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Theory of electrostatic probes in a flowing continuum low-density plasma


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Chang Jen-Sin, J.G. Laframboise

To cite this version:

Chang Jen-Sin, J.G. Laframboise. Theory of electrostatic probes in a flowing continuum low-density

plasma. [Rapport de recherche] Note technique CRPE n° 30, Centre de recherches en physique de

l’environnement terrestre et planétaire (CRPE). 1976, 126 p. �hal-02191402�














A method has been developed and used to obtain theoretical

prédictions of the current collected from a continuum, incompressible

flowing low charge density plasma by an electrostatic probe having

spherical or cylindrical symmetry. The solutions for the low density

continuum case, i.e. with mean free path « probe radius « Debye

length, are calculated for Reynolds numbers from 0.1 to 100 for

cylinders, 0.1 to 60 for sphères, for charged particle Schmidt

numbers from 0 to lOS, and for scaled probe potentials from -12 to 10

for arbitrary ion-to-electron température ratios. Each current collection resuit has been computed to a relative accuracy of 2%

or better in an average time of approximately 20 minutes on the

CDC 6600 at CNES, including a relative accuracy of 0.4% or better

at stationary conditions compared with the analytic solution. The charge transport, équations are solved using upwind différence methods

developed for time independent situations. Numerical solutions of

the Navier-Stokes équations by other authors are used for the

neutral flow. The electric potential profiles used for the

cylinder are logarithmic, obtained by using the Laplace potential

at the equator of a prolate spheroid, approximated for radii «

major axis. The electric potential profiles used for the sphère are

proportional to r-1, the Laplace potential.


potentials, the effects of the flow increase with potential, and

the usual retarding potential method for température détermination

of électrons leads to large errors, (2) For small potentials, the

effect of the flow is to smooth the "knee" of the probe character-

istics and to render more imprécise the détermination of the

space potential. (3) At a large enough attracting potential, the

linear dependence for probe current from stationary theory is

re.covered as one would expect. (4) The probe surface current

densities become unsymmetrical when flow is increased. (5)

Recirculation in the neutral wake behind the body has larger effects

on downstream than upstream probe surface current density. (6) In

the présence of flow, the prdfiles of net charge density can include several régions of alternating sign downstream of the probe.

Computed charge densities and probe surface current densities

are presented graphically. Computed probe characteristics are presented in graphical and tabular form. A listing is included of



We wish to express our spécial appréciation to K. Kodera

for valuable discussions and comments, and to Dr. L.R.O. Storey

for varieties of assistance too numerous to list.

We are indebted to the C.N.E.S., Toulouse and Bretigny,

to the C.R..P.E., Orleans-La Source, and to York University, Toronto, Canada, for the use of their CDC 7600, CDC 6600, IBM

360 and IBM 370 computers.

Spécial thanks are due to Dr. S.C.R. Dennis (University of

Western Ontario, London, Canada), J.D. Hudson (University of

Sheffield, England), and K. Takami (Tokyo University, Japan)

for providing us with numerical viscous flow data.

We wish to thank the Director of C.R.P.E. for the opportunity



List of Symbols

1. Introduction 9

2. Statement of the Problem 15

3. Basic Equations and Boundary Conditions 17

3.1 Cylindrical Coordinates 18

3.2 Spherical Coordinates 21

4. Numerical Methods and Calculation Procédure 23

4.1 Time Independent Upwind Différence Methods 24

4.2 Numerical Intégration and Différence Methods 37

4.3 Calculation Procédure 40

5. Results and Discussion for Cylinder in Cross-Flow 43

5.1 Charge Density Profiles 43

5.2 Local Current Density 45

5.3 Total Probe Current 47

5.4 Application to Présence of Magnetic Field 50

6. Results and Discussion for Spherical Probe. 51

6.1 Charge Density Profiles 51

6.2 Local Current Density 52

6.3 Total Probe Current 54

7. Comparison with Experiments and Other Théories 57

7.1 Cylinder in Cross-Flow 59


8. Concluding Remarks


Références 68

Tables -


Appendix A: Application of Theory to Quasi-Neutral Conditions:


Appendix B: Application to Plasma Diagnostic Method


List of Symbols

D diffusion coefficient

e magnitude 'of électron charge

h shape constant

I total collected current for spherical probe; total collected

current per unit length for cylindrical probe.

J local current density

k Boltzmann's constant


o (x) modified Bessel function of zéro order t probe length

N number density

R radius

Re Reynolds number based on diameter,

2U CD R p Iv S surface àrea Se Schmidt number, v/D T température U flow velocity V potential

ÀD. Debye length, (e o kT e /eaN oo )* \ mean free path

� mobility

�stream function V kinematic viscosity


Nondimensional Symbols


I/Id, total current , Id = eN^ DSp/Rp

j = JRp/N D, local current

L « major to minor axis ratio of prolate spheroid used to

model cylindrical probe; for relation between L and A see p. 11. n = N/N , number density

Re = 2U

R p Iv, Reynolds number Ra = � 2U


diffusion Reynolds number

Se = v/D, Schmidt number u = U/U , flow velocity

cp = eV/kT , potential

e = T/T , température ratio

A = ji/Rpî length of cylindrical probe. For relation between A and L see page 11.

Subscripts a ambipolar b boundary c charged particle d diffusion e électron i ion K itération number k ,2, m grid point o at space potential p probe r radial component z axial component e angular component » at infinité radius



A method has been developed and used to calculate the space

charge density profiles near spherically and cylindrically

symmetric electrostatic probes immersed in a flowing low charge density

continuum plasma, and thereby to calculated the current collected

by such probes from the surrounding plasma. A low density

continuum plasma is one in which mean free path « probe radius

« Debye length.

