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Non linearities close to the thermal threshold in a planar nematic liquid crystal


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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Non linearities close to the thermal threshold in a planar nematic liquid crystal

E. Dubois-Violette, F. Rothen

To cite this version:

E. Dubois-Violette, F. Rothen. Non linearities close to the thermal threshold in a planar nematic liquid crystal. Journal de Physique, 1979, 40 (10), pp.1013-1023. �10.1051/jphys:0197900400100101300�.



Non linearities close to the thermal threshold in a planar

nematic liquid crystal

E. Dubois-Violette

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Centre d’Orsay, 91405 Orsay, France

and F. Rothen

Institut de Physique Expérimentale, Université de Lausanne, CH 1015 Lausanne Dorigny, Switzerland

(Reçu le 12 avril 1979, accepté le 29 juin 1979)



On étudie les non-linéarités dans l’instabilité thermique induite dans un échantillon nématique planaire

chauffé par en bas. On caractérise d’abord le comportement critique en utilisant un modèle avec des conditions

aux limites libre-libre. On étudie ensuite les propriétés au-dessus du seuil en utilisant un développement en pertur- bation. On montre que le premier coefficient R(1) du développement du nombre critique est nul. On calcule l’ampli-

tude des perturbations au-dessus du seuil et on trouve que pour la plupart des nématiques la bifurcation est normale.



We study non linearities in the thermal instability induced by heating a nematic liquid crystal from

below. First a model with free-free boundary conditions is studied. Critical behaviour of the free-free model is

analysed. Properties above the threshold are determined with use of perturbation analysis. One shows that the first expansion coefficient R(1) of the critical number vanishes. One determines in an approximate manner the amplitude of the disturbances above the threshold and finds that for most nematics the bifurcation is normal.


Physics A6stract,s




1. Introduction.


In previous works [1], [2], [3],

one of us (E.D.V.) has studied the thermal stability

of a planar or homeotropic nematic sample submitted

to a thermal gradient. Here we shall only consider

the stationary instability which appears in a planar sample heated from below with a periodic pattern

corresponding to rolls with a wavelength of the

order of the sample thickness d. We shall consider neither the stationary instability which occurs in a homeotropic sample heated from above nor the oscillatory one when heated from below [4]. A standard

normal mode linear analysis has allowed to determine the threshold [5]. Experimentally one gets results above the threshold which remain unexploited in a

linear analysis.

A study of non linearities has been performed

elsewhere [10] in a liquid crystal for the case of an instability induced by a simple shear where a homo-

geneous distortion of the nematic appears. In this paper we shall give an approximate method in order

to estimate the disturbance amplitude close to the

threshold and study the nature of the bifurcation.

If the threshold corresponds to a normal bifurcation (see Fig. 2b) the amplitude of the disturbances decays slowly as one approaches the threshold. In the vicinity

of the bifurcation, perturbation methods can be used

to describe the system and to determine the amplitude

of the disturbances. Such a description, valid for

small disturbances, has been sketched for an isotropic liquid by Landau [7] and Stuart [8] and is related in a

review paper [9].

Let A be the amplitude of a disturbance (for example

the fluid velocity) that becomes unstable at the

Fig. 1.


A planar nematic sample is submitted to a thermal gra- dient. The temperature of the lower plate is Tr + AT and the tem- perature of the upper one is Tr. ç is the angle in the plane xOz of the molecules with the x direction.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0197900400100101300


threshold. In our case the threshold will be characte- rized by the temperature difference AT between the two plates of the sample (Fig. 1). As long as we are

concerned with the stationary case where no oscilla-

tions occur (exchange of stability) one can consider

the amplitude A and the time evolution rate 0’ as real.

Close to the bifurcation one assumes that the evo-

lution equation of A is of the following form :

0’ characterizes the slowing down of the disturbances close to the transition and is of the form [11]

R is some dimensionless parameter. R - Rc cha°rac-

terizes the departure from the threshold Rc. In our

case one can define R = Ô.T/Ô.Tc.

