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African socio-economic indicators 1993 = Indicateurs socio-èconomiques Africains 1993


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African Socio-economic Indicators



. , .

sccro-econom rq ues







Socio-economic Indicators


Indlcateurs socio-economiques afrlcalns

" 1 -



NATIONS UNIES EconomloC_mlMlon

1I~ (111

Commlaalon Honomlque





". ""'



African Socio-ecDl"!jWic IndiCltOf"'S 1m







Tables and Graphits


I. Estimatesof total mid-year population and percentage of femaJe population GraphI. Total mid-year populationbysub-


2.Structure of the population by age group and male/female ratio 3. Average annualgrowthrates of total and urban population and percentage of population in urbanareas

4. Age dependency ratio

5.Total fertility &ad grOls reproduction rates Graph 2. Totalfertility rate bysub-region

6. Crude hirth lllIddellth rates 7. Economicdependencyratio Graph 3. Economic dependency ratio by sub-region 8. Percentage distribution of economically active population by sector and by sex 9. Estimates of activity rates

to.Survival indicators Graph 4. Infant mortality rate by subregion


· iii •

• vi -

· vii-

- xvt -








9 10



15 16 17

Indicateurssocfo-~iCM!f.frigi. . 19ft







Tableaux et Graphiques


1. Estimations de la population totale en milieu d'annee


pourceatagede la population f6ninine

Graphique1.Populationtotele enmilieu d'anneepatscus- region

2. Structure de lapoputenonselonlegroupe d'ige etle tauxde muculiniti

3. Taux decroiesencemoyen annuel de la populationtotele eturbaine etpouecentagedeI.populationurbetne

4. Rapportde d6pendance d6mographique

5. Indtce synthenquede f6condite et fauxbrutde reproduction

Graphique2. Indice synthalquede feconditeparSOU8- r6gion

6. Taux brut denetenteetteuxbrutde mortAliiC 7. Rapport de dependance Cconomique

Graphique3. Rapport de dependanceeconomique par sous-reglcn

8. Repartition en pourcentege de la population active scion teIlCCteur d'Ulivite etIe sexe

~. Estimationdee teuxd'B(tivite 1O.lndiClleutli de eurvie

Grapbique 4. TauJI. de mortefite infantilepareous-region


AfriC!!! Socio:eccna.ic IndiClitort 1993

Tables ad Grapbia (continued)

l l , HealthcareindicalOn 12. ACCClItolOCialandhealthfacilitiet 13. lIIitcrlotepopulaliopisyean of age andoverbyleX 14. EnrolmClltatthe fllStlevelbyICX 1'. Oro..enrolment ralto. for primary achoollbysex 16. Enrolmeotatthe secoQd and third levelll 17.OrOyenrolment ratios for ICCOOdary

lIChool. andhighercdueat:ion ECONOMIC INDICATORS

18. GDP atcurrentmarketpricca 19.Annual grov.th rdC8ofGOPpercapita at 1980 conltant rrwkd pricca Graph 5. GDP percap;I&"US$ at 1980 constant factor cost 20.GDP bykind of economic activity al 1980 conJtmt factor colt 21. Expenditure onGDPat1980CODalant market pricca 22. LandUICandpercapitalandVICin devclopin, Africa 23. Selected ibdicalors on. land usc

24. Production. of agriculture, fishery and forcetry (selected commodities) 2j. Agricultural production by broad ,roups Graph 6. Index numbers of food production Graph 7. Production and consumption of fcrtiliul'1 26. Mineral sector production in devcJoping Africa


18 19 20

21 22



27 28





36-37 38

38 39 40

Indic.t.... socio·4cclrmtg· afrigtrw


TableauxetlP'aphiques (suite)

11. Indicatcura de soins delWt~

12. AcUsau..facilit6ssccleleeetlIIUlitaira 13.PopulationanaIphatK:tcdel'ctplus scion IeleU

14. Effoctifs dansI'cpscignemcntprimaitc scion Iesexe

IS. Tau.xbrut d'inJc.ription dan, I'cnscignement prirnairc sclon le eexe

16. Effcctifs dans I' cnseignement sccondairectdans I'enacignemcnt sup6'ieur

17. Taux brutl d'in.S(:riptiondansJ'cn.scigncmcnt ICCOndaire etdansI'cOlCignemcotsuperieur


18. PlB euxprixcourllltt du march6

19.Teuxd'aca-oiuement ann.ue1du PIB parhabitanteux prix conltanr.du marchEdeJ980

GraphiqucS. PIB parhabitant .ux pri;llconltanLldu march6 de 1980 en dollars du EU.

20. PIB par genre d'activit6 6conomiquc.u collt des factcunCODstantl:de1980

21. Emploil duPIBaux prix constanll: du marcht de 1980

22. Utilisation desterre.etutiliwioR dea terres par habitant en Afrique en dev-eloppement 23. QucJquel; indieatcurs sur l'utiliAlion de. lerna 24. ProduetioD de I'agriculture, de la p&chcttde la

sylviculture (produits .clcctionn6s) 25. Production agricole par grands groupca

Graphiquc 6. Indices de la production alimcnlairc Graphique 7. Productionctconsommuion d'cngrais

26. Production du MCleur minier de l'Afriquc en dtvclopperncnt



21. Annual growth ratcl of the valueadded of muufacturing at <Xtnslant1980factor colt

28. Productionandconsumption of dcctrkiry(annualaVCTage

arowtb ...)

Graph 8. Crudepetroleumproduction (major producen) 29. Production, con.umptionandtradeof IOlidfuel.

30. Total impONlIld exportJ Graph 9. Imports and exportJby8ub-region 31.Balanceof trade Graph10.Balance oftradcbysub-region 32. Averageannualpvwthralc of importl anduportJ Graph11. Share ofvalue on worldC~rtI:

Graph 12. Shareof vahle onworldimportll

33.Structure of exportJ:

Graph13.&portaby~mmoditygroups 34.Structure of importJ:

Graph 14. Importlbycommodity group' 35. RelativeimportallUof principal export commoditlel

Graph IS.Externalpublic debt oUutatldinc ADddPbuncdbysub-region 37. Central govcmmenttax revenue IIld expenditure 38. Pcrccotagc change of central gover·

ammtrcc:cipUiand expenditure 39. ConlUmcr price index numbers .40.Lengthof asphaltcd roads andrailway.

"l. Motor vehiclea, radio. and television.

42. AvCC'age annual groMhrateof1Ca- bome .hipping and air traffic






48 49







64 65-67






74·75 76-77

Indicat"..., . .10-"....' 7 ·



Tableaux et IP"lpbiquts (luitc)

21.Tauxde croissance moyens unuels de II'valeur ajoutte du IICCtCUr manufaeturicrau coOtdClfaeteun con.tanUi de 1980

28.Productionet <Xtuommationd'61cetricite:(tauXde croiUlUlcemoyen! annucJs)

Graphiquc 8. Production de pIuole brut (principaux produeteun)

29.Producr.ion. conllOmmation etcommerce de combustiblCllOlidc.

