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Microstructural and mechanical characterization of transition elements-containing Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys for elevated-temperature applications


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Microstructural and mechanical characterization of transition elements-containing Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys for elevated-temperature applications"


Texte intégral



Figure  1.1  Development of specific performance and ignition pressure of passenger car
Figure  2.1  Aluminum-rich portion of the Al-Si phase diagram. 33
Figure  2.6  Ambient temperature tensile properties of Al-9%Si-0.5%Mg cast alloy with different  Cu contents and subjected to T6 and T62 tempers
Figure  2.7  Cu-rich phases in as-cast 319 alloy: (a) Eutectic Al 2 Cu and (b) blocky Al 2 Cu


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