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Spallation Reactions with Neutron-Rich and Neutron-Poor Nuclei


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Spallation Reactions with Neutron-Rich and Neutron-Poor Nuclei"


Texte intégral







UniversityofLiege,Physi sDepartment

alleedu 6Ao ^ut17, b^at. B5,B-4000Liege1,Belgium

E-mail: taousts k en.be


UniversityofLiege,Physi sDepartment

alleedu 6Ao ^ut17, b^at. B5,B-4000Liege1,Belgium

E-mail: ugnonplasma.theo.phys.ulg.a .be

Arenewed interest inspallationrea tions inthe GeV range has arisen, dueto

the re ent advent of ADSproje ts fortransmutationof nu learwaste. Mostof

investigationshavedealtwithproton-indu edrea tionsonstablenu lei.Here,an

exploratorytheoreti al investigation ofspallationrea tions onunstable nu lei is

presented.Themainissueisthedependen eofthemeasurablequantitieswiththe


1. Introdu tion

Spallationrea tionsareveryimportantforthedevelopmentofradioa tive

beams 1

, in astrophysi s 2

and in osmi -ray physi s 3

. In re ent years,

therehasbeenarenewedinterestinproton-indu edspallationrea tionsin

theGeVin identenergyrange,duetotheadventofproje tsof

a elerator-drivensystems(ADS) fortransmutationofnu learwastes(seee.g. Ref. 4


leadingto moresystemati and morepre ise measurements. Inparallel,a

realimprovementofthetheoreti altoolshastakenpla e,espe iallyin the

frame of the EU HINDAS proje t 5

. These e ortshave ontributed to a

more ompleteunderstandingofthespallationpro esses,strengtheningthe

intranu lear- as ade(INC)plusevaporationapproa h. Thepro ess anbe

dividedinto twostages. Inthe rstonethein identparti leexpellsafew


theremaining,randomized,ex itationenergyisreleasedbyan

evaporation-likepro ess. Inparti ular,itappearedthatoneofthebesttheoreti altools

isprovidedbytheLiegeintranu lear as ademodelINCL4 oupledtothe

K.-H.S hmidt ABLA evaporation- ssionmodel. This approa h, whi h is

basi allyparameter-free,owingtoa\self- onsistent"determination ofthe

stopping time, was shown re ently to yield parti ularly good results for

a large set of data for in ident energies ranging from 200 MeV to a few

GeV 6

. These data in lude total rea tion ross-se tions, in lusive light

parti le produ tion ross-se tions, multipli ity distributions, residue

pro-du tion ross-se tionsandre oildistributions. Lateron,thisapproa hwas

shownto belargelysu essfulin thedes riptionofspallation rea tionsat

lower in identenergy, down to afew tens of MeV,after small hanges in

thetreatmentofthePauliprin iple 7


TheHINDAS proje thas onsiderably improved themeasurementsof

the isotopi ross-se tions. Usually, the latter are performed in

proton-indu edrea tionsbya tivity(basi ally -ray)measurements. Inthe

HIN-DASproje t,reversekinemati s experimentshavebeenperformed: stable

nu lei bombard an hydrogen target and forward- ying residues are

ana-lyzedbyamagneti isotopi spe trometer. Individual isotopeprodu tion

ross-se tion anbedetermined,in onstrasttothea tivitymethodwhi h

anonlya essto umulated ross-se tions.

This method ould in prin iple be extended to a eleratednon-stable

nu lei, provided the intensity of the beam is suÆ iently large. Here, we

present anexploratory theoreti al investigation of spallation rea tionson

neutron-ri handneutron-poornu lei. Wewillusethesameapproa hasin

Ref. 6

,ex eptforanimprovedtreatmentofthenu learmean eld. Themain

issue is to know whether there are qualitative di eren es with spallation

rea tionsonordinarynu lei. Inparti ular, thefollowingquestions willbe

studied: (i) What is the evolution of the neutron multipli ities with the

target neutron (or proton) ex ess? (ii) Is the shape of the residue mass

spe traqualitativelymodi ed?