For AT > 0394Tc, 03C3 is positive and fluctuations grow

exponentiàlly. On the contrary, for 0394T AT,,, u 0

and there is a damping of the disturbances.

’t 0 is a positive quantity determined by the linear theory, which defines the linear growth rate of the

disturbances near the threshold.

kc is the wave vector of the marginally stable state

at R = Rc. Above the threshold, perturbations with k # kc can occur for an infinite horizontal layer :

this is described by the second term of the right hand

side of eq. B(1.2). The influence of lateral boundaries will depend on a characteristic length 03BE defined in [11] :

where 03BEo is determined by the linear theory.

The presence of a quadratic term in eq. (1.1) depends on the symmetry properties of the convection pattern corresponding to the change A ~- A.

If a # 0 the bifurcation is not normal : deviations

can be amplified under the linear threshold (Fig. 2a).

There is hysteresis between Ro and Rc.

The situation is similar to a first order phase tran-

sition when a cubic term appears in the expansion of

the free energy. In section 4 we shall demonstrate that in our case no such quadratic term is present and for similar symmetry properties every even power of A vanishes in eq. (1.1) (a = c = 0...). One is left with a discussion on the sign of the coefficient b :


For b 0 one can reach a stationary stable


which decreases as (R - Rc)1/2 close to the threshold.

This case corresponds to a direct bifurcation and reminds a second order phase transition behaviour where the order parameter would be the velocity.

The behaviour is compatible with mean field theory

where the critical exponent fl = 1/2. Here we shall

Fig. 2.


Different bifurcations. a) The bifurcation is inverse due to the non equivalence of fluctuations A and - A in the system.

b) The bifurcation is normal. The amplitude goes continuously to

zero as one approaches the threshold. c) The bifurcation is inverse.

A and - A are equivalent, but the system is unstable against distur-

bances of finite amplitude. The doted lines correspond to an unstable

branch. The full line corresponds to a stable branch.

not consider the thermal fluctuations close to the threshold as introduced by several authors in isotropic liquids [12], [13]. An estimation of these fluctuations close to the threshold of an instability induced by a

shear in a nematic liquid crystal indicates that they

are likely not observable [10].

-For b>0

Eq. (1.1) has two kinds of solutions. One solution goes to zero as Q tends to zero and corresponds to an

unstable branch as indicated with a doted line on

figure 2c.

For R > Ro = R, - b’12 yro ’, one gets finite

amplitude instabilities corresponding to a stable

branch (full line on figure 2c). At 6 = 0 the amplitude

is A = ± Jbjy (y is supposed to be positive). This

case corresponds to an inverse bifurcation and hyste-

resis is expected between Ro and R,,. This situation may be compared to a first order phase transition.

An important point in order to determine the nature

of the transition is the sign of the b coefficient. The

condition a = 0, b 0 is necessary to get a normal


bifurcation. This condition will be the right one if one

proves that the threshold determined by the linear

theory is the correct one. A criterium of global stability

such as the energy method [6] will give such a proof.

But as long as the experimental results agree with those determined by the linear theory we shall assume this

last point to be true. Then the nature of the bifurcation will be determined by the sign of the coefficient b.

Let us now indicate how we shall proceed for such a

determination. From a mathematical point ofview, the

resolution of the problem depends strongly on the boundary conditions. For isotropic liquids a stress-

free boundary model (we shall refer as free-free case)

is very popular since it leads to very simple mathema-

tical solutions [9]. In nematics the free free case also

leads to simple analytical solutions. In section 2 we

shall develop the analysis of the free-free case and give

the solutions of the linear problem. We will also cha-

racterize the critical behaviour and determine the two

quantities ro and 03BEo. In section 3 we present the general features of the non linear formulation. In section 4 we develop a perturbation analysis in order

to demonstrate that R(l) = 0. Then we present an approached method in order to compute the dis- turbance amplitudes and to determine the nature of the bifurcation.