An electrostatic probe is a pièce of conducting material

that is inserted into a plasma on a mechanical support which

provides electrical connection from the probe to external

circuitry (Fig. 1.1). The probe potential is varied, slowly

enough to eliminate transient effects, over a range that

normally includes the plasma potential. The electric current

collected by the probe from the plasma is recorded as a function

of probe potential. The shape of this curve, known as the "probe characteristic", dépends on the composition, the flow velocity and

the thermodynamic state of the plasma, and therefore information about thèse plasma state parameters can often be obtained from one

simple curve. Compared to many other diagnostic tools the probe is

distinguished by the possibility of direct local measurements of

plasma parameters. Thèse facts enable the expérimenter to use plasma


that exist either in the laboratory or in nature. Figure 1.2

shows the general appearance of a probe characteristic. Two

phenomena which appear in figure 1.2, i.e. secondary ionization

caused by accelerated électrons and électron émission from

probe surface due to ion bombardment, are not studied in the

présent work.

Two important examples of low density continuum plasmas exist in nature, that is planetary lower ionosphères and strato-

sphères , and electrostatic probes are frequently carried by

planetary probes or balloons in order to investigate their surround-


The local disturbances created in the ionosphère or strat-

osphère by the entire planetary probe or balloon can often be

analysed using théories developed for electrostatic probes,

since the vehicle itself constitutes a conducting object immersed

in a plasma; in this case there is no external connection to allow current to drain off, and the planetary probe or balloon will

arrive at an equilibrium or "floating" potential at which it

collects no net current (Fig. 1.2).

Récent developments of flowing afterglow plasmas, flowing

gaseous lasers, diffusion flame plasmas, discharge physics and

atmospheric electricity hâve created a need for probe measurements

in conditions of low charge density ( 108cm"3) and médium neutral pressure (�1 torr) plasma, i.e. under conditions in which the Debye


length may be relatively large but the mean free path is relatively

small. The approximate range of probe conditions in thèse various

flowing plasmas is shown in figure 1.3. Also, in probe

measurements it is always advantageous to use the smallest probe

size consistent with electrical and mechanical constraints, in

order to get minimum


disturbance and maximum localization of

measurements. In this work, we develop a numerical method to obtain

the probe characteristic for the limit in which ionization is

slight enough that Debye length » probe radius, so that the electric

potential profile surrounding the probe obeys Laplace's équation.

Numerical solutions by other authors are used for the neutral flow.

In order to solve the partial differential équations arising

in this problem, we hâve developed an "upwind différence method" for the time independent case, in order to obtain faster

computation time and stability of calculations (Chapter 4).

In Chapters 5 and 6, we présent results of computations

carried out for cylinders in cross-flow and sphères in flow. We

use the numerical results to demonstrate that the usual retarding

potential method for électron température measurement leads to

serious error in flowing continuum conditions. We also examine the

charge density distributions around sphères and cylinders in the

présence of flow. Then we find that the profiles of net charge

density can include several régions of alternating sign


théories are discussed in Chapt. 7. The application of the

présent work to the limit

R /\Tr*a�



A summary of probe théories for both sphères and cylinders in incompressible flowing plasmas is shown in figure 1.4. The

présent work is for Debye ratio R /\

= 0 (Chapts. 5 and 6) and oe

(Appendix A), values for which no previous théories exist.

The general theory for probes in flowing plasmas has been first done by Lam (1964). He assumed that under the condition

Xn/R « Re , the neutral flow affects the charge density only in the quasi-neutral

région, since the plasma sheath is much smaller than the neutral flow

boundary layer. He obtained a general expression for flow effects

on current-voltage characteristics. Cléments and Smy (1969)(1970) obtained approximate solutions for sphères and cylinders by comb-

ining the model of Lam with an assumed circular sheath edge

centered downstream of the probe center. Huggins (1974) used the

same model with an approximate thick sheath solution by Keil (1968)

to extend the theory to

R /\ ~

1 for sphères. Hirano (1973)

obtained an approximate solution for cylinders by applying the

model of Lam with his own approximate neutral flow solution at

the front stagnation point. Yastrebov (1972) obtained solutions

for the sphère front stagnation point by using the incompressible nonviscous flow solution for R


Ail of thèse théories deal primarily with conditions in which the

neutral Reynolds number Re is comparable with the charged particle

diffusion Reynolds number Ra, i.e. the charged particle

Schmidt number


order unity. But the important range of the diffusion Reynolds number is 0 to 104, Le. 0.1 to 102 times larger than the neutral

Reynolds number, in the applications indicated in figure 1.3 for low

density plasmas. Kodera (1975) used the analytical solutions of

Van Dyke (1964, p.159) to estimate the neutral flow for Reynolds numbers 0 to 103 at the front stagnation point. He obtained

solutions for

R /\n � 0, and Ra from 0 to 104.

A large number of références exist on the problem of a

flat-plate probe in a continuum flowing plasma. Thèse hâve been reviewed




In order to define a mathematical model for the plasma, the

following assumptions hâve been made:

1. The plasma consists of two species of charged particles,

one positive and one négative together with neutrals. Far from the probe, the net charge density approaches zéro. Linear

relations between current density and gradients are assumed for both

species. In many expérimental situations, thermal contact

between species is weak enough to allow significant température

différences to exist between them if one of them acts as an

energy source or sink . Therefore, an arbitrary température ratio

is allowed in the theoretical model. In most applications the

électrons hâve the weakest thermal contact with other species-,

2. We assume an unbounded, steady state, constant-property

frozen-chemistry plasma with no magnetic field.

