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Large amplitude piston alignment for multiple aperture imagers

Dans le document The DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Page 111-116)


1Onera – The French Aerospace Lab, F-92322, Châtillon, France

2ONERA / Thales Alenia Space collaboration

*Corresponding author: Frederic.Cassaing@onera.fr Compiled August 8, 2017

todo © 2017 Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: 110.6770 Telescopes, 220.1140 Alignment, (110.5100) Phased-array imaging systems, (220.1080) Active or adaptive optics, (010.7350) Wave-front sensing, (110.4155) Multiframe image processing.



Following the same evolution as in the radio-frequency do-main, multiple-aperture systems are increasingly used or con-sidered in optics to increase the total power with distributed laser chains, to increase the resolution with long-baseline in-terferometers [1–3], to manufacture the primary mirror of large ground-based segmented telescopes [4–7] or the foldable mirror for space-based segmented telescopes [8,9], to provide simple piston/tip/tilt correction for aiming systems or to reduce tele-scope thickness .

Among these systems are what we will call MAIT (Multiple-Aperture Imaging Telescope), where the observable is a focal-plane image similar the one which would have been optained by a “classical” telescope. MAITs include the segmented telescopes and the telescope arrays in the so-called “Fizeau” mode.

An important feature of optical systems is the strong direc-tivity. As soon as the sub-apertures diameter is larger than a decimeter, their angular resolution in the visible is better than an arc-second, which is the order of magnitude of a typical me-chanical stability. Therefore, it is mandatory to include actuators in the MAIT to correctly align the sub-apertures before (or even during) their joint operation (Fig.1).

Three alignment steps are usely distinguished. During the geometric alignment, the sub-aperture axis are made coincident with an accuracy which is typically their diffraction limit. An-other issue isinterferometric alignment, mandatory to enable the coherent combination of the sub-apertures, which makes the dif-ferential pistons smaller than the coherence length. Only when these two steps are completed can one consider thefine alignment which gives the ultimate performance, the diffraction limit over

the full-aperture.

Several methods exist for geometric alignment. In the frame-work of JWST [10], the Geometrical Phase Retrieval (GPR) method was developed [11], refined [12] and experimentally demonstrated [13] using typically four to six defocused images per segment. The alternate methode ELASTIC recently proposed uses only two near-focus images [14] and can be implemented without any other hardware than the main focal-plane imaging detector and the sub-aperture actuators.

For the fine alignment, several methods based on the fole focal-plane data exist. Among them are Phase Retrieval and Phase Diversity [15,16], based on respectively 1 and 2

focal-Fig. 1.Principle of ELASTIC: the focal plane sub-PSF positions give the sub-apertures tip/tilts, whereas the additional shift in a diversity plane identifies them.

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plane image(s) and where an additional known phase modula-tion with small amplitude (typically aroundλ) is inserted in the second image of phase diversity.

For the interferometric alignment, several methods have been developped for long-baseline stellar interferometry [17] or for optical shop testing. Two main kinds of solutions are possible.

The first one is to scan the incertitude area (for example, the actuator full stroke) and to locate where the visibility of inter-ference fringes is maximal. From the position of these maxima for a sufficient number of baselines, the pistons to be applied on the sub-apertures can be derived. The second solution is to use a large amplitude OPD (Optical Path Difference) sensor which directly indicates the direction and distance of the ZOPD (Zero OPD). To solve for classical coherence length and 2π ambi-guity issues, this measurement necessarily implies several thin spectral channels, typically by the analysis of dispersed fringes.

The solution selected by JWST uses dispersed fringes with a dedicated hardware: two pupil masks with dispersion prisms covering pupil pairs [18].

In this paper, a new method for interferometric alignment of a MAIT is proposed, based on an extension of ELASTIC [14]. Nick-named SPRING, it can perform piston alignment to a fraction of the coherence length using only the focal plane sensor and the sub-aperture actuators. The principle is given in section2and a first experimental demonstration is reported in section3.


In general, piston alignment is considered only once all the sub-apertures have already been coaligned. Then, one can use classical techniques developped for two-beam interferometry, such as visibility maximization or dispersed fringes analysis.

However, there are a number of specific issues to be considered when dealing with MAITs and ZOPD search.

First, for a large number of sub-apertures, pairwise pupil-plane beam combination with beam-splitters (aka amplitude splitting or combining [19]) leads to bulky optical setup whose complexity scales with the number of sub-aperturesNa. On the other hand, focal-plane beam combination (aka as wavefront combining [19]) is naturally present in a MAIT and can acco-modate any number of sub-apertures, up to 800 with E-ELT in construction.

Second, MAITs havea prioricompact pupils, ie such that the MTF is non null up to a large cut-off frequency. This generally leads to redundant pupils, ie where several sub-aperture pairs (baselines) contribute to the same frequency in the image plane, notably for segmented telescopes. In this case, it is more diffi-cult to link focal-plane observations (such as fringes at a given frequency) to pupil-plane properties (such as OPD for a given baseline) without ambiguities.