30. Importationsctcxportationa totaJea

Graphtquc9. Importations ct exportation. par lOus-r6gion.


Graphkjue10.Balance commerdale par lOus--region 32.Tauxd'.lCCroiacmcnlanoucl moyende-importationl et


Gtaphique II.Parten valeurdan.Ie.:exportations mondwet

Graphiquc 12. Put en valeurdan.lea importation.


33.Structure dea exportations

Graphiquc13.Exportation.J*'groupcade produill 34. Structuredelimportation.

Oraphiquc I". ImportAtions pat groupeldeproduiUi 35. Importancerdar:ivedesprincipaux produiUi

d'exportar:ion 36.BalancedelpaiemcnUi

OraphiqueIS.Encourl de ladettepubljqlKie~t6rieure


37. Rcccttel ee dl6pcn1Cl du budgetgCn6'aJ

38. Tauxd'accroisscmentdes rcccttel eedeldtpcnse- du budget 86n6ral

39. Indiccldeprix~Is coolOmmation

40. Longueur des routes bitum6esctdes lipea de chemin de f...

.... VSliculca 1 motecr, radiol et tClivisionl 42.Tauxd'accroiaacmcotanouelmoyen du transport

marilime et dutnftcahicn


African Sodo-ec:ooODlic Indicators 1993


The present issue of African Scclo-econcmic Indicatore 1993is the tenth in thc series. It summaries economicandsocial trends in theregionfor over a period of ten years and even beyond ten years for some indicators.

Supplementary tables describing important social conditions and environment upects havc been added;

many indicators havc been presentedingraphical form.

Inexpandingth~theme of the series, the ECA Statistics Division hal been attemptingto provide a morc overaU view of the economic, social and environmental situation and its recent trends for countries, Bub-regions IlQd the continent as a whole. The publication African Socio- economic Indicators thus aimsatcomplcmenting the pure tabular fonnat of country-specificdata in the African Statistical Yearbook where each of the four parts i.

dedicated tojust one 8ub-region.

UIICI'8 should coo.ult the technical notes and table (oolnote& when making comparillOns between sub-regions and countries. Even though data have been compiled, wherever possible, in a formal which faciJitatcl international comparison, concepts and definitions of some staliltical lCties may differ substantiaJly from one countrytoanother.

When data and graphs presented in this issue of African Socio-economic Indicators: differ from the corresponding data and graphs for the same years given in the earlier editions, it should be taken to reflect cerrectlone or revisions made as a reeult of the receipt of further information. Therefore, they supersede the corresponding data and graphs published previously.

Data. presented in this volume canbe obtained on a micro-computer readable diakctte against a charge.

Interested users should direct their inquiries to:

Chief, Statistics Division


P.O. BOX3001 Addi. Ababa, Ethiopia TEL.: (251-1) S 17200 TELEX: 21029 ECA ET FAX: (01)(212)963-49S70, (251)(1)514416

Indicateurs socio-Ecooomiques africaiDll"3


Lapreacnte editiondelIndicateurs socio-«onomiquCl africains1993 estla dixibmedelas6rie. Eller6aumc lea tendanccs6conomiquea et eocielesde1&region pour une perlodededix ans et memc datant de plus dedix&Ill pour certains indicateurs.

Destableaux suppltmcntairca dtcrivantICIprincipaux faits sociaux et lea aspects de I'cnvironncment ont 6ft

indus; plusieurs indicateurs ont 6tt reprgentUIIOUSfonne de g:raphiques. En 61argisBantle theme des seriCl, la Diviaion de IIIstatiatiquede la CEA ""ye de pre.enter au lecteur une description plus 6tendue de la lituation economtque, IOclaJe et cnvironnementale et IOn evolution recente dans lei pays, lee soue-regione et Ie continent tout entier , LeeIndicateurs eocjo-eccnomiquesafricain. ont ainsi pour objet de completer lea informations par pays pr6aent6CII uniquement IOUI formes de tableaux dans I'AIlnuaire 8tali.aique pour J'Af,.ique dont (;hac:unecia quatre partiesestconsacr6e A uue 8Ous-region d6termin6e.

Letutillseteurs devraient consulter les notes techniquea etICI renvoisdestableaux quand Us compsrcnt lea IOU'"

regions et lea pays. Bico que lea donn6cs aient


elaboree., autant que faire se peur, de mllQiue"facilil~rlea comparaisons internationales,les concepts et lea definitions de certaines series peuvent diff6rer considerablemcot d'un pay. '" un autre.

Lorsque les donn6es et les graphiqucs pr6sent6a dans cette edition des Indicateurs IOcio-6conomiquea africains dimrent de ceux qui figuraientdansles 6ditionspr6clSdentel pour lea matnea annees. on doit considerer qu'its rcnCtcnt leicorrections ou les r6vi.ions faitcslla suite de nouveaux reneelgnemeete reeus. Parconsequent, ils remplaccnt les doonecsetleIgr~hiquesprecidemment publi6l:.

Lea donnCea prC&cnt6ea dans ce volume peuveat

6galem~ntetre obtcnu" sur di.quettel contre payemcnt.

Toute personne int6re" par I'acquisition de CCI disquettc8 dcvrllit a' adresler au:

Dirccteur de la Division de I. staliltique COMMISSiON ECONOMIQUE DES NATIONS

UNIES POUR L' AFRIQUE B.P. 3001 Addi. Abcba, Ethiopie TEL.: (251-1) 517200 TELEX: 21029 ECA ET FAX: (01)(212)963-49S70u (251)(1)514416




The purpose of theee technical notc8 i. to outline the scope of the data presented and to indicate u far u pouible the concepts, defmitions and cluaificatiol'l.l involved. R.eaders are adviato 1110 conlult country- specific nota in the African Statistical Yearbook for further detail.


&timatca arc bued on: UN Wl,Jrld Population



Total mid·year population ~fers to the de faero (prClCftt-in·area)population, UDleN otherwise stated.


The ..ge group.u.ed in thi. table are the following:

0-14yC&rl, 15·64 years and 65 yean and over.


The annual groYJth rate is the svera.ge unual percentage rate of population (total, urban) growth between two years, computed using the mid-year estimatel and an exponential rate of increase.

Regarding the percentage of population in urban

atCU,UICtSlhouk!be ..ware of different definitianll used by coUJlries. The following examples illustrete the range: Algeria: allcommuneehaving as cbef·1ieu either a city, a rural townar an urban agglomeralion; Ceutral African Republic: 20 principal centres; Ghana:localiti~

ofSOOOor more inhabitants; Senegal: agglomerati.ons of 10,000 or mote inhabitants.

