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Influence of anharmonicity on some transport properties of AgBr


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Influence of anharmonicity on some transport properties of AgBr

P.A. Varotsos

To cite this version:

P.A. Varotsos. Influence of anharmonicity on some transport properties of AgBr. Journal de Physique, 1978, 39 (11), pp.1247-1249. �10.1051/jphys:0197800390110124700�. �jpa-00208866�


E 1247




Department of Physics, University of Athens, Solonos str. 104, Athens 144, Greece

(Reçu le 28 avril 1978, accepté le 20 juillet 1978)

Résumé. 2014 Des mesures récentes montrent que l’entropie de migration pour la diffusion de Na+

dans AgBr est de 5,1 kB. Cette valeur est notablement supérieure à celle trouvée dans les halogénures

alcalins pour le mouvement des lacunes cationiques. Une explication plausible est, de ce fait, proposée.

De plus, on a fait un calcul des volumes de migration pour le mouvement des lacunes et interstitiels de Ag+ dans AgBr qui mène à des valeurs comparables aux expériences.

Abstract. 2014 Recent measurements show that the migration entropy for Na+ diffusion in AgBr

is 5.1 kB. This value is appreciably higher than that found in alkali halides for cation vacancy motion.

A plausible explanation of this fact is proposed. Furthermore, a calculation is made of the migration

volumes for the vacancy and interstitial motion of Ag+ in AgBr which leads to values comparable

with experiment.


Classification Physics Abstracts


Considerable interest has been recently expressed

in the study of transport properties in silver

halides [1-5]. It has been found that on approaching

the melting point their conductivity shows an unusual

increase not predicted from the usual Lidiard-Debye-

Hückel theory [6]. We have already proposed [7, 8]

that this increase is probably due to the higher order anharmonicity of these solids at high T, which reveals

a non-linear decrease of the Gibbs formation energy

gf per cation-Frenkel defect. This proposal seems to

be in accordance with the ideas expressed recently by Friauf [9] and Slifkin [10]. Furthermore, by taking

the pressure variation of the elastic constants into account (clearly an anharmonic effect) [1l,12J, the

formation volume vf per Frenkel defect has been calculated [13] in close agreement with the experi-

mental results.

In the present paper we focus our attention on the

following problems which are still open. (i) The migration entropy sm,v for Na+-diffusion (through vacancies) in AgBr has been found [4] equal to 5.1 kB (kB is the Boltzmann constant). This value is

appreciably higher than that found for free cation or

anion vacancy motion in alkali halides [14]. (ii) The migration volume vm,v for free cation vacancy motion in AgBr is [5] 5.5 ± 0.5 cm3/mole, i.e. vm°" = 0.37 Q

where 03A9 is the mean volume per atom. On the other hand in alkali halides the ratio vm,v /Q is around 0.5

(*) To the memory of Antonios Varotsos.

or even more [15]. (iii) The migration volume vm,i for

the interstitial motion of Ag+ in AgBr is [5] ~ 50 %

lower than vm, v.

1. The migration entropy of Na in AgBr. - The

Gibbs migration energy gmi’V for the motion of a

monovalent ion i from its normal lattice position N to

a neighbouring vacancy can be expressed as [16, 17] :

where 1 is the nearest cation-anion distance, as, aN are the Madelung constants for the saddle point S and the

normal site N respectively (taking the presence of the vacancy into account), B is the bulk modulus, F is the dielectric constant and C; is a constant which is

assumed to be temperature and pressure independent.

The value of the constant Ci can be calculated from the boundary condition that gî v becomes equal to

the migration enthalpy hmvôi at absolute zero. In the

case of AgBr at T = 0 K we have [18-20,16]

For Na in AgBr we use the approximation

and therefore a direct application of eq. (1) at T = 0 K leads to CNa = 0.077. The corresponding migration

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0197800390110124700



entropy sNa can now be calculated from direct diffe- rentiation of eq. (1) with respect to temperature :

For the application of eq. (2) in the region 160-

180 °C we have used : (a) the temperature variation of the elastic constants and expansivity values report- ed by Tannhauser, Bruner and Lawson [19] and (b)

the temperature variation ofs measured by Smith [20].

The values obtained for D(B03A9)DT and â(El )/aT

are 5.8 x 10- 3 eV/K and 7.06 x 10- 2 Â/K respecti- vely. Therefore the first term of the right side is found

to be ~ 0.9 kB, whereas the second one is appreciably higher at 4.8 ko. Therefore the calculated value is

s’Nà’ ;:~t 5.7 kB which is in satisfactory agreement with

experiment [4]. This calculation shows that the major

contribution to s-N-1 comes mainly from the rapid

decrease of elastic constants with the température ; it finally means that the migration entropy for Na- motion in AgBr is appreciably larger than that found

in alkali halides due to the higher anharmonicity of AgBr.