2. Critical behaviour of the linear régime.



a formal point of view, the hydrodynamic equations governing a disturbance away from the basic flow

can be written under the form

where £ is a linear differential operator and NU represents the non linearities. U is a vector notation.

In our case the U components (p represent 0 the

(03B8 ~ vz) vz

temperature disturbance 0, the angle (p between the director and the x direction (Fig.1 ) and the velocity v,,.

As we are concemed with a stationary instability, DUIat = 0.

Linearized hydrodynamic equations governing the stability of the conductive state have been given in

ref. [5]. Let us define the temperature at the lower plate


and at the upper plate as

AIT > 0 (or AT 0) will l correspond to a sample

heated from below (or from above). The temperature

gradient at the threshold is

Using eqs. (2.1), (2.2), (2.3), (2.4) and notations of ref. [5] one can explicitly write the linear problem

£U(1) = 0 as :


The operator 04 has been obtained after elimination of the pressure from the force components fx and fz.

11 p is defined by the above expression. The transverse velocity v,, also disappears with use of the continuity equation

where the derivate a/ax has been used in order to eliminate vx.

The second line corresponds to the heat equation.

The third one reads or yi ax where fy is the total torque

(viscous + elastic + ...) exerted on the molecules for which one assumes an isotropic elasticity cha-

racterized by an elastic-constant K. At threshold a

periodic distortion appears and one looks for solutions which are periodic in x with wave vector qx. For the planar case, the x direction is defined by the molecule

orientation at the upper and lower plates of the sample.

Solutions of system (2.4) depend on the boundary

conditions. Exact solutions have been given in ref. [5].

In order to get tractable non linear calculations, we shall not use the exact solutions but consider some

simplified model. Simple solutions (one mode in z)


are obtained if one considers a stress-free model where all real boundary conditions are taken into account except on the transverse velocity vx. This model usually calledfree-free case has been largely

considered in isotropic liquids [14], [15]. The corres- ponding boundary conditions are :

An exact condition on vx should be :

Such a free-free model largely simplifies the compu- tations, since one easily obtains simple analytical

solutions. This model defined by eq. (2.6) is quite

reasonable for the planar case where the transverse velocity does not play a very important role, since the dominant viscous torque acting on the molecules is a avZ. On the contrary in the homeotropic case the


dominant viscous torque q is ll2 2 az. ~z Viscous effects

are not well described in a model where the z depen-

dence of the vx velocity profile is badly taken into

account. Then this model is not appropriate to describe

the homeotropic configuration. In that case one should

solve the exact boundary condition (2. 7) on Vx.

Solutions of eqs. (2.4) with boundary conditions (2.6) are, apart from a normalization constant,


The continuity eq. (2. 5) imposes

2. 1 THRESHOLD. - The compatibility condition of system (2.4) leads to the marginal curve as a function of the parameters x = qx/qz


The result (2.9) is an approximation valid when

ka ~ > K (~ is a typical viscosity coefficient). This

last condition is realized for all real systems.

A typical marginal curve is drawn on figure 3.

Computation has been done for MBBA where nume-

rical constants are heat diffusivities

elastic constant A = 6 x 10-’ CGS and viscosities

a6 is determined by the Parodi relation [18]

Fig. 3.


Theoretical marginal curve of the thermal instability in a

nematic sample in a free-free model. àT > 0 (or 0) corresponds

to a sample heated from below (or above). Point B corresponds to

the threshold with circular rolls..x = qx/qz.

Point B corresponds to the threshold minimum value of ~T of the simplified model

It only gives a crude estimation of the exact threshold

given in [5] which corresponds to (~Tc d 3) = 2.6 x 10- 3 and Xc = 0.95. The discrepancy of the threshold comes

from the fact that a little difference in the estimation

of the qz wave vector modifies strongly (- q4z) the


threshold value. For small values of x, expression (2.9) changes its sign with ax, then point A would correspond

to an instability induced by heating from above (DT 0), with a structure of rolls, deeply flattened

in the x direction. Such a situation has also been

reported in an approximate resolution of the linear threshold with use of a Galerkin method written to the lowest order of the expansion [16]. In such flattened

rolls the velocity gradient ~vxl~z is largely enhanced.

