dis-ruption of myoelectric activity causedbyexposure of

the bowel toair, intestinehandlingorrelatedtothe nature of surgery was observed." Moreover, the

Address forcorrespondcnce:DrASaigrdia..Istituto 1)eAngeli.ViiScrio15.

2(0139, Milano, Italy.

Received forpublication26Januatry1987.

propulsion ofamarker along the small bowel of the

rat isinhibitedbylaparotomy.4

In man, although postoperative radiological investigations attribute normal propulsive activity

tosmallintestine,' a disturbanceinthecoordination of myoelectric activity in the early postoperative period has been shown, with disruptionofthe basic electrical rhythm (slow waves) and irregular occur-renceof spikingactivity."

Hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system

plays a prominent role in the genesis of this post-surgical event:7 it is prevented inratsby chemical and surgicalsympathectomy,4 butnotby adrenalectomy. Sympathetic hyperactivity also seems tobe basic to

gastric' and colonic' ileus,ifproduced by peritoneal

irritation, andto act synergistically with vagal

non-adrenergic inhibitory fibres in decreasing gastric

motility after laparotomy."' The roles of alpha-2


Sagrada, Fargeas,

and Bueno regulation ofgastrointestinal secretion and motility

are widely documented;"-'4 on the other hand, the role ofalpha-1 receptors inthis field is less clear. The presentstudy was undertaken in ordertoclarifythe role played by alpha-1 andalpha-2 receptors in the genesis ofpostsurgicalileus in therat.


MaleWistarrats,weighing 250-300gwere


they were housedinindividual cages,fed onUARpellet diet and given water ad libitum. Under halothane

(Fluothane) anaesthesia, Nichromewire electrodes (0-08 mm diameter) were implanted into the muscular layers of the small bowel, according to a

previously described technique.' The groups of electrodes were placed respectively on the duo-denumatapproximately10cmfromthepylorus,and

onthejejunumatapproximately20and30cmfrom thepylorus.


Starting five tosixdays after surgery, theelectrical

activityof small bowel was recordedby means of an

electroencephalograph (Reega

Minihuit, Alvar; time

constant0-1 sec; paper speed 6mm/min). Inaddition


bysummation of the electrical activity for consecu-tive 20 second periods using a linear integrator

circuit'6 connected to a potentiometric recorder (JJ

Lloyd CR503; paper speed 6cm/h).

Experiments were carried out at three day inter-vals on each rat. The animals were fastedovernight andwater wasallowed adlibitum. Aftertwohoursof controlrecordingof theinterdigestive cyclicactivity

of small bowel, anaesthesia was induced by in-traperitoneal injection of 40 mg/kg thiopental


A 2 cm paramedian laparotomy was

done in the umbilicalregion, accordingtothe follow-ing time schedule: incision of the skin 10 minutes afterbarbiturate administration (stage 1);incision of musclelayersandperitoneum duringthe occurrence,

at the upper jejunal site, of the third MMC after

thiopentalinjection(stage 2),followed by immediate

closingofthelaparotomicwound. Drugstobe tested

(or vehicles) were injected by intramuscular route during the occurrence, at theupperjejunal site, of the second MMC after thiopental administration

-thatis,about 15-18minutesbefore performing stage 2of surgery.

The drugs were dissolved in 0-5 ml vehicle and

injected in thefollowing doses: phentolamine HCI: 3 mg/kg; yohimbine HCI: 1 mg/kg; prazosin HCI: 100 ,ug/kg (the doses refer to the compounds as

salts).Phentolamine was dissolved in distilled water, yohimbine and prazosin were dissolved in a 10%


solution. Control animals received either 0-5 ml of the


water solution

intramuscularly (n=4)

or 0-5 ml of distilledwater


Because no


differ-encebetween thetwocontrolgroups wasfound for each of the parameters considered (ANOVA), one

control groupwasmadeby poolingthe data. ANALYSIS OF DATA

Thefollowingvariableswereconsidered: (a)time of


inhibition of myoelectric activity: from stage 2 of surgery to the appearance of the first


activityatoneof therecording sites;(b)time of


oftheMMC pattern: from stage 2tothe appearance of the firstMMCpropagatedover atleast

tworecording sites;


