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[""""'ï parc naturel

L...i natural park and reserve Echelle /Scale:

ü 25 5üKm /



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Sources / Sources: Enquètes de terrain / Field surveys 1986 mp,eb/yw .. 1988



km/h sur les grands axes, Les routes sont étroites.

LaTrans-Sumatra, large de 6 m, et les routes provin-ciales qui ne dépassent pas 5 m, sont aujourd'hui sous-dimensionnées. Fin 1986, environ 15% du réseau était en très mauvais état (350 km). Les dégradations sont rapidement amplifiées sur les voies de fort trafic, au point de bloquer la circulation.

La situation est très changeante d'une saison à l'autre. Seul l'axe vital est l'objet de soins constants.

La médiocrité ou l'absence de desserte de régions pourtant largement peuplées est préoccupante. Sur 1330 villages recensés en 1973, 298 ne disposaient d'aucun service de transport en commun et 151 ne bénéficiaient que d'un service occasionnel. Les cartes dressées en 1987 opposent une partie centrale dotée d'un réseau complet et d'un bon accès aux équipements urbainsàune péri-phérie situéeàdeux heures, parfois beaucoup plus, de la Trans-Sumatra ou d'une ville. Le coeur économique de la Province s'ordonne autour de l'unique route d'importance nationale. Il rassemble la moitié de la population totale (49,4%) et concerne le tiers de l'espace habité (17). Les régions isolées ou enclavées couvrent, quant à elles, le quart de l'espace habité, les régions dans une situation intermédiaire, 40% (fig. 4.20).

Dans certains cas, la population a devancé les Pouvoirs Publics. "10.000 familles de planteurs de la région de Sekincau (ouest de la Province) ont fait appel en 1987à une entreprise privée de Jakarta"

pour construire 40 km de route (18). Pour réunir 500 millions de roupies, la cotisation était équivalente au prix de 25 kg de café par famille.

L'initiative populaire ne peut pas cependant prendreàsa charge le désenclavement du Nord et de "Ouest de la Province. Des plans d'aménagement, de plus en plus urgents, doivent être mis en oeuvre, Deux projets, dont on ne sait pas encore s'ils sont définitifs, y contribueraient. Le premier prolongerait la route de Menggala vers le nord, desservirait les villages de la Transmigration Locale et rejoindrait le réseau de la province de Sumatra Sud. Cette réalisation constitue une priorité.

Le deuxième envisage la construction d'une route dans la vallée de la Semangka. Elle relierait les bassins de Wonosobo et de Kenali. L'entreprise paraît moins urgente. L'idée semble en coritradiction avec la volonté affichée de protection des bassins versants. Dans un espace montagneux, en bordure du parc national Bukit Barisan Selatan etàproximité des dernières forêts de la région, le projet prend le risque d'amener à pied d'oeuvre de nouveaux défricheurs.





Echelle1 Scale .



30' d'un centre urbain, excellente intégration.

sites located less than3D'tram urban center very good integration ta the region.

60' d'un centre urbain ou de la Trans-Sumatra. Bonne întégralion,1siteslocated less than 60' Irom urban center or Trans-Sumatra road. good integration.


60'à120'd'un centre urbain ou de la

Trans-UlillJ Sumatra1 60 ta 120 mn away tram urban center or Trans-Sumatra road.


Plus de 120' d'un centre urbain ou de la

lUllUlJ Trans Sumatra ,région isolée ou enclavée more 'han 120 mn tram urban center or Trans-Sumatra road isolaled area, enclave.

centre urbain /urban center ..-...., route principale / main road

limite de parc et de réserve naturelle natural park and reserve


~: 1marécages /swamps

Sources1Sources:enquêtes deterrain/Field surveys


mp/yw - 1988


lonists' installation and the implementation of equip-ments required to make the settlement programmes a success. From that angle, tlze development of the Tulang Bawang valley (13) and the idea of a connection between future networks in North Lampung and those of the Sumatra Selatan province cali for attention. The project seems ambitious.

However, such a solution cOllld improve the situation of thousands offami/ies affected by tlze Translok pro-gramme and yet today condemned to the poorest crop-systems in the Province. But what would be the cost?