Such a situation cannot be reasonably considered

in a simplified model where the v,, velocity is very

badly sketched. Then in the following we shall restrict

our attention to circular rolls (À-x 1’-1 2 d) correspond- ing to the B point of the diagram and omit the A point

which should be studied in a model taking into account

a more realistic boundary condition on v,,.

2.2 CRITICAL SLOWING DOWN. - Near the threshold the intensity of the scattered light depends

on fluctuations of the director curvature. It is then easy to measure the decay or growth rate of such

disturbances. Near the threshold one expects a linear

growth rate of disturbances Q behaving as R - Rc.

Let us write them as :

where 03B8(1), ~(l) and v(1) z are the solutions given in eqs. (2.8).

0’ is the smallest root of the equation

(one looks here for Q real).

Eq. (2.11) is of the third order in 0’, but the root

width the smallest 1 a is easily determined

Using the inequality k~/ k >> 1 and the expansion

of the marginal curve close to the threshold :

where dqx = qx - q, (q,, is the critical wave vector

corresponding to the critical value Xc = qc/qz), one


To, which defines the critical slowing down, is obtained by identification with eq. (2.12)

where close to the threshold the last term inside the brakets reads

For circular rolls where x - 1 the last term is

negligible. The sum of the two first terms of eq. (2.14)

is normally positive. ’t 0 is scalled by the time

characteristic of the orientation relaxation.

For the critical value xc = 0.795, 7:o/T = 0.35.



The stability marginal

curve defines the interval of wave vectors qx close to qc where the system is linearly unstable (Fig. 3). At the threshold Rc, for an infinite (without lateral walls) box, the wave vector is well defined and is equal to qc.

For a finite box the amplitude of fluctuations is not any more constant in an horizontal box. It needs to

adjust itself to lateral boundary conditions. The influence of lateral boundaries can be characterized

by an influence length 03BE which behaves like [11]

where Ço results from the expansion of the marginal

curve close to qc (eq. (2.13)).

After some algebra one obtains :


This leads for x = Xc to


3. Perturbation approach to non linearities.


In the case of stationary convection 0’ is real. The steady

state corresponds to the solution of

At the threshold Rc the solutions U(1) of the linear problem are defined by :

Above the threshold, at a value defined by R, U(l) is

neither solution of the linear problem :

nor solution of the non linear one (eq. (3 .1 )). The

non linear terms in eq. (3.1) are very complicated, particularly in liquid crystals. So instead of solving exactly eq. (3.1) we look for approximate solutions.

Different methods can be used. We shall indicate the basic line of two of them we shall use in the follow-

ing. A perturbative method used very often [14], [15]

has allowed to solve the non linear Rayleigh-Bénard

case. It is sketched as follows : one searches solutions U at a given value R, developed as a series of a small

parameter 8

Eq. (3.1) has to be solved at each order of the

expansion. To the first order this reduces to eq. (3.2) and U(l) is the solution of the linear problem. To

higher order, a solubility condition of eq. (3.1 ) reads at order n :

where U(l) is the solution of the adjoint problem :

g(n) denotes the nth order term of g.

In the following we shall consider a roll system with the axis parallel to the y direction and then all

quantities will be y independent.

