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Romensis. - Callis


Academic year: 2021

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Prof. Ussani asked me the other day to make a list of the medieva l Latin glossaries which were compiled in Italy . Alas! nothing is mor e difficult than to determine in what country and at what time a glossar y was compiled . In preparing my 'Glossaria Latina' For the press — an d three volumes are now in the printers ' hand — this has been a bafflin g problem : the task of disproving the dating and placing by others i s easier than to prove one's own .

Goetz found a clue to the date of both the Abstrusa and the Abolita glossary in an entry on fol . 159 v of an eleventh century Madrid MS . o f the Fuero Juzgo (Bibl . Nac ., Vitr . 4, Sala 1) . At the beginning of a coin-posite Abstrusa-Abolita glossary which follows the law-book stands a sentence (with many abbreviation-symbols) which Goetz ' pupil deciphe-red so : liber glossaries Bamba et Vitiza regis . Now Bamba or Wamba reigned 672-681 and Vitiza reigned 672-680 ; so Goetz suggested diffi-dently (Corp . Gloss . Lat ., I, p . 125 n) that the conjunction of the tw o glossaries had been made at that period in Spain . Diffidence was thrown to the winds by Wessner who, in the same volume (p . 313), says : quae inscriptio sine dubio repetita est ex vetusto exemplari saec . vu . Not a t all! the entry is a mere `probatio pennae' which repeats the final word s of the Fuero Juzgo (words written in elegant painted letters) :filius glo-rioses Bamba, etc .

Dr . Lowe, the palaeographer, would take these two glossaries stil l further back . In an article just published in the Classical Quarterly (XIX , 197) he argues (very plausibly) that the practice of beginning each pag e (or column) with a large letter was a feature of the very oldest Lati n MSS . on vellum and probably originated at the time (the fourth century ) when books were transferred from papyrus-roll to vellum-codex . Afte r the monotony of a papyrus-rolI's columns scribes welcomed the oppor-tunity for embellishment offered by the vellum page . So far he takes m e with him . But he goes on to say (p . 205) that the presence of this fea-ture in the famous uncial St Gall glossary (no 912), which he date s « saec, vili », suggests that its archetype probably dates from the fifth



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or sixth century . Now the St Gall glossary is a pocket-book, an epitom e of the Abba glossary . And Abba is a mere patch-work of Abstrusa-mate-rial, Abolita-mateAbstrusa-mate-rial, Philoxenus-material . That Abstrusa, Abolita and Philoxenus were current so early as all that is a hard saying . I wish I could believe it . In the Classical Quarterly (XVII, 1.97 ; cf. Bulletin D u

Cange,1, 18) it is argued that Abstrusa was used by Aethicus Hister an d by the author of the hymn Altus prosator vetustus (said to have bee n written by St Columba at Iona) . But who knows when the ` Histrian phi-losopher' (ethicus), wrote the Cosmographia? Who knows whether th e Altus was written by Columba or by a successor of Columba ? The pre -face to vol . III of Glossaria Latina takes safer ground in asserting tha t both Abstrusa and Abolita were at least current in Aldhelm ' s time (cf. English Society Publications, VIII, p . 97) .

Dr . Theander in his account of the AA glossary, a huge conglomera-tion of several earlier glossaries, found a clue to its date (AA Glossaru m Conznzentarioli,

p .

5) in the item :

Rodoricus : noanenestunius regis ,

an item which he refers to the famous Roderigo of Spain, who fell figh-ting against the Moors in 711 . We may allow that Roderigo of Spai n and not Rhodri of Wales is meant, since nothing in the huge work point s to a Welsh or Breton (nor yet English nor Irish) connexion, and a mer e Welsh king would scarcely he known on the continent except in Brittany . But what more can we safely infer than that this item is not ear -lier than Roderigo' s time? It does not imply a Spanish scribe or correc-tor . Roderigo was known outside Spain . And since our MSS . of AA. (al l of them written in Italy) are, none of them, earlier than the ninth (o r possibly than the tenth) century, what right have we to infer that th e compiler of AA (or the scribe who wrote this item in a transcript of AA.) was a contemporary of Roderigo? Queen Anne has been dead for som e time (« as dead as Queen Anne s is an English proverb), but that wor-thy queen is still referred to, even now .

The home of the huge Glossarium Ansileubi or Liber Glossarum i s unknown . Goetz guesses Spain (Corp . Gloss . Lat ., I,

p . 107-8,

« no n post 750 s) ; I guess Corbie in Charlemagne ' s reign (Glossaria Latina , I, pref.) . A possible clue is the subject of this article .

The form Romensis (for Romanus) appears in this glossary . Does i t point to Spain rather than to North France? Can any reader of the Bul-letin DuCangehelp me? Traube ' Textgeschichte d . Regula S . Benedicti' , second edition, 1910, says (p . 123) : a In zwei Zeugnissen des 7ten and 8 ten Jahrhunderts aus Burgund and Aquitanien wird Benedikt als abba s Romensis bezeichnet . Ich glaube dieser Gebrauch von Romensis für Ro -manus ist sehr beschränkt and weist in eine ziemliche frühe Zeit . Ich