Table .,

The age dependency ratio relate8 youths under 1S yean of '"Ie andpct&On. of 6S years and above to the population aged15to 64 yean of age. This indicator

shOWI therefore the number of dependents which each 100 porlODS in tho productive age Kgrnent of the populatioll havetosupport.

Table SandGraph 2

The total fertility rate is the average number of children that wouldbebornperwoman if she experiences

DOmortality and were lubjed to a giveo let of age- specific fertility throughout her lifetime. The gross reproduction rale is the a.vcrage number of live deughtere born to a hypothetical female birth cohort which would be ,ubjct1: to a IICt of age-tpcc:ific fertility on the ...umptioll that mortAlity before the end of the



L'objet desnotestechniquesCItde pr6lcnter danlleuu grandcl UgnCl,alltantque pohible,la port6cdcaltatlstiqucs conlian6csdans lea; tableaux alnli que la mCthodolo,ic, 108 concepti d d6fUlitionll utilises pour leur 6labaration. Pour plu, de <Utail, Ie tecteur peut aUllliliereferer aox notes Ip&:ifiqucsparpSYI contenuCl dans I'Annuaire lltatiltique pour l' Afrique.


TableauJet graphiqlle 1

Baledes estimations: 1M penpcctives d'avenir de1&

population mondiale de I'ONUI 1992.

Sauf indication contraire, la population totale en milieu d'annee se refCrc ~ la populalion de fait (personnet pr6lentea).

Tableo. 2

Let groupct d'lge utili. dans ee tableauIerapportent aux suivanll: 0-14 anll, IS·64 anset65 anictplus.


Le taux d'a.ccroissement annucl CIt Ie taux anouel moyen de variation (en pourccntage) de la population (ensemble, urbain) entre deux ann6cl, calcule~partirdel CIlimationl en milieu d'annec utilillUltIe teux exponcntiel d •eccroissement.

Ence qui ccnceme letpoureentegeedela poputeiion en milieu urbein, le lecteur devrait comprClldre que lOll pays utiliscnt dCfi definitions differcntc8 du mot ·urbain- comme le montrent let ex:emplcs cj.apu.: A1J6ric:: Tcutes let commune- ayant comme chef·1ieuURCville, unc ville rurale ou une agglomeratlon urbainc; R6publiquc ec:ntrafricaine:

lea 20 principaux centres urbain.; Ghana: locaIit61 de S000 habitantJ et plus: sen6gal: agglomerations de 10000 habitanttetplus.


Lc rapport de dependance: IUmographlqueIe d6finit aidli: la population de moins de IS ans


la popUlationde 65 anictplus, djvi&6c par la populaliop de IS .. 64 an.. Cc rapport CIt. un indicateur qui meeure Ie nombte de personnCl dC:pcndantcl que 100 pcrtonoCl en lae de travaillcr doivcot prendre en cberge.

Tableau S et graph/que 2

L'indice synthetiquc de f6condite _ \e nombre moyen de naissanCC8 qu 'une femme lOumisc .. un ensemble de f6c:onditOe, sp6ciflqucspar !ge. paurrait avoir au COUti de sa periodede procr6ation. Lc teux brut de reproduction rapporte Ie nombre de naissanccs feminines vivantell la cohorte hypothetique de naiuancca f6minines qui aerait scumise&un ensemble de feconditCslp&:ifiquespar aac, en supposant que la mortalitt avant la fin deIe p6riodede






·viii· 1Ddiytew1

sodo-fconnmiques .trir,;n'



reproductive agei.zero. TheJ«ltl reproduction ratei.

thu. cqlolAltotote.1fertilitymul~ipliedbytheproportion of birth.ofdaugbten,

TtJbI.e 6

Crudebirthand death ratesrelatethe numberof life birth,and the Dumber ofdeath', respectively, to the average size ofthe population in a liven year. The ratio i.exprcalCdper 1,000 population.




TIleeconomicdependency ratioreJ8tcI thenumberor economically inactive to the number of cconomicaUy activeperIOn.. EBtima1cllarcbaledon: 1950-202S ILO EconamlcaJ.ly active population, ValumeII.

Tab,. 8

The economically active population compriM:& all employed and unemployed penon. (includioa thoac lCCkia, work (or the first time). It ccveee empJoyer., pUlIDO' workinl on their own eceouer, WUled employees, wage carner" unpaid famiJy workers, members of producers' co-operetiveeand member. of the



The activity rate iI defined as the reno of the economicallyactivepopulatioG COthetotalpopulation.


Indieaton presented here arc population per phy.icWl. papulldioD pet' nune and population per hospitalbod. Dataeourcee: UNICEF.

Tabl, 11 """Graph'

Thi. table .howl three health related indicators: life expectanq'at birth, infant mortality rateand under 5 yean mortalityrate.

Life expectancyat birth is the number of years a newborn infllllt would live if prevailing patterns of monality ofthe total populationat the timeofhislher birthwere to my the same throughout hi.life. Infant mortality ratei.the number of death. ofinfanta under one year of age per1000 live birth. in _ given year.

Under 5yCllll8mortalityrate i.the number of deal1uIof childrenunderS years of ageper 1000 livebinhain a given year.

Table 12

This table refersto the percentage of the population with reuonable acccaa to safe water aupply which includcl treated surface Walen or untreated but uncontamioatedwaterluch81thatfrom springs, unitary well.,andproteetodboreholCi. AJIOthe table refen to the percentage of the population that. can reach

reproductionCItnulle. Letauxbrutde reproductioneat done6JaI1 I'indicc syntMdque de recondite'quemultiplie laproportiondesnaiaunCCl f6mininet.

Tableau 6

Leataux denatalitCetde mortalit6 aootcalcul~en rapportant Ie nombrc de naiuanceavivllllta et celuide

~rapcctivcmcnt,II Ie. taille moyennede popul*ion d'uneann~donnec. LerapportCItexprimepour mille b..bitanta.

Tab/ea 7 etgrap1lJqwj

Lerapport de dq,endance 6conomiqueeatJe rapport entre le nombre dea konomiquemcnt inactifl et I_

population 6conomiquementactive. Bucdell estimation.:

Populationecelve1950-2023,VolumeII duBIT.

LapopulMiankonomiquemcnr:activeoomprendooutes Ie. perlOnnCl employ6el cu non (y campri. cellel1 qui

ehcrc~un emploi pourI.premiUe foi.). EJJe rccouvre letcmployeun,lattavaillcunind6pcodanll,ICfI aalari61, I" reatiere, lea travailleutl farom.uxnon r6mun6rCi,ICI membrCl des coop6rativesdeproductcutletccux dCl foreet ann6co.