The scalar product is then defined as :

Ax is the wavelength in an horizontal plane, d is the sample thickness. In the following we shall use the

notations :

Solutions 0(1) of the adjoint t + are defined with the following boundary conditions :

and solutions of system (3.6) with boundary condi-

tions (3.5) read :


A complete iterative resolution of the perturbative problem will proceed as follows : to the jth order the solvability condition (3.4) determines R(j-l). The

resolution, at the jth order of eq. (3.1) gives the

solutions U(j) and so on. In the next section we shall

only write the second order term of eq. (3.4) in order

to show how the symmetry properties of the convective flow allow to set R(l) = 0 and then justify the absence of a quadratic term in eq. (1.1). In order to determine the leading term of the disturbances written as

R-R R(2) C R(2) one should solve, , to the second order, , eq. q (3.1) ( )

in order to determine U(2 ) and report the solutions in eq. (3.1) written to the third order in order to calculate R(2). This calls for an exact solution of eq. (3.1). Such perturbative analysis will be developed

in another paper. Here we shall restrict our attention


to a much simpler method which only needs the knowledge of the solutions U(l) and allows to deter-

mine in an approximate manner the disturbance

amplitude and indicates the nature of the bifurcation.

This approximation follows Stuart’s method [8] as exposed in Chandrasekhar’s book [17]. Instead of

solving exactly eq. (3.1) one searches approximate

solutions U. One assumes that, above the threshold, the motions and the distortions of the liquid crystal are

similar to those appearing at the threshold, as is experimentally observed. Then disturbances will be taken of the form

U = AU(l).

Furthermore, one takes into account the modifica- tions of the mean > vertical thermal gradient due

to non linearities. This last point will be exposed in

detail in the next section. But the principal feature is

the following : just at the threshold the mean

vertical thermal gradient is constant. Above the

threshold this gradient is no more constant in the sample thickness but is reduced by convective effects.

In an isotropic liquid this modification depends on the

ratio of the thermal diffusion time Tth and of the

convective time Tconv and reads [17] :

where g(z) is a function of z depending on the fluc-

tuations profiles at the threshold. A similar modi- fication will also appear in nematics. But we shall

see that the essential non linearities will concern the orientation disturbance which is the slowest relaxing


4. Non linear régime.


Non linearities in liquid crystals are much more complex than in isotropic liquid. First we get non linearities due to convective terms as in isotropic liquid. The term v.V(v) can in fact be neglected since we are dealing with sample

of large Prandtl number (P - 103). The thermal convective term v.V(T) will reveal also negligible compared with non linear terms characteristic of

liquid crystals. The non linearities are due to the fact that :


the viscous stress tensor depends on both the velocity gradient and the director n [18],


the elastic stress tensor depends on n,


the transport properties are anisotropic (orien-

tation dependent).

For example let us give the expression of the viscous stress tensor T’ in the geometry we consider :


Let us now write the jth line denoted as (N) j of the non linear term N(U). Taking into account the elastic

forces, one obtains


In a same way the torque equation leads to :

Let us now recall the heat conservation equation,

written for an incompressible fluid as

Here the heat flux is defined as JQ/ pCv = - k.VT

and the components of the thermal diffusivity tensor

k are

where ka = k Il - k, and kl| (1) is the heat diffusivity parallel (perpendicular) to the molecules. D is the


Non linearities in the term div (vT) are negligible

compare to those of the term div (JQ). Indeed the

first term contains terms of order 0vz to be compared

to terms of order k a 0 Ô9. ~x Disturbances ~ are of order

Aq v (see the third line of the linear operator corres- kq

ponding to the torque equation). Then

Indeed this is true as long as the focalization effect of the heat, characteristic of nematics, is efficient and is no more valid if kl = k il


For similar reasons the dissipation, which contains terms of order r¡q2 v2, is negligible compared to the

term div (JQ) which contains terms of order

Then the non linearities of the heat equation reduce

to those of the term div (J.). Contrary to the case of

an isotropic liquid the convective term v.V(T) does

not contribute in nematics neither in linear problem

where the focalization effect is the dominant one nor

in the non linear one.



Assuming a develop-

ment as given by eq. (3.3) one writes eq. (3.4) at the

second order in 8.

The temperature is developed as :

The non linear part of the heat equation reduces to

The condition (3.4) reads :

03B8(1), ~(l) vl) all behave like , f = sin q x cos qz z.

