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Joint experimental and numerical study of the influence of flame holder temperature on the stabilization of a laminar methane flame on a cylinder


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Eprints ID : 18025

To link to this article : DOI:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.06.025



To cite this version : Miguel-Brebion, Maxence and Mejia, Daniel

and Xavier, Pradip and Duchaine, Florent and Bédat, Benoît and Selle,

Laurent and Poinsot, Thierry Joint experimental and numerical study

of the influence of flame holder temperature on the stabilization of a

laminar methane flame on a cylinder. (2016) Combustion and Flame,

vol. 172. pp. 153-161. ISSN 0010-2180

Any correspondence concerning this service should be sent to the repository





























a ,∗

























a Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT), Université de Toulouse, CNRS-INPT-UPS, Toulouse, France b CERFACS, CFD team, 42, avenue Coriolis, Toulouse cedex 01 31057, France

Keywords: DNS

Conjugate heat transfer Analytical chemistry Radiative transfer Stabilization Premixed flame









Themechanismscontrollinglaminarflameanchoringonacylindricalbluff-body areinvestigatedusing DNSandexperiments.Twoconfigurationsareexamined:water-cooledanduncooledsteelcylinders. Com-parisonsbetweenexperimentalmeasurementsand DNSshowgood agreementforthe flameroot loca-tionsinthetwoconfigurations.Inthecooledcase,theflameholderismaintainedatabout300Kand theflameisstabilizedinthewakeofthecylinder,intherecirculationzoneformedbytheproductsof combustion.Intheuncooledcase,thebluff-bodyreachesasteadytemperatureofabout 700Kinboth experimentandDNSandtheflameisstabilizedclosertoit.ThefullycoupledDNSoftheflameandthe temperaturefieldinthebluff-bodyalsoshowsthatcapturingthecorrectradiativeheattransferfromthe bluff-bodyisakeyingredienttoreproduceexperimentalresults.

1. Introduction

The burntgas temperatures reachedin combustion chambers usually exceeds the maximum temperatures which can be sus-tainedbymostmaterials,especiallymetalsusedinengines. There-fore,cooling thesewallsaswell asall chamberelementsin con-tactwiththeflameismandatoryforcombustionchamber design-ers.Whilecoolingisobviouslyneededtopreservewalls,itseffects on the flamesthemselves has receivedless attentionandis usu-allyneglectedinmanyCFDapproaches.Flame/wallinteraction,for example,isafieldofcombustionwhichhasnotbeeninvestigated yet withsufficient care [1–6] . Inmost cases,authors measure or compute themaximumwallheatfluxesinducedbytheflamebut donotinvestigatetheeffectsofthewallontheflameitself.

Inthefieldofsimulation,mostmodels[7–11] assumeadiabatic flows.Forpremixedflames,thefamousBML(BrayMossLibby) ap-proach,forexample,whichistheworkhorseofmanytheoriesfor turbulent premixed flames [12,13] assumes that a singlevariable (the progress variablec) is sufficientto describe theflow: thisis trueonlywhentheflowisadiabatic.Inthesameway,manyusual methodsforchemistrytabulationsuchasFPV[14] ,FPI[15] orFGM

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: mbrebion@imft.fr , miguel.brebion@gmail.com

(M. Miguel-Brebion).

[16] assume thatchemistrycanbedescribedusingonlytwo vari-ables,themixturefractionzandtheprogressvariablec,which im-pliesthattheflamesmustbeadiabatic.1Consideringthatwallheat

fluxesinmostchamberscorrespondtoapproximately5–40%ofthe chambertotalpower,assumingadiabaticityisclearlynot compati-blewiththehigh-precisionmethodswhicharesoughttoday.Note thatcomputingtheinteractionbetweentheflameandthewall re-quiresto computeboth the flowandthe temperaturewithin the wallssimultaneously: theLES codemust be coupled witha heat transfercodewithin the combustorwalls. Thistaskisnot simple

[19,20] because time scales areusually very different(afew mil-lisecondsintheflowandafewminutesinthewalls).