Swamps become more and more important in the Province as one proceeds nortlz in the direction of Palembang and tlze Musi delta. 17le Menggala and Mesuji kecamatan are cut off from the Java sea by wetlands, difficult to penetrate and hard to improve without resorting to great or specific works.

Marshes are more than a constraint: they represent a potential that has given lise to huge development plans, set up with Dutch partners owing to colonial history as well as to tlze polder tradition.

This policy is reinforced by the existence of original techniques devised by tlze Banjar in South-East Kalimantan. The Banjar use tidal flood waters to reclaim, irrigate and drain hydromorphic soifs neglected up to then. The method, known as pasang surut,was successfully propagated and adopted along the Java sea coasts (14).

It is interesting to compare tlze results of these spontaneous improvements, tlzat can give birth to beautiful coconut plantations in less than ten years, to the ones obtained in projects carried out by the State, on the pasang surut pattem, and devoted to rice-growing. Whereas the fonner manage to succeed with very small means, the latter require considerable investments that do not always fulfill expectations.

The conquest of marshlands on a large scale depends on the quality of feasibi/ity tests and on the credits liable to be granted.

The Rawa Sragi project was aimed at protecting the region from the Sekampung river floods and at draining the swamps. After15years of work, that goal seems to have been reached. 230km ofprimary and secondary canals, 550km of tertiary draining and300 km of dykes have been constnlcted. In 1982 a cadastral map and the official allotment of parcels solved the question of landed property and the litigations caused by previous spontaneous settlements. The new developments should enable some 10,000fami/ies to support tlzemselves fairly well on lots of 1 to 2 ha. Two Izarvests a year are possible (rice and palawija crops). The first results are



couraging: they show yields of 4 tons of rice per ha.

The last section of the programme (Rawa Sragi III), located along the shore of the Java Seo, brought about an improvement of the tidal coast, on top of new settlements on the swamp-lands. Enterprising people, among whom the Bugis stand out again, have created fish spawning pools and shrimp fanns (tambak),

which are quite profitable and expanding activities.

The beginnings of the Mesuji project, on the contrary, appear to be confronted with serious difficulties. The ''pasang-sunlt'' method having been chosen, the achievement of the programme now calls for further studies and necessary adjustments to regional contingencies. The tide range being no wider than 1 metre is barely adequate for the system to function. Calculations made on the assumption of a 5 liter/sec.jha. outf/ow proved wrong. According to experts, a 2 l/s/lla. would be a better basis, taking illtO account the soif and topography (15). The location elected for Unit III, too close to the seo, had to be abandoned for another one deeper inland. Ali these drawbacks ought to make the authorities be more cautious before going on with the works and ins-talling new colonists. It has indeed been planned to develop 19,000 ha. upstream (Mesuji project) and 12,000 ha. between the Tulang Bawang and Pelada rivers. The whole set ofprojects should house 17,300 fami/ies, the Lampung counterpart of the thousands of fami/ies already settled in tlze South Sumatra province between the Mesuji and Musi rivers.

The money at stake is such that it does not allow for much e"or. Since 1986 the Rawa Seragi project has cost nearly 40,000,000 Dutch Gui/ders (about US $18 million). The Way Rarem project involved $138million, including $87million in loans.

The restoration of the Way Seputih and Sekampung (stage 1) perimeters called for a loan of more than 40 million dollars. Such financing procedures can only be carried out witlz intemational help (the Netherlands for Rawa Sragi, Japan for Way Rarem, the Wor/d Bank for Mesuji), and therefore entail a higher debt.

On the other hand, areas irrigated under the control of the Public Works Ministry (Departemen P.U.) are spreading to a significant size. Their surface doubles every ten years: 25,000ha. in 1968, 50,000ha. in 1978, more tlzan 100,000in 1988 (16) (fig. 4.18).

3.2. Halfthe population outside the easily accessible areas

The aspha/ted roàd system has made remarkable progress in the last two decades. It became twice as long between March 1973and Decem-ber1986(tab. 4.10,fig. 4.19).

There were45km ofbitumen roads for 100,000



Si les routes favorisent le progrès et appellent les hommes, l'amélioration du niveau de vie des campagnes s'accompagne de l'émergence d'un ré-seau urbain. Les progrès économiques de la Provin-ce ne se poursuivront qu'avec la croissanProvin-ce des vil-les.