After some integration eq. (4.9) reduces to


Let us consider for example the first term of the

above equation

1 t corresponds to the scalar product of an even function

of z, af - cos q, x cos z, with an odd one


(1) ~~(1) .2


v(l) ~~ (1) sin2 qx x sin qz z cos qz z

Vx(1) ox sin qx x sin qz z cos qz z and so drops out.

It can be shown easily that for symmetry reasons there is no contribution due to the force and torque


As f| As B1 ~~(1)/~x> ié 0 it turns out that IJ.T(1) = 0.

This justifies the absence of a quadratic term A 2

in eq. (1.1).



In stead of

solving all the perturbation system, one supposes as

indicated in section 3, that above the threshold the flow pattern and the distortion are not very different from those at the threshold. Then we shall suppose all the disturbances of the form U = A U(l) where

now we have to evaluate the amplitude A.

Above the threshold the mean temperature gradient aT/oz) is reduced by the flow motion. Let us now

write the temperature as


Let us point out that 0 is now different from the definition given in eq. (4.8). Here we get 0 ) = 0

and corrective terms due to non linearities above the threshold are included in To which behaves like

F(z) takes deviations from a uniform gradient into

account. Taking the mean value > of the heat eq. (4. 7) which reduces to ( div (JQ) ) = 0, one gets :

One can integrate this equation with the boundary condition :

This leads to the expression of the mean thermal gradient

Let us point out that in an isotropic liquid the thermal gradient above the threshold is reduced by convective

effects due to the term v. V(T) and reads

In the nematic the non linearities affect much more the orientation which is the slowest relaxing variable. Let us

now write eq. (3.4). The only contribution to the left hand side of eq. (3.4) comes from the heat equation (second

line of the linear operator). Using expression (4.5), (4.6) and (4.7) which give (N)1, (X)2 and (N)3, one obtains

after some integrations :


Scalar products are computed with use of expression (2.8) and (3. 7) for the first order functions.

The relation between the angle disturbance 9 and (OT - 0394Tc) is :


with h = ka/k 1..


The nature of the bifurcation depends on the sign

of the coefficient C. For C > 0 (C 0) there is an

indication of a direct (inverse) bifurcation. The sign

of C depends on the value of the critical value Xc of the marginal curve. For MBBA with viscosities defined in section 2 one finds a positive coefficient

corresponding to a normal bifurcation. The a3 vis-

cosity coefficient strongly depends on the temperature.

Close to the Nematic-Smectic A transition 03B13 changes

its sign. Then we have explored this range of values of 03B13 in order to look if the bifurcation remains normal for all values of the viscosity coefficients. We have considered some hypothetical nematic where the viscosities oc4l 03B15 are kept fixed and a2 and 03B13 are allowed to vary with the constraint that Onsager

relations were not violated. The procedure is then for each value of a2 and U3 to determine the critical value Xc of the marginal curve (2.9) corresponding to an instability with almost circular rolls (point B of the figure 3), one finds in CGS :

So it seems that for MBBA the bifurcation is always

direct for the circular roll instability. Of course, for other saniples with other viscosities one should verify

this point, using the above procedure for all values of

the visoosity coefficients. Let us point out that the free free model correctly describe samples in which 1 03B13 1 « I a2 1. For the other limit 1 03B13 | 1 - I a2 1 one should take into account the exact boundary condition

on v,.

5. Conclusion.


A linear theory taking into

account realistic boundary conditions leads to an

exacte estimation of the threshold [5]. But in that case

disturbance profiles are numerically and not analy- tically determined. In this paper we have studied non

linearities above the threshold. As non linear study implies some heavy algebra we have developed an analysis of a simple model. Following the approach

used in isotropic liquid where a free-free model leads to a reasonable estimation of the real phenomena,

we have performed an analysis of a free f ree model.

We have obtained very simple analytical solutions.

This has allowed the rapid determination of the critical behaviour. The critical slowing down is characterized

by a time io, scalled by the relaxation time of the nematic orientation. We have also determined the correlation length ç 0’ characteristic of the side walls effect. This free-free model is suitable to describe the

instability in a planar nematic-sample but not in a homeotropic one. Indeed the free-free case corres-

ponds to an unrealistic boundary condition on v.,.