Third, telescope pointing may be poor for this preliminary alignment as the fine pointing sensor is most likely supposed to operate on the cophased focal-plane image, which is not yet available.

Last, as sub-aperture pistons are corrected or scanned by the large-amplitude actuators, it is likely that tip/tilt errors with amplitude comparable to or larger than the diffraction limitλ{D occur, ruining the contrast of fringes in the focal plane. It is then mandatory to maintain an efficient tip/tilt control during this large-amplitude piston alignment.

Our goal here is to derive a procedure to perform a large-amplitude piston alignment on a MAIT with the minimal

ma-is seldomly performed, it ma-is supposed that time ma-is not critical.

The OPD scan method is selected over the dispersed fringes ap-proach because it does not require any additionnal hardware, in a dedicaded channel or temporary inserted in the main channel.

Interference between the sub-apertures is naturally recorded from their superimposition on the focal plane detector. But in-stead of superimposing all the sub-PSFs at the same location, it is much simpler for fringe analysis to split the aperture inseveral groups of non-redundant sub-aperturesand to superimpose these groups at different known positions in the field. For a simple illustration, we assume here thatNggroups ofNnsub-apertures are made, such thatNgNnNaandNnis suffiently small (typically 2, 3, 4 or 6) to form simple non-redundant groups [20].

These groups can be made of nearby sub-apertures to minimize baselines (and thus the frequencies of interest in the focal plane, hence the required pointing accuracy) and to minimize the num-ber of pixels to process by pixel binning. Additionnaly, for dense pupils, these groups can exclude adjacent sub-apertures to form diluted sub-apertures, where OTF peaks do not over-lap. It is then easy to split the detector data inNgregions of interest where a single group is located and co-aligned, and analyse theseNgmulti-aperture PSFs with classical focal-plane algorithms such as [21]. From the estimated visibility over the NnpNn1qfringe peaks, and even ultimately their phase, the OPD positions leading to the maximum visibility can be derived.

In case of unperfect tip/tilt superimposition, the tip/tilt of each sup-aperture can be estimated with [21] as soon as the visibil-ity is sufficient (partial superimposition and OPD close to 0);

the estimated visibility over each peak can then be unbiased by multiplying by exppWFE2{2qwhereWFE2is the variance of the differential tip/tilt over the peak.

But this simple scheme has an important drawback: each group can only provideNn1 independant piston estimates since a global piston is not seen. The total number of relevant measurements is thus onlyNgpNn1q, smaller than the ex-pected numberNa1. Additionnal measurements are required to link these groups. A simple solution is to record two focal-plane images for each piston configuration, with different tip/tilt values in order to change the PSF positions in the focal-plane and hence to change the composition of the groups. This can be seen as a form of phase diversity, where the additional im-age solves for ambiguities in the first imim-age. The estimation of 2NgpNn1qpistons is then sufficient to provide not only all the requested values, but also to provide an error estimate through the available phase closures.

The last and decisive trick is to choose the free parameters (group positions and compositions, for both planes) so that this tip/tilt diversity can be simultaneously used to provide on one hand with the ELASTIC method the required closed-loop tip/tilt control all over the scan and on the other hand with group configuration all the requestedNa1 independant pistons. This procedure has been named SPRING for Sub-aperture Piston Reduction by Interferences in Non-redundant Groups.

The only hypothesis used here is the ability of the ELASTIC method to measure sub-PSF positions when some of them are su-perimposed, whereas a minimum distance between the sub-PSF was assumed in previous work [14]. But it must be emphasised that in [14], this minimum distance is only a sufficient condition to simply make use of the autopeaks phase. Current work shows that the ELASTIC algorithm can be refined to allow tip/tilt mea-surements in a wider range of conditions, up to the final state when all PSFs are superimposed.

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closely linked to the performance of the extended ELASTIC algorithm, and will be the core of the next paper [22]. To demon-strate the validity of the method, we present in section3an experimental validation of SPRING.

3. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF THE ALGORITHM The experimental validation of SPRING is performed on a ded-icated bench presented in [14], on 6 sub-apertures (numbered from 0 to 5 on central image of Fig.2) of a segmented mirror.

The used source wavelength is 850 nm, with a 30 nm bandwidth.

Hence a 24µm coherence length in order to acquire visibility maximum from sub-aperture interferences.

Fig. 2.NIRTA segemented mirror (middle). Diversity images (left and right), with superimposition groups and correspond-ing baselines.

A. Validation of tip/tilt control

We validate here ELASTIC ability to maintain the sub-PSFs non-redundant group superimposition during piston scan and vis-ibility extraction. Tip/tilt diversity modulation for ELASTIC algorithm is chosen such as each sub-PSF has a different mov-ment from one diversity image to the other. We can see on Fig.2left and right theNggroups, withNg3 here. Interfer-ence fringes can be seen, whose orientation matches with the sub-aperture relative positioning.