3. The plasma is slightly ionized, so that the mean free

paths between ions or électrons and neutral particles are much

smaller than the meàn free path between ions and électrons.

4. The neutral flow is assumed incompressible.

5. The probe surface is assumed fully charge absorbing.

6. We assume that the Einstein relation = kT between diffusion coefficent D and mobility jj. is valid for ail charged


constant and T is température.

7r We assume that Debye length

X~ » probe

radius R »


charged particle mean free paths, so that the electric potential

near the probe obeys Laplace's équation.

8. We assume that the diffusion coefficient and mobility

are constant everywhere. This means that the so-called

"cooling effect", (Chapkis and Baum 1971) in which the probe cools

the local plasma, thereby locally changing the diffusion coefficient

and mobility, is not considered in this theory.

9. The plasma is slightly ionized, so that the coupling



According to the above assumptions (Chap. 2), the governing

équations and boundary conditions (Lam 1964) then are:

J - N U - 4 Ni W" Di 7 Ni; v - i = 0 (3.1) J « N U+u, N 7V-D VN;VJ =0 (3.2) ^V,= 0 (3.3) R-R: N. = 0, N = 0, V = V ����� f (3.4)

where N is the number density, V is the potential, R is the radius

and J is the current per unit area. Subscripts i, e, p, »

refer to the ions, electrons, probe surface and infinité radius respectively.

The total ion or électron current I collected by the probe is given by:

I = te JJ* J- dS (3.5)

evaluated over the probe surface S, where the differential area

vector dS is oriented outwardly. We introduce nondimensional

variables as follows; JRp .AN 2UqbRp u eV Ra - D u - u cp = kT eo e e = T eD JL T » �* - kT ' R e P

\7 R p


The governing équations and boundary conditions then reduce to: ciRai j = -2e n + ne ^"^V NV ' J-e = ° (3.7) Vfcp =0 (3.8) r = 1: nt - 0, ne = 0, cp = cp p r-eo:

ni-1, ne-1, cp-O (3.9)

Using équation (3.8) and assuming that the flow is incompressible,

i.e. \v � u = 0, we obtain from équations (3.6) and (3.7).


2 U'\\In +\\In -\Vcp-\V3 n = 0 (3.11)

From the governing équations (3.8), (3.10) and (3.11), we hâve

an uncoupled situation for n. and n . Also, équation (3.10) is similar to équation (3.11), but with

cp/ei and Ra. replaced by -cp and Ra , respectively. If we solve équation (3.10) for ion density this solution can then be applied to the équation (3.11) for électron

density. Equations (3.10) and (3.11) cannot be solved by analytic

methods because u in thèse équations is obtained from numerical

results by other authors. Their solution by numerical methods is

discussed in Chapter 4.


A cylindrical coordinate system (r,0,z) with axis along the center of the cylinder is chosen with 9=0 as the downstream radius.


The fluid motion and electric potential field are assumed to be

two-dimensional and hence independent of the coordinate z. The

fluid motion is described by radial and transverse components of veloclty

(u ,u ) . The velocity components are expressed

in terms of a

dimensionless stream function \|r(r,9) by the équations

Since we want a fine computational grid close to the probe surface

and we also need a large outer boundary radius for computations, we

transform the radial coordinate using the relation s = jjn r, as follows:

os or ' as2 or or

Equation (3.11) then becomes, removing subscripts: Ra exp( s) on

on _ on �g . âS * £ . , ÔÎ £ . â!^. 0 (3 I3ï


Us OS + ue oe os as 06 â6


The appropriate solution of Laplace's équation (3.8) for the

cylindrical case can be obtained from the solution for the equatnrial plane of a prolate

spheroid, approximated for radii « major axis (Moon and Spencer 1961

p. 240, Chang and Laframboise 1975).

For a spheroid of equatorial radius (semi-minor axis) Rp and

half-length (semi-major axis) LRp, with L»l, this potential is:

�p = cp (1 -

jfcnr / £ n2L) (3.14)

dr Zn 2L r


scaled potential

cp /Xn 2L as a parameter in solving (3.13)

for a

cylindrical problem. This is important because it enables us to

treat together ail sufficiently long cylindrical probes. In using

our results to interpret probe measurements, L must be related to

the probe length-to-radius ratio A. Clearly A � 2L; the exact relation between A and L will dépend slightly on e.g. whether the

probe support is insulating or conducting. With this kept in

mind, we assume A = 2L in what follows.

The neutral f low solutions of Takami and Kellar (1969) and

Dennis and Chang (1970) were used to provide

(u , ufi) in (3.13). Takami and Kellar (1969) solved thé Navier-Stokes équations

numerically for steady two-dimensional viscous flow of an incomp-

ressible fluid past a circular cylinder for Reynolds numbers from

1 to 60 (Fig. 3.1). Dennis and Chang (1970) hâve extended the work of Takami-Kellar to Reynolds numbers from 0.1 to 100 (Fig. 3.2).