Among all walls present in a chamber, flame holders play a special role because they control the most sensitive zone of the chamber: the placewhere the flames are anchored.Any temper-ature change of the flame holder will induce a change of posi-tion for the flame roots and therefore a change in stability and efficiency.Thecouplingmechanismsbetweenheattransferwithin flameholderandflamestabilizationhavenotbeenanalyzedin de-tailyet. In a series of recent papers [21–23] , the MIT group has numericallystudiedthestabilizationofpremixedflamesonsquare

1 Non adiabatic effects can be included in (Z,c) tabulation as done by Marracino

et al. [17] or Fiorina et al. [18] but this increases the complexity of the tabulation significantly.


Fig. 1. Transverse cut of the burner.

flameholdersandshownthatthelocation oftheflamerootsbut alsotheblow-off limitswerestronglyaffectedbythetemperature oftheflameholder.

The presentstudyfocusesonasimilar question:which differ-encesin flame anchoring are observed when the temperature of the flame holder varies from a low (typically 300 K) to a high value (700 K).To obtain such a large variation intemperature, a premixedlaminarmethane/airflameisstabilized ona cylindrical flameholder.Twoflame holders areused, withexactlythe same externalshape.Thefirstonehasaninternalwatercoolingsystem, leadingtoasurfacetemperaturecloseto300K.Thesecondoneis afull,solid cylinderwhichis uncooled,leadingto asurface tem-peraturecloseto700K.

BothexperimentsandDNSare usedtoanalyzethedifferences in flame structure near the flame holder. Simulations are per-formedindualmode: theflowiscomputedwithDNSusinga13 specieskineticschemeforCH4/airflames[24] whilethe

tempera-tureinthesolid iscomputedwitha heattransfersolver, coupled totheflowsolver.The simulations,performedforcooled and un-cooledflameholders,revealdrasticdifferencesinflameroot loca-tionandflowtopologies.Theyalsoshowthatradiativeheat trans-fermust be takenintoaccount to predict theflame topology for theuncooledcase.

Section 2 presents the experimental setup. The toolsused for thecoupled flow/solidsimulation are describedin Section 3 . Re-sultsforthecooledflameholderarediscussedinSection 4 before presentingthe uncooled case in Section 5 . FinallySection 6 dis-cussestheinfluenceofradiativeheatfluxesontheflame stabiliza-tionwhentheflameholderisuncooled.

2. Experimentalconfiguration

The experimental rig is shown in Fig. 1 : a lean premixed methane-airV-flameisstabilized oversteelcylindricalbluff body (radiusofr=4mm). The burner has a constant cross section of

h=34by l=94mmsothat theflameremains two-dimensional. Individualmass flowmeters areused tocontrol airandmethane flowrates.Fuelandoxidizerare premixedbeforeentering the in-jection chamber though six holes. Glass wool, small glass balls andtwo honeycombs panelsareusedto laminarizethe flow.The flowpasses througha water-cooled plenumto ensurea constant fresh-gases temperature. Hot wire measurements downstream of theplenumshowthattheflowislaminar:thefluctuationlevel re-mainsbelow1%everywhereinthechamber.Aftertheplenum,the flowentersthecombustionchamberwheretheflameholderis lo-cated.Twodifferent bluff-bodies havebeen used to stabilizethe flame.The first one is a cooled steel cylinder(Fig. 2 , left) main-tainedat285Kbya37gs−1massflowrateofcoolingwater.The secondflameholderisasolidsteelcylinder,whichhasexactlythe

Table 1

Operating conditions for the CBB and UBB cases.

Name Quantity Value

 Equivalence ratio 0.75 ub Bulk velocity 1.07 m s −1

sl Laminar flame speed 0.24 m s −1

Tu Injection temperature 292 K

Tadia Adiabatic flame temperature 1920 K

same external geometry as the cooled one (Fig. 2 , right). In the following,thesecaseswillbedenotedasCBB(CooledBluff-Body) andUBB (Uncooled Bluff-Body) respectively. Finally, the combus-tionchamber hasaquartz windowinthefront,andone oneach lateralsidewall,forvisualization.

