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Recursive linearly constrained minimum variance estimator in linear models with non-stationary constraints


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Vincent, François and Chaumette, Eric Recursive linearly constrained minimum variance estimator in linear models

with non-stationary constraints. (2018) Signal Processing, 149. 229-235. ISSN 0165-1684




















Department of Electronics, Optronics and Signal, ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse, 10 Avenue Edouard Belin, Toulouse 31055, France

Article history: Received 11 August 2017 Revised 18 March 2018 Accepted 21 March 2018 Available online 22 March 2018


Parameters estimation

Linearly constrained minimum variance estimator

Robust adaptive beamforming









Inparameterestimation,itiscommonplacetodesignalinearlyconstrainedminimumvariance estima-tor (LCMVE)totackle the problemofestimatingan unknownparameter vectorinalinearregression model.Sofar,theLCMVEhasbeenmainlystudiedinthecontextofstationaryconstraintsinstationary ornon-stationaryenvironments,givingrisetowell-establishedrecursiveadaptiveimplementationswhen multipleobservationsareavailable.Inthiscommunication,providedthattheadditivenoisesequenceis temporallyuncorrelated,wedeterminethefamilyofnon-stationaryconstraintsleadingtoLCMVEswhich canbecomputedaccordingtoapredictor/correctorrecursionsimilartotheKalmanFilter.Aparticularly noteworthyfeatureoftherecursiveformulationintroducedistobefullyadaptiveinthecontextof se-quentialestimationasitallowsateachnewobservationtoincorporateornotnewconstraints.

© 2018ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.

1. Introduction

In the signal processingliterature dealingwith parameter es-timation, one of the most studied estimation problem is that of identifyingthecomponentsofaN-dimensionalobservationvector (y ) formed froma linearsuperpositionof P individualsignals (x ) tonoisydata(v ): y =Hx +v 1,a.k.a.thelinearregressionproblem, where H isaN-by-Pmatrix and v isa N-dimensionalvector. The importanceofthisproblemstemsfromthefactthat awiderange ofproblemsincommunications,array processing,andmanyother areascanbecastinthisform [1,2].Asin[3,Section5.1],weadopt a jointpropercomplexsignalsassumption for x and v ,which al-lows to resortto standard estimation inthe mean squared error (MSE)sensedefinedontheHilbertspaceofcomplexrandom vari-ableswithfinitesecond-ordermoment.Apropercomplexrandom variableisuncorrelatedwithitscomplexconjugate.Anyresult de-rivedwithjointpropercomplexrandomvectorsarevalidforreal random vectors provided that one substitutes the matrix/vector transpose conjugateforthe matrix/vector transpose. Additionally, it isassumedthat: (a) v iszeromean,(b) x isuncorrelatedwith

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: francois.vincent@isae.fr (F. Vincent), eric.chaumette@isae.fr (E. Chaumette).

1 Throughout the present communication, scalars, vectors and matrices are rep- resented, respectively, by italic, bold lowercase and bold uppercase characters. The scalar/matrix/vector transpose conjugate is indicated by the superscript H . [ A B ] and A


denotes respectively the matrix resulting from the horizontal and the vertical

v ,(c)themodelmatrix H andthenoisecovariancematrix C v are

eitherknownorspecifiedaccordingtoknownparametric models. Inthissetting,theweightedleastsquaresestimatorof x [4]:2 xb =argmin x


y− Hx


H C−1 v


y− Hx


(1a) =

HH C−1v H

−1 HH C−1v y, (1b)

coincides withthe maximum-likelihood estimator [5], if x is de-terministicand v isGaussian,andisknowntominimizethe MSE matrixamongalllinearunbiasedestimatorsof x ,thatisx b = W bH y

where [6]: Wb =argmin W


WH y− x

WH y− x


s.t. WH H=I (2a) =C−1v H

HH C−1v H

−1 , (2b)

whatever x isdeterministicorrandom.Furthermore,sincethe ma-trix W b isaswellthesolutionof [2,6]:

Wb =argmin W


s.t. WH H=I, (2c)

x b is also knownasthe minimum variance distortionless re-sponseestimator(MVDRE) [1,2,6].However,itis wellknownthat the performance achievable by the MVDRE strongly depends on the accurate knowledge on the parametric model of the obser-vations, that is on H and C v, and are not particularly robust in 2 The superscript b is used to remind the reader that the value under considera-

tion is the “best” one according to a given criterion. concatenation of A and B. E[ · ] denotes the expectation operator.


the presence of various types of differences between the model and the actual environment [1, Section 6.6], [7, Section 1], [8]. Thuslinearlyconstrainedminimumvariance estimators(LCMVEs)

[6,9,10]havebeendevelopedinwhichadditionallinearconstraints are imposed to make the MVDRE more robust [1, Section 6.7], [7,Section1], [8]: Wb =argmin W


s.t. WH







], (3a) =C−1v

H C−1v


H , (3b)


and Y are known matrices of the appropriate dimen-sions,attheexpenseofanincreaseoftheminimumMSEachieved, since additional degrees of freedom are used by the LCMVE in order to satisfy these constraints. However, firstly, the closed-form solution of the LCMVE (3b) requires the inversion of C v,

which can be too computationally complex for numerous real-world applications. Secondly, C v may be unknown and must be

learnedby an adaptive technique. Interestingly enough, if x and

v are uncorrelated, C v can be replaced by C y in (1b), (2b) and (3b), which means that either C v can be learned from auxiliary

datacontainingnoise only,ifavailable,or C ycan beused instead

and learned from the observations. Therefore, when several ob-servations


y 1,...,y k


are available, adaptive implementations of

theLCMVEhavebeendevelopedresortingtoconstrained stochas-ticgradient [6,11],constrainedrecursive leastsquares [12,13]and constrained Kalman-type [14,15] algorithms. The known equiva-lencebetweentheLCMVEandthegeneralizedsidelobecanceller processor [9,10,16] allows to resort as well to standard (uncon-strained) stochastic gradient or recursive least squares [2]. These recursive algorithms belongs to the set of sequential estimation algorithms compatible with applications where the observations become available sequentially and, immediately upon receipt of newobservations,itisdesirabletodeterminenewestimatesbased upon all previous observations (including the current ones).It is anattractiveformulationforembeddedsystemsinwhich compu-tationaltimeandmemoryareatapremium,sinceitdoesnot re-quirethatallobservationsareavailableforsimultaneous(“batch”) processing.Last,thiscanbecomputationallybeneficialincasesin whichthenumberofobservationsismuchlargerthanthenumber ofsignals [17].

However,theaforementionedrecursivealgorithmscanonly up-datesequentiallytheLCMVE (3b)innon-stationaryenvironments, i.e.whentheobservationmodelchangesovertime (y l =H l x +v l ,

1≤ l≤ k), for a given set of linear constraints W H


[2,6,11– 15],whichdefinesthesetofrecursiveLCMVEsforstationary con-straints.AnexampleofarecursiveLCMVEfornon-stationary con-straintsinnon-stationaryenvironmentsisgivenbytheMVDREx b k

of x , based on observations up to and including time k. Indeed, providedthattheadditivenoisesequence


v 1,...,v k



uncorrelated,x b k follows apredictor/corrector recursionsimilar to theKalmanFilter[17,Section1] [18]:

xb k =xb k −1+WbH k

yk − Hk xb k −1

, xb 1=

HH 1C−1v1H1


HH 1C−1v1y1, (4)

where W b k isanalogous toa Kalman gain attime k.In thiscase, theset ofconstraints (2c) is non-stationarysince itis definedas