The numerical values of

(u , u ) of Takami-

Kellar and Dennis-Chang

were used during the numerical solution (Ch. 4) of équation

(3.13). Thèse authors hâve not provided sufficient information to

permit us to evaluate the effects of errors in their solutions on

our results. However, for Reynolds numbers of 7, 20 and 40,

neutral flow solutions from both of thèse papers are available

(Figs: 3.1, 3.2). For Re = 40, we hâve calculated total probe

current using both flow solutions. In this calculatiqn we also

used the values Se = 10 and çp =

0. The two results agreed to within

2%, even though grids of 40x40 and 60x60 points were used



A spherical polar coordinate system (r,9,§) with the origin at the center of the sphère is chosen with 0=0 as the downstream

radius. Both the fluid motion and electric potential field are

axially symmetric and hence independent of the azimuthal coordinate

Ç. The fluid motion is described by radial and transverse components

of velocity

(u ,u ) in a plane through the axis of symmetry.


velocity components are




sine Ô-9 '



r sin e - Õr


Equation (3.10) then becomes, after removing subscripts'


Us OS ese'

os ds de ae

aS2 bS be2



Boundary conditions are the same as in équations (3.9).

The appropriate solution of Laplace's équation (3.8) is'

*- £

o?=-r £


The neutral flow solutions of Dennis and Hudson (1973) were used

in (3.17). Dennis and Hudson (1973) solved the Navier-Stokes équations numerically for steady flow past a sphère for Reynolds

numbers from 0.1 to 60 (Fig. 3.3). The numerical values of

(u , ufl) of Dennis and Hudson were used during the numerical solution



Accordingto Chapter 3, we need to solve the elliptic partial

differential équations (3.13) and (3.17) by numerical methods.

In this chapter, we présent new "upwind différence" methods

(Sec. 4.1) developed for time-independent situations in order

to obtain faster computation time and stability of calculations.

The local current fluxes are calculated by an extrapolation

method (Sec. 4.2) and the total currents are calculated by Simpson's

intégration rule with Richardson's extrapolation method (McCormick



The usual methods for numerically solving elliptic partial

differential équations with variable coefficients are the

Successive Over-Relaxation Method, the Alternating Direction

Implicit Method and the Quasi-Linearization Method (Smith 1965).

Each method involves writing and

-7-5- in finite-difference

approximation form and solving for n approximately using the itérative

method called relaxation (Smith 1965), in which the values of n at

points in the computational grid are successively replaced by linear

combinations of the surrounding values.

dsn The usual finite-difference approximation of -r-g- is

2 n + n m-1 - 2n UX-2 AX2

+ ° (^) (4.1)

The usual expressions for the différence

� are as follows.

(i) forward difference:leads always to stable solutions

(ii) backward différence; always leads to stable solutions

(iii) centered difference:leads to a solution stable only for

small enough e (Fukuda 1969)

dn Vl2LcVl


where Ax =

x m xm-i = xMi- 1 - XM

The usual way for solving elliptic partial differential

équations uses centered différences, because the accuracy is higher

than for the other two methods. However, numerical instabilities

occur in this centered différence method because of round off error

and the "hereditary error" (Fukuda 1969) for large Ax. The

backward and forward différence methods always lead to a stable

solution for any Ax (Fukuda 1969).

We suppose that the (s, 9) space is divided into a grid of LxM points separated by distance incréments h. Then we can write the

coordinate distances as s = jîh and 9 = mh where m = 0,1,2,...,M

and jfc = 0,1,2,...,L. Thus any point on the grid is uniquely identified by the indices ( £ ,m). A portion of such a grid space

is shown in Fig. 4.1.

Next we write the partial differential équation in finite-

difference form. We now consider the problem of solving the

équation for n.. The substitution procédure for n. is

determined by substituting the chosen différence expressions into

the given équation and solving the resuit for

n. X,m

in terms of the


into two classes: (1) simultaneous relaxation, and (2) successive


Since relaxation is an itérative procédure, some method is

needed to identify the order of approximation. We thus label n

with the superscript K to indicate the Kth guess n . If the method

is convergent, n should approach the true solution n at ail points as K CD. In the simultaneous relaxation, the (K+ l)th guess

K+l K K

can then be computed according to (Smith 1965) n.

X,m = n, 1 m + oR. a, m , where

R, X,ni is the residual,

which is equal to the différence between the resuit

for n, In terms of surroundLng values, and the previous value n , and �y is a constant which dépends on the finite-difference form and the constants in

the differential équation. Then in the simultaneous relaxation, the

entire new field

n. is calculated using residuals computed


the old field."

However, it is clear that once a new guess has been made at

a given point, the new values can be used to modify the residuals at the surrounding points. Thus, the residuals can be computed sequentially starting from grid point (1.1) and working to the

right along the grid to point (L-1,1), then skipping to the second

interior row of points and working from point (1,2), to( £ ,-l, 2), etc.,

as shown in fig. 4.1. This scheme is called successive relaxation.

In this case the residual at (t,m) is computed using two old guesses

and two new guesses at surrounding points ( £ + l,m), ( £ -l,m), (1, mfl) and (t,m-1) as shown in fig. 4.1. In this method, the


relaxation (Smith 1965).

Upwind différence methods were intrcduced by Leith (1965) for

solving time dépendent differential équations. The results show

that the solutions are well stabilized during the calculations.

We hâve developed upwind methods for our governing équations with

convection term for the time-independent case, in order to obtain

faster computation time and stability of calculations. In the

partial differential équation as follows

calculation instabilities occur when Ra is relatively large in

ail centered différence methods. This is believed to be caused

by loss of diagonal dominance(Greenspan 1975, p. 218).

In our équation (4.5), u sometLmes contains a wake (région of recir- culation) behind the probe (Figs.3.1-3.3), and this might also be

an important source of instability in calculations by other authors.