The operatingconditions aregiven inTable 1 .Inthese condi-tions,theflameissteadyforallcasesandthepoweroftheburner is 7kW for

=0.75 andub=1.07ms−1. In both cases,

dimen-sionlessflowparametersareidentical.TheReynoldsnumberbased onthebluff-bodydiameterRebb≈ 520islowandtheflowremains laminar.Without combustion, aKármán vortex street isobtained atf=40Hzinthewakeofthecylinder.Forreactingmixtures,the flow becomesfullysteadyfor all casestestedhere. Similarly, the ratiobetweenthelaminarflamevelocityandthebulk speedsl/ub

≈ 0.22issufficientlylowtoavoidflashbackevents.

Flames are imaged on an intensified PCO-Sensicam camera equippedwith a CH∗ narrowband-pass filteranda f/16,180 mm telecentriclens[25] (Fig. 2 ).

IntheUBBcase,thefullcylinderisattachedatonlyonesideof thecombustionchamber.Ontheother side,thereis agapof ap-proximately 3mm betweenthe cylinderandthe quartz window. This gap drops to 1 mm at steady state because of thermal ex-pansion.Theflameholdertemperaturehasbeenmeasuredwitha K-typethermocouple:TUBB

cyl =670± 40K.Atemperaturedifference

ofabout70Khasbeenmeasured betweenthetwoextremitiesof thecylinder.Thiscorrespondstoagradientof


x≈ 750Km−1. The corresponding heat transfer is below2 W so that axial heat fluxisnottakenintoaccount intheDNS. Thisallows torunboth theDNSandtheheattransfercodeon2Dmeshes.

IntheCBBcase,thetemperatureelevationofthewaterusedfor cooling is equal to

T=0.15± 0.05 K so that the cooling water temperaturecanbeassumedtobeconstant.Itleadstoatotalflux takenfromtheflame



Thethermalpropertiesofthesteelusedinboth UBBandCBB casesarerecalledinTable 2 .Theemissivityofthebluff bodyis di-rectly linked to its surface state. Inthe presentexperiments, the bluff-bodies are oxidized so that an emissivity of

=0.9 is re-tained.Theeffectsof

arediscussedusingDNSinSection 6 .


Fig. 2. Experimental fields of CH for CBB: cooled bluff-body (left) and UBB: uncooled bluff-body (right).

Table 2

Thermal properties of the steel used for the bluff-bodies. The emissivity ranges from 0.2 for polished surfaces to 0.9 for oxidized surfaces.

Material ρcp [ K −1 m −3 ] λ[W/m/K] 

35NCD16 3.5 10 6 32 0.2–0.9

Fig. 3. Laminar flame speed comparison between the LU13 analytical mechanism, GRI-3.0 detailed mechanism and experimental results extracted from [31] . 3. Numericalstrategy

Tocapture theeffects offlameholder cooling onthe flame,a coupled DNSoftheflow andofthe temperaturefieldwithin the flameholderisperformed.

3.1. Fluidandsolidsolver

The Navier Stokes equations are solved with the AVBP solver using a third-order scheme for spatial differencing on a two-dimensional hybrid mesh combined with an explicit two-step scheme fortime advancement[26,27] .The NSCBC[13,28] formu-lationisusedfortheboundarieswhilethemoleculartransportis basedontheHirshfelderCurtisapproximation[29] .

A multistep analytical mechanisms, referred to as LU13 has been used to describe the chemical kinetics of the methane-air combustion[24] .LaminarflamevelocitiesobtainedwithLU13are showninFig. 3 :T=298KandP=101,300Pa.TheLU13scheme is compared with the detailed GRI-3.0 mechanism [30] but also withexperimentalresultsofDirrenbergeretal.[31] .Theerrorbars intheexperimental measurements correspondtotheenvelopeof

fourdifferentmeasurementsperformedbydifferentauthors.These measurementswere realizedusingcounterflowflames [32,33] or spherical flame [34] . The laminar flame velocity from the LU13 scheme is 4% higher than the one from the GRI-3.0 mechanism. However,adifferenceofabout15%isobservedbetweenthemean oftheexperimentalmeasurementandtheLU13analytical mecha-nismat


The resolutionof theheat transfer equation in the bluff-body reliesonanimplicit[35] first-orderforwardEulerschemefortime integration and a second-order Galerkin scheme [36] . Local heat fluxes


s areimposed inthe solidsolver attheboundary shared

between the solid and the fluid domains. The solid solver then sends skintemperatureback to the DNScode forthe next itera-tion.