W H H k =I ,where H k isthematrixresultingfromthevertical con-catenationofkmatrices H 1,... ,H k, and W isan unknown matrix

oftheappropriatedimensions.Off course,fromatheoreticalpoint ofview,ifall theobservations


y 1,...,y k


arestacked intoa

sin-glevector y T k=

y T 1,...,y T k

,the “batchform”(3b) obtainedfrom

y k allows toimplementLCMVEswithnon-stationnaryconstraints, which are, unfortunately, hardly likely to be computable as the sizeof y k increases.Thereforethenovelcontributionofthepresent

communicationistointroduce,providedthattheadditivenoise se-quence


v 1,...,v k



constraintsyielding a LCMVE whichcan be computedrecursively in the form of (4) in place of the “batchform” (3b). It appears that thisfamily only containsnon-stationary constraints, includ-ingtheaforementionedMVDRE.Aparticularlynoteworthyfeature ofthe recursive formulationintroduced is tobe fully adaptivein thecontext ofsequentialestimationasitallows ateachnew ob-servation toincorporate ornot newconstraints.The relevance of theproposedrecursiveformulationoftheLCMVEisexemplifiedin


2. Recursive linearly constrained minimum variance estimators

Inthefollowing:a)thevector spaceofcomplexmatriceswith

NrowsandP columnsisdenotedMC





result-ingfromtheverticalconcatenationofkmatricesA 1,..., A k ofsame

column numberis denoted A k . We consider the linear measure-ment/observationmodel:

yk =Hk x+vk , k≥ 1, (5a)

where x is a P-dimensional complex unknown vector, y k is a

Nk -dimensional complex measurement/observation vector, H k



Nk ,P


andthecomplexnoise sequence{v k }k ≥ 1 iszero-mean

andtemporallyuncorrelated.Then (5a)canbeextendedona hori-zonofkpointsfromthefirstobservationas:

yk =

y1 .. . yk


H1 .. . Hk


v1 .. . vk

=Hk x+vk ,

yk ,vk MC


Nk ,1




Nk ,P


Nk =kl=1Nl . (5b) Let W k =

Dk−1 Wk

where D k −1MC

Nk −1,P

and W k MC


Nk ,P


.Theaimistolookforthefamilyoflinearconstraints: WHk

k =

k ,

k =




k =[I


k ], (6)


k and Y k are knownmatrices ofthe appropriate dimen-sions,yieldingaLCMVEx b k =W bH k y k where (3a)and (3b):

Wb k =argmin Wk

WHk CvkWk

s.t. WHk

k =

k (7a) =C−1v k


H kC−1vk



H k , (7b)

which can be computedaccordingto a predictor/corrector recur-sionoftheform,

k≥ 2:

xb k =xb k −1+WbH k

yk − Hk xbk −1


I− WbH k Hk

xb k −1+WbH k yk . (8)

Akey point tosolve theproblemat handisto noticethat, since

C vl, vk= C vk


kl ,thenforany W ksatisfying (6): Pk


=WH k CvkWk =D H k −1Cvk−1Dk −1+W H k CvkWk =Pk

Dk −1,Wk

, (9) whichsuggeststhatsomeadhoclinearconstraints (6)couldyield separablesolutionsfor D k −1andW k ,whichisinvestigatedinafirst step. First step If we recast

k =

H k



k =

k−1 k


k −1=

H k −1

k −1


k =[H k

k ],thenanequivalentformof (6)is:


4. Conclusions

In this communication, for multiple noisy linear observations which noises are uncorrelated, we have introduced the family of linear constraints yielding a LCMVE computable via a predic-tor/corrector recursion similar to the Kalman Filter in place of the “batchform”. It appears that this family only contains non-stationary constraints. Anoteworthy feature of the recursive for-mulation introduced is to be fully adaptive inthe context of se-quential estimationasitallows optionalconstraintsaddition that can be triggered by a preprocessing of each new observation or externalinformationontheenvironment.


This work has been partially supported by the DGA/MRIS (2015.60.0090.00.470.75.01).

Supplementary material

Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2018.03.016.


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