habe ausser den angeführten nur noch folgende Beispiele gefunden . Missa cotidiana Romensis steht in zwei gallikanisehen Sakramentarien des 7 ten Jahrhunderts, nämlich in Rom . Reg . lat . 317 und Paris . lat . 1324 6 aus Bobbio (vgl . Ebner, Iter Italicurn, S . 369, Anm . 1) . Explicit brevia-rium ecclesiae ordinis Ronzinsae, Deogratias stand über einem für klös-terlichen Gebrauch bestimmten Ordo in einer MS . aus Murbach , saec . vin, jetzt in Gotha (vgl . Paldogr . Forschungen, III, S . 335 und 357) . Zu der Ueberschrift der Ordo vgl . Gerbert, Monum . vet . liturgiae Ale-nzannicae, tI, p . 179, explicit breviarizzm ecclesiae ordinis Romense au s einer Handschrift von S . Blasien, s . ix . Diese Zeugnisse führen vielleicht wieder ins Burgundische . . . Weitere Zeugnisse, zu deren Sammlun g Krusch, P . Manser O . S . 13 . und Plenkers beitrugen, sind : Fredegar passim (was wieder auf Burgund und das 7 Jahrh, hinweist) ; Martyrol . Epternac . (Acta SS ., Nov . 11 [31], sanati Grigorii papae Romensis) ; Bern 168, s . xi-x, f. 60°, passio s . Genesii Romensis . Nach Spanie n gehören die folgenden . ltn Katalog von Oviedo aus dem Jahr 882 wird genannt martirologiunz Romense . Während in Gregor Hss . die alther-kömmliche Ueberschrift Gregorii papae urbis Romae ist, findet sic h liber nzoralis beatissimi Gregorii papae Romensis in einer westgotischen

Its in Haigh Hall, Lindesiana lat . 95, saec . ix-x, und liber dialogorum

beati Gregorii Romensis episcopi in einer Hs aus Silos, London, Brit . Mus . Add . 30854, saec, x . In Spanien ist die Form haüfig, besonder s die Verbindung papa Romensis, Z . B . schon Taio (Migne, P . lat ., 80 , 729), Missale Mozarab . (Migne, P . lat ., 85, 114), London, Brit . Mus . Add . 30853, Paris, B . N ., 2036, s . ix (der betreffende Theil ist westgo-tisch geschrieben) . Vgl . auch Probst, Abendldndische Messe (Münster , 1896), S . 375 und 416 . In der Vita Chrodegangi scheint das zweima l gesetzte papa Romensis (SS ., X, 565, 10 und 567, 15) der Annahm e später Abfassung zu widersprechen oder hat als Archaismus zu gelten . Man darf wohl behaupten dass Romensis gallischer Gebrauch seit de m 7ten Jahrhundert ist, der von dort sich weiter verbreitet, in Frankreic h

selbst aber zur Karolingerzeit bereits wieder erloschen ist . s

Dom Wilmart `The Bobbio Missal . Notes' (Bradshaw Soc ., LXI, 1923) , p . 22, refers to this tong passage by Traube and adds a reference to Her-wegen `Geschichte der benediktinischen Professformel' (Münster, 1912) , p . 39 . Ilerwegen ' s words (Prof. Baxter tells me) are : a Zu den angeführ-ten Beispielen füge ich noch hinzu : Missa s . Petri apostoli Romensis, Liber ordinum S . xnly und 227 . Ferner in der älteren Rezension de r Vita Balthildis (ed . Krusch), c . 9 : Etiam ad Romani usque ad beat i Petri et Pauli .basilicas vel ad Romensis pauperes plura ac larga sepius direxit munera (MG. SS . Rer . Merov ., Il, 494, 25) .



W . M . LINDSAY . - (( ROMENSIS . CALMS )) .

any reader of the Bulletin Du Cange mention other occurrences ofth e word ?

Of the Abolita Glossary two MSS . (in which it is combined wit h Abstrusa) are extant . They are descended from an Italian transcriptofa MS . written in Spain (Journal of Philology, XXXIV, p . 207 sq .) . Spai n therefore is suggested as the home of Abolita . And I seemed to find a clue to Spain in its use of callis for a passage or lane . The visitor t o Madrid notices 'calle' as the Spanish equivalent of Italian ' via' , Frenc h `rue' : Calle Toledo, Calle AlcalA, Calle Principe, etc . Still, through th e kindness of D° B . Migliorini, I learn that in Venice too


(Italia n `calle'), with diminutive ' caleta' and ' calesela ' , is in use . (The space bet-ween the bed and the wall is termed ' calesela del leto ' . Why ? )

This Venetian use was unknown to me . But I had noticed that Isidor e (Etym ., 10, 62) explains calculi 'quod per vias


eant, quasi pe r calles ' . To him therefore callis means ' via ordinalis' (cf. Isid .,

Diff. ,

1, 539, ' via stricta ' ) . That is the important thing . Less important is hi s error in excerpting the Placidus Glossary, his source for these remarks . Ps .-Plac . had written :

Calcibus : calculorunz prinigenia appellation s

(i . e . calculus is Diminutive of cab:) . But the MS . used by Isidore (lik e the MSS . now extant) had the error Callibus instead of Calcibus) .

The compiler of Abolita found part of his material in the marginali a of a MS . (I think, a Spanish MS .) of Terence . At Eun . 845 the marginal note was :

Angiportunz : androna biforiunz vel callem .

Here too the important thing is the identification of callis with andro n ' a passage' (originally âv8ptitv, the men' s apartment ; see Liddell an d Scott and the Latin Thesaurus . Wiener ' s article inZeitschr . Roman .

Phil., XXXVI, 391, gives some interesting information on the medieval word, hut must be used with caution) . Less important is the ludicrou s travesty in derivative glossaries . They deciphered [andro] naviforium and re-east it like this : refugium navis, refrigerium (for refugiumz!)

na-eium, etc .

Further information on callis 'a lane in a town ' from readers of th e Bulletin Du Cange will be welcome .


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