The idea of upwind différence methods is based on the observation

that in a convective situation, physical information is transported

from the upwind direction, so that some combination of numerically

stable forward différences may give the most use fui approximation

of the (u-\vn) term. Also, we shall see that the methods are very



The grid structure of the method is shown in figure 4.2 with the local wind vector u at the central point (t,m). Hère we use

rectangular coordinates x and y. In figure 4.2, the wind direction

has been chosen such that u � 0 and u � 0. The (u \\In) term in (4.5) can be approximated by either of the following backward

différence expressions:


u.NVn = g (n n (n n


We first consider the purely convective situation in which no

diffusion or potential gradients exist, and (4.5) reduces to u«\vn=0.

We wish the information to be transported only from the upwind

direction, so we require that our substitution process hâve the

following properties: If u - x 0 then n n m- 1 (4.7) If uy m 0 then n, = n. ,

The following linear combinations of (4.6a) with (4.6b) hâve thèse properties.

UX + 02UY

If u � u thenu.\vn = ^ - (4.8)

x y """





then u«\vn





+ uv/Ay

The fact that (4.8) and (4.9) satisfy the conditions (4.7) can

be readily verified by assuming u \vn = 0, substituting (4.8) and

(4.9) into this relation, and solving for n..

Thèse relations also hâve another important feature, which we

can see as follows.

We define q = J . , and we then obtain: (i) if u �u (ql)




then u-\vn 1 ; [n, _+ (q-l)n.. - qn...] (4.10) (ii) Ifux�uy (q�l) luxl

If we again assume u-\Vn=0 and équations (4.10) and (4.11) for n, we obtain if q 1, then n. = (1 - q) n.. + qn, .. (4.10') if q� 1, then n. = (1_1) n, 1 + q 1 (4.11') i.e. if q 1, n. A, m

becomes just the value of n at the upstream

point A in figure 4.2, as determined by linear interpolation

between the values

n. -


n... If q � 1, n. "


becomes the value at the corresponding upstream point on the


Similar relations can be obtained easily for the other three

cases; (a) if u 0,


� 0, we replace nn 1 , n.. , and n

by Vl,m' nnil and n. l, respectively, (b) if u � 0, u � 0 we replace thèse values

by n, . , n. ,


n, ,, respectively (c) if u � 0, u � 0, we replace thèse same values by

n. ,

n. -


n, - , respectively.

We therefore hâve an algorithm

which is always in accord with the essential physics of our

situation, i.e. in the purely convective limit it causes information

always to be transferred in the downstream direction along stream-

lines. A similar method by Carlson (1967 p. 240) exists for



The interprétation of (4.10') and (4.11') in terms of linear interpolations suggests that a more accurate method can be obtained

by simply replacing thèse interpolations by higher-order ones,

involving more than two collinear points (figs. 42,4.3). For the

sake of illustration, we consider this time the case

when ux �0,

il, � 0 and q�l. We first fit the density values n n. ,,

and n. -

. with a parabola as follows.


t,mf- eA., §+A2 §2, where = (x-x £ )/Ax.

We then hâve: and : Solving, we obtain: AI - Vl.mt-r nA-l,mfl 2 A nX-l,mfl+nx+l,mfl" 2n (4,13) and nk, =

n^ ^^A,^ q'+Ag q 12 where q7 - 1/q

Next, we fit

n.. , n , ., and n

with another parabola.


a ' "l+2,nn-l + n ,t,mrl 2n

�2 -

Again when u-\vn=0, we recover, as we should, the following:

lf q'- - 0 then nk, = n^^ and n^ - n^, if q' = 1 then kl = n^^ and n^ = n^^ .

The best way of also satisf.ying. the conditions corresponding to (4.10') and (4.11') is: n nk2 + (nkl- nk2)(1 - q") (4.15) Therefore, we obtain n (g 2 -1) [n 1 (3q2 - 2q' - 2) + n (1 - ,'),' ' + V2,*!'"! + VcVii-n(1-3q'" + 4q (4.16a)



u'\vn = - (n m - es) where as is the right hand side of (4.16a).



For q �1, from the same mathematical process, we obtain

nA,m " (q-l) 2 [ ( 2 ( + Vi.-*2««+! EVi.»i(1-3'B + 4q) (4.16b) and u-\vn = -»* (n - B4) where B4 is the right hand side of (4.16b).

In spécial cases where.

n. A, m

is near an edge or a corner,


we use n.

m é. instead of équation (4.16a) or (4.16b).

Similar relations can be obtained easily for the other three

cases: (a)

u � 0, u �0 (b) ux � 0, u � 0 and (c) ux � 0, uy � 0.

Therefore, the numerical method in our case is to express the

^n, �57cp'\vn terms by central différences and u -NjTn by the higher order upwind différence' form and to use successive relaxation to solve the

charge transport équation (3.13) or (3.17) for n (we call this

method "upwind différence method" in later chapters). In applying

thèse methods to (3.13) and (3.17), x and y are replaced by e and

s, respectively, and u and uy are replaced by u.




In order to estimate the accuracy in our numerical methods,

we numerically solved two problems which hâve known analytic solutions. Thèse problems involve the usual convection-diffusion



£ n


we hâve assumed



in the

x direction.

An analytic


of (4.17)


et al 1973)






Ra =UR


= J xa +

y3 +

za and n

1 when

r » (point


in uniform


An analytic





is (Dennis

et al 1968).

n - 1 + G, exp [ Sp cos e ] K Ea r






is the




of zéro



r - J x 8 +

y8 (line


in uniform

flow). For example




if we solve











of équation


we can obtain




in our numerical


We solve


and (4.19)


in the












r = r : n, =

1 + 2exp


cos 9

] K (-2 )

r -


nb .9m 1 +

2exp [Ra 2 rb

cos e m

K 0

( R?)

with similar




(4.18). In either



also hâve:


9 = 180° :



where we



= 2, Ra = 10,

r = 1,


= 25 to define


two test


With this




in each



the chosen


is of the same


as the solution


The values




solutions then


at r = 1, 9 =0° and


are 2.181

and 1.0 respectively


the cylinder,

3 and 10


for the sphère.