Le rauxd'activit.s'Bedefiniteomme lerapport dela population 6eonomiqucmcntactive'1.1 population rotaIc.


Lea indictteurs prCscnt6s ici IOnt lea cRimation. du nombrc d'habitan.tsparm6decin, par infirmicr(m)etpar litd'Mpital. SoUtcCIde donn6eB: UNICEF.

Tablea"11etg,aphiqut 4

Cc tableaumontre trois indieateurade untl: I'e-pbance devic!l Ja naiuancc,le taux demDrtaI~infantilectle taux

de:mortalit~de. moin. de Sana.

L'C8p6rance deviella naiuance indiqllC Ie nombre d'lUln6cl: que vivraitun nouvcau-h6.iIe. tendanCeide la mortalit6 obllCrvec.pour I'alsemblede I. popUlattoh au momentde sanai.sancerestaientinchang6cltout aulona:de IOn e:xilledcc. LetllIXdemortal~infantilee.tlenombtc ded6ckd'cnf.,.l8 de UlOin. de Ullan pour 1000 oaiuanc:ca v;vulUcnresi*"'.~COUrId'une ann6cdonn6c. Lemult de mortalit6 dCl moins de San. exprime Ie nombre de dOckd'~f. .ta demoiDsde S ani pour 1000 naill&nCCl.

vivantCIau coura d'une ann&: donn6c.


Co cableauPrCacntc Iepourcentase de Ja poptdllion ayantace" railOnnablcment!l une lOurccd'C6\I potable qui oompread Iell .urfaca: d'eau Itait6c ou 120ft ma;' non contamin&:, tcllCi que lea lOurCCl, let puits d'cau salubre et leatrOUtde mine protege. rcrnplis d'ceu. Latableau pre.cntcauuiIepourccntage deI.population quipoutBe

rendrc en main. d'une heure dans ICI centre.de IlUltC locaux, en utililaDtlet maycos de transp<lrt habitucl•.


Africaa Sodo-ecoDomic Indicators 1993 trtu18pOrtill no more than one hour.

Dataarc prCKntcd separately for total, urban and rural population.

Tabh 11

D1itcracyi.defIDedu the inability bothto read and to write. Thu., e person i. illiterate who cannot with undcntanding both read and write e .imple and .OOrt ttatement on hitlher everyday life. Eltimatcl archued on: UNESCOCompendium of Staliltica on illiteracy, 1990Edition.

Tables14,15, 16and17

o.tafor all oducational indicators arebucdonthe information contained in the UNESCO Statistical Yearbooks, 'Ypplcmentcd by estimates of the ECA StatiltiCII Division.

The gra .. enrolment ratioitthetotal enrolment in the primary, ICCOndary or higher education level related to the population in the age group corrClpOnding to each level.


Groll domCltic product (GOp) measures production without the value of intermediate consumption. It is ctJculated u the producetl' value of the grOIl final output of goods and8ct'Vkcs of producers raident in a country leu the purchUcts'. value of their intermediate coDaumption plus import dutict. It i.calculated without m.king allowance for depreciation.

GOP at current martc.:ct prices, exprelllcd in US dollar.,i. buodon the current price &eric. in national currcnciCi and the application of annual weighted average cxchanae ratel for converting the total value of trade from national currencia into US dollatl.

Tabi<19and(kaph 5

GOP in 1980 coniIWJt US dollatli.al80 obtained uling the above wciahtod exchangerateI on ODP at curreutmarket prices in aational currency adjusted by generalprice deflatotl (base year 1980).

Annual growth rAW; of GOP per capita at 1980 conll&atmarketpricct relate the annual changa inGOP tothe ilKtC88Cl of the C8timatedmid-year population.


Theheading. forGOPby kind of economic activity reflect the major divisions ofthe International Indulltrial C1auiflCllion of all Economic Activity OSIC) in the following manner:

Indicateurl socio-konomiquesalricaillli


Leadonn6cllOnt plUcnt6cl Kpar6ment pour la population totale, urbaineetrurele.

Tableau 13

L'analphabaiune C8tdCfmicommel'incapacit6 de lite

d d'krire. Ain.i. un anaIphabke cst une pcrlODftC

incapable de lire et ecnre,en. Ie compreaant, unexpo~

simpleetbrefdesfaitt en rapport avec .. vie quotidien.nc.

BucdelCltimatioDl: CompendiumdesltaliciqUC8rc1ativCl 1l'analphabCtismc, Edition1990deI'UNESCO.

Tableal«14. 15, 16et17

Let don~ de toue ICi indicateurl rcIatifl 1 I·eftacigncmen.t ant poursource leeinformationl contcn.UC8 dans"Annuaire ltatistique de I'UNESCOetcomp6t6cl par ICfiI Cltimations aablies par laDivisionde la ltatl.tique de laCEA.

Le taux brut d'inllCription dans I'enaeignementCIt le rapport de I'effectif ICOlaire inscrit au nivcau primaire, secondaire ou supeneur • la population du groupe d'...ge correspondantll cheque niveau.


Leptoduit int6rieur brut (PIB) mesure la production diminueede1&consommation intenn6diaire.C'cstla valeur de Ie productiondel biens et service. del procluctcutl rUidenlfl du pay. moins1&valeur aux prix d'Khat delcutl consommationl intenn6diairesplullea droitstittaxClaur lea impcrterlons. II ne tient p" comptedelamortillCntenti.

LePIBaux prix courlUllidu marchl!i exprimten dollars da Ell a6ttobtenu lur labasedesa6riesrelenveeaux prix courantlenmonnaia nationales auxquel.lcailal!iUappliqut lestaux de change moyens annucts pondCrts pour coavernr J. valeur totaIe du commerce ext6rieur exprim6c en monnaies nationala en dollars des EU.

Tableau19er8rapltiqMe 5

LePIB IIprix coniIWJtIdu marchede 1980exprimeen dollarldelEUCItauui obtcnuonutiliaant lameme. taux dechange pondu61 ci-dcuu. auPISaux prix courantl du marche cxprimt en monnaia nationala ejU1t6 d'un denatcurgtneraldca prix ayant commebase 1980.

Lettaux d'accroillCJllcnt annud duPJBparhabitant aux prix constantl du marcht de 1980 rapportcnt ICfiI variation. annuella du PIB II cellca da chiffl'C8 de popUlationC8timta en milieu d'ann6e.

Tab/eml. 20

Le PIB par genre d'activit6 6conomiquc r6f1~ 101 principal" eattloriel de la ClAllification intemationale type, pat indulllrie, de toutcs la branchca d'aetivit6 6:onomiquc (C.I.T.I.) comme suit:


-x- lamealnan lOdo.fcoaomiquesafricaiDll9t3 Agriculture also includc8 hunting, forcBtr)' and ti.hing;

MiaiDi aDdquarrying;


Other indUJtriCl include electricity. III ud wuer and construction;

Scrviccl include wholcaalcaDdrdailtradeaDd reatauranll and botel.; trmlpOrt, Iloragc and communication;

rmancing, in.urance, real CIlaltand bUlincu aervices;

community. aocialaud personalservices.