Both codes are coupled with a software called OpenPALM

[37] whichexchangesthethermalinformationattheexternalface of the bluff-body. The local temperature obtained by the solid solveronthecylindersurfacesolverisappliedthroughan isother-mal NSCBC boundary condition [28] in the fluid solver whereas thelocalheatfluxisimposedinthesolidsolver.Thecharacteristic flowtime


f isoftheorderof50mswhilethesolidcharacteristic time


s is ofthe orderof 103 s. The simulation ofthe flamefor



s is impractical. The coupling strategy to accelerate the

convergence towards steadystate is that each domain (flow and solid)isadvancedatitsowncharacteristictime usingatime step




f forthefluidand




s forthesolidwith




s[19] .Thisis

equivalentto decreasingtheheat capacityofthesolidwhile pre-servingtheconductivity.

Moreover,radiativeheat lossesfromtheflameholdermustbe accountedforwhenrelativelyhightemperaturesarereached.They are takeninto account inthe local flux conditionimposed on in thesolidsolverbyaddingaradiativeflux







T4− T4




whereTisthelocaltemperatureatthecylindersurface.Radiation fromthe gas (H2O, CO2) and fromthe hot walls downstream of

thecombustionzone isneglected.Furthermore,wallsatthesame height of the flame holder are assumed to have a temperature closetothefreshgasandtobehaveasblackbodies:Text=Tu. 3.3.Meshingstrategy

Anunstructuredhybridmeshisusedtoaccuratelycapturethe conjugate heat transfer between the solid and the reactive flow


Fig. 4. Illustration of the hybrid meshes in both fluid and solid region with a temperature field extracted from the UBB case. Left: the main mesh used. Right: the finer mesh used for validation. Velocity streamlines are represented by solid thick lines.

[38,39] .Fivelayersofquadelementsareusedoutsideofthe cylin-derboundary(flowregion)andtenareusedinside(solidregion). Theremaining partsofthe geometriesare meshedwithtriangles (Fig. 4 ,left).Themeshesforsolidandfluiddomainsarenot coinci-dentontheflameholderskinandasecond-orderspace interpola-tionisperformedtotransferinformationbetweenthetwosolvers. A meshresolutionof70μmisretained.First,itallows to cor-rectlyresolve the flame front.The flame thicknessis definedby:


= Tadia− Tu






For a methane-air premixed flame at

=0.75 and with Tu=



th=580 μm so that at least 8 cellsare obtained in the flameregion. At thisresolution, all transportedspecies are accu-rately resolved across the flame front. The mesh size of 70 μm

also allows to captureboth dynamic andthermal boundary lay-ers along the cylinder. The thermal boundary layer thickness at thestagnationpoint isLth=700μmandisthickened astheflow

passesaroundthecylinder.Itismeshedwithatleast10cells.The dynamicboundarylayer isthickerthan the thermalone (Prandtl numberbelowunity).Finally,meshindependencewasassessedby testingafinermesh(Fig. 4 ,right),withatypicalcellresolutionof 40μm,whichresultedinnegligiblechangesintheflamefront po-sitionandvelocityfield.Forinstance,thesmallrecirculationzone observedintheUBBcaseisidenticalonthetwomeshes.

4. CBBconfiguration

Since thebluff-bodytemperatureiscontrolledbya waterflow whichisnot computed, a boundaryconditionatthe inner diam-eter of the flame holder is required. The convective inner flux


s→w(Fig. 2 )ismodeledthroughaNewtonlawatthesolid/water





Ts− Tw



whereTs is thelocal inside skintemperature ofthe cylinder, Tw

isthemeantemperatureofthecoolingwaterintheouterpassage andhturbisthe heattransfercoefficient.The waterflowis

turbu-lentwithaReynoldsnumberofRe≈ 5800>Rec≈ 2400according

to[40] .Theheattransfercoefficienthturbforaturbulentflowinan

annulusobtainedbyacorrelation[41] :




Re0.2Pr2/3 , Pr=








the dynamicviscosity of the cooling waterrespectively andv is

thebulkvelocityintheouterannulus.Thecorrespondingturbulent heattransfercoefficientishturb≈ 3104 Wm−2K−1.

