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Geometrical aspects of exact boundary controllability for the wave equation. A numerical study


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Abstract. This essentially numerical study, sets out to investigate vari- ous geometrical properties of exact boundary controllability of the wave equation when the control is applied on a part of the boundary. Re- lationships between the geometry of the domain, the geometry of the controlled boundary, the time needed to control and the energy of the control are dealt with. A new norm of the control and an energetic cost factor are introduced. These quantities enable a detailed appraisal of the numerical solutions obtained and the detection of trapped rays.


1. Introduction 164

2. The HUM approach to exact boundary controllability 165

2.1. Formulation of the problem 165

2.2. Description of the HUM 165

2.3. Application of the HUM to the wave equation 166 2.4. Control on a part of the boundary: theoretical aspects 166 3. Sharp su cient conditions for the control of waves from the

boundary 167

4. A numerical algorithm based on the HUM 168

4.1. The conjugate gradient solution 168

4.2. Application of CG algorithm to the boundary control problem 169 4.3. The discretization of the CG algorithm using a multigrid

ltering technique 172

5. Norms of the control g and the energetic cost of control 177

5.1. Norms of control 177

5.2. The energetic cost of control 182

6. The wave equation on the unit square: numerical study 182 6.1. Geometry of domains and control boundaries 183 6.2. Convergence criterion and discrete norms 183

6.3. The test problem 184

6.4. Initial data 184

6.5. Control on the entire boundary of the unit square 184

Mark Asch, Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique, Universite Paris XI, 91405 Orsay, France. E-mail: Mark.Asch@math.u-psud.fr.

Gilles Lebeau, CMAT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France. E-mail:


Received by the journal June 12, 1997. Revised October 1, 1997 and March 2, 1998.

Accepted for publication March 31, 1998.

c Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et Industrielles. Typeset by LATEX.


6.6. Control on a part of the boundary of the unit square 185 7. The wave equation on other domains: numerical study 190

7.1. The square cavity 190

7.2. The square with two cavities 192

7.3. The ellipse 195

8. Summary of numerical results 199

9. Conclusions 201

Appendix A. Control on a part of the boundary: theoretical aspects201 Appendix B. Finite dierences on a curved boundary 204 B.1. The 9-point nite dierence scheme for the wave equation 204

B.2. Implementation 205

Appendix C. Convergence of the conjugate gradient algorithm 206

C.1. Convergence and mesh size 206

C.2. Convergence and control time 206

C.3. Convergence and oscillatory initial data 207 Appendix D. Use of MATLAB for solution of the wave equation 208

List of Figures 210

References 211

1. Introduction

The motivation for this paper comes from three sources:

the Hilbert Uniqueness Method (HUM) formulated by J.-L. Lions { see 8]

the numerical application of the above method to exact boundary con- trol of the wave equation by R. Glowinski et al. { see 6, 7]

the geometrical results of Bardos, Lebeau and Rauch 4] which enabled the proof of sharp su cient conditions for control of the wave equation from the boundary.

The geometrical result concerning the exact boundary controllability of the wave equation as obtained by 4], states that one must control on a set large enough to encounter every ray of geometric optics. However, this is not very intuitive, especially when the geometry of the controlled domain becomes complicated and when the control is applied on a part of the bound- ary only. This numerical study will try to illustrate and elucidate various aspects of this theoretical result.

We remark that apart from the numerical studies of 6, 7] cited above, 5] have also performed a numerical investigation of the controllability of a non-linear wave equation (in one space dimension) with the control located in a small neighborhood of the boundary.

In this paper we begin by recalling the main theorems concerning the Hilbert Uniqueness Method of J.-L. Lions 8] and the geometrical theorems of Bardos-Lebeau-Rauch 4]. We then explain the numerical algorithm which closely follows the work of R. Glowinski 6]. After a validation of the code, we use it to study various relations between

the geometry of the control boundary

the time needed to control a given geometrical conguration

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the oscillatory nature of the data the cost of the control.