GOP attectorCOltdiffers from GOP at market prices bythe inclusion of indirect taxes net of subsidies in the lilt«.

Tgble 21

Expenditure on GDP at 1980 constant market prices compri..., (I)






(4) - (5). The item. . .e definedI Ifollows:

L'Agriculturc comprcndauui:chuae. forlA:, pkhe;

Les Industries extractives;

LesIndustriesmanufacturi~,"comprenncnt lea catCgorica 31.39deI.C.I.T.I.;

LeeAutres industries comprcnnent: 6Jcctricilt, gaz, cau, bAtimcnta;ettreveuxpublics:

LeeServicel comprenncnt: commerce degrotCItdc dCta.il;

rettaurantll et Mtel.: transpoN, cntrcp6t1 et commuaiaation; banques, assurances, affairCi immobili«ea et lCl'Vices(oumi.eux entreprilCl; acrviccs fournil .. la collcctivitt, acrvices IOciaux ct lICtVicCi pctlonncl•.

LcPIB au coOt dea fldeurl dimte du PIBeuxprix: du marehepatI'inclusiondan.ce demier des imp6ts indircct8 nets de- subventionl.


Leacmplois du PIB1prix constantldu marchede1980 compr...t: (I)






(4) - (5)...po...

definislCOt comme suit:




Government expenditure coDsilb of all current expenditure made by general government for the purchuc of goode and aervic:u (including wagCl and &a1arice of government employees) leBa salce of goods and ICrvkea by JOvcmment; included arc the capital outlays of govcmment llCI'Vices on durable good. for nationalsecurityanddofence.

Privalo expenditure i. the final conlumption expenditure of houacbold. and non-profit institution'lCfVing houacholdl.

OroSI c.pital fcrmerion compri&el gross fixed capital formation and inercuc inIItOCkJ. GroSI

fIXedcapilaJformation eon.i. . of the outlays of indUBtliet:, producer. of &OvemmCll.t IerviCC8 and producen of privau Don-profit



houacholdl,onadditionl of new durable goodl (eommodiliea> to theIr Itocb of filled UICU lcsitheirnet aalca oflimilar sccondhandand IlCrapped goodl. Exe1udedarc the outlays of government serviees on durable goode for nadonal defence and security. Included arc ac.quilitionll of reproducible and non- reproducible durable goods, except land, mineral dcpo.its, timber tracts and the like, for civilian


work-in-progrcu on construction projceta; capital repairs; outiays on the improvement of land and on the development ud cxtcn.lioa of timber tractI, plantation., viftC)'arda, etc. which take considerably morc tIwl. • year to become productive, until they bceomcproductive; the acquilition of brccdina:

ttoclc., draught animal., dairy cattle and the like; and thetransfercost.inconnexion with purchuca: and sales of land, mineral depo.ita;, timber tractl, etc.




La conlOmmation finale des adminilltrationl publiqueacomprcnd toutcllesd~courantcl d'aehat de bicl\I et lerviccs (y compris lea traitcmcotl et waitel des employe. des adminilltration. publiques) molns lee veatee de biens ct services del administration. publiques;

plus lee dCpcnICldesadminiICrar.ions publiquea en biens durablCIIpour la «UfenJe nMionaie.

LaconlOmmation priv6e rcpr6&ente lea depenlCl de coneommerice finale da m~ICI et del institutionl priv6c8 Ane but lucratif au eervjce des menagea.

Laformation brute dc capital se compote de la formation brutedecapitAJ fIXc ct dc la variatiOD desItockl. Laformation brute de capital fixe comprcndI'ensemblc des d6penlCl effcctu6c1 par leeindustries,les administrationspubliqueaet lea institutions priv6cs sans but lueratifau servjee dCfl m6nagCl, lee d6pcnlCl conaacr6ea .. amQ iorcr oul modifier les bicns durablcs deduction faite de leursveatesncttcs dc bien. d'occasion ou de rebuts analo,ue.. Elle u'indutpas Ics depcnSCI dCl IIdminiltration. publiquH relativesAl'achat cia bien. durllbles dostintsA la defense ct la s6curiU nationale.. FJlc inelut les acquisition.

dcabien. durablcs! usage civil! I'cxccption des IeT1'CI, des lisemcnu; minier., des for~et cia bien. ualogues; lea travauxenCOUtldellprojetl de construction,learcnovMion. d'ouvralCl; les cUpenlel dc mile en valcur del terrel, Ie devcloppcmcnt ct l'cxtell..ion del:zonesboie6cl, des plantationl, del vignoblcs, CCC. qui dcvicnncnt productifs


un an ou moin.;

I'acquieition dcbaail,dea animaux dc trlit, lea animaux laitiers et anaIoguCl; et leacoOti de transfcrtl matifs aux: acquisitionl ct vcntcl de tcrrcs. de gi8Cl11eDti minien, de ZOnet boia6Cl.



Alricu Sodo-ecoaomic Iodicators1993 -xi- Iodicateurs socio-kooomiquelafricailu1M3 (4)


Exports of goods and services consists of all transfer. of the ownership of goods from residentIJ of a country to non-residcntt and acrvicca provided by residentprcduceee of the countryto non-residents.

Imports of goods and eervicee consillt of all transfers of the ownership of goods from non- residents of a country to residents and services provided bynce-reeidear producers to rctidcnts of the country.



Lea exportations de biens et scrviCCl comprcnncntI' eaeembledesop6r'ations cffectu6cl par uo r6&ident avec un non·r6iidcntetportant sur un bien ou un service.

Lea importations do bien. ct lICtVices comprennentI'enacmblede- ophationseffectu6eli par un r6sident avec un non-r6sidcntct portant sur un bien ou un service.

Growth rates ere calculated from constant price soria. The .harca of GOP arc calculated from current price scriCi.


Forest and woodland refersto land under natural or planted stands ofUOCIl,whether productive or noC, and includu land from which forests have been cleared but thatwillbereforested in the foreseeable future.

Arable Land refers to land under temporary crops (double croppedarcaa are counted only once), temporary meadoWi for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen gardens (including cultivation under glass), and land temporarily fallow (leas than fin years). The abandonccf land rCiulting from shifting cultivation is not includedinthis category.

Landunderpermanent crops refersto land cultivated with crops that occupy the land for long period. and need not be replanted after each harvest, such as cocoa, coffee and rubber: itincludes lend under shrubs, fruit trees, nut, trees and vinea, but excludes land under trees grown for wood Dr timber.