Experimental and DNS results are compared by superposing iso-contoursof theheat releaserate(20%of maximum)andCH∗ field obtained in the experiments (Fig. 5 , left). The location of theflame rootisaccuratelyreproduced intheDNS. Flame angles (

) from DNSand experiments are close to each other:




± 0.006





± 0.006


. This result is

co-herentwiththedifferencesinlaminarflamevelocity:Fig. 3 shows thatLU13overestimatesexperimentalflamevelocitiesby10–15%.

Inthisconfiguration,theflame rootsarelocated 3mm down-stream ofthe bluff-body at the angleof


CBB ≈ 0.15


.Figure 5 ,

rightshowsthe normalizedheat fluxentering the cylinder:











u=1.2 kgm−3 andYCH4=0.042 are the gas density and methane mass fraction in the unburnt side respectively, Q=50,100 Jg−1 is the mass heat of reaction for methane/air combustionand n is the normalvector pointing in-sideofthecylinder.Thisfluxispositiveatall anglesasthe cylin-derremainscoolerthantheunburntmixture.Itpeaksat



avaluecomparabletomaximumfluxesreachedduringSWQ(Side Wall Quenching)flame/wallinteractionwhere reducedfluxescan reach0.15[13] .

Theflamerootislocatedintherecirculationzone(Fig. 6 )inthe wakeofthe cylinder.Similar resultswerepreviously observed by Kediaetal[22] foraflame stabilizedbehindasquare bluff-body inceramic. The temperatureis quasiuniforminside ofthe flame holder.Itrangesbetween285.15K,thetemperatureofthecooling water,upto291K.TheDNSdatacanbeusedtocomputethetotal heattransferbetweenthecylinderandthecoolingwater:











where rint=3 mm is the radius of the inner boundary of the

cooled flameholder. Thisflux is equalto 31W andis consistent with the experimental measurement based on the cooling water heating:


The ratio between the heat losses along the cooled cylinder (31W)andthetotalpoweroftheburner (7kW)showsthat less than0.5%ofthethermalenergyreleasedbycombustionis trans-ferredtothecooledflameholder.Theflamestructurecanbe anal-ysedbyvisualizingthemaximumoftheheatreleaseratealongthe flamefront(Fig. 7 ).

Thisquantity hasbeen normalizedby theheat releaserateof the equivalentlaminarun-stretchedadiabatic flame.Three differ-entzonescanbeidentified:

• The adiabatic zone (Az). Downstream of the cylinder (z >


Fig. 5. Left: Comparison between DNS (solid line: iso-contour of heat release rate) and experimental ( CH field) flame fronts in the CBB configuration. Right: Normalized

wall heat flux along the cooled cylinder external boundary.

Fig. 6. Temperature (iso-contours, solid and lower part of the fluid) and flow (stream lines, upper part of the fluid) visualiation in the CBB case. The flame front location is marked by the iso-contour of 20% of the maximum heat release in the upper part and by its centreline in the lower part.

Fig. 7. Normalized maximum heat release rate along the flame front (dashed line in Fig. 6 ) for the CBB case. z = 4 mm corresponds to the cylinder end.

flamehasforgottenitsstabilizationzoneandisnotaffectedby the cooled flame holder. Typical profiles of mass fractions of onereactant (CH4), oneproduct (H2O)andone reaction

inter-mediate (CH3) are displayed in Fig. 8 along the path [CD] of

Fig. 6 .

• Theextinctionzone(Ez).Closetothebluff-body(z<5.3mm),

the flameisquenched.Inthisregion(path [AB]inFig. 6 ), the flow is dominated by diffusion processes since no production norconsumptionofreactionintermediatesisobserved.The re-actants presentaway from thewake of the cylinder(point A,

Fig. 6 )aremixedwiththeproductsofcombustionconvectedin therecirculationzone(pointB).