2. The theoreti alapproa h

Our INC+evaporation model ombines the INCL4 version of the Liege

intranu lear- as ade model 6

and the ABLA evaporation- ssion ode of

K.-H. S hmidt 8;9

. It is des ribed in Ref. 6

. We brie y re all the main


su es-The fate ofall parti lesis followedastime evolves. Parti lestravelalong

straight-line traje tories until twoof them rea h their minimum distan e

ofapproa h,in whi h asethey anbes atteredprovidedthevalueofthis

distan e issmallenough,oruntiltheyhittheborderofthepotentialwell,

supposedtodes ribethenu leartargetmean eld. Additionalfeaturesare:

(1)initialpositionsoftargetnu leonsaretakenatrandominthespheri al

nu lear target volume with asmoothsurfa e; (2) an improved treatment

of the Pauli blo kingis introdu ed; (3) inelasti ity is introdu ed through

rea tionsinvolvingpion'sanddelta's(4)isospindegreesoffreedomare

in-trodu edforalltypesofparti les;(5)the as ade odeisstoppedatatime

determinedbythe odeitself,whentheemissionpatternbe omes

evapora-tive;(6)theABLA odehasasophisti atedevaporation- ssion ompetition

withvis ositye e ts.

InthestandardINCL4version,althoughneutronandprotons are

dis-tinguished, theyexperien ethesamenu learaveragepotential,ex ept,of

ourse, for the Coulomb external potential. Here, we introdu ed isospin

andenergy-dependentpotentials,followingtheopti al-model

phenomenol-ogy(details anbefoundin Ref. 10


3. Observablequantities

3.1. Introdu tion

We present al ulations for parti le and residue ross-se tions. Altough

spallations rea tionswith unstable nu lei will probably berealized in

re-versekinemati s,wepresentresultsasindire tkinemati s,forthesakeof

omparison. Wewill onsider twotypesoftargets: PbandSnisotopes.

3.2. Parti le produ tion ross-se tion

Averageprotonandneutronmultipli itiesaregiveninTable1forp-indu ed

rea tionson Snand Pb rea tionsat 1GeV.Inea h ase, aneutron-poor

andaneutron-ri htargetsare omparedwithastableisotope.

Themost remarkable,but ratherexpe ted, result is theenhan ement

(redu tion) of the neutron multipli ity for the neutron-ri h (-poor)

iso-topes. Less obviously, this enhan ement (redu tion) is less marked, even

proportionally,for theemissionduring the as ade stage (mainly E

n 20

MeV). Thelarge partof the e e t is oming from the evaporationstage.


afewneutronsbeforerea hingtheso- alled\evaporation orridor"onthe

proton-ri hsideofthevalleyofstability,paralleltothestabilityline,where

abalan e betweenproton emission (favouredby smaller separation

ener-gies) andneutron emission (favouredbythe absen e ofCoulomb barrier)


Table1. Parti lemultipli itiesinproton-indu edrea tionsat

1GeV.ThequantitiesSn andSp arethe neutronand proton

separationenergies,respe tively.

p+Sn 100 Sn 124 Sn 134 Sn <n>,En<2MeV 0.34 1.87 2.92 <n>,2MeV <E n <20MeV 1.41 5.19 8.01 <n>,En>20MeV 1.71 2.25 2.64 <n> 3.42 9.30 13.57 <p> 7.40 3.30 2.50 Sn (MeV) 17.65 9.10 3.90 S p (MeV) 2.80 10.70 16.2 p+Pb 182 Pb 208 Pb 212 Pb <n>,En<2MeV 1.39 3.50 3.80 <n>,2MeV <E n <20MeV 3.44 7.87 8.50 <n>,En>20MeV 2.20 2.61 2.73 <n> 7.10 13.98 15.03 <p> 5.90 3.10 2.90 Sn (MeV) 11.75 7.40 5.10 Sp(MeV) 1.30 8.00 8.80

There is, of ourse,asymmetri e e t onthe protonmultipli ities. It

islessdramati in absolutevalues,but moredramati in proportion.