This is not very important in the planar case with

usual viscosities where the viscous torque due to the velocity gradient a3 oVx/OZ does not play an important

role. We have studied non linearities close to the

threshold but in an approximate manner. Instead of

computing the solutions above the threshold we have


used a simplified method as inspirated by Stuart and

Chandrasekhar. To this aim we have assumed that the disturbance profiles above the threshold are not very different from those at the threshold. Then we have calculated the corrections due to the non linearities to the mean vertical gradient. With the free-free model

this approximate method has led to very tractable

computations. We have obtained an estimation of the fluctuation amplitude and of the nature of the bifur- cation.

This paper presents a first approach to the study of

thermal instability above the threshold the next step will be to give a description of these effects with a

model taking into account the realistic boundary

conditions and a complete perturbative approach.

In conclusion, this paper is a preliminary attempt for the comprehension of phenomena above the

threshold. This is a necessary step to the understanding

of the transitions beyond the linear threshold. The

analysis of the stability of such solutions would

provide the description of the whole cascade up to the turbulence.



We want to thank H. Lekker- kerker, P. Manneville, C. Normand, Y. Pomeau for fruitfull discussions.


[1] DUBOIS-VIOLETTE, E., C.R. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. Paris 21

(T 275) (1971) 923.

[2] DUBOIS-VIOLETTE, E., GUYON, E., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 26 (1973) 193.


Lett. 30 (1973) 16.

[4] LEKKERKERKER, H., J. Physique 38 (1977) 277.

[5] DUBOIS-VIOLETTE, E., Solid State Commun. 14 (1974) 767.

[6] JOSEPH, D., Stability of fluid motions (Springer tracts in Natural Philosophy, Berlin) 1976, vol. 27.

[7] LANDAU, L., LIFSHITZ, E., Fluid Mechanics (Pergamon Press, Oxford) 1959.

[8] STUART, J. T., J. Fluid Mech. 4 (1958) 1.

[9] NORMAND, C., POMEAU, Y., VELARDE, M., Rev. Mod. Phys. 49 (1977) 581.

[10] MANNEVILLE, P., J. Physique 39 (1978) 911.

[11] WESEREID. J., POMPAU, Y., DUBOIS. M., NORMAND, C., BERGE, P., J. Physique 39 (1978) 726.

[12] GRAHAM, R., Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 1479 ; Phys. Rev.

Lett. 10 (1974) 1762.

[13] HAKEN, H., Rev. Mod. Phys. 47 (1975) 97.

[14] MALKUS, W. V. R., VERONIS, G., J. Fluid Mech. 4 (1958)


[15] BussE, F. H., Rep. Prog. Phys. 41 (1978) 1929.

[16] VELARDE, M., private communication.

[17] See the appendix I of the book of CHANDRASEKHAR, S., Hydro- dynamic and Hydromagnetic stability (Clarendon Press)


[18] PARODI, O., J. Physique 31 (1970) 581.


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of fluctuation effects close to the transition point. This suggested examination of the effect of fluctuations close to the instability threshold [11,12]. The main step

when E increases and the director reorients toward the (x, y) plane. The experimental situa- tions corresponding to the Ising or Bloch character of the wall are easily

One possible source of such phase change is any small temperature fluctuation in the fused quartz bar;.. temperature must therefore be controlled to within + 0.01

Precise measurements of the Kerr effect [6, 9] and magnetic birefringence [6, 7] in the isotropic phase of. some nematic substances have been

This is mainly for two reasons : First, this kind of viscosity is an original property of nematic liquid crystals not linked to any macro-.. scopic shear and,

Arising of this flexoelectric instability in constant field and the dependence of threshold voltage and wave vector upon dielectric anisotropy were investi- gated

It is shown in this paper that the Onsager reciprocal relations, that reflect the time-reversal invariance of the equations of motion of the individual particles, lead