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Melanocyte Precursors in Patch Mutant Embryos

473Pigment Defect in the Ph Mutation

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Dietrich, W. F., Miller, J. C., Steen, R. G., Merchant, M., Damron, D., Nahf, R., Gross, A., Joyce, D. C., Wessel, M., Dredge, R. D., We thank Sheree Harrison for excellent technical assistance. We Marquis, A., Stein, L., Goodman, N., Page, D. C., and Lander, are grateful to Monique Wehrle-Haller and Dr. Stephen Johnson E. S. (1994). A genetic map of the mouse with 4006 simple se-for their critical comments on the manuscript. We also thank Drs. quence lenght polymorphisms. Nature Genet. 7, 220 –245.

John Flanagan, Ian Jackson, Robert Arceci, and Dan Bowen-Pope Duttlinger, R., Manova, K., Chu, T. Y., Gyssler, C., Zelenetz, for generously providing cDNA plasmids and Dr. Peter Lonai for A. D., Bachvarova, R. F., and Besmer, P. (1993). W-sash affects sharing primer sequences. We thank Drs. Shin-Ichi Nishikawa and positive and negative elements controlling c-kit expression: Ec-Douglas Williams for generously providing ACK-2 anti-c-kit rat topic c-kit expression at sites of kit-ligand expression affects mel-monoclonal antibody and recombinant SlF and antiserum to SlF, anogenesis. Development 118, 707–717.

respectively. Special thanks to Drs. Deborah Nagle, Maja Bucan, Duttlinger, R., Manova, K., Berrozpe, G., Chu, T.-Y., DeLeon, V., and Peter Besmer for technical advice, discussions, and for sharing Timokhina, I., Chaganti, R. S. K., Zelenetz, A. D., Bachvarova, results in press, Phillipe Soriano for sharing unpublished results, R. F., and Besmer, P. (1995). The Wshand Ph mutations affect the and Yoshiko Takahashi and Yoshio Wakamatsu for advice on in c-kit expression profile: c-kit misexpression in embryogenesis situand whole mount immunohistochemistry. Drs. Sherry Rogers impairs melanogenesis in Wshand Ph mutant mice. Proc. Natl.

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Received for publication December 23, 1995 receptora-subunit expression during embryogenesis.

Develop-ment115, 123– 131. Accepted February 12, 1996

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Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


2.4. Stem Cell factor dependent migration and/or survival ?

Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


Bernhard Wehrle-Haller: Mechanisms of Melanocyte Migration


2.5. Stem Cell factor induces chemotactic migration of melanocytes

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Analysis of Melanocyte Precursors in Nf1 Mutants