As from this state, we change the OPDs between apertures by applying step by step a +200 nm piston over sub-aperture 0, 2 and 4, -200 nm over sub-sub-aperture 1,3 and 5 (as can be on Figs.4and5). Fig.3shows several iterations (0, 5, 10 and 20) of one diversity image during the piston scan with (right column) and without (left column) the tip/tilt control performed by ELASTIC. Starting point is the first line, as we can see it cor-responds to group superimpositions as explained on Fig.2. As the piston scan is perfomed we can see two different behaviours between the two colums:

• As the piston scan is performed without the ELASTIC tip/tilt control, we can see from line 1 to line 4 of Fig.3that the sub-PSFs from different groups do not stay superim-posed. This is mainly due to temporal modulation over each aperture. The diversity offset needed to superimpose different sub-PSFs groups from one diversity image to the other is changed before each image acquisition. Because of strong hysteresis, the sub-PSFs do not do not go back to the exact position they had before the temporal modulation.

Plus the 200 nm piston is not a perfect piston due to hysteresis, hence the sub-PSFs can be drifted away as the piston ramp is applied. We can see this phenomenon on the graph of Fig.4. This graph presents the evolution of tip/tilt estimation by ELASTIC during iterations, and the200 nm piston applied every 2 iteration. Because there is no tip/tilt


Fig. 3.Loop closure with (right) and without (left) the ELAS-TIC algorithm tip/tilt control applying a piston ramp.

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control, the tip/tilt error increases as the piston ramp is applied. We can see that at the first iteration, tip/tilt error is close to 0 nm, and at the 25th iteration, tip/tilt error is up to 900 nm.


Fig. 4.Tip/tilt estimation (dashed lines) provided by ELAS-TIC during piston (solid lines) scan, without tip/tilt control.

• When the piston scan is performed with the ELASTIC tip/tilt control, we can see from line 1 to line 4 of Fig.3 that the sub-PSFs stay superimposed in each group. ELAS-TIC then helps to corrected the previous hysteresis error during the temporal modulation and the piston scan. We can see that the fringe pattern changes as the piston scan is performed. The evolution of ELASTIC tip/tilt estimation during iteration is plotted on Fig.5. We see that the tip/tilt error is close to 0 nm as the piston scan is performed. This confirms the ability of ELASTIC to maintain the superimpo-sition groups as the piston scan is performed. Then one can extract the visibilies and therefore estimate the direction and distance of the ZOPD.


This paper has shown a new method to perform the large ampli-tude piston alignment of a multiple-aperture imaging telescope.

Instead of first supersimposing all the sub-PSF and then search for piston, a partial superimposition is preferred. This has two operationnal adavantages: on one hand, it is more simple to analyse interferometric focal-plane data in non-redundant sub-groups; on the other hand, it allows simultaneous unambigous tip/tilt control that would be impossible with the sole tip/tilt-aligned focal plane image.

This method should thus be useful for segment telescopes, in which piston actuation is performed by the segment actua-tors which may introduce parasitic tip/tilt errors, unlike long-baseline stellar interferometers which include dedicated delay-lines. Other features are self-calibration through the closure phases and the absence of any additional hardware.



Fig. 5.Tip/tilt estimation (dashed lines) provided by ELAS-TIC during piston (solid lines) scan, with tip/tilt control.

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Conclusion du chapitre

Nous avons montr´e que ELASTIC pouvait ˆetre utilis´e afin de maintenir les sous-FEPs superpos´ees en sous-groupes pendant l’application d’une rampe de piston.

A terme, l’extraction des visibilit´es de chaque sous-groupe permettra de rep´erer la` position, sur la rampe appliqu´ee par sous-pupille, pour laquelle les visibilit´es sont maximales.

SPRING peut donc ˆetre utilis´e pour effectuer l’alignement interf´erom´etrique, par sous-groupes. L’avantage de cet algorithme est qu’il ne requiert pas de dispositif suppl´ementaire, donc pr´esente une implantation ais´ee. Une fois que les grandes erreurs de piston sont corrig´ees par sous-groupe, ELASTIC peut ˆetre utilis´e pour superposer toutes les sous-FEPs dans le plan focal.

Une fois que les grandes erreurs de piston sont corrig´ees, donc que les sous-pupilles interf`erent entre elles, et que les grandes erreurs de tip/tilt sont diminu´ee jusqu’`a moins de λ/8, soit la limite d’accrochage des algorithmes fins, il est alors possible d’effectuer l’´etape ultime de la proc´edure d’alignement : le cophasage interf´erom´etrique.

Chapitre 5

Cophasage interf´ erom´ etrique :

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