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New evidence for the text of Placidus


Academic year: 2021

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quando nel medesimo significato adopera la locuzione completa absolu-tio iciunii (Inst ., 3, 9, o più chiaramente ancora, Coll ., 5, 11, luogo affatt o parcllclo al sopra citato, Inst ., 5, 23) .

Questo senso di absolutio difficilmente si potrebbe subodorare da l modo che gli addotti passi di Cassiano sono riferiti nel Thesaurus lin-guae latinae, e ciò giustifica una volta di più, se ce n'è bisogno, quest a breve nota . Nel Glossariunz poi del Ducange manca ad absolutio il sens o di colazione, dejeuner . Ma poichè il verbo absoloere in tal senso è d i così antico uso, come abbiamo veduto, e il corrispondente asciolvere è tuttora vivo nella lingua parlata di alcune regioni italiane, non è van o pensare, che frugando negli scritti e nelle carte medievali se ne trove ranno gli esempi . Ed è pure da presumere (avvertenza utile ai bravi ri -cercatori) che, più facilmente che in altro genere di scritture, si incon-treranno nei libri monastici : costituzioni, sermoni, trattati ascetici . L e opere di Cassiano influirono non soltanto perchè ivi si aveva il modell o di regola monastica, ma anche perchè, essendo moltissimo lette e rilette , il loro stile e linguaggio facilmente colorivano l'espressione di chi l e aveva famigliari .

A . VACCnnI . Roma, Istituto biblico .


The value of Placidus for the reconstruction of the text of Plautus wa s demonstrated by Ritschl in 1869 (Opusc . Ill, p . 55) . The `African pro-fessor' at once assumed a new importance and the first edition of hi s glossary (by Mai in 1831) was superseded in 1875 by that of Deuerlin g which represented the new stage of knowledge . Still there remained a secret to be disclosed, and the discovery of that secret by Loewe an d Goetz rendered all previous work on Placidus obsolete . The glossary wa s now shown to consist of two entirely separate parts, 1° a dictionary o f words and phrases drawn from Latin writers of all periods, and20 ano-ther dealing with the rarer words in the earliest Latin authors . The dis-covery has, incidentally, robbed the ` professor' of his halo, for it ha s been maintained with great probability (Lindsay, J . Pll . 34, 255) tha t

the second and much more valuable portion of the work does not ema

avvertirlo) non è genitivo di specificazione, come rispondesse al u solvers sabba -turn a del Vangelo (Io ., 8, 18) o a qualche cosa di simile ; ma è complemento di tempo ; la colazione, che si fa di sahbntn, non va anticipata . Cfr . Coll„ 5, 11 ,



J . w . PiniL .

nate from Placidus at all . Added apparently to the real Placidus by a la -ter hand, its items seem to come from marginal notes on MSS . of th e early authors, notes which go back ultimately to the work of the me n like Valerius Probus who in 1 st Cent . A . D . directed the attention of stu-dents once more to the early figures of Roman Literature . A goo d example of the usefulness of such marginalia will be found in C . Q . 19 , 34 where the Placidus (or rather Pseudo-Plac .) item ` Aeque quicquarn : nihil' is employed to show that acque quicquarn was the reading whic h the earliest annotators of Terence found in Andria434 . (To what write r

shall we refer the other Ps-Plac . item with the same use ofacque-Acqu e

vident : non vident? )

Goetz ' work in Placidus was not without blemish . IIe published an accurate Placidus founded in the Libri Romani (C . G . L ., V, 1-43) bu t he also accepted the labelling of Ansileubus in Lib . Gloss . and assigne d much to Placidus that has no real connection with hirn . The labelling o f Ansileubus (or rather of our extant MSS . of Lib . Gloss .) is too preca-rious testimony for the reconstruction of Placidus : even if correct i n the first instance, it has been too frequently distorted by the mistakes o f scribes . Accordingly though lib . Gloss . frequently supplies a better read-ing, for the ascription of this or that item to Placidus, the only safe guide remains the evidence of the Roman MSS .

Unfortunately, none of these Roman MSS . is earlier than the 15 th Cent . : and moreover they are all of them derived from the same parent codex . For an authoritative edition of Placidus we, should like, if possible, t o see either a Placidus MS . of another family, or, failing that, an earlie r MS . of the same family . In this correction, I would call attention t o Vat . lat . 1469 in which is contained (ff . 162-223) an Italian collection o f extracts from Bede, Isidore, Festus Pauli, Placidus and other authors . The MS, can be dated accurately to 908 A . D . I't has not been published , but I have, by the kindness of Prof. Lindsay, examined rotographs . Th e items are arranged according to their first letter only and (apart fro m the Bede quotations) there is no obvious grouping of extracts of like ori -gin : so that the Placidus items are recognisable only with the help o f the Roman MSS . The question arises whether the Plac . MS . used by th e compiler belonged to the same family as the parent codex of the Roma n MSS . Goetz (C. G . L ., V, p . xrx) thinks not and identifies it with th e source from which Lib . Gloss . drew its Placidus items . The cor-rectness of this assumptionis to say the least, doubtful . Many reading s resemble rather Lib . Gloss ., many others the Libri Romani . True, there are a number of items which do not occur in the latter but which Goet z found in Lib . Gloss . and attributed to Placidus either on his own autho-rity or on that of the labelling . On the other hand, there are severa l which our MS . shares with the Roman MSS . and which are not found in