• The mixedzone (Mz).Thiszone islocated downstream ofthe

center of therecirculation zone (z [5.3, 16] mm). Here, the combustionislessintensivebecausethefreshmixturehasbeen mixed with products of combustion so that the local equiv-alence ratio is decreased. This is the zone where the flame roots are located.Figure 7 showsthat thetransition fromthe quenched state (zone Ez) to the fullyburning state (zoneAz)

isprogressiveinthezone Mzandtakesplaceovera lengthof


5. UBBconfiguration

Forthe uncooled flame holder, a steadysymmetrical flame is also observed.The comparisonbetween DNSand experiments is very good (Fig. 9 , left). Compared to the CBB case (Fig. 5 , left),


Fig. 8. Mass fractions of CH 4 , CH 3 and H 2 O along the paths [ AB ] ∈ E z (curve with

markers) and [ CD ] ∈ A z (curves). The mass fraction of CH 3 is multiplied by a factor


theflameismuch closertotheflameholder.The radialheatflux in the fluid region can be used to determine its angle. The an-gle


UBB correspondsto theazimuthal point wherethe heqtflux

changes sign:






fluid.n=0 where n is the normal unit

vector pointing inside of the cylinder. As shown in Fig. 9 , right:




. Furthermore,theflame rootsare located at0.3mm


Temperature andvelocityfieldsobtainedinDNSforbothsolid andfluid zones are displayedin Fig. 10 .Color scales used to vi-sualize the temperature fields have been separately adapted for bothregions. At steadystate,the meantemperatureofthe bluff-bodyisclosedto700Kwithaminimumof696Katthe stagna-tionpointanda maximumof711Katthetrailingedge. This re-sultisconsistentwithexperimental measurementsof670± 40K realizedwithathermocouple justafterstopping theflame.Close tothecylinder,thetemperaturefieldinthefluid regionindicates that the fresh gases are heated by the hot cylinder on the up-streamside.Twosmallrecirculationzonesareobserved.Thefirst one(RZ1) islocatedupstream ofthe flamefront,wherethe

lam-inarunburnt flow separates.Its temperature is very closeto the oneofthebluff-body.Thesecond one(RZ2)islocatedbehindthe

wakeofthecylinderbutitismuchsmallerthanitwasfortheCBB case(Fig. 6 ) duetotheflowexpansion.Contraryto theCBBcase,

theflamerootsarelocatedustreamofthebackrecirculationzone (RZ2)showingthatthisstabilizationfollowsdifferentmechanisms.

TheDNSdatacanbeusedtoestablishanenergybalanceforthe uncooledflameholder.Todothis,itisusefultoseparatetheskin ofthebluff-bodyintotwozones:upstream(




inFig. 9 ),a largepartofthebluff-bodyiscooledbytheincominggases,taking aflux













attheboundaryofthebluff-bodyandnisthenormalunit vector pointinginsideofthecylinder.Downstreamofthebluff body(













The separation of the two zones is simply obtained from the signofthe localheat flux.The radiative fluxlost by thecylinder




T4− T4







g→s=66.5W while



rad=−29.5W so that theglobalbudget isclosed:





fortheCBBcase(31W)duetothevicinityoftheflame.Figure 11

showsthe flux lineinside the bluff-body. One can see that heat comingfromtheburntgasesisparticipatingtotheheatingupof thefreshgases.SimilarlytotheCBBcase,threezonescanbe iden-tifiedfortheflamefrontstructure(Fig. 12 ):

• Theadiabaticzone(Az).Here,thefreshreactantshavenotbeen

heatedby the hot bluff-body or diluted by burnt gases. As a consequence,an adiabatic, almost un-stretched laminar flame is observed and the heat release rate values are similar to the equivalentone-dimensional adiabatic flame. The adiabatic zonesencounteredinboththeUBBandtheCBBcasesare sim-ilarintermsofflamedynamics.