Permanentmeedowsand paatutClil referstoland used permanently (fIVe years Dr more) for herbaceous forage crops, either cultivlllCd or growing wild (wild prairie or grazing land).

Other Land includes built-in areas, roads, barren land,and any other land not specifically listed.

Table U

Produc-tion of agriculture, fishery and forestry refers to physical quantities of selected commodities for dcvelopiJ'lg Africa.

Table 25

Agricultural productionby broad group comprises major agricultural outpu'" ofdeveloping Africa.

Graph 6

Index numbers of food production. Source:


fAO Printouts.

Leataux d'accroisscment sont calcule.1partir dea s6riea1prix constants. Leeparts relatives du PIS sont C4JculecsApartir <lea s&ieaAprixcoureats.

Tableaux22 et 23

Forats et terrains boises: routes tcrrcI portant dea peuplementa naturels ou artificicJs, qu'ils soient productifs ounon. Cctte rubrique comprend lea terrea debois6cs, mail dont Ie rcboiacment est envisage dans un proche avenir.

Terree arable.: terrea affcct6cs aux cultures temporaires (leesuperficies r6coltks deux fois n 'Ctant compt6cs qu 'une fcis}, prairies temporairesAfaucher ouApAturer, jardins maraichers cu potegere(ycomprisles cultutC8 sou. veere) etterres enjach~re.tcmporaires (moins de cinq ans). 1.cI terree abandonnee.AIe suite de cultures itinerantes neIORt

pas prillCS en compte danfl cette categoric.

Cultures permanentes: tetres consacrCesAdes cultures qui occupentle terrain pendant de 10RIUCI pCriodcact ne doivent pas &:te replantCes apr" chaque r6colte, comme Ie cacao, te cafe etle caoutchouc. Cc:ucrubrique comprend leesuperficiescouvertesd'arbUIteII, d'arnres fruitier.ctde vignea,mai. non lea terreaplant6ea en arbres destine. .. la production de boi. ou de grumes.

Prairiesd plturages permanents:tercClconll8Cr6cs de f~npcrmanente (cinq ans au minimum) aux herbac6cs fcurregeree, cultivCca ou sauvage. (prairiCl sauvages ou piturages).

Autrcs terres: terrains conetruirs, routes, terres incultcs et toutes autres terres ne figurant pas ap6cifiquemcnt elms lalim.

Tableal4 U

Lea productions agricoles, de la p6che ct de la sylviculture se rapportent eux quantittl physiques de quelquesproduita des pay. africains en dtvcloppemcnt.

Tableal4 25

Laproductionagricolepar grand. groupeacomprend les principales productions agricol" des pay. africains cn developpemeet.

Indices deIIproduction alimcntairc. Source: Imprim61 d'ordinateur de 1992 de laFAO.


AfriapI,SodCH:COllomic IDdieaton 1993

Graph 7

~xii- IDdicateun sodo-«.oaOdliques africaiu 1M3

Graphlqw 7 Fertilizen comprise nitrogenou., pholpha1e and

potash fertilizers.

Table 26

Production of the mineral sector referl to physical quantitiea of (a) selected minerals and non·ferrous metals and (b) diamonds, silver, gold and platinum.

Table 27

Manufacturing refers toISle code 311/2.

Table 28

Production of electricity refers to groll production of primary and ICCOndary electricity by public power plants and letf-produccrl. It includCl the consumption by Illation auxiliaries and any IOIllelinthetran.former. that arc coll.idcred integralparbof the Iltation. It excludes, however, energy production from pumped Itoragc.

ConlUlRption of electricity refers to the difference between groll production and net international tradc of energy. It thus comprisca the consumption of all economic sectors, including households, as well .. IOIllel OCCUlTing during tranlRlillion and distribution.

Graph 8

Production of crude petroleum allO includes crude mineral oils cxtracted from bituminolll mineral. (shale, bitumiDOu'IlUldJ:,Ill.c.)as well as lcue (field) condenlBtc (separator liquid.) which i. recovered from geseous hydrocarbon. in lcuc lCparatlon fa.::ilities and other inputs to petroleum refineriCi such .. topped crude petroleum and hydrogen.

Tablt! 29

Production of IOlid fuell comprises hard coal. brown coal (lignite), peat and oil shale. Included in the coneureprlcn of lOUd fuel. arc thosc consumed in their primary form llRd net imports as well as changes in IltoclaIof ICICOndary fuel.. Imports and exports refer to all primary aad MlCOndar)' fOrml of cocrgy.

Tabl..JO. JI ond Graphs9.10. 11. 12

As a gcocral guideline, international trade statistic.

cover all merchandisc. Thatil. as far .. pouiblc, all goods which add to or subtract from thcIto<:kof material rcaoUfCCI of a country as a rCluh of thcir movement into or out ofthecountry.

Exports arc valued f.o.b. (free on board) and imports c.i.f. (colt, insurance and freight included). In the categorization of cxports and imports the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), R"ision 2. has beenused u follows:

I.cI engrai. comprennent les engrais azot6a, ICI phosphatclilet lea potessee.

Tablt!QII 26

Laproduttion du aecteur minier sc compose de: a) min6r.ux a61ectionn6aetm6taux non-ferreux ct b) diamant, or, ara:cnttitplatine.


Lesecteur manufacturier sent ceux du code 311/2 de I.



Laproduction d'61cctricit6 indique la production brute d'61cetricitC primaire et seccedeire pill Ie. centralCi publiques et lea entrcprilCl qui produilCnt pour leur propre compte. Elle comprcnd la conlOmmation propre del centrllJea et les pcrtct en ligne. Ene exelut toutefou I'a.ergie produite par des puita de pompap.

LaconlOmmation d'61ectricit6 con.dtve la diff6rcnce entre la production brute et Ie C<lmmcrcc international net d'6nergie. Ellc comprend ain.i la ccnsommenon de I'ensemblc des ICCtcUr. 6conomiquea et dea menages, y comprls leipcrtcsen Iigne oexvionn6cll par te distribution.


La production de ~Ie brut comprcnd aUlli lea minerai. brutl extraita des minerais bitumcux (achiatc, sable. etc.) ainli que lei condenaatl ditcctcmcnt r6cuP'r"

sur lei .ilCl d'cxploitationdcl hydrocarburca gazeux (danl lea unit6a: pr6vuea pour Ie .eparation des phlllCl Iiquidc et gllZCUsc) et d'autrCIIentn5ca en reffineriCBde p«rolelei.que le brut6latC etI·hydrog~e.


La production dea combustibles aolide8 comprcnd la houille,le lignite, la tourbe et lCischi&te8bitumineux. Sont inclu.dan.Ie coDlOmmation dCB combulltiblCllOlidcs ceux qui IOnt conlOmmia IOU. leur forme primairencttcdes importation.et des variation. des stocks des combulltiblca aceondairea. Lea lmportations et lea cXportatioftl Ie

rttpporten... I'ensemble des forma primaired ICCOndairc de )'6nergic.