The uniform


in the (r,9)



u. =-sin 9 ,


cos 0 .



We again


the radial



the relation

s = ln r. In figure


we show







and numerical



a) cylindrical


b) spherical


A9 =

As «





we find




at 9=0° and e = 40° -500.

We also find




at the


of local



to the inner


r= 1 is smaller



in both


and cylindrical

cases. The reason

for the larger



than upstream

is the larger


gradients in



analytical solutions downstream. The maximum relative

error of both spherical and cylindrical cases is shown as a function

of 6e in figure 4.5 (where A0 = As for each calculation,

ùe- E) t- 9... and As = Xnr - Xnr . ). From the slopes of the lines in figure

m m-1

4.5, we hâve obtained graphical estimâtes of the actual order of

the methods. For the sphère, we obtained 0(Ó,91.06) for the lower

order method and 0(Ó'e1.48) for the higher order method. For the

cylinder we obtain 0(6g1.22)for the lower order method and 0(Ó'e1.57)

for the higher order method. For the lower order method, we can say the order of the method is slightly better than 1, but for the

higher order method the order of the method is about 1.5. The

computation time on the CDC 6600 computer by our numerical

methods is shown as a function of the number of grid points in

figure 4.6. The computation time at 30x30 grid points is less

than 200 sec and 140 sec by our numerical method with the upwind higher order différence and the lower order différence, respectively.

Itérative times for the sphère and the cylinder were approximately 1.6

iterations/sec and 3.1 iterations/sec using the higher-order method,

and the itération was stopped in the condition

£ ' |n. A, m - n. A, m1 I £ l0"4.




The local current density from équations (3.6) and (3.7)

is defined as


dr 'r=l ds dr s=0 ds �s=0 (4.20)

In order to obtain a second order différence approximation for

équation (4.20) we fit n, , n_ , and n3 using a parabola as follows n » As s2 + A4 + Ag n l,m = As

= 0 from boundary condition, at probe surface (Eq. 3.4)

n2 m " A3(ûs)3 + M^s) n3,m = 4As(AsOa + 2A4(ûs) :. j = ddn L-o - A4 + 0(6s2) = ^C ^^ + 0(6s2) (4.21)

Similarly, we fit a parabola through

n. 1 ,m n3 and ns to obtain immédiate ly .i-sU- 4n 3,m - "5'm + 0[(26s)2J (4.22)

Equations (4.21) and (4.22) hâve an error of 0(ass) and 0[(2As)8],

respectively. Therefore we may use the Richardson extrapolation

method (McCormick and Salvador! 1964) to obtain a more accurate

value of the local current density. If


approximate expressions for j given

in (4.21) and (4.22), respectively,

then the Richardson extrapolation method yields,

to second order:

j (4j,

ja) /3






n S,m




The total current for the sphère and current per unit length

for the cylinder are from Chapter 3, Eq. (3.5) as follows:

i"%rn j(6)sine de (sphère) 0 (4.24) . i 2TT 0 217 j(8)de (cylinder)

In order to obtain the most accurate possible value of i, we

used intégration by Simpson's rule with intervais 68 and 26e.

We then carried out Richardson extrapolation on the results obtained in



The block diagram of a calculation is shown in Fig. 4.7.

The charge transport équations (3.13) and (3.17) are solved using the upwind différence methods which we hâve developed in Sec. 4.1. Boundary conditions are from Eqs. (3.9), (4.18) and (4.19) as


s = 0: n 1 ,m

=0 (from kinetic theory, Lam 1964)

9 - 0° and 180° : §| - 0 (from symmetry)

s = s, = Anr, : n = 1 - (1 - n �r exp C-T^V r ) (l - cos 8 ) (cylinder)

where we hâve used Eq. (4.19) with the approximation:

K(x) a

( 1) k exp(-x) for large x (Dennis et al 1968). The

boundary conditions at s = s, are from (4.18) and (4.19), which we

assume to give the ratio of the two values

n.. and n (Dennis et al 1968, 1973). This procédure is based on the fact that at large radii, the disturbance in number density due to the probe

can be expected to approach that of a sink (négative source) in a uniform flow. Thèse boundary conditions are solved together with

the charge transport équation for each itération in our calculations.


convergence was attained. This décision was made by requiring

In order to achieve the fastest possible convergence the successive

relaxation was done in a generally upstream to downstream order

during each itération. The calculation procédure for local currents

and total currents was checked by trying several values of the grid

intervais AS and As, and several positions of the outer boundary

r, . The values of 68, As and

r, which we used for calculation of

densities, local currents and total currents are shown in Table I.

One more check of the calculation procédure involves the limit in

which Ra (=Sc x Re) is small. In this condition, the numerical

values of total currents and local currents are in good agreement

with the analytical values from the stationary(no-flow)

theory (Appendix B).