'18 7 Lib, Gloss . at all . The question may he left open . Goetz at any rate ad-mits that as our MS . has no other connections with hib . Gloss . the com-piler did not draw his Placidus items from Lib . Gloss . itself but fro m a Plae. . MS . Accordingly to whichever family that MS . belonged, we ar e enabled through Vat . 1469 to tap an authentic Placidus tradition at a n early stage .

Any help for the text of Placidus is welcome . I therefore offer here a collation of the readings of Vat . 1469 (Placidus items) with the text pu-blished by Goetz (V, 1-43) on the evidence of the Roman MSS . The re-ferences are those of the items in Goetz . Where there is no difference o f reading, I print only the lemma-word .

5, 25 Aerarium .

6, 37 Assarium . figuram denariurn .

6, 10 Ado -rea . 6, 9 'Adoria .

4, 5 Auspiciurn . quo primo, ayes vel anima -Ha . demonstrant .

4, 7 Ausim . ausirn recitare . et dicis ausis . 4, 8 Aesculus . nomen est , 4, 9 Aretos . ursae grece . nome n

--- quia et ergo — septentrionalis our . (i, 14 Adsentiae . 4, 1 8 Asylum . ad quod gals . erat ilium inde trahiid est a non trahend o spoliurn .

5, 26 Altrinsccus . quod est exterius et . quod intus est . 5, 27 Alternis . utriusque hint .

5, 36 and 6, 1 Age : adverbiu m hortantis est accipit autem dum et fit una pars agedum ergo dum ve l nativa vel pro cito ac modo .

8, 2 Amussi . quibus utuntur . dixi -tous om .

5, 33 Ales , aquilae vel certe omnes,

4, 20 Apage . 4, 6 Acte , voluptaria quod semper pluraliter elfertur .

3, 11 Ac -them . feminini est locus . uncle et aethera . quaequidam .

5, 34 Abati . satis aliqua re uti

5, 35 Adiuva me et adiuva mihi . dici potest . adiuva cnim ilium dicimus nisi forte .

6, 2 Amplexus : participium a verbo amplector et amplcxatus venit ab amplexor verb o passivo .

6, 5 and 35 Actutum : adverbium significat statim continu o vel brevi festinanter probe .

7, 19 Aviditer . 5, 8 Aee . 8, 3 Ago -niae . hostiae autem — agebant pin .

5, 20 Artaba . 9, 2 Bali -neurn .

8, 23 Bibinor : convicior clam p .

8, 11 Bobinator . 9 , 9 Babylona .

8, 25 Byssus : generis est feminini sic et ahyssus . 9, 21 Cucullus . cucullo cucullum — declinaturom .

10, 3 Culleus . geminata . est autem uter ex . inclusi in mare praecipitabantur . 10, 11 Combussi combusseris geminata s scribimus . 9, 17 Commat a sunt particulae sensuum graece dictae quae conexa faciunt Cola praeci-sus senses . eel . om .

11, 7 Cassis . galeas . nominativum si c dixerint haec cassida quod Virgilius accusativum graecum posuit .

12 , 16 Colluebatur , in silo maris .

10, 17 Caroeophilum . sic em . 11, 13 Clyma . nomen graecum et neutri generis id est . orientale et etyma meridianurn .

13, 5 Cessim (caesim) : pro (per) caedes quo -modo vicissirn per vices .

11, 5 Carvasa . id est vela navium per . 11, 6 and 9 Caelebs : cum a . s . o . et dicitur conti.nens virgo sine uxore


188 J . W . PInIli .

quasi caelo beatus .

ii, 10 Columis : salvus vol sustentaculum quia a columna factum est .

li, 23 Compita .

13, 15 Commenta . et com -menta id est interpretationes . ut — vergilii om .

15, 39 Creperu m dubiurn incertum unde crepusculum .

1i, 4 Caedrus .

9, 16 Chao s m . e . f. e . h . c . similiter per ceteros casus .

12, 22 Catus . vel pru -dens . 16, 14 Disertirn . 17, 15 Dubium quidni . 16, 21 Dere-pente . 16, 23 Dice : die . 16, 22 Depelliculari . 17, 9 Deiero . 17, 18? Duit : dedit Duet del Duem dew .