2. The migration volume for a free cation vacancy in AgBr. - The parameter vm,v can now be obtained

by a direct dBiflerentiation of eq. (1) with respect to pressure. The calculation of this derivative demands the knowledge of D(In s)/ôP which unfortunately is not

available to us. In alkali halides, experiments show

that [21-23] D(In E)IDP =- _ 10-2 kbar-1. By assum- ing that this value is also appropriate for AgBr we

estimate that the pressure derivative of the first term

of the right side of eq. (1) is considerably smaller than Ci à(BQ)/ôP at constant T. Therefore we can approxi- mately set :

where now the constant Ci corresponds to the migra-

tion of Ag+ to a neighbouring vacancy. The value of

C¡g can be extracted from the application of eq. (1)

at T = 0 K in a manner similar to that indicated above for Na+-motion :

By bearing in mind that the migration enthalpy for

the (vacancy) Ag+-motion is 0.33 eV [1, 5], eq. (4) gives : CÂg ‘~ 0.037.

Loje and Schuelle [18] found that the pressure derivative of the (isothermal) bulk modulus B at R.T is 7.49. The same authors, at T = 195 K, gave the value

ôBs/ôP = 6.26, where Bs denotes the adiabatic bulk modulus. It is reasonable to assume that

(DBî ,DP)~ (ôB/ôP)

for T = 195 K ; therefore a linear extrapolation up to 500 K gives aB/op ~ 9.8.

By inserting the above values into eq. (3) we finally get : v Âg mv ~ 0.33 03A9 ; this result is comparable to the

value 0.37 Q + 10 % obtained experimentally [5].

3. The migration volume for the interstitial motion of Ag+. - Similar considerations should be applied

for the interstitial motion of Ag+. By using eq. (4)

and the average migration enthalpy [5] hmiÂg‘ = 0.20 eV,

one obtains Clg = 0.022. Therefore the application

of eq. (3) leads to : vÂg N 0.2 03A9 which has to be

compared with the experimental value [5] of 0.25 Q.

4. Concluding remarks. - It is an undisputed fact

that a calculation of sm,vNa Na vÂg, Ag v/§flo Ag on a microscopic

basis still remains an extremely difficult problem. It is

therefore fortunate that the macroscopic model proposed here gives a satisfactory agreement with the experimental results. It is worthwhile to emphasize again that the basis of the present model is the strong

anharmonicity of AgBr. If one recalls that the tempe-

rature variation of e is due mainly to the volume

dependence of the microscopic force constants [24],

we can state that the present paper - being in basic

agreement with [8] suggests that anharmonic effects

play an important role in the transport properties of AgBr.


[1] ABOAGYE, J. K. and FRIAUF, R. J., Phys. Rev. B 11 (1975) 1654.

[2] FRIAUF, R. J., J. Physique Colloq. 34 (1973) C9-403.

[3] BATRA, A. P. and SLIFKIN, L. M., Phys. Rev. B 12 (1975) 3473.

[4] BATRA, A. P. and SLIFKIN, L. M., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 38

(1977) 687.

[5] LANSIART, S. and BEYELER, M., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 36 (1975)


[6] LIDIARD, A. B., Encyclopedia of Physics, ed. S. Flügge (Springer- Verlag, Berlin) 1957, Vol. XX, p. 246.

[7] VAROTSOS, P. and ALEXOPOULOS, K., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 38 (1977) 997.

[8] VAROTSOS, P. and ALEXOPOULOS, K., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39 (1978) 759.

[9] FRIAUF, R. J., J. Physique 38 (1977) 1077.

[10] SLIFKIN, L. M., Ion transport in simple Ionic Crystals, Confe-

rence on Defects in Insulating Crystals (Galtinburg,

October 1977).

[11] LEIBFRIED, G. and LUDWIG, W., Solid State Phys. 12 (1961) 276.



[12] LUDWIG, W., Recent Developments in Lattice Theory in Springer

Tracts in Modern Physics (Springer) 1967, Vol. 43.

[13] VAROTSOS, P., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39 (1978) 513.

[14] VAROTSOS, P., J. Physique Lett. 38 (1977) L-171.

[15] YOON, D. N. and LAZARUS, D., Phys. Rev. B 5 (1972) 4935.

[16] VAROTSOS, P. and ALEXOPOULOS, K., Phys. Rev. B 15 (1977) 2348 ; Phys. Rev. B 16 (1977) 947.

[17] VAROTSOS, P., Phys. Status Solidi (a) 45 (1978) K9.

[18] LOJE, K. F. and SCHUELE, D. E., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 31

(1970) 2051.

[19] TANNHAUSER, D. S., BRUNER, L. J. and LAWSON, A. W., Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 1276.

[20] SMITH, G. C., Thesis, Cornell University (1962).

[21] FLYNN, C. P., Point Defects and Diffusion (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 1972.

[22] FONTANELLA, J., ANDEEN, C. and SCHUELE, D., Phys. Rev. B 6 (1972) 582.

[23] BARTELS, R. A. and SMITH, P. A., Phys. Rev. B7 (1973) 3885.

[24] VAROTSOS, P., J. Physique Lett. 39 (1978) L-79.


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