3.3. Residue produ tion ross-se tion

Theresiduemassspe traforp-indu edrea tionsonSntargetsaregivenin

Fig.1. Theabs issaxisequalto120minusthemassloss.Itisappropriate

to omparetheso- alledfragmentationpeaks, orrespondingtotheresidues

whi hare reatedbyevaporation(x&70). Asexpe ted,thefragmentation

peak is broader for 134

Sn, mainly be ausestarting from theneutron-ri h

sideofthevalleyofstability,thesystem anevaporatemorenu leonsbefore

rea hingtheevaporation orridor. The ssion ontributionisverysmallin

this ase. It orrespondsto the x . 70 part of the spe trum. It is only


1. e+00

1. e+01

1. e+02

1. e+03

1. e+04

1. e+05



















Figure1. Residuemassspe traforproton-indu edrea tionsonthreeSntargetsat1

GeV.Notethatthehorizontals alehasbeen hosensu hthattheisobars orresponding

tothesamemasslossappearatthesamepla eforthethreesystems.

1. e+00

1. e+01

1. e+02

1. e+03

1. e+04

1. e+05
















Figure2. SameasFig.1forthreePbtargets.


theyare pra ti allyidenti al for 208

Pb and 212

Pb. Theshape is di erent

for 182

Pb,but thisismainly linkedwiththemoststrikingresultof Fig.2,

namely the large ssion ross-se tion for this target. This, of ourse, is

due to the large ssility parameter of the remnants and leads to a large

depopulation of the mass spe trum around mass loss  5-6. As for the

othertargets,apeakexistsformasslossofonemassunit. Thispeakarises

be ause peripheral ollisions lead to small ex itation energy; for smaller

impa t parameters, more ex itation energy is left in the target remnant

andleads,eitherto importantevaporationor,asinthis parti ular aseof


Pb,to ssion.

4. Con lusion

We have presented here exploratory al ulations for spallation rea tions

onneutron-ri handneutron-poornu lei.Neutronandprotonmultipli ities

anbesubstantially hanged. Theshapeoftheresiduemassspe traisnot

drasti allydi erentfrom theordinarytarget ase,ex eptfor ssion.

Referen es

1. I.Tanihata,Onthepossibleuseofse ondaryradioa tivebeams,inTreatise

onHeavy-IonS ien e,vol.8,ed.byD.A.Bromley,PlenumPress,(1989).

2. T.K.Gaiser,Cosmi RaysandParti lePhysi s,CambridgeUniversityPress,


3. M. Longair, HighEnergy Astrophysi s, vol. 1and 2,CambridgeUniversity

Press, (1997).

4. W.Gudowski,Nu l.Phys.A654,436 (1999).

5. A.Koningetal,HINDAS,AEuropeanNu learDataProgramfor

A eleratr-Driven Systems, Tsukuba Conferen e, 2002; J.-P. Meulders et al, HINDAS

nalreport,tobepublishedinEUpubli ations2004.

6. A. Boudard, J. Cugnon, S.Leray and C. Volant, Phys. Rev. C66, 044615


7. J.CugnonandP.Henrotte,Eur.Phys.J.A16,393(2003).

8. J.-J.GaimardandK.-H.S hmidt,Nu l.Phys.,A531709(1991).

9. A.R. Junghans,M. de Jong, H.G.Cler , A. V.Ignatyuk, G.A.Kudyaev

andK.-H.S hmidt,Nu l.Phys.A629,635(1998).


Table 1. Partile multipliities in proton-indued reations at
Figure 1. Residue mass spetra for proton-indued reations on three Sn targets at 1


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