Each total and local current collection resuit has been computed

to a relative accuracy of 2% and 5% or better, respectively, in an

average time of approximately 20 minutes on the CDC 6600. In the

spherical case the calculations yielded a relative accuracy of 0.4% or

better in comparison to the analytical solution at stationary

conditions. In flowing conditions thèse accuracies refer only

to the solution of the charge transport équation, and not to the

accuracy of the numerical Navier-Stokes solutions used as input to

the calculations. The accuracy of the latter has been discussed

in Sec. 6.3. In the cylindrical case the results cannot be compared with the




Numerical results for charge density contours are shown in

Fig. 5.1 using the solutions of Eqs. (3.12) to (3.151. The effect

of the neutral wake (recirculation région, Figs. 3.1, 3.2) is

shown in Fig. 5.la for a cylinder at space potential with charged-

particle Schmidt number Se slO2. The neutral wake for the cylinder in

cross flow occurs for Re s (Takami et al 1969). Figure 5.la

shows that for a flow with wake (Re = 20), the charge density is

larger in the rear stagnation région than in the case of flow without

a wake (Re=0.4 in Figure 5.1a). The reason is that in the case

with wake, the recirculation of the neutral flow brings charge

to the rear stagnation région.

The effect of charged particle Schmidt number is shown in

Fig. 5.1b for Reynolds number 40. We see that the effect of the

wake in the rear stagnation région increases as the Schmidt number

increases. The effects of surface potential on flow with wake and

flow without wake are shown in Fig. 5.1c (Re=40,

Se =1) and 5.1d

(Re - 0.4,

Se - 102) for both attracting potential (çp le tnA = 4) and retarding potential

(cp p le

jfcnA=-4). For the attracting

potential, the effect of the potential tends to symmetrize the charge

density profile around the body for both flow with wake and flow


If we only hâve two species (ions and électrons) in a plasma, we can numerically subtract density profiles between ions and électrons. We may thereby find the net charge density profile

(n. - n ) for a cylindrical probe.

Usually the diffusion Reynolds number for ions is much larger

than that for électrons. Therefore, we can numerically subtract

density profiles between two différent values of Ra for the same

Reynolds number. The general appearance of some typical net charge

density profiles is shown in Fig. (5.2): (a) for a stationary

case (b) for flow without wake, (c) and (d) for flow with wake.

Figure (5.2) shows that in the présence of flow, the net charge

density profiles can include several régions of alternating sign

downstream of the body. In the case when a wake is présent, thèse

net charge density profiles show more complicated dependence on the Reynolds number and the ion or électron Schmidt number. This

phenomenon may be a very important problem in interactions between

an antenna, electrostatic probe or mass spectrometer and a balloon or planetary probe. The measured plasma parameters can be affected by thèse several régions of alternating sign of the net charged



Numerical results for ion or électron local current density j

at the probe surface are shown as functionsof angle 9, where we define 0=0 at the rear stagnation point, in Fig. 5.3 for various

surface potentials, (a) and (b) for Re = 0.1, Sc = 1d3 and 104

respectively, (c) for Re = l,

Sccm icp, (d) and (e) for Re = 10,

Se =10 and 108 respectively, (f) for Re=40, Se =10, (g) and

(h) for Re=100,

Se =0.1 and 10 respectively. Figure 5.3 shows that for flows without a wake (Fig. 5.3(a) - (c», the effect of the

attracting surface potential is to symmetrize the local current

collection and of the retarding surface potential is to unsymmetrize

it. For flows with a wake (Fig. 5.3(d) - (h)), we observe large

current collections at the rear stagnation région. The effect of

the attracting surface potential in thèse cases is to symmetrize

the current collection at large potentials, and also to increase the

asymmetry of the collection at small potentials.

Figure 5.4 shows the influence of the Reynolds number on the

local current angle dependence for

Se = 1, cp /e in A= 0 (a), 4

(b), -2 (c) and for Se - 103 , rn le ln A- 0 (d), 4 (e), -2 (f).

Figures 5.4 (a) - (f) show more clearly the effect of the wake on

the local current collection. As noted earlier (Sec. 3) a wake

exists for the cylinder when Re � 7. We find that the minimum

point of the local current is always close to the flow séparation


potential is changed.

The local currents are shown as functions of the angle in

Fig. 5.5 for various charged particle Schmidt numbers, for Re = 0.4


cp p le InA-0, (b) 4, (c) -2, and for Re-20, (d cp. p le tnA

= 0, (e) 4 and (f)-2. Figure 5.5 shows that the effect of the

charged-particle Schmidt number on the local current is larger in

the front stagnation région than in the rear stagnation région.

The above numerical values of the local current density can

be used to estimate ion collection by a mass spectrometer orifice

électrode located in a blunt surface under continuum conditions, for

instance in rocket or balloon measurements up to the D-region, in



The numerical results for the ion or électron currents per

unit length are shown as functions of the charged particle

Schmidt number in Fig. 5.6 for various scaled surface potentials

cp p le An A at Reynolds

number Re = 40. Figure 5.6 shows that for

retarding potentials

(cp /e

in A� 0), the effect of charged

particle Schmidt number increases with the potential. For large

enough attracting potentials, the currents become only slightly

affected by the charged particle Schmidt number.

Figure 5.7 shows the ion or électron currents per unit length

for various scaled probe potentials at

Se = 100. Figure 5.7 shows that the effect of the flow increases with retarding surface

potentials and decreases with increasing attracting surface

potential. Also, in thèse two figures there is a slight decrease

of current as either Re or

Se c increases, for larger values of attracting surface potentials

(cp p le

in A ^ 6 in both Figs. 5.6

and 5.7).