• The over-reactive zone (Oz). Here, the flame is more intense

than the corresponding un-stretched adiabatic flame. The ex-cessinburningrateisabout25%sincetheunburntmixtureis heatedbythehotcylinder(Fig. 11 ).Thisincreasestheburning ratebyacceleratingkinetics:the peakmassfraction ofCH3 is

20%greater thanintheadiabaticzone asshowninFig. 13 on thepath[GH].

• Thequenchingzone (Qz).Closeto thebluff-body, theflameis

quenchedduetotheconjugateheat transferfromthefluid to

Fig. 9. Left: Comparison between DNS (iso-contours of heat release rate) and experimental ( CH field) flame fronts in the UBB case. Right: normalized wall heat flux along


Fig. 10. Temperature (iso-contours in the lower part of the flow and the solid) and flow (stream-lines in the upper part of the flow) visualization in the UBB case. The flame front location is recalled by the iso-contour of 20% of the maximum heat release and by its centerline.

Fig. 11. Thermal budget of the uncooled cylinder (all fluxes are counted positive when entering the cylinder). Flux lines are represented inside of the cylinder.

thebluff-body.Thisregionmaybecomparedwiththe academ-ical flame/wallinteraction zone discussed in both experimen-talandtheoreticalstudies byVonKármán etal.[42] ,Luetal.

[1] and morerecently by Buckmaster[43] and Vedarajan and Buckmaster [44] , who introduced the concept of edge flame. Flame/wall interaction has also been investigated numerically in HeadOn orSide Wall quenchingconfigurations [4,45] and morerecentlyinaturbulentchannel [5,46] .Themass fraction profiles of CH4, CH3 and H2O are displayed in Fig. 13 along

the path [EF], describedin Fig. 12 . The presence ofthe reac-tion intermediate CH3 proves that chemical reactions are still

occurringclosetothecylinder.Furthermore,theflamefrontis thickerin the quenching zone than the adiabatic or the over reactivezones.Thisisduetothermallosseswhichslow kinet-ics down.Finally, the normalized heat flux between the fluid andthe solid


r∗ is shownin Fig. 9 ,right, along thecylinder. It reachesa maximumof 0.24, whichis coherentwithvalues obtained during stagnation quenching events on a cold wall:


SQ≈ 0.33[47] .ItisalsomuchhigherthanitwasfortheCBB



r∗=0.1(Fig. 5 ).

Fig. 12. Normalized maximum heat release rate along the flame front centreline (curvilinear abscissae). Three regions of interest are denoted: the quenching zone ( Q z ), the over-reactive zone ( O z ) and the adiabatic zone ( A z ).

Fig. 13. Mass fractions of CH 4 , CH 3 and H 2 O along the paths [ EF ] ∈ Q z (curves

with markers) and [ GH ] ∈ O z (curves) plotted against their normalized curvilinear


Fig. 14. Flame shapes for emissivity ranging from min = 0 . 1 to max = 1 .

6. Influenceofthecylinderemissivity

Section 5 showed that radiative heat transfer represents 45% ofthebluff-bodyheat lossesfortheUBBcase. Thissuggeststhat changesinstabilizationmechanismsmaybe inducedbychanging theflameholderemissivityanditstemperature. Different compu-tationshavebeencarriedoutwithemissivityrangingbetween0.02 and1.

DNS results show that the flame root position (Fig. 14 ) is roughly independent of the emissivity between

=0.8 (weakly oxidizedbluff-body) and

=1.0 (perfect black body).The corre-spondingaveragedtemperaturesofthebluff-bodycomputedinthe DNSareT=0.8=724K,T=0.9=705KandT=1.0=693K.Allthese

results are contained within the upper bound of the confidence interval ofthe experimental measurement ofthe uncooled bluff-bodytemperature.