We seek in particular a numerical manifestation of the trapped ray phe- nomenon. Finally we draw some conclusions.

2. The HUM approach to exact boundary controllability 2.1. Formulation of the problem

We consider the wave equation with control on a part of the boundary,










2u= 0 in Q= (0T)

u(x0) =u0ut(x0) =u1 in



g on 0 = ;0(0T) 0 on n0 = ;n;0(0T)

(2.1) where is a bounded domain ofR2with boundary ;, and ;0 ;. In other words, the boundary control is applied on the part ;0 of the boundary ;.

The problem of exact boundary controllability is then: \Given T,u0,u1, can we nd a control g on 0 such that the solution of (2.1) satises

u(xT) =ut(xT) = 0 on ? "

The answer is yes, if

one takesT su ciently large, and

one controls on a set large enough to encounter every ray of geometric optics (see below).

This answer raises numerous questions:

how doesT depend on the geometry of the domain ? How does T depend on the spectrum of the initial data ?

For complicated geometries, what constitutes a set \large enough to encounter every ray of geometric optics" ?

All these questions will be treated in the sequel.

A systematic and constructive method for computing such a control, g, is provided by the Hilbert uniqueness method (Hum) of Lions 8].

2.2. Description of the HUM

We now describe briey theHumfor control of the wave equation from a part of the boundary. Full details can be found in 8].


E=H10()L2()E0=H;1()L2() and dene the operator

:E !E0 as follows:

1. Take e=fe0e1g2E and solve from t= 0 tot=T

2= 0 in (0T)

(x0) =e0t(x0) =e1 in (2.2)

(xt) = 0 on ;(0T) = :

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2. Then solve (backwards) fromt=T to t= 0

2= 0 in (0T)

(xT) = 0t(xT) = 0 in (2.3)

(xt) =



@n on 0 = ;0(0T)

0 on n0 = ;n;0(0T).

3. Finally, dene the operator as


We have the original theorem of J.-L. Lions 8]:

Theorem 2.1 (J.-L. Lions). Operator is linear and continuous fromE onto E0 moreover, ifT is suciently large (>Tmin = 2kx;x0kL1( )) and if ;0 is of the type

;(x0) =fxjx2;(x;x0)nx>0g

where x0 2R2 is an arbitrary point and nx is the outward normal to ; at

x, then is an isomorphism from E onto E0.

2.3. Application of the HUM to the wave equation

Let us now apply Theorem 2.1 to the control of the wave equation (2.1).

Suppose that

u0 2L2()u12H;1() are given. Then

1. take f =fu1;u0g{ i.e. we identify u with

2. solve e=f to obtaine0,e1, the initial data for the wave equation (2.2)

3. solve the wave equation (2.2) forwards in time using e0e1 as initial 4. calculate the normal derivative of the solution of thedata wave equation

and setg= @@nj0

5. solve thewave equation (2.3)backwards in time usinggas the bound- ary data

6. nally, set u=, then since (xT) = 0t(xT) = 0 was imposed, g (the boundary control) gives the exact boundary controllability with

u(xT) =ut(xT) = 08x2:

We remark that the operator is symmetric and E-elliptic. These prop- erties imply that e=f can be solved by a conjugate gradient algorithm.

2.4. Control on a part of the boundary: theoretical aspects We would like to analyze more precisely what happens in the case of control on a part of the boundary. This analysis, which appears in Appendix A, motivates the introduction of the energetic cost vector of Section 5.

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3. Sharp sufficient conditions for the control of waves from the boundary

In this section we will present a simplied version of the results in 4]. We repeat here a part of the introduction to this paper:

Finally, we come to the idea/method that motivates our analy- sis. Wave equations have solutions that are localized near curves (tx(t)) in space-time. The curves are called rays, and typical rigorous results assert that for any " > 0 and T > 0 there is a solution so that the fraction of the energy located at a distance smaller than" from the ray is greater than 1;" for 0 t T. :::] it would be foolhardy to try to control a solution from a set on which the energy is negligibly small. Thus controls must be placed so that there is a control on every ray 4, p. 1026].