MMCperiod: timebetween thebeginningofregular spiking activityof successive

complexes at the upper jejunal site. For each rat, basal MMC period is the mean of three successive

periodsbeforethiopentaladministration. In orderto

compare presurgical and postsurgical mean MMC

periods,themeanof theperiodsbetween



andstage 2 and themean of thefirst three

periods after laparotomy were calculated for each



Datawereanalysed usingStudent'sttestfor


(variablec)orunpaired data (variablesaand



The small bowel motor profile in fasted rats was

characterised by the occurrence of migrating myo-electric complexes having a mean period, at the upper jejunal site, of 13*9±0-7 min (n=8), and comprising two phases of irregular and regular spiking activity,aspreviouslydescribed. 6


did notmodify the cyclic motor profile; however, it induced lengthening of the MMC period by15±2%

(p<005), and, in some experiments, shortening of thephase of irregular spiking activity (n=2).Finally,

atransient inhibitionor disruption of theorganised

myoelectric activity just after the injection, rapidly

followedbyrecovery of the normalmotility pattern,

wassometimes observed



Paramedian incision of the skin did not significantly alter regular development and migration of the ongoing myoelectric complex (Figs 1, 2). In contrast, incision of muscle layers and peritoneum produced theinstantaneous interruption of theongoing

com-plex (Figs 1, 2) and the complete inhibition of any spiking activity for 26-1±1-3 min. Recovery of an

irregular spiking activity was thendetectable atone


150,/V Dl l,I,,1, I l . 1 J2 7A A thiopental Si yohimbine S2 D 50,uV Ji -.-10min

Fig. Effect oflaparotomy(S2) under thiopental anaesthesiaonthemyoelectric activity ofduodenojejunumat

10(D), 20 (JJ) and30 (J2)cmfromthepylorus (direct

record). Uppertraces:controllaparotomy. Lowertraces:

laparotomy in yohimbine-treatedrats(Imglkg im).SI

indicatesskin incision.

of the recording sites. The mean interval between

stage 2 of the surgery and the reappearance of a

myolectric complex propagated over at least two

recordingsites waslonger, withamean duration of

71-4±7-9 min. At the recovery of the organised

pattern,the MMCperiodwaslengthened compared

with the presurgicalstate(p<001) (Table). EFFECT OF DRUGS


In animals pretreated with phentolamine,

lapar-otomyimmediately suppressedintestinalmyoelectric activity; the duration of total inhibition of spiking activitywaslesscomparedwith controls(p<0-01),as

disorganised bursts of spikes reappeared 135±0 6 min after laparotomy (Table). The MMC pattern

recovered after 207±7-0 min (p<005), but the MMCperiodwaslongerthanpresurgically(p<005)

(Table). Yohimbine

Pretreatment with yohimbine did not prevent the interruption of the MMC by laparotomy (Fig. 1); however, the suppression of myoelectric activity

lasted 13-2±1-9 min, and the first MMC occurred

13-6±2-2minafterstage2 ofsurgery(Fig. 1, 2). The

recoverywasfasterthanincontrols(p<0-01) and the

MMCpatternwasimmediately organised; therewas

littleor noeffect oflaparotomyonthe MMC period

(p>0.7) (Table).





t ~~~~~~~~~lh

thiopental S2


Fig. 2 Effectoflaparotomy (S2) underthiopental

anaesthesiaonthe myoelectricactivityofduodenojejunumat

10(D) and 20 (J)cmfrom the pylorus (integratedrecord).

Uppertraces:controllaparotomy. Lowertraces:laparotomy inyohimbine treatedrats(I mglkg im).SI indicatesskin



Prazosin reduced the duration of laparotomy induced ileus(p<0-01),aswithphentolamineoryohimbine;

however, the reappearance of apropagated MMC wassimilartocontrols(p>04), and the MMC profile showed a quite irregular frequency during several

hours, with alternating periods of organised and disorganisedspiking activity (Table).