17, 1 and 2 Divortiu m deflectit tarnen cum dicatur . optinuit ut utrumque dicarnus .

18, 1 6 Eques . equum . militat Ille equestri .

20, 28 Exemplo : s . i . c . adver -bium est temporis .

19, 9 Ergastula, greco nomine ubi damnantur . gladiatores et exules . et tarnen .

19, 4 Enixa . liberata . et eniti . 19, 15 Essentia . substantiam . feminini singulare tantum .

20, 7 Exedra : loca quaedam separata aut a praetorio and a palatio .

20, 2 7 Explicit . ut dicamus . liber et explicuit .

21., 25 Eccere : ecce ve l iureiurando per Cererern .

20, 32 Exitiabilis . aliis . dicirnus et exi -tiabilem locum quo . gladius aut decipula .

18, 22 Eous . interim e t pro . 19, 5 Ergasterium . operatorium . 19, 6 Examussim . rous-sis . regula vel .

19, 11 Elogia . electae summatimque collectae u t dicunturarcana vel mysteria dei,

19, 12 Exoticum . de foris venion s om .

19, 17 Echo . nornen est graecum . lotis offensa resultat ac re -sonat . cet, om .

18, 14 Euge . hortantis est .

18, 13 Expetivit . et — est om . ex namque pro . 9.9, 8 Exerte . exerere 20 . 16 an d 17 Enucleo : perpendo et examussim i . e . e . v . primae c .

20, 26 Emis -sarius .

a salis faciendo dictus est .

21, 1 Efippia . 23, 24 For-rugo . simile 21, 34 Fautor . 22, 6 Ferocientes . 22, 2 Forco . cuiter alias securis . dicta — petatorn .

22, 7 Flaxare .

22, 13 Fa -vonium odium . collectum .

22, 17 Facetiis : iocis lusibus lucidis . 23, 7 Fenus . est om . fenori oro . a oro .

difficile in nostris legi -mus .

nominativum et vocativum et accusativum .

23, 11 Fastu s superbiae est et quartae declinationis .

23, 16 Festinate .

23,19 Faxo .

24, 2 Grates . indiscretae dicuntur .

24, 12 Gazae . divitiae dicun -tur . 24, 22 Gorgo . 24, 24 Gerro . aggeris . 24, 3 Globus . e t glombum om .

24, 1 Glaucus . unde et Virgilius glaucas . autin . legimus — fluctuum om .

24, 5 Gurgustium . secretum .

24, 25 Ge-nae . mala et auricula sunt .

teneat . 24 . 28 Glomerum . pasto -rale .

23, 31 Gestio : verbum neutrum declinatur sicut audio .

25 , 33 Hira .

25, 2 Marioli . dicuntur om . spiritu quo nescio i . circa a . e t t . vaticinantur .

26, 4 Hydra . in Lerno palude . provinciae archadia e om .

26, 5 Flabilis . dicitur ont .

29, 16 luge . acperpetuo fulgens . 27, 15 lnfulae . honorum omnium rerum .

28, II lubar . ac lu -nae . extendantur . 28, 25 Interibi . 27, 14 Tnft . 26, 8 Incest u cum ae scribendum venit ab eo quod est incastum . cet . om .




18 9 digus indiga indigum : p . s . cum uno u tantum ab indigeor .

27, 6 In -doles .

28, 1 Itidem : iterum atque iterum vel similiter .

29, 25 Is -tamcine . 28, 29 Idanche : antehac . 29,3Igitur . turn . 31, 7La , cunaria .

31, '14 and 15 Luum : pestium hae lues harum luum id est sordes elui dignae .

30, 1 .3 Lepidus. m . dictus a facetus — dictus onz .

31, 3 Lebeta .

29, 42 Litumos : inpatientia calcata vel crudelitat e irrisa .

30, 16 Listrigones . diximus om .

30, 14 and 15 Libitina : paganorum et libidinis dea quam quidam Venere dixerunt et libitin a etc . 30, 18 Licet . 30, 20 Lituo . incurvata . 30, 27 Libentia : nomen fictum a verbo libet .

30, 11 and 12 Lucuns : nominativus glos -sernaticos lucuncti .

31, 10 Ludibrium . et contemptui haberi dign a est .

30, 19 Longe : manifeste vel valde vel nimium satin .

33,4 Man -ticulatio fallacia vel lenocinium .

32, 14 Munia . 31, 18 Multifari a bene onz .

32, 7 Mitra . vel Persarum est aut . incestinaque — ven-dent ara .

32, 3 Macte . dicit om . id est multum aucte hoc est magne . 32, 21 Magnopere .

32, 8 Margo : extrema pars c . 1 . u p . m . gen e ris communis .