The following classication of rays can be made according to the nature of their contact with the boundary:

rays that hit the boundary transversally { they are reected by the classical laws of geometrical optics and their trace at the boundary is comparable in size to the corresponding wave

rays that kiss the boundary at a diractive point { they leave a very small trace

rays that hug the boundary (near tangential incidence with non-dirac- tive contact) { for these gliding rays the traces are comparable in size to the waves.

This last point constitutes the main estimate of 4]. The lower bound on traces thus obtained in a subset of the region of control, is combined with theorems on the propagation of singularities to derive estimates throughout the domain. In fact it is shown that the trace is appreciable for any ray that in the absence of boundary conditions would leave . Such rays are called nondiractive. Special cases are the gliding and transversely reected rays.

Since the boundary is responsible for conning such rays, it is reasonable to expect that the boundary must do appreciable work.

Once the lower bound (in the energy e=R u2t +jrxuj2+u2dx),




for example, has been obtained, it can be used via a suitable identication of dual spaces to show the strong ellipticity of the map of the HUM. To compute the control we can then use a conjugate gradient method as shown in the next section.

Many interesting examples of control domain geometry (disconnected minimal regions for control on the disk, bowling ball and dogbone) are given in 4] and are compared with results obtainable by multiplier techniques. We appreciate immediately the advantage of the geometrical approach when examining these cases. In fact our numerical study will be based on the intuitions obtained from these very examples.

We can now express the theorem of Lions in its geometrical form:

Theorem 3.1 (BLR). If all the generalized geodesics of lengthT meet the control boundary, ;0, at a non-diractive point then for any u0, u1 in

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L2()H;1() one can nd a control g 2 L2(;0 (0T)) which drives the system (2.1) from u0, u1 at time zero, to rest at time T.

4. A numerical algorithm based on the HUM

As we will now show, the constructive nature of theHumtogether with the favorable properties of the operator , enables us to formulate a numerical algorithm based on the use of a conjugate gradient method with the Hum at its core. This will be presented in three steps:

1. presentation of a general conjugate gradient algorithm (Algorithm CG- 2. application of algorithm CG-0 to the boundary controllability problem0)

for the wave equation based on the HUM (Algorithm CG-HUM) 3. discretization of algorithm CG-HUM using a mutltigrid technique (Algo-

rithm CG-h)

4.1. The conjugate gradient solution

We can rewrite problem e=f, taking f = fu1;u0g, in the following variational form:

Find e2E such that h e#ei=hfu1;u0g#ei8#e2E (4.1) where hidenotes the duality pairing between E and E0. We have

h e#ei=










Hence the bilinear functional h iis continuous, symmetric and E-elliptic if the geometrical conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satised. This implies that for T large enough, problem (4.1) and hence e = f can be solved by a conjugate gradient algorithm.

Problem (4.1) is a particular case of:

Find u2V such that a(uv) =L(v)8v2V (4.2) where, in the linear variational problem (4.2), we have

V is a real Hilbert space for the scalar product () and the corre- sponding normkk

a : V V ! Ris bilinear, continuous, symmetric and V-elliptic (or coercive)

L:V !Ris linear and continuous.

Under these hypotheses, problem (4.2) has a unique solution which can be computed by the following conjugate gradient algorithm (which we will subsequently apply to our control problem):

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Algorithm CG-0 Step 0. Initialization:

u0 2V is given

calculate the residualg02V by solving

(g0v) =a(u0v);L(v)8v2V

if g0 = 0 or is small, set u=u0 and STOP if not, set the rst search direction w0 =g0 (steepest descent).