The presentwork confirms the inhibitory effect of laparotomy on the myoelectric activity ofrat small bowel,2andtheparticipation of adrenergic pathways

in the genesis ofthis pathology.247 Furthermore, it establishes that mainly alpha-2 adrenoceptors are

involved. As previous works showed, thiopental

anaesthesia leaves the interdigestive myoelectric

pattern in rat substantially unchanged;2 transient alterationssometimes observed in ourexperiments wereprobably caused by thestress ofrestraint and of the ip injection, and in these cases we waited

Table Influence ofadrenoceptor blockersontheinhibition ofduodenojejunal myoelectricactivityinducedby laparotomyin


MeanMMCperiod (min)

Time(min) ofmyoelectric Time (min) ofMMC

activityinhibition patterndisruption Presurgically Postsurgically Controls(n= 8) 26-1±1-3 71 4+7-9 16-4+1-0 30-8+3-8t

Phentolamine(im) (n =4) 135+±0-6t 20-7+7-0* 15-5±1-4 21-7±2-3§

Yohimbinc(itn)(n=5) 13-2+1-9t 13-6+2-2t 17-1±2-4 17-5+3-0 Prazosin(im) (n=5) 13-4±2-2t 52-4+17-( 15-2+1-1 Not calculated

Valuesaremeans±SE;difference vcontrols:*=p<0)05;t=p<0.01.Differencevpresurgicalperiod:t=p<0O05;§=p<0-01.



958 Sagrada, Fargeas, and Bueno for the recovery of the normal pattern beforestarting

surgery. Incision of abdominal muscle layers and peritoneum abruptly interrupts intestinal motility,' and this effect is consistently prevented by partial destruction of thespinal cord2I7or by

splanchnicec-tomy.21 These data suggest the existence of an

inhibitory reflex activated by laparotomy, involving the spinal cord and thesplanchnic nerves as themain

efferent pathway. In support of this proposition,

increased synthesis and release of gutnoradrenaline occurs 12 hours after abdominal surgery in rats.'"

Moreover, adrenalectomy does not affect the post-operative slowing of rat small intestinal propulsion measured 12hours after surgery.

As previously shown, two phases occur in the

postlaparotomy ileus: a total suppression of myo-electric activity, followed by a period of unorganised spiking activity.2 In ourexperiments the first period was shortened by phentolamine, yohimbine, or prazosin pretreatment, indicating that both alpha-i andalpha-2 receptors may mediateinhibitory stimuli affecting small bowelmotoractivity postoperatively. The most important finding, however, concerns the faster recovery of the MMC pattern with phentola-mine or,notablyyohimbine. This early restoration of the MMC, not seen with prazosin, supports the hypothesis that alpha-2 receptors playamajorrolein the postlaparotomy disruption of the MMC pattern. Alpha-2 receptors can mediate inhibition of intestinal motility.''2 Activation of these adreno-ceptors, thought to bepresynaptically located,2 can

inhibit acetylcholine output in guinea pig ileum,324

andasimilar mechanism hasalsobeenproposed for dog jejunum' and rabbit intestine.2" In rat small

intestine, acetylcholine may not be the main excitatory neurotransmitter;" nevertheless, because clonidine'' (and paradoxically prazosin)'7 reduces small bowel propulsive activity in rats, laparotomy induced ileus may be caused by the postoperatively increased release of gutnoradrenaline,which, acting

onpresynaptic alpha-2 receptors, inhibits the release of a neurotransmitter important for the regularly cycling MMC. Alpha-2 receptors may also be importantinregulatingratcolonicmotoractivity,as

inhibition of motility by nociceptive peritoneal stimuli was counteracted by phentolamine or


Because there is arelationship between the MMC pattern and propulsion of contents in rat,

peripheral blockadeofalpha-2 adrenoceptorswould

be expected to result ina faster recovery of normal intestinal motility.

None of the drugs used prevented the instantane-oussuppressionofspikingactivity caused by muscul-operitoneal incision; other nervous pathways may therefore contributetopostlaparotomy ileus.


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