TableaJIX 30.31ergraphiqws 9,10,11,12

D'une maniCrc g6n6rale, Ics lItIIlilltiquea du commerce international couvrcnt toutee lee machandilCl. c'cG-l-dire.

aUlant que possible tous lea bien. dont I'importalion ou I' exportation contribue AI' accroiucmcnt ou .. la diminution du stock de rCIIOUf'CCI mat6ricllea d'un pay•.

I.cI valcun del cxportations IOnt calcul6ca f.a.b.

(franco l bord) et celle1 des importations c.a.f. (coOt, auuranCCll, frat). Pour I. cat6gorilatioadesexportations et des importation., la

a ...

ification type pour Ie commerce international (C.T.C.I.), Ra-ision 2, • ~utili. comme luit:


African Socio-«Onomic llldicaton 1993




4. Huilee:, JTai.ae. ct citcl d'orisine animaJe ou v'g&ale;

O. Food and live animals, chiefly for food;

I. Beverageaand tobacco;

2. Crude materials. inedible, except fuels;

3. Mineral fuels, lubri«ntt and related material;

4. Animal and vegetable oil., flits and waxes;





Produits alimcnwres ct animaux.

vivants destine. AI'alimcntation;

Boi8lOnsct tabacs;

Matieres brutc& non comestibles, carburants non compris;

Comhulltiblee: mincraux, lubrirLantl,c:t produits connexes;

S. Chemicals and related products, n.e.s;

S. Produits chimiqucs et produita connexe••n.c.a;

6. Manufactured goods, classified chiefly by material;

7. Machinery and transport equipment;

6. Articlcs manufactur6s principalemcnt d'apres la premiere;



9. Articlea et transactions Don cl. . . ailleurs dans18erCI;

8. Miscellaneous manufactured articlcs;

9. Commodities and transactions not clulificd elsewherein the SITe.



Machineactmat6riel de transport;

Articlea manufacture. divers;


Annual growth rata have been computed using the lcut aquare mdhod with an exponential trend function of time.

Tabl~33andGraph 13

Primarycommodities are composed of SITC Sections


through 4. Manufactures are the commodities in SectionsSthrough 8. Other relates to the commodities in Section 9.

Tabl.34andGraph 14

In the categorization of imports, Food items refer to commoditiesinSITC Section O. Fuels are commodities in Section 3. Machinery and transport equipment arc the commoditlee in Scet.ioll 7. Other manufactured goods are the commoditicl of Section. 5,6 and 8. Other relatesto Seclionll 1. "and 9.


This table shows the relative lreportence of principal

e~rtcommodities by country.


Balance of payments data arc based on information obtained from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and follow the standard definitions as used by the IMF. For details, pleuc: refer 10 Annex I and Annex II of the IMF Balance of Paymcmt Slatilltics Yearbook.

Tableau 32

Leetaux d'eccroiseement annuels moyen.lOnt calcule.

sclOD la methode dea moindrcs


avec une fonction expcneetielledu temps.

Tableall 33 el grophique 13

LeeArticlea prlmaires se compoeeet dealCCtioDl0 l 4, deII.Cf'Cl, lea Articles manufactur6s des lCclions5 AS et la rubrique Autres de la section 9.

TableauJ4et graphiqu14

Pour les cat6gorics relatives aux importerions, les Produits alimcntairca conccrncnt les articles deII.lCclion 0 de la CTCI. LeaCombustibles soot lea produits de II.

section 3, lea MachinaCItla6quipcmcntl de transport CC1UX de la section 7, lea Autres produits mlUlufactur4a«lUXdea sections 5. 6 et 8 etII.rubrique Autres regroupe les scctioDS 1,4et9.


Cc tableau montre I'importance relerive des principaux produita d'exportation par pay•.

Tableau 36

Labalance dca paiemcntl a6t66tablie A partir des donn6es du Fonds mon6tairc interrWionaJ (FMI) et conformemeetaux definitions qu'iI utiliK. Pour plus de detail, se r6fercr ll'annexe let AI'annexe II de l'Annuairc statistique de la Balance dea paiementl du FMI.



ExtcmaI public debt outstanding and disbursed tcpl'ClCrltatheamount of public and publicly guaranteed loans dilbuncd MId outstandingatthe end ofeachyear, net of rcpaymenta of principal and write-offs.

Tabl"37D1Id 38

Central government rela1cl to all unita that ate

agenciCi or instruments of a country '. central authority and whollO jurisdiction extends to all parts of ita territory .Expenditure includes: all non repayable paymenlJl by government, whether requited or unrequited and whether for current or capital pUrpOICl.


A consumer price index is the average change over time in the prlcee paid by the ultimate consumer of a specified basket of goods and servlcee. Both geographic and item coverage vary from country to country. In some countrica,the index relates only to the capital city, wbile in other it may relate only to urban centres: or to selectedurban and rural loealities:. With respect to item coverage, the general index (A) may include or exclude rent. For the food. index, this may include or exclude beverages and tobacco. Both indexes may apply to different income groups: high, middle and low.


Dataon length ofuphaltedroads were taken from national publications and repliea from countries to theUN questionnaire on transport statistics.

The figures on length of railways reportedin this table refer to the total length of all gange railway linea open for pubHc traffic, counting only oncethe double or triple lines.

Table 41

Motor VehiclCl comprise plWCftgCl cars, buses, coaches and goods vehicles. Theyexclude motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and trectore.

The aeries on radio and television refer either to the number of lieeaaca issued or to the estimated number of setIin use,c~reacdper1000 inhabitants.


Sea-bome shipping refers to all goods in external trade loaded on or unloaded from sea going vessels. Air traffic refer to the total commercial freightatall airports underthecontrol ofthecountries concerned.

lndic:ateurs socio-4cooomiques africains 1993


L'encoura de la dette publique ext6rieureC( dtcaiu6e repr6senteleeemprunts contract6&:ct garanti. parl'Etat et qui sont d6caiss6s 8. la fin de chaque annk. nett del remboursementsetdes annulations.

Tabll!allX37I!t 38

Letenne Administration centrale conceme I'ensemble des cotit68 qui IOnt des agencca ou des instrumentsde I'autorite centrale d'UD pay.et dont la juridiction .'6tcnd lur I'ensemble du territoire de ce pay•. LeedepcollCl comprennent l'eneembte des paiements non remboursables effcctu61par les adminiatrationscentrales, qu'Us soient avec ou sans contrepartie et qu'il s'agis8C de transactions courenteeou en capital.