Figure 5.8 shows logarithmic current-potential characteristics

for various charged particle Schmidt numbers for (a) Re=2,

(b) Re=7, (c) Re = 10, (d) Re = 20 and (e) Re = 100. Figure 5.9 shows

similar characteristics for various Re at Se = 103. Tn c

comparison with the usual exponential dependence from


1926; not shown), we see that misuse of the usual retarding

potential method for the température détermination would lead to

increasing T

overestimates as the flow effects increase(See

also Sec.6.3). Aise

we observe that the effect of the flow is to smooth the "knee" of

the probe characteristics and to render more imprécise the déterm- ination of the space potential.

Logarithmic current-potential characteristics are shown in

Fig. 5.10 for various Reynolds numbers at a diffusion Reynolds

number of 103. Figure 5.10 shows that the model developed by Lam

(1964) (Sec. 1.1) cannot be applied to a.low density plasma

(XD » R p),

for the currents hâve a large dependence on Re even

if Ra is constant. The previous work (Hoult 1965) which extended

Lam's model to the low density plasma case should be reconsidered.

Figures 5.11 and 5.12 show currents vs probe potential for

various charged particle Schmidt numbers at Reynolds number 0.4,

and for various Re at Se

c = 10 respectively. At a large enough

attracting potential, Figs. 5.11 and 5.12 show that the linear



from stationary theory (Appendix B) is recovered.

This point is important for the détermination of the électron or

ion température (Appendix B).


a function of the Reynolds number in Fig. 5.13 for various

charged particle Schmidt tunbers, and as a function of the charged

particle Schmidt number in Fig. 5.14 for various Reynolds numbers.

Figures 5.13 and 5.14 show that the effects of flow on nondimensional

current at space potential increase rapidly as Re and Se


Computed values of probe current are presented in tabular

form in Table II. As we discussed in Chap . 3, the above solutions

for total current, local current density and density contour maps

can be applied to both ions and électrons, but with cp ICiLnA and

Rai for ions replaced by-m ILnh and Ra , respectively, for



An important application of the présent results is to a cylindrical probe with its axis parallel to an imposed magnetic

field (Fig. 5.15). We can use unchangedthe results described in

this chapter except that D. and D are replaced by

D. and D ,

respectively, where we again assume that the neutral flow is not

affected by the magnetic field, i.e. we hâve a slightly ionized

plasma, and D is the diffusion coefficient perpendicular to the

magnetic field, D

= D/[l+(u3gT )2] ,(Bohm et al, 1949). Hère uju = eB/m is the cyclotron angular frequency, and

T B is the mean time between collisions with neutrals. The usual Reynolds number is then replaced

by a magnéto - diffusion Reynolds number which is defined as:

2U R




Numerical results for charge density contours are shown in

Fig. 6.1 for charged particle Schmidt numbers of 0, 1, and 10

at Re=5, where the solution for

Se c = 0 is just the diffusion

profile n=l- 1/r. Figure 6.1 shows that the charge density

around the sphère becomes unsymmetrical when the charged particle

Schmidt number increases. The effect of a wake on the charge

density distribution is shown in Fig. 6.2. Figure 6.2 shows that

for the flow with wake (Re = 40), the same phenomenon as in the

case of cylinder in cross-flow (Fig. 5.1) occurs in the rear stagnation région. In both cases this concentration of charge

behind the body occurs at larger values of Se .

Effects of surface potential on charge density profiles are

shown in Fig. 6.3 at Re = 5,

Se c =1

for the surface potentials

cpp/e- -4, 0, and 4. Figure

6.3 shows that the effect of an

attracting potential is to symmetrize the charge density profile

around the body. For retarding potentials, the effect of the

potential is to unsymmetrize the charge density profile. Figure 6.4

shows density-angle dependence for two différent distances from

the probe surface, (a) r = 4.22 (b) r = 1.1275, at Re = 5, Se =1. From Fig. 6.4, we see again that the effect of surface potential

changes is to symmetrize or desymmetrize the charge density



Numerical results for the ion or électron local current

density at the probe surface are shown as a function of the angle 9

in Fig. 6.5 for various surface potentials, (a) for Re = 20, Se =1 (b) for Re = 60,

Se =1. Figure 6.5a shows that for flow without a wake, the effect of the attracting surface potential is to

symmetrize the current collection and the effect of the retarding

surface potential is to unsymmetrize the current. The corresponding

diagrams for the cylinder are Figs 5.3(a) - (d). For the flow with

wake (Fig. 6.5b), we observe a wake collection effect in the rear

stagnation région as in the case of the cylinder in cross-flow

(Fig. 5.3(e) - (h)). The effect of attracting surface potential

(Fig. 6.5) in the wake is not to symmetrize the current collection,

but to increase the asymmetry of the collection as in the case of the

cylinder in cross-flow (Fig. 5.3). Figure 6.6 shows the influence

of the Reynolds number on the local current angle dependence for (a)

cp /e = 0, (b) 2 and (c) -4 at Se =10a. In Fig. 6.6, we show the stationary solution (Eq. BU together with the solutions

for nonzero Reynolds numbers. Figure 6.6 shows that in the front

stagnation région, the local currents are larger than the stationary

value. In the rear stagnation région, the local current is smaller

than the stationary value in the flow without wake and sometimes is larger in flow with wake.

The local currents are shown as functions of the angle in Fig.6.7



p le = 0, (b) çp p le = 2

and (c) cp

p le = -2.

Figure 6.7 shows that

the wake effects increase with the charged particle Schmidt


figure  4.4,  we find  the  maximum  error  at 9=0° and e = 40° -500.
Figure  5.4  shows  the  influence  of  the  Reynolds  number  on  the  local  current  angle  dependence  for
Figure  5.8  shows  logarithmic  current-potential  characteristics  for  various  charged  particle  Schmidt  numbers  for  (a)  Re=2,


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