33, 3 Moliri . conari et .

33, 32 Nautea . corii onz .

coria macerantur .

33, 38 Narria .

34, 8 Neglegens . quod ex parti-cipio et coniunctione componitur usus .

positum . ergo — neglegen -dus an . 34, 5 Neniam . carmen .

34, 13 Nothus : dicitur qui de m . nobili et p . ignobili generatur cui c . e . s . q . d . p . nobili et m . ignobil i procreatur . cet . om .

34, 11 Nudius tertius . i onz . et om . tempori s praesentis .

34, 6 Nec cicum .

35, 5 Oeconomia . est ipsa onz . ali -cuius quae prius ordinatur deinde effcitue ut disponitur . poetis ve l auctoribus . ut puta — dicitur ozn .

36, 2 Ortigometra .

36, 5 Oper a et operam . singulorum artificium . vero studium esse cognoscimus . 36, 10 Oraculum . id est fantur vel praedicuntur nani et ipsum respon -sum .

36, 12 Oeconomia . est om . pedimentatio .

36, 14 Obstina-tus . 35, 9 Optundere . et om .

angustia . vel impellere om .

35 , 8 Optusus : participium praeteriti temporis sine in scribimus .

38, 3

and 4 Pulvinus et pulvini . privati horninis . vel cultura . ac pulvi-naria . id est lectisternia onz .

38, 14 Promulgatum . est — autem onz .

38, 1 Pronuba . nuptiis . quod — coniunctionis an .

38, 12 Pos-tumus . sepulturam natus .

39, 4 Pignora . affectum inter se . se d haec utraque .

38, 22 Phisica . rerum om .

37, 42 Pueras : pro puellas et pueros pro puellos dicimus .

39, 12 Reduviae : induvia e exuviae unum sunt significant enim spolia serpen 'tum .

39, 13 Regu -lus : basiliscus .

39, 14 Rictus : apertio oris vel pactefactio hiatus . 40, 10 Sacrum . res est et . malum significat nam dicimus alicui sace r es quern . occidi et item consecrari de bono ut . at malum . pandun -tur portae .

42, 4 and 40, 15 Suggillo : irrideo suggillare gulam cons -tringere vel suffocare .

41, 11 Sorstica : ars vcl argumentum philoso-phorum .

40, 5 Scamnum . diminutivum .



42, 12 Suppellex .

41, 1 Scaevus . pessimi onz .

tae dip -thongum .

42, 25 Trux : id est saevus .

42, 18Theos : deus .

42 , 27 Tabe : morbo vel matie .

42, 20 Temum . 42, 17 Trutina . filo -rum . 43, 3 Ultro citroque .

43, 2 Vernalis fructus . vernilis . 43, 5 Vernialis . et servilis . vernalis autem .

There are besides some items which do not occur in the Roman MSS . but which Goetz ascribes to Placidus in C. G . L .,V (43-104) . If our

Pla-cidus items belong to the Roman family, the presence of these in this se-lection might be taken as corroboration of this ascription . The items i n question are : Cio, Illicio, Mutilo, Mulcifico, Nequiquam, Nequire, Oci-ter, Penum, Protinus, Portenta, Puncta, Praeses, Promptuariurn, Prom-taria, Parvi pendere, Pugio, Porro, Presago, Quocirca, Quidni, Robigo , Regimen, Relegavit, Tragoedia, Viliter .

In conclusion, there is another item of interest in this MS . At the en d of the A . chapter occurs the following account of Apulia . Apulia : a perditione nomen accepit . apolia enim greco perditio dicitur . quia ibi sol calore nimio virentia quaeque perdit . gignit animal lepori si-mile quod per tata antifrasin prosperum dicitur , quodcumque animal tetigerit praeter hominem ilico moritur . hoc et subitelus dicitur ve l quod subito perimit vel quia celer est . fertur etiam tres pedes habere . nam quartus brevis est et usque ad terrain non pertingit . This tallie s with the sentence published in C . Q ., X, 112 from the commentary o n Isid . Etym . by Grausus, Bishop of Ceneda c . 1 .000 A . D . ; for this com-mentary Grausus used a complete MS . of Festus (now lost) . The hop e which this equivalence roused that Vat . 1469 would provide more ex -tracts from a complete Festus was doomed to disappointment . One othe r item may perhaps be placed in the same category . Papilla : caput es t mammae de qua exit lac . uncle factum est ut dicamus infantibus papa , id est manduca . Papare enim dicimus, non pappare . nam et ipso mot u labiorum id ostendimus (already quoted in the large Teubner Plautus , Epidic . praef., p . xxv) . All the other Festus items are derived from Pau -lus' Epitome and do not provide anything of importance for the text .

I have to thank Prof . Lindsay for suggestion and advice . The University, Glasgow .


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