Then for k = 012::: assuming that uk, gk, wk (solution, residual, search direction) are known, compute the next iterates uk+1,gk+1, wk+1 as follows:

Step 1. Descent:

minimize (4.2) in the search direction by calculating

k = kgkk2

a(wkwk) update the solution


k+1 =uk; kwk Step 2. Convergence test & new descent direction:

calculate the residualgk+1 2V by solving

(gk+1v) = (gkv); ka(wkv)8v2V

if gk+1= 0 or is small, set u=uk+1 and STOP if not, calculate

k = kgk+1k2

kg k

k2 dene the new conjugate search direction as


k+1 =gk+1+kwk setk=k+ 1 and go to step 1.

4.2. Application of CG algorithm to the boundary control problem

We now apply Algorithm CG-0 to the solution of the boundary control problem for the wave equation (2.1) in the variational form (4.1). We recall the form of the space E and its dual

E =H10()L2()E0=H;1()L2() and dene the following inner product and norm onE:

(vw)E=Z rv0rw0+v1w1dx (4.3)



E =




02+e12idx: (4.4)

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Now, we simply replace the functionals a and L in (4.2) by the corre- sponding terms of our exact controllability problem:

V =E

a() =h i

L: #e!hfu1;u0gei:

We would like to point out a common source of confusion: the positive denite operator is composed of the solution of the two wave equations in and . Thus we never end up with a simple positive denite matrix (after discretization) as would be the case in the solution of a large linear system by conjugate gradient methods. In particular, we cannot measure directly the condition number of our operator. This need arises when we solve problems in which the geometrical conditions for controllability are not satised.

We obtain the following conjugate gradient algorithm (as introduced in 6] and 7]) for the exact controllability problem:

Algorithm CG-HUM Step 0. Initialization:

e00 2H10(),e01 2L2() are given

calculate the residualg0 =fg00g10g2E by solving

{ forwards in time

20= 0 in Q= (0T)

0(x0) =e00@0


(x0) =e10 in (4.5)

0(xt) = 0 on ;(0T) =

{ then backwards fromt=T tot= 0

20= 0 in Q= (0T)

0(xT) = 0@0


(xT) = 0 in (4.6)

0(xt) = 0 on n0 = ;n;0(0T)

{ nally,

;$g00= @0



1 in (4.7)

g00= 0 on ; with

g10=u0;0(x0) in

if g0 = 0 or is small, set e=e0 and STOP if not, set the rst search direction w0 =g0 (steepest descent).

Then for k = 012::: assuming that ek, gk, wk are known, compute the next iterates ek+1,gk+1,wk+1 as follows:

Step 1. Descent:

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minimize (4.1) in the search direction by calculating

k = kgkk2E

h w

k w

k i

= (%gkgkkwkk2E)E where %gk =fg%k0%gk1g is obtained by solving

{ forwards in time

2%k = 0 in Q= (0T)


k(x0) =w00@%k


(x0) =w10 in (4.8)


k(xt) = 0 on ;(0T) =

{ then backwards fromt=T tot= 0

2%k = 0 in Q= (0T)


k(xT) = 0@%k


(xT) = 0 in (4.9)


k(xt) = 0 on n0 = ;n;0(0T)

{ nally,

;$%gk0= @%k


in (4.10)




k = 0 on ; with




k =;%k(x0) in update all quantities


k+1 =ek; kwk

k+1 =k; k%k

k+1 =k; k%k


k+1 =gk; kg%k: Step 2. Convergence test & new descent direction:

if gk+1 = 0 or is small, sete=ek+1,=k+1,=k+1 and STOP else

{ calculate

k = kgk+1k2E


k k2


{ dene the new conjugate search direction as


k+1 =gk+1+kwk setk=k+ 1 and go to step 1.

Remark 4.1. Note that in the above conjugate gradient algorithm we seek (by minimization of the residual) the good initial conditions, e0e1 of the

wave equation { not those of the our original u wave equation. Once we have obtained these initial conditions, we can solve the wave equation and

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calculate the boundary controlg= @@nj0 for thewave equation. However, we imposed the conditions

(xT) =t(xT) = 0:

Thus the solution of the wave equation, using the converged value of

g, will give us the exact controllability by simple identication with the u wave equation. The only role played by the initial conditions of u is in the calculation of the residue in the zeroth iteration of the conjugate gradient { see above.