L'indice de prix 8. la conscmmerion montre I'evolution dan,Ie temps des prix d'un panier sp6cifique de biensct services payi par Ie ccneommeteue flaal. Lacouverture geographique et Ie contenu du panier vene d'un pay. to I'autre. Dans certains pays, I'indiceestseulement calculi pour la capitale, tandia que dansd'eutreeitpeut eoneemer soit touslee centres urbains, soit des Iocalittl urbainesct ruraleschojsies. S'agis&antdee articles, I'indice ginin) (A) peut inclure ou exclure Ie loyer. L'indice rehllif eux produits alimentaires peut egalement indure ou exclure lea boieeoneettabacs. Cesdeux indices peuvent s'appliquer1 diff&entes classes de revenue: haut rcvenu, revenu interm6iiaireetfaible revenu.


Leedonnees sur la longueur dee routes bitumeea sont tirees dea publications nationalesetdes r6ponSC8 des pays au questionnaire de I'ONU lur les lltatiltiques des transports.

Lalongueur du r"-cau de chemin de fer indiqu6e dans ce tableau se rapporte lla longueur totale des voies de tout ecertemenr,ouvertesau traftc public,etne comptantqu'une seule fois celles qui sent doubles ou triples.

Tableau 41

Par vebicules 8. moteurs, on entend lea voiturcs particuliUes pour le trlUlsport des perlOnnes, les autobus, lea camions et lu volturee pour Ie transport des marchandises. Sont exclue lee motocylee, scooters, cyclcmoteurecttrecteurs.

Pour les a6rics concernant les postes de radio et de television,lea chiffrel indiques se rapportent eolt au nombre de pennis delivrCa soit au nombre deposteaen service, exprimea pour 1000 habitants.

Tab/tart 42

Lcs transports maritimes se fapportent 1 toutes les marchandillCl du commerce exterieur embarqu6cs ou dcSbarqueea et dont le transport se fait par mer. Le trafic eerien se rapporte1la totalite du fra commercill1 sur lea aerodromes contr61es par Ie pays considirt.


AfricaDSodo-ecoaomic Indicators 1993





Donn6cs non dillpOoibla Ma(l:nitudczeroor leas than half of

theunit used.


Ton Thousand Number Kilometer Exports Imporu Free on board

Colt, insurance and freight Not elsewhere c1anificd Gron Domc.lic Product

Standard Intcrnational Tradc Clasaificalif)n

'000 No.





c .e.f.




R6sultats rigourcuscmcnt nul. au inf6ricurs lla moiti6 de l'unit6 utili.

Estimations de la CEA Tonne

Millicr Nombrc Kilometre Exportation&

Importations Franco~bard CoGt, Uluranuct fret Non clua aillcufl Produitint6ricur brut

Classification type pour Ie commerce international

Internalif)nal ClaaaifitatiM activitiel

Stand4l'd of &11

Industrial economic


Cleseiflcerionintcmationale type par industric de toutes les branches d'activit6 ecoeomique



EuropC411. Economic Community Special Drawing Rights

BecaUICof rounding, the totals and subtotal, shawn in the tables may not correspond to the sums of their components.



Communaut6 6conomique curop6cnnc Droitsde tirage specleux

LeachifTrcsayant 6t6 erroadie, lei totauxetlei totaux pertiels pr6scnt6a dans lee tableaux peuvent ne pal correepondre eux sommes de leurs 6lemcnLs.


AIricaaSodo-ecoDomicbulicatora 1'"


TOTAL AntICA (S3ECA member S...) NorthAfrica

Alger ...


LibyanArabJamahiriya Morocco

Sudan Tunisia West Africa

Benin BurkinaFaso Cap Verde

~ted'ivoire Gambia GIwla Guinea OUineaBi....u

Liberia Mali Mauritania Nip' Nigeria Senepl SierTa Leone Togo CeatralAfrica

Burundi Cameroon

Ceo.tral ACriean RCf)ublie Chad


Equatorial Guinea Gabon


SaoTomeand Principe Zaire

East aiad Southern Africa Angola BolaWana Comoros Djibouti

Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Lcaotho Madagucar Malawi Mauritiul Mozambique Namibia Soy.bell..



(S3 _ memb... de la CEA) Afrique du Nord

Alg&ic Egyplc

Jamahiriyaarabc libycnnc Maroc

Soudan Tuniaie Afrique de I'Ouest

Benin Burkina Faso Cap-Vert C6tcd'ivoitc Gunbie Ghana Quin6e Ouioeo.BiAau Liberia Mali Mauritanie NilClr Nil&ia Stntpl SierraUone Togo Afrique Centrale

Burundi Cameroun

Rl!publiquc eentraCrieainc Tehad


Guin6e equatoriale Gabon


Sao Tom6-et-Prineipe ZaIre

Afriquede I'EstetAUitrale Ansola

BolaWana Comol'Cl Djibouti Eoythrtc Ethiopie Kenya Lcaotho Madasucar Malawi Maurice Mozambique Namibie Seychelles


African Socio-ecoaomk Iadic:aton 1993

Somalia South Africa Swaziland

Tanzania, Un. Rep. of Uganda

zambia Zimbabwe

11According to the English alphabetical order of countries within sub-region.

Iadic:ateurs sodo-4c:onomiques africains 1993

Somalie Afrique du Sud Swaziland

Tanzanic, Republique Unic de Ouganda

zambic Zimbabwe

IIScion I'ordre a1phab6tique anglais dcs paysAJ'int6ricur des sous-regions.





Documents relatifs

Afrique en developpement Afrique du Sud.. DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIAL INDICATORS INDICATEURS DEMOGRAPHIQUES ET SOCIAUX.. African Socio-ec~ic Indicator-s 1988 2

- .... African Socio-economic lndicatgrs 1989 27 Indicateurs socio-economiques africain. in Africa UtJi•• tion de. in Africa Utihatlon du twr.. Africal Socio-~ic Indicators

African Socio-economic Indicators 1986 35 lndicateurs socio-economiques africains

Les taux d'accroissement annuel du PlB par habi- tantaux prix constantsdu marche de 1980 rapportent les variations annuelles du PIB A celles des chiffres de population

OTHERS AUTRES.. African Socio-economic Indicators 1988 36 Indicates socio-econoaiags africains 1988 19. ONU, Annual re des statistioues de I'eneraie. diverses editions 1/

African Socio-economic Indicators 1989 24 Indicateurs socio-economiques africains 1969 13.. African Socio-eccnowic Indicators 1969 Indicateur» «ocio-&lt;concmrioje« africaim

The annual growth rate is the average annual percentage rate of population (total, urban) growth between two years, computed using the mid-year estimates and an exponential rate

... 63.4 CENTRAL AFRICA· AFRIQUE CENTRALE..... African Socia-economic Indicators 1994 20 Indicateura aocio-fcC!tPICIJ!!I africai,.. Students enrolled at first level of