Once the emissivity ofthe flame holder decreases below

= 0.8, the flame roots move upstream. For a low emissivity (

= 0.15),theflame isstabilizedat




/2.Inthiscase, halfof

thebluff-bodyisimmersedintheburntgasesanditsmean tem-peratureincreases to T=0.15=1075 K.A dramatic change occurs

when the emissivity goesbelow 0.15: the flame jumps ahead of thecylinder.Inthiscase,thetemperatureofthebluff-body,which iscompletely immersedin the burntgasesranges between1500 and1900 K,depending on theemissivity. Flame rootangles and thecorresponding normalizedmeancylindertemperatureare dis-playedinFig. 15 for

∈[0.02,1].Thetemperatureofthecylinder increaseswiththeflame rootangleasthecylinderissurrounded by more burnt gases. When the flame is “upstream stabilized”, the bluff-body mean temperature can be predicted by a simple modelbyassumingauniformtemperatureinthecylinder:Tcyl.

Us-ingaconstantheattransfercoefficient measuredintheDNS:h≈ 100Wm−2K−1andneglectingtheradiativefluxesabsorbedbythe hotcylinder:





Tcyl− Tadia


=0 (6.1)

ThetemperatureTcylofthecylinderissolutionofthefourthorder polynomialinEq. (6.1) .Inthelimitwhere

<0.1,thetemperature ofthecylinderremainsclosetotheadiabaticflametemperature.A Taylorexpansionof


Tadia− Tcyl



Tadia− Tcyl Tadia ≈ 1/4 1+h/




T3 adia



AccordingtoEq. (6.2 ),an increaseoftheemissivitydecreases the cylindertemperatureasexpected.Mean temperaturesintheUBB

Fig. 15. Flame root angle θ and normalized temperature (T − T u) / (Tadia − T u) for

cylinder emissivity between 0.02 and 1. The temperature predicted by the model

6.1 and its approximation 6.2 are also displayed when the flame is stabilized up- stream.

casefortheDNS,themodelofEq. (6.1) anditsapproximation(6.2 ) aredisplayedinFig. 15 where

goesfrom0.002to1.Thisfigure confirmsthetopologydiscontinuityat

=0.15andshowsthatthe simpleEq. (6.2) issufficienttopredict thevariationsoftheflame holdertemperaturewith

whenthe flameisstabilizedupstream oftheflameholder.

7. Conclusions

A comparison between DNS and experiments has been car-ried out to study the anchoring mechanism of a flame attached ona cylindricalbluff-body.Twodistinct configurationshavebeen scrutinized. Inthe cooled bluff-body case(CBB) theflame holder temperature is about300 Kand the flame is stabilized approxi-matelyoneradiusdownstreamofthecylinderatanangle





andattachedatthecenteroftherecirculationzoneinwhich productsandreactantsaremixed.Intheuncooledbluff-bodycase (UBB), thetemperature reaches 700 Kand the flame isattached closertothecylinderat


UBB ≈ 0.4



DNSandexperimentsisobtainedfortheshapeforbothcases. Fi-nally,ithasbeenshownthatthistemperatureiscontrolledbythe equilibrium ofthe convective and radiative heat fluxesoccurring alongthebluff body:theemissivityoftheflameholdercanchange the flame stabilization location (upstream or downstream of the flame holder). A change of emissivity (a decrease) can lead to a flame jumping upstream ofthe flame holder andits destruction. Moregenerally, theseresultsshow thatthe temperatureofflame holdershasamajoreffectontheflametopology andmustbe in-cludedinsimulationsasanimportantparameter.


Thisworkwasgrantedaccesstothehigh-performance comput-ing resources of CINES under the allocation x20152b7036 made by Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif. The research leading to theseresults has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Frame-workProgramme(FP/2007-2013)/ ERCGrantagreementERC-AdG 319067-INTECOCIS .The authorsalsothank A.Felden, who imple-mented theLU13scheme inthe flowsolver andDr.A.Ghanifor hishelpfulcommentsconcerninglaminarflamevelocities.



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Fig. 1. Transverse cut of the burner.
Fig. 2. Experimental fields of CH  ∗ for CBB: cooled bluff-body (left) and UBB: uncooled bluff-body (right)
Fig. 4. Illustration of the hybrid meshes in both fluid and solid region with a temperature field extracted from the UBB case
Fig. 5. Left: Comparison between DNS (solid line: iso-contour of heat release rate) and experimental ( CH  ∗ field) flame fronts in the CBB configuration


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