We will make further remarks concerning the complexity of this algorithm at the end of the following section.

4.3. The discretization of the CG algorithm using a multigrid filtering technique

The discretization of the above algorithm has undergone numerous meta- morphoses. The reason for this is the fact that a direct discretization leads to an ill-posed discrete problem. Numerous attempts were subsequently made in order to remedy this: see 7] and others. The most successful of these remedies was formulated by Glowinski in 6] and uses a multigrid ltering technique inspired from a similar problem which arises in the nu- merical solution of the Stokes problem. We now present a nite dierence implementation of this technique. For the interested reader, a nite element implementation is given in the original paper 6].

The ill-posedness comes from the high frequency components of the solu- tion of the discrete problem

h4t e

h =fh:

The remedy (see 6] for analysis and details) is to eliminate the short wave- length components of the initial conditions of the wave equation by den- ing them on a coarse nite dierence grid of twice the step-size, 2h.

We will require two operators for the passage from grid to grid:

an interpolation operator and an injection operator.

The interpolation operator maps the coarse grid onto the ne grid:


2hh: 2h;!h and is dened by

h2i2j =2ijh

h2i+1j = 122ijh+2i+1h j


i2j+1 = 122ijh+2ijh+1

h2i+12j+1 = 142ijh+2i+1h j+2ijh+1+2i+1h j+1

for 0 ij I=2;1 where I is the number of elements in the ne grid.

The injection operator maps the ne grid into the coarse:


h : h;!2h

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by simply assigning the ne grid values to the corresponding coarse grid points


ij =h2i;12j;1 for ij= 1:::I;1.

We will now describe the conjugate gradient solution of the approximate problem. The discrete space, Eh, which approximates E is simply dened on the discrete domain 2h at the points of the nite dierence mesh. The

L2() inner product, ()h is dened by a trapezoid integration over the discrete domain.

We approximate the fundamental equation e=f by the following linear variational problem in Eh:

Find eh2Ehsuch that


h4t e

h "

h i

h =hu1"0hi;






h dx8"

h=f"0h"1hg2Eh (4.11) where hidenotes the duality pairing between H;1() and H10(). It can be shown (see 6, 7]) that the discrete operatorh h4tiis symmetric and positive denite forT large enough, and hence problem (4.11) can be solved by a conjugate gradient algorithm operating in Eh.



φ=0 φ=0


0 1 . . . I+1

0 1 . . . I+1


Σ = Γ x (0,T)

Figure 1. Discrete space-time domain for solution of 2= 0.

We now describe this algorithm. Suppose (to x ideas) that = (01) (01) and let the number of elements in each coordinate direction of the ne grid be I (see Figure 1). Let the space discretization, h = 1=(I+ 1), and the time discretization, 4t=T=N, where T is the nal time and N is the number of time steps. In order to satisfy the stability condition of the nite dierence scheme, we must have4t h=p2. A point in h will be denoted


ij = fihjhg where ij = 12:::I+ 1. Then nij = (Mijn$t). The

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nite dierence approximation of the wave equation is










;2nij+n;ij 1

(4t)2 ;$hn= 0 for 1 ij I0 n N


ij =e0(Mij)1ij;;ij1 = 24te1(Mij) for 1 ij In= 0


k l= 0 for Mk l 2;0 n N

(4.12) where $h is the discrete 5-point Laplacian operator. The nite dierence approximation of thewave equation which is solved backwards fromt=T to t= 0 is




















;2ijn +nij+1

(4t)2 ;$hn= 0 for 1 ij In=N:::0


ij = 0ijN+12;4tijN;1 = 0 for 1 ij In=N


k l=

k l forMk l2;00 n N 0 forMk l2;n;00 n N


where the approximation to the normal derivative @@nj =is dened by a second order dierence (see Figure 2)

k l= @


(Mk l) = (E);(W)

2h :

Now,tt= 0 implies $= 0 on . So

(W) +(E) +(S) +(N);4(M)

h2 = 0

which gives (E) =;(W) (since everything else is zero on the boundary) and hence we obtain

k l= @


(Mk l) = (M);(W)


: (4.14)





Figure 2. Discrete approximation to the normal derivative @=@n.

