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The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. IV. Gravitational instability rarely forms wide, giant planets


Academic year: 2021

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Texte intégral



Table 1. Surveys considered for the construction of the NACO-LP archive sample.
Fig. 1. Histograms summarising the properties of all the targets considered in the final sample: spectral type, age, distance, and metallicity (from left to right)
Fig. 4. Histogram (top) and cumulative histogram (bottom) of the popu- popu-lation before and after scattering as a function of semi-major axis,  nor-malized with respect to the total number of planets in the population.
Fig. 5. Fraction of systems in the scattered and non-scattered popula- popula-tions as a function of the number of planets in the system


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