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The discrete algorithm is then:

Algorithm CG-h Step 0. Initialization:

e00,e10 are given on the coarse grid

solve the discrete forward wave equation (4.12) forn= 01:::N on the ne grid, initialized by

00 =I2hhe010;;01 = (24t)I2hhe10 and storeN0 and N0 +1

for n= NN ;1:::0 compute n0, n0, 0n;1 by integrating back- wards in time as follows:

{ if n=N, compute N0 using (4.14)

{ else (n<N)

rst compute n0 by solving for one time step backwards on the ne grid

n0 ;2n0+1+n0+2

(4t)2 ;$hn0 = 0 for 1 ij I initialized by the stored valuesN0 andN0 +1

thenn0 using (4.14)

{ endif

{ solve (4.13) on the ne grid for0n;1 using n0 =n0 on ;0 calculate the residualg0 =fg00g10g2Eh by

{ solving on the coarse grid

;$hg00 =Ih2h102;4t0;1 ;Ih2hu1 for 1 ij I (4.15)

g00 = 0 forMij 2;

{ then setting

g10 =Ih2hu0;Ih2h00 for 0 ij I+ 1

ifg0= 0 or is small, set eh =e0 and STOP if not, set the rst search direction w0 =g0 (steepest descent).

Then for k = 012::: assuming that ek, gk, wk are known, compute the next iterates ek+1,gk+1,wk+1 as follows:

Step 1. Descent:

solve the discrete forward wave equation (4.12) for %nk, on the ne grid

n= 0:::N, initialized by



k =Ihh=2w0k%1k

;%;k1= (24t)Ihh=2w1k and store %Nk and %Nk +1

for n= NN ;1:::0 compute %nk, %n

k, %kn;1 by integrating back- wards in time as follows:

{ if n=N, compute %Nk from %Nk using (4.14)

{ else (n<N)

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rst compute %nk by solving for one time step backwards on the ne grid




;2%nk+1+ %nk+2

(4t)2 ;$h%nk = 0 for 1 ij I initialized by the stored values %Nk and %Nk +1

then%nk from %nk using (4.14)

{ endif

{ solve (4.13) on the ne grid for %kn;1 using n0 =%n0 on ;0 calculate the residual %gk =fg%k0g%k1g2Eh by

{ solving on the coarse grid




24tk for 1 ij I (4.16)




k = 0 forMij 2;

{ then setting

g10=;Ih2h%0k for 0 ij I+ 1 minimize (4.11) in the search direction by calculating

k = kgkk2Eh

h w

k w

k i


= (%gkgkkwkk2E)hEh

where the inner product and norm are the discrete analogues (obtained by trapezoid integration) of (4.3) and (4.4) respectively

update all quantities


k+1 =ek; kwk

k+1 =k; k%k

k+1 =k; k%k


k+1 =gk; kg%k: Step 2. Convergence test and new descent direction:

if gk+1 = 0 or is small, sete=ek+1,=k+1,=k+1 and STOP else

{ calculate

k = kgk+1k2Eh


k k2



{ dene the new conjugate search direction as


k+1 =gk+1+kwk setk=k+ 1 and go to step 1.

Remark 4.2. We repeat here two basic remarks made in 6] concerning the complexity of the above discrete algorithm:

1. \The above algorithm may seem complicated at rst glance ...] but the only non-trivial part of it is the solution (on the coarse grid) of the discrete Dirichlet problems (4.15) and (4.16). An interesting feature of the algorithm is that the simultaneous backward integration (in the descent step) of the 2 discrete wave equations for and provides a

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